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VOL. XX. NO. 48,
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30UN WHI!1E & $Orli
Publisher* and Proprietors
Oo lialgolo:t
lien you Carl
get a good, high,
man's Plow Shoe
for 90a
Alan; a complete Lille of
Goode were bought direct from the
Manufacturers and will be soldat
prices that cannot be beaten.
Eggs xx cents per dor,
Bixins,—Flay harvest its nearly com-
pleted in this vicinity, and the grain
crop, which promises to be an ma tial•
ant yield is fast ripening. So
our enterprising citizen are imreit-
mg and repainting thetrj premises, we
hope others will follow suit, as it adde.
greatly to the appearance of our vill-
age.—Miss Louie Molts is at home
spending the vacation, having success-
fully passed the exananation prepara-
tory for Kindergartner,n The itotorest
which had been taken in the Royal
Tempters of Temperance, seems to be
increasing, This speaks well for the
people of Centralia and vicinity.
General Merchant, Rtrktona
Woodtia n.
Bmers—A. large number of people
from our village went with the terange-
men to the (Celebration in Stratford on
the 12th.—slaying is almost completed
in tide neighborhood, some have al-
ready begun bairvest.. -Mr: "Wm.
Thompson hard his nevi barn reload last
Friday.. Sides was called by Messrs.
Parker and MoKeith, and when the
racing began there was quitean °nett-
ing time. Mr. MoKeith's side came out
e few minutal ahead. --Berries •are
quite plentiltil just now, but judging
front the numbers who daily attend
the patches the fruit will soon be very
Briggs,—Mr, and Mrs. Frank Barr,
.ofToro:ato, are visiting at Mr. John
Bart's, --Miss Agnes Currie has gone
to Toren* and vioioity to recuperate
for a few weeks.—One of the principal
events of the season was a party given
by Miss Mary Gbrie, Everybody en-
joyed himself to his heartsoentent and
went one feeling that Mina: Gorse fa
rid novice at netting up an affair of this
kind. --On -i dednesday. July Orta, a
very plea ant event took place at the
house of Mr.John Sontt, of the 13th
con. Hibbert, whenhis third daughter,
Maggie, was united in marriage to Mr.
John Barr, <of this plane. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. P.
Scott, after which one hundred guests
sat down to a sumptuous repast.
Einem.-•Robert. Steinbach who has.
been in Detroit for some time past, is
visiting his parents to the village.--
,John McDonald of £Iensatl, was in the
village on Thursday of last week.—Mica
Ada Bean of Bright is visiting friends
in the village, -,-Harry AIagei was in
London last week.—Quite a number
from here attended the Foresters' pie-
nio on Tueaday last. --Miss Listie
Treumner left last Thursday for De-
troit., -Bigg ElizaDeichert lei on Fri-
day of last week for North Dakota.—
Mr. Andaman of Winghaon is in town.
We understand that he is to amused
Mr, Hoffman in the:tailoring business,
—Dr. Thompson of Remelt, was in the
village on Sunday.—Mr. Dicker of
Woodstock, was visiting in the village
last week.— Wm. Dumert or New
Haven, is vatting his parents in the
village,--SSome of the Foresters at-
tended. the Foreater parade at 13e4 -
forth Sunday last,----Aueust Wesloh of
Bewail, was in the village on Sunday
last,—.Alfred Moritz of New Dundee
is visiting friends in the village. --Life
lusuranco Agents were pientitut in the
village last week. --,Sud Doblo has fully
recovered from the effects of his ex.
Penance with 0. Eilbor's, "BakerSoy"
and says he is now prepared to give
Mina mile in ons -thirty.
it uilarrton.
CAMERON O0N SDant3Or, Barrister.
8 t
tor, Conveyancer. Office Main-st.
Oen beoonsultod after office lhours oat the
Commercial hotel. Rommel!.
Great Bargains is what everybody is looking
for and the right place to got them in Boots
k Shoos is at the Recall Boot & Shoe Em-
porium. This week we are offering all kinds
of Summer Goods at special Bargains. B colt
as Red Oxford Ties. Mens Canvas Shoes,
Women's Prnnelle Gaiters. and SlLppors•
Women's Toe Slippers at half pride and all
other goods as cheap and cheaper than any
other dealer in the County. Call and See
Butter & Eggs taken,
A. Weaar.Rnt,
Sign of Big Boot.
Following are the market quotations :.
Wheat ................ 59 to 59
Barley . , ... 35 to 35
Oats . , ........ .. . 32 to 33
Peas 55 to 5G
Bay . 6.00 to 7.00
Batter ld to 15
Sege ..,,•.•. 11to11.
Clover seed $ 50 to 8:75
Bang's, -Business is vory good this
week. -- Raspberries are plentiful thio
season around here.—Flax pulling began
on Monday and the crop is a good cue. --
The foundation ot the new flax tarn as
now finished and the barn will be raised in
a than lime.—Mr Geo 1kfcEwen was at
Goderich last Friday.—stirs Fred Kibler of
Zurich was visiting around Hereall on Sat
urday and. Sunday and returned home on
Monday.—Mrs Fred Wurtz of Dashwood
is visiting around Renals this' week.—,fir
A. Wesoloh and family were viaiti aat
Zurich over Sunday.-11ir James Troyer
returned home on Monday after a week t
stay at. Anne Oraig.—Mr David ltiobol,
family, and brother were visitien at their
father's at Seaforth'—Mrs John Pope is
visiting at Dashwood thio week at tier
parents --Mist Annie Pope of Platteville
returned hotne laid Friday after a three
month's stay with her brother John. mer-
chant tailor, of this place.—Onion pulling
is the order of the day this week and the
crop is very good —Mr Mat Elwood, leer•
ber, has bought out Mr A, Cruspe s harber
business, and took peoseesion of his new
shop land Saturday; MAN Mr Coupe atilt
'stays in town and is running the reenter -
ant business in flrst•elasa st lain Mrs. A'
King's old stand.-- Mr Louie Herald*
station inaater,has the nicest painted house
iu town.—ler W. Mitchell has a now fence
put in front of his dwellfug.—lvlr. LioKey
is putting a stone foundation under his
dwelling.—Tho R.7% of T. are having
their picnic to -day (Thursday.) --Miss
Elite returned hctne on Tuesday from
London after several day's visiting there.
—Mr Jesse Cards, shoe -nutter, is apeudiu*
his holidays at London this week.
Bilir,Fs.--Death hat again vim ted o1rr
neighborhood, this time taking lit,
Willie Robertson; son of the late Max
Robertson. After an illness of three
weeks he was taken to bis long home
on Friday. The deceased was twelve
years of age.—Mrs. Blaobtord ot Chic-
ago, who has been the guest of Mrs.'
John Keralake for the past few
weeks, has gone to visit friends at
Strffes—Mia, Jno. Stephen, jr.. who
has been visiting frienda in Toronto,
bus gone on a trip up the lakes.—miss
Brown of Toronto, is the guest of Miss
Etta Lane, --John and Miss Atkinson,
James and Miss Robinson and Miss
Jenny Anderson of this place and Rev.
W, I3. Graham of St. Marys attended
the marriage of their cousin, Mr. Wee.
son, of Mornrngton, last week.—John
Atkinson and Miss Cameron are spend-
ing their holidays at their respective
homes. ---bliss Eva Pearn of St. Marys,
is rusticating in aur neighborhood.—
The remains of Mrs. Lenewere brought
here from Denver last week and in-
terred in the St. Marys cemetery.
Deceased was the eldest daughter of
Mr. John Robinson of this place, and
had only been married a few months.
She diets from Dancer of the atomaoh,
complicated with other ailments—
Much sympathy is felt for her bereav-
ed husband and friends.--5ir. W. F.
Robinson, Lawyer, of Denver, and* Mr.
Lane nceompanied the iorL"aiva of auto,
Lane to this plane, and are spending
a few days with friends here.
Bimors,—Rev. Mr. Simpson is at
present enjoying his holidays; Rev.
Mr. Biaok occupies his place tor a few
weeks—Mist S. J. Follicle. who was
visiting her parents at Pickford, l4lioh.,
has returned home. --Miss R. Jamieson
is home for a holiday. --Mr. Scott's
new store will be commenced in a few
days; it will be one of the finest vill-
age stores in the county.--7-Two young
men started out on Sunday last tosee
their beat girls in Goderich. y
procured a horse from the local livery,
and were well on their way when the
-animal ran away, and it was a genuine
runaway. The horse ran for
three guiles, and all that could be seen
was a yeliowritreak. When the animal
was stopped the 'young goon, ;strange
to flay, could'' not find themselves, and
ted -to return to town, where with the
aid' of water and soap, and a change of
clothing they could see a semblance
of what a few boura before was a pair
of fine looking young fellows, decorat-
ed init manner calculated to captivate
the hearts of the young ladies sought.
Tiiey,1 :however, procured another
horse, and reached Goderioh in good
time, and spent a'pleasant day, return-
ing Monday morning, none the worse
for their expedition. We wish you
better ittgk nett time .boys
Biunns.—Mrs, Lewis Laing, of Ohio -
*go, is home for a few weeks visit
with her parents and other friends. --
Last week the Patrons of Industry re-
ceived a large quantity of sugar, tea,
oil and other necessaries from Joseph
Dilworth of Toronto, which wasdnrided
up on Friday bight, everything being
of first•otasa quality.—On Friday, of
last week an accident occurred at a
barn raising at Mr. Robt. Mitchell's
on the Mitchell road, which might
have proved much more serious than
it did. While raising some of the
frame work of the barn a pike pole
broke and allowed a piece ot timber to
fall, which struck Mr. Joseph Moln,
tyre on the head, making an ugly
fleet,. wound and ovn-ipieiely aiuuuu,g
hila for the time.—Dr. Armstrong has
succeeded in purrcbasing the Fullerton
hotel property for r Mr. Joseph F
h M
or -
of Varna, who will change it into
a private residence and house of ac-
conimodatson without taking out a
license. Mr. Morrow will also start a
atore1here, The price paid was 51,-
000 and possession is to be given im-
mediately. Mr. Cornish intends going
away somewhere for the benefit of his
failing health.
St. Marys.
Barc>re..--Sunday was the anniver-
sary of the Feast of Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel, and this opportune occasion
Wait chosen for the opening of the new
Eoinen Catholic church inSt. Marys,
Isis Lordship Bishop O'Connor can-
dneted the blessing and dedicatory
services, and preached in the morning,
Dean Murphy, ofirislttmen, celebrated
Maas, and was assisted by Rev, Father
Walsh, of Toronto, as deacon; Rev.
Father Ferguson, ot Assumption. Col-
lege, Sandwich, as sub -deacon, and
Rey` Father Ken nody,Seaforth,master
of eeremoniea. Rev, Dr. Kilroy, of
Stratford, also officiated. In the
evening musical vespers were held,
and Rev. Father Ferguson preached.
Rey. Father Connolly, of Lucan, was
oleo present, and took part. The
musical part of the seryinee were ex.
erellent, and the collections were very
iiberal.—Mr, J. H. Aiken has returned
from South Africa and visited him par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs , Wm. Aiken, last
week. --Mr, .las, McLarty hag sold out
itis hotel business at C/healey and is
expected in town this week. --Mrs.
(Dr.) Irving sed Mies Katie lett last
week on tri visit to friends at Montreal,
A CHILI) Saysu.
any little boy was taken volt' bad with
diarbue, be' was very delicate and gat so
low we had rio hope of his life, !but a lady -
friend reoommendedDr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry, and although he could
only bear a few drops at a time he got well.
It savee
my Itild- a
Campbellville, Ont.
.Nlinerees Liniment nares Colds, eto.
. ,n S in er
., O'dLT HATS,
'IT RA -
Mater Kennedy Kemp of Seaforth fell oft
a bicycle the other day and broke ane of
his arena
The Young Men's Ohristien Association
Club Seaforth, have instituted a bath
in. their rooms, which. is open three days
of each week.
Mr. Ono- Farquhar. of Uullett, loot e
valuable cow on Wednesday Inst, being
strnolt by a train. He refaced $45 for it
only a abort time ago.
Mr. W. A ttieQneen of Brnoeffeld form-
erly of Clinton Collegiate, has been en.
gaged as mathematical master of Brock-
ville Collegiate Inehtote. ,
The Seaforth council have adopted the
Automatic Telephone system of flre alarm;;
they also passed the second reading of the
bylaw for ringing the curfew bell,
Thomas. Cummings, son of John Onm-
mings, Mullett, haamot with en accident
whereby he lopes one, if not both of his
lege. Be is employed on the 0. P. B.
Mies Maggie, daughter et Mr, John
Eilloran, of Seaforth, and Mr. War. Pen-
dergast, B, A., naathemattoal master in
the Collegiate Iuetitnte were married last
Alt eases of weak or lame back, beokaobe
rheumatism Will and relief by wearing ens
at Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna
Baokaohe Plasters. Price 25 cents, Try
lktr j'ebn Beattie of (Minton while drit-
ing slog the street the other day his
horse, took fright ata peeving bioyete,, and
turning soddenly threw Mr, Beettie out,.
fraotnring One of hie same, • driv'
'Teta,1kfonae, of (Milton, while Iiie
Ing with her titter, Mrs. 'Tedkoad, watt
thrown out of the sig, through a rtttistvray.
Her erne was btoko:h and being in delicate.
health, the snook may prate too crash fort
.At the last meeting cif the McKillop
Mutual insurance Co,, no; lose than 11.7
policies were passed. Tide company seems
le fps s popular one. The next regular
meeting of the direotortt will be at Bruce -
field an the 280a inst.
Tee 12 year old eon of Mr. Drysdale,
' Huron Road near l ederioh, who wee eo
severely injured t3undayJuly, 211d, is still
alive though unconscious. It is not
thought possible ho can recover.
Drysdale . is also Testy poorly
Mr. John Hunter, of the London Road,
near Clinton, who nee been in Montana far
some time, returned home on ikfonday
morning. He isintere*tod in a mine there
and states that fife depression in the silver
market is temporarily closing up ell the
Bay -field.
Buisars.—Rev. J. 13. Sint aeon of
Bruoefleld is here to recuperate hie
health. ---Rev, C. Miles, of Lucknorr.
and Rev. J. I. Kevin Bayfield, ex-
changed pulpits an Sunday last,--Iteva
lkir, laird et Toronto, areaehed in St.
,Andrews Church on Sunday last end is
expected to preach next Sunday.—
/visa Mary Simpson strived home last
week from Scotland,—Walter Baker
of Bgmondville, formerly teacher here,
has Veen spending a few weeks vacat-
ion here.—Mise Susie Burgess ishomO
on a visit.—Mr. ltl. 11dorrlson of London,
a former reaident, has been spending
a few weeka with friends here.—Mesa
Attie Daley of Seaforth, is 'loafting
Mabel and !Enna Midden. -- The
following guests are now registered at
River hotel. J. G. Davey, wife and
children and nurse, Miss M. Davey;
Mr. Chas, Edwards wife autism); Mr. F,
Glass wife and child, Mr. Boyden 'rife
and two children; liar. Flock wife and.
child; Mrs. Anderson, Miss Carrie
Chapman. At Commercial: Rev. 3.
S, Simpadn, Brucefieid: Mrs. Brierly,
Urs. Cousins, London; Miseis Ltly
Keenan, Kate and Nettie Hanley, of
pet/vit.—James Marks has opened a
retaurant in his father's store opposite
the Commercial. fie also carrion on
business on the hill when pionicera
coma ire- Your report last week that
Seaforth beat Egmoudville at football
here oa July 1st, and that Goderioh
Tp. beat Seaforth boys sawing were
both errors. The Football match was
played between,Bruoefield and Egmond-
ville and was decided a tie and the
sawing match was won by Waltan—Our
Orangemen enjoyed themselves very.
much at Exeter on July 12th. The
young Britons were very attractive in
their neat uniforms.
Bows—The C. 0. 5'. of this place, to.
getter with Luean and Bryanston Courts,
marshalled by 'W. E. Stanley of Liman,
marched to the Methodist Church Bewley
last and listened to a very neat sermon
preached by the Rev Mr,Ferguson Quite
a number had to remain outside, not being
able to get inside the chnrah.—The Church
of England people purpose beeline a Ban.
anna Social on the on. of 21st inat, on the
parsonage lawn. All are invited. --Mr 9,
Clarke of Cleveland,formerly of this placer,
is visiting friends in and around. Granton
--Ikle and Mrs Stewart and family of
Stratford are visiting near here:—There is
a monster excursion along the fine today
(Thursday), to Sarnia and return.—.lir. 0,
Weatman and bride Kaye got nicely settled
in our midst. We wish them prosperity,—
There is rumor that another of Grantee's
fair sex is soon to join the list of the wed•
ded folk. Congratulations. •
1y ntiler lines.
An a thousand other
Lines, at
Bargain Depot.
Bitii:rs.—Fermcrs are through haying
and report a very heavy crop and a large
amount of wheat has been cut and proves
to be an axnellant arcs titian _lits 1 ar
Martin left Tuesday morning to attend the
Grand Lodge of Mame at Ottawa.—Mise
Clara Walker bas returned from her recant
visit in Sarnia.—Mr. W. Walker of the
firm of Walker d. Gibson has- just loft
Quebec to meet another oonaignment of
prize winning Lincoln cheep ahieh has
Jett strived !roue England. --Mrs. 1. Whin
loam is prepared to move into her new cot-
tage.—Mr. T. I. Oletworthy is improving
his prop ertv by building a new barn: -We
are pleased to hear that both Ara. and
Robert John Paisley have recovered from
their recent illness.—Mr. Peter Bowery is
making au addition to his residence.—The
Anneal 5, 8. exon•aion to Goderinh tram
HydePark to Clinton inclusive, on Aug-
ust let promieas to be one of the most pop-
ular excursions of the season. Rates,
time tables, etc., will shortly be published.
Come and bring your ebildron along and
spend a pleasant day at Lake Huron shore.
MAT DO 'eon Tent,',
Mcclicirie:for T Beoauee you are sic"s and
want to get well, or boeatise ycu wish to
prevent lltees. Then rrem mb r that,
flood ti S..ttaparilia wined. all
caused by impure blood and, debility of the
system. xt ie not what ha proprietors say
but what ' EEIoad'e uaraaparilia does; Haat
tedio the rstory of its merit, Bo euro to get
TIupd`te and only t3ood's.
Purely gogol+ible--I•lcod's i"Pi One.
ig et rices
Wednoaday evening fire broke out from
the explosion of a lamp at the residence of
Chas. Matthews, dtb line, Adelaide, which,
resulted in the burning of the building,.
though, owing to the help of passing
friende, tato contents were nearly alt raved.
The house was bunted fox 11300.
On Saturday, as Mr. Win. M. Reith, of
the 14th eon., London Township, was
workingm.a gravel pit. the bank Caved in,
completely eoverinR film. The unfortunate
,pan was alone at the time of the accident,
but a few minutes after, a young fellow
who bad preriouely been working
in flu pit returned, and not seeingMr.
Reith, called bit name, wben much to the
youth's snr;itiae an answer came from
beneath a piles of gravel. Be died in *few
hours ettorwards,
The prize& that were awarded at "Blyth
on July 12th are roe follows • Winghaw
Lodge for bringing braes band $10 ; Men'
°baster Lodge for bringing brim band $10 ;
Lodge coining farthest, Ethel, 510; Largest
Lodge OrangeY'onng Britons, Bluevalo $10;
prize for efa and dram ;band, Surnmerbill
$10, Wingbam and Oranbrook played a
game of football which resulted 2 to 1. in
favor of Wingham, "pri.e ,$7. In the
bioyole race there were four entries, Emer-
son and May of Clinton ;Ballantyne of
Brussels : and Crampton, Blyth. It was
a two mile rotethe heat two ot three heats.
erson wonilia trot beat : May won.
the eeoond heat, and Emerson the third
beat. Emerson taking fret prise, a ailver
cap valued at 55, and May second prize, a
silver medal valued at 82,
BRian .—Mr, Chart Zimmer from Wis:
cousin is the peg of his brother Mr. Wm.
Zimmer.—Mrs Noreworthy of Hanover is
viaiting iter son Mr Wes Noraworthy.--
lir. A Shottler returned home on Monday
for n short earsit with friends in Hallett
township.—A large number of people front
Zurich and Crodlton attended the Child-
ren Day exorcists which were conducted in
t'hd lfvangolicel chuieb on Sunday.—Flan
pulling commenced on Monday. -Baying
is over and the farmers a'•a now busy cut-
ting fall wheat whiob is of an average crop
in this section.—There died on Friday
Mrs J
r and
sea of :4I
night the infant
Weidoent the age of 1 month and 14 days
after a' short illness of several days. its
remains were interred iu the Goshen line
cemetery on Suudey scorning.
.,.. w.•
Bnxvns.—A. A. Doupe Esq., of Aylmer
was here for a few days this weak—Mrs
James Rutherford of Usborne left St.
Marys on Thursday lest for Chicago to
visit friends and telei.0 the World's Fair.
---Mrs, Taylor's ice cream parlors are well
patrcr.ized those hot evenings.-Anamber
of farmers will commence to out their fail
wheat this week. It willbe a good sample.
—Acta recent meeting of the officers and
S. t3.
Teachers of the Methodist
decided to invest $75 on a :new library for
the Sobool.---Miss litilis of Llimyille,
daughter of Couuallorlia31s CMS .the guest
of Miss Ada Hutton for a few days.—W.
R. Carr V. 5. ha* e pet coon, it is quite a
onrioafty as it will follow him aronnd
like a dog.—Meseta James Lane and Jos.
O'Brien who lost their brides ofonly a
few mouths have the heartfelt sympathy
of this Community in their mad bereave.
Mitchel fall ta'l'l; will be held on the 2603.
snd 27th Sept.
There were 12,000 strangers in Stratford
on July 121h, at the loe'est estimate.
The Mitchell Public school «as struoi;
by lightning the other day and badly dam-
Mia* Vine Hutchinson, who has been
teaching in Chicago for several years, is
visiting among her friends in Eibbert,
Mrs, John Babb, who has been a sesid-
ant of Mitchell or neighborhood for the
past 51 years, left on Wedneeday for
East Saginaw Michigan, iutending to make
that place her future home.
Miss Katie Heal, daughter of bir.
Henry Heal, of Fu1Larton, •passed her frr
year's examination at Toronto University
recently with honors in modern languages.
Miss Heal is taking a course in Si hitby
Ladies' College.
Mise Maggie L. 'Wilton, daughter of
John Wilson, St. Marys, formerly soprano
in the Princess Street Methodist Chureb,
Vancouver, was married on Dominion Day
at the residence of Rev. J, F. Bette, Kam-
loops, to J. H. Davison, of Nanaimo,
Amongst the killed in the recent great
storm at Iowa was John Detwiller, who up
to about five years ago lived at Carlingford
in the township of Fullerton. His mother
lives in the West ward, Ittitahell, and a
sister is married to Henry MoNaught,
South America Illieumatio.Cnre for Melt -
autism and Neuralgittradically, sures
actio1 e
3 days. Its ion upon tee system is
remarkable and invitations. It: removes
at once the cause and the dineasoimmediat-
ely disappears' Tito fires:dose greatly
benefits. '75 cont,', . Wove: died by
0. Lutz, Druggist. earn 3 i•
It isiiudersto+act tint its ur;eInoute ate
being made for' Sir John Thompeon to
visit different ennetionteeien in Ontario
du,ing August;antl Septembee. The preen,
er bee nestervisitc-n cauntieS in
this province, ant. i3 a:. great diesire
on the part of union Cine rtestives he hear
hien epeak, ' Sir Jnbn loo (+min ,ted to
wood. < address a nambe, of invati:tgs.
Are requested. to
and Ree Sa11ples and
The directors of the Parkhill fair have
decided not to have rases in connection with
their fall fair.
Mr.W.Bryant of Lucian has gond to Forest
to start a paper in that town in company
with another gentleman.
Mr. Thos Ellwood, 4th eon., MoGillivray
is building a nice new house this summer
which will be a credit to the neighbor-
hood. 1 •
Always avoid harsh purgative Pills. They
&rat makeyau sick and then leave yin con-
stipated. Carter'e Little Liver Pills re-
gulate the bowels and make you well.
Dose, ono pill.
Another much reseeded resident ot,
Ailsa Craig has passed to the great major-
eel, Mr. HughFraaer departed this life
year o his age.
6 the 8d
Hon. Thos. Greenway, Premier of Mani-
toba, visited hie slater, Mre. (Rey.) J. Hol-
mes, last Saturday. He drove in from
Exeter and was aecomponied by his eister,
Mrs, (Di.) Rollins, of that town. Parkhill
Gazette -Review. Mr pater McMillan;
Abarn belonging to
of Westminater,'was blown down and coin
pletely ruined in Thursday's storm. Seve-
ral horses in the adjoining field sought re-
fuge in the building. and were badly iri-
jured, one killed outright,
The London and. Port Stanley Railway
has reverted back to the pity of London,
the Cleveland syndicate having failed to'
carryout their agreement. Negotiations
are now in progress to get a Detroit Co,,
to take hold of the line: Rev. ;dames
At. Linealon Tnesdtty,
Endicott, B. A., of Wiubipeg, was claimed
to: Miss Sarah Diamond, a :tromitaont
church worker of that town, On behalf of
the congregation the bride Wee ptesouted
witha purse of 00. They leave .shortly
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C. 0. Riosuans at Co. -
Edward Lintel, of St Peters, 0. B.,
says—"That his horse was badly torn by a
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