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The Exeter Times, 1893-6-29, Page 6
worn.; dertIeet t • the cele y, worth• uy price, t1aLteng• Belt wlior e patient, rade M! "bossed > m❑tcr�f. nut� V ' 41' der r- Arr. Geo. W. Turner Simply Awfui Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever Saw Completely Cured by ,LOOP'S e y SARSAPARILLA. "Men I was 4 or 5 years old I had a scrof- ulous sore on the middle anger of my left hand, which got so bad that the doctors ens the hand. offThenithelso aek boff keoautlen mylarm calve out on my neck and face on both sides, nearly destroying Me sight of one eye, also on my right arta. Doctors said it was the Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw, It was simply uwftf: Five years ago I began to take hood's Sarsaparilla.. Gradually I found that the sores were begin- ning to Ileal. I kept on till I had taken ten bottles, ren dollars! Just think of what a return I got for that investment: A thou. wand per vent 2 les, many thousand. lea the past 4 years I have had no sores. I Work .all the Time, Refere, I could do no worlt. I know not what to say strong enough to express illy brat itudo to hood's Sarsaparilla for Icy perfect cure." GEOnGE W. 1ti.Isena, Fanner, Gat way, Saratoga eounty, N. Y. HQOD's PILLS do not weaken but ate disestionand tailsthe stem :eh. Try them « e. ..5.. O yesterday to their home in Fall River, . Bicycle?, _,� * g Masi. It is reported the two girls cee ` t C i broke flown eompletely when they en- tered their obi home. The people re- RANTF RD BICYCLES ' ceived them kindly. BRITISH AND FOREiGN- NeWs Dcve1o0111C1 tis orEaeh Day purism the Week in Small Space. e `F.DNEs]AA X, .111U el. Lizzie Borden has been acquitted. Jeffersontown, a Kentucky village, is reported destroyed by fire. The late Edwin Booth left a fortune of $605,000, mostly to his daughter, Yesterday was the fifty-sixth anniver- sary of the accession of Queen Victoria, Gilbert, the dynamiter, recently dis- charged from an English prison, arrived. in New York yesterday on the steamer Chester. $3'o more vagrants will be sold off the block in Missouri, the supreme court having decided that the law is uncon- stitutional. Thirty-two Chinamen, who were brought to Seattle on a smuggling vessel for British Columbia Sunday night, are in jail at Seattle. Lowlander won the Suburban handi- cap race at Coney Island yesterday, Terrifies second and Lamplighter third. The time, 2.00 3.5 for the mile and a quarter, is the fastest on record for this race. ereatinsemer, JUNE 52. Serious riots are reported among strik- ing miners at Dux, Bohemia. SiXteen men were burned to death by an explosion of benzine at the Brodskt chemical works, Odossa, yesterday. At River Falls, Wis., yesterday Ring- ling Bros,' circus tent was struck by lightning and seven persons were killed. A despatch from Madrid says that a revolutionary outbreak is reported to have taken place in Barcelona. Details are lacking. The general passenger agents of Unit- ed States raihvays.have adopted recom- mendations for a single fare rate to the World's Fair. Ambrose Madden was instantlykilled by an Erie railway train at Buffalo while throwing a switch at the Alabama street crossing. Francis Spies, merchant and vice -con - sal of Honduras, committed salvia° yes- terday morning in Now York by shoat- ing himself through the head, Lizzie Borden rettunedwith her sister HAVE A STANDARD VALUE THEY ARE BUILT TO SELL AT 'THE PRICES OFFERED MANUFACTURED BY The Goold Bicycle COQ`tde Brantford; Ont. 'DEPOT: 11S YONGE Sr,, TORONTO 'PERE—Ile B, (Ea MARTIN'. Fans,•n's Meek. ' rft a G 1 j Q It 't FRIDAY, JUNE 23. The GerIuan reichstag will be sunh- mone'd to meet on July 4. Cholera is reported to be decreasing rapidly throughout Russia. A revolution has broken oat in Salva• dor against President Ezeta. An epidemic of suicide has broken out in .Budapest and other Hungarian towns. Four men and a boy were killed by a gas explosion in a coal mine at Neal, coke, Pa., Iast evening. The property of the late Senator Stan- ford is valued at $35,000.000, on which there is an income of $3,000,000. A cyclone at Conception, Mo., blew down the house of John Doyle, and his wife and an old man 'were killed. Tho Cohunbian bell was successfully east at Troy yesterday. The bell weighs 13,000, pounds and will be rung for the fust time at Chicago on July 4.. Cholera reports received from Mecca show that from June 10 to June 20 there were 830 deaths from. the disease in that city. sxrunn AY, JUNE 24. Paid admissions at the World's Pair yesterday 103, 039, Gen. Crespo has formally assumed the presidency of Venezuela. The New York Tribune's special from San Francisco says "the long -expected financial crisis" in that city has come. The royal Scottish clan which has been holding its fifteenth annual session t Duluth during the past four days ad- ourned sine die yesterday. Eugene A. Marvin, a New York pric- er, convicted of printing green goods circulars, was to -day sentenced to one ear in state prison `and fined $1,000. The lumber war at Tonawanda, N.Y., s over. The locked out lumber shovers re to go to work on Monday. It seems o be a victory for the men, who retain their union. The Vanderbilt directors have declared the following semi-annual dividends a - Lake Shore, 3 per cent. Michigan Cen- ral 2 per cent. ; Canada Southern, 1 1-4 er cent., all payable on August 1. MONDAY, JUNE 26. The Princess Eulalia and her retinue eft New York for Spain on Saturday. Maud McKibben is under• arrest at t. Louis charged with killing her father nd sister. At Rochester, N.H.; 800 persons were ale ill by eating ice -cream at a high chool reception. A Great Northern coal train was reeked 35 miles south of West Superior, is.. Saturday. 'Three men were killed. William Buckley, of Magnolia, Miss., ave evidence in court against a gang of hite cafes, and was killed on the way orale. The steamer Campania, which arrived New York on. Friday from Queens. wn. made the run ire 5 days 15 hours nd 37 minutes. John F. Elliot, 15 years of' age, was tight in the elevator shaft in ;Spauld- g's lumber mill at, Elmira,-N.Y., on eturday, and instantly killed. The` total paid admissions to the orlcl's Fair yesterday were 0,000. he statue of the Right Hon. Wen. Glad - one was unveiled en Donegal Castle at �r. H'art's Irish village s ok 1yQN� RFUL 0\1— Not only a relief but a care for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. 1 1 Be suro you got START'S. PREPARED BY R. STARK M, 0, C. P., OHEM1ST � S FROM GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, SCOTLAND, I a FOR THE R. STARK 6EMEDICINE CO. ` m /,s{, N `- TS a box. Sohl by ail Druggists 5 25 .Thorel' new Compound. ew .MW •ig w � at to a Hca S W T st M ries wonderful discovery is the best lcnown remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy tation of the bowels, do not weaken likepills. If your tongue is coated: yort need them. AT AIL DEM STORES. Gourd After the Gland Trunk. 1110NTiar4 J1, " June 20.—George 3. Gould, Duncan niclltere, L. J. Forget 'Pd and lt`oxwell, who .are in. London in con nection witii the proposed Grand Trunk b TUESDAY, JU1'5 27.. There were 455 deaths from cholera in ecca on Sunday, W. H. Quayle, the well-known ship - milder, pf Cleveland, is dead. deal mentioned in The World,will hold,e a conference with some of the Grand ' "s Trunk shareholders in. London on Mon- 'se day. s Mr. Gould's statement that the Grand -q Trunk had been 'offered to tarn is re- `y garded as significant in railway. circles. go S Saw Mill Dnstro3'ed. . L3LYTlte, Ont., June 26.—Saturday cl ,, y night oboue 10-30 C,ullis Bros',; saw mill C at Auburn was discovered to be on lire a g which was totally destroyed together with machinery and the whole season's stock of heading staves lumber, etc. , tc.; of There was a small insairanoe on the buildingarl machiner . Loss between , y e. . 3 �, ,� 2 000 :awl 0,00Q. The fire is supposed.'. '� , a.,I,1 to ha`e*e originated in the engine roolrh.; Fitzhun, the Buffalo murderer, was iccessftaily elect -coated at Auburn, ;N, yesterday.• Rev. Dr. McGlynn has retained front ome, and it is said is now a priest in od:`standing, for whole ,Archbishop orrigan must provide. Chief Judge °lenient of NawYork has seined not, to annul the marriage of ol,,Wea, 1.' Sinn, the theatrical 'xnan- er,'to Cora u, Tanner, the actress. meaner of 'twenty P.e'lve, Tv'oN��: �9x C1' iv,S., June 2 There is en d gentleman living. a t hr g I £, ,i,.t 'Shore h , _h, 25 children. T w o has c, ldren. .C11 , Nle", :st is 55 as •s of age and 'flat' yo, „ ser. . } €, i z veer, � three oihtlxs, The exteltsiv ,v I' i,.,,td parent very- active and dodo a. tivrlT:trade. 'fii£ Gk£.q'f Blue Ribboll Ieetillg As the time approaches for the 10th annual Blue Ribbon Meeting of the De- troit Driving Club, which occurs 'uly 17411, 1Si11, 19th, 20th, 21st, evidence ac- cumulates that it will be the most sue- eessful one ever given by the club. The large amount of the purses hung up and the many new features incorpor- ated into -this season's programme; tend to make it the most attractive and brilliant in the club's history. Colt racing has rapidly grown into public favor during the past three or four years. About the fastest and most close- ly contested races `of last year were the colt stakes. WhenM a two-year old can step a mile in a contested race in 2:15 3-4, and a 3-y eat old in 2:11 1-4, with a field behind them fast enough to drive themout in that time, it is about time to cultivate that kind of racing. Tito Detroit Driving Club, In addition to their usually attractive programme, Concluded. this year to add the colt tea- tare, and it would not bo at all surpris- ing if another Silicon, Direct= or Mo- quette, should come to the front befaro the meeting is over. The Novelty race for the 2:20 elass trotting, is sure to bring together a very fast field. The purse ('lowed With fifteen entries, and from the well known character of the nominator,: one of the most hotly con tested races on record should be the result. The Merchants' and Manufac- turers' puree closed With 17 nomina- tion, the largest Iluznb,'r in its history. There are at 1,'pst a dozen applieauts for every nomination that may be off- ered for s'tleso that them' is sure to lk' as ItltIh11 suttees as there wez•e orig- inal entries. The regular e i ,:=s entries filo not <lists until July 3. but from aad- vie e s reeelveti Lean every quarter it is certain the t a larger et luull e l of entries will lis' 11111(1'' lltever 1''f,iro. Thore is no e'oihfiit•1iiig meeting tli.is year, so tliat 11'e MI:st:1a e:•6:aitlzlgi'Ilt will bt' here in faall foes', and and IIs Pee 'Western hoaxes are always' av5 on 1I'.m1 large fields 'and "lillerie,i'n 00111s n12 /1111 :4 t:ably fatlloc 1z 'tet of the leading stables of the eonntry have signified their inten- tieu of talking part in the forthcoming meeting, so that the last cls 2 of the old trach will be the most glnrione in its long and varies career. The year 1502 has passed into history :1s the most sensational one in the anll0le of the turf, but alI indica *me point 10 1503 being still more so, and the great Blue Ribbon Meeting of the Detroit Driving Club is where the "plhenomenals" are sure to meet. 00-.614-4 The suit of Mrs. Horner .. R. Baldwin of New York against the New York Central railroad for injuries received in a railway wreck is reported to have been settled for $50,000. A robber entered the Merchants' Na- tional Bank at Moorehead, Minn., yes- terday and at the point of a revolver forced the cashier to hand over $2,000. He escaped with the money by swim- ming over a river. MR. BLAKE TIRED OF IT. A Report that the Canadian Representa- tive'Wishes to Resign. LONDON, June 27.—It is stated in The Scotsman that Mr. Edward Blake has intimated to the Irish leaders that he desires to resign his seat in the Imperial Parliament and return to Canada. This step, the paper says, has been decided on by Mr. Blake, because he finds that his advice counts for nothing; that personal jealousies and not public interests reign supreme. Commenting on the above statement The Scotsman says: ''He is too good a man for the party." The friends of the - Irish cause dis- believe that Mr. Blake will throw up his position now that, in view of the Par- nellitte manifesto, things have become so critical. They admit though that he is chagrined by reason of recent friction, but that nevertheless he will remain to assist Mr. Gladstone in his last effort. The Cause of His Pique. The cause of Mr. Blake's 'split with the Irish leaders is a severe difference of opinion between them on the question of Paris funds, A New York World cable says: "The time is at hand a d when some decision must be taken on the Paris funds question, end there appears to be no possibility of an agreement. The Parnellites, know- ing that Mr. Healy is against recognizing any of their demands on the funds, have recently increased those demands, simply, as it would appear, to render a settlement impossible." A, Tarin War, BERLIN, June 27.—The rupture of ne- gotiations between Russiaand Germany appears to promise, the opening of a tariff war. The Cologne Gazette open- ly advocates this, declaring that it knows Russia to be contemplating an increase in duties of from 15 to 30 per cent. on certain German manufactured goods, and urges the German Government im- mediately to bring Russia to her senses by increasing the duties on Russian agricultural produce by 50 per cent., and even more, as Germany's treaties with the south-eastern European ;,States render her independent of Russian sup- plies. In other quarters it is asserted that Russia only `: established a new maximum of tariff as a menace to Ger- many, • , 1S . Nets is Dying. LONDON, June 27.—Dr, Cornelius Herz, whose name was prominently con- nected with the Panama scandal, is dying at Bournemouth, to which' place Iles went from London because iiill- health shortl 1 � after Prance endeavored to secure his eEtradition. • ie it,- o I+1' E. Silver Coinage. • sLONoAN june 2i. -- Pehl o rams from Calcutta, received e by the Anglo-Indian banks herestate that the Indian Gov- ernment ernnenthas stopped the coinage bf,. silver forrivate account at the Indian p a KARKBT =PORTS. iketer 29 June 1$311. ali)V'wheat perbasb •• , ` Satins wheat per bulb..., . : , by 1 60 Barter per bash. • 35 35 Oats per bush•. – 33 33 Peas per bush.; 56 Flour per bbl. ,,i 00 4 20 Apples per bas•- ,86 Potatoes per bap ............_. 1 00 1 00 Hy per ton. 00 W ood Der fiord hard ... 3 00 3 So Wood,Deroord.soft . 200 2.00 Batter per lb..., 15 l5 Bass per doaen II Pork Derhpedeed .�........,„. B:00 10 A wonderful new combination la R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nioe to take and perfectly harm - lege. • Mr. Alex Rumsey, Imperial Bank, W eland rays;—"They are excellent; I have no hesitation in recommending them to ell whosuffer from headaches." Mr. Meek, G. T. R.. Hamilton, writes:—For 3 years I was troubled with most severe headaches.. Since I have used Stark's Headache, Neur- algia and Liver Powders 1 have been entire- ly free from them. Mr. Lancefield, librar- tan of the public library Hamilton, says:— They are most valuable, and give almost instantaneous relief; I always keep a box in my house. Ur. Maynard, Woodstock, rays: They are wonderful. Mr. Hall Brant- ford, says: I have t• ted many remedies but all without effect, until I took Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; I can, recommend them most highly, Price 25 (mute a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. Dr. Eseljay does not ask you to take pills. if you are sick take Eseljay'e Liver Loz- engers and get well, Mr. Tor. Laing naught the other Night, off ltforpeth dock, an eel three feet in length, It is a silver eel, and is very rare in Lake Erie. Mr, Laing caught one 35 years ago off the Port Dover piers, and that was said at the time to be the aecoud ever caught in Lake Erie. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is au nay way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. fl11i Ili Williams Milling Co. Bare opened an office opposite' Town Hall, Exeter, pending the building of their new Mill, where they will keep constantly on hand a full stook of the best brand's of flour. Also all kinds of Mill Stuffs awl Feed Farmers and townspeople will find it to their advantage to call and see us. ROLLINS & 'WILLIAMS. hree Points! NOTE WELL. ExperienceWe have had the e expemence that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Prom,otitude• withrade®mithis' ngfeeatat- - ure unprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many. whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors eanecially, namely putting off until next weetr what should have been done this. This Sa tis fa c a I ons a nice . looking lword, but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. WA alery in ward and tht way as exemplified in out thop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all. res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a eall and be convinced hat what we have said is true. W. • JOHNS r !aihnabi Styles 'Tat BEST. YET! TELE CHEAPEST Y7T THE B za a�E • STYETI e. 0 Bost Orr d. �e a Cifithin"go u d tied in Br8tsk, Gentlemen I leave ,ypar'orders earl7, torr with the beet staff of Tailors' the best R took of Fine Trstnaat. . isIiea and the bi@gt- Cutting in Town, You are Hare of ' • . y �aiiffe.. dost • SIVIINC ♦ ARE YOU GOING TQ BUILD If so; it will pay you to call and see us about your hardware, roofing and troughing. ARE ` VO GOING TO FENCE Thou call, and see us about it. We have all kii,Iffs . wire, and are special agents for the best makes.. Headquarters fokc all kinds of Hardware'. 001313TAMIDION 46.4 FOL Z i NOW Is the time To Thoroughly Disinfect>di Your •., xr~tt�s = A COMPLETE �:�`".�,_,a=•-STOGIE At Br©wning's Drug S °COLL,'S OILti ARE THE BEST. Use LARDINE Machine CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE DOMINION.. racoon's CYLINDER OIL i.z ... wear twioe as long as any other make. . . a The Finest high Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by McOOLL BROS. & CO., Toronto. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY., The Whiteman Pea Harvester THE BEST. IN THE WORLD. For the following reasons; lst, it is built of the best makable wrought iron and steel. It requires no holes to be drilled in nutter bar. 3rd Tho outside divider can be raised =- lowered at back or front independent of lifters. 4th—It has no rod at the back to hold tbstrce-• tions and cause choking. 5th—Thera aro no springs to break or get out of order. 6t11—It 'bats movable clips and can be sot in line with tongue as mower bar drags back. 7th—Eaoh lifterhara • a guard stay, and breaking mower guard is impossible. 8th—Each lifter is independent of:ibis other, and eau be raised or lowered at tho back so as to lino in front should mower guartlo. Ise, out of line. 9th—The number of maohines sold during the past season enables a large number of the loading farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. Every 1r `chino is warraotsdl and given on test.:Sample machine Oat .be seen at 1t. S. LANG's S' p. Lrxeter,o WL€. ELDER'S, Holman, also at different shops through tho ;county. ,{,Jam • ,Whiteman, patents and manufacturer, A nalree. THOS. BROWN, General Agent, SEAFO E5 GUILT OR NOT GUILT/ The people say we are guilty of sell- ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that any other house in town. Come and be a witness, you will be well repaid for your time. ' We down the country for prices in Felt and Kid. Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and Grain Boots, and for Men's andBoys Long Boots we take the bun. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store. Mext Door to Post Office_ VIGOR °F MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Debility; and all the train. of evils from earlyerrors or'.. later excesses, the results of overwork sick - ness,worry, etc.'- Full strength, development rY, g P, and tone• given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Imme- diate improvement seen:. Failure impossible.:' 2,000 references. Book, explanation acid P roofs mailed sealed free, Ir I MEDICAL COt u ERIE CA Riff l Ii OLD awi&E %las the Finesb Stock of Filrnitur ever exhibited in Exeter, and at prices so low that they draw a crowcL of customers every day., Parlor, Dining Room, Hall and Kztcheif Purniturey L_P TEST DESIGNS The Undertaking Department is stloa ed with best and latest to be fo hnri • the country. Repairing and Framing a special? All orders receive prompt att;ezelr and work done neat and cheap. S. GIDLEYY ODDFELLOW'S 13LOCM1 ROVIT FU'Re'ITU'RtE DEAL —AND - Orriers promptly, attended; t All Accounts must be settled at l SALESMEN VS.'ANTE] r ro n' p re t us in the sista tafA"tt ��'` deice t.eL n a q notAIIoy saty.1 N Roit'X STOeK. Flxper1°114,st -' not,nccosssty. :Wo wantreni worke ,. rt ani. dr all stick we offor a permanent situation ate•:.a rood inbgn>o with ehanco of adva" j nc menf iS I R we now Lave over 7011 acres' under cultivation we'ean 8iso our salesmon many eupera• oi' sd' , n tagec.l We also desire to`$ ocuro iV o msh ' gA d .y aY. nr Yo dlstr t ret to se I tho IIoTAnf S-nc EzltlY for wbifih ir• hare tho ticnoral A�•eney. Tiisl ' ie aertietk,ng wt ana.e. dis fins' far fire D n able.ta ?r4. m or fruit, ulat r. 'Eland. for terms'' teetiilot+Eal oirliular• , wit a o» I . & LLIICQTUL7`yNtraymer,