HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-8-17, Page 5Mr, Geo. W', Turner Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the ,• :Doctors Ever Saw ''otw,pletety Cured 5y HOOD'S SARSA.PARILLA. "When I was 4 or 5 years old I had a serof- ulous sore on the middle finger of my left leant, which got so bad that the doctors cut the finger on. and later took off more than half my hand. Then the sore broke out on my arm, came out ou my neck and face on both sides, nearly destroying the sight of one eye, also on my right arm. Doctors saki it was the Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw, It was supply aerate*: Five years ago I began to take hood's Sarsaparilla. Gradually I found that the sores wore begin- ning to heal, I kept on till I had, taken ten bottles, mu dollars: Just think of what u return I got for that investment: dIL. thou- sand per cent? Yes, many thousand. For the past 4 years I have had no sores. I Work all the Time. . Before, I could do no work. I know not what to say strong enough to express my.grat. Rude to Hood's myGoiSarsaparilla tn, Farmer, perfect way, Saratoga county, N. Y. HOOD'S PILLS do not weaken, but Art digestion and tone the stomach. Try them, 25c. Want a Bicycle? BRANTFORD BICYCLES HAVE A STANDARD VALUE 'THEV ARE BUILT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED BY The Goold Bicycle Coa[.td. Brantford, Ont. • Moor: 113 YONaE Sr., Toaowro PERKINS & MARTIN. Fanson's Block. see- eanarae an, alierSILIOUSI a..te RADInone ,ta' ti r`�RNE`: MO 4'111QEP,Fiii.. C\ '., Not only nreef beet fa ,r ;'. r .1 ... ,/ :' ire r Aloe's; a vJ "HEAD ' PAINS, SiCK STOMACH ' AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A. wonderful Compound. Nice to tak-o. Sure doath to pain. Be sure you got STAIIX'S. . PREPARED BY 6. STAiti( M. Q. V. P., CHEMIST FaOM GLASDOw UNIVcnS,Ty, SCOTLAND, FIA THE R.STARK NUMMI: CO. 25 CENTS a tbos. Eioldl I3y a¢ll EDrreg sato IIiutirci� .n•cw Consaonud This wonderful discovery is the hest known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver -Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. If your tongue is coated. you gleed them. AT ALL DRUG STORES.. A Downie farmer was dtivinp home from Stratford a few evenings ago and in corn - pang with his daughter, whenhis buggy wee set on fire, evidently by a spark from -'his pipe. When noticed the daughter's dress was on fire and quite a hole burned in the buggy. Rev, Dr. McDonald, of Seaforth, has ' been sent by officials of the Presbyterian Church to inspect.the mission eohools of that church between Winnipeg and the Pacific coaca fie is now in Winnipeg. A stone containing 75 square feet was put on a pair of ttneke by Mr. W. H. (Ileen'and his man at the lower Wingham dam a few days ago and hauled to the re- quired place by three horses. Thief is per. haps as big a atone as ever was seen on, a wagon in Huron., zA^ Sigh School Exams. Following are the names of the success fol candidates in neighboring districts. The extau1ivatrons aro uniyorsity matricu- lation, both pars the honor, senior and junior leaving examinations, and the pri- mary examinations. 3fITCJIISLL. Primary—R Bruce, 13 Gerry, W It Hamilton, 0 McKenna; D MoDougalI. Junior leaving—Stella Brown, F Hackney A Hurlburt. LUCIAN. Primary.—A;Bice ;J Outer, J C Cole- man, W A Coleman, W Colhoon, F J Fox, E Guest, R fledging, E Scott, 0 A Smith, F Smythe. Junior leaving -E L Bioe, G Broomfield, W Braithwaite, E Campbell, G Dale, 11 Fox, J A Fraser, W L Guest, M Hogan, F Laugford. Senior leaving— B Cubbou, lvlatricutation—W E Williams, (first-class honors in English, second in history and honors in history and geog- raphy, second, geography, French), E Simpson (brat -class in English and mathe- matics). connRlall. Priniary—P II Austin, W 13s11, N Bail. ie, A Clark, A Cummings, A J Dickson, W A. Elliott, A M Ferguson, M Finlay, 13 Guest, A F Johnson, J McMurchie, k' Mc- Connell, M O'Neill, E Paterson, W J Quinu, M Rose, W Reed, C Sprun , C. Sitters, M Tichborno, S Waiper. junior leaving—L Andrews, S Beckett, M Craigie, 0 Coleman, J Hicks, A Jeekell, L Koine, R Koine, J Kinahan, C B Latta, Ivt A YIcIntyre, JM Roberston, 13 Russell, H A Ryan, E Stewart,/ M Salkeld, J H Tigert. Senior Leaving—M Campbell, 0 M Fraser, It I Strong. Matrioulatiou—E F Armstrong, F E Ball (passed in Latin). J McRae (passed in Latin). J 0 Reid. SCLINTOx. Primary— W Bagehaw, GH Beilby , E M Cartwright, E Cooper, 1\1 Crich, L Cruickshank, L A Cunningham, M Daher ty, M A Dunkin, E Hitch, W Holland, S Irwin. L M Johnston, C McDonald, M McIntosh, D A MaKenzie, A McTaggart, L Magee, 13 Murch, A Ross, A C Ruaael, C A Tebbutt, Emily A Turner, L 5 White' ly, W Brooke, P Ross, R Hanuman, (pass• ed in Latin grammar.) Junior leaving—J R Bone, H Dodd, F M Richardson, W J Scott, I Snell, L Stevens, J Walsh. Ma. trioulation—C McKinnon, J C Lindsay (passed in Latin and French authore.)',`j SEAFOPAIL Primary --M Boyd, W J Brownell, W ,7 Cameron, J Campbell, A Carnoehan, M Crew, J J Grennan, (passed in Latin authors,) E Devereaux, J Ester, J Forrest, A E Fortune, E J Gammen, A D Hayes, R Johnston, M Kelly. M Latimer, A 0 Lawrence, R McKee, A McKinley, A Mo. Rae, 5 Miller, J M Morrison. W Mulcahy, A Prendergast, AMPuuchard, H Robin• eon, M Smillie. Junior leaving—I Ballan- tyne, J Ballantyne, R J Beattie, 13 Bell, F Bethune, M F Campbell, 111. Davis, A S Grieve, A Killoran, D I.andosborough, H. Lawrence, M Morrison, H Morrison, I hlurdy, H Turnbull, W Turnbull. Senior loavin>'—H Flower, W T Gemmell, W S McDonald. Matriculation—J A Jackson, J M McKinley (passed in Latin, Greek, first•class honors in °lassies), William. Rao (passed in Latin, French), A Thompson (passed in Latin, Greek). !I T. nlAltrS. 1=315/11, Primary -11 Anderson, 111 Atcheson, J J A Bentson, A Beavers, F Beavers, A 13xown, D Conn, F R Copeland, 1 A Don. can, A Finnie, A Graham, C Graham, L Hayes, H 13 Hutton, W Keest. A Lindsay, F McCracken, M MoCutcheon, S Moighen, M A Robertson, J L Robinson, h'1 G Scott, E Smith, 0 Sterritt, N Thompson, R Thompson, W H Whiles, J W Bothwell (passed in Latin). Junior Leaving—W H Bennett, W R Brooke, 1 Denison, A Coble, S A 1)oupe, R C Good, J E A Hamilton, J A Henry, R 'Rieke, 13 L Hobbs, M R Hutchinson, M A Lee, F L Pollock, E Robinson, 1 A Russell, A Sansburn, 0 Sperling, H C White, A G Wilson, G D Stanley (passed in French). Senior leaving ---J B Ford, 0 McCutcheon, W D Spence. Matriculation—W Camp• bell (passed in mathematics, Latin authors, French, German authors), W Conway (passed in mathematics, Latin, German, first class honors in mathematics) W 1 Hamilton (second class honors in English), 0 A Lana (second class honors in French), F E Walden (passed in Latin), All who wish to attend Model School must send notice to the Public School In• specter on or before Aug. 25th. Stratford's rate of taxation has been fixed at 21, mills on the dollar. Mr, 5. A. Norris, M. A., of Stafi'a, has been appointed mathematical master of the Campbellford high school. ALIO .itev. Ii. il. meets, of 1Cirkton, re- turned from Camphelton, N. B., last week, ',and rammed ministerial duty=on Sunday. next. Armor Ford who has been practising law in the stone town with but -slim stet - cess, has gone to) Owen Sound to` try his fortunetren PrPire Mies Bessie :Steele, from the !Training School for Nurses, Toronto, is spending her two weeks' vacation at the Rectory, Kirkton. Meesra. Colgnhoun & Frost of Mitchell, traded their stallion, 'Pride of Scotland,' to the Beed Bros., of Fullarton, one :day last week Birr Cheese factory has been making on an average from 25 to 28 cheese a day all summer, and to all appearance the rush will continue all the season. Mr. Riohard Honey shipped 150 cars of hay from Ellice and Mornington gwithin the past couple of months. The purchases represented nearly •$18,000. !1"'- L. &buster of Logan, was fined" on Monday by Magistrate Flagg $2 and $3 65 costa for striking a lad named John Ed- wards overthe arm with a hay fork. There were about 1,000 persons at the fnnaral of Benjamin Brown, of Brinaley, un Sunday, who was drowned at the Bend, There wore nearly 300 rigs in the .proces- sion. Mitohell papers say the water is get- ting so low in the river that instructions have been given. to stop using it on the sheets, Leet it might;.be shore in case of fire. Mr. Thomas Tones shipped from Mitchell on Saturday several oar loads of line cattle for the British Markets. Before loading, ora beast which coat $68, died in the yard. an During July, 22 panes of glans were btoken in the school house of S. 5. No. 13, West Nissouri, and a reward of $10 is offer - el by the tru tees for the onoviotion ofjthe guilty parties. GET Inn BEs The public are too intelligent to purehamo a worthless article a -second time, on the contrary they want the beat 1 Physicians etre' virtually unanimous in saying Scott's. Emulsion is the beet fora? of Cod Liver Oil• RFIEU11AT15td CORED IN 9 D South America Rheumatic Oure for Rhea matfett) toad Neuralgia irttd3 !ally cures int '0, 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarheble and mysterious. It removen at once t.re cause and the di:eease immediat- ely dieeppe.era' The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents, Warranted by C. Lutz, Druggist, ang, 14. To Exhibitors of a3bth the method and results when 3yxup of Figs is taken; itis pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Lently yet promptly Oil the Kidneys„ iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is th© only remedy of its kind ever pro• duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac= ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy andagreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most pa ular remedy known. yrup of Figs is for sale in 750 mottles by all leading druggists. .Ai.ny reliable druggist who ma,y not have it on, hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP. CO0 SAN FRANCISCO, CAE. GCU_rSVILLE, Y. NEW You, N.Y. 1'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store A. Happy Return. AN INTERESTING INCIDENT IN Tue. men 0I A wELL•xCNOWN LONDON AI= nnemen,. Prone tlw London Free .Press. Mr. Charles Dyer, a well-known London township farmer and city dealer, residea in a cozy break dwelling, beautifully sit- uated overlooking the north branch of the Thames, a short dtstaaoe east of the Ade- laide Street bridge. Thstil a few years since Mr. Dyer was a healthy, robust man, but latterly hie general health seemed to give way and though only shout fifty years old he felt that the weakness of age was coming on. "I believe, however," said lfr, Dyer yesterday to a reporter. "that I have com- pletely reoevered through the use of Esel- jay's Liver Lozenges, and I am quite will- ing that you should give any of your read- ers afflicted as I was tho benefit of my ex- perience, The old time enjoyment of life that 1 had given up as beyond mo seems to have permanently returned. I had suffered for a. long time from an irregular constipat- ed habit, frequent bilious headaches and a general sluggish and debilitated condition, I could hardly walk any distance without suffering the greatest pain. I believe I had a chronic form of rhenmatiem." "How did you come to try Eseljay'•s Liver Lozenges?" r "I was advised by a friend of mine who knew them to be a good medicine for bilious troubles, and though I had no faith in thorn I merely gave them a trial to satisfy him, When I had taken two or three doses I de- cided that they were of no nes, and was nearly discontinuing them before I began to get benefit. I used between three and four boxes altogether and am oonvinced that they are the obeapeet as well as" the best modioino I have ever used. My eldest son has been afflicted lately with stomach troubles and found the promptest relief from Eseljav's Lever Lozenges. I would not be without them in the house on any account." *, o•..• , r y'•j,t, There hos been no remedy introduced to the people of Canada that has made so many friends in so ahorta time asFeeljay'e Liver Lozenges. They are the best family medicine known. They cure sick headache constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion, bilioue- nesa, and all diseases arising from impure blood or sluggish liver. They aro a reoent discovery and different from any other pre- paration on the market, Don't accept the statement of anything else being just as good. They are put up in boxes bearing the Dr. Eaeljay Company's trade mark and every lozenge 18 stamped Dr. L. 25 Dents a box at all drug stores. • &mammas. ex. ARL; You GOING owe OS TOWN ? If you are going out of town for a holi- day, take a supply of Membray's Kidney and Livor Oare in your satchel. Never travel without it. If taken according to directions when Headed, it will prevent summer sickness daring your holiday, and keep your appetite and your strength up to a healthy standard. Change of air and diet is very often followed by biliousness, but Membray's Kidney and Liver Cure will break it up promptly. A PERFECT Ceox. A perfect cook never presents us with indieestiblo food. There are few perfect cooks, and consequently indigestion is very prevalent. You can eat what you like and as much as you want after using B. B. B. the natural specific for indigestion or dye- pepsia in any form. RIIF.LIMATra4C IN THE Menge. Sirs,—About two years ago I took rheumatism iu the knese, nhieh became so bad that I could hardly go up or down stairs"without help. All medicines failed until I was induced to try B. B. 13, By the time ] had taken the senond bottle I was greatly relieved, and the third bottle cam pletely removed the pain and stiffnoes, Amos Boasted, Morrisburg, Ont ti, it<J.'".:n' Bt1, C1URIi1 FOR DY6PF.$1IA, • Dyspepsia is a prolific cause of such dis- eases as blood constipation, headache and livor complaint. Burdock Blood 13itters is guaranteed to euro or relieve dyspepsia if used according to diroctons. 'Thousands have tested it with beet results. :HlsTo0Y or 15 YEARS. For fifteen years we have used Dr. Fowler's Extraot of Wild Strawberry as a family medicine for summer °o mplaints and diarrheoa, we never found anything to menet it. Wo highly recommend it. Samuel Webb, Corbett, Ont. The steepleoftne 'Althorn church, Seebaeh's: hill, Huron Road, near Mitchell, was struck by lightning on Saturday even- ing last, and set ou fire. The organ was also considerably damaged by the electric fluid: • Stock at the 'FALL FAIRS. If If you would secure first prize you roust have must bo moothtie arrid glo ey nd hen must coat be in good spirits au us to "show off" wall, Powders Dick's known for horses and cattle.C Conditiontatones up the whole system regulates the bowels and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses good life making them appear to the best possible advantage. Gaddre s DILR & 00 u1' 0r . box 492,gMont Montreal CART: I Il T.rreo IVER PILLS. URE RliekFreadache and relieve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as i Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after t eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While theirmost t remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CARTER'S Ltrraa Lwcit PILts ' are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct ail disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured IEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who one° try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Pears are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a disc. They are strictly vegetable and do m4. gripe or purge, but by their entie action please all who use them. In vias at ".5 Cents; five for Si. Solt] everywhere, or sent by maiL Cana bii+DICI1 3 CO., New Teri:, l r Beall hose, Small Prim i three Points! NOTE WELL. .Experience' expaNenienchavee hthat ad tahte tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Prom,ntltu e• reevor deemithis ngfeat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors esneoially, namely putting off until neap weelr what should have been done this.. 8a tis far ti on This is a nice • looking word, but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. WTe celery in w 3rd and the way e.;ernplitied in our ;hop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. Ifyuu want a su1.%, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS. ralhionabloStyle: 1 0 r u >n� 0 0 TE $i BEST YET THE. CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Bost Brikod Clothing prl)ldccafi in Bader Gentlemen I leave your orders ea r ly, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the beet Stook of Fine Trimmings, and the fleet Cutting in Town, yeti are suwi of aatiaame tioa. g � 'Sem .moi 4" LLL. lies are hese Screen Doors, ScreenWindows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, . Machine Oil, Fruit Tree Sprayers. A first-class article for $1 25. Geterour late prices!, on Binder Twine. COBBLEDICKLL. Z Hardware Merchants, EXETER. NOW Is the time To Thoroughly Disinfect Your Premise A COMPLETE STOCK OF IDSr:N"aa Ime„ w s At Bro : n °'s Drug Store. °COLL'S OILS ARE THE BEST. Use LA.RDINE Machine 011 CHAMPION GOLD.ED4L OIL OF THE DOMINION. Mc0oll's CYLINDER OIL will ... wear twice as long as any otter make. . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by MoCOLL BROS. e4 CO., Toronto. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY,. EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND IJNDItESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to 13. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the MostDurable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate, 3,41 Se WI'LrLX$ GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and boa i.it :CM3, you will bti :its l repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots, and for Men's andBoys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store. Moat Door to Post Offic. u/J hilL IT ARE YOU WANTING LUC .111 L are Do you want to buy from the Beat Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at 1Gidley', Select from the 'largest ?gest a n d best bought stock in the Oity, Ju,t now we are showing 6 some ' thmi; .very new and i r1 a, � It 0 stylish in • pee y �edrooi Suites. ! Cil ;luau Debility, h sea fit i('1ii fl f<< fi k �e a '1'lJlfl:':° +fit \leak uccs of P 'y ani Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in 01.1 or Young. Robust Nobe iilanlioo1. fu".1y Restored. How to Enlarge and c t e n ,then Weak, Undeveloped Organs ancl Dern of Body. Absolutely un- failimg Timm , reain'icnt—Bencdts in a day, Men ten ea, fro;i ".0 States and Foreign Conn- ita them. Descriptive Book, ex- p:enation and proofs mailed (sealed) free., ERIE MEDICAL C051 SIffti®3 N.Y. One Oak Set is a beauty with bevel plate glass idx8de22, S. GIDLEY. THE PIONEER, STORE ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. R. AT. O FURNITURE DFA.L,ER, $Orders promptly attended to. All 4coounts must be settled at once SALESMEN WANTED �To represent us in the sato of a choice line o1 HARDY CANADIAN eaowx SToog. Exporlene, not nceeesary. We want real workers and k all each we offer a permanent situation at a good income with chance of advancement. As we now have over 700 aores under cultivation, we cangive our salesmen many s0004oradran. Lagos We alsodesire to sasuro-a good name in your district to sell the I1:er.tnr Sraax Pam.. for whish we have the G menti Agency. This is something new and indispeneib.la to the, farmer or fruit groiyerr. Sendfor tenni and, testimonial similar. 91UNp l& W ieLLI3,'GFTON, N'nrirrat.;, 4� Peron to