The Exeter Times, 1893-9-7, Page 5nste x. a COS nm tie te ay be ]iP il3 of or rr se s - le , ,f seeee 1 Mrs. /Iran, E. llore�ltaat of Piqua, 0., says tho.I'hy-. • sioians are Astonished, and look at her like one Rased from the tong and Terrible ulnas from flood Poisoning C'oittpleteuy Oured. by Hood's Sarsteparilla, alts 3ry E. O Wallona very intelligent t 1y of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned while as.. l,t:.amis at all autopsy ll. t 5 G years oar sa ago, 1 Aute soon er head, crate, tongue and thara throats IIer ]lair e Wit on fall • cants out. She weighed heti but 78 lbs,, and saw no prospect 'of help. At last she began to take head's Sarsaparilla and at once im- vreved; could. soon got out of bed and walk.. Slie says: I boeame perfectly curet] by Hood's Sarsaparilla • and am note a well woman. 1 lreiglt 1,28 lbs,, eat well and do the work for it largo family. lily case seems a wonderful weever CI>iMYp ANY, CI t1Lb g y t ndiatrrients have just Eolind against gamblers n Chicago. Attempted b bl fes by a sail of tramps ale reported et luorwit ll end at Tavl®teak was made to burn Machin 'Toronto Induetrral Exhibition grounds Damage X300 Lnwrenoe Irweli, a well- known literary Englishman in Toronto, ‘was arrested on a 9ltlr,ge of.l?rcetty, and was sent down for 40 snivel' The Secretary of the Montreal Street Railway Company has received 56 cents eonacience money for stolen transfer rides. M. B. Curtia, the aetor, known as "Sara 1 of Posen," has been acquitted at San Fran- cisco. Ho was charged with murdering Policeman Grant: Wm. Howlett, aged 80, fatally shot his I'eweetheart at Brooklyn, N.Y„, and then committed suicide. The girl had broken off their engagement. _ SiTIO____ A telegraph operator named St. Clair, formerly of Waterloo, Out. stabbed him- self to death with a pocket knife at But' falo. tIDIAN Ei ht •save r i been aril nig ar g An attempt., hall at the cry Uh e Edward Mitts, living eight miles south of ]Nadas, committed suicide by nutting his throat. His widow and two children are left totally unprovided for. Owen McDonald, jun., flour merchant, of ren Asylum while laboring t Longue Pointe severe attack of delirium tremens. The body of a man 'about 60 years of age was found in Pollard's swamp, six miles west of Woodstock, Ont. A parcel of Paris green near the corpse was register- ed "Dr. B. A, Clarke," but the address was not given. The partly.deoomposed; body of W. D. Boss, a well-known ,bueiuess man of Ot- t ,.• ll tya cl:uty loot* at urn in astonishlantaas atlHamilton�und areal the now race track almost ans one raised front tinea °;oiler,» A revolver wasfonndbeside THoalas pl .�.. iso ..nt that the body, ]ulnar hada bullet hole in the PILLS should be in every family breast. The reason for the suicide is un - medicine ehask . Once used, always preferred. known. —Y -OTT Want,: aBicycle? ON DA.103 AIM SLA. The flagship Blake is at Quebec. " The steaui4hip.Sarnia bas now been out a month and still there is no word of her, The Norwegian barque Otto and Anton- io ran ashore near the Magdalen islands, 1 Gulf of St.Lawrence. BRANTFORD BICYCLES VT JWilson, an employee of the East- ', ern Townships Banks, Sherbrooke 1 was drowned while bathing in Lake Missa- 1 wippi. i By the wrecking of a coalbarge and tow- tow - Ing steameroif Southampton L.x, eight- een lives were lost, only three persons being saved. By the :loss near Halifax of the barque Etta Stow,,, -t and the steamer Dorcas, j which was towing the barque, twenty-five l lives were lost. j The fishing schooners Empire State, with 1 a crew of 10 men, and Ella elf, Johnson, with a crew of eight men, wont clown off Monsquan, on the Jersey coast, and all on THEY ARE BUiL.T TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED 'UNCONSIDERED TRIPLES. iItis rumored in Hamilton that the T. E. ixA"u • St B. Railway is about to be built by a ti HAVE A STANDARD VALUE. and were lost. raaruaro nv wealthy Russian. xt5+tsit �t r Goold' ILA U>t 'class rate nod� ^, froni San Francisco p n fin has f v, 4? Brantford, Ont, DKPgT; t 1S Yonas .Sill. TORONTO PER •:.IN S &MARTIN; Tansan'a Block � liT1FIGrct Sir OliverMowatand Hon•. John Dryden ON ctti iF GQ addressed a large meeting at Port Arthur before returning home. ' Chicago; The Lake Shore's Exposition foyer "re- * cently made 183 miles in 128 minutes be tweeu Toledo and Elkhart. has been a marked change ins the indus- trial situation in the manufacturing sub- urbs of that city -within the past week. Altogether a much better feeling prevails, jThe Jawish Denoaninational Congress has opened at Chicago. J J: P. Beaudoin, real estate agent, Mont- real, ,has assigned, with liabilities of $6$,. 000. 1Frajor-(Cenral 13erbert made a speech at the volunteersa in wwouldhbee & amed wiid he th the Martini-Metford rifle in a few months.. DOMESTIC POLITICS. The Patrons of Industry of Prince Ed- ward County recently met at Piston. Sir Oliver Mowat and Hon. John Dryden are travellingth ' North to. Not only art?ii f bat a cure for al! kinds ofunarles Adams, formerly of Norwich has been brought out by supporters of h ONDERFUL CURES ! THp,IIA$ MINCIIIN MAJOR jig A SI.ttIT'IEI'b W. A, . Before Treatment- Treatment. ..r After Tre tment. Before Treatment; After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was reduced to Major Simfjeld ears; "I had Dyspepsia a nervous wreok--only weighed 115 pounds. and The result of early abuse was the .cause: I , To orrh of the Stomaeh for tract.. had the followingp years, on make matters worse I centrad. mentally and phyically melanchol , -wry- ed aa ached. Blotches Blood eskin to ked ousness, weakness, spooks before the ey s, hon I ied sitn. doctors looked dizzy,poor ,uemor , palpitation off the horrible. recommended sixteen. Kenn d & heart, hushing coldhandsand feet, weak Kergan. 1begauthetrNewAfethodTreat- back, dreams and losses at nicht, tired in anent and in a few weeks, was a new man the morning,. weenies on the face, loss of wtth renewed life and ambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak not sag too much for thambition.sific can - ambition, Doctors could not cure me; but Drs tors who have been in Detroit for four_ Kennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen ears. Treatment, cured Tile in a. few weeks. I patients in theirnoffces withhhundredse being weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years cured for different diseases. Ireoommend since 1 have taken then; treatment," thein as honeetand reliable Physicians,'/ DRS,, r. KENNEY & KERGAN TheC 1 e ekrl`ated Specialists of Detroit, Mich. TREAT AND GUARANTEE TO CURE Catarrh; Asthma; Bronchitis; Cone Rheumatism; Neuralgia. Nervous, Blood and Skin dimeetioa (let and 2nd stages); eases; Tapeworm; Plies;' Rupture; Impotency; Deafness; Disease': of and Ere, l ar. Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases ea the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of Louth; Failing Manhood; Diseases of the Sexual Organs; Female Weakness; Diseases of hen and `Y omen, and Chronic Diseases in general. Tho » cure when others fail 1 TREAT011'LYOURABLEO4SESAlf aZelifEP,ppgr.lfe4TAIB•.,d, Their MENT known the world over, is curing diseases of every N PP h1EltHOD nature that has bailed heretofore the medical profession. They are not ''family ddoctors''� they make a specialty of Chronic and difficult diseases. • ter; DISEASES OF ME TheygnaranteetoeuroallWeaknessofAlenari i from self abuse, later excesses or disease. Young mans need help. Ars. K. A; ni will aura yon. ]Con m,ay have been treated b7 Quacks—consult Scientific Daotcrs: No cure, no pay. Consult them. DISEASES OF WOMEjtJ 'Why Suffer in silence? They can euro yon,. Displacements, erre • and aie l eaknegre izarsenhess, Renewed vitalityustratedy , and painful periods cured in a short time. given. Illustrated*. ]sank ]]'reel inclose stamp, SPECIAL DISEASES Srrmagzhic';a, varicocele, Weet, Unnatural' ills, and all Blood diseases guaranteed cures or no Dox t it rears Detioite p earea--National reputation. Books free—•Consultation free Nantes confidential.' If unable to call, write for a list of questions and advice free. DRS. IfNNEDY it ICERGAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICff, Win Dykes of R1anehard had a very tine The of turnips destroyed ie grasshoppers.root, �o 0_ i tors Tho Iieafs oven took to ` egtinp; the rants /#(.�J themeeive8. Spm. Slaolt's field of clover, was also destroyed, • :1'`>/ or= ninows Both the method and results when: Syrup of i'igsis taken,. it is pleasant! and refreshing to the taste,-andacta gently yet prom tlyonthe]Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and lever's and cures habitual. constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy* of its ]rind ever "pro. duced, pleasing to„ the taste and ea ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy andagreeablesubstances, its a nanyexcellentqualities eommendit to' all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Byrup of Figs is for sale. in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it the Promptly for any one who wishes Iry vs y . ay. ariaryywvvr,ra..�a v ��i yy i I• fikAla PAINS, SICi. STOMACH A" a`b» ^ Wr •am • u• e elec.fion for Brandon e'ity,w 4 4 rue 'oeai Harmless. Contain no Hurtful drugs. A A call with 1; true oflie • cis of wonderful Compound.' Nice to take. } various temperenoe.aesocia- ure death to pain. e o lug of a united prohibition convention in Toronto Be sure you got STnIi1i'S: AND BILIOUSNESS t the signatures of the Extent- S 1 ations, has been issued for th holding I in October next. PREPARED BY R. STARK. M. 0.6.F., CHEMIST 1 Hon. Wilfrid Laurier tvilI speak at New. FROM GLASGOW UNIVERSITY. soorienos market on Tuesday next, September 5; at St. Catharines on Wednesday, Sept. 6; at FOR THE R. STARK . MEDICINE CO.°_Welland on Thursday: Sept. '7; at Aylmoner Thomas on Saturday' Sept 9 at St Th 25Ges Ts • ox. sold by aril Drugglste! .Monday, Sept 11; at Leamington on Tues- . ues- � ntireiv new coanaound day, .Sept. 12, MARKETS AND DROPS. Belleville cheese market has closed iThe quantity of grain arriving at Mont - the season for This wonderful discovery isthe best known remedy for .,Iwfigure well in the prize list at the World's Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such rain' as Consti ation; Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These. Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, Y ebowels, donotweaken Iikepills, grain tariff real for export continues : to be unusna large. Canadian cattle breeders continue: FliBs �;re here Screen Doors, Scree. Windows, Scythes and Snit ., Fence ce '..L e, Machine Oil, Fruit Tree Sprayers. A firsu-class article for $L25. Get our later prices! w p1 Qt�9W Cit, Binder Twine. OO BL DIC '�•� QLL.A.J Hardware Merchants, EXETER. MoCOLL OILS .ARE THEBEST. Use LARDINE Machine CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINIO N, mocoll's. CYLINDER : OIL • will wear twice as long as any other make. . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by MC(QLL BliOS. 8 CO., TootQ FOR SALE B3 ALL LEADINCr• DEALERS I1 VIE COi;1�1TIi.y., EXETER L The undersigned wishes to inform the publio in general that he keeps ,con. tautly in Stack all kinds of Stock " BUILDING MATERIAL, tD1tESSl:D AND 'CNDRESSED)l at the PINE and HEMLOCK 'LUM7BER FALL B. C. RED 6,1 TARIO AND LUMBER, LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles which is aaknowled to.be the . Mo8b I)fl bee Timber of any that grows, Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty nix to fortyyears in any climate. 9e. t • x FAIRS if sour animal in the fineet�condition, hiss bay and pirri sena o' Flossy 'fwell.utuat bo in DIck's-Bleed Purifier is the best conditia t np the whale system rogiilaMoe khe boIt le an 1kl'inevet atransthena t.hw digestion, mills roueneoatfntoa smoothand glossy ono. 1 gives horses good life making them appear t a CENTRAL SHA 111�G' f UI �' e ' the best' possible advantage adddr DION: Jr 00 your druggist. sor ►r ox "12,gmontreal A. HASTINGS AS "./„ IN "S hree Points..�.5.�A�xoR. NOTE WELL, Experience, We have had the expenience that at: tendon to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in business. Laundry. tlor the Brantford Steam PAXSON'S BLOCK. our {t} {-t} H Pros fitful e With this ever redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors aanecially namely putting off until nets weeir who she have been done this. Satisfaction This ie a nate to carry out its meaning o s d word, bto some. We frle.ryin w ,cd and tin way dei n..empiihed In oui shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- Acts - BOOKS. should .1- �". l x } L CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. £OtTISTILLE, 8Y: it'EW YOB& 2T.L' For Sale at Cl. Lute's Drug Store CARTE: S ITT PILLS. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of a give pants, s asci � Ian hab what we have said ist beconvinced Wa DO NS e ruhinablo Stylog x H CD S One`Oak-Set is a beautyl with bevel plate glass fly. p� r i to Mick ..';:• J s v4,- Headache andrelieve all the troubles incl. THE PIONEER STORIr1 d' dent to a bilious state of the system, a •.n.Tru .+-! r• 1. `n r Dizziness, Nausea. DrowsinessgDistressaaffter"'s4 ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. eating, pain in the Side; &c, While theirmost rr. remarkable success has been shown in curing ti rte. .ice. i. ��i ifa�fiit:v'ct'sf�' .>4 ti.J Headache yet Cat:sax's Luria Ltvsn Pmts r are egnall'y.valuable fit Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying i the�, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, ? r Even i1 OB NOT G�-U ILY The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any .other house in town.. Come and be a witness, you will be well repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt .and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Gra:.. Boots, and for luau's and Boys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'SThe , Alert Door to Posit People's Office,. Shoo Stora E E We have a full supply of all kinds of 1 ARE YOU WANTITsTG Books School Books. Our Exercise and Scribbling arc filo iwiScoo ween paper and nneyr l va< ue in the country. School Bags and Book Straps all prices. J. IN Brownin 's Select from :the :largest and BOOKSTORE. best bought 0 are showing city, Just now we are showin something tvery3-new and Do you want to buy from the` ' Best Selection cion and at the Lowest Prices th --_. Gidley's .CST O FAIRS .IR M H Daiwa! and Denis Debility,' stylish m . Bedroom Suites 18x36$b2, iVl' o Mani -, as been annouuc- Sf voter tongue is coated you need•theut, to table cents per hundred pounds. Yt�.•�C"n�_ r tvv.. less an d .Zhou °{ h ob and a '�?IP IDLE . health action of th g powerful to promote a � d the Northwest h 1 ed I There re a reduction varying from one • AT : AIL 3e1JtG STOIIES. The Brunswick, Georgia, Board of Health has issued a bulletin nesnring'the people rt there were no further cases of yellow Per. Word comes from the south of Japan that an epidemic of dysentery exists there. 18 8,000 • eases, nearly 600 have proved Cal. Offieiai cholera reports In Russia show - ,'729 new eases and 6(68 deaths (luring the Last work. : In Moscow the daily averages were 90 now cases and 88 deaths, at Nnsnan toil to g beunfounded. t --Cse o ere at � f the Sherman a complete itnet s P standstill, owing.`to adopted by the United ''t was what Sixty considers exorbitant de ; 2 Sates Congress by on tho part of the� mends a :veto of ti�1 to 109.' - i renoh re reaentati P ve, � he British' de - Disbanded invitation of A rictil nded ' seized 3 tse sle- troopssae ad funds designed, . -lined the a to pay the regulars in ;Nicaragua "'kill' 't p1 Canada to send ea- g T'he,Ontario Bureau of Statistics has sued a\ bulletin on the crops and live stook e >; aomppleant while � y also correct all disorders of the stomas] the one Y Y cured ..� ,.:a J(i� _.^4i P:t: ?�F r•:; i �'a/�. 9Y` ;rl 11, .1: `i,' -F. t I ANI) of the Province which shows. that th wheat yield will not be up to the average, but that hay was a very large crop. ' The Hungarian Minister of Agriculture; estimates the world's production of wheat this year at 2,2'79,000,000 bushels, against the official average of 2,280,000,000 bush- els annually, for tho past' ten yearn, JOn, E3 G. 'Y Y02 i:T'ICS. The United States treasury officials regard th 1-' a` til, 0 O .. UR1TITUR E EALE11, po financial situation as permanently im- roved. The report that China has sent an inti, inatnm to the -United States is pronounced The negotiations, between the pea French The'Wilaon.bill to repeal facial envoy and the, C ovelnrnent'o' - P the silver pus 1 • i, Slaixt 4hasin cl t Ache they would be- almost Vpriceless to those who suffer from this disttessing�• complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will Arid these lithe pills valuable in so man ways S Clm. they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head is.the :bane of s tem • o ninny lives that here is where we plaice. o.n great boast. Our pills euro it while ntliers do not. 0AaTen's "f i•riaci LIVER Pu.r,s aro very small u a veryeasyto take. ails. One or t }so ppills tricks' uydo eThey are strictly vegetable and do ant gripe cirl>urge,'but,by:,fliel r�tie action please all i -bo usn them. In vial,: = at t5 cents five for $1. Sold Pope 5 ,There, or sent by snail iii-M1C1112 1.0„ 1T.w Tor:. r ins ilei a tb.thsa country to inquire as to the 1 6 he &ecort and tieein^ to Honduras. , existenne ofleuro-neuro p 3? onra. i ihlallD 1zalt Mei TEM BEST YET 1- TF[:E CHEAPEST YET THE BIG! �'� k9 3 IS rt YET! l .Ela .L --- Best Ordered'm ati 'w ��1� Pl��ti!'8� 1& � , a .�6�C1' Gentlemen 1 leave your 0rkiors early , fo r with the beet stair of 'Tailors ; thebos,. stoolof Pin 0' Trimmings, tied the Cultiag in Town. you are bast saw of SRtiyfzo; teor. 3 ...T I 1l - 13 C� i - I .t rte: Weaknels of l`: 3 ann Mind,Eti'crts o.! %Finis or l.]^_G55;.8 tti 01:1 ot- foung. Rob:,t, Noble' bf a;ihooa full; Rce+ .ecl. 7 - f Q'?r f� Enlanti c; ,.- I1; , - , 1 erg'e ..L.n�.,.e,i1� .�_.,Lndc elope4. 1Ornano ui of Doily. l_b}O:StClf i:a-' filing Ilova•: 'Trca1ment-Ll:,acCi sin .'t day. i c_ , Ccs; ftcn, ill States and S d l'c�rcigzi Conn, c Laarl seirtpiive Beek, ox- P.a.uaden and proofs il,d (scaled) f�;� ERIE ?EU€CR,I• bot, Beals, sec • ortatite i. "Orders promptly atta nded to All Accounts must be settled at ones 'AIL. ESM N WANTED To represent us in the sale of n chilies line of S1Aut+Y Cneranr;t,•r ()ROW)/ S catltt. :Baporioaat not necessary':; We want real workers and ' ,g all such we offer a permanent good insome w• aesd situation at a rkh ehaGoe of ads-snoRment. da `we now have: ever 700 aoro„• under cultivation we sae �- ive 0110 aalesmen.many superior advae takes: We also iieeireto see 'your dietrIel to eon the Ft ure a good man in oranr genoy. PThis, for whish ren Lazo the (•l;opera* AtConay, ,This is semetbieg new and 'indiapenalbin tothefarmer er fruit growers. Send for terms anal test 1menial *Ireniar. STM,f114Wte,LL C 2C,+i`uigralen,