HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-8-3, Page 5aotea 1 est •de`• •t1 io tva ex Le po cr the ere d Aro my er o tqu a rap, ned orei ed, to ded at' y se lhr pen ank tser 'stip s gi it o a a mat 11 ts t, ed es S. he ee th od to end, ad, of wer and, ,. 'see to vha life 0., 'WM Infer; rsian to an a.tly. ed iti the F()KER. ? That'sliow the racjunesized cooker saved Etc, s, esz Cure o , ri - - , , "1 would like to call year attention to my paytent cooker' idthe milclenanner- ed man with the soft low vole to the rector of St. Dertholomew'e. "Ib pongees, as mebbe yoa can see—,1 "k3at I don't desire a cooker, and would di,sorr.10 s of the Throat and Lungs is ikyer's Cherry Pectorah It has nCi equal as a cough.eure. Bronchitis "When I was ahoy, I had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub. born character, that the doctor pro. gounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recommended me to try A.yer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. Forthe last fifteert years, I have usectthis preparation with good effect whenever I take a bad cold, and I know of numbers of people •vshe keep it in the house all the time not considering it safe to be without 'it"— J. C. liVoodson, P. M., Forest Hill, W, Va. Co u -h "Femora than twenty-five years, 1 'was a sufferer from hong trouble; at- tended with coughing so severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pee- toral, o.nd after taking four bottles, eseiV ihoroughly cured.'— Franz Hoffman. Clay Centre, Kano, La Grpoe "Lost spring I Wag taken clown with In grippe. At times I was completely prostrated, and so cliffieult was my breathing that my breast seemed as it confined in ai iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed, I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid a.nd the cure so complete. ---W. Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL not look at one if I did," interrupted. the a rector St,. Bartholomew's in 9.8 irascible a meaner RS is permitted to his cloth. "They come en three eizes," continued the mild, tneeneered men with the soft low voice "smlt, mej inn, and large. They're mde of tin, genuwine block -tin, uot rolled tin I 'home frequently been congratulated onthe (panty of my tin, Said Bishop Dobs no to me,Hicks'I emegratulate you, On the quality of yourtin.'" "Bishop Dobson?" queried the rector of St. Bartholomew's with languid interest. I don't remember to have seen his name in the Church Calendan" " tlethody," explained the mildenanner- ed man. "I'm a Methody. Here's a cer- tiScate from my pastor saying I'm an indi- vidooal of moral chareoter and use good tin in my cookers. Here's a letter from the toy. Edward Aildus—but I don't set much store by that, bein' es he is a Baptis', and no judge of tin. The principal on which Prepared by Dr. 3. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 'Ala.ss. Soldby ell Dr:40os, Price er six bottles, es, Prompt to act. suro to cure CENTRAL Drug Store FAXSONIS BLOOM. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- the.best in the mark- et and. always resh. Family recip- ees carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Ezete C. tountiz1 my 000ker ia based— rector of St Bareholmnew's, looking hard my life." "1 will buy a medium-sized ooeL" said the rooter, faintly, "Ib coin be used by S. Mergaret's ward of the guild at churob faired "Or comity fairs either. However, I think you would like the large-sized cooker for the church fairs. 13ut you wait till I enish uiy etory. Now I was eegaged to A girl in the United States. If 1 niarried Ugogina, while evoald be the consequences? Breach of promise auit for $10,000, awl me with no assets but three sample eoolters of blo skid% hat then t Default of payment, States's prison for life, 'Sides, I didn't want to merry Ugogina. Whet did I do? Well, air, one day I see a ship goal' by, and stretehins out the Ierge-sized cooker—they are all air tight—I jumped on it and paddled off to the ship, porindin' on the small and xnejam sized all the way to scare ehaelea, That's how the large-sized cooker saved my life." a Put me down for the large size," said the rector of St. Bartholomew's wearily, "1 knowed you would," said the mild- mannered man with the soft low voice, "There's dornething affeotin' in the story of hoer them cookers saved my life."—tilarp. er's Weekly. THE SNAIL'S YOUTR. "Yon will have to excuse me," seed the it is -won No Nig Wild Beast Has One Late at the heavy gold watch presented hirn by the parish on his lest:birthday, "but I have a sermon to write," "Alebbe your lady would like to see the cooker," eaid the mild-mannered man. "It's made of gentiwine block -tin, tend Bishop Dobson himself said, congratulate you on the quality of your tin.' "I have no wife," said the ratter, with the merest auepicion of a blush. 'Than buy it cooker and git one," said the mild-mannered man, confidentially. " With Hicks's peytent cooker as an argu- mint, you will git ono easy. They come in three eizes—small, 'manna, and large. Tide here is the atnell one. Poi& all up, you see, like a telescope. Mebbe you wouldn't believe it, but one of them small- • «11 is a fortunate thing for man and the rest of the animal kingdom," said the natur- alist to a reporter" that no large wild an- imal has a mouth constructed with the de- vouring apparatus built on the plan of the insigniticant-looking spell's mouth, for that animal could out -devour anything thee lives. The snail ;Welt is suoix an entirely impleasant, not to say loatbsotne, creature toliandle that few amateur natureliets rare to bother with it, but by negleoting the snail they miss studying one of the most iuteresting objects that come tender their observo.tiou. Aaiyone who has noticed a snail feeding on a. leaf must have wondered how such ie soft, fiebby, alimy animal can make suet) a sherp aad cleanecutinoiaion in the leaf, Wax - MISO:BLLANEOUS 12.61Ta• In Sin oely one-fourth. of the popula- tion eau read and write. The eembihed length of the world's tele- grodul hues is 881,000 miles, or enough to encircle tee earth about thirty-three times. The Slaughter family, of Texas, are said to be the most extensive landowners in etodecp,le:rxiTLext,enab.ined holdiugs DemountIng . Petroleum, whieh isepopularly supposed to be derived from coal, is according to ad- vanced science, more probiably the result of the action of water on metal. It is a curious anomaly in the law dela if you pay for your photograph being taken no copy cen be sold without your consent, while, if you do not the photographer may sell it to any extent. The Australian failures have had a visible effect on the Leaden season. Carriaaes are noticeably fewer and many fashionable peo- ple use the omnibuses which run on regular routes all over Euglancl. In the Grand Duchy of Luxemberg per sons desiring work or help have now only to send repostal card to the director of the pose administration in order eo have their wants advertised in every postoffice in the grand duchy. During the reign of Henry VIII. 71,400 persons were legally executed in Eugland, the larger portions. of whom were guilty of no offense worse than misdemeanor. In one year three hundred starving beggars were hanged for aaking minis. The frizded glass threads from which cot- ton is wavert are said to surpase in flaeness not only the finest cotton, but even the threads of the eilkworm'a eocoon, their softness and elasticity being even greater than thee of manufactured silk " sized cookers aaved my life one*. It WiLO 1 nig • a,n edge a.s smooth and :straight as if it in the spring of 1853, or the fall of 185.% or I had been cut with a knife. That is due to the winter of 1.854, 1 clou't remember which L the peculiar and formidable mouth he has. and it don't make no difference, that the The snail eats with his tongue and the roof of his mouth. The tongue is a ribbon which the snail keeps in a coil in his mouth. This. Magee is in reolity a band saw, with the teeth on the surface instead of on the edge. The teeth are so small that as many as 30,- 000 of them have been found on one snail's tongue. They are exceedingly sharp, and is the latest triumph in pharmacy for the cure of all the symptoms' indicating KIDNEY AND Ling Complaint. On you are troubled with Costiveness, Dizziness, Sour St oznacii, Headache, Indigestion. POOR APPArira, Steno FEELING, RatICKAVO PAINS ; SleepleSS Nights, Itielaneholyt Feeling, BACK Acne, Alentbsay's Kidney and Liver Cure will give immediate relief and EFFECT A. Cure. Sold at all Drug Stores. Teterboro' Medicine Co., Limited. PETERS0130', ONT. e' Rea. Dr. James Wilyunis, D. D., an toole passage for Africky in the brig Thom. as J. Walkup, gain' as inissionaries to some of the nurneroua cannibal tribea that keepa down' the prmula,tion, and consequently ecoounts for the depressed values of real estate in the Durk Continent. The Rev. Dr. Wilyums was to teaelt the savages re- only a few of them are used at a twee. Not ligiou, but my mission was a more impor, exactly only a few of them, but a few of them tent one. I was to introduce Hicks's pay tent comparatively, for the snail will probably cooker among 'em. You caa see that even have 4,000 or 5,000 of them in use at Once. this large-eized <molter won't hold a man, He does thie by meansof this ceded tongue, He chit uncoil as much of this as he chooses, mud the uncoiled part he brings into service, to say uothin' of the mejum and. small one& Now I calculated to teach the eavages to use my cookera and When they got so at- the roof of his month is as hard as berm lie tacbed to 'em 48 to never eat nothin' exeepe ;tramps the leaf between hie tongue and that what...was cooked in a cooker—seein that you couldn't, cook a ma in 'ern—cannibal- ism Would nitturally die out. When I broached my plan to Bishop Dobson Ids eyes shone anci he said 'Go Hicks, go. Your work will supplement the work of the Rev. Dr. Wilytuns. I heartily commend your plan, aud 1 congratulate you on the quality of your tin.' Them was his words, and I went. 64 Well, air, the mornin' rater I arrived in Africky I began to talk to the chief about my eoolrer, when what does he do but take me dawn to the leadin' grocery store of the town and show metho Bev. Dr. Wilyums chained up. "'Can you cook him ?' axed the chief. 44 4 NO, said I, my breath all gone with simprise at the tura drake had took, " Well,' said the old chief, theme' the kinl of victuals we eats. We don't con- sume much in the weer of breakfast foods, infants' foods, and the like. If yourcooker can't cook our style of provisions we ain't got any use for it.' HAVE YOU :At "Baaktiche means tl.ie kid- neys are in trouble, bodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief "75 per 4ent. of disease is first caused by disordered Ida'- neys. " Might as well try to haue a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are, ciogged,thsy are Sold by all dealers or of price 50 cents. per Dr, L. A. Smith & Co. bookcalled Kidney Tal the scavengers of ,the systein. 'Delay is dangerous, Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Lluer Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." "The above diseases cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used," acid by mail On rccelpi box or six forSa.,-o. Toronto. 'Write for le, " Aed with that they put me in theirjail, and that was the last I ever see or heard of the Rev, Dr. James Wilyums, D. D. They Worild have et me at once, but the ohief's daughter, Ugogina, fell in love withme,and made 'am put off the obsequies or festivities, according as you looked at it from my stand -point or the savages'. I talked niers to Ugogina, and got her to bring me my small -sized cooker, the only one the old witch doctor what kept the cookers would let her have • and with that I cooked them savages the fines t kinds of victuals they ever et, and they set me free and made ineroyal cook, and the chief kinder smiled indulgent- ly at the wayUgogina was makin' up to me. So you see the small sized cooker saved. my life. " buy the small size," said the rector, hastily. "1 have a sermon to write. "Now you just take my advice and gib a mejum size. You can afford it, When you take that small -sized cooker round to that young lady you're after, when you ask her to marry you what'll she think ? Why, she'll say to herself that in buyin' this small cooker you are Irwin' out not to ever have any company to meals, and if she's a girl that is fond of company you're rennin' a risk. Wait till I tell you how a mejurn sized cooker saved my life. Well, the old witch doctor took a big dislike to me, and kept tellin' the folks that I would make a better meal cooked than I would cookin'. Ugogina wanted to marry me, and the chief was willin',but the witch doctor prophesied Le lot of calamities if the marriage took place, and scared the chief. Now I didn't want to marry Ugogina, but I could see that if I did I would be saved from he& et; but I thought I would try to save myself aril get out of the marriage also. I could have run off to sea any day,but there warn't no boats. I could see ships.sailin' by quite often, but there warn't no way to git off to 'em. I decided to fix the witch doctor first. Igot Ugogtno., to wheedle the old feller to give me my mejum-sized cooker, the small - sized not bein' large enough for my pur- poses. Then I got a lot of African beans and some hollow reed and some sticky olay. I set the beans a-cookinand put the reeds into a little hole I madedin top of the cooker. I molted the witch doctor in, and told hinethis was some of my new vaporized atmospheric air, and told him to pet his mouth to the reeds and suck some in. ou know, if you hove studied chemistry, that beans are highly charged with gas. Es- pecially is this true of the genuivine African bean. Well, sir, that old chap swallerecl a lot of that gas, and quicker than a wink Ugogina and I knocked him over and plast- ered his nose and mouth un with clay, aril I'm ieliar if that gas didn't float that old feller right up in the air, clear out of sight. You see, he was remarkably eapecious, and the gas was remarkably strong—remarkably strong. I stood there in front of the people when he' was flocttin' in the air, and told 'em was a magician, and conld set 'em all floatint They was scared ; wanted to elect me chief ; but I wasn't used to high politi- cal honors, and compromised with Alder- man and President of the School 13otxrd. NVell, sir'Ugogiea was dyin to marry me a.t once ; but I stsled her off for a time by seed& I wanted to it my trousseau ready. hard substance, al rasping away with lois tongue saws through the tougheet leaf with ease, alwaye leaviug the edge smooth end Weigh e. "ley use the teeth wear off or become dulled. When the snail finds that this tool is becoming blunted he uncoils another sec - don and works that eat until he has come to the end, of the coil. Then he :soils the tongue up again and is. ready to start in new, for while he has been using the latter por, tions of the ribbon the teeth have grown in again m the idle portions—the saw has been filed and reset eo to speak—and while he is using them the teeth in the beck part of the coil ere renewed. So I think I am right in saying that if any large beast of prey was fitted up with setoh a devouring apparatus as the snail has it would go hard. with the rest of the animal kingdom.' POUND SAFETY MI DBE, W.A.TEA, A Jit orr or Vain. Pnetialt by a Road of tint - der° tts Indians, "Dive for your life men and eoroe up un- der the tree l" These words I yelled from inside a hollow tree thirty years ago to a man pureaed by Indians, says a writer. The tree was on the (shore of a large lake, near Pelican Repide, Minn, The whole country was esva,roune With the red skins that took pert in th7: great " Indian outbreak." It was an early eatamn day. I heel been ea limiting, for the Indians had been quiet for some weeks end no fears were entertained of immediate trouble in oar seetion. I did not take my dog in case of an attack hy seve.ges, when the least noise :night betray me. The se. quel proved the wisdom of my boyish judgment. Though but 18 yearold I knew every path in the wilderness as well as the rabbits, and iu summer spent most of the days bathing in the lake. Notwith- standing all my °minor exercise I was A slender delicate -looking youth. But waen't Iglad one day that I was thin I "went in swimming" always near a. big dead tree that lifted hie gaunt form away up into the sky. It stood so closet° the water that the waves had swept under it and vvashect away the earth from the roots, making a big cav- ity where it had once drawn nourishment for its branches. I had often longed to look under there and know all about the myateries of that cieve. So one day feeling more than usually reekless, took a Wag pole, poked around in the hole to see wheth- er I would get caught in any roots mod then dived in. As I got well under the hill I discovered that die cave was light and that I could see bottom. I kicked hack till. I got ma. Here was a: mystery sure. Another breath and down I went again. This time I turned on my back and looked up. //i. great flood of light came down the old tree. The titer= of years a,bove and below had jointly eaten out the old trunk till it stood a shell from root to top. Once more filling my lungs with air, I dived directly under the light. Then I readied up and felt an opening. Through this 1 atm* my head and one arm. Then breathing was easy, for there was plenty of air, I told nobody of my secret and chuckled every time I thought of my wood parlor. The next day 1 took With um an ax and eut out the opening till it was large enough even fora man. Then I out little eye -holes (I called them "peepers ") through the sides so that I could see any oue approaching. The day when it really became a retreat I was sitting on the bank at the favorite spot, debating whether it was too late in the year and. whether the water was too cold for taking a farewell plunge. I had almost made up my mind not to go in when a rifle shot wane booming acrose the lake. The shot was still echoiug among the trees above me when a white man dashed down to the shore and rau along the beauh, At hia heels ceme a band of Indians. Every now and then I could see one raise hie bow and let fly an arrow. Back into the woods the fleet white man darted, taking iny di- rection. A taw minutes and they might be upon me. But I smiled as I thought of the tree and quickly threw off my elothes,which I tied into a bundle and fastened about my waist. Then I laid my eer to the ground and liatened. Tramp, tramp eame the dull sound of running feet, growitir clearer and clearer. I 'hesitated no longer, but plunged in and soon had my eyes to the peepera " The water had aceacely dried oo my fieel when, crashing through the under brush, came the hunted man. The terrible spurt of speed by which belied tnomentarily left his pursuers behind had told on him, and now, breathless, pale and ready to fell, he leaned against the tree. Be hied thrown away his rifle in the race, but now he draw his revolv- er, and, hiding behind the tree, prepared to meet arrow with bullet. His head wits only a few inches from niy mouth as I criett to him to them under the tree and come in. The cry so near him only added to his fright, and his revolver nearly fell from his ban( "on't be afraid, I am inside the tree, join me and you are safe." I leaned over the opening and extended a helping hand into the water. There was o splash and in a second I had feat hold of a buckakin Clothed arm and I drew him em into the tree, he shivering with the hath and awful fear. I had only time to get back to my "peepers" when the blood- thirsty troop came bounding on his track. His sudden disappearance stunned them. Down on their knees they went, examining every detail of his footprints. Some leaned against the tree and 1 could have whispered In their ears. To the very spot horn which he had dived they tracked him, and. then they waited. He will swim the lake, they thought, and we will watch for him. When no head appeared above the water the braves fell into a dispute about the trail, and finally, after an hour of waiting, dis- appeared in the forest. We two remained in the tree until dark. He told me how he as carrying messages from the military camp when he had stumbled epon the In dian band and how they had sought to search him. He had killed the first one that laid hands on Mtn and then fled. When the first stars came out we droppedthrough the opening into the water, but we did not 18,0 near by. We swain fully a quarter of a mile before landing to deceive any crafty eye that might have been observing us. In half an hour I had piloted the scout safely to the stockade and the }soldiers. The "Mountains of the Moon," in Airica, which were discovered by Stanley, are al- leged to be inhabited by the demon elguar- me, an evil epirit, All the African savages are ;amid of his power, and an attempe to expose hiin lately ended in rude and. dis- aster. b. aew order of things has lately come %beet in Siam, and the young men are get- ting a great and unusual share in the gov- ernment of the country. From the king downward there is scarcely a single minister who is above the age of 40 and many are much younger. Almost the sole hereditary trade in the United States is that of the deep water pilot. At most of the important see - ports pilotage has been eanfined for genera - done to a tew families. The Delaware *lets congregate at Lewes, where they have lived these many generations. A commercial convention between F• "nee and Russia. was toncluded ewe week a ago. France reduces the duty on petroleum and Russia reduces the duties on Some fifty- three artioles, including wines, spirits, linen textiles, fancy goods, and clothing. A toy fort has been built by Etnperor William in the Sans Seem Park at Potsdam at a mit of $124,000, for the military edu- cation of the Crown Prince and his broth- ers, It was designed by owl of Krupp's engineers and displays every modern im- provement. At all pablie demonstration's in London OXpected to attract large ambers of spec - Odors, a system of hued signalling will be adopted by the police so that by a code passed from official to official men held in reserve at any given point can be instently centered at a scene of disturbance. CURIOSITIES. At the Belding Brothers Silk Works, Northempton, Mass, there is a well 370 0 feet deep that is perfeetly dry at the hot - tom. Potato rot is caused bya,minute parasite, a species of living breathing creatures so small that a colony of 2000 can live in a apace smaller than a pin's head ! The condor soars higher than any other species of bird, spending nine -tenths of its life at a distenee of more then three miles above the surface of the earth. In the human blood thete is an average of 300 red cells to every single white one. The red cells have an average diameter of 1 -3200th of an inch ; the white ones, 1 -25, - 000th of an inch. In tiachyn's Diem entry of March 3 1557, I find the following Seen a shoe maker soundly thrashed az Cheapside to -day by order of the baliff for making a high- priced boot of a cheap quality of leather. A female codfish will lay 45,000,000 eggs during,. a siugle season. Pim:Aerial author- itiey that were it not for the work of the natural enemies of fish they would soon fill all the available space in the Pais,' rivers and Oceans. A late authority an American money says that the largest amount represented by any one "greenback" is $10,000 and that there is but one such note in existence. An old German scientist has lately come to the front with th o stnetling declaration that all diamonds of this earth originally come from the moon or aerolites or meteor- ites. A recent experiment station bulletin givesstartling statistics concerning the seeds of weeds. According to the dooament re- ferred to the putalmie may have as many as 388,000 seeds to the single plant; the thistle 95,366 and the plantain close to 50,- 000. McCartysays (see " Statistic:Len and Economist," Page) that bees, jn order to collect one pound of clover honey, must deprive 62,000 clover heads of their nectar. To do this they must make 350 trips to the fields. The largest amount of insurance at risk upon a single life is $1,000,000, carried by John Wanamaker, Harrison's Postmaster General. Stetson, the hatter, carries the nextlargest amount, $750,000. The rishwoman'e Turn. On a stall in the Victoria market, Man - cheater last week, a few live lobsters were exposed for sale. A man came along, and, turning over the dormant" animals," asked the priee of them, at the seine time raising one of them to a close proximity with his nose. 4Wheiv 1" said the fellow. ' rli hey you proseiuted, mum. It smells." At this instant the lobster's 'claw fasten- ed Rolf firmlyupon the gentleman's nose The fishmonger,s Wifeplacecl her arms :debt - bo in triumph, and simply asked the gentleman, with a chuckle, "Who shmells now, mister ?". Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing,God's will. l A Throat u*she°dseB man S) andre i. ly Pm1"; iecgi iant ee wi tsahelivatse. uTt lralaug elsyde Specialty. trouble o ful sensations of healing, easing, ing, strength -gathering and Mg are unknown joys. F man Syrup we do Et ask e Sugar and water may .. throat or stop a tickling—fo This is as fax as the ordina medicine goes. Bosthee's Syrup is a discovery, a great1 and Lung Specialty. Where years there have been sensitiven pain, coughing, spitting, he hage'voice failure, weakness, i ping dawn hill, where doctors an medicine and advice laavebeen, mai lowed and followed to the gulf 0 despair, where thereis the sickeniui conviction that all is over and th end is inevitable, there we plaC German Syrup. It cures, You ar t live man yet if you tak e it. in some of the London churches the old fashion of open -Der pnlpits hail been re- vire& These pulpits are of stone, with heavy oak sounding boards. Chaira are placed in the grounds of the church. The hymns are printed in huge letters and hung from pests. These open-air servioes are well atteuded. Extensive drought will cause the snail to close its doors, to prevent the eva,poretion of its bodily moisture and dry up. These little animata are possessed of astonishing vitality, regaining activity after having been i frozen n solid blocks of ice, and enduring a degree of heat for weeks which daily crisps vegetation. Italy stands at the bead of the wine pro- ducing countries of Europe. She tnanufac. tures half as much again as France, Next on the list is Spain; then follows Austria- Hungary, Germany atid. Switzerland in the order mentioned. It is not generally known that the country outside of Europe which produces most wine is Algeria. The Llano Estacado is, portiere the most arid spot in the United States east ef the rookies. Scarcely any rain falls on it The steppes owe their name of Staked plains to the posts set up through the wil- derness to guide the traveller or the cars. van, or, according to another explanation, to the atalks of yam& plants growing on them. Smith's island, or "Bald Head's island," as it is better known, is reported to be one of the strangest bits of lard no th of Flor- ida. Tne island is said to project nearer the gulf stream than any other land on this continent and, as a result, is subtropical. The palmetto grows in profusion, while the olive and the myrtle arefound in abun- danee. Eighty years ago, in Edinburgh, it was the custom for a man to walk through the town every day at noon bearing a large shinbone of beef. His cry was, "Three stirs and a wallop fora bavvbee." All the house- wives bad their vegetables stewing for the family soup and gladly paid their bawbees bone, which was supposed to flavor the for 1.110 privilege of three stirs with the Generally speaking, the slope of rivers flowing into the Mississippi from the east is on an average about three inches per mile; those entering it from the west have an average descent of about six inches per mile. The average descent per mile of the Missouri after it leaves the mountains is reckoned at about a foot; the Des 'Moines, frotn its source to its conjunction with the Mississippi, aboue 7.3 inches. The entire length of the Ohio shows a fall of even five Males. The Mississippi, from the mouth of the Ohio to the gulf, has a fall of but two and one-half inches. Previous to the destruction of the " Tem- ple of Solomon" by the Beeelonians the Ark of the Covenant was contained therein, but what became of it after that time is not known. It is 'believed by some to have been tat- away or destroyed by King Nobs- chacinezzer, while certain of theJewsbelieve that it was concealed from the invaderteand account it among the "hidden things" which the Messiah (Who is yet to come) will reveal. That the old ark was not in the second temple all writers agree; and its ab- sence is one of the important /mints of dif- ference between the two temples, the see- ond being held as much inferior on that ac- count. The reason that it is thought to have not been in the second temple is be. cause Ezra, Nehemiah, the Maccabees and . Josephus never mentioned et, SVIINEYING. FRED W7FARN 00 UB, Provincial Lana %Tavern' and Civil Ell Office, restairs.earnwelrs Bleak. Exeter.Ont g-ety owner or antedt-::-v7:::).0NV. good health while in the stable on dry faaldt as the best Condition Powders, it gives 0 gco appet '", and strengthens the digesan so that nil thl food i-, ..5s:tnitated and forms fiesta, thus a:mina:oil DICK'S SLOOD PURIFIER is now recognizet atfit2:14instuisi:::45eautSr.17biothurcegtbaczelayintetos the Bowels and R.ialney ways in demand andat Sound lierscs are al- a, a z moo ckzellueaputlino Isonsi my aalni I are so:bids to stirs and strains DICX'S ni,18- Li 1 TER va; be &and a stable natessity: it will 41 lorse I remove a curb, seaviii, splint or thoteughpin or any swelling. Dirk's I irl ment cures a strain car lameness and removes inem4 mation trent cuts and baatists. For Sale by all Dv.: gISO I. Pille 5 Woad Purifier tiOc, Ditles Blister ' Dick's Liniment 250. Dick's Ointment :)..iic. Send Fat Cattle Iri:11113 titelars, aback of valuable household and farm recipes Na be sent free. DICK & CO.,. P.O. Box 4E2, bIONTREA .•VOSYNO, Row to Gat a "Sunlight" Fictu.re. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (the large wrapper) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St. Toronto, Lend you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This ts an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. With, your address carefully. An Enormous Diamond. The Daily Telegraph says : —The largest rough diamond that has ever been found in Africa, weighing 670 carets, has just been reported in London. It was found in the Jagersfontein mine, and ie a blue -white scone. Some idea, of its size can be ima- gined when it is compared with the Koh -i• Noor, which at preseut weighs 102 carats. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caste& - -When she was a Chpd, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung tenCastorla. %Viten she had Children, sttegavetbem Castorin 11 isa eertain and spoedy curs far Cola tattle acsCatar100s110ts htzgta, SOOTHING, CLEANSING, Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure lmpessible, Arany socared dames ars simply symptoms et Catarrh, tomb a* head. Salle, partial rtes.:um, losiag altar+ of smell, foul breath, hawking and spit. tins, nausea, general feeling ot de - batty, etc. If oou are troubled wick any of tbssa or Iliatired symptoms, vow h Wee Catarrb, and abould boo 115 limo In procuring a lAttirt et Karat. atIAL. Be warned in time, neglected seta in head results in Catarrh. M. lowed by eonsumptIon and death. NASAL BAIZX it SOLI by aOl &twist., *rwlil1e3e01. post paid. on recopt price ttO cent% and $1,00.1nY addressing FLILFORD & CO, Brockville:Ont. A remarkable aecident occurred to Cobb Harris, of Oneonta, Ala. He was riding mule; when the enured snd.denly threw'his head up, esriking „Harris on the chin, and breaking his javsbone, Dr. Fowler Extract of 'Wild Strawberry is arena remedy that can always be depended to cure cholera, cholera infantum, co aramps, dittrrhcee, dysentery, and looseness of the bowels. It is a p Extract containing all the virtues of Wel?! Str berry, one of the safest and surest for all summer complaints, corabi with other harmless yet prompt tura agents, well known to medical Mei The leaves of Wild Strawberry were known bi the lucli to be an excellent remedy for dierth dysentery and looseness of the bow but medical science has placed be the public in Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Strawberr a complete and effectual cure fo those distressing and often hong complaints so common in this cha ableit cblimas ate. d the test for 40 yeasts, hundreds of lives have been sieved le prompt use. No other remedy alwa Cures summer complaints so promptly, q the pain so effectually and allays ir tion so successfully as this unriv. prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you going to trevel this Summer be sure and take a bottle with yon overcomes safely and quiokly the tressing summer complaint so catisea by change of air and water, is also a epeeific against sea -sic and ell bowel Complaint Price 35o. Beware of inateeetione subetitutes sold by unscrartleme de for the sake of greateg peofite, rie••