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The Exeter Times, 1893-7-6, Page 8
ti I N BOEBANCU Ri J$W,e i LLIO r, &GEN T P011 TiE WE1Sx t1'tAfiSiTRANOEtyCM, of Iso for thePIICEINI;X PM& iNsll8A,NOIo t OUPAiV'2' on i,ondon; 1•ia land, .dLk.1ANQE XRaURAIsfOE ' Ogley-. ko-NY ot latgland.• Bu!lerick's Pub. Co. We beg to notify the peo- ple of Exeter and vicinity that we have appointed J. Grigg, Bookseller d Mr. t seller of Exe— ter, to be our Agent, from 'whom all our publications acid:patterns may be had ar the prices advertised byus. 'Toronto Agency, May ' , PRICE uit[PRIVE Nearly 3000 pairs of Man— ufacturer's Samples of line Gloves and Hosiery for men, women and children at the Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter. • This is the largestpurch— ase of fine Gloves and Hose we have ever made, but the Bargain was so great that we could not resist the tempting la 1x3n offer, JUST HALF REGULAR PRICE is whist we ask yon fox your choice of this Lot. Coble early, for there is a big choice for you. Such value we never before placed on a Counter.. Come and see. J. A. STEWART. Notice to Times' Readers. hs publishers would esteem it a favor if cadet toottid,when making their purchases, eentfon that they saw the merch int's whew- Issmrnt in. Teta Times. bt ihatre Utrin,o. THURSDAY, JOLT 8th, 1803. LOCAL HAPPENitiOS. 13usiazesa is quiet—the haying season, Read Carling Bros' new advt in another column. James Pickard shipped a carload ,of cattle to Toronto on Monday. Frog fishing is the order of the day, an d the eatehes are good in every cage. Excavating has commenced for the basement of Elliot & Elliot's law ofnce. A. J. McTavish distinguished himself at Goderich on the 1st. See the report in Goderich correspondence. Mr. Leonard MeTaggatt this week purahosed the Reid property in Exeter north from James Taylor, paying there for a good figure. The new water cart will be put on this week, The well, mill and, tanks have been put in order, and for the present there is a goodly supply of water, Lance Elliott says it is astonishing how m»'y folks eat 3O ecots worth tf good things and then go off and howl how much they have done for the church. drivingWhile Exeter the M ssesCarrllaon o( StephenmetIIwityh. a slight mishap, The tongue came out of athe wagon, and the horsa away,the ladies were thrown into andeep ditch near Devon, Loor on SatuM. rday, a small dog, twyere.oldboth care brash, anal black mark ou back, short tail, answers to the name of Snow Ball. If found, return to I. R. Can,LING, Exeter, who will give a reward. -- A soft, fair Orin is the result of pare blood and a healthy Iiver, to secure which Ayers Sarsaparilla is the Superior needi- eine. Ladies who rely upon cosmetics . to, beautify their complexions, should make a note of this, bearing in wind that they ©an't improve upon nature. At the regular meeting of the Et. T. of T lest ItIonday evening, the following officers were installed : Sel. Councillor, Bro. Geo. Ponbale ; Past 'i " John Muir ' ' lf•+ Vice " " Cha lain ' Siet r Fussell Chaplain, O V0. e C. osper Rec. Sec'y, Bro. A, Gregory; Asst. Rec. Seo'y, " R. Kinsman smart ; Herald, Fin. Seely, Sister May Gill; Treasurer, Bro. P. Frayne • Guard, " F. Wood ; , Sentinel, is A. Snell. Next Wednesday day wilt be July 12th, the -day of the Orange re -union in Exeter. Ex- tensive preparations are being made for a big ertswcl, and we feel certain that none Will have room for complaint as to accent xnodation this year. There Will be efforts pot forth to please this visitors o Lets eo that there will be no grounds for saying that so lzbera,lundl.tr'ge.hearterl a people , the citizens of Exeter, were remiss of their duty in not ulnply providing r itt If such. $ g#odthe"gathon g at state of atl'aira did .carat on the -last 000asioia—Anel We cannot believe that itdid—•.such will not again be the ens A. e. Lte ver body be y 5 Dome. Virohave the t a a0G Om 0 m dation of any town in the .cauntvi treaties, Mr. Thomas Pier shipped a eaneige. srtentiof hogsto. the Easton markets Mon day. Upwards of 100 eendfdattes wrote at the recent entrance and leaving examinations held in Exeter. Mr F .1 Knight will serve aneale in store nuclei. Drew's Opera Rouse on July 12th Everybody invited. Those who bave to plod on the year round would like . to be trollop), ;ocher's during the next three months, •We were favored with a refreshing rain on Sunday, which was required to revive the partially parched vegetation. .Everything in nature yielde to the irres• isttble charm .ef silence on a beautiful sum - met night, the mosquito excepted. Dont forget that there will be a concert in Drew's Opera House on Evg of July 12th: Plan at Browniog's thug Stare. The contractors are still boring for water at the creamery, and although down eine 110 feet a sufficient supply has eat ecu obtained, The volunteers returned from camp on riday. They report having spent a leaeant time this year, the weather being ool and favorable. Besides the immense accommodation at he hotels, Mr F 3 Knight and several of he churches have prepared extensively it meats for the coming 12th July,. The haying seeeou is well advanced, and o better crop has been lifted for years. 'rains are lookiug well, Soule fall wheat ending nearly five feet high end welt eaded. Mr, Bvene Spitor on Saturday last cam- encodell his contract to carry the Se. %rya mart daily between that taws and xetor. He will leave klimville daily stead of Exeter, Remember the et:rmon by Rev. W. Mo- onagh cu Sunday evening next. Sub t : "Why we should commemorate the rtle of the Boyne as Protestant subjects the Queen of England. a b c t t fc G at 111 M in 3ID Ba of The members of Lebanon Forest Lodge No.183, A. P, & 9..A.1, will attend dime service in Maiu•st Afethodst church on Sunda},only lG when the e Rav, James Lisingetone of Kincardine will deliver an appropriate sertnou. Among the western students who recs• ived diplomas at the Guelph Agricultural College the other day, were; Jas. Atkin- son, Seaforth; J. 11. ,Burns, Kirkton• W. W. Cooper, Yippee; E. X. Husband, Cairngoom; i , McNaughton, Walkerton; R. McMordie, Kippen, 'Che machinery le being placed in the new roller mills as quiokly as possible, he r 1attur part of this it is expected lt month. l be in opItawill btion e one of the finest mills in the oounty,having a Capacity of upxarda of 125 bble.perday. Wi,h the mill, creamery and the Bobier Produce Co's building Exeter is bound to take advance steps, Rev. fHutton dat L. don 'Lavo, C urtehikton p aud. Marriage," to refair audience. A cor- respondent says the lecture all through was full of praetieel "pointers," but theart that 'atruok''the young ladies most was the announcement by Mr.Hutton that after delivering the lecture ou his own circuit, he had twelvewedtiiuga in the reit twelve months. The Ontario Medical Assooietion's Com mitres on Ethics has recommended "that the ar bole he the constitution relating to unprofeeaiouaI advertising be amended so as to permit a card in A newapalaer contain- ing tame of etaoh card to be ine name, address and serted tohoursce be left to the discretion of tbo physician. Speeialiets not to be allowed to name their specialties in such carni." citi- zens, and the fartnera in the vicinity to the danger they incur by allowmg their cows to run at lame near a railway track. Not only will they get no recompense should an animal be killed, but they ate liable under the Dominion and Ontario Railway Acts to a fine, :and moreover, should, any damage result oto a railway company by their breach of the law, they may be called. upon to pry heayy damages, Saturday Llaet was Dominion Day, the 27th anniversary of our Confederacy. The clay was quietly celebrated in Exeter, the ,citizens generally haying gone to outside points --some to Centralia, some to Elim- md aigeat many to Grand Bend, sererai to Sarnia and ederich itis estimated over 5,000 people were assem bled to enjoy the cool breezes of the lake, and do honor to our grand Dominion's natal day. Men have v various ways of carrying ,Honey. 73utehcrs; grocers and bakers carrd wad. Bankers in nice clean bi1Ia Iaid 1it in a ni length in a morocco pocketbook. Brokers always fold their bills once; doubling their money*as it were 1 The young business man carries it 1n his vest pocket, while the sporting man carries it in his trousers pocket. Farmers and drovers carry their's in their inside pocket, whether it happens to be fifteen dollars or fifteen cents. Editors carry their's in other people's pockets. The agent of the Automatic Telephone Co.informs THE TIKES that he will shortly introduce the new system: into Exeter. We bave had the pleasure of examining the system and can but say it ie marvel- lous, perfectly automatic. NO central office is required save to look after trunk business,every local subscriber having a wire of his own. One can call up any number he may choose and release the con nection by simply, closing the door of the instrument. It is truly a wonderful in. vention and well worthy of .inspection. Dr. McDairmid of Bengali installed the officers of Exeter Lodge, No, 67, Indepen. dent Order of Octdfellows Bro, A. Hastings, J; P, G.; Il. Buckingham, N.. G.; " B, Richardson, V. G,; " S. A. Poplestone, R. S.; " A. Peke, .PeS.; "H. Lambraoke ,Tress,; " J. Atkinson, W.; " S. Stanlake, 0.; ,, P , 6' . Ta Ian G. `r Geo, Jewell, R. 5. N. G. it F. J, Knight, L. S. N. Q. ir Dr. Amos R. S. Y. G.; Geo. Voaper, L. v r, V. G ; " 3. Jewell, ll. S, 8:; ar W. Atkinson., L. $. S.; " li,. Croaker, Chap.' • Past Grand Lam ?ltoalza attends Grand Lodge in A gust, Remember.; the Minstrel show in the Opera House on Wednesday evenin y,'Jul 12th.- The best yet. Platen at"Browgning s drug store, • 1 On tiatixduy John 'Worsen i'of 1ai rt 0 Ifa11, from m .1- t 10 atAAp`.. l b o f'. h t 1±< )i as a yy Pa I ahuroh, broslfng iairi tliigll boats atRd ib tl - !ing himself internally, 7 r The New rental Cera, Complaints having been made by mer: chants and others shrongbont 0010 40, of the alleged yi.abilita of their post offices to furnish the new and large-sized postal taros hes elicited the information front the poet oaioe department at, Ottawa that the Government contractor wile turning out. the now cards.wtb alt possible despateh, het the enormous demand all over the Do- minion was atilt ahead of hie ability to meet it, while the public refused to purch- ase the old code. It ia, therefore, an in, evitable inconvenience, but one that wilt be shortly removed, , Greenslade tr.'tleta.. This was a prosecution at the instance of George Greenslade against John Berry,. both farmers of Ray township, for, threat. ening murder, Greenslade alleging that Berry made said threat by a auonymous letter through the mails. After hearing the evidence on behalf of the prosecution, whioh consisted, amongst other things, in the comparing of signatures to notes,cheq. nes, etc, with the letter ne question, and testimony of Detective Lucas. of Chicago, who was employed on the case, the;ante- trate, His Worship Snell, dismissed the charge, honorably acquitting Dir. Berry, there being no evidence to implicate him in the authorship of the letter. Tim par- ties, we undere;,and, shook bands and went home thoronghly satiefed and avian ing to bury the hatchet, k'erronata I'fr. Yea has again taken his pooi Carling Bros.' store.. -Mrs, E.J.Sp ia visiting her sister, t'4lrs.Fowell of villa; she is accompauied by the oh --Airs. Thomas Fitton 10 commies Air. T. B. Carling spent the forep this week viaitiug Mr, W. H. Ve Brantford, --Rev, Fatt and (entity to Grand Sand on Thursday Iast, they will camp for some time. Mr. will drive into town to take his se The Misses Annie Gregory and Gill left for Cleveland on Thurso to visit Miss Gill's brother. --L Smith of Murrell was in town on M conducting the defence he the tri the Queen vs, Berry. --M,. W. J of Toronto spent ,Sunday and. visiting Maude hereabout. a g rah. ou t. bin, C says that Exeter is making more pr than any other town of its size„ in On He is on the road and in a position—M# beenrvisitig nd friends herep for who some return to Denver, Col., to day. A is in the grocery business there and a ofgood Usb rne,eleavoa to -4 y foror the nW Fair, --Mrs. W. J. Clarke of undo visiting friends in town. --Airs. J Loadman, who has been visiting, frien Detroit and the few mootile,Areturnedi Mich., lastring wee Mr. John iiekliu of Guelph spent forepart f this week visiting hie el Airs. W. H. Parsons, town --.Jas. Grieve of Cobourg was in town this w renewinof Loudon spentlthe holiday tences ra asonu the parental roof. —Air Wm. Caae of London road aortth has been very ill entertainede forast two a his recovery.—Mr. and but h A. Nally of Blyth visited Mr. 3). Spicer Saturday last. Andy formerly resided Exeter and while here met many friends.—Mr, T. M. White of Totont vlaiting friends in town,—.bI'r, D. W miller, of HensalI, the Conservative didate for South Huron for the L. A. in town on Thursday lest, calling on many friends bore. Dir. W, is one of most oleyer men in the county, and make a big fight,—Mrs. D. Johns a family joined Mr. Jahns at Grand 13e on Tuesday, where they will spend a seas in camp.—Stir. Andy Thompson, barber London was in town:on Tuesday renew' acquaintances —Mr. Rogora of Braes was in town over Sunday visiting sister,. Miss Rogers, milliner for AFrt., Spicer.—Mrs. Andrews, who was visiti Mrs. D. Johns last week was called to h home in Clinton on Monday, --Mrs Geor Knight ot Iiderton spent the past we visiting friends in town.—J. K Wright, T. R ue of W.ticket R Rolland last week.—F. as F. theW Fern combs is in town; he is engaged engin eerie in the townships hereabout.—Mr Josep Holman of London spent the forepart the week in town.—Mr and bars Thoma Gregory are visiting relatives and friend in Aylmer. Air and Mrs J. Adams en Miss Vlore Sperling of St Marys• spent th forefriends i townart of theMra 3, Aelt Stewart has returne from her visit with friends m Simcoe. Airs Thompson of London is the guest o Mrs Thomas. --Mr Ed. Bissett' has been engaged ed as 4 g clerk in James Janos' stare,' Winchelsea.—Mr Georgie Russell is spend ing his summer yaeation with his parents at Leamington, Lion in ackman Belle - (Wren. cent. --- art of Vet of moved where Fitt rvices May ay ,last awyer onday al of Clarke ;lfonday Iarke ogress tailor o See. have time, Tr. S. doing clerk orld's n is aures ds in past k= the seer, 11.. soft 011e Oder the the WAS 14f0 00 in old o is cis- oan- vae hie the will nd rid on of ing els 1 D. ng er go ek G at g h of s 8 d e n d What ia the matter with the lacrosse and cricket clubs ? There will be a Minstrel show in the Opera Rouse on" the evening of July 12th, It is good, and will repay any one to stay for its Do you want first class shingles? If so get the Pacific Coast Bed 'Cedar Shingles at Jas Willis lumber yard, Exeter. They will last from 30 to 40 years, will not curl, and afford a perfect protection. The return foot ball match was played at the Fair Ground last Monday evening between the Exeter and Bethesda teams. As five or six of Exeter's best playere victere thgsibeswere orious.Aoe mewllbplayed on the same, grounds on July 3 2th. Eden team will also •be present and participate in the sport, The B. C. red cedar shingles are much. wider than others, they lie flat, will not warp no matter what kind of weather ; they can be laid 5t inches: to the weather, 1.;000 feet covering 136 square feet. The B C red cedar shingles are fully nine per Dent cheaper than pine shingles, and will last three times as long. 'Call and see .them at James Willis lumber yard, Ex. ,titer, Mr . Jos, Morro' years has; so `ucoe w, who for the past ten s , ssfully.oarr7ed ou business at Varna' leak sold the Past Office state and 'his dwelling • to Ulf.;Cairn, of Uamlacehie and,. it is said, ,will go to Exeter' to re- side. A pioneer farmer.. in Londonatur Says that. the crop day" generally through ~ this eeution was never 111 better condition atnoe 1845, He ;mentioned onefield in West minister comprising (me hundred .;acres;` where the Wheat is as high ;e,s the fence andhas headed oat 'magnificently, W. T. Brunton" ofl,ondokt died on Sat.; urday last. Me, was one'' of te . h . beef known' business znAaa in London; " 13e • t: Ezif was i', and etitl ' came to the' od it prig when gene goung,• , a native o Exeter 1VTuniclpal- Qouncil• The 'council' met at the town h , r pP9ent except ter, 28th June, 1893.. All all, ept Mr Carling. Minutes of previous meeting' read and approved. Christie -.McCallum --Orders; ata follows, ylz :' ,)as C:eeoh, $6, bringing watering cart from London; White & Sons. $l, ad. vortising sale of debentures ; Jas Creech, 52, charity Jas Gould; Do, $1 Mrs Piper ; and the clerk of the House of Assembly, $1, for certified copy' of bill re issue of debentures, --Carried. The. constable to order a barrelof crude oil to put on trues of tanks, Spack - man—mcCallum—that we ask for tenders for street watering with the new appliance,—Carried. Christie—Spackman—that the road corn misstonpr side up thewater cart shed with remelt lumber, and put a double door in the west end. -Carried, The drain on Carting.st to be examined by Messrs Carling, Christie and Me al- lune, Spook Ytan—Christie. that the reeve get legal advice frost Mr R. Il, Collins re ex- emption of farm lauds. Adjourned until Weduesday, the 5th July, 1893. I1AonErT, Clerk. The weekly bot of the Exeter Gun Clttb tools place on Thursday last, for the gold medal and silver cup bald by F. W, Collies, and who was challenged to shoot for same. The canteetents were ; N. D. Burdon, R, B. Semite], (lea. Anderson and F. W. Collins. The medal and eup were again won by Collins, who shot 8 out of 10 pigeons. On July fat, a match for the sweepstakes took place betSveen 7', W, 1 Coliius, Geo. 13issett, Jae. Creech, tet, A, Hyndman, ,lobs Heywood and (,leo An. derson TbIa match was oleo won by [lollies in ehootiug 10 out of 12 birds. Mr Collins hie lately proved himself to be au adept marksman. oTave Sf7 s QfdStan We keep constant 'Hatch of the markets, and are ever 1 y on the alert for any bargains that nay be looking for a Cash outlet. We invariably share any advantagesthus gained wit i. oar customers. ens, irj e have just received ed 30 pieces good 12:c, Prints which we will clear at 8c,; a, line of Sailor Hats bought at one-third ,their value, com- mencing at 50,15o, 250 and. 35o, the latter of whish: are cheap at $1, fine insimported Goods ; 8c ('ingha a , 5c; Sballies, 6c, worth 100; a ins of heavy 12 -o Shirting 8c ; good, wide Ginghalxlss 103 ; 400 Twill Bleached Shirting, 28o,double-fold Goods;2 yd ress Muslius, 5o;. the balance of our Stook of the to clear 25er cent: Jess than original cos ' Dress Goodst Q clear 20 per cent.. less than our former low prices, You should see our Tweeds at 22o, 30o All -wool and the fine 290 Goods for 50o. Fine Suits made to order $5 less than regular prices. G. G. ;JOHNSTON. VOTER'S LIST. 1893. IllUNxoarALITY er xtag • ORwaII:P Or Ussg, > CDVNTY OF IlaaoN. Notice of sha y 1 nab 'v that g CAt t rhave t a ted or l r nil Iatt* delivered ed to the no rian s mentioned cued ' s u 0 1 sections , S 9a` and G 0 a d f the Voters' Lige A of ,ih a 0 1eS P required ire dbF9ai n sections d t lei or delivered of the fist made pursuant to said Aleof all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of said ;atunieipality to bo entitled to vote in the said 3Iuuioipelity at eleetione forznernbere of the Legislative As- semblr,andat Municipal Eleations, and that said list was first pouted up at myy cellos at 11Iimville ontho 27th day ofJuae.1093, and re- mains there for inspection. 7•aeetor3 aro calf- ed upon to examine tate said list. and if any omission' or all other errors are porecived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said orrer,corrected according to law, GEO, W. HOLMAN, Clerk of 1•raboi'uo. Dated this lith day of Juane, 1893. N OTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Roywood, lata of tho Township of Usborlle, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chanter 110 of the Roviaed Statutes of Ontario, 1837, that alt persona having claims against the 1Estete of the said late Thereto Heywood, who died on the 2nd day of Juno, 1893, aro requested to deliver or send by,poatprepaiai to the under slimed Solicitors for Elizabeth Heywood and John Heywood. Exoutors for the last will and testamantof the said Deeeireed, on or boforo thele; day of August, 1893, a Statement in writing aontaiuingtheir names and addresses and fail partioulers of their claims dotty vert Sect by Statutory Declaration a :d the nature of the security (if env) held by thorn, and that after the said last ineetloned date tbo said Executors wilt uroceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the parties omitted thereto leaving regari only to claims of which notice shall aim .been rectarod as above ro• quired. and tl,o said .Executors will not be liable for the said assets, Or any part thereof so whose 010'010 enoti o , to any pun have bor ontrecoly- ed at the time of such distribution, ELT.IQT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for Executors, Dated 3rd July, 18i13.—iia, Exeter, Ont. AND SpN, Dress Goods. ff During our sale we are clearing all dress goods. You should see the value we are showing in double fold goods at 22 • o., still a few pieces left but they are going fast. Parasols. We intend clearing out every Parasol we have in the shop, and theprices we have put them at, will do it. 50 cent. Parasols for 39 c. and $1.40 goods for $1.15 etc. Clothing. th xl We have had a big rush for our Ready mades both in Boys- and Mens, • just think of it, Boy's Suits 99c. Men's Suit's $3.75. ` Now is the time for a bargain. Bo is - 0 • Shoes. We are . clearing out a number Of wlxnos at'figures w much-`belo , cost; Now is the time tot e. cheap 119ap .fOOt- wear. Big Bargains in all departments txneiltti at . Picker dSQilg Directs X JM opposite Rawkshe OTICE. TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the esttlte of Meal Shirray late of the Townsfiip of Uay. County of Rurort, Yeoman Deceased. Notice is hereby.t iysn pursuant to h t{ 110 of the liovisedStatues of Ontario 1807 that all persona io p r nil banish alaihiaasaisst the estate of the said late Nicol Shirray° who died on the t1, day ofM'ay 1893 are required to deliveteraend bypo,t prepaid to theundersigned solicitors forAgnes Shirray and Bernard Shirray,Ad- ministrators of the real and personal astute of thosaid deceased on or before the 1st dso of August 1893, a statement in writing content. leg their names and addresses and fnliiia7cfid- ulars of their *Minot duly verified byStatutory declaration and the nature of the security (if any>held by thorn, And that after thesaid last mentioned date the saidAdministratora will proceed to distrfb ute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto havt0g regard only to claims of which notice shall have been received as above required and the said administrators will not bailable for thesaid Assetstor any:part thereof so distributed to any person or per. sons ot whose claims ,iloticeshall not have been received et the time of each distribatfen, gI,LIOT & ELLIOT, c olseitors for Aafnei .x t or, On Dated 20th ,Tune 7,893 Exator, 'Ont, NOTTf L++' TO 0RI.3,DIT; IlS, IN THE SURROGATE coma of THE COUNTY Or HURON. In the + 'atter of the Estate of Zimmerman Weaver, iloouased• Notice is herebygivan pursuant to the Arae visions of the Revised Statutes of Ontat5o,18d7, Obeptor 110, bootioe 30, that all arsons having claims against the Estate of Zimmerman Weaver, late of rho Township of Stanley, in Uo d edonorbf nefore he30thmdeyoofgMee 1833, are requested on or before the 2nd day. of Sept, 1893. to send or deliver to W. 0.8mith,' Bonsail,,Soicttor for emelt Moyer, of the Townah30 of :won sal County, Executor of tiro last will and testament of the raid 2im- rnorman Weaver,' dooeeaod, full reartioulars of their end nes and the seournties elf any) held by them, verified by.atilavirs, And aftot *leo said 2nd day of aept.1893, the sold Executor will mooed to distribute cutlets among he per50n8 etiedet having regard only to the airtime of whittle he shall bave received notice, and after such 4is- tribution the said Executor will not be respoa- slble for the assets of said Estate to any Person of whose elatms notice obeli not save been received 01Fe d at the time , Date at of •nab cent button, Dated lleaaalttliiafourteonthdayofTnno, A.T).,1893. Solic turf Qtha Exeoutor, liob Mange and Scratches of every kind ou Inmate or aui.Rnal,, cured in 30 mioaatoe by Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted by C, LUTZ. Eftgltele Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lamps and blemishes from horses, Blood $pavin, Curbs, Splints, Rica$ Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, sprains, Sore and at, Coughs, eat, Save 8G0 by na0 of nerobottl . Warranted the moot wonderful Blemish Caro ever known. Warranted by C. Lutz MILL Has been agitating the m mina's of the Council for some time past, and it would appear by ads we read that it has contagious.econa,e We are not in the habit of QUOTING oL. RICES °° a s they` are ofbimes MIS-L.W,: ADI "1STG Therefore we would ask you to inspect our large and varied Stocks of Ready-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, All of which will be sold at the least possible margin above cost. &heitirig a call. Produce taken in exchange. Eggs, l tc.; Butter 15o. CARLING5 BROS. BIRTHS. Al305--Tn Exeter on the 3rd hest., the wife of Dr. T. A. Amos, of a son. PARSONS --In Exeter, on the 291], nit., the wife of Mr, Samuel Parsons of n son: EIL7;ER..In Crediton. on the 3rd inst , the wife 01 Mr,Sanuel Either of a son. I3LATCI3FORD In Usborne, on the 2nd inst. the wife of Mr. Wm. B1ato71ford of a son. PENliALE—1 n Hay, on the 3rd inst. , the wife of John Penbale of a daughter. HENDERSON,- In Superior, Wis.. on the 20th ult., the wife of James 11. Henderson, formerly of Exeter of a son. MARRIED. BISBEE,—CA$1t,...A:t the reside nee of tho bride's father, on the 21st ult.,, ley the Rev. John Soott, M. A. Mr. Edwin L. Bisbee, of London township, to Miss Alice G, daughter of lire. John E. Carr of St. Marys. HERRAD-In In Nowry on June 21, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A, Henderson 141, A,, Chas. W. Horrad ofNoopaeva, Mau., to Nina, only , daughter. of A, H. Wynn. brother of D. Wynn of:, Winehelsen. HAMILTON — HORTON... At St,• .George's carob Ggdoriah, on the 28th ult.. by the rector., Mr. W. 0,- Hamilton. of Regina, to Florence C., second daughter of Mr. II.,. Horton, HOLMBS--COLE_A,t 8t. Catharines,o the e 27th nit br'the Rev. Mr Van n h Edmond T. Holmes of the Olf Wyok, bra,: to Miss Louie Colo, eldest daughter of trr. Aaron Cole. BETTIE-1toGERS-•On the 29th nit, at the liseTrnoe ofW'lsau, brother•in-raw: of tbebrido,byBev J,Gallowsy, 11'rr, Hobert Beattie, merobant. to Bliss Rasetta Rogers, both ofeleaforth. 11CIQ 5-7371JNDERSON.—In Lon d•' 27trl tr on the 27th ult, at rho reaidenoe of the bride's father by Rev, W, ,T.Clark "lafr. Frank Hicks. grain merchant of Centralia. to Mtge Jennie,..; second daughter of Mr: Robert Hendetsosi of 142 ;Queen's Avenue. n DIED.. E VIN ;: 1u .xn t. a $ i4I res ax rho 28th cafe. MiohaolDivirte,arad34Years. e. portdrei 0MERVII.LtietIze: soeforth. on the 29th rte Mr. Joke lqa • anorville, 1 vTaL Jn '1Ii11a ed, 57J '28thMary Maxwoo,aKedal9 Yeats and 10umos. DE Am -In ,St. 7liarYA at midnight of Tuesday,, 27th ult., Morris J. Ream, Adie. of ilea 2Stle Battalion, aged 45 years, 8 months` and 20. days.' , :. N I AYRES,-1n Blansiiard at theeresfdenee of+ his brother-in-law, Mr. Isaac Benton, on the 22nd ult.; Abraham Ayres, aged 4_i 'years. TO-NOR—En Clinton en June 30th, John Junor, aged 50 years, and 11 months, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, AN 014) AND WELL -TRIED RT n nY,— 141rs, Winslowtr Soothing Syrup has been used Elft years by millions of mothers' for their children while teething,tvith;tperfect success. It soothes tbo child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the olio, and 1s the best remedy for Diarrhoea; Is pleasant to the tanto, Sold try druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is fnealenlable.. 13esure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's; Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. imweeteaumeoeteeraorteaerontateetwaert RHEUMATISM 'RHLTINT ATIC Bath NEURALGIA, kindred disoesee are duo to oongostiaonn of the bloodycoe;Nsel that produces fermen til ' tion : , teas! f4ng'in acids. if the blood does not` eitotilate,iir. fiammation in brae ;.'nObe -the inevit- able rabem#ve:bsorntie , one of the zest pow- erful blood sonnet- eats known. It atim- ula es : the blood to,, a0Mor,r'estorin. g the oiroulatioo. 01 tonce establisheddiS-e4a0nUat AaaO. NAOrANOrrotn.'' A x C.ND. S .D lw NTx S: tl i.TSi7 ON, Rill be at Greb e.h' otel•./,car •. tri an;.tlio saaaad .Cliui+silay'of each ontbl and 4t, llodgkint It lzatel : llobsa i avert' 314enl"ti y,•