The Exeter Times, 1893-6-29, Page 1THE' BEST Advertising Medium. —rl— IT THIS SECTION.. 1117 Oo Barcfaat When y'411. can get a good, high, man's Plow Shoe at,M/1:cGo ' Wads for 90c. P Also a complete Line of WOMEN'S MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORD TIES in TANS and DUNGOLAS. These Goode were bought direct from the Manufacturers and will be sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Eggs zx cents per doz, R. IVI6GOTAN, General Merchant, i irkton Q'raild Dena week, the allow on the aampiug groiTflt~i.° ueakee driving pleasant e weather ie beaatifal this on Sunday laid the dust and roads which Last week and the week before the grog de here were belie ed with pioniee every da' -Te Bell Telephone gang of men a Dom feted pnt- tinglin the poles on the lino run mg north. from hr on S tar ayAnd left on tiI onda y re ex; morning,for Galt, The wire gang pooted anon now.-Demtnion day proo,piaea to bring one of the largest crowds RIMY" r visited this place. Don't fail to come and see the beautiful .lake. -The snmmr fitetel bore is in full swing now and oar seem' manta any number of gucats -The dre _ is getting along well and is managed by a very gentlemenly lot of man Mr,Looker- bie, the contraotor has been away for a few days but returned on Monday, -Tho flak; erneen got a good lift of filth on Tuesday marging.-Mr. Brenner the hotel keeper is preptlring for tbe crowd on Saturday. - The contract for the new bridge' at Grand Bend has been let, the auaceeaful tenderer foreth° atone work being Mr , F, Glitter- bridge of Seaforth, at $11.50 per cubic yd. and far the superstructure Messrs G. (4 Y. Brown of Belleville at a price of $1,500. roma .1u ATM Rra1rT. Bight/tallow spring from right principles In cadtts of diarrhea, dysentery, dearape, collo, summer complaint, cholera morbus, etc the right remedy is Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, an unfailing me - made on the principle that nature's rem• edeas are beat. Never travel without it. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind says: -'I have been in a distressed condi. tion for three years from Netvousnoss Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bad bean doctoring eoastautly with no 're- lief. I bought one bottle of South Ameri- can Nervine; which done me more goad than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly peraonto nee this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will oonvinoe you. Sold by. C. Lutz. Druggist. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly FOR JULY. All the leading features of FILM Las - LIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY for July possess timely seasonable interest, in addition to their intriusio attractiveness. Oonspieuons amongst those are Valerieu Gribayedoff'g artiole upon "The Sailors of the Czar," illustrated with portraits, science on board the Dmitri Donski, and pictures of the other ocernie of the Russiau fleet at pro& ant sojourning in American waters. Then there is an intunato personal sketch of an infanta Bahian one royal Spanish visitor by G. Stanton Sickles, with a charming portrait reproduced from her favorite photograph. L. J. Vance .writes ap.preo- iatively of "Metropolitan Life in Summer" Belle Haut of 'Hag Ranohing in Texas,' and elobert Y. Toombs of 'Gale Coast Tur- pentine Oroharda.' Other important illustrated articles are, 'The Paris Salon,' by Henry Tyrrell ; 'Greenland and its Mysteries,by Mary Titcomb ; •Daimatia and Albania.' by Te G. l3onney ; The News World of London,' by Edward Partin ; and 'Sharks of the Indian Ocean,' by Colonel Nicolas Pike. WO O, , We have s veJ 1 5t received line of Boos and Shoes bought for Cash direct from the manufacturer, We give customers the ben- efit, of our close buying. Call and see the elegant range of Men's, Women's and Misses' Black and Tan Oxford Shoes we are now showing, Our Men's Furnishing Depart- ment is complete Men's Fancy Top and Summer ' Under Shirts at 25c 50c., 75c.,' $1, ,150 and $2 each: Ties, Collars Fancy , Fy Straw and Hard and Soft Felt Hats, Etc., in great variety. R. S. FORD 8a 00 AND UTJ•RON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. At the Label. PAID IN A.vY$'1�TC� See if You ar "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TBE CHWPSUFALL WHERE THEY MAY? EX1iTER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1°9P'' ovals WHITE a Soles Publishers arid,iraprtahere Woodham. RIEFe,-A few farmers mo a in this neighbor hood have already begun baying. -The Wod a a t h m Flute band a T fuai ahs the e mucic at theB ase Line S. S. picnic on Monday last.-Tberewere about 80 men attended Mr, Copeland's barn raislog last week. - Air, T. W. Birks of London spent Sunday at home 'with his parents.- Mr. John Swallow is drilling for water at the cream- ery and butter factory that is being built In Exeter. --Mr. J. W. Ford in practising medicine with Dr, Smith of 8t. Marys. -- The saw mill is running full blast again; a large number of logs have been teamed in the last few ,Jaye. -Mr. Robt. Wade has returned from his home near Durham and will reenters his work at Mr. Idurphp's. Kirkton. Bniora.--Several farmers have oommenee ed baying, -Mr, RRobt Beatty has all the. brick on the ground for leis new reeideene in the village. -The fall exhibition, of the Blanshard Agl. Society {,will be hold here on the 5th and 0th of October. -The Base Ball team goes to Opposition Corners on Monday. We hope they may bring betels their lost !mulls by Doming off victorious, -Miss Ada Hutton who has been teaching school on 4th con Blanchard has resigned. She intends going to Normal School after holidays, -We expeot our volunteers home to morrow (Friday). -The Methodist Sun' day School will hold their annual pionio in Mr. A Kirk's grove on July fat, -We are very sorry to say thattbe athletic committee: who have so successfully got up the cele- bration here during the last couple of years have not procured any special attraoti.'tns for this year. The games bare last year were well conducted an a would be a credit to mare pretentious plgaes We earnestly hope when another year comes round that' will have their postern out, announcing a bigger celebration than ever, as we all know they are quite oapable of doing it, lllimvxUe. Boxers. -A pleasant 'surprise awaited 1 and wife at the residence eaday evening Rev, Ju,:'. t '' of Mr G. Holman o,. ot last Week when several of their frie of the circuit mot them there for tbe pur- pose of bidding them goodbye. After a goodly company had assembled, including Rev. ear Copeland, the new pastor, Masers. Iiolman and Jouos in appropriate language expressive of the esteem in whroh Mr. Rus- sell and lawily are held and the regret felt at losing their society, presented Mr. and. Mra. Russell with a pair of beautiful plush model rockers as a slight token of the appreciation of 'the sterling qualities of mind and heart of their faithful pastor :(luring the past three years and bis estim- able wife. Mr. Ituenell mado a feeling_ and appropriate reply thanking the people for this token of their good will. Megan. B, Delbridge, P. T. Madge, and G, God bolt also mado brief addresses expreasive of their regret at parting with their valued frionde. Mr Holman then in a brief and appropriate address welcomed Rev, Mr, Copeland toElimvillo, to which that Rev. gentleman made a happy reply. During the past three years Mr. Russell had labor- ed earnestly and zealously and this is the third OCcaeeion on which the people have expressed their gratitude of hie devotion to their spiritual interests. Not 1 ong since the Sunshine people presented him with a well filled purse, and last winter tiro young people of ElimviIls presented Mr. Russell with a robs and Mrs. Russell with a beautiful parlor lamp. We all join inwishing our old friends god speed, and while we extend to them one band in fare- well we extend to Mr, Copeland and family the other and heartily welcome them to our village; time will we link the past with the future. -Several mombera of the Elim• ville church received Me. Copeland and family on Thursday night and spent an enjoyable time -The Sunday services in connection with the Sabbath School were conducted last Sunday by Rev. Mr. Copeland who preaohed two sermons, morning and evening and addressed the Sabbath School children in tbe after noon. All the services were attended by large congregations. -The football boys went to Eden on Friday night -result --1 to 0 in favor of Eden. The result of their meet with Zion was the reverse. .. a.. Zone'. BRIEYS.-Jake Kellerman. of Dashwood was in the Ivillake:en Tuoeday last. -W. R. Hodgins of Hensel' spent Sunday in the village -Jack Foote of London was in the village on his bicycle Sunday. -The eprem- ises now :occupied eby E, J. Hardy are offered for sale by public auction on , Mon- day nest. -Rev. 11. J Fair preached his farewell sermon on Sunday afternoon last- -ivIr. Hoffman of Dashwood spent' Sunday last with his brother Will.-Mra Flatts who has been visiting her aunt Mrs Treummer, returnedto her home in Detroit, Saturday feet. -Mrs VV.= Zont who was at one time a resident of this village is visiting g friends in this vieinity.-J. A. Williams was in Honsall on Saturday last. -Harry King an Shipka was in town .on Saturday last, --H L. Peine spent Sunday with friends in Hensall.-Mra. Hartman Happel of Berlin is vlsit.Ing ::friends in the village, -W. O. Smith of :.Henealt was' in the village on Thureday; of last week: -There was r o service in the Methodist„ ehiurob. Sunday last, owing to it being childrec'aR'day on the 14th opo, -The members of the Luth. Bran Sunday School intend holding their annual picnic at Wilson's Grove on Satur- day July lat.-Miss Mabel' Fair of Heneall was /the guest of Mies Edith Steinbach Saturday last. -Thomas Edwards is in town again, -Mise Fiera Hess left Tuesday morning for Olinton.-Ohriat. Either spent Sunday with friends at Hilet Green.- fdmund:Zoller is on the oiek' list. -Mise Greco McKinney who had been engaged by Mr. D. SeFauet as milliner during the past season left for her home in Florence last week. -George F. Emerson of Clinton weer i n town on Friday last.-Mra. D. t'. 015: miller was the guest of Mrs. H. L. Paine on L''riday last, -Mrs; N. .De'tohert l ft last Saturday on a visit to friends in Detroit, -A. Q. Bobier (� cheer of Exeter paid, ' Zr rich a flying ytalt Tburadaylaet Harry Deiohart of New aaven Mich is vieitrng his parents in the villa e - Con i g uol meeting was a held in the village no Saturday la§t.-.•S, J. Latta left: Tuesday for Exeter as Presiding examiner at the Entrance Examination,- lt must certainly be a very deplorable state of affairs when a earent is compelled to. give advice to bee "boy" by throwing biota in the local paper. But such happened to bathe ease with the Zurich correspondent. to the Advocate last week when. be gave the boys some pointers tabout cawing at some Exeter ladies two weeks ago, He acid the way the hope acted was a disgrace to the town, but he had perhaps forgotten that bis own boy, who thought himself agentle- man was the Ord to caw at those ladies. However we hope the Advooate oorrespoud. ant may have got his wish, that bis boy may never "caw" again. er Ores ton. OBITUARY. -The Angel of Beat visited our village and vicinity las week and removed four of our mos respected citizens, viz: -Alex, Clarke who bas been a resident of this town ship for over 40 years, and one of the first pioneers who hewed out a home for himself and made good progress. Tits remains were interred in the Fair- field cemetery, He leaves surviving him a. widow, six sons and two daugh- ters. Mra Bedford, an aged lady, and widow of the late John Bedford who died some years ago, died after a lin- gering illness. Hire Bedford was a very respectable l a lady, and bas lived in this township about 20 years. Else was buried in the Exeter cemetery. She leaves surviving her three sons and one aaughter,-Mra Gumbertd wife of Geo. t3umbert, who has been Very feeble for some time and troubled with dropsy passed away after a long illness. Her husband is in poor circumstances and.deserves the assistance of the vicinity, We understand considerable bag been done for him, and in such a country as ours, the poor man should not viii' a� was buried at Crediton cemetery.—Mis''6,.>Zegina Messner, wbo has suffered for. yeiiie-.with what is commonly called falling fils,'!i1 0 -saes. ed away after years of suffering vette' that dreadful disease. No hopes had been entertained for years for her re- covery. She was buried in the 4f erman cometery. Burnes -The Crediton public school had a very pleasant picnic zn l ro;vn's Grove last Monday. There was n targe attendanoe and all appeared to enjoy themselves well. A large number of games and amusements were given to the little folks for which prizes were given.. Ypung and old enjoyed them- selves, especially at the baskets pro- vided by the good ladies of the section. The trustees and teachers took a great interest in the amusements, and de- serve credit. -Considerable improve• menta have been made in the principal street of the village by the pathmaster, and the improvement is a long -felt want. -W. Siebert and Jacob Haat have just returned from Chicago,where they have been attending the World's Fair, They look bale and hearty, and are greatly pleased with their visit. They say that there is lots of room in the city, and a person van live at from $1.00 to $ 7.00 per day i they claim $40 to$50 will pay all expenses. They were greatly pleased with Ger- many's exhibit ; also they say France and Austria are among the foremost. Still Siebert thinks old Kansas shows up well. -Wm. (raiser lost another valuable horse last week drawing gravel. Itis supposed the horse got a sunstroke. This rs the second loss this year for Mr, On Hien-Jos. Lawson is hard at work at Caaey's bridge, and Will have it completed for public travel in a short time. -The Crediton Band attended the Catholic picnic last Wed- nesday. --The English Methodist church intend putting an addition to their church, in the meantime Sunday ser- vices are bold in the town ball. -Thos. McKenzie of Manitoba is here visiting friends and relatives. He speaks very highly of Manitoba's prospect this year. -Rev. Schwartz 1s attending the hos- pital at Chicago having a canner re- moved, Reports received by the family are very encouraging, and good hopes are entertained for his-perman- entrecovery, h SYRnr 05' Fxos._. a. Produced from the laxative and nutrit- iousjuiee of California figs combined with the medicinal m venal virtues of lents known p w to be mot beneficialto the a in human System, em, acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bow- els, effectually cleansing the system des- poiling coley. and headaches, and curing bebitual constipation. On Saturday last Mr. John Griffith, of the let concession of VS eatminster, reached the patriarebal age of 107 years, and his decendants celebrated the day in a becom- ing manner. Mr. Griffith Vas born in the County of Cavan, Ireland, and setr_red a good education at Dublin University,. Mr., Griffiths has been an Orangeman ever since he was 18 years of age; has alwaye.. been a staunch Conservative; and has been uninterruptedly, a faithful' churchman, Mrs. D. A. Campbell, North Segratn,. Ont, writes;-"'1cannot praise Dr. Williams, Piuk Pills too highly. : My daughter was a terrible sufferer with sick headache far twelve months, and no medical "aid could relieve her, but, by the use of two. boxes of your pine, elle is completely cured." From all dealer or by mail at 50e a box or el*' boxes for' e2,50, .beware of imitations, Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont, e as Minard'a Liniment euree Dandruff. Sen sell oa DEi 0 NSMI TIi-t atvftr0fOffcieaats.Can be °amind aoficeefhour the Com l K me o'al Rotel, 'Ionian. Another spooled p o enaSaturday. aIlixi day on June 24th at the Reiman boot dc shoe empor- ium. (:Great bargains will be given this day in all kinds of foot weeraethey must be sold in order to make reom for our lamge purchase of fall and winter stook. Terms Cash or pro- duce at cash prices. Sign of:Big Boot. A. WeattLOH. ( sear CLaA7tree SALT You, TinaTY DAYS - Itaving dcoided to offer our immou a stook of worsted tweed panting gents Furnrehiugs eta. ac a great reduction during this *octal salo we take pleasure in calling your attention to the following quotations. lettering in large. quantities from the hest weetesale houses, wo tan give you better value and more choice than others- Our amok ie'equal to any town or city. In ventiags we have50,diferent pat- terns of all the nowestand latest styles weien. will be made to order from $2.00 and upwards. Then in our navy blue and tweed suihines mado to order !roll $7;60 to $12.00, regular s ergo $suit to aro00'isolator$lrapidllr they aro the best value that was ever r wired In Mensal]. In our show window, you will see a lot of summer shirts and drawers. This lot wo aro offering at 25 ets. each ; regular price 40o., and such is the case with all other lines of our stock. Aline ofCambrich shirts we are clearing out at 50 ate, each worth $1.00.. will bo sold at coa took st hat/so-hen spodal sale. This special 30 dayesalo will bo for ease only. Customers may rely on getting a bargain during this sale. 1)o not buy $1.00 worth un- til .you have seen our stook. Satisfaction guaranteed. JonN fors, Itlerohent Tailor, Hansen. Following are the market quotations ; Wheat ,,, 60 to 132 Barley atia35 to 35 33 to 33 Peas ii5 to fib -Hay 0,00 to 7.00 Butter15 to lb' Boo # 11 to 11 Clover seed•... 850ftoh 826 5 Bitznvs-Air Wm Cook and family of W hiteohuroh were the guests of Mr P. Triggerson on 'Tuesday. -Mr W. H. Johnston ot London spent Sunday at his daughter's Mra. Wm. Stoneman. -- Mr. Jas. Johnston 01 London is visiting. at Mr Wm. Stoneman's,-Bev. Irwin and family left Wednesday morning for Goderioh to his new appointment, -Rev.Fair and fawily left Wednesday morning for Londeaboro' to his new appointment. Messrs Louie Roedding and J. Hoffman of Zurich weer in town on'1'ueeday evening on the lookout. - 111i' ;= el.spn Bowman of Farquhar was in town on Tuesday, prospecting in regards to cleaning feather beds. -J.0 Clauson was at London; 'Thursday and Friday.- Misses Jenne kit;t`•"i ggie Derr were Visiting at Seaterth Wed- nesday. -The choir of Carmel ohureh intend going to Varna to night (Thurs. day)to take part in the program at the strawberry festival given under the auspices of Court Varna 0. U. F. -The Ladies' Aid of Carmel church intend having a fruit social in Mr Wm. Moir's grove on Monday evening, July 3rd, Do not miss it, as it promises to be good. --Miss Ras of Luean was the guest of Mr Henry Arnold on Wed- nesday. -Last Saturday was the busiest day that Ilensall has seen for some time, and there was great excitement among the business men • It was in- deed a special bargain daydand crowds of people were wandering up and down the streets viewing the bargains that were offered by the merchants. -Mr S. Humerston was at London on Satur- day. -The picnic of the Methodist Sunday School was held in Mcfag- gart's grove on Mouday afternoon,when a vary enjoyable time was spent by old anti young.. -'Che SundaySebool pionio and excnrafon given by Carmel Sunday School on Tuesday was a pleasant. event, Over 275 left Hansell station to enjoy the lake breers.-A load of the Masonic Brethren were at Clinton on Sunday to attend Divine Service with the Clinton Brethren. -Mr. H. Peine and family of Zurich were the guests of Mr D. Weismiller on Sunday. -Aar D. McArthur of Ailsa Craig was the guest of Mr H. Arnold. -Mr. Sam Latta of Zurich was in town on Tues- day evening on his bicycle en route to Exeter, -,Mr Wm Cook of Toronto is home on a visit. -Rev. Mr. Struwpfer of Zut ich was in town on Saturday, Dox's You Meow. That to have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the hest way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and strengh builder. It expels all taint and scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the time builds up the whole system and gives nerve strength. Dashwood -ALL PARTIES REQUIRING-- RELIABLE EQUIRING-REL ' BINDER TWINE .,. Aro requested to call and see Samples and get � prices before purchas- ing. Js HALL, Dashwood. CONDENSED EN SE D 13 x sTR zCT NEWS. yams Mitt el 'rille celebrate h 1 lou ate the let July on Monday. Jacob Near of 81. Marys last week re- ceived a sunstroke. The coat of the new Methodist School in St. Marys will be.$6,000. A. meeting of the Liberals of Mitchell hae been held to ooneider reception to Mr. Laurier in July, Mitchell hes sold $21,000 worth of her 4i per cent, debentures to O'Hara Bros., Toronto, at par. John Cuehin, a pensioner, deeerted bis Wife and family at Mitchell last week. The poor woman has been searching .in vain for h im. Fullerton tonuahip hae been deprived of the first white settler by the death of Jacob Seobaoh, aged 82, 13e had lived on the same farm for 63 years, The return of convictions for this comity for the quarter ending Jens 13th numbered 17, total amount of fines .$55, The nature. of the charge were various. Derangement of the liver, withconstipat- ion, injures the complexion, induce pimples sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. Oae a dose. Try them. Nettie, youngeat daughter of Mr, and Mo. Joseph Coppia, Mitchell, has died quite suddenly. While very warm she drank freely of gold water and next day died of inflammation. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a perfect -little pill. They please tboee who :ire them, Carter's :Witte Liver Pills may -well be term- ed "Perfeotion." Nine ear loads of as fine cattle xa ever left the Mitoheil station were ,shipped from there to the old country market, by Mr. Thomas Jones, on Monday last. They represented nearly 811,000, and this amount was circulated among the farmers of thi neighborbood. neon tbree yearn ago while Arr. John Brown of St. Marys was working on the farm of Mra. A. Beattie Blanchard, be lost a silver watch which he was wearing at the time. Aa Mr. Bunton, the present tenant of the farm. was plowing feet week, the watch was turned up, quite uninjured, and was restored en Saturday to its owner. The corner atones of the new Methodist school, St. Marys, will be laid with suitable ceremonies :nn Dominion Day, Monday, July 3rd. It is expected that Hon, T. Ballantyne, Wm. I'ridham, Di, P., Mr H. A Memsoy, of Toronto, and Bev. A. (Jun- ningham, president of .Conferenee will ofii oiate. Tha Stratford Herald chronicles the. death of George Branner, one of the oldest settlers of Ellice township, Whore be lived for 55 years. Mr. Bruner wan native of Alsace) and a Frenchman riympatllles, though speaking both French and German languages. He was born near Ingenheim, Alsace, 88 years and 5 months ago. about 60 years ago he came to Canada. Mr. John Lindsay, of Brooksdale, had a narrow escape from being soriouaiy hurt with a bullet from a rifle. it appears that a neighbor shot at a dog, and the bullet w .s not directed right and went over the dog. Mr. Lindsay was feeding his pigs, and the bullet went through two of the pigs' troughs and then just grazed his leg, drawing blood,. Rev Dr. Douglas; "blow out" against the political parties of Canada for oonetder- ing Methodism a bar to advancement, can- not apply to the Conservatives of Perth, for both their representatives -Messrs. Pridbam and. Magwoo3-are Methodists but, like Sir John Thompson, they were not cbosen because of their religion, but on account of their general fitness for the po• sitions which they occupy. -Mitchell Ad- vocate. minor% The Goderioh town council intend erect- ing a bathing house on the beaoh at a cost. of $150. Hamer Smith of Clinton, while wrestling with another young man had his collar bone broken. Bruce Smith of Seaforth, has been elect- ed yice-president of the Ontario Medical Association. Clinton Council passed a prohibitory cattle law and now the citizens are corn plaining of the long grass and weeds grow- ing in the streets as high as trees. The young girl, May Gibson, of Brussels whose case Dame up on remand before His Honor Judge Tome, at Goderioh, was sent to the Andrew Mercer Femalefeformatory for a period of one year and six months. The flags are flying at half mast on the city hall and fire hall owing to the sinking of the flagehip Victoria on Thursday. It recalls the tragedy of twelve years ago when the Victoria sank in the Thames here. -London Advertiser. • While "D. McKnight was working the stripping saw in Mr. Mustard's mill, Bruce field, the other day, his hand slipped and came full u i farce on the sawcreating a terra r 8 ble ae Thefirst ' h. finger and the joint of gg the fourth was oompletely severed. The. thumb and third finger were terribly lacer. aced. James Dean; of .Ashfield, a farmer about 55 years of age, took carbolic aaid in mis- take lot whiskey on Thursday and died, He was a temperate man, was not used to whiskey, ,but kept a little in the house for medical purposes. Yesterday he felt un- well and proposed. to try some, but got hold of the carbolic acid instead. Mr. Jos. Mallough,'of Dungannon,, was brought before Messrs. McGarva and Steep, J. P'a„ at Clinton the other day, chargod by Inspector Paisley with having his bar open on Sunday; and also having two bars. Both charged were sustained and a fine of 820 and Costs indietedin each ease, The death is ehrouicied of. Margaret Corbett (relict of the tete Joseph Corbett) in the lownet- p of Hay,at the advanced ago of 83 years, Deceased was born in, Crookhavon, County of Cork, Ireland, in the year 1808, and emigrated to Canada and Settled in the township of Kingston in 1828, Six years after she was married to argains - -IN-- STRAW HATS, PARASOLS, PRINTS. LIGHT DRESS GOODS. An a thousand other Lines, at J. P. ROSS' Bargain Deppt. .rids, Joseph Corbett, of the same place. In 1854 they moved to the township .of Ray and settled on the farm now occupied by her son Jelin. She bad a family of eleven -five of whom atill survive her, a em many There r a y f orms of nervous debil- ity in men that yielfl to tbe nee of Carter's Iron Pilla. Thosewho a T re troubled with nervous weakueas, piglet sweats etc., should try them. Some evit disposed person or persons entered the driving shed of Edward ainegher„ 10th ooncesaion, Eiddulpb, re - aunty and and mutilated a top buggy. It is boppon l the cowardly deed was perpetrat- ed to pubi.h Meagher for endeavoring to find out the s'ac'ra of curtain letters re- flecting upon his oharaoter. The list of convictions for the County of Huron for the quarter ending June 13th numbered 36. The offences were various. but in the majority of eases violation o the liquor license act was the cause of com- plaint. The fines amounted to $153, which is the largest amount for so eomparttively few conviction, published for some time. Exeter Municipal Council. The council met on the 23rd, pursuant to adjournment, All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed, Tenders for.purchase of debentures .were examined as follows i Anderson & Temple, Toronto, $102.82; Hanson Bros., Mon- treal, $102.25; O'Hara ,tt Co., Toronto, $103.25 ; (+. A. Stinson, Toronto, $103.50; John Spackman, Exeter, $101; Ontario Mutual Ine. Co, $104.40, The ober of the. Ontario Mutual was accepted, provided 1)802.42 is the correct amount required to he raised annually to liquidate the debt, Christie- McCallum •- the reeve and treasurer were authorized to borrow 000 to meet current expenses. The crossing at creamery was ordered to be put in, also other necessary work in connection therewith. The fence at north of bridge was ordered to be repaired at once. It was moved by Spackman -Christie - and resolved that Mr Creech fetch watering tank from London, andthat he be paid 55 for so doing. Application was made by L. H. Dickson, on behalf of Dr. Lutz, that drain on Will- iam -et be attended to and repaired. It was resolved that drain be attended to as soon as possible. Spackman - Christie - the following amounts were ordered to be paid : S. Ronnie, $62 40, lumber; John Parsons, $11 , labor; Geo Ford. 39 68, labor, and 334 80 for gravel; D. Taylor, $3 50, labor; T. Horn, $16 22, do; Mrs John Goleta, $6, do; S. Handford, $9, do ; Geo Thomas, 815 17, do ; Wm. Parsons,$24 52, do: Wm Horn, 84 50, do; Thos. Brook $8 75, do; AL Bissett, $9. do; . Geo Orr, $1, do; S. Davie, 87 50, do; R. Luker, 86, do; Jno. Moreshead, 89 35, dor S. Baekeryille, $15, do; Walter Wostoott, $1 25, do; George Hodgins, 31155. do; Jas. Creech, 32, charity to Jas. Gould; Do, $1, Mrs. Piper Carried. Spackman- Christie -The road coin. to procure sufficient stone for crossings. Carried. The clerk to order a load of Cedar plank. Adjournment until Wednesday the 25th inst., .at 8 o'clock p. m. M. EAORETT, Clerk. ANOTHER MONSTER HMAflI DAT] -=•A:T—= W I O LLE R'S 7 HENSALL, old-- 8A TU RDA Y1 July 81h This will eclipse any- thing ever held in Hensall. DO NOT :Jill SSr l2'. D. WE/SMILLER, HENSALL