The Exeter Times, 1893-8-24, Page 5Cli Torci -13fac7oanan A Boston Boy's Eyesight Saved --Perhaps His Life 13y Rood's Sarsaparilla—Blood Poi- soned by Canker, Me=ac1 the following from a grateful mother; "My little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4. years old, and it left him very weak and with blood poisoned with coulter. Tics eyes became so inflamed that his sufferings were intense, and for seven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Far Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to de him the faintest shadow of good. I commenced giving hire Ifod's Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him. T have never doubted that it dared hid sight, even if not his very fife, You may use this tes- readyr t0 sound the praise ofou Qese 1 dui always Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the wonderfurt good It did my son." .riaztz X. 13r,Acunraar, ,2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Get BOOB'S, 'HOOD'S PULL$ aro hand made, and are pew I rediacomposition, proportion und.uppaaranoo. )11 e______-_-_-_,--_—_____T3ntteQ praporty islanao 0 Want a Bicycle? oa when t ARBITRATORS' AWARD, Behrizlg Sera Dislilzte`Settled axx Canada'te favor. . The detection of the Behring ;Sea. tribunal of arbitration etParis, Primo, Nes harrded down Tuesday morning. itThe.five points of article six arp d6eidad against the United Staten. The close season is established, to be gin May 1 and to continue until July - 31. , This close season. will be observed bot1x in the North Paoifio Ocean and in Behring Sea. A.prbtaoted zone is established extend in for 00 miles around the Islands. Pelagic sealing is allowed . outside the zone in 13ehriug Sea from Aug. 1. The I use of Ore arras in sealing is prohibited. f I preseed their satisfa c iorn t with the test la the decision- --- ' The ecision- IThe following were the live points submitted to the arbitrators which aa - cording to the above cable have bean decided adyereely to the United States I. What exclusive jurisdiction in the sea now known as the Bohring's Sea, and what exclusive rights in the seal fisheries therein, did Russia assert and exercise prior/end up to the time of the cession of Alaska to the United States? 2. Row far were these claims of ,jurisdiction as to the seal fiaheris recog- nized and conceded by Great Britain ? 3. Was the water now as the Behring Se ,ofinoluded ilklaown the phrase aOcean" as t in the Treatyof 182i3 between GreatBritain and Russia ; and what rights, if any, in the Behring; Sea were held and ex, elusively exez'aisea by Rubsia after said Treaty ? 4. Did not all the rights of Russia as to jurisdiction and as to the seal fisheries in Behring Sea east of the water boundary, in the Treaty between the United States and Russia of the 30th ?arch, 16367, pass unimpaired to the States under that Treaty? a B A TF RD BICYCLES r f: et. Has the United States any right, rad, if so, what right, of protection or in the fur seals frequenting the f the United States in Behring such gonia aro found outside he ordinary threw mile limit? a bitretiohe npronts dedf athatq estionaothe f of concerning chime tor damages may pronounced on by the tribunal, and e liability of either Government; on e facts found shall be the subject of rther negotiations, HAVE A ° STANDARD VALUE th th fu ?Hey AI E MALT TO SELL AT THE4PRIQEB OFFERED 'M1aNuracTuRico or Tie Daae Bicycle Cum. Brantford, Ont. DEPOT; 11a VONOC ST. TORO1kT0 PETC1jfi.IN 8 &s MATIN. Pet aon's I31ook, criintio$ c A goring son of Mrs, David Cuillton, of Stratford, WAS on edneedayandum t n otitithr by fznu hkX winjunriea thst ho died about one and a half care afterwards, The eolemertan alba is theieaaaon thio Boleti ofze flood's,Sara saparilla are continually inereeeing. Try it. I On Thursday night of fast week, S. Kirk- land, treasurer of the township of Onlross, died Yery suddenly of an affection of the heart, iir-._ Mr, Alex, Orr has`fredsd the Park Dane Property in Wingham to Mr. W ze, Hone far the Alliiun in Gerrie, mill will z uwuvu there in about two woke. TESTING firs flounsTr, roar druggist to honest 1f when you ask him ,fora bottle of Scott's Emnlaion bo gives you ju.t what you ask for. Ile knows it is the best fern, in which to take Cod Liver Oil. A 15-saonths' child of Andrew Hirntnon, a Grand Trunk trackman, at Hamilton, was playing on the Sharmau avenue oroaalng when an express came along. Mrs. Hires. mon, who wee near by, did not see the child's danger until to late. She sprang to save it, and both were struok and /tilled. ceases and in D . l are provides illlliams' Pink (or all Pills, women have a remedy for all these/Ile peculiar to their sex, 13uppressione, bearing -down pains, ueryoua headaches, eta„ speedily yield to their treatment and restore the sufferer to perfect health. Try them, ,sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of price, (50o. a box or nix boxes for 02.60e by addressing ,1)r. Williams' hied. Co, Brookville, Ont.•.J1110 .- .'+tet+ c tea b Not only a relief but a owe for all kinds of 411041FU c‘9%HEAD PANS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless, Contain no hurtful drugs. A Ile wonderful Compo0nct rico to take. Sure.deatll to pain. Be sure you get STARK'S. PREPARED Sy R. STARK, hi. 0. C. P,, CHEMIST A S0O TITrITS VOR elm SEABTrmrto. A sort of siok.at the-stomach•feeling has ern experienoied by many of our citizens during the past week in town, the reauit the dowers save of the recant rapid ohangee of temperature from excessive heat to very cold weather. A very good thing to over- come this'szok at the stomach or billions sting is to be found in Mexrioray'a llidney FROM GLASGOW UINIVrR$jTY, SCOTLAND, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO, 25 GENT 4box.SoldbyalarrnggistaeEntirols•newCo1Irnound nd Lrvar Cure --a few doses at a time being sufficient to rdgelate the disturbed condition of the liver. Farm values seem to be going higher in iddlosex, Wednesday auctioneer Paisley, spored o1 the 100 acre farm belong- s to the estate of the late. Angus Grantr $4,900, The farm is in Lobo township, ut three miles from Komoka. It was Id to iklr. Grant, for 03,500, and the high- , offer ever made before for the property s $4,000. The farm implements and se furrl+hingsalso sold wr1I. Louis W. frank, who played the flim game on Mr, Alatadt in Stratford not since, has been sentenced to rix nths in Central prison, Ho is thought be the notorious flim Hammer known in °healer, N. Y, and eastern °ities as entlerean Fronk." ELl E14 Iv SIX IIoTRs.—Distressing Kid and bladder diseases relieved in six re by to "Great South American Kid - Cure." This new remedy is a great prise and delight to physicians on po- et of its exceeding promptness in re - ug pain in the bladder; kidneys,baok every part of the ordinary passageseand female. It relieves. retention of r and pain. In paseingit Clmost immed- y. 11 you want quick relief and cure is your remedy, Sold by C. LU'PrTilthat in th farm West high. fioent cattle throu tends feed. power AD ime IVA di oa osam Qng TOO to Ro 'TG R nay hou ney sur coo lievi and mal wate iatel this This wonderful discovery isthe best known remedy for aLiver Tt oubles, such s iousness and Constipation, tHeadl he tomach aDyspepsia, Indigestion, Impute 0lootl, etc. These Lozenges are1 Yc"t easant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action ofthe bcwels,donot weaken like pills. " $ i IIT your ;tongue 2s coated youneed then, AT ALL »itSIG STORES.': Tyit'oid'ife in. St. Louis.: S. Lows, .Aug. 15.—Typhoid fever has assumed almost epidemic form in St. Louie. The hospitals aro crowded with patients and physicians in private practice repex+t new cases daily, and the published list of burial permits, shows many deaths from typhoid. Sanitary officials say the city is unusually clean and can give no explana- tion of the. disorder. A .11%11110n and a flair. Nisw Ironic,' Aug, 15.—Tine steamer. La Normandie which, arrived' yesterday, brought $1,:579,000 gold. Three hundred. tion, thoneand.Ilavepiers gold is due here tti•dayl;tbe fac year • f aosup to X00 pounds, e Woodet000k Sentiucllievlew says the raising of possibly the largest barn e oonuty took plaee recently on the of Thomas Blair, lot 9, oonoeesion 2� Zorra. I1 ie 72x122 feet, and 48 feet Under the barn there aro magni' stables, accommodating hundreds of The water supply ie eitoellent Rhea the building 1ttr. Blalr in' putting in an apparatus for steaming A grain muckier will be run b7 steam ownie-farmer says that whereas this aet year bis daily average delivery to tory was 240 pounds of milk trona the samenumber•of cow m •',th 1, °t[&rt.1At C,iJilE"1 IN A DAY .- S ntht A a, r • i ktl.eUt»azio Oew for Iiol,u- r,.Iat„! +r :.,cl Neuralgia radieall y (tures int pi dv Ito action 0110rz the system. 18 rt rxr, 1161 ie u0d zuy atarion s. 11 removes at once t.tle i`a,uru and the 111500501020205i51 t,le eieeeeettre. The firat dose greatly ber,tf 75 cents. Werxanted by 0, Lutz, lzrn girt. aug. 1 ,. 0 L444 h ai .I of OlVnt IVAT.O'r Botta the method and results whelna Sand refreshiof ng ttaken; the taste, it is aleasan nd acts gently yet promptly on theXidneyg iver and Bowels, cleanses the syr - tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers aixdcures habitual constipation. Sirup of Figs is. the only remedy of its kind ever prom duced, pleasing to the taste and. ac• ceptable to the stomach, Frompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy substances, its manyexcelleatgvRli.ties commend it to all and halm made at iho ,more copular remedy known, fieyrup of Figs . is for sale in, 750 bottles by all leading druggists. +1 Any reliable druggist who ,nay not Tavel it on baud will procure it promptly for any' one wb,o wishes aro try it, lifanufactutred, only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN 1''EA W!SC0, OAL. 40Ui99'YILT, , Z« MEM5l'08$ 1' s k'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store A. Mother's Experxenc e. wait. »Annnyzn's dY$r.reTloN AND NOW 810: CASIZ TIISMTGIT 1y, Brom the LLondon .d drerase r, S li n1 ea da ha at ye th 0 en U be au tre ha we 00n for nor and pat Th pal par dltl lozo men frio are atilt gee, esi of 11, kno Th have LiveMr. Henry S. Saunders, the Dundas troet druggist, stator that a euatoreer of is, Heine in the vicinity of victoria Park, melees the following lnteresting experi, ce in connection with bei d -year-old righter. The child almost from her birth e suffered severely from chronic conatip- ion. Before she had ragweed :her third or the aymptorns became so obstinate at nature did not relieve her digestive or more than twice weekly. The par. to Bought medical advice without avail. oder the doctor's mare the symptoms only tame more alermlog; the poor little fferor was compelled to stand ail the die - /ming results of thio painfully oonetipated bit, while these meet important organs re no doubt teudiug towerd au atrophied Mien from the Lack of healthfully pet. ming their functions. The child's father learnt of the harmless, and power of Eeeljay's Liver Lozenge; though generally opposed to the num of eat medicines took a box of these home. little girl eliewed a teadeese .foe thio atable remedy, and quite contrary to her elite expootetious, her constipated mon on yielded readily to these wonderful. ngee, and, now, after only a shorttreat- ncishe is as a 11 as hor could with Ber digend stive organs working harmoniously and normally. After learning what I have of the re- g of the title of Eseljay's Liver Dozen - Nero Mr, Saunders, 'tI have no Wien in recommending them as one e nioont forms of laxative medicines wn," ere are many oitizons of London who warm words of praise for Eseljay'a r Losenpeo. 1311rttilrArlsSr IN TIM KNEES. —AboutSirs o took rheumatermin the knees whiohgbeeame so had that I conk% hardly go up or down stairs without help. All medicines failed the ztime 3 bad taken the eeeo d ottllll was induced to try B. B. eI wasys greatly relieved, and the third bottle com- pletely removed the pain and stiffnosa, Amos Beokated, Morrisburg, On t By the will of the late Alm. F. S. Hili, of St. Marys, the soma $600 is bequeathed to St, James' Church (Anglican) in that town, $200 to to Widows' and Orphans' Diococa. Thera ,9,1 n !Argo number sandlot bequests to relatives and friends- Mrs. HilI's father was a clergyman of the Irish Church. Her husband was for years. Mrs. 1111l was widely known and universally re- spected. The ether day, while Mr. Win. Wood eon cf Mr, Wm, Wood, Ss. Marys, his working with a threshiug machine, was right hand was caught in the oylinder and so badly lacerated that it was necessary to amputate the first two and the fourth fingers of the hand. TIM' DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WBONG, • Brampton, Aug. 21. A good many people in these days are evidently ignorant of what ails them. They nee remedies for dropsy, rheumatism, sciatica or some such disease, and after a time find out that dis- ordered kidneys caused all this trouble. Here are some instances. Jamea Oriep, a telegraph operator of this place, suffered from dyspepsia for a long time and oonld not find a remedy- that would relieve hire until he found Dodd's Kidney Pills. They oured him, as the primary canoe of his dyspepsia tay.undoubtedly, in his kidneys,. A well-known lady wrote to the Toronto Papers a short time ago stating that she bad been cured .of a womb .dirorder by means of Dodd's kidney Pills. She did not think, until she was oared, that dis- ordered kidneys were the seat of the trouble. Valentine Fisher, of Coliingwood last,year, was eared of sciatica for thirteen years' standing, by the same remedy; He too, found out ad the late day that his kidneys had all along been the enure of hie sufferings. These are only some of many like experience that are daily met with, gISTony or 15Ylnane. For fifteen year; we have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and fatally medicine for summer complaints and diarrhoea, we uever found anything to equal it. We highly recommend it, Samuel Webb, CGold to the amount of 5132,000t' from the Bank of England, London, was with• dYaw Saturday for shipment to the United Stator..: One 'hundred ; thousand pounds s46 also withdraWn'for' shipment to Cana- da. tock at the 1# FALL FAIRS. If you would firstLave Your animal in. thetre lind t orndit on,Youarb s ova* must be smooth and gi,r;sy and ho roust be in geed spirits so as to "k w ori" w,11. Dick's Blood Purifier is the best Condition Powders known for hort-cs and cattle. It tones lap the whale syetem, regn',ttes to bowels and kidnere, strengthens the digestion, turns a roulrh coat into a smooth aid glossy one. It gives horses good life uniting them appear to the best possible advantage. r 11Cu. grocer, siele1&Ok0. SOX 97,� onr0 GAWKS 1TTL�E IVER PILLS. ' Sick Headache and relieve allafar roubles Enet- Dizzinesasbilious Nausea. a. Drows nessyDlsttrreeas after i eating Pain in the Side, &e. While their most ' remarkable success has been shown In curing SIC Readaebe, yet Q+-. rz 's LIi'r to Palm, are equally valuable in Constfpation, cutting and preventinla tbisannoyingeompraint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels; Even if they only cured Ache the would be who suffer from this distress distressing to thee* here nand those whoroncedtry them will rind they little pills willing to in do witlhout them. But after all sick bead CHE is the bane of so rawly lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER. PILLS are verystuall and very easy to take. One or two pins make a. dose. They ere strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action. please all who use them. In vials at 2.5 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by met. gh CASTES ItEDIOINH CO., New 74. !Mg hall Dom Small Three Points1 NOTE WELL. Experience We have had the tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our PPOI7110titude With this ever • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of tho many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailom esnecially, namely putting off until next; weex what should have been done this. Satisfaction This is nioe looking word, but to carry out its moaning is difficult to some. We al-r,y w ad and tin way abLeinpzitted in oui shop,. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res - If yon went a snit, ecat, vest or paie of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS- Screen Doors, Scree, Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Feces Wire, Machine 011,_ Fruit Tree Sprayers. A first-class article for $L25. Get our late prices on Binder COBBLEDICK Hardware Mex'ohants, EXETER. re MoCOLUS OILS ARE THE BEST. Use LARDINE Machine Oil CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION. 1\11000PS CYLINDER OIL . . wear twice as long as any other make. . . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are JManufactured by McCOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto FOR SALE 8r ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. e ETER LUMBER YARD The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general th t be keeps con- standy Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL/ (DRESSED AND immtssED) PINE and HEMLOCR LUMBER, B. 0. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH-LA.ND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. O. Bea Cedar Shinghte which is acknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shinglee. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to fortyyears in any climate, OR NOT GUIL TY A. HASTINGS The people say we are guilty of iell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come Agent for the Brantford Steam and be a witness, you will be well Laundry. repaid for your time. "Fire down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Long Boots we take the bun. PAXSON'S LOCX,I Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and 11 BOOKS. {:c1 {,x,) The People's Shoe Store. Mext Door to Post Office. ilf If We have a full supply of all kinds of School Books. ARE YOU WANTING Our Exercise and Scribbling Pee, ke, aro the Iargetst, best paper and finest value in the country, School Bags and Book Straps all Browning's hiShiNlablO Si* ! BOOKSTORE. TH1 BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST Y.HT THE BIGGEST YETI Bust Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter with the beet staff of Tsiiiors ; the best Mock of Pine Trimmings, and the best Cutting inVown, y,m. are sure of satiefee- Furniture Do you want to buy from the nese Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at Select from the 'largest and best bought stock in the city. Just now we arc showing' something very, new and LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, General and Nervous Debility, • OneOak set is a beauty with bevel plate gpmn THE PIONEER STORE ODDPELLO 177' BLOCK FURNITURED BALER EOe'Ordere prompely attended to. 1 All AocounteNustal be settled ae once Ewers or Excesses in 014 or Young. Robust, Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of I Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- I Men testify frora 50 States and. Foreign Coun- tries. Write them. Descriptive B'oolt, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. 1 SALES NIEN WANTED mood ineome with obenee of advancement. Ail wo now nave over 700 acres under cuitivittlyett your diet rioe t to se 11 ollfi.:;14TeaSgeoVv122,1t1: ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, /LT.