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The Exeter Times, 1893-7-6, Page 5
'-V•iv t` tSr,' ^ice n 11 Mr. (Ateo, 3D . Turner Simr l , x.;1; py fi Worst case of Scrofula the boctors Ever Saw Completeiy (Jaren by ,FOOD'S SARSAPARItL4. "When I was 4 or 5 years old I had a scrof- ulous sore on the middle linger of my ]eft hand, which got, so bad that the doctors cut the finger off. and later took off more titan half my Magid. Then tho sore brake out on my earns, came oat on my neck and fare an both shies, nearly destroyuag the sight of ono eyo, on my right am. Doctor's saki it was tha. Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw. It was simply nwfuirive years" age I began to take Flood's Sarsaparilla. Gradually I found that the sores were 'he'll:. ning to head. I kept on till I had taken ten bottles, too a1oUars : Just think of -What It return I got for that investment: .2, *Lou - sand per cent? Yes, many thousand, Per the past 4 years I have had no sore,. • Work all the Time. • • Before., I .could do no work- l l.now not what to say strong enough to express my grat, itntle to Floods Sarsaparilla for my perfect cure," Gaolttar W, ! armhrla, Farmer, Gab way, Saratoga county, N. k. HOOD'S PILLS do wit weal:en, ai digestion and tone the stn:,: /41. try them. tae. ' ,'Jack the Rippler," A London cable says: The foul aims* of r" "Jack the Rippewere again called to mind last night by a murder that was committed in Rotherhithe, a suburb a short distance to.the south-east of Lon- don,: - The body of a woman belongsn to the unfortunate class was fond with u the throat cut, the wounds showing that the knife had been used from left to eightoas was the case in all the murders committed by the Ripper in. the' White -,chapel district of London. Persons in .the streets at the late hour at which. the murder was done state that they heard woman 'scream two or three times. They ran in the direction from which the sounds cauaae and found the woman lying on the -pavement, with the blood streaming from an awful gash in her throat. She was unconscious when found, and died a few minutes after- ward. The police wore promptly on the scene, having -been. attracted by the screaming, but the murderer had effect- ed his escape, leaving not the slightest clue to his identity. The degrades[ wo- nien of Rotherhithe are panic aa.i:'k'ni by the fate that has befallen ono of their wither. The body of the dead woman Was not mutilated in • the disgusting' Manner that characterized the crimes of "Jack the Ripper," but it is thought that the assassin was frightened aw by the sound ofapproaching footsteps before he had time to mutilate the body, The police are searching among th friends of the dead woman for a possibl • clue to the murderer, Alienating a Wife's Affections. • TORONTO, June 2G,—Barristers Mc Cullough &Burns, acting under in struetioxxs from Mr. Edmund Turner 227 Munroe street, issued a writ agains M1 J. W. Thompson,. 9 Elliott street fur aeo,u00 amages, for alienation o turfs. Turner's affections from ler bus band, About two weeks ago Mrs... Turnsr left Unites to visit friends in the conntry ' .During her alac'nvi eo Turner as iu formed of hie wife's xanfaithfulmses I is on this xnforanatinn that he Lassa h, claims. Turner i a a, c•,ntliaett,r is filet t v:a E+ of ,lu' htrt t t hallway Company. Thompson is a journeyman carpenter. tl*urdti Near (ionic!!, �YINN 1! y June z'.d.— t t,renft 11 truss• h says the body of a man was found t'11 the nth io t:na lc ,ne :ilia a Ball anile, 1 c -t of tl tt }']ace. xu •a I ,lt,ay The lean tit t4 ti l' it'd 1 it tilt+ ticties,u d some Lr asah. Tao :sl i 1l x a, I l a ss's, t'1 iia. mol the ('llitliinti g, i1, C :1,ta 1 a• 04'i11a body staving bwen hauled 1= it aI n , the ground The anau' shoes were f,�atn,l a few yards north. The vtu'di+et at tilt' coroner's inquest was that "the' deceased came to his death at the hands of some party or parties unknown." • The ,vorkxnen ixl tho Thomson-Ilous- ton Electric Works at Lynn, Mass., de - mead a `•1 hours a week with 58 hours' pay, and threaten to strike involving 4,000 men, A BRAVE Wb -MAN. Groat Raoing Crlliva1 —t8--- The arranging of details for the great Blue Ztibbon !fleethrg of the. Detroit Driving Club are fast approaching com- pletion. Elegantly illustrated posters and window hangers, setting forth the programme and elates of the meeting ornament the bill -boards and other available places, not only in every town, and city- of importance throughout 1liichiga:l, but neighboring states and the provinces. as well The most cheering reports are received at the secretary's office from horsemen frons Maine to California, signifying their intention to take part in the great carnival sport during the third week in July. Some of the most noted trotters and pacers on "the turf will contest for the rich purses hung up by the club. Por obvi. ous reasons their names are withheld aY for the present, but after July 3 they will be given to the public. Nearly all of the leading stables of America will e have representatives in one or more of the great events of the week. Already stable accommodations are being spok- en for, and early next week there will be a gathering; of horses here such as never was seen before on the grounds t of the Detroit Driving Club. For the five weld pluses that are closed enough entries have been received to insure a large field of horses, and when these are added entries to the ten • regular classes, some estimate can be • found of the magnitude of the meet - 1; Ing tluat will take place July 1.?. 18, 19, 29, 21. Last year was a year of e11e- nualit'1Ltl per tatrimanees; this seat of promises to be 51111 more so. Ilor;sa's that tamest beat 2:20 are no longer in it at any ui the big meetings, awl the ° .ani , > t , ad,: that eannot mart' to alp 1,1 Ili ,t ,slat' Will find t1 t nlsi•Ivt. �.rlirr t, i !f :l,+ l Iy iii the rear. There re le no; a1 ':i'-,' in sWit. fur the y utingis1a•r that eitinvot 1 't 2:25. There will be Stnita.r "lia,t tial in the colt stakes ars this 1t.11'. It a' the opinion of ninny la3i.w.- nll'n the t the " " ;c1 1 -year :stakes tt1ll be among Iles ,t and most inter- esting that will b' trotted or pini'd this spasttfl, Tho T,)ofrolt Driving Club will spare no pains to put their t'ritt'k in tho best possibly condition for fast work, hoping that some world's record may be broken over it during this meet- ing. "rho souvenir book will be ready for distribution in about ten days, and will be found fully up to the standard of previous years. - 0 Wan a . BRANTFORD .OTT �tf fir,.• � �i,h• eie O.� BICYCLES HAVE A STANDARD VALUE THEY ARE BUILT TO SELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED BY She Drives Oil' a Burglar tit the Poiret of a Itevelver. e Geoid Bicycle CoarLtd. Brantford, Ont. DEPOT; 113 YoNeE ST„ TORONTO PERKIN & MARTIN. Fanson's 13look. Cy©NGERTIFiGP��o`�a' L-.RFUL G Not only a relief but a cure for al! kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Haimles s . Contain no hurtful d rugs• A wonderful Compound. Nice to ton. Sure death to pain. Be caro yougotSTABK'S. PREPARED BY t STARE, M, 0.0 P., CHEMIST Y FROM DLASCOW UNIVERSITY* SCOTLAND, FCl1tTNE R. STACK MEDICINE CO. 25 c GENTS a box. Solis by all I➢rug:ists V lentirelr new Coaiatonnd This wonderful discovery is the bestknown remedy for $iliousness and all Stomach and Liver -Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. I2 your tongue is coated you need them. AT AI,71. REIT +'r;.'ST ENS., Canadian.Trade.•Returh; ..• Ottawa, July 3. -Thai monthly •state- ment of trade returns was issued by the Customs Department on Saturday; The imports for the'11°months are valued at $1.00,4e2,581, an increase Of $10,161,682. The duty collected in tho 11 months amounts to $10,807,774, or an increase of t 1,780,522. The imports for the month 'were valued at y18,140,847, or an increase of..$ ,725,088. The revenue from cue - twos duties during the month shows an increase of $832,144. With regard to the exports for the 11 months, they reached the splendid total of $101,815,870, or an increase of $5,208,959. That this in• crease vas not made up simply during the months previous to May is shown b the figures: fox 1ast month, the value o the exports for May "amounting to $8,- 277,708, oe an increase of $1407,150. G.',NANont'r, June 20.—The residence of Mrs A. Kippard was broken into by a man, who, when detected, pointed a revolver at the lady's head. She was able to produce one of equal good qual- ity, which drove off the would-be robber and murderer. Mrs. Kippard, about thirty-five years of age, is just moving from Buffalo, She is a sister of Mrs. G. Belfie, and has her mother living with her. She was seen at her residence. "You want to know aboutthe burglary. Well, just welkin. You see that window; well, that was raised at full height by a stick apparently made for that pule - pose. When I awoke I heard a squeaking noise as if some one was around the house. I listened, and then heard some one on the stairs. I thought it might be mother going down stairs for a drink. Then I heard her say, Who are you, and what do you want?' I got up and went to the door, and as I opened it a revolver was placed at my head. I called for help and said to the man, 'What do you want:?' He answered, `Your money.' I said, a Wait a minute and I will get it. I then reached to a bureau that stood just behind the door, and took from if a small revolver, and placed it in front of him saying, Now shoot, and maybe I can shoot as straight as you, and prob- ably a little quicker.' He was baffled, and I ordered him off. -Re looked at me for a minute, and then took one bound down the stairs and out of the window. I would know him "again if I saw him,and I told hire so. Mother and I sat down and talked for a while until it was getting light. Then I dressed myself and went over and told Belfies, my Sis- ter's people; what had happened." The matter is in the hands of the police. ESQUIMALT DEFENCES. Arrival of Gen. Herbert to Confer With the Imperial Authorities. LONDON, June 26.—Gen. Herbert, who arrived here from Canada to confer with the British Government on the question • of defensive works, which are to be car- ried on jointly by the imperial and Can- adian authorities in British Columbia, is finding that the importance of his mis- sion is only secondary to other matters of state that are now engaging the at- tention of Mr. Glaclstone's Government. It appears that two plans for strength- ening the defences of Esquimalt have been submitted, and the object of the general's visit to London is mainly for the purpose of deciding this point' as to which plan shall be accepted. It is not intended that the fortifications to. be constructed shall be built with a view to permanent occupation, but in such a manner as to be available for defensive ')t u ores when vlenre 1 required, Tllie ordinance mounted • upon the works will be covered in, which cover- ing can easily be removed when heavy guns. are to be worked. Eddie - McDuff, of Malden, Massa, lowered the .A.nlerican 25 mile road bi- cycle cle record yesterday to 1hour, 13' min- sitesand 55 2-e seconds. Another fire broke out late last night. in Saginaw, Mich. The latest report was that the entire business portion of; the city was threatened. ChaunceyH. Snow `ournalist and civil enginer, flied iii' Washington on. Sunday, aged GO. Mr. Snow was one of the corps of engineers who constructed the Hoosac tunnel. 0.4.11H.4 t-4 lAttax 1 :ill From a Stable Loft. (OLIJNOWtiota June 20.— Abram Smith, an elderly man whowasomploy- ed about the ('antral hotel stables, while doing his evening's work, fell through the cock ]sift of the stable and was found lying; unconscious on the floor. He oev1•rrecovered consciousness after the a4,.' ii it lit• The congregation of Knox church at Ayr., Ont., on Sunday contributed a special collection of ,2,527, in response to a call from the pastor, Rev, John Thomson, M.A., to wipe out a debt of $2,500. The $25,000 church is now clear of debt. A disastrous hail storm broke over Oakville on Saunday afternoon destroying almost the entire fruit crop within a radius of six miles. The majority of the fruit -growers of the district expect to realize little or nothing out of their ci chards t4 ; : season in consequence of the destruction done to what promised to be a fine crop. How the Victoria, was Sunk. London dispatch :—The Tin es publish es the following despatch from Tripoli: "The collision between the Victoria and Camperdown occurred at 3.41 in the afternoon. The sea was perfectly calm and the evolution of changing line was being performed at the time. Many were killed by the 'Victoria's screw. After the sinking of theVictoria a diver narrowly escaped death, He was res- cued only by the presence of mind shown by his comrade, who cut his div- ing dress. The comrade was drowned. Solemn services for the dead were held last evening. Seventeen minute guns were fired by the entire fleet. It has been definitely decided that Rear -Admiral Albert H.111:•r1sham, who was second in command to 'Vice -Admir- al Sir George Tryon at the time of the accident off Tripoli that caused the loss of the Victoria, will be tried by a court martial that will sit at Portsmouth. This court martial will be presided over by Admiral the Earl of Clanwilliam, commander-in-chief at Portsmouth, whose son, Lord Gilford, was Flag Lieut. of the Victoria, Rear -Admiral Markham's flag ship is the Trafalgar, but advices received here show that his fiag had been transferred to the Camperdown, and that . he was in charge of the r.nanamvres of the fleet at the time the collie=^' occurred, The telegram of sytnpt' y s ib by Pre- sident Cleveland throng.- ..cretary of State Gresham and United States Am- b.tssador Bayard 1;o Queen Victoria was forwarded to Her Majesty immediately upon its receipt. The Queen, in reply, has informed Ambassador Bayard that she was deeply touched by: the message. of the Pzesideut of the United States. The British cruiser Barham, with Rear -Admiral Markham's official report of the loss of the Victoria, is expected to ariive,at Port SDicl tonight. 'TheRear- Admiral s report will be sent by - cable feem Port Said to the Admiralty Offices here. All the survivors of the disaster sailed from'.["repose .to -day, presumably for Malta. They einbarkscl on board the cruiser's Edgar and Phaeton. 'About G0 meet of the state dant at Troy, tT. k gave` way yesterday morning, causing a suspension of navigation en the Champlain ental. The loss is 214.000. MARKET MOMS.: Aaetsu b Jaly: tM. all Fwboat per bush, , . , pring wheat per bush 55 5y59 $anis per buaki ..,. , 45 35 Cats per bush ..... 32 33 PFlour perbbi 20 .20 Apples per bast, ,.. .,......, fib, 85 Fotetoei per bag 1 Op 100 Hay per tea 600 700 Woodpercord hard.... 300 3 50 W ood per oord soft 8 00 2 00 Batter per lb . ' 14 15 Eggs nor,doson 11 11 Pork Der hundred... .« 8 00 810 A. Wonderful new combination is R. Stark's Headaobe, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nine to take and perfectly hat -M lees, Mr. Willa, Chief of Police, Wood - stook, says ; ',A sure cure every ti, Aid. Farmer Barrister, Hamilton, says M experienoed almost immediate rellef from their use for sink headaches.' Air. Mercer, contractor, Hamilton says ; I outsider them a very valuable remedy, and far surpassing many others I have tried.' Mrs. Gaston, Hamilton, Bays.; I have derived great benefit from them, slaving been for a long time a sufferer from head - 'ache, billioueness and neuralgia.' ;Ars, •C"rist, Hamilton, says ; 'No medicine or doctors did my daughter any good until we used Stark's Headudhe, Neuralgia and Liver Powders ; they have effected a com- plete cure.' Mrs. Keats, Hamilton, says ; Your Powders have been the greatest blessing to me,' )?,rice 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. as It is expected that Hon. Wilfred Laur- ier willaddress a series ofineetings through out Ontario in the latter part of August and fire' weeks iu September. The corner stones of a new Methodist Sunday School tet St• Mary's wore laid Monday by Mr. H. A. Massey, Mr. W. Pridham Id. P., and Hon. Thos, Balten- tyue, HOW TO GET A ''SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") b Levet Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth 'framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home, The soap is the best in the market, and it will auly cost le postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. 3allins & Nilliams Milling Co, Have opened an office opposite' Town. Hall, Exeter, pending the building of their neve Mill, where they will keep constantly on band a full stock of the best bran's of flour. Also all kinds of tuffs and. . Feed Farmers and townspeople will find it to their advantage'to"cali and seo us, ROLLINS & WILLIAMS. Three Points! NOTE WELL. Experience, expeniien ehad thatthe at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Promvtitude With this ever • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply ori our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors eanecially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done this. Satisfaction. lova Word bu to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We eJ'-ry in wind and the way nxemplihed in out Shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. JOHNS. !aihicnai lylas 1 TH I BEST YET 1 • TELE CHEAPE ST YET TELE BIGGEST YE T J Best ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen l leave your orders early, for with: the best staff of Tailors ; the bee steak of `sine Trimmings, and the best Csntting in .'own, yon are sure of satisfae Von ;'`'' ZL5 'lies are` Screen, Doors, Screen Windows, Scythes and Snaths, Fence Wire, Machine Oil, Fruit Tree Sprayers. A first-class article for $1 25. Get our late; prices olx. Binder Twine. OOBBLEDICK &O(. FOLLAND, Hardware Merchants, EXETER, NOW Is the time To Thoroughly DisinfectYouret i t A COMPLETE STOCK OF IDIS'^'' OCa At Browning's Drug Store. M°CO.LIJS OILS ARE THE BEST. Use LARDINE Machine oil CHAMPION,:GOLD MEDAL CIL OF TIIE DOMINION. McOOII's. CYLINDER OIL WIA .. . wear twice as long as any other make.. . The Finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McOOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN' THE COUNTRY, The Whiteman Pea Harvester THE BEST IN THE WORLD. For the following reasons:—let, it is built of the best maleablo wrought iron and steal. 2nd— It requires no holes to be drilled in nutter bar. 3rd—'The outside divider can bo raised or lowered at back or front independent of lifters. 4th—It has no rod at the back to hold tbstrno- tiona and cause choking. 5th—There are no springs to break or got out of order. 6th—It has movable clips and can bo sot in line with tongue as mower bar drags back. 7th—Eaoh lifter bar a guard stay, and breaking mower guard is impossible. sth—Each lifter is lndetandont of tho other, and can be raised or lowered at the back so as to lino in front should mower guards be out of lino. 9th—The number of machines sold during the past season enables a large number of the,ieading farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. livery machine is warranted and given on test. ISamble machine can the seen at It• S. LAVG's Strop, Exeter, or W3L ELDER'S, Hensall, also at different shops through tho county. Jamos Whiteman, natente nd',manufacturer,A.nulree. THOS. BROWN„General Agent, SEAPORTS GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will be well repaid for your time. We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots, and for Men's andBoys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S Theop Shoe S People's s tore. Mext Door to Post Office. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, General and Nunes Debility, til IIB'[ IT ARE YOU WANTING Furniture ? Do you want to buy from the Best Selection and at the Lowest Prices, then buy at Gidley's Select from the largest ges and best bought stock in the city. Just now we are showing something very new and stylish in Bedroom, Suites One Oak Set is a beauty, with bevel plate glass 18x35522, S. GIDDEY THE PIONEER STORE. ODDFELL' OW'S BLOCK. R.N. 110VITE FURNITURE DE LE -AND 4/4404,41t 411.1er*: .-s Orders piomptly attended to.. w ^•`� t' 1' .` `� "'l All Aecounts must be 'settled at once X 'eal:nets of I .)'y"ars t T,: r.; , Efc,^.ie sof Errors or Ezcc-.,,a in 01.1 c'r, ii'v ,r .,. c.bu t Noble Ilan:icr 1 e1:y l?t•...t:?. lIc ,4 to Enlarge and i tr, n the 1 "tVeak, U ncinvelo-t' .ccl � Organs and T..m oot Doily. /1,. i utcly: a:- faili.v 7_ctn.o i restment—ilerefiis in m. day-. r ; c :1 1. oat ir0 State., aodl'orei-n Coir;! t `. , . totem. "Deseri .i• l3oofk, - p:r,aui ,nJ',roofs vi.tlet (scaled) lice. o) A.LE8MEN ' WANTED To represent us in the sale of a choices lino of Aerui Geows- 8'rooi. Eslseriontaa not necessary. We want real' workers and to all such we offer a permanent! situation at s . good 1050100 with chaotic of adranoeanetit. Ag we now have over 700 acres under cultivation, we(sail gire our salesmen mauvsuperioradvan ,, (. tacoses F o also desire tols th-sooul'o'n s•eod than in• "• your destruct to son RorrArx Semi Polo. fbr which we have the General Agency.; This is something, new and indispensable to the farmer or frntt erowerr. Gond Thr tonna and tmal cilar:. E MEDICAL tost l k ;s F'. 'r loo nsah &W1irctiLLTwTG'ro14"Nurs sa