HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-7, Page 8INSURANCE
'� NL+FS'.d.'litTeLYOT,AGENTFO1i
-est 'Tlelir''Spb3ST ktN aSSVI2u.IOB COX,
weer, of Tm'cute- aloe for 'the PHCENS
Bente eNSURANOE' OO1kanAora, of k.:neolon;:
X ottlarie, IAN`z1 INSUI tNCE COM-
0 E-
'ut this out
and, bring it
with ou.
This Certificate entitles
r ra liberal dis-
countheals to l be
count on. all School Supplies
purchased on or before the
15th of September, 1893.
THE MART, Eneter.
3. GI IGG.
Fall Stock
FULL and. `1
iOL ,�L E
An immense Stock of
new choice and stylish
Jackets for Women and Chil-
dren. Yes, the most com-
plete Stock of Jackets that
we have ever shown, and at
such prices that you will
wonder how we do it and
live, but we are the Leaders,
remember. No House in
town can touch us in Man-
tles this season. Cone and
judge our advertising verasi-
ty first. and then by the
values. We will `cheerfully
leave the ju(lgship with you,
yes, you.
The 'bus bas bean repainted and /melee
neat as ever.
The £tensall Fair takes place today and
to.ntorrow, (Thursday and'Friday.
The plain crop in this section vbilc
fettle' good. the fruit fetches $3 per bush-
The devil is; proud of the loan who
treats his horse better than he treats his.
Now 1s the time that municipal councils
are figuring how to strike the rate so as to
make votes next January.
.A small team of horses belonging to of r.
Pugsley of Uaborne, hauled to town this
week, a load of nate of over 200 bushels.
Me. Robt.Elstan of Biddulph hes moved
onto Mr. Whiteford's favid, London road
north ; he has leased the premises fez s
term of years.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
eadera tuoirld,lchen rna7cing their purchases,
eentlon that they saw the merchant's adver.
tsetrtent in THE norms.
ill alder Elmo.
P.tten by Mad Iroise.
Word was received hero ihi is veok of a
sad accident which recently befel Dr. Wm.
Sweet of Shelbyville, 111. formerly of title
place. He had been called to see a sick
horse and while examining it the animal
snapped at him, grazing his arm. It made
another lurch for hint awl in throwing up
his arm to ward off thebeest's mouth. it
bit hun on the hand. Nothing was
thought of this. until the owner of the
horse informed Ur. Sweet that it had
been bitten by a mad dog that day, Mr.
Sweet then examined the home and found
" it suffering from rabhies, it dying the
same night. No time was lost in. seeing a
doctor who adyised Mr. Sweet to go to
Chicago and sake toe Ptasteur treatment,
which will necessitate 16 days to complete
-to effect a cure or not. The horse we
1 tarn, bit a cow, which also died, Mr
Sweet's chances of recovery are meagre,
although a dire might be effected. ,no-.,
The Apple Crop.
M. FL Peterson, of Colbourne, Out.,
speaking of the apple crop, says the. Euro-
pean yield is large -enormous in fact.
Sn the United States- the crop is about
equal to that of last year. The great scar-
city is in early euminer and early fall var-
ieties. As for Ontario he says : "It is true
that in the heavy growing sections of the
Province. each as Huron, Bruce and Grey,
the yield this year is considerably smaller
than last, but in some other countries
there is aterceptibly heayi-r yield, and it
can be safely, asserted that apples this
season can be found in every apple growing
county of the Province and although more
scattered than last season, yet when all
gathered the quantity,iin my opinion, will
be from 30 to 40 per cent greater than the
estimates stated in the current reports.
In addition to this the quality of the apple
ig inferior to last season, and will cost the
dealer more to gather the fruit on account
of its being so scattered." Owing to the
trouble in the United States, it is thought
the purchasers there of the Canadian
apples will be very conservative while.
their own crop of small fruit is unusually
large. The present indications are that
Great Britain will not require Canadian
apples for some time, while for winter var-
ieties the late demand will probably be
fairly good providing; the quality is choice
and the quantity not too large. Re ad-
vises great care in grading and packing,
and weeeld suggest that en extreme price
for the very choice Canadian winter apples
in the `orchard would be $I per bar-
McKay,Murray Harbor Ro d
IioYtald i47.cli,. y, a ,
P. E. I., writes:; -"I was crippled with
rheumatism and could not get relief until
I used your Pink Pills.. 1 am now well.'
Of ail dealers or by mail at 60e a box or G
boxes for 62.50 Dr. Williams Med. Co -
Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y
Beware of imitations and substitutei.
Mr. Wm. Bowden has sold his roan
driver toMesene Snell, White, who pur-
pose fitting him for ho epeediug *imitates
at the local fall faire.
The congregation of Ebenezer ehuroh,dth
en. McGillivray will holds Harveet Home has been somewhat misinformed con-
cerning the reeidt.uce ot T, M. White.
Mr. White and family have moved to
Windsor, not. Exeter, as stated. -Mr., and
Mrs. R. Young will spend the nett few
weeks in 'i.'oronto,-Friday. Week, visitors
to the World's Fair from this locality will
far exceed the number on any previous
ocznsion.--Mr. J, 4, Gregory is attending
Goderich Afodel School, ---Mr, Fred l uight
hae resigned, his position as organist of the
thumb, h intendin to
r vitt Memoria. t tuc
take n °purse at the Toronto Conservatory
of Music. -blies Maud Molts is . at-
tending the Toronto Conservatory ofilinsie.
-Miss Ethel Farmer, will Attend :he
Sacred Heart School, Loudon, --Dr. Jones
of Centralia was in town the other day
and gave Tun Teems a call. The doctor
lies been located m Cm-atalie for some
time, and reports practice very' good, fie
is a highly qualified preeel+inner and it
only requires tune for ''im to work up a
hie practice. --DI iss He'mtn at Berrie, who
h,ia been visiting at 1'`--ea'inen's left
en Friday to visit frieuls in Stratford. -
Mr. Flossie of Loudon rode to Exeter on
his wheel on Friday and epent the night
with friends in town. -Mrs. Jeckell, who
is visiting at Mr. Hurdon's will return to
Sarnia this week.-Mre. B. W. Cdrigg re•
turnedito her home in Montreal this week.
-Messrs. P1, Clarke and McLean rode up
from. London ono day this week an their
wheels and returned the same evening. -
Mr. and Mrs, Leyi Wolper of Seafortb,
spent the last week visitir„ friends in
Exeter and vicinity. -Vincent Bros., in-
surance agents, spent the past week in
town, end on Tuesday left for Kineatdine.
--Mies Flossie MoTaggnrt is visiting
friends in Toronto. -The following persons
left here on Friday for Chicago ;-J. G.
Jones, Winoheleoa ; Phillip Halls, Winni.
peg, who has been visiting at Elimyillo ;
Miss Bella McCallum, Jos, Cobblediok, S.
Poplestone, Dr, Amos, Frank Wood, Joe,
Senior, Exeter ; II. Willert and Chas.
Holba'n. Daehwoecl; Jno. Essery, Usher' e
-rhe Misses Ueraoy returned to London
on Saturday after a ploaeant visit under
tbo parental roof. -The following persona
left on Tuesday for Manitoba :•-Jas.
Bowerman, son of I. Bowerman of Exeter,
for Deloraine ; Richard Cnatee, for Doug -
les ; (tbe sequel to Dick's journey will be
of that pleasant character which nukes
two hearts glad ; the young men of Mani-
toba should rel.ol against such an act.
We will, however, welcome the former
Miss Westcott back to Usborne as Mrs.
Coates) ; x, Powell, Winchelsea, and Jas.
Andrew of Elimville for 'Virden, -The
Misses Mattie and Sadie Hawkaleaw left
yesterday to visit friends in Detroit. -Mrs.
Richard Pickard left for Brantford on
'Tuesday to visit her daughter Mrs. W. J.
Verity -Mrs. Thus. Kos is visiting in
Seafortb.-Mrs. Bremner of Montreal, who
has bean visiting AIre 5. Gidley the past
few weeks returned home this week.-
Mrr. Jas, Taylor has returned home from
a 'element visit with friends in St.Thotnes
She is accompanied by her sister, Miss
McLean who will spend a few days here
-Mrs. D. French is now visiting friends
in Oshawa and Toronto.-T.Collins return
ed to his home in Blenheim this week
-Miss Susie Tait left for St. Paul, Miun.
on Friday: --Miss M.Oliver of Toronto is the
guest of Mrs R lorrcll.-Mrs. George
Anderson and family who have been visit-
ing friends in St. Thomae, Tilsonburg and
elsewhere the past two menthe, have re-
turned home. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Bucking-
ham are visiting friends in London. -
Mr John Bawden sails next week via the
"Majeetic" for South Moulton,Devon,Eng.
-Mr John Spicer is somewhat seriously
indisposed. -Mins A. L. Crocker is visiting
in London and Toronto. -The Misses
Sweet tetutnell Lome from Cleveland
on Wednesday whole they bare been,v isit:
ing friends for the past few weeks. -Mrs.
(Dr.) Hem dmanreturned home last evening
from a visit with friends in the east.
A. Postal Begulatian.
The poeto{iice department undertakes
to convey a letter to its destination in
Canada on prepayment of 3: cents per
ounce, and if not delivered froinany cause
it further undertaken to return to sender
flee of charge if a legtiest to that effect is
printed on the envelope. The regulation
requiring that the words `Please return in
ten day's' or five days or whatever the
interval may be, be printed upon the letter
is absolutely necessary, because otherwise
it is not known how long the letter should
be kept, and the whole thing is lett indef-
inately. When the address' is printed it
ie just as eaey to have printed, 'Please re-
turn in so many days,' and would bo more
in the interest of the sender than that of
the department. If the regulation is not
complied with unclaimed letters are return
ed through the medium of the dead letter
office,, thus incurring an additional charge
of 3 cents each. The beet way is to' make
sore by buying printed envelopes at THE
TIMES 'office. They cost you little mote:
than blank envelopes.
Mr. John Boodle has: been engaged by
Wood. Tiros., butchers for a tirne.-llfr, D.
Mill and family have returned f.rone Lon-
don. M..;Mill Ilan greatly improved iu:
health aunt we are pleasecl to nee him about
the etreets apparently as robustas aver--
Mr. and Mrs. 1e. Thorne, left Tuesday for
Toronto and other places. Mr. Theme
will also visit Now 1°o:k, on busineas.after
which they will return to their: house in
Loa Angeles, Cal.. -Several left for Toronto
Tuesday to attend the Exposition there, -
Mr. R. H. Collins went to Toronto Tues-
day to argue the„case Campbell v. Rodger'.
-The various nilliuers have returned to.
town and resumed duties for the fall and
winter season. -4r. Chas. Tom, who was
in partnership with one Caddy of Goderich
in the bankrupt stook business, has with
drawn, alai now makes Exeter his perman-
ent piece of residence. -Remember tbe
services rext Sunday by Rev. W. Kettle-
well of Paris. Ile preaohea for Mr.
Martin in the town hall Sunday morning
and Mr. McDonagh in the Main st, church
intha evening. He will also deliver a 'ccs are
in the town hall Monday evg,--The Exeter
correspondent to the Seaforth Expositor,
Dinner on Sept. 15th. A good program es
announced. See bills.
Mrs. Edward Jones while descending
the step in the entry of Main et.. church
on Sunday evg. last slipped and fell, sus-
tainingsonsewhet serious injury.
The merchant tailore have formed a
combine, end now ohsrge a uniform price
to merchants for making clothing. Form-
'dons data
e vie
erly the Floes va c
el o X
hfr. Hsrrisou of Rodgeryille is coming
to town to live, having purchased the
Handford property on Waterloo et from
Mr. Thos. Fitton, paying therefor $700,
Another crop bulletin has been issued
by the Manitoba government which gives
the acreage of wheat in the province at
1,003,640 and the average 19 bushels per
Farmers having completed harvesting,
business is begiuniug to revive, and on
Saturday and Monday the streets worn
thronged with farmers' rigs. The mer.
chauts report large receipts.
Mr. James Beer of Exeter, bas received
tho conilract of erecting a new hotel at
Grand Bend for Mr. Jos. Brenner. It
will be a two etorcy fraino, d0 x 50 feet,
completed by lst of Feby. next.
It rumor having its origin in a very
likely quarter, says that Mr. John Waters,
M. R P., of North Middlesex, has his
appointment to the position of Begistrar of
East Middlesex in his inside pocket.
The season for duck shooting opened on
Sept. Iet, and many were the sportsmen
lo went in quest of the game. The
geese although said to Lo plentiful is hard
to kill, and very few brace were procur-
The season for grouse, woodcock. hares,
etc., opens on the 15th of September, ass1
alt that class of shooting goes out, includ-
ing dunks, on. Dee. 1i3. Deer shooting
comes in on the 20th October and expires
on the 15th Noyember.
Some of the sports disclaim the right
of the Lake Smith Gard clee to reserve
Lake Smith for private shooti„g, and will
test the matter iu court. They say the
shooting reserve is not fenced and hence
cannot -prohibit huntsmen from trespas-
Messre..Richard Pickerel R Son have re-
ceived the plans and specifications of their
new Ode from tbe architect in London,
and will have the erection of the building
commenced at once. It is going to be of
modern architecture and fitted with all
the latest improvements.
While other 'towns and villages are
complaining of dull times, Exotor is daily
enjoying a nourishing business in all
branches Notwithstanding that many
new houses are being erected yearly, there
is not a vacant house in town. This does
not see tk badly for our burgh.
The iron bridge oyer the 'Sauble is being
repainted, a drab color- When finished
work at noon and night it would be the
proper thing for the workmen to remove
their ladders, etc., to a spot out of sight
of spirited horses. Left on the bridge the
paraphernalia would scare the most ordin-
ary horse.
�A complaint has been made to THE
T1:iins that a large number of orohards in
the village and neighboring townships are
still diseased with black knot, If those
having diseased trees do not attend to it
at once they are liable to have to appear
before the beak to answer why. they' have
not done so.
;71T13.0 Clinton Organ Co. are looking for a
lV,:i4t1VYf to 1eeu,Yo .tliineba, their factory
in Clinton having been destroyed by :ire
recently. Exeter would be a good point,
and we have a building adapted for such a
manufactory. We refer to the corner
building of the Verity Plow Works Co.,
which is not only convenient but otherwise
'suited for such.
were innocent: of the law, the sooner they,
as well -as ethers, arta. made' acquainted
't its clauses, the better for the game
with ea t
e s or in fraternitygenerally,
and ill ti
4Vm. Cook of the 11th con. McGillivray,
was having a new house erected: this sum-
mer, and had it all.but completed, when cn
Saturday night last some one set fire to it,
burning it to the ground. Several Exeter
workmen were interested, and had gone
to complete the job' on Monday, but to
their utter surprise' found that the building
was no more. It was insured for a nomin-
al sum.
Mr. T. C. Sweet, proprietor of the
,photograph business in tbis town, is going
to leave for Toronto next week to com-
plete his course at the Ontario College of
Pharmacy. Mr. Sweet is now a qualified
druggist for the Province of Manitoba,
and he intends to take out his degree for
this Province. During Mr. Sweet's ab-
sence.the photo business will be continued
liere as usual by hie present artist, Mr.
W. W. 'Burgess,. a gentleman of seven
years experience.-letitehell Recorder.
On Friday morning last ;two sports. of
the Township of Hay, Mr. Georgo O'Brien
and a Mr,lefoCarthy were arraigned before
Squire Snell an a charge of violating the
game laws. September let,' the open
season for dunk shooting, ' they 'Went to
the swamp early to be on hand the mom-
ent the birde would rise, and being una-
ware ofthe law which prohibits the shoot-
ing or killing of duck until half an hour
after sunrise, they blazed away before the
sun had even peeped above the horizon,
only to attract the game warden, Chief
Gill of Exeter, who was' on the look out
for early birds, and who promptly arrested
them.' 'I'hey were each fined 35, and costs.
The -action of the game warden seems
rather: harsh, but he says he must draw"
the line somewhere, and if the offenders
/i,in vett lry. Stirvtoc+a, - I't'all: aInS,
Two very large coegregatioutl, mads up ^yyastern nt 1Londan, Sopt” 14-21.
of all denominations, greeted the Bishop. of North Porth at Stratfard,Sept, .26--2
Iltirou last Sunday, in the Ttivitt Mereor, Btanshnrd at TCirktoq, Oat. 6 -ti
ial choroh, The Biehop's reputation u. a Oenter klurom at t lintort,
fully sustained byhis faith
Toronto Industrial, Sept;
preacher, wasf y a d t M o l tM• 1 7
fin d is oureee,, The sub`eet in the -mein- €e hot a label , bef t,.5-27.:
1 d e 1 ,, Great Narthwost°rtt at Clod°xioh, Sept, 20-22.
ing was : `Josue Ohrist,tho Head -stone, bast blazon at l3russols, Cot 26-27,
Pe, cxviii, ; andin _e evening," , ,
bydl Rector y' n . 4'
Rev E. Softley o£ Heneallin the morning, Smith -Perth, a tSt.lkcatys,tlet a -l.
and Be' IL D. Steele, of Kirktdn in the
evening. The solemn and impressivo rites
of Confirmation was conferred ote sixteen
candidates at the morningservice. In the
Afternoon, Bishop Baldwin preeched at
Christ uhuroh, MoGilliyray,
P 33. tb "Tb. South Huron atExoter Sopt.25
-" 6'
Reserved Goodness of God,"Ps.xxxi,19 20. IHleens l u Hensel!,
o 5oi, lrept. 7t4.'.
The services wore eondiiete the ee or riibbort. at Statfa, Oot.3
of the Parish, who was assisted by the ;Iliddutpb,at Granton, Sett. 2526
The peat week has been a somewhat
busy one for funerals, and one by one our
citizens aro passing away
Oa friday morning the infant son of
Mrs. TI. L- Billings euocu.mbed to a pro-
tract ted lances of cousurnpti„u at the age of
2 ears.
Monday, the death of Mr. John Brewer,
of Gidley st.,oecurved, atter an illness of
many months' duration, lie had been a
constant sufferer from asthma for years,
but the fa t few months he had been grow-
ing rapidly worse. He was aged. 77 years
7 months,and was a retired gentleman,
having farmed in the township of Stephen,.
prior to coming to Exeter some 14 years
The mauy friends of Itir, Geo. Sanders
hwill regret to learn of his d death, whi
'occurred on Tuesday morning, at the age
of 47 years, 7 menthe. Mr. Sanders, a
Wives of Exeter, was widely known and
universally respected. fie too, had been
a long sufferer, his aliliction being inward
abscesses, which trouble he bore, es
very few would do, bravely, and courage.
amity, his spirits never women, until at
last ho was forced to take his be and
resign himself to the will of the Greet
Redeemer Bp leaves a wife and sevilel
grown up children. The funeral will tales
place to -day at 2 p. m.
Thus "Harvey of Hay, while attending
Mr Geo, Feohalc's thrashing, 3rd Can.
Stephen, on Wednesday, fell through the
seeffoldiiug and broke hie right atm between
the elbow and shoulder.
John England while working in the clay
pit at Hoist's the yard, Crediton, yester-
day, a mass of clay weighiug nearly two
tons fell on him, burying hun to the nock.
When extricated, Dra. Browning and
Wicket were hastily summoned and found
the thigh dislocated and the hip bone
fractured. He is doing nicely.
Municipal Council will meet next Friday
The business man who never edyertiees
saves a great many expenses. . He saves
clerk's salaries and needs but small' stock
to supply his westerners. This makes
taxes light and insurance a email; item of
expense. Only a small capital is required
and a small' buiiding is sufheient for proe
prieters and spiders, The money
saved by not advertising will COME! in
handy in bearing the funeral
ti. Brandon (Nan.) San says ;-There
i5`real ',regress of the harvest' andnu'
fr at're co at any of the stations. The
reports from -the r'xtreme southwest state
that 80 per cent of the crop hae' been har-
vested. 40 per cent is the lowest estimate
given of progress of cutting.-: The winds
throughout have been south and south-
easterly, and the weather warm and. dry.
The prospects for a speedy harvest are in
all cases given as very favorable.
Sale Register.
Tuesday, Sept 12th. -Farm, Farm
Stook, Implements, etc., the property of
Christopher \Villert, lot 26, 513, Hay, 1
miles west of Dashwood. Sale at 1 o'clock.
Ed. Bosecnberry, Ano.
Saturday, Sept 16. -Household Furui-
ture in the village of Orediton,the propetty
of Mrs Mary Link. Sale at 1 o'clook•
Terms Cash. 1,d. Bossenberry, Auo.
Saturday, Sept 30. -Mortgage Sale of
house and lots in the village of Crediton,
by Henry Fisher, Aoo.
For satisfactory reasone,th° undorsigued has
decided to otfer'for sale his premises and Geo -
oral Stook, eosisttng of Drs Goods, Gents'
Furnishings, Groceries, Boots and Shoos, Wall
papers, ?tte , Eta. Stook in first -elites °endi-
tiou,being well kept and assorted. The open-
ing is: an excellent chance ora live man..
Stook and premises can be inspected by buyers
who mean .business.. The business is well es-
tablished and mostly oast. Move ctuiokle.
J, 1'. CLARKE.
=deny person wishing to take hold of this
buatuees wilt -do well to communicate at ono,
as the offer will remain open another week
cn the 2nd ot Sept. Mr. Thos. Cornish sailed
for England, and hereby 'gives notice that he
will not be responsible for any debts °entreated
by any ono during his absence.
Exeter, Sept, lat 1893. Tiros, Coavisu.
Mai 0
We are clearing
all summer
Mortgage Sale
Under and by virtue of a power of Sale con-
taineda eortnn oft i ltf . it iSago, which will bo
pr0ducocI at
the Gitn o or Sete. t
Hero will be
offered for sale by ikublio Auction, subject to
a reserve bid, by Henry Eilbor, Auctioneer, in
the Village of Crediton, township of Stephen,
County of Huron. on
At One o'olook n, m ,
At Hill's Hotel,
In the laid Villi ge of Crediton, the following
valuable property : Being composed; of village
lots numbers 2and 8, Bush surrey, of a part of
lot number 11, in the 5th Voneeseion of the
Township of Stephen, in the County of Iluron,
as shown on a Map, or Plan, of part of said lot
number il,made by D. Campbell, P.L. S..
dated lath September, a .1.1876, end registered
in the Rogistery Otfieo of tike said County of
On tbo above property there is vituated e
good. large, frame ilouse, Stables, Etc.
Taints: Cash,
Auctioneer. Vendor's;ialioitor.
Exeter, Aug, 28, 1803.
The nndoreigned will give free tho best busi-
nese site in fexeter to any reliable
person wishing to start n first-class general
stare, For further particular, apply person-
ally or by (otter to
Leotwin lifcTaoo.enr IIayP, 0
Dress G-oods.
At 5c., Sc., all wool, 25c.
goods for 12-1-c, in fact we
are clearing all kinds of
Dress Goods at amazingly
low figures.
12ic' prints for 9c. • 10c,
prints for 7c. ; a good fast
colored print for So. We in-
tend clearing every yard of
Print In the store.
at 20c. a
We havethem :
pair, . a pair, air, 30c. °a pair
&c. &;y upwards. Now is
the time to secure' bargains
in Boots & 'Shoes.
Fruit Jars.
' t c and Half.
Ins1 `
. Quarts, tia r t r
est 'make. ' :The
.gallon, h y.
are going fast.- Buy your
Jars fromus,
P Pickard & Son's
Had to repeat a line of
Dress Goods advertised last'
week 40c worth 25c ; price
now reduced to 22.,
Grey All -wool Flannel, 14e
Grey Union do 8o ;
Yard -wide Ginghams, 10c.
In .this line we have or-
dered too heavily. Never
before was such a Stock
shown in town, and in order
to olear,will sell at cost prices
Ready-made - Suits and
Overooats,Reacly-mad Man.
ties, finest ever offered, at
prices that will astonish.
Suits for Men, $3,50 & $5
Overcoats for Men, $3.50,
;$4,00, and $5.00.
Opposite Havekshaw's Hotel.
• Abovte all others, requires a
It may save him Hundreds of L ollars if be receives thorough training.
aro interested write to the
FOREST OITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, of London, for particulars.
College re -opens September 4th. Catalogue fres. .1. W. WESTERVELT, PriucipaL
Carling Bros.' are
paying the highest
price for Produce,.
Eggs, 11 cents •
Butter, 18 cents.
COULTICE.--In Usborne, on the 5th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Coultioe of a son.
MoLERG-SHIPLEY- -At the residence of
the bride's father, ifr, James .Shipley. Me-
Gillivray,"on the 30th ult., by the Rev: D. I..
])ewer, B. A., DavidMcLurg, 50, D., of Cron.
well. N. S., to Miss Annie Shipley.
SANDERS.- In Exeter,„on the 5th inst.
George Sanders, aged 47 ears. 7 months..
TT1L'F1N.-In Staffa, on the 1st inst., Mattie
Tullio, aged19 years.
BREWER. -1n Exeter, on the 4th inst., John
Brewer, aged 77 years, 7 months.
WALIiEIt.—In Hibbert on the 2nd inst.' A1ioe
W lker, aged28 years.
BILLING'S In Exotor, on the 1st inst., W.
Goorael infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Billings, .:a Ien 2 aeCars and&mon months.
on the 25th lilt:, E Liza
Ellen, daughter of oar. and Mrs. Alfred
Iiunkin, aged 6 ycare.
A: JONES, M. D., 0. M., F.
V • .. 14z
i. M. C , . C. P. S.`C.
Physioian, Surgeon and A:000uohour.
Centralia; - Ontario.
World Columbian Exposition
Tho Goderich Tfortiou]Loral :Seelety have
completed arrangements to makean(exhibit-
ion, fromthe County of iiurnp m ,
pears and apples et the World's Columbian
Exposition. All exhibits packed and express
eddirectto.Chicago from here, Parties will
rootage full credit for 'auy`exhibit they may
make. All express or other charges for send
ing from any part of the country horn will
be paid at this end.
Correspondence regarding numbers of spooi-
mens, time for sending, etc., cheerfully an -
Direct Importers swerewb tAbNnders3gnod•F D10RS07
Secretary. President.
Goderich, July 26, 1809.
>ABKoHtelr, $EeFmQb1.uT8
* t .'
Fall wheat,rerbush.:.-.. S 68 S 60 .r
Spring wheat per bush ea 56
Barley per ..... .85 86
Oats per bush 28 28
Peas per bush 4 060 0 4 50
1 0
00 t 00
woodper cord hard .....,.. 3 00 3 550
Woodper aordsoft 00 _ 226
Flour per bbl. , ..
Apples per bag
Potatoes per bag
Hay penton..
Eggs per dosen .r ....... ......:. .- 11
Pork per hundred 8 0 10 00
An OLn. exe WELL -Taiga Rnmsnr.- 11r2s,
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boon used fifty
years by millions of'mothers for their children
w a teething,with perfect success. ;lttoathos
tho child, softens -the gums, allays the pain,
cures the cone, and `.le the best remedy for
Diarrhoea, 1s ploaeant to the taste. Sold by
druggists in every part of tho world. 26 omens
bottle. Its value; is incalculable, Be sure
and ask for Aire. WinsIow's ~Soothing : Syrup
and take no other kind.
Minard'sLiniment '
m t•,cures Diphtheria.'
Salesmen, to soil our °hole° and hardy mix -
atom stook, Many special varieties to offal
both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled
oily by us. We pay commission or,:salary,
give oxelesiyo 'territory and pay weelrly.
Write us at once: and scours choice of ,°
t rill-
cry. MAY; BROF
llERii, r Nu servmon
llo hestor 1t y.
Willbe at Greb'e hetet r.!Zurieb
on the s. con -
Phixrsd�y of ouch
mIlonthonsalh andevery Mondant Iiodgginy,'s hotel