HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-7-20, Page 4BANKER,;
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Receives the :Accounts of I1S1etchanta and
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Offere every acoommedation ooneistent iWW1
sateand conservative banking prinoiples.t.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Drafts issued payable at any ;office o the
Names Discouerrea, and MoNEYTo Leers
QR Mae s and M0111.4dGES.
DAY, JULY 20, 1893
Direct Taxation in Oanada..
The Reform party of Canada appears
to bet made up of
Some believe unrestricted reciprocity
to be the best thing for the country,
utterly ignoring the fact that it would
ea reduce our revenues as to place ue in
the same position as Quebec, financially,
able only to pay interest on public
debt, leaving all branches of the public
service unprovided for, and creating a
deficit of such dimensions that in two
or three years our credit would be hope-
lessly ruined, and bankruptcy inavit-
able, Others again pin their faith to
the platform of 'freer' trade. That is
what the Conservative party proposes
to give the country so far as they can
do so without reduciug the revenues to
apoint below what is required for ne-
cessary and unavoidable expenditures.
They want no deficits. The credit of
Canada, especially when so many count
ries are losing ground financially and
alarming money -lenders, cannot stand
deficits. Still another class, realizing
that any deviation from the policy of
the party in power would involve the
lose of revenues essential Ito the main-
tenance of government, and yet believe
big free trade—one sided free trade we
suppose—to be desirable, propose direct
taxation as a means of surmounting
the difficulty that would be created by
the loss of the 21 million dollars we
now get from tazation on dutiable
article:, That the principle of direct
taxation is sound in itself, no
reasonable plan will deny. It will no
doubt be adopted with the advent of
the miilenium by the 'Parliament of
man" andthe "federation of the world."
In the meantime any country which
adopts it will denationalize itself, for
while it may be good for man as an
individual it .ia not good for those ag-
gregationa of men called nations which
have national autonomy topreserve, and
which preserve it mainly by tariffs.
.Apart, however, from the revolutionary
character of the proposal, Canadians
must study every detail of their situat-
ion to determine what facts have a
bearing on the proposition that direct
taxation is Canada's best policy. A
man who is in jail may know that he
would be better off outside the walls
but in attempting to get out he may be
shot. Thepreseut arrangement is infin-
itely more satisfactory to the clerical-
ism -which controls Quebec than any
other method of collecting Dominion
revenues that could be devised. If
not prepared it was approved by them
before being adopted. The French
peasant consumes little or no dutiable
goods, and having therefore toeonvribute
very little to the country's "revenues he
is able to yield more to the church.
Church charges are collectable by legal
process, and the law is that which pre-
vailed in old Franco 150 years ago.
These charges constitute a direct tax of
no light proportions, and from them
there is no escape while the lawprevails.
And the law is founded upon treaties
and repeated enactments of the
British Parliament. He has been tax-
ed too to a heavy extent lately for pro-
vincial purposes, though the revenuesstill
do little more than pay interest on the
provincial debt. This double pressure
is so hard upon them that some of them
are turning Protestant to escape the
clerical charges. Many more find their
way to New England, where they are
not compelled by law to support their
church. If on top of his present bur-
dens we clap a tax for federal purposes,
it would be the last straw to break the
camel's back. It would compel them
to turn protestant in a body, move to
the adjoining states ;in a body, or in a
body resist the authority of the church,
which would be nothing less than rebel-
lion against the law of the land. Fore-
seeing this, the solidphalanx of 65 mem-
bers sent from Quebec, and all more or
less under the control of the clergy,
would oppose direct taxation. Govern-
ment in Canada can be maintained
safely under:the wise policy of the
administration, which collects revenues
by an indirect tax, but under direct tax
ation or any other alternative proposal,
there would be disunion and disintegra-
knots of theorists.
s The following debts of the provinces
have been assumed by the Dominion ab
various times since Confederation; as
her Canadian Statistical Year Bc o'-{ of
1891 has it:
Nova Scotia, 1, . ,.. $ 1486,756
U. and L. Canada (1873)... 10,506,089
Ontario 2,.848,289
ova Scotia 2,343,Qg9
New Brunswick 1,807,720
Manitoba 3,775,606
British Columbia 2,020,392`
P. E. Island , , . 4,884,023
Total $109,430,148
The Year" Book remarks that the
assumption of these debts is an advant-
age l o the people at large because the
Dominion Go''ernment. borrows 'money;.
at lowerrates ' of interest than the
provinces can gat it for. However it
is to be hoped that there will be no
further unloading upon the Dominion,
though Mr. Mowat wants to have it
The Subsidy Question,
When Confederation was formed, each
province surrendered to the Dominion
Government its right to collect inland
revenues and customs' taxation. In
return for this the provincial govern-
ment receives 80 centa per head of pop-
ulation in each province to aid in
carrying on provincial government.
That the arrangement was wrong is
apparent, It encourages extravagance
on the part of the provincial government
end is unfair tothis province whioh,pay-
ing the greater amount of customs duty
and inland revenue tax, contributes the
greater share to Dominion revenues.
In Quebec the people are subjected to
so many charges ofa clerical nature that
they are unable to carry on their muni-
cipal and provincial affairs as the ricber
people of Ontario do. Without gener
ous aid from the provincial government
they would be unable to build town
halls, roads, bridges, court houses. S&o.,
&c., as Ontario does solely by municipal
taxation. Whatever government may
be in power there it is tempted to use
the subsidy for the purpose of buying
support in the provincialconstituencies.
It has to borrow money for the pur-
pose. The result is that the debt of that
province ie now about $31,000,000 net,
or about $25 per head of its population,
the interest being much greater than
the subsidy. This of course Quebec
expects will ultimately fall on the Dom-
inion Government. All monies collect-
ed by the federal government shnuld be
spent for federal purposes only, as in
the States, and:the individual provinces
should be made to maintain their
own government as the individual states
do. Then we would not have the
shadow of these monumental provincial
debts hanging over us, As both political
parties were agreeable to the arrange-
ments which are unjuat, ao they both
should agree to abolish the subsidies,
nd make each province rich or poor,
small or larger, stand on its own foot-
ing, In Ontario, owing to the extravag-
ance of government, the subsidy is quite
insufficient, and our timber resources
are being used up to keep the govern-
ment in cash, making the situation is
about what it would be were a bank to
spend its reaerve fund.
It is said that Quebec's new loan bears
interest at the rate of 7 per cent.
That comes of being extravagant.
The Seaforth Expositor is :down ou
corrup t practises at church bazars, &c.
So are we all when our opponents get
the plum.
* * as
The Mitchell Recorder appears to
believe that civilization is a "rotting
tree." Our eotem's political friends are
out in the cold.
The Mitchell Recorder thinks the
Gosernor General is a useless institut-
ion in Canada. As his relation to the
Canadian people is supposed to be pre-
cisely that of the Queen towards Great
Britain, does theRecorder wish its read-
ersto conclude that the Queen is 'm-
ess there f
The outlook for a big wheat yie
must be different in other parts of Ont-
ario from those in this aection. The
Bureau of Industry gives out thab "in
fall wheat the proepects are that the
total produce will fall below the average
and the production per acre will also
fall somewhat below the average. The
average of spring wheat has also dim-
inished, but while taking the Pro yince
as a whole, the spring wheat crop is
not altogether satisfactory, the product-
ion will be in slight excess of 1892.
Certainly, to Windsor, west ; north to
Goderich, south to Lake Elie, and east
Hamilton vvay, the fell wheat promises
as heavy a yield as in 1891, when it was
26.7 bushels for the whole Province.
Plenty of farmers in this district will
have a turn oub of 35 bushels to the
acre. Of course a number of the cor-
respondents who xend reports to the
Bureau are not very reliable. There
never were better prospects for a boun-
tiful harvest than there is in this
x x x
Canada will not for th's year at all
events, secure a renewal of the privil-
ege of sending cattle to inland Britieh
towns on the hoof. This fact forms the
foundation of an article in the Globe, in
which the Dominion Government is
practically advised to abolish the quar-
antine against animals imported from
the United States into this country.
The Liberal organsays that thisrestrict
ion on the bringing of stock across the
lines was established for the purpose of
securing a continuance of the privilege
Canada once erjoyed in the English
market, and since it has not had this
effect there is no object in maintaining
it. Our contemporary further asserts
that if weabolishour quarantine against
American cattle the Washington Gov -
eminent will probably withdraw theirs
against ours and then our exporters
will be able to ship fat cattle for
Europe either by way of Boston or
Montreal, thereby securing competition
in rates. Very good,but in the face
of such privilege our cattle would tor
ever be clanged with American cattle
and subject to quarantine for all time.,
There is still hope that the embargo will
be removed so let us keep up the U. S.
LoOAr Orxzoi.
This term'should beapplied to the choice
every intelligent person has between Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, the :natural a certain
remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, oonsti
patron, headache, and bad blood, and the
various imitations offered by unscrupulous'
ps.rtiee':as beieg just as good, There is
nothingelse as good as B. B. E. ` 11 is an
honest: medicine.'
For nearly forty years Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of. Wild Strawberry has been the
le tding and surest aura for cholera, Collo,
diarrhoea, dysentery ana. all summer cora-
-plaints. It .is a record to be proud of.
Minard's .Liniment cures Dandruff.
Dirappealranee or a Cans who were
Digit Up in Society's Circles.
.ITICTORIA, B,C:, July 18.—The cons
vi.otion became general lately that Ar-
thur Turner, only son of H. J, H,
Turner, Minister of Finance and Agri-
culture, and Mrs. Lockland P, Jamie-
son, a neighbor and acquaintance, who
were last seen together on Thursday,
had been drowned in the straits of Fuca.
They met on the street while Mrs.
Jamieson: was shopping on Thursday,
and theday being delightful, decided on
going for a row, not notioing that the
tide was running strong and the wind
was full from sea. Their boat, a 16 -foot
dingy, was not suited for rough water,
and the supposition is that, night com-
ing on, the boat was overturned in the
straits or gulf of Georgia, The fact of
their ,having gone boating not develop-
ing till this morning. A. scandal origin-
ated over the disappearance of the
couple, and even friends concluded it
was an elopement, Mrs. Jamieson is a
handsome woman of 25 and has been
married 8 years. She became acquaint.
ed with Turner in society and the famil
lies have been well acquainted since,
living in the sante neighborhood.
Two Young Alen Out OR' Instantly by the
• Electric plaid.
BROWNSVILLE, Ont,, July 17.—During
the very heavy thunderstorm yesterday
William Siveyer, aged 20, eldest son of
Edward Siveyer, of the 12th concession,
Dereham, one and one-half miles south
of this place, was killed instantly by
lightning while standing in the doorway
in his father's house, The bolt came
from the chimney, striking the young
man on the head and passing out of the
door in which he was standing..
.Another Fatality..
A.LVINSTON, Ont., July 17.—James
Flanigan, a young man 21 years of age,
who lived five miles from here, while
shocking wheat Saturday afternoon was
struck by lightning and instantlykilled.
A. barn belonging to Angus McKinlay
and a dwelling house belonging to Wil.
liam Wall, farmers, living in the same.
neighborhood, was also struck by light-
ning, but not much damaged.
The Madsen Day Company.
MONTREAL, July 18.—The annual meet-
ing yesterday of the Hudson's Bay Com-
pany was the most cordial and unani-
mous that has been held for years, The
financial part of the report cabled to
The News previously was responsible
for this to a great extent,
Sir Donald Smith, who presided, said
the future was hopeful despite the de-
faulting of the North-western railway
and the Commercial Bank, of Winnipeg+.
He was only surprised that the bank
had not collapsed long before, but as it
was it did not affect other banks.
Sir Donald paid a high tribute to the
ability of the Hudson Bay Company's
commissioner and to the co=operation of
the officers,
The Woman Was Drowned.
119 DOC, Ont., July 18, --lit White
lake, about five miles south of this
place, a man by the name of Wickens
started with his wife to Dross the lake
in a home-made boat to look after some
cattle on the other side of the lake.
When only a short distance from shore
the boat upset in about 30feet of water.
Wickens, who is a good swimmer, got
hold. of his wife, but she struggled so in
her excitement that he was obliged to
shake her hold loose in order to save
himself, and she was drowned, The
body was recovered a few hours later.
Mrs. Wickens was 22 years of age, and
had only been married a few months.
Death ors. Prominent Orangeman.
STRATFORD, July 18,—While picking
cherries in his own garden yesterday
afternoon Mr. Francis Irwin fell, owing
to the breakage of a limb, and striking
on his head broke his neck and died al-
most immediately. Mr. Irwin has oc-
cupied the position of storekeeper at
the G.T.R.ronndhouse since 1871 and
was well known to railroad employes in
this section. He was a prominent
Orangeman and was chairman of the
committee which arranged the late cele-
bration here.
The Murderer Captured.
VANCOUVER, Jnly 13.—Kennedy, the
murderer of O'Connor, has been captured
at Ramsay Arm. For five days a posse
of police have had him carrolled on
Ramsey Arm Island. For four days
they had no sight of him, but gradually
hunted him to a narrow neckland, where
he was chased with a dozen gens to the
open. Nearly starved and wildwiththe
whiskey he had consumed he gave him-
self up and was taken to Nanaimo by
Superintendent Hussey. He will be
tried here.
The Sting of n ISee Results in Death.
Woonsxocx, July 18.—Miss Willa
Frith a pupil of the Woodstock Collegi-
ate Institute, met with death under
very sad and peculiar circumstances at
her home in Princeton on Saturday.
Her father, Mr. James Frith, was ex-
tracting honey from a hive of bees,
when one of them stung her on the right
temple. She was seized with convul-
sions, and in fifteen minutes was dead.
It was the opinion of the doctors that
death resulted from the shock. Miss
Frith was in her 15th year.
Good News From the North-West.
WINNIPEG, July 17.—On Saturday a
Winnipeg newspaper collected tele-
graphic reports from every important
point in Manitoba and the North-west.
These reports, without a single excep-
tion, state that the conditions are most
News of the Dominion From. Far and Near
in a hew Liner,
1<v ancansDA'X, JULY ee,
Sir John Thompson expects to return
to Canada by the first week in August.;,.
Sir John Abbott is spending the sum-
mer at St Anne's, Que, , His health has
not improved.
Cable advices state that Sir Charles
Tupper will sail for Canada on July 17
on personal business,
Robert Patterson was crushed to death
by a mass of clay at Haack & Co.'s ,tile
yard at Drayton yesterday:
Joseph Lanthier, aged 30, fell against
a large belt at the Royal Electric cora:
pangs works, Montreal, last night,.
and was instantly killed.
Charles Robinson was killed on the
Intercolonial track at Truro, N.S., last
evening while walking with a young
lady, The girl escaped without injury.
The report of the sub -committee ap-
pointed to consider the Campbell heresy
charges was presented to the Montreal
presbytery. The presbytery prepared a
formal indictment against Prof. Camp-
bell, and adjourned until August 1.
Miss Palmer, of Kingston, is 94 years
of age. Her father lived 100 years.
Kingston papers say a combine in coal
and wood bas been formed there, and
that coal will be $7 a ton, and wood $ti
a cord.
Berlin Council, Royal Arcanum, gave
a banquet in honor of Mr. J. W. Hick-
son of Toronto, grand regent, and of Mr..
John King, Q, C., who is about to leave
Berlin for Toronto,
Mr. Walter Rowan, of the Post -office
Department, Toronto, in a fit of delirium
on Tuesday night, threw himself down-
stairs with suicidal intent. Failing by
that method he hacked his throat with
a razor and also swallowed somepoisons._
He will probably recover.
As the Cibola was approaching her
dock in Toronto last night after a moon-
light excursion a young man, a member
of the True Blues, tried to jump on the
wharf, but, having miscalculated the
distance, fell into the water and was
drowned, His name was Charles Lane,
a saddler living at 579 King street west.
Police mag strata M. C. Brown of Sim-
coe is dead,
The steamer Falcon, with the Peary
expedition sailed from St. John's, Nfld.,
for Greenland to -day,
By an accident to a C.P.R. passenger
train near Komoka yesterday one pas-
senger had a leg broken and several
others were slightly injured.
Tho attorney -general of Manitoba has
decided that the Winnipeg exhibition
board shall not allow beer to be soldon
the grounds during fair week.
The appointment of Mr. Montagu
Allan as receiver of the Manitoba &
Northwestern railway was confirmed by
Mr. Justice Bain at Winnipeg yester-
A butcher named Locking, while driv-
ing to his home in Clifford from Ayton,
fell from his waggon, and received in-
juries from which he died in less than
an hour,
Near Little Britain, in Mariposa town-
, ship, Mrs. Albert Henderson committed
suicide by cutting her throat with a
pair of Scissors. She had been married
about one year.
Abraham Wilson, who attempted to
Shoot his daughter at Campbellford, has
The Canadian trotter Fides Stanton
won the $5,000 purse at Pittsburg, Pa.,
The Kingston rink, skipped by Mr.
john Watson, won the Walker lawn
bowling trophy yesterday.
The Earl of Derby and Lady Derby
arrived in Quebec yesterday afternoon.
They embarked to -day for England.
Mechanics who left Kingston lately to
seek work across the line are returning
in large numbers. being unable to find
Mr. J. B. Cook, dentist, of London,
dropped dead yesterday at Port Franks,
where he had been camping with aparty
of relatives.
In a swamp adjacent to Ottawa the
badly decomposed body of a man was
found yesterday by two little girls who
were berrying.
At a barn -raising in Saugeen town-
ship, near Port Elgin, John Schwass,
lun., was killed by a falling beam. He
eaves a widow and two children.
A Board of Trade has been organized
at Arnprior, Ont.
Manitoba Provincial exhibition opens
at Winnipeg to -day.
The Earl and Countess of Derby sailed
from Quebec for England on the Sardin-
ian yesterday.
• A sixteen -year-old boy, James Lang-
don; got out of his depth in the canal at
Ottawa yesterday and was drowned.
Miss Willa Frith, aged 14, was stung
by an infuriated honey bee at Princeton,
Ont., on Saturday and died in convul-
sions in 15 minutes.
Saturday's storm blew down fences.
and trees at Simcoe, and a large barn
was blown down on the farm of Mr.
Baker, an old man named Snyder being
can ht under the wreck and badly hurt,
ilia and Edith Atkins, aged nine and
favorable, and that a goed crop is now at t
praetically assured. boa
Pali or a Scatfoid.
BRAN'fFORD, July 17.—E. Misener and
A. Secord were working Satnrday on a
new wing which is being erected in con-
nection with the Mohawk institute,
when just as they were about to leave
the scaffold at 6 o'clock it gave way.
They fell a distance of 35 feet, and sus-
tained severe hurts but both will recov-
prohibition Thrown Over.
TOPEKA,. July 13.—In a letter this
morning, to A. J. liachard, et Fort Scott,
Attorney -General Little intimates that
the Kansarr , State Administration. has
thrown prohibition overboard and will
not use the machinery of state to enforce
Collector Morgan, of Bliffalo, tefuses
a ones ori certshoetee of the Olydes-
dale Horse .Aesociation of Canada.
ulfSDA.Y, JULY 18,
Itichard. Fawcett, aged fourteen, was
dnowned while swimming at Peterbore
on Sunday.
Que., yesterday afternoon after only
two days' illness.
Thomas Grriffith,
livieg three miles f
by lightning yestard
T. J. Richardson, one of the official
reporters of the Horne of Commons,
died last evening at Ottawa, aged 50.
storekeeper at
tently killed,
a well-to-do farmer,
om Perth, was lti.11ect
Francis Irwin, G. T.R.
Stratforaroundhoiise, fell
tree yesterclan and was ins
hit neck being broken.
At White lake, about ve
of Macloo, Min. Wickens, age
drowned by the apsettneg of a
112110S 8011.th
d 22, was
boat. Her
band, wlea aananinanted escaped.
enema -
News Developments of Each Day During
the 'Week in Srurdl Space.
rho mat county, Nebraska, bank fail-
ed yesterday.
Three cases of smallpox have been
found in Chicago.
The World's Congress of Literature
opened at Chicago Monday night,
Billy Lester, the variety actor, died at
Fairaaven, N.J., yesterday, "
The cholera mortality in Mecca is said,
to have been twice as great es was re-
The Western passenger assoeiation has
adopted one -fare rates to the World's
liar 'negro uprising is feared at Bards
well, Ky„ as the result of the recent
lynching of Miller, the negro, wleo out-
raged and then murdered the Ray sis-
The official figures give the total at-
tendance at the World's Fair during
May at 1,050,237, and, for June 2,075,113.
The paid admissions last Sunday nura-
bored 43,523.
Dr. McGlynn says he will visit the
world's congress of religions at Chicago
next mouth and deliver an address on
omie questions,
The Viking ship arrived. at Chicago
Chancellor von Caprivi is confined to
bed by inflamed veins.
A large portion of Purcell, 0.T., has
been destroyed by fire.
Mr, Gladstone says he will again stand
for election in Midlothian.
The German steamship Traxe is bring-
ing from England 05,000 in gold.
Right Hon. Stuart Knill, lord mayor
of London, bas been made a baronet.
Twenty houses were burned at Prince-
ton, Indiana, yeeterday, involving a loss
of $300,000,
The Queen Regent Christina of Spain
is suffering witla a tumor. Sne is in no
immediate danger.
Up to last night 1,5 bodies had. been
recovered from the ruins of the cold
storage warebouse at the World's Fair,
It is thought in Constantinople that
the khedive's visit to that city is going
to embarrass Great Britain in the gov-
ernment of Egypt,
reureena JULY 14.
The reports of cholera in Egypt are
13auniberger, the Dakota murderer, is
now in Fargo jail.
St. Petersburg is officially declared to
be in a healthy condition.
Gen. W. It Enochs, U.S. congress.
man, is dead at Cincinnati, -
The first clause of the army bill wail
passed by the German reicbstag yester-
day by a vote of 198 to 187.
It has been deoided that foreign exhib-
itors at the World's fair may sell their
exhibits for delivery after the exPosition.
The West Shore day exprese was
wrecked at Newburgh, N.Y„ yesterday.
Six, or seven persoes were killed and over
twenty were injured.
In view of the distress caused by the
drotight the exportation of fodder, ex -
elusive of cereals, frona Austria and
Hungary has been prohibited. •
At Columbus, Miss., the negro, Henry
Fleming, who stabbed to death Mr.
Mincher, on Monday night, was taken
from the officers on Wednesday and
Vice -Admiral Culme-Seymour has ar-
rived. at Malta.
Fourteen cases of sunstroke were re-
ported in St. Louis yesterday.
A cyclone did a good deal of damage
at Stillwater, Minn. yesterday.
Father Nicholas Maurich, head of the
Redemptorist order, is dead in Rome.
No more bodies have been found in
the ruins of the rtre at the World's Fair.
The Count of Turin, nephew of King
Humbert of Italy, is ill of typhoid fever.
Emile Zola, the novelist, has been 'ap-
pointed officer of the Legion of Honor
of France.
A disease very much resembling cho-
lera is raging in Northampton county,
North Carolina.
'The World's Fair is to be closed on
Sunday, and will open no more on the
first day of the week.
4. warrant has been issued at Tacoma,
Washington, for the arrest of President
Van Horne, of the C.P.R., for violation
of the inter -state commerce law.
Governor-General Rodriguez of Cuba
is dead.
The German Army Bill has passed the
The outlook in Nicaragua is said to be
very gloomy.
Sin persons were killed by the heat in
Chicago on Friday.
The paid admissions at the World's
Fair yesterday were 49,401.
The Glen House at Mount Washing-
ton was burned yesterday. Loss, $100,-
Mme. 13uloz has obtained a divorce
from Charles Buloz, the fugitive editor
of The Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris.
gored yesterday in the bull ring at San
Fernando, Isla, de Leon, and died an
hour after.
The British battleship Inflexible has
been ordered froniMalta to Egypt. It
is rumored that disturbances have broken
ont at Alexandria.
S. N. Dusenbury, cashier of the sus-
pended bank of Puyallup, Wash., has
been arrested on a charge of embezzling
$41,000. He inin jail.
The.Congress of Edueation opened at,
The finartelel situation is Bald ,to be
improving at San n'rancisco.
Kansas' corn crop promises to be the
largest in the history of the etate.a
The court martial in commotion 'with
the Victoria disaster has cimmenced at
Valetta, Malta,
The U.S. warship Alliance has been
ordered to Corinto, onethe west' coast of
Nicaragua, to protect American. inter -
A G -rand Trunk train entering Chicago
last night ran down. erowded street
lisidnY Menet', aceueed of 'whole
sale poieoning in New York and other
cities,- has arrived in /new Itorlc. He
was taken to police headqtarters.
Sugars and
Fruit Jars
You will do well to see those
77 lbs. Sugar
Prints and
for•bargains in Rem-
nants of Prints and Ribbons
a lot sold the past week.
Tbe sooial sensation of Winnipeg just
now is the elopment of the 16.year-old.
(laughter of a prominent end wealthy eitis
DuracanlVIsoArthur, late manager of..
the inaolvent Commercial Bank of Mani-
toba, has traneferred to trustees of the
balsa about $34,000 worth cf Ina property.
The Standard blood plainer, strength
builder and nerve helpers is Hood's Sara
saparilla, Insist upon Hood% because
Hood's Cures,
Mr. J, 31, Maconn, of the Dominion geo-
logical department, which bas arrived in
Ottawa from Perin says that Canada is
dead sure of winning the .oase before the
Behriog Sea tribunal
The steamer talcon, with the Peary
Arctic expedition on board, arrived on
Thursday at St. jobne, Nfld., and, liming
taken on coal and oupplien started for
Greenland rriday night.
When yott find that yntt cannot aim)
and get up in the minting art tire(' as
when you went to bed be assured your
Mural or liver are out of order. Mem-
brays Kidney and Liver auto will remove
the canoe a all this trouble. Try it.
A oudden drop in the English hay mar-
ket is reported, The price now in Loudon
is 105 shillings, and hi Liverpool 95 sbill.
Inge per tor. The corresponding declare
in Montreal is 81.50.
The manager of the Lonclone Times has
cabled out, repudiating one T, C. Vincent,
who was in Montreal three weeks ago. '
olaiming to be a apecial correspondent of
the Times commietioned to write up the
was prostrated with a severe billious
compl.inta writes Brutus Soutbworth,
bstb, Me. 'After vainly trying a ameba
of remedier, I wig fnally iodated: to take
Ayer's Mc I had searcelpe taken two
boxes when I wee completely ettred.
The bitter oontrovermy that has been
-reigning for some time regarding selling
liquor al the Manitoba exhibition hes re-
sulted in a victory for the . prohibitionists,
the' Attorn ey.General having refused to
Mr, Hugh Caldwell, Clydesdale, Ont.,
writes ;—,My daughter was under the cere
of doctors for more than a year for female
weaknees, without getting relief. then
proenred Pink Pill, and they cured her.
All dealers, 50c. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50,
or mailed On receipt of price. Dr, Wil-
liams Med, Co, Brookville, Ont., and
Schenectady, N. Y.
Bradstreet's reports the following assign-
ments: 0. J.' Mitchell, furniture anti
manufactureiof spring ban Ingersoll; J
Fairgrieve ta Son, woolen manufacturer*
Innisville; Irvine et Co,. boots and shoes
Toronto Junction; G. B. Schneider, boots
and Shoes. Waterloo.
Whether Pasteur and Kooh's peculiar
modes of treatment win ultimately pre-
vail or not, their theory of blood contamin-
ation is the oorreot one, though not origin-
al. It was on this theory that Dr. J. C.
Ayer, of Lowell, Mau , nearly fifty yeare.
ago, formulated Aver's Sareaparilla
A wonderful new combination is R.
Stark's Headache Neuralgia and Liver
Powders, nice to t'ake and perfectly harm-
lese. Mr, Wills, Chief of Police, Wood-
stock, says ; 'A sure cure every time.."
experienced almost immediate relief
from their use for sick headache& ' Mr.
Mercer, contractor, Hamilton Abe ; I
consider them -a very valuable remed3r, and
far surpassing many others I have tried.'
derived great'benefit from"' them, having
been for a long tithe a sufferer from head-
ache billiousness and neuralgia.' •IVIrs..
Cria, Hatiailton, 'says t ',No medicine or
doctors did my 'daughter any good until -
we ueed Stark's Headache, Neuralgia, and
Liver Powders • they have effected a come -
piste erne.' Mier, Keats, Hamilton, says e. ,
Your Powders bave been the greatee
blessing to me.' Price 25 cents a box.
sold by all medicine dpitlers.
True Philanthropy.
To 71333Enzecni of the "eines Gezearaes
manna'. ai which i‘ was restored to heeltho'
' aen Frain dfea, bee the quacks , until I 'nearly
'lost buf thanks tobeaten
am new Wells..4igorouss end strong.
have'notiiiiig to sell and ne ethente to et -
tort motley from .anyone whomsoever bets
being ,desirous. to make ' this ceetain cure,' '
(ig:meotw: tt6eiiir,attaillin'Y:tinv:viei.141RfsuetilidNn;a:rprteieePrine'llaial*er:: _.1c1.1'5r4 1
Cain all iturianter'.Cotapleinalt :am airot..--J4=;.':
aegitire.d ever 'ftirieeeana it aneaets faits, 'tan