The Exeter Times, 1893-9-14, Page 4•
cn•+ °u'i 9
•� E.z',I"T E ,
Transatrts asmetal baukingbeste esa.
Receives the Accounts of 1MIezebants and
ethers on favorable terse.
Offers every nta.aedationocasistcnt'with
safe and conserve tjr c benkiret priaoipiee,e
interest allowable dement.
Drafts issued payable at any :'office o the
Aferohantsl oust.
OEs Th and M11or:kyTOLOAN'
ON NOTES and A1oRTc+AGEs..
THURSDAY, Sltn t tniBlillt .I, 1893,.
"The time sae ?ler ] rending of the Herao
Rule Bila etect., e; the Irepetieal House of
Commons ou eletoide,y last. In this event
Gladaterm ites achieved the greatest
political tela„ tth of the century. The
bill is time in the Reese of Lents where
it will he, dished `,lalltc' eejec•ticn before the
end of another Wok. What then ?" E.
Yes the bill was rejected by the Houseof
Lords, by' a vote of 410 to 51. which means
a Imre tieo•-r.=n, when, the policy of
Mr. Gladstone. bean„ c',eiinito ou the matter,
his overthrow wall'' the result,
The local r4t+fi'eati eolitieians hate got
a hustle on awl are busy es bees in
scanning the voters list of South Perth
They anticil=ate the approaching pro.-
vineial election „till come on earlier
then expected and from information re.
oeiredfrom the Hon. Thos Ballantyne
the hustlers Of the nerty in the riding
are clearing the leek for action ready
for tins fray. There is little doubt but
the Mowat "dartinietratk.n will get
^ tad slk:a ter np at ti,.xt eleetion,—Mt.
Marys Jilts„ lett.
The Parr D rn tr Bret o the Ontario
Al ticuleoarel College bas let the centraet
fora large new building to be devoted
to butter =nakilt', sulk -testing nnd
dairy leetur•es in eonnection with the
deny eche t 1, 11,Lith is now so important
a part of the werk dyne in that institu-
tion. Alreetly 112 applications for this
course have been accepted. Both
ladies and gentlemen are admitted.
We understand that the prospects for la
large attc d :lee in the regular miertie
on the fti, :.,,,t r ire et captionally
Pbe 1Der; k.riekn is n"•.lout to by swept by
an army of tramps. The signs are on
every side of us. Di-tresa' i,, rampant
in the United $tatcs.hunrlreels of thous-
ands cr men arca out e,f employment, the
eine swarm with „eautelr miners front
'010" nie and the eiltear `', tiffs, n•«:tori of
tough characters are wowing riot in New
York and Cilioagce. i3uttltio, and a dozen
centres, the "soup kitcheu" is in oper-
ation, send the cukning winter, beyond
the shadowof ade»ubt, will be the scene
of more mattering, serif etion and violence
than the Republic has bed to endure
since the war. They hare heard of
Canada as a land at present ":flowing
with milk and honey," eaten:pared with
the United States, and „droves are enter -
jug at the border ever day,
xx x
The Seaforth Expositor and Clinton
News -Record are just now at war over
some statements made by the Expositor
anent the Orange Grs.nd Lodee and the
resolutions passed by that body at the
resent lieeting. The statements of the
Expositor were not only erroneous and
misleading but in bath form for one who
possesses the reasoning and intelligence
that our cutem lay claim to, as it is un-
likely that elected representatives to.
the Grand Lodge are going to pass re-
solutions to "gee" themselves. The
Expositor's aim was 1 dlyraleen, though
it sought to gain laver with the rank and
rile, anti the aleres !accord has closed in
upon it with splendid teen ?. The Orange-
men are not :to /ashy hoodwinked as to
seriously consider the Expositor's in-
terceding for thain,
The '„Rouse of Lords has been found
upon the wrong side of practically all
the great questions which have occupied
the attention of the r eye- ia] Parliament
during the preemie; r•enttety. The con-
duct of the Loral leis aroused the
hostility' that the felt:eters of Gladstone
count when they cry, "Down with the
Lords." But it muss be remembered
that in this instance; the peers are in
accord with public oprnion in , all parts
of the United Kingdoui save Ireland.
There ,is a majority even in the present
Parliament against Gladstone in the
combined delegation sent by England,
Scotland and W+ties. That majori y
-would be made still larger if a general
election were held now. Therefore,
while the cry (I "Down with the
Lords," ran ::•d because treat body has
rejected the i3onre Note Bili, will meet
with an enthusiastic response in parts
ef,Ire1aa.I, t to but Iik>ply to be joined
in very heartily in Great Britain.
Heinen- -A_n:r. ty_ t eels r has rete
lrned ,
from the tV o •ill's Foie and reports'
ewerythirler ' very •
ete,ry.- 2 trere
aro eon tees e f1 elite or ten wed-
dings err ilii eel r, at ; ,°vund Granton.
Who eanbsat lke'a - ,alias Greene form-
eily of thin! pl+cotiry .•;sin in our midst
vino winn old ac<e ::: Int ances.—Several
from here purpose ;oint' Mellor/nide
lkibition.—Sore e talk of put tine on that e f:eta
or four busses and conveysnees for ac- 110 r,
COMM odation rr Teti kel
I Ir. `;'4l'iyll and,
succuss boys, net ,�.„,!fass' Afiddieton seal
hesgone orx:Ltiea"wile ,;tto, --'-;'r:NV. hof
Lerston shc:tax Cher. le i eilding a new whet
shonese shop . wedding, hi town Wed- buil
ay. Trust the rnerchants will have and i
p•enty of rice on Lanni. ren.
The residence of lieueen Jackson,
St, ttfary's was entered the other day
a gold \vetch, two sults of clothes an
or sax pairs of stocking.„ taken,
Air, John MoCoil, clerk in the Fran
Hous,+, Forest, during the past year,
leave in a few days to take; posseesie�
the hotel at Popular hill, in eliddlese
On Tuesday last as Mr. and Airs, F
Q.:duce and daughter, of Blanchard,
dresing house from St- Marys, and
near itielntrve's Corners, the tongue d
pod out of the neekyoko, which caused
heroes to runaway. The occupants of
vehicle were thrown out ngainst a
fenoe. They sustained a few ants
bruises, but escaped serious injury.
Bev, W. Williams, D. 1)., of M
Forest, has accepted the invitatfeu f�
the Quarterly Official Board of
Aletho .irt Cin roll, St. Marys, to be
pastor dards the enauwe� minfst
term. Giro �' illianis' acceptance is,
course, subject to the action cf the Stat
ing Committee of the G=uelph Contere
A1r. Wm. Wait, postmaster of Strat
for fifteen years, has been removed f
office, and i. r. S. S. Fuller appointed
his stead. Mr, Fuller's appointment ea
as a e tandete surprise to aim, being ten
ed him withont solicitation on his p
Ere was, in fact, an applieaut for
customs oolleetorship, rendered vaoau
the death of the late Jon iTatniltou,
Fatter is one el €itratforei'a meet teepee
citizens, and his nppoiutmealt , to the
portant position gives general satiefacti
On Monday forenoon, sees a St. Ma
paper. Than. Sutberby came down to
R. 1Ve?'Ian'e harbor shop, and sitting d
fn a chair was soon asleep. .At neon w
the attempt was made to attakou hint
was found to be in a state of only se
oanseionsuoss, Pram wbieh it was imp
Bible to arouse hire. ile was taken
the Natioual'Rotcl, and his leather,
lives near WW"halen, sent for. She air
ni out midnight, but he did not reoogn
her when be awoke in the morning,
nus beea removal to the Stratford Hos
tal eine.,
A serious accident occurred at the G.
R. *laden iu Listowel on lhictly morn
by wLicla three pcesone were injured,
of thorne perhaps fatally.. .fir, Thos, Co
of Trowa, isle?o, bad dkiv''n Ms. Riche
flfealpenn ref the sante Elate, and M
Wesley Sturgeon, of Barriston, into to
to still the n rornin train for Tcron
A heavy than. cr storm ens prevailing
they reached the elation, and just as
Code had droppee the hues and was gent
out of the bum a vivid flash of ligbtni
paused the hoose to rnalte a bolt, and
runnrng the bury struck a fence poet
the two ladies were thrown ngainet t
fence with great force, Mrs. Sturgeon h
five ribs broken and her shoulder diatom
ed. Airs. Halpteey had her knee o
split and weer injured about the bead. A.
(]ode, who clung to the side of the beg
and was dragged some distance, had h
legs out and brnised from the knees c:..w
wards, but is not seriously injured.
0 DS
,and • R
kiln A. Complete Record of the BusyW9orlei's.
will rlappeutugs Varofully Compiled and But
n of
R, into Handy and Attractive shape for the
otter Benders of our raper.
when CEEIMB AND ciartzielALS,
top. The trial of Z'Villiain Mawber at Avoca,
the lows, for poisoning his fifth wife has.
the begun,
Hire Thos. Gray was sentenced to six months
and in gaol and $100 fine at Montreal for as-
saulting a policeman.
nut The Yaqui'Indians have murdered a
rom family of four persons named hinges, lir-
the ing near Suagu, Alexico,
their Deputy Mamba]. Andy Folsom shot and
anal killed Captain Henry Durant at Caddo, L
of T., beeause Durant resisted arrest.
ion_ .Alonzo Clark, a racehorse owner of St.
nee' Louis, after shooting and dangerously
ford wounding his wife, committed suicide.
M. Jaggerson, from Iowa,. went on the
me Cherokee strip to out hay. His body was
der- found with a bullet wound in the head.
art, Two thousand persons gathered around
the the jail at Danville, 111„ and threatened to
t by lynch the murderers of Farmer Helmick,
Mr. At Gayland, Mich., on Sunday, Charles
ted Burton wa shot and killed by Farmer
lass- David Gilen, 'whose potatoes he was steal.o y s in A. Berkeley, S.C., despatch says:—Oscar
Alt. Johnson, an all-round murderer, washang-
own ed here for killing Henry Weltman, white,
hen and his wife.
he .At Valparaiso, Ind., burglars carted
nki- Sargeant & Scofield's safe, containing
es. $2,000, a quarter of a mile, when,, being
to shot at, they fled.
who John Daseett, of Guthrie, O. T., has.
Ted been found guilty of murder in the first
ice degree in poisoning his rival for the hand
Be of an Indian girl..
pi' Charles Keener, who shot and.killed
T John Hull last .April, was convicted of
rnanslaughte-r at Akron, Ohio, and sent -
jut; enced for ten years.
oue John Clark, formerly of \'i"oodstocic and
de' lately of Temente, was sentenced to two
rd mouths in mat at Iiamilton for stealing
re, the yaelrt Volunteer.
to. A despatch from Rome, Ga., says that
as Chester Scott, the train robber and mur-
gir, dere„, escaped -from the gaol there with
In five other prisoners.
ng B. S. Heath, of Fresno, Cab, charged
in 'with the murder of McWhirtey, on whose
and first trial the jury disagreed, bas been re -
he leased on bail of $350,000,
ad Outlaws held up the Frisco passenger
t• train at Mound Valley, Sas, They shot
ala and killed express messenger Chapman
r. and robbed the passengers.
At Lexington, Icy„ Matt Feeley and.
is John Welch quarrelled over a dice game,
n- Welch plunged a dagger into Keeley's
breast, inflicting a mortal wound.
Will Arkison, colored, aged twenty,who
assaulted Samuel Uptbegrove's little girl,
was hanged by a nob of 150 men at Me-
Kittley, Ky. Be acknowledged his crime,
Owens and Anderson, two of the burg-
lars who operated. in Dation, were each
sentepced to 23 months in the Central
Prison at St, Thomas. Gobam, the third
thief, got eighteen months,
Dr. T. Thatcher Graves, who was tried,
convicted and sentenced to be hanged out
in Colorado a year or so ago, for the poison-
ing of Mrs, Barnaby, of Providence, R,I„
and who was granted a new trial, has
poisoned himself in the jail at Denver,
During a severe thunder storm Thursday
morninga young roan penned Knight of
Seafoxth escapee metant death by lightly
ing in a most miraculous manner, Be
was :struck by a lightning bolt while watch.
ing the storm, Ha was knocked inseu,
sible, his face and body were badly burned
and one boot tern off.
Mr, Wan. Whiteside, of Heneall, writes
as follows:—"While working at some re-
pairs in the salt -works at Hensel], five
years ago, a piece of steal lodged in ray
a -m. The waunl was dreesed and beat d
quickly. This lest ninnth my arm has
troubled me si meth tbat 1 was unable to
work. Dr. Thotnpson, of this place, open-
ed my arra lett week and removed a sliver
of steel almost inch long. My arm is
getting batter now.'' This is a most
wonde tful incident, :and Air. Whiteside's
mans. friends will be pleased to learn of
bis complete rece.very at an early day.
Strathroy's rate of taxation -will be 18
mills on the dollar. .
The Parkhill salt works ship 100 barrels
Fred: Smith,emnloyed by a farmer living
on con. 2, of London township, fell out of
a barn loft on Saturday,and broke his arm
in two places.
Mr. George Bailey of Louden, has been
appointed Superintendent of the Adelaide
Street Baptist .Church Sunday School m
place of Mr. F. Reid resigned.
Frank Atkinson, who owns the saw trill
on the Canada Company lands, Sanble
river bank, was returning home from Park-
hill after dark the other evening, and when
crossing the river bridge two masked men
pounced upon him palling him to, the
ground, while the rather relieved him of
$20 and some tab/able papers, atter which
they made good their escape. No clue has
since been found which could Ieai to the
identify of the robbers -
Doter Yon Ketow.
That to have lerfeet health you must
have pure blood, and the best way to have
pure blond is to take Hood's c araapan.lta,
the beet blood purifier and strength buili-
er. It etipela all taint of scrofula, ea't
rheum and all other humors, and at the
same titne Luilcs up the whole^system and
gives noir:'., strengtu.
I3oc•'edre1's ma be had by mail foe•
25e. of 0. I. Rood cis Co., Lowell, Mass.
'I have.nsed Dr .Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry and i thine. it is the best
remedy for summer oomplaint It has
done a great den , i good t1 myself and
't4 •t,i e y, Emerson, Out.
A lei r,.rar, _ rer,^ v lfusrantau
Hu:berm, eta not /metre fee . as the
follnwine d er trill Ii' v: "Herr/then.
Oct. 27th, ;n:?. 1 ber.�b-• ce'tifythat tea
Alembray : 1. c,nr „ , ' an usa my nan e
in tsetimcr t.:c er, ,:;cues results ob-
tained fee Ibo ute of 'Iembray'e Kidney
and Li e a b; ane • Cir. of my Wire of
kidney tr::, ,'e . I= ,lc•,erves niv gratitude.
F. H. li,wli, , U5 Jae.,,.,, +1t. darts„;
Thee Bales Perish -
Alr1 e. 12.--A man by the
nettle, of :i c e r eton awoke in the ni,rht
and fo•red is „befalling all on' Bre. Ilia
two Indio } el..::golf 5 and 3' years,
were in r:.- =i . lust of the house: The
et r.ue ed torescuo them, but after
at 'sena hewas eel tiff by -the fire,
attaornl,Lleg to crawl, through .n
Iwiauln ; at the back of the 'house
Ii ;vi dawiped the children inside;
they perished in the burning
clic;;. lar'.allston was badly hurt
mined in frying to ;sage his ch.ild-
Otto Hook was fatally injured at Belle-
ville, I11., by a runaway horse.
Andrew Me/Wuhan, aged 36, -fell off a
wharf at Halifax and was drowned.
A 10 -year-old boy .named Seth MeLean
was drowned in a mill race at London,
The body of missing Barney O'Neill was
found in a pond near Portage Lake, Wis.
Lundy LaFortune, a young man from
Norfolk County, was drowned in Hamilton
A man named Krueger fell on a circular
saw at Mr. L. Kribs' mill in Hespeler and
was killed.
The wife of Mr. James Morton, of St.
Marys, was killed by being thrown from
her buggy.
James Lee was killed by a falling bank
of clay at Wade's brickyard, Adelaide
street, London.
A. railway train fell through a bridge at
Chester, Mass. Three persons were killed
and nine injured.
A. Montreal woman named Mrs. Naiton
died from the effects of drinking a cup of
lye, which she mistook for tea.
James Lyle, aged sixteen, fourth son of
Rev. Samuel Lyle of Hamilton, was drown. -
ed while bathing in the surf at Hamilton
John Orr, a G.T.R. brakeman, formerly
of Georgetown, fell from a car at Barrie
and was run over. He died a few hours
Roundhouse Foreman Sargent, of the
Wabash road. at Forest, Ili,, was instantly
killed by slipping from a locomotive in
front of the wheels.
Four young „nen were sailing east of
Gananoque when their boat upset, and two
of them, Joseph Davis and Charles Chad-
wick, were drowned.
Angus McPhee, a ten -year-old boy. of
Niagara Falls, Out, found a revolver on
the street, and was examining it when it
went off. The doctors think his injuries
are fatal..
Charles O'Neal, a. farmer, was struck by
a freight train while crossing a bridge near
Clifton, Mo., and burled a distance of 30
feet. Hie skull was crushed and death
was instantaneous.
By the failure of a brake on a trolley ear
in Cincinnati, the car, loaded with 45_pee.
plo, ran away down a long grade, jumped
the track, broke a telegraph pole and Trash-
ed into a saloon. Two persons were killed,
six fatally injured, and not one on the car
escaped injury of a more or less serious
Kansas city bank deposits .have increas-
ed $2,000,000 since July; 10.
The imports of gold at the port of New
York for the past week were $7,426,438.
• The loss sustained by oyster growers
along the Sound in the recent gales is esti-
mated at 52,000,100.
Hon. 11. Bowefl has left for Australia
on the trade mission which has been decid-
ed on by the Government,
A special 'from London, Eng., quotes
Cauadian cattle as selling at •.3s 9d to 3s
10d per eight pounds for primest beasts;
and 8s' Gd for seconds.
our ow TUB olecIaltete.
A for dale "ago a farmer of L:xnitrie,
Quebec, had his 2711). child ehristcne t,
Agontone case afla leprosy
bas been.
lis -
covered • itt the penitentiary at Laramie,
A Hamilton man has been fined $5 for
refusing to answer questions put to hien
respecting his income by the asst tsar,
The Pan emericau Medical Congress, the
greatest gathering of medical men ever
held in America, is in saskin at Washing-
Mr. Robert Danford, of Holloway, 0nt.,
has lived to look upon the face af his great-
g*rLndehild. The old gentleman is 94 years
of age.
The Barnett Hotel at Logansport, Ind.,
was burned. Loss, $50,000.
Three buildings on St. James street,
Montreal, were damaged by fire to the ex-
tent of $130,000,
The Richelieu & Ontario Natsg1tion
Coy'» workshops at Sorel, Que., were de-
stroy e l by fire. Loss $25,000.
Lee Whittington, of Ohio Falls, Ind., 5
years of age, while playing with matches
was so badly burned that he died.
13y the ignition of matches or a pipe in
her pocket, the clothes of Mrs. William
Nelson, u£ Paxton, 211., caught lire and she
was burned to death.
A wood yard, an oil well and five resi-
denees have been destroyed by fire in Mar-
setiles, Fiance. Three iluudred persons
were made homeless. The loss is 2,000,-
A. ease of cholera is reported at Jersey
.A death from cholera is reported et Bel- .
fa t,
Naples has been declared free from
Five oases of smallpox were discovered.
in New York the other day.
Another patient bas died of cholera at
Hull, E:aglen 3, and two more in Grimsby.
Nine fresh eases of cholera and five
deaths are reported from Leerdam, Hol -
The Portuguese Government has de-
clared Pensueola, Fla., to be infected with
yellow fever, end has ordered the deten-
tion of all vessels arriving from that port.
Gr m l: r, Eng., bus been deelared in-
fected wills choles, and tratho between it
and other Bluish ports has been prohibit-
ed. During August there were 80 deaths
from this disease at this port,
A. demcntstration in honor of Sir Johan
Thompson will take place in Montreal
this month,
It is said that Mr, Waters, M.P.P. for
North Middlesex, has secured the registrar-
es strar-
I Middlesex.
shi t of hast
Afr. J. Richardson, reeve of Searboro',
has leen nominated as the Reform candi-
date for East York in the keel election,
A mass meeting at Pietou re -nominated
Mr, John A, Sprague,. the Lib-
eral candidate for the eomiu,g provincial
A demonstration in honor of Mr, H.
Corby, ALP„ will be held by the Conserva-
tives of Wast Hastings at Belleville on
September a1.
Sir John Thompson will speak in the
following •ridings on the occasion of his
coming visit to Western Ontario:—North
Waterloo, South Porth, North Perth, East
Bruce, South Gray, North Bruce, North
Wellington, Haldirnand and Monok, East
Elgin, Bent and Bothwell, North Middle-
sex, West Huron and East Simeoa. 1
x oRI.1It* rox&E,10S.
The Home Rule Bill passed the third
reaadin'g by 301 to 207,
The Chinese Govo •n
� rent is greatly in-
censed at Fraitoe's new demands on Siam.
Lord Dufferiu has returned to Paris in
coxtnection with the Franco -Siamese dis-
The supplementary elections for the
French Chamber of Deputies were held
Secretary Carlisle has been requested to
prepare a bill to chauge the banking law of
the United States.
It is thcnight the House of Lords will.
raise a majority of from 400 to 450 against;
the home rule bill.
Despatches received received in London from
Bangkok state that a French protectorate
over Siam is imminent
Colorado Republicans talk of separetin
front their party and forming a new organ-
with free silver as its motto,
A. Bangkok despatch says that France
threatens to send back gunboats to the
if her new demands are not granted
News has reached San Francisco of a
Reenlist conspiracy in Honolulu, to re-
store the Queen to the throne. The plot
was frustrated,
walvadoreau iufluences are at work to
keep up the turmoil in Nicaragua and
honduras, and it is feareed Eaeta may yet
pro sake a general Cerktral . \ merle= war,
i'ae French Government lute agreed to
call a conference of the members of the
Latin Union to decide the question of na-
tional issue of fraotionai silver: enrrenoy.
nerluauy's first Ambassador to the Unit-
ec states, Baron von Somata Jeltseh, pre-
sented his credentials to President Cleve-
land at Washington, anel the customary
speeches of mutual good -will were ex-
Amendaneeats made by the commons to
the London Improvements Lill were thrown
out by the Britleh House of Lords, Lord
Salisbury appeared in the House and
spuke at length against the betterment
clauses inserted by the Cuanrnona,
THE 'I.A13OIt w onntie,
The 4th •was labor day in the United
States and Canada.
The strike among the 'langhoremeu at
Now York is at an end. The Taken surretl-
ilke shoemee of the Leniisville and Nash-
riile railroad how struck .ogaiust a 10 per
cent, re;itlution in wa;cs,
TWO thrtusand people- were put to work
,,-a week by the starting np of the cotton
ea yarn milk at Lawrenc c ',i :s,
rikers an. the Lottie t ii]•a & Nashvillo
!ilroad have; been setting lire to freight
ars in tate yards at Memphis, Tenn.
Ten thousand miners in Sonth 'Wales
new returnees to work at the ofd rate after
awing struck for an mimeo of 20 per
Five bundeed miners in the flashing,
sea,, district have been 1 .e1,'ii..ted on am
want of the strike, anti trouble is threat-
The offers of the striking o 'nl miner's in
rent Britain to return to worse ,.t their all
-ages have been rejected by the mine -
Emma Goldman, the female Labor agile.-
); was nrr.sted at Philadelphia at tho
nstance o '"LC Now York authe`lltiet ie'r
citing Mott,,
The Carnegie steel mills at Ii. a: e i earl
artecl in full this week. The resumption.
Yes employment to 2..010 men who have
an idle foe several weeks.
Immigration Inspector Debarry, of But.
do, has deported Daniel Desmond, whose
owe is in Sit. Thomas, Out„ but who has
en tvorlrh g in the manufactory of the
ea ,ars Cart Wheel Company at Buffed°,
Many tin plate works in Wales have shut
ten, as a result of the coal miners'
trike, and 7,000 more men have thus been
„own out of work. Some 10,000 of the
ad miners have resumed work, 30,000 be-
g still Ont.
Prince Bismarck's rheumatism is grow -
ug worse.
Hon. Wilfrid and Madame Laurier have
en visiting in Toronto,
Lieutenant -Governor Toronto.,
of Qua-
, has returned from Europe.
Srr Richard Webster, the great English
. -er, i
s expected .
> p ed iu Montreal.
Auguste Berthold!, the great Frena.
ptor, is again in New York.
Tile Crown Prince of Italy has been ac -
died a hearty reception at Metz.
General Alexander Hamilton and wife
re patched up their differenees and the
amity proceedings have been dropped,
Tho Chicago Herald says Lillian 'Russell
artly to be ::married again, the happy
n being Eugene Sandow, the strong
Tr, W. C. P. Brtxmrner, 'M.A., of To-
to University, hat been appointed
dern language master for Meaford High
I, C. Ide of St. Johnsbury, Vt., has.
n appointed Chief Justice of Samoa,
h the consent of the three treaty pow
Germany, Eitgland, Acne -Ica.
innio Bellwood, the dancer. Bus ob.
led a divorce from her husband, W.
k Bemis, son of H. V. Bemis, of Chi-'
o, on the ground of cruelty.. The older
nos takes the part of the woman.
on. Edward Blake voted for the third
ling of the Home Rule Bill on Friday
ht and took a newspaperMpecialtrain
" o'clock Saturday morning. to catch the..
inship Lake Huron at Liverpool, on his
rney to Canada.
1'. Wm., Hendrie's Versatile has again.
the inif handicap at Coney Island.
he stallion Direetuuk trotted a mile on
tweed track in 2.07, making; a new re-
Terrible loss of life is reported at Herta
and Fayed, in the Azores, --as the result of a do
violent storm., st
has been received at New York th
from Jamacia that the Atlas Line steamer 00
Alto has been given up as lost. in
As reports continue to come in it is found
that the number of deaths from the storm
at Savannah, Ga., and the districts along i
the coast will be 1,500 or more.
The overdue steamer Sarnia was towers be
into Queenstown by the Montevidean. AU
the passengers are well. The Sarnia took be
83 days to cross the Atlantic from Mont-
real -
The steamer North King, with a large i`i`i
excursion earn, on board, ran aground near
Massassa••:e ?ark,
below Belleville, t vi lm and sns-
tainedsrousiderable damage. The
Resolute tonic the passengers to Charlotte. col
The m w Cunard steamer Lucania,wbich
listed to port when :first floated out of the ha
graving tlni' at Birkenhead, has been ins
placed on tae: blocks again and on exam-
ination was found to be in perfect coudi- is sit
tion. • ma
Crops in Illinois have been badly dam- n
aged by a heevy frost. ran
The annual flower show under the aus-S�
pices cf bbs Galt Horticultural Society Was I
very successf u1. li^r
Mr..'William Dough, of Owen Sound, has tivkt;
won about $1,000 on his Galloway cattle era,
at the World's Fair. A
A. riespateh from Black River Falls, tai,
Win, states that the cranberry crop has Frur
been destroyed by a frost. cat;
The fanners of Western Xhnses are all Be
pealing to the state Government for seed It
wheat, or money te, buy it, their wheat res
crop h-�ving failed. nig
Word was s e'eeived yesterday from the ' at 3
Winnipeg Board of Trade to the effect sten
that nearly three-quarters of the grain jou
in Manitoba, lias been cut and. is safe from
Dr. MoEachran, Dominion Government If
veterinary inspector, has returned to Win-
nipeg drum a trip through the North-west T
and l* c area there is not the slightest sign l' ]ec'
of disease of any kind among the cattle. cord
'Vheeelmiau W. A. Rlladesr,.defeated Hys-
the Canadian champion, in two races
uino, .the winner of the Futurity
es, :and his great opponent Dobbins,
t n dead heat at Sheepsheaid Bay.
Hanks went against time for $5, -
,.,gid lowered the Fleetwood tract: re -
hp three seconds.
e. .ft, Kee'n's; coin Domino iyon the
ee5.y stakes, worth $03,000, at the
.,::head Lay racetrack. -
:a::dians are charged. with ”
6 ringing'
aette1'"'°83aa ton Chief in the trainee -
Derby, under the ;name of Major.
J. 1. Ooms, web won the Diamond
s at Henley, Eng., last year, was
h in the efortheatstern Pennsylvania
umpion J. G. Gaudaur has posted
With The Globe in support of a chal-
to I-Ianlan and Durran for a double-,
scull race with hiniaelf and J, F. Corbett
TIIIS b1 •'..D: lop,
Ex -ill. ITAland, of Montreal, died the at {
other day.
HenryPont., of J.,ondon, .Oat:, is dead, Stasi:
aged' 83 ;'e ea. N,c.i,
John Tt ;, a prominent resident of i,
Picton, 1a (seeps, 001)
Jerur Bonaparte died at his summer cures
home 1'aide'e Crossing, near Beverley, J
Mass. Fne t
Nt'. J .,n .a':,tiftie. of London, formerly a
dee, gree tai „chant, died suddenly- at C
It'1 Iiil e a,: _of heart disease. the t
Airs r li ,ri,eth tieNair, aged 110 years, polis
died 111.-T:i ,.n:.ingdon, Que. inc husband L+ides
died $on: ,y :.r•# ago at the age of 107. a J.
Doi 'i Mackenzie, aged 60, formerly of 'Senli
Park':k.i, w.; found dead in a room at fot�.rt
Grand .'a,aiti9, ATich. He died of neglect. rega
The ct x ner; stone ; of the monument to 01a
Ms.i-sen t vo„ ltee founder of 'Moe creel, was 5250
lo-tid ill h1,,'ea ct'A:rtnes square, Montreal, lenge
the other cw,
�E gasil� Bien
SO lbs. Sugar for -$4.00 ; 12
lbs. Choice Valencia
Raisins for $1,00,
A. new supply of Pickling and T]Lble
Vinegars, free from acids ; all, kinds
Pickling Spicery, Whole and Ground
Pure Black and White Pepper, our
own grinding. For Coffees and Teas,
wo will cheerfully compare with any
1. Price ants Quality,
°'c O a , ' t Better
I know it will pay you to gee the
grades of Sugars we offer. You can't
surpass them in (,quality 'o.1e V Quantity.
Don't fail to get the p:-inosfof GGtasswa
now shown in our window. Ne
ofiereel such as their prices.
r;.p Cf , 1115 Tubs of the
V 11t �...L-. 41 a Choicest;
Dairy -
made Butter, and the priue will be
right at
The flour milt, elevator ami e
houee of the Bell farm at Indian Hoe
If you:are nervous or dyspeptic
Catter's Little ,Nerve Pills. Dyepepia
makes iou nervous, and nervousnees makes
you aye; optic • either ono renders you
miserable, and taese pills cure both.
A little fellow named Willie Nichol
filled his either's pipe with tea Friday in
13rantford and was having a make, when
hie little brother knocked the pips frora
his month, setting fire to his clothes, The
mother put oet the fire, but both were
badly burned.
More cases of siek headache, billiousnees
constipation, sau be cured ex less time,
with less medicine and for less tliOneY, by
usieg Carter's Little Livee Pale, than by
any other means,
Quite a tiensetion wee/ caused at the
performance el the Alapleson-Whitney
bakony in the third act. Three of the
lady members of thee cottony were injur.
ed, although not seriously. Airs. Laura
Schneer-Marken, who was on the stage
at tbe time, was uniniured
Alma, Sept. lb R. fl. Donaghey is a
well-known merchant bere, and a man of
the hiehest respectability. His endorse.
mot of any person or tbiug therefore
valuable, He told your reporter a couple
of days ago that he had been eared liy
Deuld's Kidney Pille of tint severe pains
he suffered in his beck for three years peat.
Re has given practical proof of hie belief
in the efficacy of the by recommetid-
las did, and who ate now using the pills
and being benefited by them. It's the
ante good oId ethry Wet le always tote.
after anyoae uses this magic remedy.
The Parkhill Gazette -Review has enter-
ed this week on the secondrewar of US 6X..,
istence, It is alivelowil ana district paper
'and deserves the success it has attained.
A ivonderful new combination is 11-
Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver
Powde-s, uioe to take aud perfectly harm -
kiss. Mr. E. Maynard, of Woodstook
writes as followe ; 'Thank you for the
Pleadathe, aieuralgia and Liver Powders
you sent me, width I have been very glad
of, once for my daughter, and Ude morn-
ing for Min M—, who said the had.,
suffered from headache for three daes, We
gave her one of these wonderful .powders,
and in a -very short Hare she said in tin as-
toeished kind of way, 'why ray headache is
quite gone,' and thd not return again.'
Mr. Horace Wills, Ohief of Policies Wood-
stock, says ; have taken R. Stark's
Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders,
and end them a sure eure every time.' 7,
Temple, 46 Catharine street north, Ham-
ilton, writes ; '1 aave need Stark's Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders:, and
End them a sure cure.' Pike, 25 cente a
box. Sold by allmeakene dealers-.
"One ttonest
Please inform your readers
that I will mail free to will sefferers the
means by which I was restored to health
and manly vigor after yettis of Buffering
from Nervous Weaknesa. I' was robbed
and swindled by the quaoks until I nearly
lest faith in tnaultind, but thanks to heaven
am now web, vigorous anti strong.
have notbing to sell and no scheme to ex-
hort money from anyone elernsoever, but
being desirous to make this certain cure
known to all, I will send free and confi-
dential to anyone full particulate of juet
how I was cured. Addrees with stamps ;
MR. EDWARD MtaTAIN, (Teacher),
Minard's Liniment for rheumetism.
[Theta: Menet]
The only Scientifie and Practical Elec-
tric Belt for General Ilea, Producing ,a
Genuine ()errant Of Etectricity tor the
Cure of Diseases.
cut of Belts and Apvliance,. onees. sworn tes-
timonials and ;eremite of erenee who ha vo
valuable eatalosue or a Ivor pri rapture
cured with itleetrio Tye,' ri sent to any
The Owen Electric lig amd Appellee ue.
The largest Faoctric telt Establishment
the World. -
W lent visiting the Woi id's Pair, do 13 0 t
Building Soon n •
(1r:L,v110ii TATA.)?,1P] ib,)