HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-8-24, Page 8i LLIOT,AOBINTFOU illea1 nee af3STl ntetO lE 001S - or onto; &iso #ar thePloreel1X 1t,, von 0014i' AIIY, o4 ilondox; ALL1A11OT1 1NSU1.ANGE CC tr useend, re* AA Cut this out and bringit with you. This Certificate entitles the bearer to a liberal dis- count nountcou a1 School. Supplies purchased ed all or before the 15th of September, 18934 • Tag MART, Exeter. 3, AN OFFER NOW —AND NOW ONLY. In order to clear out the enter lot of ready made blouses still in stock, the .Big Bankrupt store will for the nexttwo weeks, hand over to you for 55c, the best Print Blouse in the shop. We :have some nice goods still left, many of them being worth Loo—Re- member IT= choke of any Print Lawn or Pongee Blouse for 55c. livery line of dry goods in the Big Store is being cut to close closing -out prices.- One special line of Creme dress goods, regular price 25c.; aur clearing price 'S:lc. only about a dozen dress lengths left, do you want one. Remem- ber the clearing price, only S je. for 25c. goods; seeing is believing, *collie and see, A line of t4c, Flannelette clear- ing out at roc., a big Bargain. S. A. STBWART. Notice to Times' Readers. , The 17udlfshere would esteem it a favor if irritant would,when making their purchases, wagon that they sane the merchant's Over. irement in Tag malas. '1?HITBSFAY, ,A.I,WGITST 24, 1898. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. eeor the 01,1 Country. On the 2nd prox, Messrs. Thos. Cornish, 'Wm. lioakin, Siem Delwin o, Sr., and Mat Iielland, all of Exeter will sail via the Parisian to visit the scenes of their child- hood in Old England. They are being ticketed by Capt. Kemp. "The Book of the Fair” Tbis is the title of a work that has been commenced by a Bancroft Publishing Co., of Chicago. It. dealsfirst of all with the different World's Fairs thathave been held and lends up to the present one. Printed beautifully, elaborately z`Ilustrated, to be issued. in 25 parte, it promises to be a work of arb of unequalled attraction and beauty that should find an/extensive sale, as it guile lifer nation :.bout the W urld's Pair, with views accompanying, that are invaluable, ro'vttt e., p . )e in instead School re oI ns on Monday next of 2nd September, The brick work of Elltot & Elliot's Ism office no been, completed. Rev Butt of Centralia lost a hog wad sett of harness, ors Satui,day night last, some one leaving stolen them., Prairie ohickena are to be seen in A'Iaui- tobaiu large numbers on the roadsides and along, the bordere of wheat fields. A few nights ago some person or persons unknown broke the prate glass window of McArthur & Co. 'a bank at lieueall, Transient traders' license in Brussels has been planed at tg40. The statute allows $50 to ba imported under a bylaw. A yore, heavy hail and rain storm pas- sed over Parkhill on. Thursday last com- pletely (revering the ground with hail. In the West Boron H. S. nEntrance ex- amination, the highestmark in grammar was 96, :taken by May Mallough, Dugan - ran public'sohool, The Mechauica' Institute bas this week added 100 new books tone* library: which le now one of the beat equipped in the County, Subscribe now. The fall/ser committeaa are Hooding the country : with literature, The side &bow part seems to have more prominence than the agricultural part. It is not safe to violate the post , office regulations. A lady of Belgrave was m- eetly fined 310 and coats for sending& let- ter containing money in a nowapaper, n" Mrs. E. M. JoneR oBrookville, with- areas of Dairyingfor Profit, et the boor Man's Cow, bas been appointed one of the judges on butter at the World's Fair. The plank walk in front of the Central hotel bas bean torn ug and replaced e with x the new granolithie walk. 7he same has been put clown ip front of Fish's barber sloop. Mr.Leonard Mo'Tae„art of Exeter north la'atweek purchased from a neighboring t• team a-handsouae matched thedte m o f gen- eral 'purpose borses, for which be paid $250. Mr. Scott of Hamilton has placed a vary handsome advertising mirror 'lathe Central hotel. The mirror is a large German plate,. surrounding which are the advertise. talents of many of the beet business men in town. The S. S.soholara of the Trriyitt Memor- lel church pianiced in Bawderne .grove yesterday and spent a pleasant afternoon. The scholars of Jaynes -at. church, S. S. will picnic to Shapton'e grove to -day (Thurs- day.) The Ontario Government has issued a circular announcing their intention of taking more stringent action to compel the ohservauee of the law, regulating the registration of births, rummers and deaths. At Stratford the Seaforth and St. Marys lacrosse teams played off Thursday afternoon for the championship of the western junior district, Seaforth 'winning by 5goals to 2. Thea match has been wetehed with much interest. Principal Grant, apeaking at Douglas a few days ° ago, said that he believed that he would live to see Manitoba produce 100,000,000 bushels of wheat a year, and that it would not be long before Manitoba alone would be the home of one million of a population- number of farmers were in the city on Moriarty last looking for help, Good wages were offered but farm help fa very scarce. Unless help comes in from the east, as bas been the ease in previous rears it will prove a serious matter. - Brandon Sun. The days are now shortening rapidly. The sun set Friday night some forty nix minutes earlier than it did :on the 21st of June, and roe* Saturday morning fifty two minutes later, so that the day is one hour and thirty eigbt minutes shorter than it was two mouths ago, The following horses from the district have been entered for the stake races in csnneation with the Western Fair ;-- Danmore, J. Lankin, Grant= ;Rumor Junior, Wilson a Bell, Seaforth ; Maud Randolph, Dr. H. Lang, Granton .; Star Wilkes, J. A. Tanner, Blyth. Duck shooting commences on let Sept- ember. The season for grouse, woodcock, hares, eta., opens on the 15th September, and all that glass of shooting goes out, in - eluding ducks, on Dec. 15. Deer shoot- ing comes in on the 20th Octebar and ex- pires on the 15th November.' Postmasters have received the following instructions from Ottawa 1—,The idea is more or leas prevalent in country 'places that a letter may pass at lower rate of postage if lett open,. Postmasters should do what they can to correct this .impres- aion, which is wholly erroneous. `•Y4 The village councilwill meet on Friday .evening next. J, Knight has on exhibition a tomato weighing 1 pound, 5 ounces, Two car loads of wool were -shipped from this station on Wednesday. Judging from the different expressions h decision of the concerning the of opinion ane g Behring Sea arbitrators, another arbitral- ' ion will be necessary to determine which party came out second beat. At Harvest Home Festival in Cen-' traliaon. Tuesday evening,the oongregatiou presented the pastor, Rev Mr. Butt, with a new sett of harness, his old sett having. been stolen. Mr. Chu Smith read the address and Mr Wm,. Elliott presented the ahartur Astronomers say that the peculiar posit. ion of the moon is the (rause .of late hot, dry weather, and that it arises from the twoeo f ae e ' this areonly 1 fact that there year.. This is. very 'interesting, es is also the further intelligence that a similar ex. perienoein ecIipaes-will not again occur ur for 100 years. The re -opening of Bethany church on nMondaywas a s uccess. he Sunday and T services were of a special character and largely attended, the receipts exceeding the expectations of the management. The tea meeting was higblyeueoeasful, and the speech -making beyond the average. Mr D. Bdelnnia acted as chairman. The citizens were startled yesterday ,afternoon to hear the quick sounds of the fire alarm, the station hotel, occupied by an old couple named Carl,' having caught Ire. The fire company responded quickly to the call, but before they'ladgono far received word that the fire was erstinguieh. ed,' The fire; origiaated from a stovepipe pawing through the wall of the kiteben, and had the blaze not boob seerewhenit was, the hotel would soon have been inguina, The, old couple were asleep, andthe fire was noticedb ":aorrne otic' who happened to, the pump foradriuk; Therewaa no damage done be and the burning of a table cloth, :dud breaking -of glees in the windows. Grain threshers are now required to provide themselves , with legal etampde measures. A recent decision of the court. declares that grain threshers are "traders" within the meaning of Weights and Measures Aot, , and so like all other "traders" they can only have in their poa- Ie al measures. session g The new criminal code makes the following provision for roes ; "Everyone is guilty of an offence and liable on sum- mary conv'iation to a penalty of $20 who buys, takes or receives any lottery ticket orother device for advancing lending, giving, selling or otherwise die - posing of any property by Iota, tickets, or any mode of chance whatever." The residence of Mr. A. Loadman, Hay township narrowly escaped destruction by fire the other day. The family were absent from the house, and had it not been for the timely ofd of Messrs. Wnt, Russell., and John Carrick, who:were passing by the house would surely haveburned. The fire originated in tiro kitchen and had made good headway, and it was with.much effort that its progress wasoh cked netesemase Mr. Henry G]auvilie and wife returned from their tripto Calga'y whither they went a. few . wee`;,& eine() -Mr "1', A. Brown, 1' ptinilea' of the Exeter Fu�b tcuchool,and wife returi.,e t to town ou Monday,after spending the vaeatiou at liowmanville and other plaoea.-J1ester art 1 r) Kemp is visiting,his aunt, Mts. Clarke, in Hamil ton. -bliss Remora, of Loudon visited her lady frienda'in town this week.--vMr. W. Clarke of Loudon wheeled into town. Monday, and paid a flying visit to friends here. -Mrs. Nichola, of Boiaaevain, Mau., is the guest of her enter, Mrs. B. Ii. Collins, -Mrs., Robbins and two, daugh- ters of Lenton, are the operas of Mrs. Jno. Farmer.-Parkbin.Gazette; "Messrs. George Forsyth, 1'. Dignan, W. Dignan, D. Creech, J. Snell and F. Bissett, of liweter, were in town. last $uriray and galled on some of the ,charming young ladies of our burg "-Mr. H. Lambrooke has returned front Niagara where he at- tended tbe T. 0, 0. F. oouyention as dela• gate of the Exeter Lodge. 360 delegates were present and the proceedings were of an interesting character. -Pref. Shrieves of Windsor, the man of medicine fame, will hold forth here in a few days,. Re has two Africans with him who inter- sperse the proceeeings with iustxumental music. -Mrs, R Horn of Granton •.galled to see Monde in town last weak, while on bar way' from Bayfield. whereshe had visited Iriende.-Mitchell Recorder ,.Mr, and. Mrs. T. V. Sweet, returned home from a two weeks -visit to Exeter ou Set- tuday lest, acconhpenied by bliss Gill sed Mira Gregory, ,o£t that, town. -Mr. Yr. Luth o r G11I, of Cleveland, spent Sunday in town with his enter. Mrs, T, 0.-Sureet."--Mr, and Miss Garry and Miss. Kinsman of Mitchell are guests at Dr. H. Kins- man's. -Miss Heber of Clinton spout the pact week visiting Ml's. Braund, --Mr. Louie Wolper, who Iles been viei;ing his. parents here for some tune returned to Berlin on ldonday,--Tho London Free Preen 1 "Mies Julia O'Hagan, and Miss Maggio Mawhinney hays returned home after spending their holidays at Grand Bend. with the Misses Mawhinney, of Exeter --Miss Violet Treble, of Exeter, is at:present.isitingirelativea here ).-Con- ductor Parker, of the L. H. & B. is the inventor of a pump for removing Sand from oil wells, and he was over atPetrolia last week to see how it worked. -Stratford Herald : "Bay. W. MoDonaph of Exeter in visiting his daughter..Mra. W. S. Ding- man." -Rev. ing- man. "-Rev. George Jackson preached ,18 the Main at. -church Sunday morning Iaat, Rev J. A. Snell taking Iia work in the James et. ebuuh. Mr. Snell preached she Main et, •church in the eycning ; Mr. McDonagle is absent on a holiday trip,-- Mesars. Alex, Daw of Exeter and James Cottle of Uaborne left ou. Tuesday for Moosomw, Asea,,on the harvest excursion. -Mrs John Blatchford spent Sunday visiting ber mother, Mrs, Lee, of L' uoau. Her duties as organist in the Main•at.. Meth. thatch were performed in a very acceptable manner by Mrs John Pike of Woodstock, who is quite accomplished in the divine art and an adept with the pipe organ. -Mise Rogers left for Toronto on Tuesday to attend the millinery openings. -The bicycle tournament in Seaforth yes- terday was 'attended by a number of Hauer ter 'cyclists. Roy. 3. A, Snell left on Tuesday for Brantford, where he will re mein for a time, -Miter Lou Wilkins, wbo has been visiting Mien Tait, returned to her home in Sarnia an Monday --Miss Mabel Hersey retnrned to London Tuesday, after spending a few weeks at her home. here.- Walter Carr, who has been visiting atMr. S. Gi.dley's, left for Sarnia this week. -Mr S. (lidloyis around again, but instill lame; be sprained his ankle recent., ly while eacending the steps et his resi. dence.-Messrs Paul Madge and Samuel Martin are in Chicago attending the World's Fair. -mfrs. W. Jeckoll hats been visiting friends in Toronto, and returned home Tuesday evening. -Mrs Brenmer of Montreal is the great of Mrs, S. Gidiey.- Miss Amelia Qka • returned home from Lon don on 'Tuesday, after a pleasant visit there, -The Misses' Elliot and Smith re- turned last week from a pleasant sojourn among friends in Brussels, and .on Monday Miss Smith returned to ber home in Lon- don R. S. Lang is prospecting for apples in the county of Middlesex. --Mr J.P.9oss returned on Tuesday from thelake, where he has been rusticating; he says that .he played croquet so continuously that he has had enough to appease bis appetite for the next 12 months. This will be a sur- prise to his colleagnea in the game, as. J.P. would any time rather play a game than indulge in a sleep --The Misses Helen. and Beatty Riohardson,danghters of Rev.Canon Richardson, London, .returned home on Tuesday, after spending several weeks with Rev F. 15. Patt and family at the Bend. -Mr Vesaie Eacrett of Wingbam is the guest of his parents in town. -Miss L. Nelson of London is spending vacation at her home, in town. -Mr and Mrs Green- wood of London East are visiting friends and relatives in town.-Misees' Mary and Beatrice Friend of London are guests of friends and relatives in Exeter. -Miss M. A. Ching returned from a six month's sojourn at Shadeland, Man. -Messrs Dr H. Kinsman and Thos May are having granolithio walks placed around their Barris of ; Mrs Henry re nes -3fr and sde e Y Huron at spent the forepart of the week visiting Mrs James Hill of Crediton. -Mr and Mrs Ed Sanders are yisiting friends in town. IVir 8. was an employe of the Clinton Organ Factory, and had hie tool's burnt with the destruction of the factory by fire last week. -Messrs Bobier, O'Neil, E. J. Spackman and C. li, Sanders are at the World's Fair. -Sir, rohu Carling visited his brother, Mr Isaac Carding last evening. He returns to London this (Thursday) morning. -Mr L. Thorne of Los Angeles, Cal., is expected in townthis week. -Miss Draw, who has been visiting Miss Carrie Drew, town, returned to her home in Florence last week.-Mi:s Mary Miller has returned home after a pleasant visit among friends up north. -Mrs E. A. Follicle is the guest of Mrs Axby of Sea - forth this week. -The London Free Press says : "Mr'Nelson Doupe, whohas been in the employ of R. J Young & Color four yearn, left yesterday for Aylmer, where he has accepted a position with 'his 'uncle, A. A. Doupe, dry goods merchant of that place, Mr Doupe has been an active member in the Kensington Ciiureh Epworth League, and was secretary and librarian in the Sunday school," -Our two tonsorial artists wont frog fishing ou ` Tuesday, and caught a pailful of nice specimens.. They brought theta home, but next morning all were gone, much to their chagrin, the rats having enjoyed a1 feast during the night, -Mr W.Yeo is visiting friends in Mitchell and elsewhere. -Rev McDonagh will re. turn home Friday evening and occupy his pulpit next Sunday. -Thos Handford of Centralia, having sold his house there, pur phased of Mrs Gifford, will move to.town. Me Chas Harrison of Rodgerville and Mr John Strang of Ur/borne; will also move The report of the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows shows that during the year oloaed there have. been 2,467 persona re- ceived into membership in the different lodges throughout Ontario. There were expelled, suspended, died and withdrawn, 1407, leaving an increase for the year end: ing December 21st, 142, of 1,060. At present .there "are 247 lodges and 20,316. members. How often do we hoar people say, "Where in the world do all the flies come from 1" .It is simple enough. The toper maker the bottle fiy, tilt stern father snakes the glad fly, the blacksmith makes the fire fly, the carpenter makes the saw fly, makes the horse fiy, the boarder makes the butter fly, and a num- ber of well dressed dagghtere make the common House fiy. Ildinard's Liniment mires 0o 4a,eta. WESTERN FAIR, Fail Fairs. 3;ox.Tr,02.4-„ SEPT'EMBh,R 14th to 23rd, 1893 CANADA'S FAVORITE EXHIBII (ON Rana L7Suen 1868. TILE OLDEST Ii'1''rRE, RQMI;NION. LIVE. STOCK - EXHIBITS Entries Close September 7th. The best and largest Stabling and Space allotted on receipt et saves, BETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS rales xvxii amen. SPECIAL EXOUBSTONS FROM ALL POINTS. For Prize Lists and information apply to CAPT.A.W,PORTE, T.A.BROWNE, Pres. soc'y, their families to town shortly. -Rev. lettlowoll, formerly of Eseter,will preach in the Methodist churches here ou Sept, 70, -Miss Ada Tom returned home on Tueedey, after a two weeks' sojourn with frtenda in Torontos--Mrs, Thos. Human and family of Brantford are visiting friends In town; Wingham'a rate of taxation for nest year, will be21 anile on the dollar. Out of the 12 patients in the Stratford hospital 4 are down with :typhoid fever. Official cholera reporter in Russia show 1129 new oases and 668 deathe during the past week. In Moscow the daily aver; ages were 90 new castes end 38 deaths/. s . Oiietan expeois to errata $1,700 neat year for its collegiate institute, $3,100 for its pub1l0 achoal, $L500 for streets and sidowalke, and '3820 for eleotrieligbt, The be 19 rail's on rate of taxationwi l I the o dollar, Mr, i'?arding Stevens, of St, Marys, re- oaived a telegram Wednesdee front Mr. J. Sanders, vibrannt, Florida, informing him that lushes been left a fortune by a deceased uapha v, consisting of .au orange grove and other property. A quiet wedding took place at the Lome of the Misses Fairweather, St. Marys, on Thursday afternoon, when Miss Jerrie Fairweather was united in` marriage to Edwin Ile L. Evans, of the firm of F,vantt' & BTan81nillere, Tnorudale, Rev. Mr. Caegreve, LL• B., performed the ceremony, after which the company sat down to a well.prepered: wedding supper. Rev, Ur. Dewdney, preaabing in his own pulpit in Mitchel( the other Sunday, acid; "'Some good ehurolt-going people raised their hands in holy horror against boat rowing on the Lord's day, yet they seem to see uo harm in eater/rig a buggy or ear. nage and driving about the ccuutry visit- ing friend's. For his part be would rather be one of the three to enter a field and playa game of hall or teke a towboat thou to be cue of the three to ride behind, tjeded horse and drive about on the Lord's 41ky." Sale Register. Friday, Sept 1, Farr Stook, Implements, etc., the property of John blichols,Iot 22, con 3, McGillivray. Sale at o'clock. 11. Erzuxll, Ara. Western it London, Sent.14-21. bTorth Perth at Stratford, Sept, 28.29. Blenehardatli:irktou.Oct. 5-6. Outer Heron atountoa, S slit• 26=27. Torento Induatria].Se t.4-18. MIto he at Mitchell, opt, 26-27. Great Northwestern at G oderioh, Sopt, 20.2 2. Bet Huron at 13russels, Oct 20-27, South Huron at Exeter, Sent, 25-20, Hensel' at Bensall, Sept. Hay, et Znriob. Sept, 13 & 14, 5ibbert.'at Staffs; Oot.3 S 4.. Biddulpph at Graulon, Sept. 25 26 South Perth,' atSt,Marya, 008. 3-1. 0. 0. Elousnns rk Co. Gn.lxemeev.-Far years 1 have been troubled with sorofalous sores uponmy face. Drava spent hundreds of dollars trying to effect a :cure without auy result. I am bappy to say onebottiecf.MINABD'S LINIMENT entirely oared me and I can lreartfla reoommendl it to all as the beat medioine in the world. , B0aALD blcIentrs. . Bayfiell, Ont. OWIIMMIONNIIMINI ISM MA AND BON. BIRTHS, Mo00I+L-0n the 14th Irate the wife of Mr J. D. 10Co11, Parkhill, a eon. LOVIE-On the 10th inst., thewife of George Louie Stepphen, a son. ARMSTRONG -010 the 15th inst., the wife of Alvin& Armstrong, Stephen. a daughter. BISSETT.-In Lisburne on the list inst., the wife of Thos. Bissett of a son. ELLIOTT.-IA Exeter on tiro 2•Ird Inst„ the wife of Thos, Elliott of a son. MARRIEP HENDBRSON Y0UN0---At the residence of the bride's/ father:0 olborne, on the 10th lust the Rev. Role. Henderson of Auburn.to Misa Annie Young. daughter of Air. Alex, Young, C}1ESNEY.-1aOBIxsSOri' In Clinton, on the 16th inat., b'Rev. A, Stewart, Mr. ?Samuel Oheeaey of Tuekersmith, to Mies Luoinda. Robinson of Seaforth. 11AMMILb--Si ILA1 P At the residence of the bride's father. et•'Marys. on the lath inat., Air George Iiammlli, of the Oollin¢wood Ool- legiato lnatltute to Boise Annle, daughter of R. Fred $harp. Ee DAWES-OLDFIELD.- At the : Becton", Seaforth,on the 16tH Inst. by 1"ev, J. W. oo1dseld, b h. *1 Beeto pa' to hllsa Lizzie . BIP. i Fullerton, o ( , 11+'u rat, n the15th ' R Y n t a t , h teak., Ernest Roy, youngest son of Mr. Alex. Dor, seed'. 22 years. 7 months and22 days. MoLAl;ltl'1',-In Henault, on the 23rd Inst., Catharine McLaren, aged60 years. Minard'a Liniacent ogres Distemper. •Between Grand Mond and Centralia, a little box. containing a halter and a oauvasaxng plato•book'for Carers Bros.' Nursery. OAR. Ont. The finder will please leave same at this office or, at Grand Bend post afliae, and oblige Boa t on F*U$CL FREE, The undersigned will sloe foe the beat buti- neea Site in Rueter to any reliable person wishing to start a Arae -aloes general atero. For further partioulare apply 1person- ally or by totter to 140Xsur. NIOTxaa.1Rr, Hay P, 0. FOR SALE. Owing to the failure of the Apple- Crop in this section this season, I offer my Ceder MSU Plant for sale, Frame. Presses, Crates, Sorows, Grinder, and every thing complete. ernes x300, Origiaal oost $700. Gleed as new, This is a rare chance. Inspection solicited. llor further Particulars apply to 0. It. d, IIODGiNS, Luean. Aug.11th 1893. Luoan Out. We are clearing all summer 'Dr -Goods. 1 Dress Goods. At 5c., 8c., all wool, 25c. goods for 121c, in fact we are clearing all kinds of Press Goods at amazingly low figures. Prints. 12 c• prints for 9e. • 10c.. prints fox 7c.; a good fast colored print for 5c. We in- tend clearing every yard of Print in the store. BootsShoe & Shoes. Webv have them at 20c. a Fair, 25c. a pair, 30c. a pair &c., &0'., upwards. Now is the time to secure bargains in Boots & Shoes. Fruit ' Jars, Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon best make. They going in'r fast. Buy your 5 Jars from us. R Pickard & Son's Direst Importers. 111111111111'S ISA BUSYSTORE. in spite of the quiet season, our Store the last week has been ac- tive from beginning to'. end. The low Prices in Sum- mer Goods tell the tale. 15 ases New Goods for early ktall trade just arrived. Some Specialties Heavy, All -wool, Double- fold Serge Dress Goods in a ofshades, variety S e worth 40c. for 25c.; 42 -inch :Double Dress Goods Union,, A ,11 121o, single fold, ; All - wool, 3c, 5, g(� wool,10 and 12ic.; heaviest Shirtings, 10c.; Cottonades at 10c, 17c and 26o, Our $11 ordered Stilts are the marvel of all who have seen them. Back Worsted Suits for $13, $15, and the $17 Sunt is a gem. Bach day sees new faces who go away glad. and 'well pleased for their visit. G. G. 1OHN8T N. Opposite Ea'wksliaw's Rotel. Carling Bros.' are paying the highest price for Produce, Eggs, 11 cents Butter, 18 cents. \y orld's Columbian Exposition The Goderioh rfortienitural. So)iety have completedleted arrangementsante tom ke an gib e i t- Ian. trout tbe Countyof Huron,o£plums. pears and apples at the World's Columbian xposition. All exhibits packed and express ed direct to Ohieago from here, Parties will receive full credit for any exhibit they may make. All express or other oheroes for send - Ing from any part of the country horn will be paid at this end. Correspondence regarding numbers of speci- mens, Limo for sending, etc., cheerfully an- swered by the undersigned W.LANE, J. T. DICKSON.IC Secretary. President. Goderich, July 26, 1893. MITCH LIKE A WORFAIR WORLD'S WILY BF. --- CANADA'S GREAT industrial• Fair TORONTO, September 4 to 16,'93 EXCELLING ALL OTHERS, New Stables, New Cattle Sheds And many other Improvements: SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS GREATER:earn BETTER THAN E VER The People's Great Annual Outing., Cheap Excarriona on all Railways. J. J. WITERO:W, . H.J. HILL, President. Mgr., Toronto. MARKET R3iIPOBTS. Aketer, August 24,18 Pali wheatnerbush• 1 ..,., 1, ea Spring wheat perbush......... a 5 le 'bush... .. . 4 BSS or .. ... .,5 oats per'busb.• 30 ' 32 524 20. 85 10 3 58 2 1275 11 10 00 /flour perbbl 4 00 Apples perbag75 Ha torr ton bag 1 00 Woodper oord hard 3 00 Wood per cord soft 2 00 Batter per lb.... 17. Eggs per dosen-. 10 Pork per hundred .•• ......... ' 8 00 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. An Oen AND WELL --TRIED RIlmgDy- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has: boon used ,fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething.with perfectsuceesa. It soothes' a the child ofd h gums; e ,, tenet a gu s,allays' the pain.;, cures the' olio, and )s the best remedy for Diarrhoea, lepleasant to the taste. Sold by drug fats to every part or the world. 25 gents a bottle. Its value is inoaleulablol Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing S,rrup and take no other kind. Minard'sLiniment mires' Diphtheria. Salesmen,kko`se11 our eholee and hardy nur- r.sto a so stook, Many special ,,.varieties.. to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us.: Wo pay commission: or 'tlalary, geese exclusive territory and pay weekly. ,Write us at once and scour° choice of territ- ory. MAY SROTIIER9 Nurse meu Rochester, N+ Y. AGNEW L. D. S.IDENTIST.. • CL11 TON... Will be at G7re'b's hotel Zuriolt onthe second Thursday of each month and at Roden's hotel Iiensali every Monday.