HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-8-17, Page 8, eseett etteStneneeeeenew--- telerweSeeMee0wereemilanwswit INSIIRSINCE FOB THE WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also or Use PHIENIx min INSURANCE COMPANY, at teondott; England. ALLIANCE INSURANCE COM- PANY orEngland, ial7ammemoarng•Milawas..*01MMO eseaa-n, N- Cut this out and bring it with you. This Certificate entitles the bearer to a liberal dis- count an all School Supplies purchased on or before the 15th of September, 1893, THP, MART, 'Exeter, J, GRIGG. AN OFFER NOW -AND- NOW ONLY. In order to clear out the entIr let of ready made blouses still in stock, the Big Bankrupt store will for the next Iwo weeks, hand over to you for 550. the best Print Blouse in the shop, We have some nice goods still left, many of then being worth $X.00 -Re- member your choice of any Print Lawn or Pongee Blouse for 550. Every line of dry goods in the Big Store is being cut to close closing -out prices.- One special line of Creme dress goods, regular price 2:5c.; our clearing price 81.c, only about a dozen dress lengths left, do you want one. Remem- ber the clearing price, only Ne. for 23e. goods; seeing is believing, come and see. A line of 140. Flannelette clear- ing out at roc., a log Bargain. J. A. STEWABT. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if waders would,when maeing their purchases, written that they saw the merch snt's adz:a- ;sentent in TUE IIMES. 311g exan tto. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1993. LOOM. HAPPENAM8. Wheat Standards. At a recent meeting of the Millers' .As - sedation at Toronto, the following wheat standards were adopted; 62 lb., 2 cents aver. 58 lb., 1 cent less. 61 lb., I cent over, 57 lb., 3 cents less. CO lb., stendard. 56 ib.. 5 cents lose, 59 lb., standard • 53 lb., 8 cents less. Membere of the association were further urged to buy only by the above standard. The Weekly Shoot. The Weekly Shoot of the Exeter Gun Club took place on Thursday last. The contest for gold medal took place between the following persons at 10 birds each: Jas Creech S D. Johns 5 A. Bissett 6 Jas. Bissett 8 N. D. Hurdon 5 Jno. Wood 9 ite ):1.411111.101 2, J. Wood winning. The silver cup was shot for by F. W. Collins and E. Bissett, at 10 birds es,oh, Collins 5, Bissett 7, The silver medal at 12 birds each from un- known traps was contested for by G. An- derson and W. Johns, the former breakiug 2, the latter 7. Dairy Exhibite foe Chicago. The plans for sending forward cheese for the exhibition in October at the World's Fair are as follows ; 1. Any factory may send two ef its finest cheese, addressed to the dairy com- migaioner at Ingersoll, Ont., or edontreal , Que. 2. The Dominion Government will pay freight charges from the factories to thee points, and from these points to Chicago and return, as well as the cost of oaring for the cheese during the exhibition and until they are disposed of afterwards. 3. The Goyernment will make pay - //tenth on account to the several exhibitors e of dairy products to nearly the full market melee. 4. The cheese from every factorenwhich will merit the highest number of points when judged in October, no matter in what month they are made, are wanted; probede ly those from the make of the last half ot • August or the first ten days in September will be the best. 5. They must reach Ingersoll or Mont- real not later than Sept. 26. 5. Similar arrangements have been• salade for the exhibit of butter, but only one package from any creamery or dairy is needed, 7. A. bulletin of detailed information, address labels and entry forma may be ob- tained tree on application to the dairy commissioner Ottawa. The following persons left Exeter sta- tion on Tuesday on the Northwest Excur- sion Robt Sanders, Thos Willis'jr., Geo Monteith, Robt Monteith, for Deloreene Rohl. Ellerington, for Carberry; Geo. B. Glanville and Louis •Reville, to Calgary. Itlinard's Liniment cures Distemper. Itrevities. Mr Wm, Bawdenhas sold 1)5 acres ef the farm recently purchased in Clinton. Rural schools open Monday next. In towns and villages tsvo weeks following. London, the less. is experiencing a water famine, and the streets of the city aro not being watered. 'Canada trends 234 horses to the World's Fair.. The race for honors will be keep as oyer 1,000 horses in all are entered. The Excursion to Sarnia on Saturday last was largely attended from along the line, as was also the one to Griroshy Camp. Grasshoppers are now reported to be attacking thistles,such is the dearth of the green stuff on which they generally feed, Hope they take a liking to their newly - found food. Last week an advertisement appeared in THE Tines concerning en estray calf in the pound. The owner saw the advt., and recovered his property at once. People read advertisements. The one year old daughter of Mr. John Js.yries, of Loudon, died Wednesday even- ing last about 12 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes had been camping at Grand Bead and had just returned home that even- ing. A New York paper calls attention to a foot not very generally knowe, tied nut- mege are a deadly poison, and says Oases are not infrequent where children and even grove persona, have been poisoned by their too free use. Oweers of cows inside the corporation will beer in mind that on and after the 15th of this month all cows are liable to be impounded if not confined from 8 o'clock in the evening to 0 next morning, according to by-law. It is now proposed to keep the World's Fair open until the end of December, in- stead of closing it the &et of October, as originally intended, Aud there is a bare possibility that it may also be kept open a greater part of 1894. A granilithie walk is being placed in front of the Commercial hotel on main at. This walk improves the appearance of the hotel very much, and we are pleased to learn that other business men are consider ing the adoption of the same. lJsoally grasshoppers do not give Wes- tern Ontario farmers muttla bother, but they are multiplying in numbers and in destructiveness to an extent far from rata- suring at the present time. This year they aro a perfect nuisance. Mention was mode last week of the death ot Mr Gillson of Loudon, with wheth was coupled the report that the deceaecd was father of Mrs. John Essery of Uaborue. Instead, the dethased was a dietaut relative of Mr, John Essery, Messrs Richard Pickard & Son are rush- ing -Ohne along in connection with their new building. Excavators are i at work and soon the masons will commence work on the foundation, The building will be 30 x 125 feet, fitted throughout iu the most modern style. Mr. T. Bissett was in the eity on Tues. day last. In company with Mr. J. Kidd of this city, he has taken the contract for the erection of a three etorey school house at Oak Lithe. Bath are excellent workmen and the dietriet may expect a fleet -class job.---13randon Sun. The Methodist financial distriut meet- ings in this neighborhood will be held as followa Wingham district. 1301greve. Tuesday, Aug. 22, at 1.30 p. m. ; Si. Marys district, Granton, Wednesday Aug. 16, 10 a. m. : Easter diatriot, Centrelea, Tueeds,y, Sept, 5, 10 a. m. The Creamery Co. have at last scoured a sufficient supply of water, by sinking a well a few yards frets' the original ono, s very reasonable depth a aplendid spring was struck, and with the aid of tho old well, it is thought a sufficient supply for all purposes will he obtaivable. A new Canadian postage stamp of the value of 8 cents is now being put into cir- culation. The stamp will be :available for the prepayment either of registration fee and postage combined, or of postage only. The 5 cent registration stamp will be with drawn when the present supply is exhaust- ed. Saturday the Brumfield burglars were sentenced. Chas. Prince, alias Grattan, the eldest burglar, was sentenced to seven years in the Kingston Penitentiary, while the junior ;burglar, Joseph Green, was sentenced to the Central Prison for a term of one year and 11 months. Prince has served some five or six terms there and Green has served three.1 We referred last week to Mr. Wm. Bawden having purchased landed property in Clinton, and the New Era of that town, nomng the same purenase, says ; "'The price paid wan $12,000, which is a reason- able one. There are no buildings on the piece, and ibis said that Mr. Bawden will at once proceed with the erection of a house." Mr. Huff, temperance lecturer gave two lectures in town this week. On Mon- dey evening he held forth in the Main at. church, and on Tuesday in the James 81 ohnroh. His daughters also (rave inter- esting and entertaining recitations. The meetings were largely, attended and Mr. Huff proved himself a specialist along the line of temperance. We make mention of this fact to exerts: plify the punctuality of some people. Mr. Geo. Hodgins of town has been a subscriber for THE Times for 20 years, and during all this time, we see by our books, Mrs. Hodgins has paid in advance for the paper on the same date each year, Aug. 16th, the date on which the first issue was printed in 1873. The Municipal World the best author- ity on municipal matters published in Can- ada, sage that "Municipal councils are not liable for building approaches to priy- ate property over ditches which are necessary to dram the highway. A man Is no more entitled to a box culvert if his property fronts on a highway with ordinary ditches than a man who has a spring creek along the highway in front of his farm is entitled to a bridge.' - At a recent shoot some of the members of the Exeter Gun Club, disputed as to the dividing ot the sweepstakes. A and 13 tied for first,e0 making next best score. There were two prizes. The question is how should they be divided? Should A and B take find and second or do they only divide first ? To this, two ailment have been givemby authorities on such matters. One anawer is that the first prize ghouls], be shot off under rule No. 25 (tie shoot- ing) and goes( to winner of tie. The second prize should go to 0 without further enoon. ing. Another anawer is that A and 13 should have shot off the tie and then have taken flret and second money. Miteardei Liniment is the bee, • ennetteseeet Persionalls Wingham Advange,--Mies Roxy Eacrett of Exe.er, is tbe guest of her Rent, Mrs. W. Moore af this piece, E. Mae nire is visiting at Mr. RAC Taylor's, Taelor's Grove, Hey township.- Many of the campers have returned from Grand Tiend,-Rev. elcDonagh ad wife are visiting friends in. Toronto and elsewhere, -Mem Laura Braund of Wroxeter is the geed of Mrs. Braund.-Mrs. , Wm. Cud - more of Kippen who ha; been visiting friends here for the past few clays returued home on Monday Rev, Dr, Fletcher of Hamilton, Mrs. Fleteher and two children are visiting at Thames Road Manse. The doctor will preach a Sunday or two for his brother .Rev. C. Fletchern-Word lies been received that Mr D. Mill, who went to. London for the benefit of his health, is very much improved, and is on a fair way to reoevery. -Mr and Mrs Geo Weekes of Chicago visited friends in town this week. -Parkhill Gazette : "Mrs IL Bee of Park hill and Miss Mary Gidley of Exeter are visiting in Detroit till's week, -Miss Etta Hayes of Bay City, formerly of Exeter, spent a few days with the Misses Lovett this week. -Mr J. B. Shortt spent Sunday last in Exeter. He was accompanied by his sieter, Mrs Webber, on his return." - Mr Geo. Bawden receives $40 from the Parkhill council for overseeing the erection of the town hall there. -Judge Doyle held Diviniou Court here on Monday. The docket was a email one -Mr C. Prouty, n ho has been ill for tome time, is improv- ing rapidly. -We were pleased to see Thos. TrIvitt, Esq., at his old post au Div- ision Court on Mond Mr l'rivitt has been very ill of late. -Mt John Carrells)), has returned to town after a few week's sojourn in Muskoka,--Mits Nellie David- son is visiting friends in Woodstock, Princeton and Grimsby Park. -Mr. W. Trick aud wifeare guests at Mr, Rich, Manitingee-Miss Annie Horton and Mr. John D. -Atkinson were the guoste of Miss Maria McCurdy, Farquhar, on Sunday teat. --Dr. Lutz and Air. Re S. Lang have returned home from the World's Fair. - Messrs A. Q Bobier, B S O'Neil, and E 11 Spackman visit the World's Fair this week. -Dr Burrett of Mitchell and Mre R ET Verity of :Brantford, drove over from Mitchell on Tuesday and apent a few hours visiting friends in town -Mrs Perko, of Woodstock is the guest of Mre John White. -Rey. 5.4. Stell preached in the Main St, ohurab en Snudisy lase-Revds, Jackson and MoDenagh, will exahange Sulpita next Sundry anorning.-Mr W penior and wineof Toronto are guests of Mr Joeeph Senlor'a,-Mr Edwin Speck: man of Ridgetown is viaiting friends in town -Mies Lattisa Hogg, who has been with Mre J P Clarke, as se ryant, for the past 12 years has gone to k eep house for Mr Same Genuine of Whale. -Miss Ida Clarke of Colionrg is the guest of her nude Mr5 P Olathe. the result of the Te ambers' Exentin- atious will be found on 5th page of this 18505. The S. S. teathers and Bible ;ilea of the Trivia Memorial church peonieed at the lake yesterday. Fall wheat gtherally, baste from 59 lbs. to 62 lbs per bushel, and is worth from 580. to 60e. per buehel, The Creamery Co, this week paid the patrons 16 cents per lb for June and July make of butter. This is a good price, and the farrnera we learn, are highly plealied. The Ladies' Aid of Centralia Methodist church will hold a Haryest Home Festival on Tuesday eyening next on the parsonage genteele• A bpit,ud.d GUI, WO ti Llt UV/ ttie See posters. The Bethany Methodist church, Thames road, will be re -opened on Sunday next by special services. A tea will be eeryed en Monday evening, in connection with which will be a platform meeting, A letter came to Exeter post office yes- terday to a certain person, addressed ; Exeter, Uron Co., Trento, Canute. N. D. It came from New York city. Tho writer's education is deficient in all re- spects, While hauling aload of flax up MAM- A. onTuesday, it up Bet, ad Mesere. Baskerville and Herbert, who were on top narrowly escaped injury. It was several hours before they could continue their journey. The eldest son of Mr. Henry Miller of .the 2nd con. McGillivray, met with a severe accident on .Monday. He was on a load of grain, when the horses running away threw him off, dial eating his arrn and fracturing it above the elbow. Mrs. Harvey W. Hutton (nee Miss Mary A. Verity formerly of Exeter) died at her home in Winnipeg on Thursday last, a,t the age of 40 years. The cause of her death has not yet been learned here. Her retains were interred in Winnipeg. James Turner of Brucetteld sold 40 head of cattle last week, which weighed in all 55,655 lbs. Rev. Mr. Walker of the Kippeu circuit has had his salary fixed at $675 for this year. He got 5700 at Varna. The Board of Publio School Trusteee, Clinton have rengaged Misa tetcEwen, of Hensel', as astestant, during the 2 months model term, at a salary of 565. At a meeting of the Official Board of Kincardine Methodist church, on Monday evening, the salary of Rev. James Living- stone was fixed at 51100 for the current year. The second annual gathering of the Sons of Scotland, of Bruce and Huron, will be held at lLuoknow, under the auspices of Albyn Camp on Wednesday, September 6112. For Public School purposes, e3,800 is re- quired ior 1898 ; and for the Collegiate Institute, $2,250, making a total of 56,050 to come out this year'a taxes for educational purposes in St. Marys. Mrs. Oakes, ar., of the Maitland, Godes.- lett Township, has in constant use a small pine table that has beep in her posseaeion for over fifty years, ritY6t wliioh belonged to relatives before her for over two hundred and fifty years. At a meeting of the Tuckeramith council last week the contract of ()leaning the big di eh was awarded to Robe Ballard and Edwin MoTaggart, for 5200 to be complet- ed not later than Nov. lat. The contract for building Houstan's bridge was given to Geo. Strong, at a cot of 545.50. It is espeoted that this bridge will be ready for travel in a few days. Wm. Corrie, employed at the Perth flax mill, mei with a terrible accident. The machine at which he was working is made up of a setof rolls which mush and tear the flax into fiber. It is said Mr. Oorrie saw the knot about lo go into the machine and snatched at it, his hand being (taught and drawn in. The man's arm passed be- tween two iron rollers and was also caught by a large cylinder covered with sheet teeth, which ornehed it almost to the elbow. Exeter Municipal Council. • aii Fairs. All present, except Deputy Reeve. Minutes of previous meeting onetime& Messrs. Fitton and flueatou on behalf of the School Board offered the Commit the handling of the Scheel fund, the Council to pay all orders of the Board on demand Action deferred until the ornmencoment of the next year. The clerk reported that the School Boerd required $2,800 end 5200 equivelent to Government grant oommuuication from Mr. L11Dickson containing certain revolutions of the Orange Lodge and a refund of the 510 granted by the Council to assiet in 12th July ode. bration was laid before the Council. Carling -Christie -That the clerk draft a reply and submit to time Connell at the next rneethrg.---Carried, Carling -'McCallum -That the Reeve and Mr Christie meet the authorities of the creamery re nuisance complained of. Carries]. Mr. Creech to procure 12 grates. The Road Corn. to put a man with ane of A Cottle'm to clean creek at Cottle's. The Reeve to see to repairs of fcuce et the bridge, dleCitlItun- Orders. Geo. Herman London, 5150 for sprinkler; Bobier Pro. Co. 59.60 for oil and 828 pt payment for side walk; Cobbledick & Flatland 55.60 for 2 street lamps and 510.71 nails &c; 1S. Bissett street watering 529P8 to date; Al Bissett 750 labor; A Cottle 55.10 gate and water trough; Mrs..1 Gould 51.50 top tethe; Jae Creech 590 pr salary; Geo Ford 51.26 labor and grayee Jno Moore SI epeciel conatable 12th July; el Handford 53 labor; Win Parsons 521.75 de; R G Luker 600 do; Al Blount 54.50 do; Baskerville 53.60 do; Geo Thomas e9 36 do; John Parona 55 do; Thee Horn 516.- 86 do; Jas Creech ee charity to Mrs, eleintosh; do, 52 Jets Gould; do, 52 Mrs. Piper. Carried. The council Adjourned until Friday the 1111s at 8 o'clock p m. 14 EAOREVF, Clerk Wednesiiiiy-MOiming while itirs. Robt. Biggarcl of Clinton was walking about the yard, she teepee(' on an -upturned garden rake, the teeth of which entered her font =king a bad wormd. People who saw Col. Efoare in town Monday =mine13, wondered at tho radiant expressions of blies that overspread his couotenanee, but student cod it all when informed that he was revealing in the eastacies of a son and heir to his house- hold.-Olinton New Erg. Mr, J. D. McColl, of Pathhill, nishod himself at the World's Fair games at Chicago, by taking first prize for tossing tho caber nnd ibird prize for puttiug the heavy shot. He was the only one out of all the competitors who turned the caber. The other day Mr Role, Autterson, of the 2nd, Hallett, fell from a load of grain and broke his arm. 0. C. lexenntma & (Jo. Geweestraten. -For years 1 have been troubled with scrofulous sates upon my face. I have orient Inateireds of dollars trying to effect a care without any result. I aro happy to say one bottle cf MIN ARC'S LINIMENT entirely cured me and I can heartily recommend it to all as the best medieine in the world. ROBALD MOINnte. Bayed I, Ont. FOR SALE. Owing to the failure of the Apple Cror in this section this senson, I offer my Cider Min Plant for Bale, Frame, Prestos, Crates, &rows, Grinder, mid every thine complete, Price 8300, Original cost $700. flood as new. This 15 8. rare thence. inspection solicited. For further particulars apply to D. 11. S. ITO D GINS, Lunn lith i313. Lunn Ont. AND SON. We are clearing 11 Ripir) PlY° • DryGoods. Dress Goods. At 5c., 8c., all wool, 25c. goods for 12.1-c, in fact we are clearing all kinds of Press Goods at amazingly low figures. Prints. 123,-c• prints for 9c.'10c. prints for 7c. ; good fast colored print for Sc. We in- tend clearing every yard of Print in the store. BQPtS & Shoes. We have them at 20c. a pair, 25c. a pair, 300. a pair &c., 663., upwards. Now is the time to secure bargains in Boots & Shoes. Fruit Jars. Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon best make. They are going fast, Buy your Jars from us. 1 Western at London , Sept. 14-21. North Perth at Stratford. Sept. 26-29. Illanthard at leirkton, Oen 5-8 • Center Heinen at Clinton, S eye 26-27. 1 Toronto Industrial, Sept. 4-14, Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept, 26-27. Great islorthwestern at (loderieh, Sept, 20.22. I410311.11.aron at Biussels, Doc 26-27. South Buren at Exeter, Sept. 25-26, Hensel' at Hansen, Sept. 7.6, BIRTHS. BASKERVILLE-In Exeter Norttnon the 14th lest, the wife of Mr Same Baskeryillo.a son, PlIESCATOR-In Stephen, on the 14th inst.. themife of elfrJohn Promisor, a son. HOARE-In Hullett, on the 6th inst.. tee wife of Mr. C. Hoare, a son. WATSON,--In RipPen, on the 14th inst., the wife of hfr. Wm, Watson of a son.; MARRIEDJAMIESON-PARK-At the residence of the bride's parents, Gran tem on the 2n5 inst., by the Ilev. ,T. Campbell, D. C. Jamieson. of Liman, to Nellie, eldest daughter of M r. Jas. Park, C1107,IER-ALLE1,1-At the residence of the bride's parents. West Ward, St. Marys, on the 9sh lust. • Thomas Orezier. to Ida, dough-, ter of 6Ir. Chas. Allen. all of 58, Marys. D1,ED ITUTT(117-Da Winnipeg, oa the 10th inst Mary A., wife of Mr Harvey W. Ilutton.acesi 40 years. • 1110110BERTS-ln Luean, en the 9th inst,X.W. McRoberts, aged 31 years. JAYNES-In London. on August 9th, Ge)rkre, infant daughter of 51r and Mrs J. R.Jaynes. Moine enT-In Goderseh,on the 7th im tee:tenet • C., wife of ter. Same McLean. aged SO yearn DAVIDSON-I2) Gederieh, on 7111 baste John Davidson. Q. 0, aged 7C years. OLIVE; R -In Detruie, on the 4th inst.' efari on relict of the late Adam Oliver, aged77 years and 2 months, PCSORELBERG-In Mitchell, on the Ith inete Claerles Henry. infant son of it and ?Iles. Wm. Pusehelberg, aged 3 months and 7 days. JOST. Between Grand Bond and Centralia, a little box, containing a halter the a canvassing Plate -book for Cavers Bro.' Nursery. Galt. Ont. 'Che finder will please leave same at this office or at Grand Bend post office, and oblige Rom cm Formicx. FREE. The undersigned will give free the best busi- ness site in Exeter North, to any reliable person wishing to start a first-class general store, For further particulars apply person- ally or by letter to LEONARD MoTAGOAlenlfay P, 0, World's Columbian Exposition --- The Goderich Horticultural Society have completed arrangements to make an exhibit- ion, from the County of Huron, of plums, pears and apples at tho World's Columbian Exposition. All exhibits peeked and express- ed direct to Chicago from here. Parties will receive full credit for any exhibit they may make. All express or other charges for send- ing from any part of the country here will bo paid at this end. Corresporidence regarding numbers of speci- mens, time for sending, eta, cheerfully an- ewercti by the undersigned. W.LANE, J, T. DIORSON. Secretary. Protiden 8. Go deri eb, July 26, 3805. .11111110 ISA BUSY STORE. in spite of the quiet : season, our Store the last week has been ac-. tive from beginning to end. The low Prices in Sum- mer Goods tell the tale. 15 Cases 'f New Good.s for early f trade just arrived. Some Specialties Eleavy, All -wool, Double - fold Serge Dress Goods in a variety of shades, worth 40c. for 25c.; 42 -inch 'Double Dress Goods Union, 12/c, single fold, 8c, 5, 80,; All - wool, 10 and 140.; heaviest Shirtings, 100.•'Cottonades at 10c, 17c and 25o. Our $11 ordered Suits fir the marvel of all who have seen them. Black Worsted Suits for $13, $15, and the $17 Suit is a gem. • Each day sees new faces who go away glad and well pleased for their visit. G. G. JOHNSTON. Opposite liawkshaw's Hotel. Ne'fORINS You Can Go Farthest! Dollars Go Farthest In Carling Bros.' Shoes than‘ any other. They are easy on the feet. • They are easy on the purse. They wear well. They look well. The uniform excell- ence of quality and the low prices charged for these Shoes make them winners. TEAS, TEAS, .5rriAs We Take the Lead. Just to hand TEN CHESTS of that Celebrated 25c. Tea Have you tried it ? Fruit Jars, "rown," pts. $1.20; qts.; $1.25; gal., $1.50. B %%gar Brown, 20 lbs. $1 ; Coffee, 1 lbs., $i; u-ranutated, 11 lbs., i.1.`• Produce taken in exchange. Eggs, 11c.; ButVer 17c. CARLING B igS. VOTER'S L1ST.-1893. 14.1i/FrOIPALITY" OE THE Towersnre or Hay Conerer or Heroes Notice is hereby given thee I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Act, the comes required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment holl ef said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at eleotions for membere of the Legislative As- sembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my °Moe at Zurich on rthe 7th day -of August, 1893, and re- mains there for inspection. Electors are call- ed upon to examine tho said list, andif any omissions or any other errors are perceived therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the said erns corrected aecording to law. SAM,Je LATTA, • Clerk of Hate Dated this 7th day of August 1893. WESTERN FAIR, moisrmow. SEPTEMBER 14th to 23rd, 1893 CANADA'S FAVORITE EXHIBITION Esm.t.131.1011ED 1868. THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION. LIVE - STOCK - EXHItITS Entries Close September 7th. The best and largest Stabling and Space allotted on receipt of Entries. BETTER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS THAN EVER BEFORE. rt SPECIAL EX(1-RSIONS FROM ALL OINTS. RP" k d 84 S For Prize Lists and inform2tion apply to CAPT.A.W.PORTE, T,A.BROWN E1 Direct Importers. Pres. ; seey. The engine had to be stopped, and it was lc ar on s three or four minutes before the injured mate could be released. MARKET REPORTS. Axetere August 17, 1898.. I Fall wheat ner bush-- ,. e 69 $59 Spring wheat per buse. .... a.. e5 59 Barley per bush.... ..... ..,... 35 35 Oatsper bush. •• • - i 35 35 Fees per bush 65 56 Flour per bbl 400 . 4 20 Apples per bag • • . •.. 75 85 Potatoes per bag. .. . . .......„,,,,.. 1. 00 1 00 MIT Der ton 6 CO 700 Woodper'cord hard,...... ...4 3 00 3 50 Wood per cord soft 2 00 2 25 Butter per lb... .... . .. .. ...... ,17 17 Eggs per dozen 10 11 Pork per hundred... - ....... ...... 8 00 10 00 e-ww-e-e FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD Arm Wain -Tamp REtrianY.-- hirS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty se years by millions of mothers for their children while teething,tvith perfect success. It soothes 3. the ohild, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the collo, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. IS pleasant to the taste. Sold b' druggists in every pert of the world. 25ments a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's- Seething Syrup and take no other kind. Minard's Limment cures Diphthetia. MTANTED. Salesmen, to seU our choice and hardy nee. eery stock, Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals,. and controlled only by us. We pay eoinneisston tor salary, give exclusive territdry and pay weekly. Write us at once and incurs, choice of terries RAY BROTHER 3,,Nurseryinen, Rochester, R. Y. . . , ..40(3rLINNEloWN..L. D. NTISr• Will be at Greb's ltotel Zurieh on the second Thursday of each monthandeverayt mtloonddginre.s `-`1. •• „, - . • ,NZA