HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-9-7, Page 1TIE BEST .6 dverti$ing M©clit na --a v- TPIIS .SECTION. ,AND HURON & MID L SEX, GAZETTE.. VOL. XXI. NO, 4. WhY Oo artht I you ou Can g {{:: I u ahigh, good, high, man's Pio wShoe at R SC GOQ9'a31 S for 9Oo, Also a complete Line of WOMEN'S MISSES' AND O.HILDREN'g OXFORD TIPS in TANS and fUNGOLAS. These Goods wevz bought direct from the Manufaelur;'rs and will be- sold at prices flint cannot be beaten. Rows i z ::eats per doz, • $$GGO AN General Alerohant, l :irktan. The Mitchell Ranee. The roma in Mitchell on Friday were keenly aonteated, Rud dewonetrated clearly that the letitohell Sporting Aeaoaiation in - 'teed that every trent they advertise 8411 be filled and worked off to the aatisfactiou of horsemen and the general public. Be- low is given 1-u . ntuary of the eveuts 2.50 trot or pate. Dunmore, J. Laukin, Grantee 1 2 L 1, ixuatay, G. Goebel, Mitchell 2 1 2 8 John Neidon, J. a1.Perdue,Blyth 3 3 3 2 Lula G., A. Emote Stratford 4 4 4 4 Time --2.42, 2 39, 2.37, 2.38. 2,29trot or peer. Capt Hunter, A. /Milroy, Brant. ford 1 it 2 1 Milk Shake, Geo Hendry, St.Mero r� Fred Archer, NV. Pinksy' See- l 1 2 lotth 8 2 3 3 3 Tune-- 2.28x, 2.31, 2.27, 2.''8e, 2.27*. %'tea for•a1t, " ' ;3illy ;.Dackell.Springfield,N,Y.2 1 1 1 : ohnaton Bros.,Potrolea 1 2 2 3 A •' l sr t a fiei B to d fs. .I a Wiu m Y gha 583..3 'Virtue, W. Jenkioaon,Brantford 4 4 dr, Time -2.32, 2,28, 2.32, 2.34. Opou run. Colonist, `N, liorthgrove, Drayton 1 1 Topsy B., Beatty Brae., Vingham 2 12 Frcar Cater, lItohnll Tried).I'. Entrick, Tayistoek 3t 3 Little he 1, Cowan Bros., Parker 5 3 tioIla J., mas Colquhoun, Mitoliall 4 6 Time- 51, 54. Usborue Oouncil The (toenail met on the 2nd lust. All the membersovera present. The min atm of the previous meeting were read and adapted. Balla--Kpdd--that Cho amount of B. W. Farnoonme, township ongivaer, ,;amounting to $27, for three awards re ditohoa, be paid. --Carried. Shier—Camercn—that the collector be notified to prepare his bond, and lay the 'same before -this council :at ire next meet- ing. --•Carried, leydd--Flails—that the account of W. Balkwell, amounting to $6 75, for a pion broken whilejplowing snow on road,be paid.. —Carried.. Cameron—Shier—that T. Briooaaumb° receive the sum of $10 for keep of A. Car- michael, an indigent.—Catried. Shier—Cameron—that Mtn Sampson re oei•re e5 for txlief--Carried. The following orders wore issued: T. Brimzoambe, keep of A Carmichael, $10; M, Barnwellkeep of J. Hewitt and wife' $13; 'Mrs Sampson, relief,$5; J.Evans„rep bridge abutments, $150; U. Homey, rap Toad, 50 ;; .E. Hewitt, iemoving ireo from road, $3 25; Da, covering bridge, $3; W. Slavlu,now bridge, hauling stoup and rep abutments, $60; Do, extra stone work, $1; S. Statton, burying dead animal, $ 1; A, Allen, quarry atone, $33 25; R. J. Webb, bolts and washers, 50e; J. Ogden, rep bridge. $1 ; W. Balkwell, broken plow, "do5 7 > 1' I's' Inaombs three awd,Sz7� ay s , Hart & Riddell, municipal blanks, $L 88; A. McCurdy, repairing,bridge, $1; J.Eolou, do, $1s Aa1ls—)lye' fit's council adjourned to meet again Saturday, Oat. 7th, at 1 d0 p. m•- Gen. W. Megan, Clerk. To euro nervousnoas your nerves mutt b a fed by pure blood. /Hood's Sarsaparilla: makes pure blood. Take it now. Ra S. Ford aa(� C�! �. iJ o r Woodham. MORIN r THE BALANCE OF AUGUST WE ARE MAKING Special.rya [y Prices T7 ALL DEPARTMENTS. Prominent among the many Specitals are REMNANTS OF PRINT AT LESS THAN COST ; WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S :d1 OXFORD SHOES FOR 50c.; BIG BARGAINS IN DIN- Nid1-1, TEA AND TOILET SETS. Do not fait to en.11 early and :secure "some o flrese Goods At Special Prices. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS; .FA.L , WHERE THEY MAY!^ EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7 189 . WORLD'S FAIR, breeds Galloways by the thousand and finds that for range work in the high lati- tudes,they Ali the hill better than any other breed he knows. Their .iron oonatitntious and shaggy coats enable them to withstand immense e co 1 d and blizzards havee no terrors for them. They live on the coereet feed and take on flesh under the most adverse eondtttions. Their hides entirety yalaable, beteg handsomer than those of the buflelo, and $40 to 550 is not an utmost price for doe epeeimens. The eompotition in the tlalloways tees cxoeedingly, keen. and Mr. McRae, of Gnelph, who was the sole judge, 'hotrod ea no favors. In the seetien. "four animals from one,” he aokuowledgod that the three lot., one owned by 1410 • Kongh, were so nearly alike that he could not make a decision. Mr. Imboden, of Illinois, WAS called and the first prize went to air; Pana of Minneeot4 ; Mr. hough taking ,second. Summing up results ar far as the judg- ing has Sone, Ontario Shorthorns have Wen 54 prizes, aggregating 61400 and over in money. Of this sum. the lfeeera Bur- nell take over 81000. In Herefords' 12 prizes but no money. In Galloway*, 11 prizes. and $820 in money, In the horse closes; Ontario men fared more hardly than in cattle. In Clydes, we took 26 prizes; Shires, "; Cleveland Berne Saffo k and. Aanorieo.Araca, 5, up to the present wetting, Individual Olydea came from all motions of the Province, but the largest Exhibitor was R. .Davis, of the Do- minaoar Browing Go., whale splendid animate, t0 put It mildly, received a good deal leas eouaideratiau than they were en- titled to, at the hands of the judges. The phenomenal success WAR that -of Dr. J. P. Hall, of Toronto, who, with three splendid Americo Arehs, ,wept the fiat, taking 5 prizes, iuoludtne the aweepstaker, Within the past few days the Ontario sections' of the live stook barna have beau, profaaaly and elegantly decorated under the supervision of Mr. Aden) Armstrong, Deputy -Commissioner, whose taste in Imola matters has done so much to add to the attractiveness of oar Exhibits in, many of the Departments, G V1 0 , Tanya. Jackson Peek, Chicago, Aur. 31. (Ontarin Press Bureau .Special.) 'Over a mileon people paid for admission toh t e World's FaitGround slast week n 2m present indicatios the weekly quota will not fall below that hereafter, with every prospeet of exceeding it considerably as the season advances, In spite of the swinish policy of the railway companies fa regard to rites, the people seem to have at last awakened to the fact that the Fele is aomethinit they aan'ttafford to miss,: and by every train, from every point of Qom - pass, they are pouting in at ru of the day and night. Caeada'is contributing its (sots, the number registered daily at the Canadian Pavilion from Ontario alone running about 200 and those by no means" represent all from the Province, Those who do (not visit the. Canadian head -quarters make a mistake. Tho Wild - log, as is gi nerelly aokuowledgod, is not all that could bo desired, bqt it occupiers the very choicest loathe within the walls of the white pity, and:its spacious verandahs afford the best vantage ground for seeing the fireworks, which ars a leading feature on several nights of the weak. Most of the Canadian papers are ou file, there is'a pont ofitcs.to tvineh letters silty be addressed, the latah string is always out on Commis - Moiler Aurey,r door; and auo is always sure to meat aageatntances, or hear of their whereabouts. Commissioner, Cockburn .keeps up the social end, and no , man has done more than bo,,by generous hospitality, and pleasant Speeches on publio ecoasious, to make the name of °suede known among the nation of the earth.. The increased attendance has raised, the spirits of the Managers of the Exposition already prevision has been made forpaying 40 per cent, on the hoods : 10 per cont. ler week will be paid till they are wiped ont, and there will no doubt be aomothing worth while for the ordinary stookboldera. More attention is being paid to the am - moment features, and eome of the brigbteat minds in thecoantry are all the while busy devising new sohonies to relieve the mon- ototty of constant eight.seidng, There amusements take all kinds of shapes, In' eluding 'paracme of the midway freaks, naval parades, swimming eenteate, and oomio tournaments in the lagoons, musical performances by ar.tiets of all nations, open air theatiioal representation,, etc., .and all seem to be appreciated. Yesterday there .mat a spotted parade of horses through the grounds, when 'about two-thirds ofthm horse exhibitors had their anima), out. There were over 600 horses in line, inoluding the oelebratel Bandana. and Germans, and in the opinion of experts ne such, collection of pedigreed equines was ever beforb seen In a single day. The pro- cession i n was headed by .BhotIand yentas drialltr four-in-hand, tandem, four ebreest, end every other way, anti a draft of Ken- tucky mules brought up the rear, The stook pavilion is ono of the moat Attractive places in the whole Fair, nowa- days, and it is seldom that moat of the spats are not ooanpied, Besides the horses and oattla that are in the hompotitloua, the high bred Ilentuckiena,Raseians,Arabs, Etc., are eonstently being exercised in the ring, and their beautiful performances aro cheered to the eche. The judging of the beofbraede, excepting. the sweepstakes, name o an end on Tues- day and on the whole the result has been. fairly satiefaotory, though for reasone that are now %veil underetood,not someny prizes. have come our way as It wee at first ea. pected. The breeding of thoroughbred stock 1 a hobby with American millionair- es, wk.: begrudge no money to get the best animate attainable. As soon as the World's Fair competitions were aenoauced, those men ranaaoked the herds of the world, and depleted the herds of'Onterio breeders,whe are for the mostpart practical farmers, making their living out of the business, and do net hesitate to dispose of their beat ani- mills at satisfactory prime. 13esides this,there was a tear ranging over the nosh of Haus- diens that they ,would have to undergo a three months' quarantine after the Fair he - fore they could gettheir cattle home again, and all the-crroum3tanees bring taken into consideration, the wonder is that our breed- ors had the nerve to enter the liste at all, and that they acquitted themselves go •creditably. Another natter Haat least be taken into eccment isthe prejndio'i a'neng 5Ameriean brooders against white or light roan oath, while Ontario men take no account of color. So high does the feeling run there, Chief Buchanen,of the Department. of Agri- culture, was appealed to by the judges, as to whether they dare award the first pram- ium to the magnificent young white bull, `Lord Stanley', owned by J, & W. Russell,: of Richmond Hill, which is decidedly tho finest Shorthorn on the grounds, . Mr. Boehanan at once said that color should noterenterinto the calculation.` The triumph - of the Ontario men over the color prejudice must result 'n I a rJ•A 'm ' ors n au faxor of the light cattle. Col. 13rottin. of Minneapolis, ono of the lending American Shorthorn men,"informed tee that he lied fitted up 60 head, from tvbicli to choose those for the Exhibition, and would:have brought more from Ontario at, tho laat•mornene, but for the quarantine, 10 Hereford oattle, Ontario was for the moat part outclassed, though several of our American competitors admitted to me that we were badly used :in the juclging. Mr. Thomas Clark, of Bomber, Illinois, who is the lar r est A nerioan q Hereford f d brew er d , remarked t would be well ' f people ao 1 4 e p would smooth the bends of the Herefords a little mole, tbey were not so geed as they no be. One of our Hereford cows was the only one he was afraid of. TlheRussell Shorthorn heifer `Centennial Ieabeli's'; to which second prize was . awarded, was the finest speehnen ho bed ever soon, but her color was against her. IIn Galloways, Mr. (Cough of Owen Sound was the only °uteric exhibitor, and did wonderfully well. There was a very largo showing of this breed, whieh is really one of the oldest known, and in conversation with several breeders, notably M.P. F. r1'. Platt, of ICatrees City,' gleaned: many inter- esting facts ooneerning them. Mr. Platt Seneall, T. CAMERON SMITH, Barrister. Sotiei tor. Oo:wevanoer. Office Main-st. Orin be consulted after office ,hour, at the Commorofal Hotel. Bengali, •Jus t opened out at s,. Weseloh's" 257°,177a Boots anti Sheet for the fall trade. Theo floods were bought for .cash diroot from the best manufacturers, and wilt be mole°beim for eash,,along with an entire stock of footwear. Whon in ifonsall, it will pay you to call and buy your fall Boots and Shoes from us. as we will bo sure to please yon in Prices, eInalite, Int and otyle as we have this fall a bettor stock to select from than ever bef oro; We Imams teei satisfaction and won't !rounder -sold by any • defiler Inthe county,' When et the fair call in and sea us. Sista of Big Boot. A Want= Following are thb market •quotations : Wheat . 58 to 00 Barley ....... • . , 35 to 36 Oats . .. . ........ ... . 28 to '28 Peas . ....... . 50 to 50 Hay 6,00 to 7.00 Butter, 18 to 20 Egg' 10 to 11 Hogs 8.00 to8,25 Clover seed.,.... . BRIErs--Mesar, J. CrIllausen, Thos Laing, Geo Dick and Mr Dobson left Tues day for Oarberryettan.---Mr D. Weismiller was in Dashwood on Monday.—Mr John Pope was at Dashwood on Monday --Miss E. Graybel of Dashwood ie: visiting at Mr John Pape's —Mrs Richard Warren is at present very siek.—Mr Henry Cook had his verandah re-painted,which adds greatly to its appearance.—Mr M. Y. McLean of Seaforth was in town on Tuesday. Mr A. Weseloh received the largest shipment of hoots and shoes last week that ever came to town --Mr John O'Brien, who has been very sick -for several weeks, hes taken a change for the better. Mr John Weseloh and family of Zurich were tire guests of his brother, Mr A.Woseloh.-llfrs 1r.G Arno1d, who was attending the Millinery Openings at Toronto, and also visitinir friends, re- turned eturned home Saturday.—Miss Ross of Allen Craig was visiting at Mr Henry Arnold', on Tuesday. —McArthur & Co., bankers, got another Targe safe in their bank Fri- day,—St Paul's church is being re -painted and kalsomined this week. The work is being done by Messrs Stoneman. & John- son.—.lverybcily is busy preparingitor the fall fair to -day and to -morrow. No one should mise the concert on night of the fair to be given by 3, W. Bengough of Toronto. —Quite a number left last Friday for Chicago to attend the World's Fair. .Am- ong the number were; Dr IvfcDermid, G. Sutherland, Wm Moir and wife, Mrs 'Wm • b Hay. • LOOK• At the Label. See if You at PAID IN A,iTs-NC: LOON warts a nOltiste s notureascher• :sue P eopr esore Smoot. Enema —The August report Lf S. S. No 2, Hay, is as follows, names are in order of merit: Y•— Ra r Qmen 1 � p ha p IV Nelile PO'Brien, F. E Rosa, Maud 'lRus- 'ell. Sr III—Nellie Gould, Amelia Jack - Yon, jai Shirray. Jr III—Beckie North- cott, John. Todd, A. J. Todd and M. M. Mussell. equal. IL—Wm Jaokaon, Edgar O'Brien, Itrielyin Gould. It pt--liertie O'Brien, Jeauia G. Munn, ltobt O'Brien. I +t Jpltit Jackson, Ethel Nortleott, Get tie Harvey. The best spellers in the monthly smelling matches were ; Fifth, B. J''Ohap. wen, Fred Eacrett and Nellie O'Brien ties; sr. third,Amslia Jackson; jr. third, Bookie Northeott; second, Wm Jackson; second part, Bobt O'Brien; first part, John Jeck. Ent. Greaten,. B*xitrs--lt great number took in the ex - mimes from here Wednesday laat to the Model Farm, Guelph, and report a good Lims,—Mr Miila (station agent) and wife and. Itis Ai. Callender, wife and mother went to KirkIen Sunday Inst.•--4fr R. ;Sans. burn tack a drive on Sunday last, and no doubt made some heart glad.-.-Mra:J"txmyn and daughter have returned front their visit. -Mrs d, Webb of Toronto, formerly of this place, is in our midst renewing ao- quaintenaes—We W. Baines ]tact returned after a pleasant visit. -'--The Church of EAR land purpose holding apionie on the Bec- ton groandt ou Friday afternoon next :for the:member* of the church and children of the Sunday School. Woodham, Dataarxs---Tlte weather still oontioues dry. —There are soma front this village goLg to Mitchell Model frcarool.. .Among the number. are : Misses Lizzie Smith. and Alice Beavers, and Mr Fred Copeland, We wish them sucoesa.—Tilt Joeeuh Ford ie visiting Irienda in London —Miss C, Spar. ling has gone to visither brother in Wine - hem,— motet the choir are members' of the o ohs end while ther prayer meeting is of ' the e no, choir friends ' rx . ,d sit outside, and as salio as prayer meeting is over; ;they go in to practice singinrr. We , wonder where their Religion is',—.Ittr "Hunt of Mis- souri 'pent Sunday with his sister, Urs Philip St, John. --I3 S Fort/ ,..g been in Toronto for the last few days Aiuyfng fall dry goods and, d clothing- —Mr John Beavers of Medina epent a short time at his old hotel Iaat week. -Mr Jas Mille took a load of butter to London a few days ago, --Joe. B. Fetd left for Brandon, tiau., last Tues- day.—lYte T. 1 E. Sawyer is attending the St Marys Collegiate Institute., He .comes home ,every Friday evening on his wheel; Orediton. * Beighs=Frederick Worth, who waa ser - lonely hurt some time ago in the flax mill, is making elute progreas.—Mrs Emma Scott and family, who hare been ;visiting at Jr .Eilber'a, have returned home to Philadelphia.—Mrs John Brown, widow, is confined to her bed.—.Charles Brown,ar, who has been ;sick, is recovering.—Wm. Lewis hes gone to Manitoba to visit.—M'iss Rowe,wito has been spending herholydays, has returned to work --John Trevethiok has purchased the old land mark in the village, and intends to meet a butcher strop.—Chas Either, B. Brown, J. Haist,J. Sweitzer, H. Sweitzen Chas Zwicker, V Raiz; W. Banes, Matthew Morlock and wife are' attending the Fair at Chicago. A happy time was spent at Matthew Weir's last Tuesday et the wedding of his eldest daughter, Susie, to a Mr Pope of Loudon, the. Rev Mr Swartz tying the knot, There wag a large attendance of friends and rela- tives and all report baying had a very pleasant time, The Crediton. Brass Band was in attendance, and report having spent a pleasant time: Matthew knows )row to make things pleasant for friends on such c,,saaions, as he neer bees, 'there be;ore.— Crediton tress Band has been hired to furnish the music :at the World's Fair at Zurich the 14th hat. SPAVINED:- Honaas. The, buyers -for foreign markets do not want blemished horses at any price Spavins, Corby, Ringbones, etc., can be entirely cured by Dick's Blister. Price 50 otr. Dick'% Liniment is invaluable for sprains and braises, Price 25 ets. To be had at :all druggists. ,Full directions on the wrapper. Dr4PEP.IIA CORED. Gentleman,•-lf was troubled with dyspep- sia for about four years. I noticed an ads yortietment of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I started to use it and soon found that there was nothing to equal it.: 11 took just 3 otiles to effect a perfect euro in my Bell, John liobkirk and family, and Mr`E Rennie left the night before.—Dr Moiety iah of Brumfield was in town ou Monday. -Dr Agnew of Clinton is attending to Dr blc0ermui a business while he is away to Chicago.—Miss Mary 2doGreigor of Sex- smith,spent Sunday and Monday at Mrs A. Vireseloh's.—O.Meyers and family were atlDashwood on (Sunday.—Henry Cook and wife were at Zurich last Sunday.-,Mestrs. John and George Chapman, who were spending a week's 'holiday s in and around Bewail, left Monday for London.-Itiessrs Tlras Murdock and David Nichol attended the Mitchell Races last :Friday.—Mte Wm Coiwtli and daughter left Monday to at- tend the Toronto Exhibition.—Mess Aunie Gilder of Toledo, Ohio, who was visiting lr to aunt, Mrs Joseph BlIis, returned home on Monday,—Mr Whiteside is off work, with a sore arni, ..4111+-41 AVOID ALL r eremous nettles. Toa drinking is an injurious habit, and nervous people should ho careful in the use of it. It is not a food, it is not a tonic, and if drunk strong it may .he as baneful in its efleste as trete ,r would hr_ Anyone who feels as if they were a bundle of nerves should giveup bath tea and tobacco, and use Membray'e Kidney and, Liver :Cure, which willhelp them to exist in comfort without them, bfinard's Liniment aures Distemper. 0080. Bert J. Reid, Wiugham, Ont. SPE BARGAIN --ll-- GC)OD To make room FOR FALL S �� QLKo J. HALL, Dashwood CONDENSED UISTBIOT NE Ws'. munch, Dr Elliott of Brueefield left last week for Chicago, %here he iptends to practice his profession, Rev J. W. Hodgins, rector of Seaforth, hae been appointed. Rural. Dean of Huron: by the Bishop of Huron. Clinton's rate of taxation for next year has been £re4 at 19 mills on the dollar that of Seafoxth at 25 mills on the dollar. The Olrnton Gun Club have purchased a park lot of five acres and three.fifthe on the Raneford estate; and purpose fixing it up expreseiy for their own, use, Dr D. McLeod, a Carnelian by birth, who at one time taught sobocl 1;1 Huron county and was married here, has been elected health oflioer of Detroit at ar';laryof$4,000 a year. YOU hardly realize that it is medioine, when taking Certor'a Little Liver Pillet they aro very small;. no .had Beets; all trouble& frons torpid livor are, relieved. :by their nee. Mr P. Kelly of Blyth ,ails: ?. 'act week kr the Old °pantry, taking a oar load of cattle with hint to Liverpool; 7t .e ewer 40 years sincebe left the Grote ens, anal titre will be his .first visit home. Da out suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little :Liver Pile will sure you. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Smalt dose. Small pill. lannrg$gr. Mary /McCarty, formerly of Parkhill, was fined 52 and omits for 'harboring a dog at Ailsa Crtttgrecentty upon whirr, the dog tax bad not been paid for the cu.. •<,t year. It is the intention of the oaunou to aervo all parties alike in ibis particular, 00 dello• quents had better watch out. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla is one of the few ie. medial e- mediea which are recommended by every gebool of medicine. Its s'rength, purity, and efUasey are too well eatabliehed to eel - mit t of doubt as to fts- superiority over all other blood-puritiers whatever.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla leads all. Donald Me fenzie, sued 60 years, Who left,Parkhi l for Grand Rapids,-., Mioh„ was• found dead in his room, where he lived elope, Friday, and had apparently been dead far some time. The old man had been living g with t t n sen and , .daughter, , but they disappeared several rtdoks ago,,. He was partly blind and ereiy feeble, and died from neglect.. runrl2. Miss Janet MaIville, of Cromarty,fell and broke .anarm the other day, Henry -&ball, apple huge, of Braemar, -thinks he wilt have no difficulty in buying 10,000 barrels of apples in hie section this in season. Tho Ytensive preparations for thei dam•. oung Liberals of Mitcheil are mak g os' onstratfon an Sept. 14 in honor of Mr Laurier, Mr Thomas Hill has retired from the firm of knight,& Hill, St Marys, and his interest bas been taken over by Mr Geo itfathieson of Thorndale. It is reported that Dalton Ilfo0arthy will deliver an address on the questions of the day in Listowel,sometime during the lat- ter part of next month. Mr. Jaa B. Hamilton of St Marys, for- merly of the Ingersoll Collegiate Institute, has been appointed science master o! the. Brantford Institute, at a salary of 81,000. Fullerton Corners bas no hotel, not even a place for the travelling publics to atop. It is rumored that the store formerly oconpied by Mr Pomeroy will be converted into a hotel. . My friend, look hers ! you know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy h 'r a boa? ` . Many people, not aware of the dangers of constipation, neglaot the proper remedy till the habit becomes chronic, or inflam- mation or stoppage results. A dose or two of Ayot's Pills ill the beginning would hale prevented all this. Thursday Jas Morton of St Marys with his alfa and grandebfid,were driving on the road near Lakeside, when the horse sud- denly bolted, overturning the boggy and throwing the omaupauts out. Mrs Morton received serious rntornal injuries, from whinh oho died at au early hour Friday. morning. Mr Morton.: and the ohild es: °aped without being seriously bnrt It is said. that American manufactur- ers have issued orders to sell goods for anything they can get far then,, so as to relieve the "pinch" and helpto re- duce the surplus stocks now lying on the hands of manufacturers, for which they can find too market. "Sell for what you can get," we are credibly in- formed,lis the full text ofthe'commission given to agents. What a commentary on the market of sixty millions. xxx A great many people do not quite un- derstand the silver question in the United States - The purchasing clause of the Sherman Act of 1800, which was repealed last week by the Rouge of tt'. e .reser a 1y0q . bya'�r't R1'nmol of 1" 4cJ majority out of a tt 1 o a vote of 350, obligated e the United States Government to purchase from the silver producers 4,500,000 ounces of silver bullion 'Very month payable in silver certificates. There- sult was that the treasury vaults at Wsehington were soon filled up with bar silver, and the country was floode:l with paper money. issued epee .it. The Value of both depreciated as the bulk and quantity increased, hence the pres- ent crisis. The effect ofthe repeal, if it be passed by the Senate, will be to close up many of the silver mines and stop for a time the produce of silver, Minard'a Liniment ernes Cok;s,etc. argains STRAW LATS, PARASOLS, PRINTS., LIGRT DRESS GOODS. And a thousand other Lines, at .J. P. ROSS' Bargain. Depot. ALL MIRACLES DO NOT 000cm, AT IIA MILTO21. 0. C.1txoerARDS & 00, The whole town of Glamis, Oat, known of ss' cure, by the application of MINARD'S L,IFIM13NT to a partially paralyzed arm, tont equal anything that hat transpired at 1lamilton. B. W. Il anaxsotr, To Dxsz'wn Corns, Ideadaobes and Fevers; to cleanse the system e ffemtually, sat gently, when oottt)vai ar billona, or when the blood is impure er sluggish, to permantoly oar Witold oon- atipation', to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating of weakening them,. ass Syrup of Eige. * Tars Pont Cusnznna; Perm,Thao r f u Cardinal points r nal po n s of ht s I l: the etorwsob, Byer, bowels and blood. Wrong action in any of these produaea disease, Burdock Blood Bittera aots upon the four cardinal points of instill at one and the carne time, to regulate, strengthen and putify, thus preserving health and re- moving disease. Orr :rye PEEIL. ?mese of ohlldre,uare often tndaugereab :".. sudden and violent attaaka of cholera. cholera nimbus, diarrhoea, dysentry :and bowel complaints. A reasonable and certain precaution is to keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry always at band. A. CURS an HrranioarEs. Headache arises from constipation, bad bleed, dIsprpala or liver complaint. As B. B. 13. curet all thew complaints it ie naturally the moat tucoaaeful headache cure °elating. Once the cause is removed toe headache vanishes. UNDEAunBLE Aaosr. For three days I suffered severely from summer complaint, nothing gave mo re- lief, and, I kept getting worse until the prim was almoat• unbearable, hut after 1 had taken the first dose of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry I found great relief and it did noir .il to mire me.. Wm. b. Glynn, Wilfred, Ont HOW TO GET A "SUUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25'Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a women look older sooner than a man") Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and -yon will Tr -nem he poet e p.ells • i o P e, fine from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. - Tbe soap is the bestin the market, and it will only ooet le postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ouch open, Write your address carefully. Look at the date on your label this week. and see that your name is mark- ed well in advance. N9 paper is discontinued until alt arrears are fully paid, except at the option. of the punisher, The -date when the 'subscription ex Aires is on the address label of. each paper the change of which to a subsequent date be- comes a receipt for remittance. Subscribers will please examine their label before and after making a remittance: Dress Goods and Mantles Dress Goods and Mantles- t� Just opened out at Weismiller's The _,largest Stock of Dress Goods and Mantles ever shown in Hensall. Every lady is hereby invited to call and see thein. r D. W.E/$M/1 LE UI+INSALL