The Exeter Times, 1893-8-31, Page 5sr sha X10+ me', �Tor- i.ts, by late at bo - eat ail. iko at, tet at ap he m Of .24 Worth t> Other Medicines Famed-, But 4 .Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. "It is with pleasure that I tell of the great ra6t ersvrbealafteiFoyears id th Erysipelas breaking out with running sores during hot Rummer months. I have sometimes not been abBelo g induced limbs IIootwo Sarsaparilla,atime. one bottle last spring, commenced using it; telt so much better, got two bottles mare; took them during the summer, was able to do my llousework, and, Walk Two Mlles which Iliad not done for six years. Think 1 am cured of erysipelas, and recommend any person so afflicted to use Hood's Sarsaparilla Four bottles has done more for me than $200 worth of other medicine. 1 think it the best blood purifier known." 'Mits. II. D. Wzsm, Church street, Cornwallis, N. S. HOOD'S PILLS euroliver ills, coustlpa- P, tion, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache; 2M i NEWS TOPICS OF A'W.EE: IMPORTANT EVENTS IN FEW WORDS FOR BUSY READERS. A. Compete Record of tree Iinsy World's Happenings carefully a im1s left and rut rota Banda and Attractive Sluspe for the Readers of Our Paper. FATAL ACCIDENTS. Arthur Phipps, agedeis0, was drowned in Toronto, Miss Maggio Hogg was pilled in a run- aleay accident at Seaforth, Mrs. J. 33. Miller and eon Clausin, of To- ronto, were drowned at Parry Sound. James Barker, the young man who was struck by a bursting emory wheel at Ham- ilton, is dead. A Jesuit Father named Z. M. W. Jou- bort, aged 25, was drowned near Longue- nil while bathing. George Bullock was run over by a train at Little York, and died soon afterwards from injuries received. It is reported that a cyclone killed 40 people at Savannah, Ga., and caused a property loss of ten million dollars. Nell MOPhie, the employee of the Gur- ney -Tilden Company at Hamilton who. was mangled in a cog -wheel, Is dead. Jacques Bordeau, aged. 80, was struck by a (),P.R. train and fatally injured at Caugbna-raga, near the Lachine bridge,. Andrew Clegg, of Millwright, formerly of Port Hope, Ont,, was caught between two cogwheels at Bat Portage and crushed to a pulp. Mies Annie Lightfoot of a Winnipeg drug establishment ate a quantity of the. coating of acme pills she was making, and died from, the effects. Fourteen persons were killed and about 50 badly injured by a rear -end collision between trains from Manhattan Beach and Rockaway Beach" at Newtown, L.I. Two engineers, two firemen and one lady assenger were killed and a dozen persona njured by a collision between passenger trains on the Harlem. Road between Dyke - man's and Ice Pond, N.Y, At Bracebridge the six-year-old son of Thos. Berry, while playing with some clam- panions along the bank of the river, slipped M..i.. 0" a1 aBicycleoff a rock, and was drowned before assist - 1 . ince arrived. The body was recovered, George P. Witherbee of Port Henry, BRANTFORD BICYCLES ' N.Y„ and sic young companions, who , were sailing in Withorbee's yacht, the 1 Alpha, were capsized. in Lake Chaplain. t V4 itherbee and five of the boys were drown - HAVE A STANDARD VALUE 'THEY ARE BUILT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED HT The Cold Bicycle CUM. f Brantford, Ont. DEPOT; 113 YoNae ST., TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN. I+anson's Bleak. ON 4R TWI cu9 Not only a relief but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH LABOR AND CAPITAL. Unemployed workmen plundered the pro- vision stands in Buffalo, also bakers' and farmers' waggons, There are now indications that the strike of minors in Wales will be brought to a speedy termination, .A 'Pavement is on foot to borrow $4,800,- 000 with which to set the Northern Paci- fic railway on its feet again, 1 The unemployed and the police of Chi - oago had a fierce battle in which several on both sides were severely injured. The strike of dookmen in New York con- tinues, but is said to be showing signs of Weakness on the part of the strikers. The haokmen'a strike in .Naples con- tinues, and there bas been much rioting. More than 1,000 persons have been arrest- ed, Clark's Thread Mills at Newark, N.J., which have been shut down for some time, have resumed operations on three-quarter time. An Omaha despatch says: Wages will be reduced on the Union Paoifio to the ex- tent of at least 10 per cent. It Is not thought that the men will strike. The plate glass dealers of Canada, With ono exception, have formed a trust, under the name of the Consolidated Plate Clines Company, with a capital of $250,000. Of 50 Japanose who arrived the other day at San Francisco from Victoria, B,C., ton actors were allowed to land, while the remainder, contract laborers,will be sent back. In a row between employees of the Sahuykill Traction Company and the mu- nicipal authorites of Gilberton, Pa., three citizens were killed and half a dozen rail- way men were seriously injured. It is said that the headquarters of the Hudson Bay Company will be transferred from London, England, to Winnipeg, and that the company will spend $150,000 in the erection of new buildings in the latter AND BILIOUSNESS Bar -rakes. ' Contain no -hurtful drugs. A Si wonderful Compound. Nice to take. wa fr Sure death to pain. Jo mire re you get STARK'S. prixnd PREPARED BY R. STARK, M, 0.0. P., CHEMIST a GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, SCOTLAND, lid INTERESTING PERSONALS. r John Thompson has arrived at Otte- om Europe. hn R. Arnoldi has been released from on at Ottawa. abriel Dumont has got tired of Dakota returned to the Canadian side. Major Mayne and wife have left Kingston ngland, where they will reside. r Charles Tupper has arrived in Mont - accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. dron. FOR R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 1 forst 250ENT. a box. Sold by all Druggists : real, Entirely new Conrwound ; Caul This v t onderfu t di5ce ov is the best known pre remedy d Joh Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and thoughpowerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken likepills, Ea your tongue A9 coaded you need therm AT AAI 11D1 to 5TOELES. ..:'renal Shies 00 an English. 'llaclit: Kenn, Aug. 80.—The English yacht In - seat, lying at this port, has been seized by 1 the German authorities, Her seizure is due to the fact that : two Frenchmen who A s Were living on board of her incurred aus- Hull, pieion by their actions and were taken Two into custody' on a change of espionage. A, subur search was evade on hoard the yacht, and "Phe there were found photographs of the do- at Leo fences of Cnahaven and of the North Sea A c canal batteries. It is supposed that, the at Rio yacht was chartered by the prisoners for Brazil the purpose, of seeming knowledge of the German defences :b :.pretendingg y .,, Y that tike � -C were yaebtainen. L was in nig., Mils at Thaniosvt11e, (I amo TeatttsvXLLtc $0.- has lei _.., � ,.. Aug. 30.—Hon, DaVId. .. lslills addressed a big meeting last,night, aver . Blount, who was sunt to Honolulu as U. S. commissioner, has returned to Washington. Mrs. Thomas Barry, widow of the come- dian and stage manager, has married Wil- liana Redmond, the actor. Ex-Ald. E. A. Macdonald, of Toronto, has been released d from gaol, having m e served e dhis sentence of throe mouths. Sir Henry Trueman Wood, British com- missioner to the World's a Fair, ' 16 in Winni- peg on his way to the Rockies. • Dr. Albrecht ,Lentzo, formerly vice-oon- sul at Yokohama, has been appointed Ger- man consul-general_for Canada. The Duke of Edinburgh has resigned his position as Admiral of the British fleet, retaining only the honorary title. - Edward Holmes, the English journalist who undertook to walk from Montreal to Vaneouver, reached thelatter city in 117 days, or 20 days ahead df schedule time. THE WORLD'S EPIDEMICS. ehool boy died of Asiatic cholera at Eng. cases of cholera are reported in a b of Berlin. re have been five deaths from oholera. rdam,. a town in South Holland. ase of cholera has been discovered Janeiro, and 22 eases at San Paulo, allaison, of'Lisbon Portugal,, who jured".in the C. P. R. run orf at the ca crossing some six weeks a o and n at St. Joseph'e hospital in London nce, has settled with the company Re/lege .I .'k 1851 cjUliE1;) IN A DAX—. oath e,aerioa lhentnati* Care for linen - matfett!. and Nearalgi:aradiaally cares inl O. 8 days. Its aetioc Upon the system remise .table and ruvstes ions. Ir-'resnov.>a. at epee the cause and the dies immediat- ely di appears- Tho first dose greatly boteetite, 75 cents.. 'Warranted by 0, Lutz, Druggist. ang, 14. To Exhibitors o, Stock } at the rainalre Both the method and results when! Syrupof Figs is talon; it is pleasant and refreshing -to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on. the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitue./ constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind everpro-, cluced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its. effects, preparedonlg, from the most !lealthyanagreeablesubstances, its fen lle rel puce ntqualitieseommendlt to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not, have it on hand willrocure it promptly for any one bo wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIC SYRIA' CL SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tiotrIsv1LLL, SY: REW 'YOBS. N For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store ABOUT HE.ADACHF,1S, WirAT ONE o1' OUR CITY PROYESBI0NAr, xuasga ADVISES, Worn the London Free Press.} Mrs, W. Land, a professional nurse of high standing, who resides at 716 Dundee Street, has perhaps felt mire sympathy for the pains and sufferings of the many afflict ed who hare come under her. charge during the past twelve years than moat womeinef ter profession, Apart from being a person of education and reenomont and of a pat. wally sympathia nature, Mrs. Land has bad her own experience with illness, having suffered severely frommalarial complaints of long duration and being habitually sub- ject to severe headaches. The advice of a lady in her profeeaien and with her peoul- iar experience is naturally of great value to theme similarly afflicted- Having learnt of .her willingness to have some of her ex- perience and advice published for the benefit of any readers who aro subjeot to headaohoe and troubles of this nature, a reporter waited upon Mrs. Land yester- day. "1 am glad to communicate my wiper- ioncein getting rid of the horrible heed - :chez r sexed to b. peaat..l niw'".," w«i,1 M,s Land, "Eeeljey's Liver Lozenges have cured mo promptly and 1 believe permute. out'''. I have suffered severely from protracted spells of malaria, and this spring an attack was just commencing when I had started to doctor it with the nsual medioino need by physicians which I eerteinly favor, I have never used patent medicines of any kind, and only because of my husband's bringing a box of these Lozenges home when he went for the powders I use, was 1 induced to try them, Their effect seemed magical, as it has also been in other oases I have recommended them for. I would not be without Eseljey'a Liver Lozenges, and I recommend them to all those suffer- ing from habitual headaches," The above statement can be verified by Mr. E. W. Foyle, Druggist, Dundee Street East, to whore Mrs. Land also re hated substantially the above facts, The class of people who use Eseljays Liver Losangea and accept them as a val- uable household remedy, are of the highly intelligent order and reali_e the advance- ment in medical science. The old time powerfnl, poisonous purgatives have got to go before the advancement of popular edu- cation What people require as a system regulator is not a remedy that harries the food uselessly through the digestive avatem. but n prenarnfien +h.* :,nine to digest the food and turn it into blood and muscle, and at the same time favors a healthy, natural action that will effeetnally' remove all biliousness from the system. If your tongue is coated you need Eseljay's Liver Lozenges, There is nothing else just as good. This remedy is no ordinary patent medicine, but is of the nature of a specific prescription for bilious conditions thattarevery prevalent. It is sold at 25e. a box at all drug stores. BRETT TATIeM IN Then listesse. Sirs,—Abont two years ago I took rheumatism in the icneso, whish became so bad that I oonld hardly go up or down stairs:without help. All medicines failed until I was induced to try B. B. B, By the time 1 had taken the second bottler was greatly relieved, and the third bottle com- pletely removed the pain and stiffness. Amos Beeested, Morrisburg, Ont Trooper er I r ]' sates., tiro memberof elle English military tournament who was kicked b y a horse while lying asleep in comp ate Toronto last Monday, died on Sunday from his injury. Deceased repre- sented the Fifth Royal Lancers in the tournament and was orderly to Capt. Bees- on. That tired, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable. -Take two of Carter's Little Liver :Pills ` before retir- ing, and you will findrelief. 'They never, ail( to do good. • 131STony or 15 YEARS, For fifteen years we have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stravfbe fetidly medieioe for summer oomplaiuts and diarrhoea, we never found anything to equal it. We highly recommend it; auntie) Webb, Corbett, Ont. Bobt. H, Collies of Leann, has resigned the second lieutenantehip of No. 5 coin - Miss Maggie Dunlop, Meekery, Ontario, writes ;—" I was a great sufferer' from' biliionanesstand headache and Dr. A• Pink Pills cured me after, alt otherremedse. had failed," All dealers or by mail at 50e- a'box or ti boxes for 52.50. Beware' *if int:. itations Dr, Williams Med. Co, Brock villa Ont. If you would secure first prize you must have your animal in the Au. et condition, his *eat must be, smooth and glossy and he must be In good spirits so as to "show off" iv. ll. 8-418 Dick's Biecellurifioris the host Condition Powders eholesystem sreuletrethte3bo�i sand kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns a rourth coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses good life making them appear to the best possible advantage, ,sez, addre sDtUIC ds CO., P. 0. s, sox 492,gAiontresol CARTER'S 1TTLE PVER PILLS. CURE Biek1feadacheand. relieve all the troubles hid - dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress alter eating Pant in the Side, ire, While their most xemarirable success hos been shown in curing SICK Headache yet CARTER'S Liwas Liven Pitta and preventing this in complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceleee to those butafortunately their goodness does not en d hx're, and those who once try them will and these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without then. But after all sick bead is thebane of so many lives that here l is cure e 15 we make rsr not. boast. Our plies aura it while others do not, and very mast toiiliieve One or two pills make a dose They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action 1,Iesiti,' ail who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.. CASTEI lit• i1a0I114 10„ ticw �I York . magi 911 :i"15 culc1DIIIAlSmall Three Points g NOTE WELL. EXpe et/Cn We have had the J expenience that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, aro the main factors in our business. Promptitude with this ever • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors eanecially, namely putting off until next west whax should have been done this Satisfaction This is a nice • looking word, but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We t#)"ry in w- rd and the way 153 te4amplitied in out shop. We guar- ' anteopeots. satisfaction every time in all res - T u-- yCea rr auL ri butt, ii Boat, vest. or paw of pants, give us a Gall and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS- rAshio:Ablo Stylos p4 8 (rte r - N+ e� E J- qi 1 ons �� rpt el��' 1 TM& BEST YET I THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! l iBest Ordered Clothing trcdsced 8-r Gentlemen l Imes your or o stlere early; for with the beat staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Pine Trintmin e, and s , the heat Cutting q'awn, yon ere.. Knee of satiates- tier.Ate r ++��►�q,, 12s ari Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine 011, Fruit Tree Sprayers. A first -plass article for $1,25. Get our late prices on Binder Twine. OO BLEDIC ' • N Hardware Merchants, EXETER. CCOLIIS OILS ARE THE BST. Use LARDINE Machine Oil CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL Op' THE DOMINION. racoon's CYLINDER OIL win ... wear twice as long as any oilier make. The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are .Manufactured by McCOLL BROS. 82 CO., Toone, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE CUVNTRY. ETERLUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con— stantly in Stook all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGHLAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is aoknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. CENTRAL S A VINO GUILTY Y p.a.E.Lt7ns. i OR A. HASTINGS, f ------NOT GUILTY Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. F ARSON'S BLOCK, The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and be a -witness, you will be well repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and �Y Grain Boots, for Men's andBoys Rei Long Boots we take the bun, {1--} 0✓ {1} GEO. MANSON'S, Mext Door to Post The PeopOfrice- o l's Shoe Store. BOOKS. It We have a full supply of all kinds of School Books. ARE YOU WANTING Our Exercise and Serihblinc, RAr11re TN, ,, . ! 1„__ _ „ are the largest, best paper and finest value in the corumry. School Bags and Book Straps all prices. 1e W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. Do you want to buy from the Rest Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at j. i Gidley's ' Select from the„'largest and best bought stock in the city. Just now we are showing some.lnn,;;jverytnew and VIGOR OF MEN �edroom Suites Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. THETRIUMPtiQFIOYE Weakness, Nervousness Debili and all, the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc.. Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Imme- diate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free, ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, NrY. One -Oak Set is a beauty with bevel plate glace 18x25522, S. GIDLEY. THE 'PIONEER STORE ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. R R.0 E FURATITURED EALER AND ti ortalissoro I 180'Orders promptly attended to. All Accounts must be settled at once SALESMEN WANTED 1177 To represent p ua in he ' sale i of a ohoic e line of RANOT t7 niranr.i x GROWN STOOK. Blx o perianal not nc,sessary. we want real workout and to all Ruoh we ober a permanent situation at :a goodineom® with ehaooe of adranoement. Aa' erenoW bare urer700acres under cultivation, we Dan' give our salesmen many superior savor) 'togas We also desire to secure a good man in Your liletriet tosellthe ROTARY SPRAT $iyatp,. for which no hairs the 0 enessd Agency. This is somethiig new and iridispesseibla to the farmer or fruit ,rowan. Rend. for easels WAti tt.stimotalal eiratitlar. aTnlltlit % W waxi`e if Naia1l°etes,