HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-8-3, Page 31kir8. Mary F. O'Fallora'. of Piqua, 0., says the Phy.. sielaixs aro Astonished,, and look at her like ono Raised from the Dead Long and Terrible illness from Blood Poisoning Completely Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. glary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent lady of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned while as- sisting pitysioians at an autopsy 5 years ago, and seen terrible ulcers broke out on her head, arms, tongue and throat. Iter hair ail eamc out. She weighed but 78 lbs., and saw no prespoet of help. At last she, began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and at once im- proved; could soon get out of bed and wans. She says, "T became perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla [darn now a well woman. I weigh 128 lbs., rat well and do the work for a largo family. ease seems snasiiyeelk at instomnent, Inmost like ono rained from the dead.» HOOD'a [ACLS should be in every family edicino chest. Once used, ahveye preferred. YOU Want a Bicycle? " BRANTFORD BICYCLES c J HAVE A STANDARD VALUE aFll"i i —1 AND FOREIGN. lVewa r Developments of JSaclx Day ]During the Weolt ixrSnxall Space. There were 164,000 people at the World's Fair on Thursday: It is estimated that there are 100,000 un- employed men in Denver, Col., at the pres- ent time,. The British miners refuse to accept a re- duction in ,wages, and a strike is considered eertoin. The Norwegian Storthing has reduced King Oscar's appanage from 336,000 to 256.000 kroner. At Vidalia, Montgomery county, Ga,, James Strickland killed James Lockley. It is said that Lockley killed Strickland's dog the day before. Cashier James M. Dowling, of the United States mint, has been arrested •at New Orleans on a charge of embezzling 825,000 from the ;United States Government. The Netherlands steamship P. Caland, from Now York for Rotterdam with a general cargo, became disabled, and was towed to Queenstown by the SS. Damara, from. Halifax. An anglers' congress will be held at Niagara -on -the -Lake August 9 to celebrate the ter -centenary of Izaak Walton, the father of angling. The affair: promises to be a most enjoyable gathering.; l.'he National Rifle Association matches at Bisley were finished on Saturday. John Leacock, a fanner, was killed by lightning during a storm at Frankville. Three of the four men who were burned in the Edwardsville mine accident yester- day have died. Fire in the Pabst Brewery at Milwaukee, Wis., yesterday caused damage to tho extent of ;175,000. Louis W. Frank has been arrested in Stratford for playing the flim-flam game in Toronto and Hamilton. Five Anarchists were arrested yesterday in Madrid for preparing dynamite bombs for use in the Spanish capital. The ICexituoky National Bank of Louis. ville, Ky., has closed, its doors. Its capi- ta; stock was $1,000,000. Ferdinand Freihen von Bauer, Austro. Hungarian Minister of War, who was stricken with apoplexy on Friday, is dead. Thera is a financial panic in Milwaukee, Ill. The Milwaukee Natioual Bank and tho South Side Savings Bank have closed their doome, and °there . r:: runs on many others. The King of Siam is said to be preparing to leave Bangkok. Cholera is rampart among the poorer classes in Moscow. Paid admissions at the World's Fair on Wednesday, 88,101. China bas taken measures to support Siam against the French. President Cleveland's rheumatism has entirely disappeared and he is now reported to be in splendid health. The situation in Mashonaland, South .Arica, is said to be critical owing to an. uprising against the whites. John B. IC. Phair, a Philadelphia lumber merchant worth $200,000 jumped from the roof of his house yesterday and killedhim- elf. A phenomenal oil find is reported at 'Waterville, fifteen miles west of Toledo, Cl, The territory was abandoned as worth- ees 30 years ago. The late Anthony* J; Drexel, of Philadel- phia, left between $2i,000,000 and $30,- 000,000. One million goes to the erection and maintenance of an art galjery, and $100,000 to the German hospital of Phila- delphia, the rest to relatives. THEY, BUiLT TO SEL.[. AT " THE PRICES OFFERED a MANUFACTURED eV he geoid Bicycle Coew. 1 Br•i [ford, Ont. Drees: 113ONEC ST., Toi oNTo ,FERR.IN S' & MARTIN. hanson'a Block. 14EVRAL4,", 44s, 1.0 to&' e,1. o11NE'''l�,'' rp�c relief but fl care for al/ k: Mda of ) PAINS, SiCK STOiVMA01-1 AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you get STA tirS. maim ny R. STARK, 6t, 0. C. P., CHEMIST o Vigorous fighting is reported to be in progress in Ilio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The British steamer Blue Jacket, from Marseilles, arrived at Cardif''; yesterday with cholera on board. It is reported that France has sant au ultimatum to Siam, allowing only twenty four hours for a response. Two lulu were mortally wounded and one instantly killed in a pitched battle between tramps and citizens near Sheffield, Ind, At Indianapolis, while intoxicated, Lopez Mntnough shot his divorced wife's sister, Miss Mary Winch, and then blew out bis brains. m on Nancy Taylor, while asleep beside y Tuesday night, in Dublin, Va., •r brains beaten out with an axe by her husband. Mr. t'}ladstone's brougham collided with a van in Parliament square, London, yes - terriers The Premier reesived no serious injury, but was considerably shaken up. Loretto Valentine, a little girl living in. Hamilton. stumbled while walking on rho street and a rib of her umbrella ran through her nose and into her brain. She died two days afterwards. The paid admissions at the World's Fair n Monday were 80,073. The fund for relief of relatives of the ictinis of the Victoria disaster has been closed. It amounts' to .E50,000. At New York Frank Egan killed John J. McDonald, 24 years old, a meat carver, in glove contest Monday night. Egan has disappeared. The iron mill operatives and the Am- algamated Association have failed to agree in the matter of wages and a general shut down is the result. Owing to a 20 per cent. cut in wages 800 of the 1,000 employes of the Mattoon Manufacturing Company at Cheboygan, Wis„ have gone on strike. .A. warehouse fire in old London;' in the district bounded by Leadenhall, Brazmarks and Camomile streets, destroyed 30 build- ings, The loss will reach .£1, 500, 000, A Virginia mob caught" a negro barn burner the other day and hanged him, After the mob left the rope broke and the negro escaped to tell his experience. He says hanging is a pleasant death. FROM OLASOOW UNIVERSYTY, SCOTLAND, R THE R. STK MEDICINE CO. IT 5 GENTS a bo Se ,I by , III iD3regNiate GENTS nniirel�• ?rem �d!nll+^:rntl a• ]s wonderful discovery isthe bestknownremedyfor iousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, 'Aire—Brood; 'etc. These Lozenges are pleasant d harmless, and though powerful to promote a althy action of the bowels,do not weaken like pills. your tongue is coated yotiiiced theist, AT ALL /DRUG STORES.. ollics g �illi�ms Milling Co, Haye\opened an office ' opposite" Town Ball, E star, pending the building of their ne Mill, Whore they. will keep; eonstantlybl hand a full stock . of the best bran's OWlour. Also all kinds of 1 SI and Toed Fanners and townsl?iple will find it c their advantage to call,,.,md see us. ROLLINS & WIL\TAMS. Italy .Wants a World's irair. Nolra, July 25,--A committee has been formed to make preliminary. arrangements for an international' exhibition' in Turin in 1896. Reciprocity Redivivns. ST. Payr,, Minn., July 25.—It his been decided to hold the second. Internrx tional Reciprocity Convention at Duluth oli Oct. 10. Letters have been received from lead- ers of the movement both in Canada and the United States expressing the hope that some practical step will be taken for establishing `,reciprocal relations .between Canada iand the United States. It it said that E gland will have representatives vested ith nu:thority at the convention, In this ease very n im o tp r a t results maybe reached. Txxxs iSEixnaa LTOUTIIotrsa Is at Sambre, N. 5., whence Mr, lig E. llartt psites as follows. —"Without a doubt Burdock Blood Bitters has done me a lot of good, I was sick and weak and had no appetite, but B. B. 13. made me feel mast and strong, Were its natio more widely known many fives would be saved. '' 44,141411 To Exhibitors Stock u..IVZOIre3 Both the method and re2tdts bet Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,. iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro' duced, pleasing to the taste and acs ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most. healthyandagreeablesubstances, its man excellentqualitiescommendit to all and have, made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not lave it on band, will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it.. Manufactured only by the) eAUUFOWNIA FIG SYRUP CL SAN FRANCISCO, OAI. GOtIISVILLE, KT. NEW Y0EL 11'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store A Benencent Discovery, The Nobiest aatuevemant of Soienee. The iron horse, with its tireleaa a trength its pulsus of vapour and its heart of flames le a glorious exponent of the creative cap" eeity of the human mind, and the metallic nervus through which intelligonoe convict!, aver a continent prove by every flash of througbt which traverses thein that mon rosaeaa one attribute menially grand,, the rower to annihilate space and time, But last and important as have been the results of making steam and ,lightning tno com- mon carrier and messenger of the world, the discovery by whioh weak or impure blood can be vitilized or restored to new vigour and purity by meats of internal, and external remedies is one of infinate value Tho resources of vegetable chem. fairy as developed and applied by Thomas Holloway have proved equal to this [nighty task. Elis famous remedies impart Ito the system of life a disinfecting, principle which frees the system from all impure and poiaoneae elomente, The powers of ehemietry are almost beyond calculation, and as be has brought them to bear upon all the varieties of diocese in those inval.. .able compounds known as Holloway's Pills and Ointment, they have compaasad their highest and holiest object. Steam, as the great motor, is a aubsid- iaryagent. Its usefulness oonaiate, main- ly, in conveying substantial benefits, with speed and certainty, to the fields In whiob. they are to operate. It is simply the bear- er of bleasinge, not their originator. Of all the freight whioh it oarriea over land and sea, there is perhaps none ao preoious as Holloway's remedies, It is scarcely a figure of speech to say that wbithersoever it convoys them it flies "with healing on its Singe." Under the influence of the Ointment, the skin, however disfigured by ,eruptions or exorosonoes, becomes pure, spotless, and transparent ; and this erasure of blemishes is not accomplished by driving back disease into the vital recesses of the system but by neutralizing the morbid material which fe to it. The pills aot upon the internal Holds and the organs which secrete thecal upon the sanitaryprinciple. They destroy the aorid particles subjected to their chemical action, as infallibility as an alkali neutral. Les an acid ; and at the same time impart a mild and constant electric action to th e seoretive and excretive machinery. The sanction of governments, the pat- ronage of princes, the approval of all Christian nations, the gratitude of pagan millions attest the worth of these twin our- ativeg. In fact there is no region with which England or any other eonntry has any:commercial intercourse where Holloway would not find himself at home. Somo estimate may be formed of the extent and variety of his foreign correspondence, from the fact that 60 corresponding clerks, of which number sixteen are accomplished linguists, aro employed in conducting it. He is the centre of a sanitary circle that belts the world. FRcns INDIA'S CORA. STRAND. Dear Sira,—I have much pleasure in oertifying that after suffering severely for 15 months from diarrhoea, which came on after childbirth, previous to which I had suffered from dysentery for several month e. I was cured by Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawber ry. ANauE M. Gxasox, Brilipatam, India, Tim WorsTPout Dear'Sirs,`=About three years ago I was troubled with dyspepsia in its wort form, neither food er medicine would stay on niy stomach, and it seemed impossible to get relief. Finally 1 took ono bottle of B. B. ±3 and one box of Burdock Pills, and they lured me ootnpletely, Bins. S. B, Elmsdale, Ont. MoTRERs AND NURSES All who have the care of children should know that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wil Strawberry may be conedeutly depended on to euro all summer complaints diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, eolio, oholorainfentum, cholera morbus, canker, eta„ in ohildten or adults. Wnaa' SAT THEY 2 In popularity increasing: In reliability the standard. In merit the first. In feet, the best remedy for all summer complaints diarbcee, dysentery, cramps, colic, cholera infantum, etc., is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. All medicine dealers sell it. e^"'x .r" The proof of the pudding is, •the eating. Membrays Kidney and Liver Curb has been pronounced the best remedy ever put in a bottle, for the Cure of all 07n -interns indleating Kidney or Liver complaint. If you ti ouidsoouro first prize you must have Your animal in the guest condition, his coat must be smooth and glossy and ho must bo in good spirits SD as to "show Off"' Salt. Powders known fora horses and best te.0Condition un the whole system, regulates the bowels and kidnerough coat into tatens smooth'andgglossy ones It gives horses good life making them appear 10. the beat possible advantage. GetDiok's from your druggist or gr000r, or address DIO;K & 00., P. 0 box 492, Montreal CARTERS IVER PILLS. CURE Sick Headache and relieve ail the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such es Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating fain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK headache, yet G'ARTER'S LITTLE r.Ivrxt Pats are equally valuable in Constipation, curiag and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those but fortunately their distressing sud complaint: here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them, But after all sick bead ACHE is Mebane of so many lives that here is where we ,nape our great boast. Our pills euro it while others do not. i 1nre:R's LITrr,e raven Pima are very small an l very y easy to take. Ono or two pills make ^.:lose. They are ctrietly vegetable and do 0 e;!'ipn or purge, but by their �n ntfe action 1 a _ �i all who use them In vials at 2a cents; 11 Snlal r.v,•r.win'I e, or sent by mail, zmc I :1i p o all MO01 rllpoi l r 1 L t..I liisa.�.t ULa7.! Three Points! NOTE WELL, Experience, sipshave e Z e had to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in0 our business. Prom tltude,• Wins this eredeeming feat- Witver h imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors esneeially, namely putting off until next ween Shad should have been done thiaeaele 8atisfacion• looking ward, biucet to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glrry in ward and the way exenlplihed in om shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convineed hat what we ha ve said is true. W. JOHNS - Fashiaoa6le S1y1c:! THL BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders easly, for with the beat staff 01 Tailors ; the best stock of Pine Trimmings, and the .best, Chastity in Town, you are tire 'if satissfst- Lion . ' A. J... SWELL. • lies are Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine Oil, Fruit Tree Sprayers. A first-class article for $1.25. Get our late prices on: Binder Twine. COBBLEDICK & FOLLAND, Hardware Merchants, EXETER. NOW Is the time To Thoroughly Disinfect Year Premise! A COMPLETE STOCK OF ID I P yri0 !At Browning's Drug Store. .111.11101111 °COL f 1S OILS ARE THE BEST, Use LARDINE Machine Oil CHA3IP1ON GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION. Mccof's CYLINDER OIL will wear twice as long as any other make.. The Finest:High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McCOLL BROS. 80 CO., Toronto, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con-• atantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate.] JAS. 'WILLIS. GUILT Y- oR NOT GUILTY The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will be roll repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots,and for Men's andBoys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store. A'Iext Door to Post Office. LOST OD FAILING MANHOOD, General and Dorms Debility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, T ndeveloP ed Organs and Parts of ;Body. Absolutely :un- failing Mine Treatment—Benefits in a day, areas testify from CO States and Foreign Conn - s. a diem. Descriptive Boolx, p..natiiv and proofs.mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL COt. Buffalo LY. 11E Uht'I IT ARE YOU WANTING- Furniture ANTING Furniture Do you want to buy from the Best Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at 1 Gi dl ey's Select from the !largest and best bought stock in the city. Just now we are showing something very new and stylish in Bedroom, Suites 0ne;Oak Set is a beauty with bevel plate glass 1Sx38S22, S. G-IDLEY. THE PIONEER STORE ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK, rtr. ROWS FURNITURE DEALER AND *vials 'Orders promptly attended to. i All Accounts must be settled at once* SALESMEN WANTED To rearesent us in the sale of a choice line at HAIIiIT CANADIAN GROWN. STOOK. E8perlenci not necessary. Wo want real workers and t4 all suoh wo offer a permanent situation at a good income with ohence'of advancement. As \vox:err have over 700 acres, under eultivatlen; wo can give our salesmen :many superior advan tai;es we also desire to secure a good man in your district to sell the ROTARY SPRAT Pena*, for whieh.we hare.' the General Agency. This ie gomethisg Dew and indxopensibls to the farmer or fruit groworr. Send for terms r.ndl testimonial sireeler. 8TONitldt W ItLLI;fGTO1f,Nnrsyp sn.