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The Exeter Times, 1893-7-13, Page 5
lased° fon inExqter 4 , q Tn all v eats Fi tingly Co ri norati' 10,000 PE PLE 1N TOWN. TheTeets }3ea tat! ly and AP De d Zrated. of the 20{tli CEifrorcx Blackman A Boston Boyrs Eyesight Saved -Perhaps His Life By Booms Sarsaparilla,-Blood.re Poi• sound by Canker. Bead the following from a grateful mother: ""113y little buy had Scarlet /'ever when d: years old, and it left him very weak and with blood poisoned with snakere. itis eyes became so inflamed that his sufferings wereintense, and for seven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyes, x took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do hint the faintest shadow of good, I commenced giving him Rood's. Sarsaparilla and it soon cured „him. 1 have never etested that it saved Nis eight, even ii$ not his very life. You may use this tes- timonial in any way you choose. 1 am always ready to sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla because of thewonderful good it did my son," AIi IE F. Br,ACic'artix,.2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Get HOOD'S, HOOD'S PILLS are hand made, and are per, Sect in composition, proportion and appearauoo. Want a Bicycle anniver- sary Grand Bend L 0L, '.26,: W M,, William if art.. Fife and," urn band. Maple Grove L 0 , .90, Thee Longford. rife an dr ni band, Exeter lo e. band. Exeter L 0 L, 92a, W ; L. H. Dickson. Eiirnvillo 10 L,f1A71, M, Jobe klalla. Sylvan L 0 L, 11097, W M, James Lathers, Fite and dru . 'band, Moray 10 L,. 210. W Wm Ida wsen. Fite and drum and. Centralia L O1L, 610, W Joins% Hix table. ife and drum hoards Creditor' L ,p L, 1343, W .12, Robt,` Sims. The pr "cession was m silalled by Worthyrather rolin So 'lett, Clinton Count.'Director of eremonies for South Huron; W. B., IL Logan, of Londoi, Co, A'Iiddi ex Dir. of care monis No. 2 Dist , V B., Frank Davis Oen a1ia, Dinegg&emoniea for'Biddulph i and W,,t , F. H. Wright, Lon. do)i Dir of ceremonies No, 1 Dist.;; ddlosaaf At 1,.34 'olock the procession was formed be- '�ta'n" "el. and was fully one �l�" miles long and took half =hour to pass a given point. Above the heads of the marching men waved scores of banners and flags and. their feet kept time,to.the music of E,cl.07t4i' brass anch',kliil6e life and drum bands,e S,c st i; ...sornezeliab eccrFlent in oftthha:single.faesan l a nq.►esamport'att resplendent Habiliments of the un- iformed corps., the gaily decked chargers and the bright colors of the lodgomen's xegalie, together with the flashing swords.'sind waving plumes formed a pageant of the greatesstt brilliancy, Ae seen }ffromtAaidk$ ht,.lo i�r ae,,.�QmMa*rOmeet: to F grove was a bright, broad ribbon of rainbow hues. Many of the oldtime characteristics of an orange. parade have been dis- placed by the introduction of new and mere elegant procedure, gorgeous un- iforms, plumed helmets and improved conduct. Many new tunes have also been introdut:od, "The Protestant Boys," "The Boyne Waters," and ' Oroppies Lie Down," being assigned to the fife and arum neon. e The apemen of the aynWo T. Essery, ik ayes+'Of',l tondonJRovs. Jackson and MoDpYi gla of Exeter,,. the committee b' "disappointed in the unavoidable abeam of lion. N. Clarke Wallace, Ma` r S. hes, M. P. and Prof., Aust. , of St. Th as, the latter of whom, eying sent wo at the last moment -Intimating his i11ne The celebrationiver- sary of the Battle of* theh o ii was right royally celebrated in 71s,, ith characteristic zeal and interest. At1i1 e loVest estimate there were fully 000 people in town, itendonsekearessientle riasiesaiSe*Stet*O0e. The Orangemen turned out in large numbers to perpet- uate the memory of King William, and with banners and regalia and badges made a brilliant procession over a mile asselertatfOlf in length. The weather was favorable, ,j3i itizwhieh no doubt added much to the enthusiasts of the brethren. The train service was somewhat bad, .which rendered the arrangements irregfitm ;" but aside from this the management was all that could be expectedin so great a crowd. tjf 4't z The streets in the ' were gor- geously decorated with arches attract- ively built at various points. Tlie merchants and townspeople gen- erally were also alive to the decoration of the streets. The British and Canadian flags gaily fluttered in the breezes, frain the t t kl roofs of ?i sial buildings,andat'various:places of business, while appropriate banners ulrid af.,retlliitetlwislr, stretched across the streets -all conlbin- ing to.sform a view attractive and pleas- ing and fully indicative of patriotic sentiment. 1� Early in the morning the lodges of the More immediate neighborhood together BR T RBICYCLESwith their farmer friends, who, being •possessed of a true feeling of patriot.. HAVE A , ism -left their haying which had well STANDARD VALUE begun, --began to arrive in. town in large numbers, and long before the arrival of the trains from the North and South 'whose human freight supple- mented the crowds to the extent of over ,x',000, the streets were tightly packed with visitors, while the old-time and never -to -die strains of the fife and drum filled the air. By the time the visiting brethren and their friends from Ion. Middlesex, and those from Gadorich, Clinton and var- ious other points in the North, had been escort d down town, it is estimated that fu11y,,"b00 visitors were"on the streoth. Following is the correct list of Lodges in the THE71ARE BUILT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED SY The Goold Bicycle Boolfd. 13rantfard, Ont. Moo 7Ji 11.3 YONeE ST., TORONTO PERIUDi Fanson's Block. c.184,k4EUR/1/04 Omer tOCI44011: Crediton lia''d~ .Giner, Lender. Car'riagejai ^'oontainiaggr'the mats, Carriages tiontalning 'Viotorief �+Lodge, Lady;; 72, London,•W M,S,Ip P'ydde Lady Stanlel'Lodge, ,4, ° Londgti, V M, Mrs. Bloomer. Lady-Macdonald...J.6dgo, Lady True BIues, 35,'rColhorne, WM?rMre.Thos Milliau-in all some 75 members. Bayfield Lodge, 0. Ya 13, 81, Alf. Irwin, W rtt. Fife and &ern band. RAST MIDDLESEX -=No 1. DISTRICT, Boyne, L 0 L, 298, W h1, Horace Bates. Fife and drum band. Forest City, L 0 B L; 762, W M, Thomee Parkinson. Fife and drum baud. Hackett, L 0 13 L, §05, W M, R. D. A. Hillier. Hackett )crass band. rm.2 Menace. Britannia L 0 L. Bi;'r, 156, W M, James Ferguson. Fife and „drum band. Ahogill L 0 L, 230, London Tp, W ikt, Sam'l Clare. Fife andlrnm band. Duke of York L O 1I,, 303, W M, Richard Shoehottom. Fife and; drum band. firyaneton L 0 L, 792, W M. Ed,Howard. Fife and; drum hand. '©ND£RFUI. GO" Not only a reelief but a cure for a1/ kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH The ;Speeches• .; Upon arriving at the grove, the Masters of the respective lodges, andother promin ent men were seated upon the platform, County Master, Bro A. M. Todd, on behalf of the County Lodge, and Bro L, H. Dick son, Worthy Master of Exeter Lodge, and sec'y of the committee, heartily weloo tried the lodges and visitors, and were pia axed to tee so many joining in the celebta:ian of the glorious 12th. Rev, Geo. Jackson of James St cliurah Exeter was first called upon. He said he had pleasant remembrance a of past celebrations with members of the order in and around Exeter. And thatthe affair of the day was to him a happy evidence that the memories of the past were present in the life of. the present and prophetic 'of the life of the future. Love of civil and religious liberty was conatitionai with the Anglo- Saxon race. Some said Orangeiam was Irish in its origin and life. There was a sense in which that was true. The battle for liberty in England was core paratively bloodless. In Ireland it was different, there were the names of .Londonderry, Enniskillen, Aughrim and the Boyne. immortalized by sac- rifice and suffering for the truth. It was to bo hoped that the days of vio- lence were past'and that milder influ- ences would nflu-enceswould prevail,yet he believed that hearts were yet as willing es ever to do and dare for the things worthliying for. Orangemen to be true must copy the one true life that never persecuted but protested against persecution. AND BILIOUSNESS Na 3 iilsTRia-. Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A Thamesford L 0 Ly 625, 1W M, Noble wonderful Compound. Nice to take.; Cowper. Sure death to pain r: Fife and drum hand. Besure you gotsTARliS - Ballpmote L O L, 248, W M,W:G.Talbot. n PREPARED Y R. STARK, Ni, 0, 0. WV, emu Purple Hill L 0 L, 817, W M, David FROM GLASOOW UN„1EnSIYY, SOOMA,tD, Baskerville. FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 OEd... it box. Sold by all Druggists IJntireir now CorOaonnt% .‘This wonderful discovery isthe bcstknownremedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Trouhles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and thong% powerful to promote a healthy action ofthe bowels, do not weaken Iikeptile. If youir tongue is corned .yon alecd then. T 4thL MUD STORtS. aliui k William: 1Ii�g'Co, Have opened an office opposite Town 1 din Balt, Exeter, pendingb. the u l g of their new Mill, where they will lceep constantly on hand a full stock, of the best brands of flour. Also all kinds 'oil '11 Stuffs anal. Feed Farmers and townspeople will find : it F p to their advantage to call and see us, LLINS & WILLIAMS. Fite and drum band. Thamesford L 0 L, 990, W .12, Wm Case. Forest City True Blues No 1, %V M, W.E. Fleming. Fife and drum band. OeDLSRICH SAISTRICT. fGodeHch brass band. Goderieb L 0 Ia, 145, W M, :Ise. Cox. Fife and drum band. Auburn L 0 L, 153, W M, Andrew M 11- lian. Fife and drum band. Goderich L 01,, 182, W M, 'Geo al. Cox. Fife and drum band. Holmesville L 0'11,189, W M, F. MoCart- riey Fife and drum band. Saltford L 0 L, 2612, W M, J'as McLean. Clinton share drum band. Clinton L 0 L, 306, W M, Mat, Sheppard,. IIVLLRTT DISTRICT„ Clinton L 0 L, 710, W M, John Ford. Summerhill I+0 L,928, W Males Benson. Fife and drum band,. Seaforth, No 793, W NISW ni. Homey, :sTAnutV DISTRICT. ayfield L U L, 24, W M, Jea Pollock• tt'ife and drum baud. Varna L 0 L, 308,! W M, James Keyes Fife and drum band. Bayfield L 0 L, 833, W II, Wm Pollock. Fife,and drum band. 13ensellL 0 L, 733,W M, John llcrry. Fife and drum band. Varna L 0 1.4,1035, W D1, Wm Rathwell. Fife and drum band, B1DD77LPH DISTRICT.' Greenway L 0 L, 21.9, W NI, Robert Hutchinson. Fife and drum band. Lucan L 0 t. 662, W N1, T.;IL Coursey. Fife and drum band. L 0 L, 493, W M, Rich. 'lodging. Fife and drum band. Mayor Essery of London was received with applause and cries of "No Popery." He started in by praising the magnitude of Canada, its physical beauty and its his- tory. He paid compliment to ita manhood and its womanhood. " There ie a time coming in. Canada," said the mayor, "when there shall be one country and one flag,one people and one government, one school and one religion. In the city of London I at- tended the last celebration of the "Hoist Mg of the Flag" and there was a speaker there who stood on. the platform and Bald that there should be no dissension among the people of Canada. He wanted them to rally round one flag and he told them that if they did so the future of this country would be a glorious one. And the very fact that he was introduced to the citizens of London as the chairman of the Separate School Board of that city, ehowed that he was there as the representative of a faction who are attempting to divide this country in the future as they allays have attempt ed to divide it in the past." (A.pplause.) Tho separate school question next occupied the speaker's attention, and after that he passed on .to speak of Clarke Wallace, grand master. He regretted that Mr.Wal- lace was unable to be present. Thera were members of the order 'who stated that that gentleman ought not to have taken office under the Queen, simply because he did not get a place in the Government. But Mayor Essery advised all that it was the duty of the people, whenever they were called to office, to accept the call, because if they didn't,some man with a cross on his back would not only get the office but the emoluments as well. lie closed, amidst applause, with the statement; that had be been in the Government when the .Jesuit gnestion was voted on he would -have tnade the ,devil s thirteen" fourteen, d said. that whenever a regiment was required to back up the principles of truth and liberty, East Middlesex would furnish 1,200 men, -with a man at the head of the regiment who had qualified in a British military school. Orangetnanbefore he was born. He, too, went back to times long since gone by. Orangeisnl did notoriginate in Ire- land, and he regretted that in this De- vonshire district there evonshiredistrictthere were not more who were b,ttter;;aocluainted with the principles of Orangeism as were their brethren in the old' land. The Catho- lie Church, he said, was talking `very kindly to the people of Ontario, but their talk was like the saliva of the boa- constrictor, with which the victim was first encircled and ensnared before the life was crushedout of it. Tho Cathhlic Church was a wilderness everywhere of ignoranceand infamy, and yet there were so called Protestants in our midst who said that she was a Church of Christ. She was Babylon the Great who followed you in time and damned you in eternity if you did not obey her behe- sts. She never died. Oh, dear, this Remelt Catholic church was a great thing. [Applause.] The Church of Rome was the priesthood alone, and not the laity, He would contend against all the Orangemen in Canada for the right ofa Roman Catholic to worship accords ing to the dictates of his own con- science. But the 12th of July came once a year to remind Protestants of the events that procured for them their liberty -Us remind rotten Protestants, ignorant Protestants, that talked about Orangeism being siek. The speaker re- ferred to the two great partiesofCanada, being led by Roman Catholzes.---Laur- ier and Thompson -Thompson, who became a Catholic for the sake of a wife.. [Incredulous cheers]. Mr. McDonagh, continuing said that a -public office holder in Exeter had said within thelast week that he didn't see any use of Orangeism. No. We must .shako hands with that Old Tyrant in Rome, and ask him beseeehingly for what we desire. Voices -Never l never 1 [Cheers.] Thisooncludel the speaking. Cheers were given for the Queen, for the Grand Master and for the speakers, and the gathering then dispersed, Rev. MoDonagh felt somewhat an- noyed at being so suddenly cut off in his speech by the strains of one of the bands, which unthinkingly struck up "Boyne !Rater,': The oldest banner in the parade was that of the Seaforth Lodge, the next oldest being, that of Moray:Lodge. The Bayfield Lodgelof True Blues looked admirably in their neat dress of white blouses and dark pants. The absence of the old lady, who for years has appeared at the various demonstrations in the County in true Orange attire, was noticed by' a great ninny. HOW TO GES . "SUNLIGWr PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap .per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only oaat le postage to send in the wrappers, if -you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. L. E. Dickson, piaster of Exeter Lodge, 924, was the neat. speaker. He thanked the assembled . concourse for their attendance and en th nsiaBm . They ey l ' had been disappointed in the matter of speakers, but he could introduce the next one with a 'clear conscience as a man who was an ()raugeman before h e was born. Rev. Wm. McDonagh of Exeter; was the next speaker. He believed what the chairman hacl stated -that he was an hre Pointsl NOTE WELL, • i We have had the ExpeP enoe expenience that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. ❑rolnptitu,Je Promptitude. Withming, this feat - ever f U rede urn imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors osnecially, namely putting off until next week what shautd have been done this. Satis faction. loo!! is a nice g word, but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We srlery in w;, rd and tht way us exemplified in out Chop. We guar- antee satisfactionevery time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a pall and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS • !afthInab $11! 0 .0 1 TEM BEST;YET l THECHEAPEST YET' THE BIGGEST YETI lies are Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine Oil, 1 Fruit Tree Sprayers. A. first-class article for $1,25. Get ;our late: prices; on Binder Twine, V �+�,oBB'pLED�T CK FOLL.AND, Hardware Merchants, EXETER. NOW Bast Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentleman l leave your orders early, for with the beat staff of Tailozs ; the bees stook of Fine Triniminge, and the beet Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion ;�. se ES SILL. Is the time To Thoroughly ourDisinfect Y�. Premise A COMPLLETESTOCK OF D SITLTEC SOST At Browning's Drug Store. M°COLL'S OILS ARE THE BEST. • Use LARDINE Machine Oil C,HAMPION_GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION. MoGo11's CYLINDER. 0; :�: , win wear twice as long as any other make. . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by" MoCOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DI±ALERS:,IN THE COUNTRY. EXETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general that be keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles which is aoknowled to be the MostDurable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to fortseyears in any climate. JAS. W'ZL i,XS GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY ME IT The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that ARE YOU WANTING any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will be well repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Do you want to buy from the Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and nest Selection and at the Grain Boots,ancl for Men's andBoys Lowest Prices, then buy at, Long Boots we take the bun. 1 GEO. MANSON'S, f G-idley's Metet frons the largest anti The People's Shoe Store. l bought stock in the elty. Mext Door to Post Office,. t Just now we are showing something very_ new and stylish in Furniture V160R OF ME Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. THETRIUMPHOftOVE weakness, Nervousetess, Debility; evils from early all the train of errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc. Full strength, development and tone given to eves), organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Imme- diate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanationand proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, N.Y. Bedroom Suites One Oak Set is a beauty, with bevel plate glass 18x80$2'S, S. GIDLEY. THE PIONEER STORE. ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. a ,i7to1. rB.OVITE FtI TITUIRE DEALER, ANN " Urclers promptly attended to',. All Accounts must be settled at one& +ALESM,EN WANTED To represent us in the sale of a choice ln e of 1lARDY Cu anigN GROWN' Expe 1 n a not necessary. We want real 'workers and is ail such. we offer a permanent situation at a good income with chance of, advancement, As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation, we can tire our salosshen many superior adran tages o also desire to secure a good man in Your dietriet to sell the Itos tar Sraag PUMP. for which we have the General Agency, This is something new and indispeneible, to the farmer or fruit grower,. Send for terms and. testimonial eiraular. STONNA W ELLINGTON Nursrnion, Toronto