HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-7-20, Page 8INSURANCE: BN EST EI.ILICT,AGENTF011 LJ, THE WWISTkiltNA&SU eeniGE nom. PAST, of Toronto, also for theYI3OP,NIK Me PAST, OOMPAST, at London.` 3Pngland, ALLIANCYI I11SDBANCEs, OOM- PeST otEngland, Uit?1k'$ ?tti1 , We beg to notify the peo- ple of Exeter and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. J . Grigg, Bookseller of Exe- ter, to be our Agent, from whom all our publications and patterns may be had at the prices advertised by us. Toronto Agency, May '03, PRicE11 it PRICE Nearly 3000 pairs o ufacturer's Samples o Moves and Hosiery for women and children at Big Bankrupt Store, Exet f Man - fine men, the gar. This is the largest purch- ase of fine Gloves and Hose we have ever made, but the Bargain was so great that we could not resist the tempting offer. JUST HALF REGULAR PRICE is what we ask you for your choice of this Lot. Come early, for there is a big choice for you. Such value we never before placed on a counter. Colne and see: J. A. STEWART. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a• favor if coders wouid,when making their purchases, .mention that they saw the merchznt's edrer- a'sement in Dm flues. Oputre num. . THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1893. LOCAL PAPPEICHOS. Mr. Evans has received the contract for building Messrs Elliot & Elliot's Itw office. The Royal Template et Temperance will picnic at the Beud today (Thursday.) The hese ball team will visit Liman on Friday and play a match with the team of that village. The result of the recent entrance exam - inations will not be published until first or second week in August. ]3 revttteae Toronto Grip suspends publioation :for the present. The.Raspbsrry season has opened, and pikers.reporsa good harvest. Cherries are plentiful in this section,esald a drug on the market at 50c per pail', There were upwards et 7,000 lbs of =milk weighed in at the creamers! on Tuesday," The supp'y isdaily increasing, The Itreabyterian Church is being re paired as quickly as possible. rt will be come time yet before the reopening. The new Flouring Mills, is expected to. be opened by the lat of next month. 1t wi'1 beamong the finest nulls in the coun. ty. Over 300 banks have failed in the United States, and millions of dollars are being sent iuto 1.lanada for deposit in our banks. Flax pulling has commenced and the juvenile portion of the town are kept out of reieohief, as most of them are engaged in the work. The Crean -mil new receives upwards of 7000 lbs of milk per day. The butter made is first class; there is a. great demand for the butterniilb. Prof, Wiggins says that he saw the eter of Bethlehem on Saturday, and that it will snow be visible again, of which be rill give due notice. Upwards of $30 were received et the TiivittMemorial Church on July 12th frc;ni parties visiting the edifice who drop- ped email sinus into the mite box. The T.Mss i$ a first class advertising mrdtn,n, Lsst week a person advertised for a tool bag of A bicycle and next day the article was leftat the ounce, In consequence of the recent fire ';n the ceid storage building Chicago, Canada lost the bulk of her exhibit!, and it will be full before many of them can be replied. Arthur Simpson, aged 70 years, one of the most rcapected farmers nearl'i ingbam, was killed by a train Tuesday while his team was running away across the trach. The World'e Ca air will be closed an San - days, The attendance on the Sabbath Day has been an meagre that the manage- ment have thought better to close it on that day. On Thursday last two heifers belonging. to lair. Aldswortli of Hay township were truck by a ~rain south of Exeter. One was killed, and the other badly injured; it will likely die: The larger wheel was on Monday placed on tl;e wind mill by Mr. Madge, and now the pump seems to work better and more sa'iel•:ctory. Tho next difficulty is ; 'Will he water hold out? The assignment was reported yesterday of tuwen & Co. (J. T. Owen), bankers, of Ailsa Craig, to puncan Gray. George G. Bona, general dealer, Walkerton, has assigned to W. H. T, Perdue. The VotersLiss of the village contains a total number of 543 names, as against 5505 last year. There are 409 in the first part,123 in the aecond,and 11 in the third; 231 persons are eligible to serve as jurors. Yoe We.' Corner lot and half, on Main-st, Booth of Preejayterian church, 76 feet frontage, 169 footdeep, fenced complete with gas :pipe. Beautiful fruit and ehade trees, for $135. Terme to suit purchaser. Apply to T, B. Caiturro, Jixeter, or C. F. VnarTY, Brant- ford, It was stated last week that a petition, was in circulation, a. Parkhill for the re-' tnoval of Mr. John Noble, the postmaster. While the petition ba been circulated it was done secretly, and is consequence will have no effect. Tne well at the to e: mety; is not equal to the.k. k d-1-•- •fecicnt for tlta ooeratieg throughout of the factory,. and the committee are negotiating for the purchase of ea adjoining well, to which they will apply means for fetching the water to their own well. Tne weekly shoot took place on Thurs- day last. Messrs F. W. Collies and G. Anderson shot for the silver medal, An- derson whining by shooting 3 birds out of 6; Collins scoring 0 out of 7. The thatch for the gold medal was contested by J. Woods, 3 out of 10; G. Anderson, 0; F. Collins, 2; A• Landman, 3; Well. Johns, 7; E. l3iosett. 3 out of 5; W. Snell, 1 out of 6. Mr. W.Jobns thus winning the gold medal. Mr.Lewis Braund, who went to Seaforth oren1 Exeter a few years ago, and who worked at the tailoring with Bright Bros., The ladies of Cavan church will give a I died on Sf turdaycancer offtla awt week, after ae lone Garden Social T at the residence of E. en En iiahman bybirth and was educated Christie on Wednesday evg. next, 20th for thee Methodist ministry, but his health. inst. €tailing he had to give that up. He was a quiet, Christian man and a good citizen, and was ge4eraly respected in Exeter. The financial report of the James•st.. Methodist church foe the past year shoes that the foiloy,ing amounts were eontrihut- mornin for the Bend, but having the - ca Lir tbt aricus Purposes , To Quarterly utensils of their favorite game with them, "" ' -` o `' ,: { ith expenditure oE293G.57. they ware touna playing yesterday evening Toe r. 1e11Ct:cei n e,ecuuut silutvs receipt's to on the other aide of Dashwood, n'ownat of $1495.53, with capenditure of $l 51 ;'ie:tflsirs of this church have The Church of England oongregatene at bet' i t't `z' 4l slily, and the fa:t tbwt it Merton will run an excursion along ibis is t1, . onene', net of debt, speaks well line to Goderich on August 1st: Time fn., ti,e r„e,+sne,t,ent The Bothwell Times editor has figured it out that as a rule there is enough time wasted aroundthe average country railway station to cultivate any 400 acre farm in the neighborhood. Three croquet enthusiasts left yeeterdsiy table and fares will be issued in a few deya. Every go, a good time dor all. The local cricketeta visited St.N:nrys on Tuesday, and defeated the hc,oe team be- e runs and one wicket, the score of first innfnv standing 41 to 43 iu Inver of Exe- ter, the second 81 to 83 in favor o1 Exeter. Mn Fred Elliot made the largest score, 21 not out, If the street commissioners could hear the silent petition (1.) of thane who stun! le over nails,brokenplanks and many boards thee are sprung by the (heat of the sun in soma of our sidewalks,we think a hasty move would he made to repair the same, Drive down the nails anrrhaw. It takes $$13.50 to send a ton of bey from Quebec to Liverpool. Growers of hay can thus eatlly compute whether the prices rulieg, fn Britain pay them or not. In or- dinary (reasons, when feed is fairly plenti- ful in Europa; there is not much maneyin ' shipping hay from this country to the old countty. , Rev F. Ryan, formerly of Brussels, at one time of Exeter anel who is well knows, in`this county,' has accepted s call' to 111- sonburg and has removed thence froin Florence where he has been since lit big, Mr. Ryan itt a good preacher and a modal gentlrn:arf who makes hosts, of friends Y,i ere va he goes. We wish him seccese in his oidaseed':sphere. The latest scheme for dcfrau'ling faarmc e s is for a per?eta to call alma the rt, repro • senting himself as agrocery Inan r'ot,: lag hum 1)t err end anxious to get vid of hie eteok, and offers to sell a chest of tee for a small price, per pound. The to it3 t ,,t; t ,anti found to be asreprescnttd; After tl, tea is delivered, if the farmer :weigh,dt l finds 1t' to be vow much shot. itt ; .1,t, anti when lie gets a 1Gt1e way t1 fa in ,th., hest, he ands, 1 ; xenutincla' aP the'1: r,r q C.. orthte 1)111 try , r, "a" ~ilia io•SY S,.'' %tl1 ar i Here is an important decision ; The Guelph :herald says; 1), Martin was con- intedand tined ti20 several months ago for net having the window blinds of his bar room. up dieing prohibition .hours on Sat- urday eigJ':. Mr. .Outten for hlartin appealed to the County Judge, on the ground that she .Commissioners had n o auturenty to nuke a rule requiting the hiieds to be elevated. The ,Judge held this ,y;,jection t,'eil trOaen, and quashed the cone 'melee, with eosts tb be paid by inspec tor. An appeal from the County Judge to the Court 01 Appeal is talked of, n is we• made mention of G. L. 3'01:Per of Kirkton receiving a leve„e secitlloa. At tho. hands of a Mrs• Miller c that village. The trial' was set for l'liuts- day last, .r<t Elie rase was ,settled oat of • ,court b{ 'urs. paying $26 and a-gu ung an apology, which, as agreed; a, - pears i•s_ another co Lunn. We might „t•st. say that ?vire Miller got ofJ'Very ea.,iyly,as the fav” that Money c.rries, together with thee ofratciusttrnces of the affair, warraL ted severe punishment being meted out to he offender, . Mr. lsloney deserves future kindness from Mrs./Mller, rather thaelher moult etor liie propnaieg to settle the mat- ter. Our readers will remember the circum- stances of the rnitrdee of Mies .Marshall of Werwiek,:Lenneteri Co„ On llfarch "10th, 38150, by one A, ;n;, W zlson, who made his eeont ,. On Moly 12th, one Lavariek at- tended «be Orco.ig:tneu'scelebration in ,"aariztaw, Mich„ whore he, 'recognizing. rl0., »'Cin , parade, pet' the police after H. ft :; sow in Sarnia jail. The C:rir"aoo wet n 0001, prrtnediteted!$ne. 'Miss xvltiish all, ircFa,r,e,s. hi company, be deli). erritoly woos dor in the presence of frietirle, tr 11,,o1M MI( er,nqra good,. lie fired a. +17 beer ley lir CuYert attentionvere erne. :' A blood Harvest. A tour through the, outlying towuships now presents au interesting eight. Haying is quite general and in some parts will be finished this week if the weather continues fine. The hay crop ie an unusually heavy one. The fields of grain are looking splen did and indications all point to an abun- dant haryest. Fall wheat is very heavy and other grains are looking exceptionally good. Some fields of wheat are already cut and soon the self binder will be gener- ally at work. Personals Mr. Ohas. Knight of St. Thomas is visiting under the parental roof, -burs. L. Thorne of Los Angeles Cal, is visiting her father Mr. Wm, Drew. Mr. Thorne will visit Exeter about firet of next month. - Mr. J, 3. White of Detroit is visiting under the parental roof. -Miss Jermyn of Granton is the guest of the Misses Gould. -Mr. R Crocker of Tarmac), a former typo of this office is risiting his parents in town. -H. C. Brewer, of tho Maisons bank, Clinton, was in town on Tuesday en busi- ness.—Miss Hillier, Clinton, spent Sunday in town the guest of Mrs Braund -Alta Manning of Exeter was last week the guest of her sone, A. H. and W. Manning of Clinton, -The Clinton New Era says that aver 360 tickets were sold there for Exeter last Wednesday. --Mr. Ira H. Andrews has been engaved by the Creamery Co. to assist, in the factory at cheeae and butter making. -Mies Clarke has returned from a visit among friends up north: lslias. T. White of Sarnia and J.J. White of Detroit are spending vacation with other friends and relatives at the Bend. -Mr R. Eflber of Crediton left on Tuesday"for the World's Fair. Ile will take in the Detroit ranee on his way, --Mr. MoNevin, Zurich, who will take charge of the Exeter flouring mills, was in town this week looking up a house. -Miss Penhale of Toronto is visiting under the maternal roof, -Mr. Jna,Abbott spent Sunday in Kincardine. -Mr, Ames Delgatty of Centralia left this atation on Tuesday morning last to visit relatives and friends in the Northwest. --Rev. Mr. McDonagh spend the latter part of last week yiaiting Mr W.R.Verity, Brantford. -Mr'George Russell, wire had been engag ed to teach the school one.and a quarter miles west of this place, has given up the school and gone to Leamington to reside The trustees are waiting for another teacher to fill the yeoancy, whose duties will commence after the summer holidays. --Mr Williams of Portland, Mich,, the contractor for the erection of the Exeter butter and cheese factory, together with his family returned home on Wednesday. -Mise Ida Dignan of Hay township is vieiting friends in town. -Tho Missea Irene and Mary Martin, of Monet Forest, nieces of Rev. Mr. Martin are visiting at the Manse. -Rev. J. Livingstone of Kin- cardine preached two very acceptable sermons in the Maio -at church on Sunday last, the sermon in the morning being de- livered to the Masonto fraternity. There were over a hundred of the brethren pre- sent, and the dismal se is characterized as being one of the best ever listened to. I5, I f1 ii.,ll st ;lea La (41,PP There will be a bicycle tournament in Seaforth on August 23rd. The Mitchell woollen mills bavenow an electric light plant of their own. The new pipe organ in Rattenbury St, ohurch Clinton will be formally opened on July 23 24. That tired, languid feeling and doll bead - ache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. The Tuakersmith council met last week to let the contract for the cleaning out of the big diteb. There were no offera made, and the clerk was instructed to again advertise. Mise Mand Pickard of Goderich town- ship while playfully souffiiog with a gentle- man friend the other day, struck her head and injured it so that serious results. are apprehended. Gentlemen, -I was thoroughly cured of igestion byusing only three bottles of B. and truthfully recommend it to ffering from the same malady. Mns, DevmaoN, Winnipeg Man. G, T. R. engineer was nearing St. few days ago in charge of a beavily ight, be noticed five borses ran - o track ahead of the engine. 4 s were killed. s L. McTaggart, son of bur: aggart, of Chiseltinrsl, has d -by the Board of Health of sponsible position in eoli- th at a salary of $1,000 per f Blyth were all laid up were thus off the pro- MoLean had a couple Higley was taken ill, ured bis back ; all espectiye houses. ies in bis garden ?. Irwin of Strat- ealing of a limb, broke his neck y. Mr. Irwin tore keeper at well-known to ind B. all s As a Marys a loaded fr ning on th of the hors Dr Jame H. N. MoT been appointe Detroit, to a ; notion therewf annum. The ministers on July 12th; and gramme. Rev. A. of ribs broken, Rev. and Bev. Buggin inj were confined to their r While picking cher Monday afternoon Mr. ford fell, owing to the b and striking on bis head and died almost immediate has occupied position of s the G. T. Re sinee 1871, and the railway employes. A merchant in St.Marys placed a large candle in one of the store windows to work a guessing competition. Ono day it- was lighted and burned. 138 hours and 26 min- utes, Mrs. Geo. Manson of Nissouri won the guess, which entitled her to o free trip to, the World's fair. _ She took the. gash in preference. Mr. James Sleet, ot ;Stratford, and, brother of Mr. John Stent, of Egmondville,, died last week in that city,. Mr. Stant was'. a native of Bristol, England, and proviou; to coming to Canada was engaged as engin ser in 'several prominent 'railway works. He moue to Canada in 1852, rand has been connected with the Great Western and Grand Trunk railways ever: since. While speeding horses ou the I3ruesels, driving Park the other day, thehoreedriven by a Mr. Koenig was inetently killed, by the shaft of the sulky on. which Mr Lang was riding ponettating Koenig's horses side and going through'ua1'rii. tiro hip bone on the opposite side stopped it. The horse' went a considerable distance and dropped oven:lead. Shewaa valued at 8501 It A*01)(45101 ircni Raleigh, N. 0., says *bat 1 the health officer reports the etistence in ing obolera, Persona attacker' die in six or sever). hours. There has been twelye teen Qases of sunstroke had been repotted at dispensary, St. Louis, Mo. Ilia weatin 111 er for thepast tape days hes been inteneely of nervousness glee less- or any Case p netts, weak stomach. indigestion dyspepsta try Carter's Little Nerve Pille, Relief is sure. The ouly nerve medicine for the price in market. A speoiel from Tacoma, WW1., says: The United States Grand Jury last night found indictments against President Van Borne of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and merit' Meal agents of the company, charging them with yiolation of the Inter- state Commerce Law, in the selling of A portion of the wreck rescued. from the ill-fated storage building at Cilleago bore this legend: "This building strictly 'fire- proof ?" The men responsible or this lie knew that tbe fire insurance. companiest canceled their risks when they examined the atimature. They know that the bend- ing bad not a single aremtoof quality; in fad, that it was higbly inflammable. Yet thev asked the firemen to risk their lives in trying to eaye it. Thee° men ithould, be in jail. GET THE BEST. The public; are too intelligent to purchase a worthless article a second time, on the coutrary they want the bean Phyaielans are virtually unauiraous in saying Scott's Erstilsion is the boat form of Cod Liver Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery of fInron met in the Presbyterian church, Blyth, on the llth inst. The Rev. JO A. McDonald of Varna was appointed moderator for the ensuing six months. Conimissionera to the Gen- eral .Assembly reported attendance at the same; Rey. Ain Miu-tin reported for the committee on the Superintenclerce of Stu- dents that there was only one student at present within the Preabytery, viz : Mr. Hunt of Seaforth ; end that sobjects had been given him for license. The following conveners of standing committees were appointed ; Home Missiona, Rev. W,. M. Martin; State of Religion, Rev.S.Acheson; Tempere.nce, Rev. J, A. Hamilton ; Sab- bath Schools,Rev. R Henderson; Sabbath Observance, Rev. J. S. Henderson; Fin- ance, Rev. P. Musgrove: Superintendence of Students, Rev, 0, Fletoher; Systematic Benefisence, Rev J. A. Anderson; Chris- tian Endeavore,Dr. McDonald. The not! e of motion given by the Rev.Mr. Martin at a forraer meeting "That the unit on which the assesement for Presbytery Fund us made, be changed from flirt of the family to a unit produced by adding the families and members together and dividing by two," was then taken up. After some diecussion it was laid over until next meeting. Rev. Mr Fletcher's notice of motion, to conaider what should be report ed as a family, was dispoeed of, after dis- cussion, by appointing a committee com- posed of ROVE, Messrs. Fleteher and Alar - tin with their elders, to consider in, and report et next meeting, A call to Rev. Murdock McKay front Leeburn and Union Church was sustained, Mr. McKay having signified his acceptance of it. His Ordin- anon and Induction was appointed to be held in Knox obLuch, Godeuch, on the Ist August, Rev. Mr. Shaw to preach, Rev.T. A. Anderson to address the minister and Rev. R. Henderson the people. The Pres- bytery adjourned to meet at Clinton on 12th day of September. 11.1 Plain AND SON We are clearing all summer Dry Goods. Groceries : 4tfor 25o. Tins of Apples, Tins of Pumpkins. 7,5c per dozen, Salmon : Flat tins, 2 for 250. 5 lbs, for 250, Summer Dry Goods To clear less than cost. Carpets And Ready-made Clothing 10 per cent.less than cost. Boots & Shoes Likewise. 0. 0. JOHNSTON. Opposite Ilawkshaw's Hotel. Dress Goods. goods for 12:1c, fa.ct we are clearing all kinds of Dress Goods at amazingly low figures. Prints prints fol. 70. ; a good. fast colored print for 6c. We in- tend clearing every yard of Print in the store. Boots & Shoes. 'We have them at 20o . a pair 25c. a pair 80c a pair 'the time to secure barg aine 'la Boots & Shoes. ruit Jars. ints, Quarts, a Half Gallon, best Take. They aro going' fast. Buy your Jars from us. Pic ard VOTER'S LiSTL-1 893 . MusnarAmTv or Tau ',7owssure or Cason/IN CouNTY or Runes. Natio° le hereby' given 60 1 have translate - ted or delivered to the persons mentioned tn Isetions 5 and 6 of the Voters', Lists Ant, the copies required by said seetioneto be so M1021^, revised Assessment itoll of said Muni:441)814e to be entitled to vote in the seid eennesiPah;r at elections for membero of theLegislatiye sembly, and at Municipal Eloolions. and' that mains there foe inspeonen. Electors are call- ed mean to examine the said list, andif anY omissions or any. other errors are perceiyed therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the eaid errorq corrected according to law. GEO, W. DOLMAN, Clerk of Dsborne. Dated this 27th day of June, 1893. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the 'Estate of Thomas Heywood, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of,'11urou, Notice is hereby given pursuint to Chapter 110 of the Revieed Statutes ,of Ontario, 1887, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said late Thomas ileYwood, who died on the 2nd day of Mum, WE. aro requested to deliver or send be postprepaid to the under signed Solleitors for Effizabeth Heywood and John Heywood, Exeoutors for the last will mid testararint of the said Deceased, on or beep the lat day of August, 1803, a statement in writing eente.iningtheir names and addresses and full earticalere of their elaims duly veri- fied by Statutory Doolaration &ha the nature of the security tif any) held by them and that after the said last mentioned det'e the said Exoeutore will premed to distribute tbe assets of the se.id Estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to olaims of which notice shall have been reeelyed no Moore to. attired, and tbe said Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or anY part thereof so distributed, to apy velem or persons of whose claims notioe shall not have beenlreedv- ed at the thno of suoh distribution. Solicitors for Executore, Da tod eta july,1893.-3in, Exeter, Ont. lich Mange and Scretebes of every kind on human or &plurals', cured in 30 n3inutea by Woolforcl's Sauitary Lotion.. This never ails, Warranted by 0, LUTZ. Friday on the stoele farm of Jobe George township of Sat -meet, near Port Elgin stick of timber 70 feet long got Meal from the tacUle road stria John Schevass, join, ott the bead, killing him instantly. English Simla Liniment reraoves all hard, soft or ()aoudad lamps and blemishes from tome, lilood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Iitng Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprague Son e and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eot. Sao 1150 by use of ono bottle. Warranted tb moet wonderful Blemish Caro ever known. ° Warranted by C. Lime WIND MILL Has been agitating the miiads of the Council for some time past, and it would appear by some ' ads ' we read that it has become contagious. We are not in the habit of QUOTING PRICES as they are °fames Therefore we would ' ask you to inapeet our large and varied Stocks of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, All of which will -be sold at the least possible margin above cost. Soliciting a call. Produce taken in exchange. Eggs, . Butter 15c. CARLIN Apology, To wnosi LT MAT CONCEEIT.' This is to certify that the undersigned herebylurably apologize for doing one Geo• L, Money, of the townshi of Blanshaed, County of Perth, gnevous be ily he,rm on the sth bast, by malioiously throwing a quantity of boiling water at his person. I Moo humbly apologize to the said Geo. L. Money for oiroulating stories of a derogatory declare that I can produce no plod whatsoever to substantiate what I eirculated with evil intent concerning him. Farther, I give this Apology to the said Geo. L. Money, to make use of in whatsoever manner he may deem right and proper, and I also at this thne do giVa him what compen- sation he has demanded for iniuries received, loss of time, law costs etc. Lastly I humbly crave forgiveness of the said Geo. L, Money and Protaise to say noth- ing in the future respecting him exoept what 1 zeal Ire ow to be absolutely true. Signed AZETIA. MILLER In presence of R. H. Coulee Barrister Mee Dated at Exeter this lith day of Juty in the year of our Lord 1893. BLOOEWELL-In Tyre, 'Mich., (M the 14th inat., the wife of Jt Bleokw ell. formerly CREERT-In tTaborne, on the 14th inst.', the ROLTEMAN-In Creditor', on 'the 14th lost), the wife of .1', 11.11oltsman of er son. ITEDDB1V-In Crediton, on the 12ih inst., th e wife of Wesley.HodOein of a, datignter. GiARDNER-t-00. the eth -Moto the wife .ef. ertutophilus,GardieennocGillivrey, of a soh, DAItla7-SCOTT.:,13i Ilibbertr on the 5th lest . ise'Rev, P. freott,Air, Jobe Ban' of Cromerti to.Miss &legal°, third. daughter' Of Mr, John ENDIOOTTDIAMOND-Tin '•LttezilL on 'the Miss Sarah- Diamond or :Luean ' ix L Rectory ' Staffa to Miss Nichols, of' Fullerton. 001;()D1101119-11ART-At the Manse, Mit- ulg2thAltiext's..bnyderth&inou%ve' 10"1" Ilibb ere to Miss Lento- Hart, of Fallarton. BROIIND-In Sea,forth, on July 8th, Lewis Israund, owed 59 yeass,g month, ,, LHOrtal, on the' eth loved wife of Mr. Weiliectou Haskette Minard's Lininient is the best. FOB, OVER FIFTY TBrelde Onn AND WELL -TEEM ItIMIEV7,--- art. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup has biers -used efts, wears by millions et mothevs for their childron tbe °hint, softens the gums, Ohms the, perm ; mires the colic, and is the hest remedy for ' Diarrhoen, Ie pleasant to the teeth, ' Sold be . druggists tn. ovary part of the world. 25 moats a bottle. Its value le inearoal Mee, De wire and ask for Niro Wins/eine Soetlxing Sortie' mad take ito other Irina. $alesman, to sell our -choice a It mao- seee stook, Many speelal vaeleties to effete both in fruits and orriam mita Is. cud 90 atoll° only by us. We pay eommession pe sneers', wiaboitt. norm's