HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-8-10, Page 5Errs. A. A. Williams Lynn, Mass. For the Good of Others Rev. Mr. :Williams Heartily En- dorses ligod's Sarsalrarinte. We are pleised to present this from Rev. A. A:?Villiams, of the Sillsbee treet Christian' Church, Lynn, Mass. : "I see no reason why a clergyman, more than a layman, who knows whereof he speaks, hould hesitate to approve an Article of Merit ii d worth from ivittcli he or Itis family have eon signally benefited, and whose commonda ion may servo to extend trio a benefits to here by increasing their confldenee. My wife as for many years been a sufferer from severe Nervous Headache rw.lifch she found little heli. She hastried any things that promised- well but per- med little. Last fall a friend gave her a lnot- o of hood's Sarsaparilla. It seems surpris- g what nimply one bottle could and did do r her. The attacks of headache decreased iu tuber and were less violent in thole intea- ty, while her general •health has been im- •oved. Her' a petite has also been better. mu our experience with Hood's Sarsaparilla have no hesitation in endorsing it,. merited" A. A. WILI•IA5r'S.. HOOD'S PILLS are the best fatally cathartic, tie and effective: Try a box. Prloo 25c o -Y-OTT ant a Bicycle? RANTFORD BICYCLES HAVE A STANDARD VALUE THEY ARMILT TO SELL, AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED SY oAandeerlafneloa £aeteavkeny oafho?oribl te1. VOtilotOR$ a ()imitator,' alta aru,&latrr"gtc9uterts Biwcykl- special y Passenger end lireit:ht kitts baro, heels arranged for,wltb atl;itaklaraye. anx. prese (Pbee antes. OANAO1Afd. c;uRRltacy:, Noire of,the 7Joritiitiltxtt X'n•ofa I+'as and Near In a k''ew Linea, W7' DNarniD.t1, ,MIJC,, UST 2. Ingersoll's rate of taxation for this year will he -'22 xntlla:; ' The new normal schoolfor Manitoba is to be erected at Brandon. Emancipation day was celebrated at Chatham yesterday in grand atyle. The run of sttiilnonthis year ou the Fres- er river, B. C., ie ahead of all previous years. Burglars entered the store of 0. W. Mo- teod at Woodstock, but they got no money. Hyslop, the Canadian cycling champion, was unplaced at Detroit yesterday, lie was third in a uiie heat, Mr. Stephen J. Whits, boa; manufactur- er, of Belleville, fell dead in his factory yesterday from heart disease. ' .A despatch from Brantford says Mr. James Stenebaugh, of Jerseyville, was in - latently killed by lightning on Monday evening, Mrs. Blauohard, wife of a Congregation• al minister, received injuries from burn- ing on Saturday evening, when visiting friends in Etobicoke Township, from whioh she died on Monday evening. Ta3.U;(tSi>A.Y, AUGUST 3. Wheat harvesiing has begun inseveral parts of Manitoba. George Steers, a well-known resident of Strathroy, committed "suicide yesterday' morning by banging himself with a piece of clothes line. R. A Seaton' of Montreal made the are c}aaintance of two then in Hamilton, who after a couple of hours' amusement, rob- bed him of 5110. Three additional fines were imposed, at Tiisonburg yesterday in =motion with the illicit sale of liquor at the race meet- ing in that town. In the ease of Galt against Goudy et al, charged with throwing the stones which crushed in the skull of a girl named Knight, the defendants were yesterday ac- quitted. Edward McDonald, aged fourteen, a student at L'Assumption College, Sand - Was drowned at that town while in swimming. His relatives live in Galves- ton, Taxae, I itrnivir. AUGUST 4. About 200 farmers from Addington and Frontanao visited the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, yesterday. Mise Bessie Flooring of Brampton was drowned on Wednesday while bathing with a friend at Yarrum Islands, near Cleve- Iand's, Lake Rosseau. John Sullivan, the eight-ycar•old sen of Timothy Snlhvan Hetrriotstreet, Hamilton was sirnok and killed bya trolley on Stuart street, that city, last night. Engineer Brennan of Toledo, Ohio, rep- resenting some Detroit capitalists, has de- cided to make an offer for the lease of the Landon & Port Stanley Railway. Tho bean crop of Tient County has been almost completely ruined by excessive rought. Wheat is very backward in that aunty, and farniere are discouraged. Tho remains of Thos. Johnston, fireman f the steamer Jones, who was lost over- oard on July 25, have been rscavered,and cached Wiarton last evening by the steam - r Atlantic. The remains will bo taken to olstein for interment. e Coold Bicycle Com. Brantford, Ont. b DEPOT; 113 Vomit ST., Toaorvo e H P ERRIN s & MARTIN. Penmen's Block, 00 f4 , e 'o - R9 28 SATURDAY. AUGUST 5. Winnipeg is infested with tramps. Reports -show that on the whole the crops in Quebec this year are better than last year. A 'two -year -ea daughter of Mrs. Ira Peek fell in a pail of whey at Conseean and was drowned. Poroy Birch, said to have been a Toronto rganist, was drowned in Lake Rosseau esterday while bathing-. Morrissette, the alleged forger of Quebec, as again in court at Boston yesterday, an seenred his discharge. Seagram's horse Athalo, which took cond place to Martell° for the Queen's ate this year, died at Waterloo yester- ay. In broad daylight yesterday robbers stole 00 worth of watches from William Pott's re on the principal street of Wood- stock. 9n infant named Shepperd was found dead in bed at Montreal yesterday by the • Bide of its mother, having been accidental- ly smothered. or y w a se P1 ci $8 sto Near Hyde Park, London Township, James Graham fell from a stack of hay and received injuries which will probably result in his death. MONDAY, AUGUST 7. Hugh R. Sproule,' of Toronto, suicided at New Y r:: 'o o n Saturday. Grasshoppers are doing damage in the neighborhood g hoofs of Belleville. • x -v► The -SS. - Alcides has been got off the • shore at ,Anticosti island and towed to Quebec. Judge Davis, - of Landon, died .from heart disease at New Carlisle, Quebec; on Saturday. Mrs. B. G. Barrett, of Toronto,, missing since Wednesday was' found' dead at Rose- dale yesterday .morning. - Clement 'Stiff, a young rnn.n employed in Ingersoll, .;was drowned at ;Whittaker ,Lake, while bathing tns Satttrday.. q,Poeltry i)ebartmeat wbioh was the ad -,Samuel Walden, a married man, leetn son of net onl,v fanciers and breeders. lintportion of Itis left hand. aid " four fingers r visators as well, will be considerably at ldiuns i& Sons factory. Paris,- on, Sat. entad "this year, from the fact that Lon'don'' urda e the selecting point for. 'Western Ontttrior - aspeoireens1or the World's Fair:ivill bo Roland and Norman` Mitchell', living -on n the outskirts of Sarnia, were - struck by a Agricultural and Tfortieaitural Depart G '.lr.";1v. tt•ain:and killed while' clrivin. a will,espeeiallyinterest those 'engaged in g a seienoe of husbandry and the d across• the track on Sattsrclaa, A G 'I',R, train ran over a telt-}'ear-old girl nasaed lila gig Sherman at Walker Interests of Canada, 'ard asniasy of ;the winn ere valle on Frsday Slight, (attaing '01 'h es right. of Medals tit the Uulambaan 1:xtttibition OYe re--leg,below theknee tied otlie:wiee' injni'ing, shieints of Western Ontario a Mr ezb'b' t" ' her.'it Is thought sl o lull l.iye cheese and, betammanassured''teetorb; of this. Fair, . `aD.ES—Al AIlValeel .e Largonumbor ot• 9pooiat attractions have %Pon arsancted amelia tivhirb 'aro wt'. ti: Conn's, nia Davit] ;Borten \I. 1'.,1?..,for North Bclueseuericulum a,n dPrdfossor 13uckloy s eeio- , B•'uue,.Alea at IIapwortb. yestercltiy,, orated' army _;of Trained llarse tel.oeted 'for Diphtheaia is said in be fril;htAuily ,pre-. al os eir t umne enimalsoe of i veli give ilireel stioare- vel nt in the back' townships of 'Renfrew pr sen a t o!`"t1 I3.;iTN Fl Scelste, .:and other : oottnty.:. feats ellen riiore w+mdorf,tl,' Pt f. ,ssor, re. , y, i I . r ° Rea: 7I, L,. ASto shsnton rector a . , i e ,s,1iD TOATLI . ]10 x5 whi 1 ., for of the ' al filial }i O WI . , s ? . oh h , , h ai 1 o t Basion, .aausistrn of. u Church ,tn ,a l;ngla.rd at I'etth - . , I,n,3vyars.,ftx.r ana P.r•isaLctr,, will, try. 'aoaivxoi 1v y e,terd-rn an and bury e. r •on f g 9 c Ilion. lie i r n nab,.. ' n r. 1 bast ea . il it=tel. n a. i numerous _ .. 1 tl ns ct i•es e ,•., , . • '. :. serf rm,ng :,other .ni.elti. en x bs, tta, to be erre a t and .: .. , 1? ., d astonishing tricks. :theles It x u ottiits.r t - r , ue shrine xn e -hdv also ... eo f Nte '3.'il NO scoured rad bo mi a I et r 1 i J tz n a n An ec ev n Z n e Be•t ,u re t p Q a ' r front' - . - , o T ',ii on o i r J !_ X3 1 annn.-'.. l isc `•{ :. Professor alverley.the L . l , n ;,, ctl,i'tle i 1}F,h Wire Artist and .., . ..: , . , , .ge. alar-' Obatsudon 01 the Lrd`]a at'Nraw:a •a, - iii.- iv a •'- flu')''' ; lili a aver di..e 1. hibitioes dt.4'tlod ni ht dtiri ;t . ' ;x ...R , e i . r a 1 Ni `by tlI it e, Dya tt nk trio lair.' input sty n . t " ' ... ,. . .. °f , 7.z''Certl`J:.i .i( tr , •... '-: ,.::. .: Brea rho' ,..3, fell L i3ta th Bob.ob; the R f.ie. • .;....I. .; . . - . ., f o . a. t TCang, tines is .- y .?, boom aud`wta's druivnod'ye terttri ; rime Slooam, will give exhibitions of tlrtf most y , +'e is e. great stir at present in the Wea- ls °Mine sending out invitations to ex - re and visitors throughout Canada, in the of Prize Lists, Lighographs, Programmer(, vertising mesterei all kinds. lye Stook Department is of 'personal ae financial interest. to every, farmer, own- admirer of- choice animate. An endeavor Lig made to secure the prominent breeders their stock, whioh will embrace the. este specimens of - every standard breed,. nnumbors eclipse our groat • record of the s a Live Steck Exhibition . Tire Western offers unexcelled' opportunities for the sale nrehase of Live Stook'• n tuatara'os ti be ou exhibition. '1'he,dhoiaest ypaointens' Niil be on oshabition- 4e London is the groat centre of the Darr Tear: $e xua° leoxrnoues Is at Sambre, N. S„ whence Ur. R. O. ' tiartt v rites as follows:—"Withont ado ood Bitters has dene me a lottoftgood, 1 was lsick and weak uud, had appetite, -btu 13. 13..,13. made are feel smart ';nd strong Were fte rtrtees more wiuel:• known nieny lives wapiti be sa't'ed; Exhibitors of Stock• at 'the 'TALL FA R8. olkno.cif oro -Doth the method and results when: Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant` • and "refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever _pro. duced, pleasing to the taste and ac: ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its -affects, prepparedonly from the most ]lealthyandagreeablesubstances, its manyezcellentqualitiescommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy kknown. Syrup of Figs - is for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may net have it on hand, will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured ouly by tho CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CL SMT ragforsao, CAL. LOi}ISVILLT4.1',Y. RBW hpon, fry. k or Sale at C. Lutes Drug' Store THE VERY LATEST SMW ,-. Wheat hasveetiug has begun in eaters' parts of Manitoba, Iu 'View of what Hood' Sarsaparilla has done for others, is i1 not reasonable to believe that it will also he of Ladewt rlo you'f There is a talk of the formation eta eam. gany to build a series of darns in or along the 0ttawato insure a big head of water there ail the year round, Must not be confounded with common cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills are entirely uulike them in every reaped- Ona trial will prove. their superiority. Charles G. Emory, of Calumet Leland has purchased Governor's Island, opposite Olayton, N, Y., from ex -Governor Alvord, for 55,000, Twenty years ago the ex - Governor bought it for $172, A dispatch from Toronto says Alfred Gcddos, a well-known local breeder, has been notified of hie appointment as super• intendent of the Canadian exhibit of dogs et the World's Fair Sept, 19, Aside from the claims of the hotels and boarding houses in Montreal 'who failed to receive expected lodgers, the shortage in conneolion with the recent Y. P. S. 0. E. convention will be about 53,500. Immediate relief if you will only get a bottle of Mombray'a Kidney and Liver aura, Why suffer with Backache, Indigestion, Pain between the shoulders, Constipation, Sick Headaohe,•eto, when you can get re. lief by using this valuable medicine ? Procure a bottle without delay. The shipments of grain out of Montreal port from the opening of navigation until Ihe end of July amounted l0 12,047,004 bashela, against 9.838,947 for the same period last year, The export to far is maid to be the largest on record, Fees! INDIA'a CORAL STRAND,. Dear Sirs,—I have much pleasure in certifying that after suffering severely for 15 months from diarrhtea, which came on after childbirth, previous to which I bad suffered from dysentery for sevens' montbe. I was cured by Dr Fowler'sExtraot of Wild Strawberry. _ Auxin M. Gimes, Brilipatam, India. Mies Lizzie Carpenter, epending the day at Mr. Zenas Wataon'a, Bidgotown, on Wednesday, fell from the top of a high step ladder, breaking her arm and sustain- ing other painful though not dangerous in- juries. g THE WopSTFoRsr Deas Sire.-Abant three years ego I v:ma troubled with dyspepsia in its worst form, neither food or medicine would stay on my stomach, and it seemed impossible to get i ehef. Finally I took one bottle of 13. B. f3 and one box of Burdock Pills, and they cured me completely. • Mns. S. B. Swint, Elmsdale, Ont.. It is reported that Bev. Mr. McLaughlin Presbyterian i ytorian minister of Harrington, is dying. yi ti. He has been ill for sociis time. MOTFACRs AND NURSES All who have the care of children ehonld know that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry may be confidently c.depended cn to euro all summer complaints diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, olio, cholera intim tum, cholera morbus, Danker, etc,, in children or adults. Tho army worm: as been 'at work on the grain fielde.at Polk, Titlbonand Groewel countries for the past ten days. Hnndrods of Beresbave been wholly ruined by the i est, 'and iii others' the 1•ieltwill not exceed five bnshela per acid., Wheat, which at the, begining of the weer looked good for at least fifteen 'mallets per acre, is in mama instances in snob bed shape that it is not worth harvesting Wrier Ssx Tues In popularity increasing: la reliability the otaudard,. Iu merit tno:first- In fact, the•beet remedy for all summer oomhleints daarhtna', dysentery, crurnps, colic, Aram a mfantum, etc., is D. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stri3wkierry, , All medicine stealers This'wonderrul di5covC t sthebe 5 a sverT, nbmedyfch Biliousness and allSto xi ch and td Z.iver. TtouUles, such aero s k:pati on t Headac e , Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Impure Blood, etc. 'These Lozengsare pleasant and barmbes`s,:and tliottgh'powerful to promote a healthyr, . action of she bowels, donoGweakenlx e k pills, :it Dint oa. "e'7te i15 c<altted yon need tit,Crri,. • AT ALL II,R1It - STORES: If you would secure first prise you must have Your animal in the trivia condition, his coat must bo smooth aad elossy and he roue* be in good spirits so as to 'raw offer wa11, Dieles-t3loodPurifieris the best Condition Powders known for horses and cattle. It tones up the whole system, regulates the bowels and kidne;s, Strengthens th x digestion, turns a touch coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives herpes good life making therm appear to the best possible advantage. GotDiek's from your druggist or grooms or address DIOR 4 00,, 1'. 0. -sox 492, ,Montreal CARTiR8 ISE PiLL$. CURE Seklnadaoheand relieve all the troubles incl, dent to a bilious state oe the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness DIstress after eating Pain in the Side, tee. While the}rost remarlm cabla success has been shown in curing _SICK Headache yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Pmts are egttainy valuable in Constipation, curing andpreventmg this annoying complaint, while they also correct an disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they Would ba limoet priceless m th who suffer from th distressing complaint. but fortunately them goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be wining to do without them. But after all sick head CHE is the bane of so many lives that here hi -where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTstt's LITTLE LIVER Pitts aroverysmall and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose, They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pargo, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at25 cents: fire for 51. Sold everywhere. or sent by maiL CARTES ISEbICINE CO., Now York. ill, Small Dam Small Pricer Three Points! NOTE WELL. Experience eWYe have had the xpenience that at- tention to business, °lose prices and ,proper fits, aro the main factors in; our business. p'romt t,tude• redewitheming this feat- ever ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until neat weer: what should have been done this. _ 8atis faci,on.This is a nioe looking word, but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in w .rd and btu way an etxetnpiihed in out ;hop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all'rea- peots. • If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be eonvineed hat what we have said is true. aw! • JOHNS ~ Fashiaaa6le Slabs ! til 1i Q 0 sati rT;t B a' ST YET I r E OOH, I APEST YRT Tian BIGGEST -YET I —77 Pitt O . >, iit'CitiQ ' b .0 Ced I itlll liButter pp i3 Gentlemen n 1 leave orders rse andy, for with the beat staff of Tailors ; She bees stocks of I1ve''Trimaniegb; and the best i.%utt n team ou. are ore ( .r. ,•,3 . d 9[ `tttills tae. Screen` Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Smiths, Fence Wire, Machine Oil, Fruit Tree Sprayers A first-class article for $1.25: Get. our late .rice prices on Binder C 'p O BLEDIGK FQLLA,NDa Hardware Merchants, EXETER here! crow ------, Is 'the time To Thoroughly Disinfect Your Premise A COMPLETE STOCKOF DISIITHMOTI01•TS At Browning's DrQ Store. °COLL'S OILS ARE THE BEST. Use 'JARDINE Machine Oil CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF TRE DOMINION, McOo11' CYLINDER OIL will . wear twice as long as any other make. , . . he Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McCOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto, FOR'tA,LE BY ALL LEADING. DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. EXETERUJMBER YARD8 stantTy hen Stock e I ekdi wisp s to infor.. the public in general that he keepa con— BUILDING MATERIAL, (DR8S ` PINE and HEMLOOK AND A UNDRESSED) 117BER, B. C. RED ON TA1i,IO - .ND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. 4' Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which tsaoknowled to be the Moat Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Slutnlem- Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any °lima., _ JAS. T2! ,, HI llhI71 GUILTY OR NOT,GUIL TY • The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that ARE YOU WANTING any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will be well repaid for your time. Wo down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Best Seledtion t to bandfraat he Grain Boots, and for Men's and Boys Lowest Prices, Then buy at Furniture ? Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Stoi®. Met Door to Post Office, JI Gi d leg's Select from the 'largest and best bought stookin the city. Just now we are showing something ver} ' s in ..:::,i'..:::,i' 1stvh h s new and Or , VIGOR rMEN e Bedroom Suites Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility;' . and all the train of evils from early erross-or later excessest the results' f overwork, sick- ness,. ;worry, etc. Full strength, development and tone given to every organ a nd portionof the body. Simple, natuatm ttads.:Imme- diate impr'ov'ement seen, Failure impossible, 2,000' references. Book, .explanation and; proofs mailed (sealed) free. EMEDICAL ERIE ffl ao NY One -oak Set is a beauty with bevel plate glass. ISxSO$22, . S.GIDL: +'Y'. _.,.._ THE PIONEER STORE. ODDF,ELLUW'S 13IAG1. Ark ROWE t"1 FU°R1 ITLURE DFALEa io i a e • iZ'Oiders promptly attended to. ll Accounts fnuat lbo settled at once ' y'At,ESN1EV VA:NT.ED To represent us in ,the sale o 7lAatnx (lA o of aGADiAI!i ( fRawN STeoi\.. I lA"porlenCd. :. not n C+sossary- We want real' workers and ta: itll $ugh we o$'er n 'nertnnnoi t st u t afro` rspad income ith ahaa n at s tq ee of n dvnn e c mena Aa two noir have over 700 emcee under cultivation, we nen i're enr sale men many sup er • tae i g lot adv an s gVF" e alst4 doaiFe to secure a Rood masa in a our dietrtet t•o sail the iter lar anus. Pune. for wlfieh ire have the General Agensr. This is lotnethiieg new and indispensible, : farmar;orfsart growerr to thon testi t, t3end for terms ant U tire►i4Ei0. CO.,s! . m n al eareaiar, SIU 81tkW6,i,L XGT n N