HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-7-13, Page 8INSURANCE
enTrt; for iFetik1N9UBANCE
(]OIx Axl'y, or London;
PANr otenglaud,
Bulicrick': Co.
NEW roRI .
We beg to notify the peo-
ple of Exeterand vicinity
that we have appointed Mr.
a. Grigg, Bookseller of Exe—
ter, to be our Agent, from
whom all our publications
andpatterns may be had 'at
the prices advertised by us,
Toronto Agency, May '93,
Nearly 3000 pairs of Man—
ufacturer's Samples of fine
Gloves and Hosiery for men,
women and children at the
Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter.
This is the largest purch—
ase of fine Gloves and .Vose
we have ever made, but the
Bargain, was so great that we
could not resist the tempting
PRICE is what we ask you
for your choice of this Lot.
Come early, for there is a
big choice for you. Such
valtte we never before placed
on a counter.
Come and see.
Note to Times' Readers,
The publishers mould esteem it a favor if
trident ieculd,tahen making their purchases,
uentfon that they sac the merchant's ddrer-
isement in Tut; rr ns.
et$Itx gizmo.
THURSDAY, JULY 13th, 1899,
General Secretary Mason, of the A., F.
d; A.. M., Canada, has issued the following
oirouler letter to the. brethren: -"I have
newel pleasure in informing yon that, as e
result of further correspondence with the
general passenger agents of the Grand
Trunk and Canadian Pacific Rail:;Oys,
delegates to Grand Lodge will receive a
return ticket free, instead of one-third
fare, provided that three hundred dele-
gates or oyer are in attendance at Grand
Regarding that watering cart, to ;which
Saar eotem refers last week, we might say
that we did inquire alone of the best me
chanes in town, and he bad not been ask-
ed anything about it. He would have
been only too glad to have built the cart,
and could have bought the sprinkling ap-
Izaratus separately. But no, the money
must be sent out of town. Further on in
the item we are asked if there is anything
else wrong about the Council. It is not
neeeaeery for us to reply to this, as almost
every person one meets, (even councilmen
assert that their hands are clean in certain
matters) is denouncing the Council's action
in many respects; we would only be heap,
tageeneure upon ¢ensure;
i'he Voters' Lists:
Itis now a certainty that the next elec-
tions for the Ontario o en`
held on the voters' lists now being,
sd hythe municipal authorities. This being
the ease, it is most desirable that the lists
should be thoroughly scrutinised and :re-
vised while there is yet time. The name
Jf every voter on the list who is not legally
entitled to vote should be removed, and if
there are any in a municipality who have
the right to vote and whose names have
been omitted from the lists, the ' proper
steps should be taken at once to have them
put on- Give this your attention, as on
the eompleteness of the lists depends the
success of an election.
The Weekly Shoot
The following members of the Exeter
Gan Club held their weekly shoot on
Thursday last. The match was for the
gold medal and silver cup, Mr. N. D.
Harden issuing a challenge to Mr. Col-
lins,,to contest the latter: Following
is the score ;-
F. W. Collins,
N. D. P.Turdon,
T. W. Taylor,
G. Anderson,
E. Treble,
'7 out of 10
7 u " 12
2 ,r re 5
5 f, ti10
sr rt10
B. B. Samuel, 2 " rc::10
Messrs. Collins and Harden shpt off
the tie as follows Collins 2 out of 5;
}Turdon 1 out 3. Collins thus winning
the cup and modal for the third time
in succession.
Mr. Byani Spicer -will call .at Exeter
every Thursdaymarning,prior 'to leaving
Elirn:vrlle for St. Marys;: xis will also
call hereany niorningrto meet passen-
gers wishing to go to St. Marys. Word
to be left a t Mr• D. Spider's the day-
A party who wanted to get farm hands,
boasaysrd: that men are reeking $40 a month and
A farmer who went up north to buy
stoeltere, says. he found owners holding
do- saw o at „1
t y olds b• 5,
'he hay inerehents are juste now driving
a rest trade in ha the high rices in
England being the cause.
The Bolder Produce Co
made their
weekly arlPmentof oar load of Butter
and one of eggs this week.
The magistrate informs us that he did
not dismiss the baso Greenslade y, Berry,
but that it was settled out of court,
Every pound -keeper who hereafter
fails to make an annual report to the
Municipal. Clerk at the end of the year is
liable to a fine of $iO. -�
Next Sundry evenw Reeev. Jas..Livi
atone of Kincardine, will preach a epecial
sermon to the Masonic fraternity of this
and neighboring towns,
The Cream Separator pat in at Winehel,
sea by a local stock compauy was first
operated last week, and now some 8;000
Ras of milk is put through daily. dreeeeeetes
Sailors tell us that the whole surface
of Lake Huron is literally covered with
potato bugs, andalong the backs the
earth appears tc be a moving mass of
TOn Tuesday night some unprincipled
fellows tore down one of of the arches
in ea:motion with the 12th of July cele-
bration. A reward of $25 is offered by
the for the nvc'
a 1 tion of .
lodgethe guilty
At the Bayfield celebration, the Seafolin
foot -ball team defeated the Fgmondville
boyar, and in the sawing oontest the God-
eri oh township sawyers won the match over
the Seaforth boys,
Lose ou Saturday, July let, near M.
Kltnnnp's, a small dog, two years old,both
ears blaek,%and black mark on back, short
tail, answers to the name of Snow Bail,
If found, return to I•R. CARLING, Exeter,
who will give a reward,
Our Local eotem says that "a number of
laborers are excavating for Elliot 2 Elliot's
new law office." Tne excavators have
quit work, but we have not heard of their
1 aving fouled the law office. Wehaye known
people to aspire for office but have yet to
Mara of,anyonedigging for an office.
A Kintore correspondent writes: -A
happy event took plaoe feet Wednesday at
Mr. Chas. Smith's residence, being the
marriage of his second daughter, Sara A,,
to Air. Chas. Harney, of Usbornr. Tee
happy eoupte left for their future home
carrying with them every good wish of
tip ir many friends,
We learn that the net receipts of the
late pioule et Mt. Carmel amounted to
„1,100, and also that since taking charge
of that parish, just one year ago, Rey,
father Treher, has paid $5,700 on the
principal debt of Nit, Carmel church
This is very creditable fivanoiugand the
Rey. gentleman has the good graces of
hie pariehoners.
The Creamery commenced operations on
Tueaday, under the direction of the gov-
ernment inspector, AIr, Alark Sprague
While a sufficient supply of water
has not been obtained for all pur-
poses, with lee for storage, it is expected
that the factory can be ran satisfactorily
for the time being.
There is one very peculiar thing about
the 'emperor). plebiscite on the liquor
question. When Mr. Mlowat recused to
deal equareiy with the queation, but, in.
stead, referred it to the people, it was his
bounden duty teat least provide for the
expenses entailed thereby, and not throw
the cost on Municipalities.
Miss Orrange, of Glencoe, formerly of
Exeter, has tined the township of .Lopho-
mia for $10,000 for injuries received •by
being thrown from a three -seated wagon
in which ten persons were riding. The
complainant alleges that the road was not
in condition for travel by reason of the ne-
glect of the township conneil.
Aa exchange says dancing makes girls'
feet Iarge. Another says ice cream pro-
duces freckles, and a learned physician
rays that hanging on the gate gives rheu-
matic gout. Girls, the above are a lot of
horrid lies. If the statements were true,.
what a lot of •big -footed, freckled -faced,
gout -stricken femininity would be found
The July number of the Canadian
Magazine more nearly approaches its ide al
--a magazine for Canadians that 'will hold
its own with American and British publi-
cations: The names of many prominent
Canadians appear in the contents, and the
number is especially fitting for perusal
during the month which began with Can-
ada's 26th birthday,
blr. Parkinson, son of Mr. Thos. Parkin
eon, has met with considerable .success in
the recent combined examination of the
Toronto public schools. He is at present
principal of Givins street school, Six of
the twenty scholarships awarded by the
Board for attendance at the Collegiate In-
stitute uta ,
w n by his pupils, three of
whom took the highest marks. Both the
gold and silver medals were won by pupils
of bis school.
The Sale of the estate of the late George
Armstrong took place on Monday at hie
Iate residence. Mr. Thos. Cameron,
wielded the hammer in a highly satis-
factory manner. The farm which contain-
ed 100 acres was bought by Mr. Thos.
Russell for $4,500; the grain crop brought
$245, and the hay $84. The implements
sold well, and on the whole the sale was a
very satisfactory one.
Mr, G. L. Money of Kirkton, was in.
town on Tuesday and laid' information,
against Mrs. A. Miller of Kirkton, alleging
thatehe sealded him with boiling 'water,
Money's face bears matke of a severe
scalding. He alleges that he went to Mr.
Miller's to ask her about reports she had
been circulating, and as she opened the
door she dashed a dipperfal of scalding
water in his faoe. A warrant has been
issued for her arrest,' the trial to take
place on _ Thursday before' Magistrate ,
The Mein $t. Methodist Church on Sun-
day evening.laat containedone of the
largest congregatione eitme the opening of
the edifice: The occasion ` was the dis-
course by Rev. W. McDonagh on "Why
we as British subjects, commemorate' the
Battle of the Boyne". The rev. gentle-
man preached for over an hour, and show-
ed by history -going back to the time of
William I,. and up to William III -why
all protestants of no matter what nation-
ality or politics, should glory in the eole-
hration of the attainment of their civil and
religious liberty. Bo " pave' In a terse'
manner the history of .Protestantism from'
its inception to the time of the Battle of
the Boyne. .
The separator at the creamery ski
38 cwt of milk he 58 minutes on We
mined Exeter Municipal Council
day after being adjusted by the Govern-
ment ,Inspector, Mr. Sprague.
yarn- An present. Minutes of previoue meet
ing read and approved,
Lover. -Between Dashwood and Exeter,
a:leatlier bib) de tool bag,containing a
wrenoh, Wind penile and other .small
articles, Leave same, at this office, and
While z e passing through the rectory
the other day, Capt. Geo, Kemp
cidently fell cn tl
e elstep
c 1s r ep and
injured his face severely, as also sustain-
ing a black eye.
Word was received at this vice
yesterday of the death in Denver, Col:,
of Mrs. Lane (nee Miss Annie Robin-
son) late of the 3rd line Blanshard,
We bane not learned the cause of
'personate •
Mr, Jos. Clarke said wile of Seafo
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. '
Southaott.-Mr, Clarke, who lost his h
recently found her in a field near God
the thief hating placed her there, awai
a favorableopportuaity to ship her by b
Tee farmer in whose field she was pia
discovered her, although the spot is ra
visited by anyone. It was thus a in
Chance that Mr. Clarke recovered
horae.-Mr, R. A, Hagen, of Thessa
Algoma, is visiting M;r, James Rem
and other friends in this looality,
flagon is quite a man for business,
as the saying gobs, is coining money
Algoma. Resides being Principal of
public b(.ac
heel he rues a
in which he drives a larce business, s
owns a big farm which he rents
another party to run on euaree -M
Gertle Verity of Brantford, is visit
friends In town -Bon. Thos. G.reenw
Premier of Manitoba and a former resid
of this neighborhood, spent the past w
renewing acquaintances in town. -
W. Simpson and wife agent the week
town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Day
Mr. Geo. Knight the aflitble agent of
G. T. R. et Iiderton, Sundayed w
friends in town. George, although
father of souse eight yearn is quite e
stili, jovial as ever. --Ur. Sprgue Lope
or of Creameries for Ontario was in to
this week, inspecting the Exeter fact
and pronounced it a complete affair.
also visited other creameries in this secti
-Mr. Geo, Bawden of London is vislti
undv i ee and* r w life and Miss M. A. arental roof. --Mr. ChingG 1
on Tuesday for Calgary, N. W. T. M
Glanville may remain there if the coup
suits him; he has a brother in Calgary
ing well. -Mfrs• Grieve is theguest of M
Senior, and other friends in town, -Mr.
Bawden, druggist, of Ridgetown, fortes)
of this place, has been very fortunate
striking a natural gas well in the rear
his residence in Ridgetown. Be has
piped through his house and uses it f
both fuel and light- -Mr, Joseph Bawde
Jr., spent the past week at the Wori
Fair, -The Bobier Produce Co., ha
moved into their new building which
the fioeat in town. It is of modern arch
tectureand the embodiment and of
that is conyenfent and commodiou
-Mr. A. McCallum, of Detroit, a
W. 1'Vestawey of .Landon, are vieiti
parents in town at present. -J, W. Har
san,teaeher,Varna,lis spendinghis halide
in this section. -Mrs B. S. 'Neil visit
friends in London this week, --Mr, an
Mrs. Geo. Neave, of Ashford, Englan
arrived in town this week and will spen
several weeks here visiting friends, bd
Neave is sister of Messrs. R, and G. Das'
and Mrs. Smallacombe of this place. -M
Pee end daughter of Parkhill are guests
Mr. R. Gidley's. -Jos. Davis spent Moeda
in London• -Mfr. T. ,I, Parkinso 'Prinoip
of the Collegiate Institute Toronto, is via
ing his parents Mor. and Mrs, Parkinson
-Mr. and Mrs. Munro of Richmond Iii
are guests at Mr. Follaud's, the parent
home of Mrs. lvfunro.-D1r• James Rams
of Detroit is visiting his parents, Mr. an
Mrs. Ramsay. -Mr, John Gould of Londo
is renewing acquaintances in town durin
the holidaya.-Mise Susie Weekes Milline
of is spending the holiday$ a
home, -The Misses Johnston of Pelmorsto
were the guests of their brother. Mr. G.
Johnston, over Sunday. -Mr, JohnMcCra
of Detroit, is visiting Mr. John Gillespie.
Mrs. James Fanson bas returned from th
World's Fair.-- Mr. W. Hutchins, M. P.
for North. Middlesex isin town on business
He shipped a car load of butter on Tues
day. -Mrs. Bobier, of Chatham lathe guea
of her son Mr. A. Q. Bobier.-Mr. Donal
Roes, of New Glasgow, and S. A. Camp-
bell, of Sunny Brae, Nova Scotia -are visit
ing Messrs- D, A, and J. R, Ross, town.
-Mr. Hardy3 of London township is
the guest of his brother Mr. L. Hardy
-Messrs. J. W. Hogarth of Badgeros, and
E. S. Hogarth, Bigh School teacher of
Woodstock, are visiting under the parental
roof in Stephen Townehip,
an -
do -
it -
In Guelph during the past 30 years the
Lpopulation trebled
ondonaioeta Ied, and Windsor, Ber-
lin and Stratford about quadrupled in the
same time, while in St. Thomas, the most.
p greasive of all, the number of people
have been multiplied by six. Goderieh
and Oakville; on the other band, hayo re-
mained almost stationary and Kingston
shows the slowest growth of any city in
the Province.
A quiet weeding took place on Tuesday.
m orning at the .R U church; St. Marge,
when Mr. James Clyne of the Gore of
D ownie and Mies Rose Egan, daughter of
the Iate Michael Egan of St. Marys, were
united. Mr. James Egan of Exeter and
Mlisstedinnie Egan of tvr, brother and
sister: of the bride, performed the duties
of groomsman and bridesmaid respectively
and Bev, Father Brennan, pastor of the
church, performed the ceremony.,
A. P, Noakes, Mattawa, Ont., . writes: --
"I have been troubled for years with rheu-
matism and nervous dabihty. 7)r. Will-
iams' Pink Pills entirely restored me after
all other remedies had failed," Sold by all
dealersor by mail at 50o a box or 6 'boxes
for $2.50.' Dr. Williams Med, 0o., Brook-
ville, Ont.Beware of imitations and sub-
The United States reserve is nolo $96,.
985,117, being an fncreaae during the
week of nearly $1,000,000. It is expected
that the low rate of exchange will scon.
result in an influx of Gold from Europe
that will restore the reretve to its full fig-
ure of 8100,000,000,
A lady, who gets very ill,
And who never eaa swallow a pill,
Says that rather than try
She surely would die
She'll try'Pseljay''s method, she will.
Sseljay's Liver Lozenges are a thorough:
Iy scientific productioe of the pretreat' da
and are the best remedy known for biiiaus-
nese, constipation, headache, etc. Qoots.'
a box at all drug stares,
The clerk reported $006:50, respired'
for County pnrposea. ,
Ona lieatio fora
Pl? nrant to 'a '
g aszat fn
the Orange demonetratznn on the 12th
Jul i
was moved
y� tbyChristie-Carling-
$10 begranted,--.Carried
Tenders f r
street watering Qateri
ng examined as
follows : 4V G. Bissett, $1.35 per day;.
Irvine Armstrong, $1.30; Mrs , ,7, Gould,
$1.50; Ld Bissett, $1.25, and T. .Prier,
Carling -Spackman -That E. Bissett's
nder, being the lowest, be accepted,_-.
Christie -McCallum -That
give directions regarding street waterin
Spackman -Christie -- Orders for t
following : R. Davie, $2.1S, labor; John
Parsons, $8.12, do; Geo Thomas,$6.87, d ,
W. Parsons, 312,do; Thos Horn, $9.87, do;
Roes air Taylor, $291,28, contracts for der-
rick and tanks, and fire door;Jas Creech,
$2, charity to Airs McIntosh; Do, $2, Jas
Gould, and 111, Mrs Piper. -Carried,
Christie -Spackman--- The reeve and
treasurer to borrow $500 for current expen
Spackmau_MioCall,Izn-That the drain
on Carling street be deepened and 8 inch
the put in to Croaker's corner -,-Carried.
On application, the town hall grounds
was granted to the Ep. League of Main -at
Methodist church to erect en ice cream
tent tt
z onJuly2t
1 h.
B leer as No
v 5 18 93, 0 to
issuedebeutuies was duly read and passed.
Spackman -Carling --That the reeve be
attborized to negotiate for the purchase of
debentures, and have check for payment
drawn in favor of the reeve and treasurer,
A djournmeat until call Of reeve'
M, E:u;Rene Clerk.
Bonus -Mr. Thos Snell returned from
Clinton Collegiate Institute on Monday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Hall returned from the
World's Fair on Saturday evening. They
report having spent a good time.-- (bite a
number from here attended the 12th of
July celebration in Exeter on Wednesday,
-Children's day services will be conduct:
ed iu the Evangelical church next Sun-
day. A large turnout is expected, -•Rev
Mr. Brown of Crediton occupied the
pulpit in the Evangelical eoureh on Sun-
day morning in the absence of Rev. Mr.
Krupp, -Bev. Mr. Schroeder of Part
Huron Miicb.occupied the Lutheran church
pulpit on Sunday.
Mr Carling ?�'ro cries •
(McTav sh's OidStanl
he 4 for 25c.
Tins of Apples,
B31nss.-.Mise Whitesides left for the
World's Fair last Friday. -Mr. Wm.
Carlisle left for Carbery Man., last
Tuesday on a, month's visit, -Mr. A.
Weseloh, vvzfe and family were visiting
at Dashwood on Monday. -Nr. John.
Pope was et Zurich and :Dashwood on
Tuesday, -Rev. Mr. 1Iendersonreturn.
ed from Montreal on Tuesday, and
left for his summer holidays on Wed-
nesday, with hiswzfe to Glen Allen,
where he will spend a month. Rev«
Mr. Logie student of Toronto, lb 00
eupying the pulpit during his absence.
-The cricket match played on Wed-
nesday between Hensall and Clinton
resulted in favor of Clinton by a
score of 105_36, -Business is rather
quiet this week.-._]\ifr. Henry Cook's
Mill is undergoing general . repairs, -
A Jar}re number of the Hensel' people
went to Exeter on Wednesday to cele-
brate the 12th July. -Rev. M. D. Bell,
of Hamilton, gave a lecture on Tem-
perance in the Methodist church on
Thursday. Owing to the short notice
there was a small attendance,
Dress Goods
During our sale we are
clearing all dress goods. You
should see the value we are
showing in double fold goods
at 22i e., still a few pieces
left but they are going fast.
We intend clearing out
every Parasol we have in the
shop, and theprices we have
put them at, will do it. 50
cent. Parasols for 39 c. and
$1.40 goods for $1.15 eta.
We have had a big rush
for our Ready mades both in
Boys and 1VCens. Just hi
5 , think
of it, Boys Suits 99c. 1VIen's
Suit's. 53.75.. Now is the
time for a bargain.
Boots & Shoes.
We ,t
W are
clearing '
l� xl? O7xt a
number of lines at figures
much c below cost. Now is
the time toget chea p foot
Big Bargains ill all
departments'at b
Pickard & Son7s
Direct Importers.
Tins of Pumpkins;
750 per dozen.
Flat tins, 2 for 25c,
Good, $1,26 per box
5lbs. for 250,
Dry Goods
To' o clear less than cost.
And Ready-made Clothing
10 per cent,less than cost.
Boots & Shoes
Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel.
VOTER'S L1ST,;: I8g3,' .."
oovxTY or' 1fn e .
Notam is herebe givett that I'have t1 rpt
ted or delivered to the neraons `wontze e,r
sections 5:ancf 6 of the Vetere' Lista A'
o toe
e A
required ie
d bi 5aul se
of o
9 h
e so, witted
or deliver
Cd of ihoi's
a t madetea
to said Aot of nil Persona aonoarittac by
revised Assessment Roll of :said Memo„
to be entitled
to: otozn
v the
said 1 biunioip
at eleo'em
tiune farmbers of the i.eOisxislat vR
aemblv, and'at Municipal Flections„ anal,
said list was first Posted UP at Icy otaoe
Elimville on the arab day of Jnue• :093, 4O
mains there for inspection. Electors are ea
ad upon to examinothe said list. audit
omissions or any other errors are peroei!,
therein, to take immediate proceedings tri 1Iq
the said errors corrected a000rdin_g to law,
Dated this 27th day of lull, 1898.strorno..
In the Matter of the Estate of The
Heywood, late of the Township 'o
lJsborne, in the County of limon
Yeoman, Deceased.
Notice is herebygivon Pursuant to: Ohm ,
110 of the Iievfsed Stq utas of Qntarie, 18
that all Persons having Manns against til
Estate of the said late Thomas Heywood,w
died on the 2nd day of ,T140, 1883. are request
to deliver or send by postprepaid to the mid
signed Senaitors for Ellieabeth Heywood a
John kfeywood, Exesntors for the Inst will'aq
testament of the said Deceased, en or heron
tday ; , eb
rritinherattrccntaofiningtAugustlietrtaamos1893a nos addretse:
and full particulars of their claims duly vert
tied by StatutoryDeelarationand, the males, o
he flee '
t crit i
ileo held y y3 ad b them, and the
after the said last mentioned ed date the ea
Bxeeutore wjU proceed to distribute the alae
of rho said 1151810 among tlzo parties entity
thereto having regard enlY to claims of wbi
notice shall have been reoe vod as above r
Nabi f r end the
aasets, era any part :th reo
so distributed, to any pelage or tendons
when claims notice shall not leave beenlreeefr
eS et the time of such distribution.
E1;LTO`Sc I;I,T.It?'p>
Dated 3rd July, 1$93, -Solicitors for Remitters,
itch ),lenge and Scratches of every kind
on human or animals, mired in 80 minute,
byWoolford's Sanitory Ltotibn, This neve
ails. Warranted by C. Lnrz.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
bard, soft or, calloused lamps and hlewiehes
from horse, Blood Spavin, Garbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sorb
and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eat. Sav
860 by use of one bottle. Warranted th n
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known,:.
Warranted by 0. Luse
John J, Ryan, representing a Montreal
firm, eaye that he received the greatest
benefit front tieing .Aiembrays Kidney and
Liver Cure, after tieing several preparations
for Kidney and Liver trouble, caused by
much Railroad Travelling.
Has been agitating the rinds o
the Council for some timeas
and it would appear .'
par by some
` ads' we read that it has become
We are not in the habit of
as they are oft,imee
Thereforewe would ask you to inspect our large an*1
varied Stocks of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
All of which will be sold at the least possible margin above
Soliciting a call.
Produce taken in exchange. Eggs, 11c.; Butter 15c.
GOODING...On the let inst., the wife of 14i
John Gooding, MeGillivray, 01 a son•
GARNER -0n Monday, July 3rd: at 897 Cor
borne atreet•Londont to bir. and 'Mrs. 'W. II
Garner twin sons.
SHILLING-LAW...1n Staffs on July 1,th o
wife of Mr. Walter Shillinglaw, V. .3,, of a
f3EYWOOD--In Usborno on the 8th inst, the
wife of lfslt Heywood of a daughter,--s'ti11
ROBINSON,-In Goderich township, near
Clinton, on the3rcl inst., Jennie E.. eldest
daughter of the l M.
r m
aged �9 ,oars. •---� '
AN Om) .txo Wner-T'itT$n Bsnagnee trg,
Winsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used Ift
rears by millions of mothers for their ohildre
while teething.with`perfect eimees8. It soothe;
the child, softens the gums, allays the paha
cures the colic, and is the best remedy fo
Diarrhoea, is pleasant to the taste. Sold b
druggists in every part of the world. 25 pent
a bottle. Its value is inoalcalable. Be - sur
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Seething arra
and take no other kind._
HOOI{TNG-ADAIR.,..At Mhnkton, on June
28th,by the Rev, J. S. Coiling, Mr. Wm,E,
Hooking, of the Township of Hibbert; to
Margaret, daughter of Mr. David Adair. of
ROBINSON,.ANDERSON..•At the residence
of the bride's father, on the 28th June. br
Rey, Mr. Pletcher. ;John Robinson,to :Char-
lotte, eldest daughter of Mr. Frank Ander-
Eon, of Fullerton.
IVE8TMAN-•-LANGPOBD--At tho residence
of Mr. R. Branion,Prospeot 11111, on the 4th
inst.. by the Rev, J. Ferguson, Mr. 0, West
masa to Miss Annie ,Langford, both of Bid-
HARVEY-SMITII-At 11intore on the eth.
inst.. as the residence of the bride's parents
Mr.'Chas. Harvey of 'Osborne, to Miss Sara
A.. second daughter of Mr, Ohio. Smith.
CLYNEB ECfAN.-At St.: Joseph's: church,`
M rys, by Rev. Tether Brennan, os
Jul 4t Jas. i e
Sully li, Cyn Esq, of Downie, to.
Rose, daughter of Mrs. ad Agan, Bt. Marys.
BB0KeN--In lrullarton,; on the 4th fust,..
Dunean Brown, a god 7(T years. e,
CI 0 01)1N G•;, -In. Blau shard on the 411s : hist
R. Gooding aged. 80 years 4 months. - xrd
iek kliekor,TnSt, aged 103arys years,onthe 7 months5thilealandat-
• day,
wAIT-itlat.• es, o'
`W'eit oOnf the0thtbo5th 'con, WealCharl,Nfaaostzrnl. of aged Wm16
lfOTjSION„•,lp Ifgmoncivilla on
the July 0th
FrenceeSpreat,-wife of?d'.'J'amesHbuatotr'.
aged 75 rear§. .
SKINNER,- In Ueltesele an the et•h tnet,.:
the wife of Sem'l 8lcieno1,,rog' Id roe sand
6 menthe, . r
and kindred diseases
are due to eoogostlo
that rod ao y v sae 6l
A u oetozm
tation, resttltang'
acids, If ilio bloc'
does not oireulare;in
flaulmation zn G''t
Inuat tho top
abterosutt, Tho'
alive ,Abobsorbent'
one of the metope
erful 'bidod stem
ants.known, It=t
Mates ' the ble'.
nottonaroutation, reetorf1ng
' .
ones. e5tablithe'
ease meet verse.
po AGNEW 14. D. .DEN,
u, t i'{Ti1I lie at Grab's hotel Z
yA ; Ponta igioGo ori o&titsat.
I drsrn a,:
Ilonsall overs Monday.
For day moo
oie ,of nervousness,
nags, weak stomach, indigestion dyr
try- Carters Little Nerve pills;
sure. The 0111F nerve 'medicine '!
price iia market,