HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-7-20, Page 6sea Hrs. 11. D. West of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. Worth Of'Q,iher Medicines Failed ,but 4 .uottles of hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. "It is with pleasure that I tell, of the great benefit I derived from Ilco"l's Sarsaparilla. For tl years I have been badly afflicted with Erysipelas breaking out with running sores during bot summer months. I have s ,:retirnes not been able to use my limbs for two months at a time. Being induced to try lfood's Sarsaparilla, I got one bottle last spring, coamnet ced using it; felt so much better, got two bottles more; took them during the summer, +.a3 able to do my housework, and Walk Two wiles bad whieb I i 1 a not done for six ;ears. Think I am cured of erysipelas, 'lid . conunend any person so afflicted o use Hood's Sarsaparilla Four bottles has done ;nope icor me than $200 worth of other meds " _.'. *: 'Ilk it the best blood purifier known.'' 31.ns. 11. 1). Wzsr, Church street, Cornwallis, N. S. HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ilia, oonstipa. that. biliousness. Jaundice. sick. headache. Stet '✓ V Want a Bicycle? BRANTFORD BICYCLES HAVE A STANDARD VALUE THEY RE BUILT TO SELL, AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED BY The Geoid Bicycle Gouts. Brantford, Ont. Dreove$ 13 YONQC ST., TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN. FaLam's 13look, 4F QiVPFRFUL Cu*. Notonlya rellef but a cure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND •BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you get STARK'S. PREPAREDY 6 STARK, TARK, fd, 0, 8. P., CHEMIST FROM' GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, SCOTLAND, FOR Mit R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 2i! our, , a box. Sold by all Druggists Entirely new Compound This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach add Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken likepills. Zf your tongue is, coated you, steed them. ,®.i' A.Li DItlTO pTOICES. rt a i 011in: Milling Co. Have opened an office opposite" Town Hall, Fleeter, pending the building of their new Mill, ,where they will keep: -constantly on hand a full stock of the best brands of flour. Also all kinds of i I Stufis and Feed Farmers and townspeople will find it ge to call and see us. { to their advantage RO I E LTA NS �NILLTAM:ti Ss . }� A PARIS. SCANDAL laV terious II'ilitht, of the Editor of the Iterue des Dena. Mendes. Pawls, July a --The facts came out today concerning the greatest private scandal Paris has known in recent years, M. Buloz, editor and managing director of the Revue des Deux-Mondes, has ab- sconded after paying out to black-mail- ersin the last three or four years the enormous suis of 16,500,000f. -Buloz left his desk three weeks ago for a holi- day in the suburbs. Letters from him were received daily at his office and home. A few clays ago a note which he had made for. 100,000f. came into the possession of his wife. She made en- quilies, and finally went to his holiday I address. Her husband had not been. there. An investigation was made, and I it brought out amazing disclosures, It 1 was found that the editor of the greatest literary periodical in France had, been regularly blackmailed for a long time by demands on him based on his vela- tions with three women contributors to his publication. He was bled, not by . the women themselves, but .by certain of their masculine friends, who were high in the society in which Buloz and his wife had long held the foremost place. They led the literary, artistic, and scientific society of the French Capi. tal. They presided over what is known as the Academic Salon of Paris. It was at a most briliiantsociai event in his own house that the last exorbitant demands were made upon Buloz, The last sum which was drawn from him, and which caused his fluent, is said to be no less than 000,000f, The amount of the shortage to the Revue des Deux Mondes, of which company Buloz was president, is not known, but it is certain that not all the vast sum was taken from its treasury. The matter has been placed in the hands of the police. It is not known where Buloz has gone to, and the three blackmailers have also disappear- ed. THE CHICAGO HORROR. It is Now Positively TGrown That Thirteen are Dead. sn,;; -^� Cmc'Aoo, July 18.—This morning the total number of known dead is 18, while those reported by their friends as missing amount to five. The following persons, -in addition to the known dead, are still missing:—Joseph Campbell, a carpenter; R. A. Drummond, superintendent of the Harter Electric company; Archie Mc- Arthur, ten years old, employed in the building; BersardMur hy, boilermaker; Robert Plemheuber of Marquette, Mich. Dr. Robinson, chief of the ambulance service, thinks there are no more bodies under the ruins. Later—The list of victims of the World's fair holocaust still increases. At 4 o'clock this afternoon another body was recovered from the ruins of the cold storage building, swelling the death total to fifteen, with a large area of debris still unexplored. The remains this af- ternoon recovered were those of Ralph A. Drummond, constructing engineer of the Cold Storage Co. This was the only body unearthed to -day, the rumors that have been frequent of ghostly Rude being usually based on the discovery of piles of wasted meat that had formerly been stored in the refrigerator. It is known that at least two or three, and possibly half a dozen more bodies, must be yet in the ruins, as the Michigan brewer, the elevator boy and a Colum- bian guard are still missing. Up to this afternoon $12,825 had been subscribed for the families of the victim, and sub- scriptions are still rapidly coming in. HE IS A BAD ONE. A Man With Many Aliases in the Tolls lhnrtyed With Several Crimes. DETROIT, July 14.—Dr. C. W. Meyer, alias Hugo Wehler, alias William Rut- ter, alias Schaffer, alias Oswald, alias Stoffer, is under arrest charged with the murder of Ludwig Brandt, of New York, in March, 1892. His wife is also under arrest charged with being his ac- complice. Brandt was Meyer's confed- erate in an insurance fraud. Brandt was to insure his life, fall ill, and then a body was to be buried as his. The first part of the programme was carried out all right, but the last act was spoiled by the actual death of Brandt. The case has been under investigation and everything points to Meyer's having poisoned Brandt. It has transpired that Meyer has poisoned five -other persons during the last 15 years. In Chicago in 1878 he poisoned his first wife. In 1879 he poisoned a grocer named Gederman and married Mrs. Gederman. He next operated on her and then killed her child by the same method. Since poi- soning Brandt he made away with an unknown girl in Toledo. It is supposed that he uses some metallic poison, but its nature is unknown. He has been tried for some of his crimes but has in- variably escaped. Victory for y the Hainer. BERLIN, July 14.—The Reichstag pro- ceeded with the second reading of the army bill. Dr. Lieber ' (Centrist) made a speech against the bill, but advanced no reason against its adoption beyond those employed by him against the ori- ginal bill in the last reicllstag. Chancellor von Caprivi, who has re- covered from his recent sickness, re- plied to Dr. Lieber's arguments, and concluded by asking the house to pass the bill in the shortest time possible. A vote was then taken on the first ar- ticle of the bill, and it was passed by a vote of 198 to 187, a government major- ity of 11. Count HerbertBismarck sup- ported the government. The article fixes for two years the peace effective at 479,229 men. The volunteers for the year are included in this number. The ministerialists were jubilant at this result, which practically amounts to the passage of the whole bill. t The following shows the division of the parties in, the vote on the army bill : For the bill -18 Poles, 13 Radical Unionists, 10 anti-Semites, 52 National Liberals, 27 Free Conservatives, 08 Con- servatives, 2 Clericals, 8 Independents— Total 198. Against thebill-91 Clericals, 43 Social Democrats BAlsatians, 22 Richter Radi- cals, 10 South German Democrats, 4 Guelphs, 9Independents-Total, 187. To -Days Diriefs. Archbishop Oorrigan denies that he refused to obey Mgr. Satolli, The statue of P. T. Barnum in Seaside park, Bridgeport, Conn., has been smear- ed with red paint. No clue to theer- etrators. p The official reports as to the sanitation f Hamburg, Germany, show that the ealth conditions are good, though the heat is intense. BR TISH PARLIAMENT. 4 REVIEW OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF LAST WEEK. 7C"vo English Correspondents Describe the Situation Prom Differing .Points of View —Interesting Beading on Both. Sides of 'tile Question. Niw Yong, July 17. -Mr. G. W. Smalley's cable -letter . to. The Tribune runs as follows; "I will not be a party," said Mr. Glad- stone at Manchester, on June 25, 1886, "to setting up a legislativebody to man- age Irish concerns, and at the same time to having Irish members in London act- ing and voting on English and Scotch questions." No declaration .could be more public or binding, It, is, for Mr. Gladstone, extraordinary explicit. He does not deny it: He sloes not even attempt to eb,lain it away; yet he has now done precisely what he said in 1886 he would. never do. The legislature he is setting up in Dublin is to manage Irish con- cerns, and there are to be at the same time Irish members 'in London acting and voting on English and Scotch quer- tions. The attempt to limit their right of voting to imperial questions has been abandoned, and the abandonment makes a fourth Home Rule Bill. The now famous ninth clause has been. turned inside out. Mr. Gladstone does his best to minimize the importance of the last transformation, but Mr, Glad- stone sees all things from a purely Irish point of view. He cannot be got to fix his attention on England, nor does he seem to care deeply what effect his fan- tastic experiments may have on the con- stitution of the kingdom. To him Ire- land is the kingdom. He has now pro- posed in succession three methods of dealing with Irish representation at Westminster. The first in 1886 was to exclude them altogether. The second was the original "in and out" arrange- ment to the bill first brought in at the beginning of the session. They were to be in for some purposes and out for others. The third is that carried, on Thursday, by which 80 Irish members remain in for all purposes. He an- nounced his final decision on this mo. nientous subject on Wednesday, and on Thursday carried it by the closure, Six hours for a constitutional amendment. One of his supporters who declined to support him in this, Mr. Wallace, whose brilliant speech made a revelation, de. cribed it in the House as an act of politi- cal rascality. The word is not very happily ohosen. I should prefer to de- scribe it as an act of inconceivable politi- cal levity. Nobody denies that italters, and alters profoundly, the present consti- tution of Parliament. Mr. Gladstone was well enough aware of this when he introduced the bill, for he then discussed it in terms which showed him alive to some of the risks he was running, It strikes at the roots of the principle of representation on, which the House of Commons is founded, namely, that members shall be elected by the people, whose affairs they- are to administer, and to whom they are responsible. But the control of the House and of English business and the power of making -and unmaking Ministers now passes into the hands of an Irish contingent, elected by people whose affairs are administered by another Legislature. . THE OTHER SIDE, How the New York Sun Correspondent Sizes Up the Week's Doings. NEw Yoiuc, July 17.—The Sun's Lon- don correspondent says there is no long- er any danger for Mr. Gladstone's Gov- ernment in the committee stage of the Home Rule Bill. The perilous ninth clause has been carried and the last hope of the Unionists for a possible vote ad- verse to the Ministry upon. this highly contentious part of the measure has vanished, in the face of a majority of 29 in its favor. The bill is now in compara- tively smooth water, as the remaining clauses, 27 to 40, embody no principle for proposal than can give rise to any dangerous crisis. Englishmen' used to be very fond of sneering at the occasion- al lively proceedings of the French Chamber. but henceforth such gibes will lack force because the Imperial British Parliament has this week given to the world an exhibition of passion and folly quite equal to and insome re- spects surpassing anything ever seen in Paris. There was no particular reason, as far as ordinary folks could see, why Thomas Sexton in particular and the Irish Nationalists and British Radicals in general should lash them- selves into a state of mad fury because an obscure Tory member chose to de- scribe Irishmen as an impecunious and garrulous people. Harder things have been said of individual Irishmen and of the nation without arousing a hurricane and Thomas Sexton, Timothy Healy, John Dillon and many other worthy Nationalists have, during the past 12 or 14 years denounced England and Eng- lishmen in terms which, by the law of proportion, ought to have been followed by a cyclone. The Tories are endeavor- ing to make political capital out of Tuesday's. display of temporary insanity, as though it were confined to one party or one side of the House. As a matter of fact everybody except Mr. Gladstone went more or less mad. Balfour and Chamberlain and Harcourt and Morley howled as loudly as Sexton and Healy and Redmond and Clancy. Unreported imprecations were shriek- ed. from the -quarter in which Lord Salisbury's superfine son, Vis- count Cranborne, is accustomed to lounge in company with a select group of noble scions, and they were as wildly returned with the added flavor of brogue. All the fists that were shaken were not unbejewelled, and if Timothy Healy practically invited the Tory blusterer to step outsideand fight, it was a Unionist captain who deliberately hustled Dr. Tanner behind the Speaker's chair, and narrowly escaped immediate chastise- ment. Contrary to expectation, Thurs. day night when the second application of wholesale closure was made, passed off without serious disorder, but the Tories are carefully arranging scenes for next week in the belief that the country Will be persttaded that the Minority is being treated in an arbitrary and tyranni- cal. manner. The, Second ' eek of Sep tember is now .regarded' as ,the most probable time for the adjournment ant of the,session: Prorogation ie considered out of the ,luestion, as the, Tories have arranged to delay simply by minute dis eussion of the estimates.. 'It will be neeessary to have a late autumn session The Worst of all the. Isms. "Don't talk to me about your politioal isms," aald a faeetione .old valetuderian, 'I tell you there's no iatn ort earth so bad se. Rheumatism.' The venerable sufferer WAS right. St. Lawrence's gridiron or Quatimeziu's pallet of fire was not more emphatically a bed of tormeut than the couch of a martyr to rheumatism. It is generally considered by the faoalty one of the most obstieate as well as one of the most painful of maladies, and it certainly does resist all ordinary remedies with ex- traordinary pertinacity. Skill and science however, in this age of progress aeems to meater ell opposition: and even this pain ful disease, entrenched among the muscles and interknit, as it were, with the sinews and tendrons of our frames, it compelled to yield to the curatives they have provided We have it on unquestionable authority —the testimony of patients themselves— that rheumatism, however deeply seated, may be cured by the regular and persistent application of Holloway's Ointment. This feel area ed,will baweloome intelligence to thousands of sufidrers, bed -ridden by e disease, or limping with stiffened joints along the pathway to the tomb. In a climate where the quioksilver sometimes makes a leap of thirty degrees up or down the complaint is of course a prevalent one; and in our new settlements at the Wont, along ;the alluvial bordere of our great rivers, in the [hemlock swamps of the 5 nth, and in all low and camp locations, few persons resell the age of forty without a theumatio visitation. It is clear there- fere, that preparation which will afford lin, Mediate relief, and effect eventually a thorough cure of the complaint, must be tf special value to the people of all countries, We cannot reasonably doubt, in view o1 the well -attested statements which have been laid before ne, sustained es they are byio 0 r umslan e ce within it sn our own knowledge, that the Ointment referred to will street that ob1ect ; and among all the benefits which the discoveries of that celebrated physician and philanthropist hese conferred. upon mankind, this is cer- tai my not the least important. Many an industrious tiller of the soil, whore Set vices are needed in the field, is at this moment languishing on a bed of sickness ; be bands that should guide the plow a green the spade are rendered powerless by rheumatism. Many a toiler in every branch of "productive labor is similarly situated ; and we can imagine with what y theme sufferers would hail the means of immediate cure. To all such we feel justified in recommending this balsamic remedy, the application of which withthe aid of a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the iuternal organ,, would we feel mewed, restore them to health and usefulness, An American syndioate is buying up all the raspberries they can find in Montreal. Ten thousand boxes have already been sold at 7 ciente per box. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE.. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap;wrappere (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros„ Ltd„ 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your 'home. The soap is the best in tbo market, and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully, Three Points! NOTE WELL. Experience We have had the P " expenience that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factor. in our business. Promptitude• redeemwith ithisngfevereat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors saneoially. namely putting off until next week what should have been done this. • Satis faction lThis is a nice ooking word, but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We >;lrry in ward and thf way ,n exemplified in cul shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res-, pacts. If you want a suit, it coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a oall and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS - Fa:hioaa6la Sty1aI! 0 0' 0 hM TEt BEST YET TELE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothingproduced in Exeter ed P stet Gentlemen I leave yourordera easily, for with the beet staff of Taflore • the be stook of Ifine Trinimiti and et Bs, the best Cutting in Town, you are sure or satiafao• tion /1y� j�,��/ T� A. J. -11-'l.S ELXr• Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine Oil, Fruit Tree Sprayers. ers. A first-class article for Si..25. Get our late: prices on Binder awine. COBBLEDICK & FO L L AND, Hardware Merchants, EXETER, NOW Is the time To Thoroughly Disinfect Premise> A COMPLETE OMPLTE STOCK OF mo.DSIT Mrwo s At Browning's Drug Store, °COLL'S OILS ABE THE BEST. Use LARDINE Machine 'Oil CHAMPION:GOLD; MEDAL OIL OF THEIDOMINIQN, McColl's CYLINDER OIL Will, .. . wear twice as long as any other make. . . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured:by McCOLL BROS. sc CO., Toronto. FOR SALE BY:'ALL LEAPING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. EXETER LUMBERYARI1 The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps con– stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL,IDEIISSED AND IJNAhESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled to be the MoetDurableTimber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. JAS. WZL2.tl , GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and be a witnessyou will be well repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots,and for Men's andBoys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store, Meat Door to Post Office. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD,. HOOD,. General and Nervous 'Debility, TRIUri,1ti P 1P . .. . wellness of a;id. Mind, Effects of Errors or, Excesses in Old or"Young. 1:.obu:.t, Noble' Manlico l fully Restored. • low to Enlarge and St \',`cal: -Undeveloped g � ;:ioied Organs and I ...eta of Body. Absolutely un- failing TTrnn? Treatment—Den 41.!s :n a day, r.. 'r •, Men L,.,r.; ,.rail u0, States and I'oreilnCot:n. tries. 1',`aa, thorn Descrizaive planation and proofs nailed (sealed)free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., lairtI83�a 1111 U1E 11 ARE YOU WANTING Furniture ? Do you want to buy from the Best Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at I I Gidley's Select from the :largest and best bought stock in the city. us not we are showing something very new and stylish in Bedroom Suites One Oak Set is a beauty,. with bevel plate glass 18x30$22, S. GIDLEY. THE PIONEER STORE. ODDFELL' O W'S BLOCK. N. 13.0111T3E.. FURTITURE DEALER. .Il►) -AND Ffz'Orders promptly attended to.' All Accounts must bo settled at once 7ALESMEN WANTED To represent usgn the sale of a c IIARty CANADIAN 4itowx ST he oe lien of cos,'•ars Ana tr, not necessary. We wantreai worlera an all such we offer ^a permanent 't d to gciod Inatome with _e a situation at a h nae af•aclvanaemeaat. As we now have over 700 acres Under cultivation ' we can ggi�v_oeur salesmen many superior advan gages. Wo also desire to secure a good man' r,, i'Unr district t0 sell rho ROTARY. 8kt14,y PUDLP�.:' for which we haze the General Agency, 18 aoniethin aThiq." g new and zSond ox' let to the. farmer or fruit sroNerr. Sorid for terms*; testimonial circnnr. STO>1b &W SXT,iN(I;Ir>t,Nurdy r -- ToroOto' k