The Exeter Times, 1893-6-22, Page 8INSURANCE
ee TIM WelaTElt,"d ASSIen NCE
1r. ellY, of Toronto; also for the PIT(ENIK
lent. tl�tlT7irta,NCe COMPANY, am Lennon;
P eleY otitentand,
11-4" Ii'NSMAN; L.1),S, D.D.S
Graduate of Royal College of Dental
rrSaons, and o6 ihe. Dental Depotmont of
o dtQ University, (with boners.) to
leDraimistar>.bridee-work,=4 gold and pore
wax a crowns.
t'ere)yitroue Oxide Gas and focal ana3athet•
Yes for panacea exrreetions. Always at home.
OM" : Panson's stook. Seater.
Btlicritik sPtIl
.i •i !'a~tr 'COR' 2a,s
We beg to notify the peo-
ple of Exeter and vicinity
that we have appointed Mr,
J. Grigg, Bookseller of Exe-
ter, to be our Agent, from
wholly all our publications
and patterns may be had at
the prices advertised by us.
Toronto Agency, May '03,
Nearly 3000 pairs of Man-
ufacturer's Samples ot tine
Gloves and Hosiery for men,
women and children at the
Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter.
This is the largest purch-
ase of fine Gloves and Hose
we have ever. znade, but the
Bargain was so great that we
Could not resist the tempting
PRICE is what Wo ask you
for your choice of this Lot.
Come early, for there is a
big choice for you. Such
value we never before placed
on a counter,
Colne and see.
Notioe to Times' Readers.
The plubUsheri would esfecm it a laver if
reader: would,tehen nahinp thsiir purchases,
wtnthcn that they caw the trmor.htnt'. wirer.
Ifcrntent (.n Tux Times.
. Onto <hneo.
THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1893.
The present month has thus far proved
the hottest of any June for 50 years, so
the observatories record.
Some of the spotty indulged 111 a fox
hunt on Sunday ; the police is on the qui
rie a to discover the investigators.
Burliness in Exeter during the past few
weeks has been unusually brisk, far ahead
of the eame waxen of other years. Compet
"tion and Iow prices do it.
On Monday evening Metiers W. J.
Browning and Dr. H. F. Kinsman made
a run to Clinton on their 'cycles, 18 miles,
in 1 hour and 26 minutea.
Mr. Floyd has rented big farm of 50
acres in the las concezaion of Usborne
(near Devon) to Mr. James Walker, for a
term of years. This is the farm Mr.
Floyd. recently purobaaod from Mr. At.
The train conveying the 33rd battalion
to the camping grounds in London peeled
south on Monday and contained some 200
volunteers. The Exeter company did not
join them,owing to come misunderstanding
over the captaincy,
A bill baepained the Local Legielature
by which laborers are protected from eub-
oontraoters. Novtthe contraotor is held
responsible and he will therefore be more
partioular to whom he sublets a job.
Under the new Aot the , contractors will
be expected to look after the interests of
those employed.
The Temperance Evangelists Prof. Mor-
gan and daughter Mise Fairy and J. P.
Smith opened a week's campaign in
Exeter on Monday And have thus far been
conducting their meetings in the James et.
church. Thursday and Friday evenings
they will hold forth in the Main it. church.
They are quite capable of their under-
taking the lunging • of the trio and the
addresses of Mr Smith and the reoitals of
Miss Morgan being superband highly en-
On Sunday afternoon last. about 100
of the members of the independent
Order of Foresters attended special ser-
vice at the Trivett Memorial church."
Rev. F. Felling Fatt oflitated and tak-
ing for his text the 8th verge of the 5th
chap of Panel sfirst Epistle toeTirnothy,
"But if any parson provides not for his
own and specially for his own house, he
denies the faith and is worse than an
infidel," preached a most eloquent, in-
structivo and appropriate sermon. The
choir lent much impress to the service
in the rendition of suitable hymns. Mr
141. Eacrett.marehalled thebrethren in
his usual efficient manner. ' When Bro
Eaorett says "Halt": he evidently means
.x. says At a meeting of the brethren
at their lodge room after the service a
vote of thanks was unanimously passed
to the Ben. rate.
bfr. Bobier moves into his new building
tiext week.
Paranoia, Blouses and Prints all at clear
ing prices at the Dig Bankrupt Store.
The cricket club will try eonelusionrt
with the Seaforth team ouJuly let.
An tmmease shipment c1f Sugarat closest
out prisms at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Sbwriff °lase of Loudon died on Satur-
day lest Ile had bson ill for some time.
Millinery for half price at the !Big Bank-
ruptStore; 25c boys u e0e Leghorn hat.
Mr. (Glanville who was injured in a run-
away last weak still carries his arm in a
Sotne young men who shoal kuow
better persist in bicycling on the side;
w alkK,
Don't forget the big sale of Sample
Gloves and Bose now on at the liig Bank-
rupt Store.
W. 1i, Gait erof Crediton, while drawing
gravel on Tuesday, lost a valuable horse
trent summstroee
failing to get enter at 55 feet the cream
rry Ca. have res ,lve3 to drill a usl yestet.
day worts war, begun.
The Governor General baa net power
to eheu,ge the celebrating of l>=+tr,ir,i,tn
Day frarn Saturday to Mouthy.
Is now prepared to do port'raite in crayon -
life ciao. Orders to be left ar reaidenee,
The Seidel.' trial is over, and Miss L.
Borden .rat been acquitted of the murier
of her father ane step -mother, in New
Bedford, Mase.
Tuesday 'was one of the hotteet days of
the season; 98 degrees in the shade is the
point reaches on the thermometer that
used to regis=er 40 degrees below out of the
wind,-11reneon (Man.) Sun.•,
The full page advertisement in this
week's paper has necessitated our with.
holding several correspondence. We hope
our readers a ill bear with us, as once in a
while we meat allow our energetic businu s
men to announce their bargains; and to do
so with effect, Tux Txnrsis always chosen
as the proper medium.
A corresp>ndent asks nail the Council
On pay for the new windmill and water-
ing apparatus out of the general funds of
the town. tlonsideiing that the improve-
ment is of local benefit we believe the
council cannot legally pay for it oat of the
general funds of the corporation, if they
intend doing se.
Bev Mr Wilson and wife of Neenhuoh,
India, are spending this week with Mr,
and Mr' F}eteher at the `I Names R• s 1
tants-,. Mrs Wilson, who is a daughter
+•t 1' imtip'd Caven, and like her father,
Ingle), gif^a d, w111 addrees the /tidies on
first fri,lay afternoon at half peat two in
the `llmamea Road ohuroh, while Mr Wil-
son w.I1 take the service on Sunday. No
doubt many will be glad ot this opportun-
ity ct hearing then eeteemed missionaries,
The i',xtterGun elnb held the first
shoot of the season on Thursday last.
Two cepa were contested for, the marks-
men being N. leyer Burdon, F. W, Collins,
Gen. Anderson and A Loadmnan, The gold
medal was *hat for from known traps and
wee won by Geo. Anderson by a aoore of
8 out of 10, The silver medal was shot
for from unknown :traps at 9 birds, end
won by F. W.Coliiva by a score of 7. The
next shoot will take place this (Thursday)
The present hot wave cosmos dircotly
from time Western Plains Icor the last
three days in Manitoba, Minnesota, and
tbe northern Mississippi Talley, the thor-
urometer has ranged from 90 to 100 de-
grees in the shade. The meteorological
authorities, bowever sent us word
of a coming eizzard that should in-
duce all who can manage it to fly to New
ioundhrnd. It is to the effect that between
now and Saturday the warmest weather of
this year may be expected Fortunately
it will be followed by a storm, and cooler
The Council have adopted a new and
noyel, yet we deem, fair way of taxing
the rate payers on Main et. for the water
privilege. They have struck a rate of 20
cents per foot frontage and in order to
assess those less benefited in due proport-
ion with those greatly benefited they have
ehrtrged the former with half the number
of feet and the latter full frontage ; as, a
citizen with 20 feet frontage to whom the
watering of the street is of little benefit
will only have to pay for 30 feet ; on the
other hand to one who derives especial
benefit full 20 feet is charged for.
The Grand Lodge of the U. 0. F. met
at Ottawa last week, The election .1
officers resulted as follows :—High Chief
Ranger,—Bro. C. E. Britton, Gananoque;
High Vine Chief Banger—H. Gummer,
Guelph, High Registrar—D. R. Kennedy
Montreal ; High Senior Woodward— W.
L. Valley, Brockville ; High Junior
Woodward—F. W. McNeil,Ottawa ; High
Senior Beadle—F. Mulvey, Winnipeg ;
High Junior Beadle—J.W. Taylor, Exeter.
Among other business traneactsd the date
of the High Court meeting was changed
from the second to the third Tuesday in
The Huron District Royal Tempters of
Temperance held their semiannual meet.
ing hereon Tuesday last, with J. E. Tom,
I. P. 8, of Goderich, Dietriot Deputy, in
the chair. There were 60 delegates pres-
ent from the different Lodges throughout
the county. Owing to the District Seo'y,
John Beattie of Seaforth, tendering his
resignation,J. Russell Fletcher of Brussels
was appointed Secretary for the balance of
the year. There has been an inerease of
membership of over 300 members in the
District since tho January meeting. The
neat meeting will be held at Seefortm. A
mass meeting was hold in the Jamea•st.
church in the evening, which erne presided
over. by Rev. Henderson of Hensad, who
gave an excellent address to the, large
audience present. The Emerald Temper-
ance Trio Evangelists furnished the sing-
ing, which was splendid in every rospeet.
Wedding Bells.
The marriage of Miss Laura Down,
g w ,
daughter of Mr. James 'Down, to Mr.
Ed. Harwood of Toronto, formerly of
Exeter, was celebrated at the residence
of the bride's parents last evening, Rev,.
A". L. Russell', M. A:, performing the
ceremony. The bride was assisted by
Miss Ada Tom, while the groom was
buoyed through the trying ordeal by
Mr. Samuel Poplestone. Only the re-
latives and the more intimate friends of
the contracting parties were present,
We join a host of friends, in extending;
hearty congratulations, and wishingMr.
and Mrs. Harwood happiness,ros rerit
p 1 y
and an extended lease of life.
14livaxd's Liniment cures Dandruff.
Mr. 4yillSe'don of Iogorsoll is in town
visiting at ;Mr. 3anlwell'.s.—letrat T. B.
Darling and fami)y are venting at Mr. W.
H, Verily's, Ilreutfore, that fennel/mu
having arrived home horn the Old Country
in a weak and tailing caudition—Messrs,
11. Dyer Ilurelon +slid E. Elliott are intrud-
ing the ,Spied ef the C)loeeee of,£luron, at
Lt radon thie week. -Seine. R. Miller of
NOWtotvnattswart, Ireland left on Teesday
for New York, Washington 'and other
poises east prior to his sailing for Ireland.
---idiss T. White of Sarnia spent Tuesday
in town.—Mr. B. 8, O'Neil viaited Berlin
this week on'lusiueas,—The pienio season
bee frilly oommeuoed ;. on Tuesday a large
party from here spent the day at the Bend
—Rev Reseell leaves this week for his
new charge in . Leamtrgton, having on
Suedey evening last preached his Jai ewell
sernien to a very large congregation. Mr.
Resent' has been in Exeter three years and
hays made a g+eat many Strong friends and
we can safely say, no eiieinies. Being of
a jovial, kiediy diepositiou he soon be-
comes -acquainted and forms such ties a
are not easily bralten Itis family are
efl',eb'o and have wnu the ei"eoruof every-
verybody. Exeler'a lose 'teill certainly be
f.a:cnntngton'a gain. --J h, Tum 1. 1', S.
sees ea torn on Tue.m+l:lv.--
Emery of Sinhcoo was in teem the foreptrt
of the week at' end ng Division
Nutt. —The butter and cheese maker for
the Rooter ereamery has arrived from
Chicago and as soon as water la procured
which will be within a few days, will
ootntnane0 operatione.—Mita 0 reeewar
dr.u;;hter of Sion. Thoe, Greenway of Man.
has been visiting friends. in this z eighbor-
hood.-Mrs. GereBawrlen of Leudon visit-
ed at Mr. Jos. 13awden's, town, het week,
—Chester Prouty, the genial clerk of the
township of Stephen was foremen of the
(grand jury at Gode,icll kat week —bfr.
A. E Senders, representing' the Seriphs
BiuycIe Club, was in town this week ad.
vertieing time Annual Abet of the Caned
ion Wheelrnen's Association which is to be
held ix Sarnia on the let and 3rd of Jely.
--cin Ed, %Viilts has received a lueratiye
situation as barber on the steamer allow
arch," £he Exeter boys always do well
no matter where they go. Ed. ie s grad-
nate of A. Rasting's toneorial parlor.—
Mr. Robert Sweet who has been in Detroit
for some ticue returned to town thia week.
—W. Lovett was in Parkhill on Sunday.
—Mr. W. Yon is ab'e to be out of brd.
tars Yoe of Mitchell is viaitinghint—J. R.
McKay, barri.ter of Toronto as- spending
a few days with Mr, 1. R. Carling.—Mr.
Fletcher of the Standard Bank, Breese's,
was }u town 00 Tumidity attending the
convention of the Royal Templara of rem-
peranee.—Me. Chas. Wilson suit wife of
Liatawel were the geode of Mr. James
Stewart last week —Mr. Jetties Murrey
has been in tVingham the pest week !rind
ing up the eff.irs in oonneebia+n with time
foundry there.—Rev. Geo. J.cksoe, the
new pastor of the James at. church arrived
in town last averting. —Mr. D Johns, our
worthy P, M. is rusticating at the Bond.
—Mr. W. N. elanning and bride of Clinton
returned from their honeymoon trip last
week anti on their way home visited lir.
Manning's friends in town,—Dr. Hoesiek
and Mr. 'lard of Liman spent Tuesday in
hewn. --C. T. Brooks of Winnipeg it rr•
newing azquaintances in town.—hl re.
Stephenson end son Bert spent Sunday
viaiting at M. .T. White's.—Mr R, 11.
O'Neil of Lucan is visiting friend in town.
—Mr. John Davidson, who has been in
Chicago for some time, is home attending
the wedding of Miss Down and Mr. E,
Harwood.—Mt. and hlrs McQuarry of
Blyth aregue'ta at Mr, W. Southcotts
SVltsat Was It, Art Elephant
The St. Marya Argus says: Probably
the heaviest animal that has ever been
weighed on the St, M..rya towu scales
walked on them last week and"tipped the
beam" at 2,520 lbs. Tie was sold to
Sperling & Robson by 1ioCullagb Bros.
Via C. P. R., British Columbia rod coder
shingles. A large conaignmene now coin-
ing through; should bo iu Exeter 22nd or
23rd June, 1893. Also tbe lVinlaw high
land cedar shingles will be in stock at
about above date. JAMES MEWS.
Address and Presentation,
On Friday last the congregation of the
James St. Methodist Church presented
their retiring pastor, Rev. A. L. Russell
M. A., with a well-filled purse and ad-
dress; also individual members of the
family with tokens of respect and mem-
ory. Following is the address which
speaks tor itself:
Rev. Mm•. Russell Ai. 4, 73..D. sec? Airs.
DCAR FRIENDS.—We in the name of the mem-
bers and congregation of tho James, Street.
Methodist Church of Exeter,beg to avail our
selves of this opportunity of manif sting not
only our love for you and our high appreciat-
ion of your invaluable services rendered while
amongst us, but also of exprossing our doeo
regret that you are scone) leave us.
During your stay here you have exemplified
to us all, by your daily walk and conversation,
the oheraoteristics;of devoted Christians, your
preponderatingaimboine to.serve our Lord
and blaster zeal
with andbmrl u ' i
ty and to
render all the assistance' possible in elevating
and regenerating your fellow mane and we're-
joice to know tbat your untiring efforts have
been so amply rewarded.
Sir as a pastor :and religious instruotor you
have shown a.very groat interest in all who
had the least claim to your attention. While
you have faithfully . admonished , ea in our
duty to one another' arid toGlad, you have by
Tour uniform kindness and sympathy woh our
admiration and esteem. We are assured that
we enly'oxpress the sentiments of both the
youthful and adult portions of the congregat-
ion in saying that alt feel they are losing, by
your leaving us, true and loving friends;
You came to us when we had a debt of about
Si 000 burdening us, and by : your untiring
efforts and wise administration you have been
able to see the entire debt fulls, weld, not with
promises but with cash.
You leave us with a ohuroh (*irely free
from debt and thus enabling- mete enter the
present ecclesiastical year with a clear shoat.
We nowboggyou to aceopt this pnrseus being
merely a Blight token of our respect for you
and Mao as a taugibleevidence of ourappreeition
of your sorvieesamongst us. We tender:these
books as' -keep -sakes for your ohildren, hoping
they will think -of us who wish them happiness'
in this life and also the life' to come.
Our earnest, desire iepthat Providence may
continue to smile upon you and your ohildren
and that even More abundant smogs? than you
have realized in Exeter, may ever attend your
efforts for the Master's cause through subseq-
uent life and 'whether or not we shall have
the pleasure of associating with you again in
this world, we look forward with; bright an-
tioipation to, that time when we shall all meet
in the eternal home where parting will be no
more, 0. Sento, Chairman, P. Faavlca,
Exeter, June 18611, 1893. •
Tho furnace and the heating ' a eratue
eomplets for the Seaforth town hall will
east only $233.
Geo Willianaeons
bu driver; in the em-
ploy of Mr. A. Iaf YolIey •Goderieli was
drowned there at the mouth of the river:
Deceased, who could not swim, went be.
yand hie depth, and was carried away by
the our rent. )
This week. 25 percent reduction on our former low prices. .3uits to order a specialty'
of Ours. r.
Di,1aflettes. •This is an elegant range of Dress Material worth 180., 33 inches
wide, r
, clown to 12�c.; IO(r, Shalliesdowli to Go.; 1.20, Do, 94c.; 2 yds Dress Muslins for
5c.; 18c. B1k. Grenadiers down to 80::
Suoh bargains as these draw large crowds to our store. Come .quick before they- ox
gone. Buying for Cash and in large quantities enables 116 to buy cheap, and Goods
.bought right are half sols!.
1:5e. Shirtings, 100.; yard wide Ginghaws, 1Oc Cottonades for ,10, 12 , 17 and 190..
word! doubto ; )0. Carpets down to 35c, great snap,
Gl'oeerit s as (e.):is prit;e, •
WILL iii; is 11 C'; :, lee PER. DOZEN FOR EGGS.
Boots and Shoes lower than ever.
13 Pickard & Son's;
For list of Bargains, see
front page
The ("rant to Schools.
Following is the grant made by the Ont-
ario (Government to the various township.,
towne and villager. in this district, the
apportionment let mg baeod upon the latest
returns of populatiou for the year 1892,
and average attendence of the separate
and public schools ;
Connty of Middlesex : Adelaide, $296 ;
Biddulph, 3298 ; Caredoc, 3500 ; Delaware
$200;. Dorchester North, $460 ; Ekfrid,
$.;27; Lobo, S357; Lon.lnn, te,I,1i 7 : me.
Wineries, $373 ; Metca'fe, $204 ; "kit sr.,
`344 ; i'resouri West, 3861: Westminster,
Seel ; \Vfllfair•s l:sst, 3205 ; Wilifems
Wee+t, $077. Total $5,7:13,
County of Huron : Ashfield, 3439
Colborne, 4245; Goderich, $322 ; Gray,
3466 : Hetrick, 437 ; Htrltett, 4860 ;1ide-
Killop, $330 ; lic•rris. 4361 ; Stanley,
3292 ; Stephen, 5416 ; Taekeramith, 3345 ;
Turnberry; $284 ; 'Babe: ne, 5300 ; Waw•
anosh East, $239 , Wewanish Wear. 3238.
Total, 35,082. Hay, 3452.
County of Perth : 131anahard, 3352
Dewelo, 3338; &enteric North, $311;
Easthope South, 3208 ; Ellice, 3344 ; Elmo,
3494 ; Fullerton, 294 r Hibbert, $262 ;
Logen, 14310 ;Morningtou, ,355 ; Wallace
3359. Total, 33,657.
Towns and Villages ; Clinton, $301 ;
Grenlcrich, 3403 ; Mitchell, $$271 ; Parkhill,
$159 ; Seaforth, 3315; St, Marys, 3383 ;
Wingham, $255; Ailsa Craig, $87 ; Blyth,
3115 ; Brussels, 31.47 ; Exeter, $200;
Lumen, 3111 ; Luuknow, 3159,
Death of Joseph Cttao,
Joseph Case, one of thepioneoreand ono
of the heat known residents ofthis sec-
tion, died at his home, London road,
Usborne on Saturday last, at the age of
77 years. Ilia death was not unexpect.
ed. For weeks his life has been n
thing of uncertainty, loris illness having
extended for months back, At first it
was expected he would recover but the
iusiduous stonmach trouble from which
he suffered, had too deeply undermined
his once splendid condition, and owing
to bis advanced age, the best medical
skill was unavailing. Noman was more
generally known and esteemed through-
out the west than the deceased, and
his death removes one who has been
associated with the history, the growth
and development, and the public and
commercial relations of the County of
Huron. Deceased was born in the
County of Wicklow, Ireland, and some
57 years ago carne to this country. first
settling on the lot on which he died.
He held the office of reeve of the town-
ship of Usborne many years ago, and
was always an extensive dealer in live
stock. The funeral took place on Mon-
day, and was one of the largest seen in
this neighborhood for many years, there
being upwards of 200 vehicles left the
house. The deceased was buried under
the rites of the Masonic Order, whose
ceremony ie of a very impressive
cheractor. Three brothers and a sister
survive him out of a family of twelve.
le nevi
Division Court was held in Exeter on
Monday and was presided ever by hie
Honor Judge Doyle.
Mr. Wee. Snell shipped another fine lot
of export cattle from Exeter 00 Monday.
Mr. Snell buys the best argil thus gate a
ready market.
Whatever the cold of last winter may i
have done for the sparrows''it looks as it
it had been just the thing for potato huge
as gardeners report them, more plentiful
this spring than ever before. Waiting for
the potatoes to come up they attack the
tomato eines and have done a great deal
of damage in many gardens. Paris green
is already in great demand.
District No. 15 I. 0. of Oddfellows held
itiereautar meeting In the Oddfellows hall,
Clinton, last week; every lodge in the
district was represented and several quost-
ions relating to the order were discussed.
It being the meeting for the election of
officers,eBro. Popplestone, of Exeter, was
recommended tee the Grand Lodge for D.
T1. 11. G., and lero.Fuke of Exeter, was
elected eeo'y.
A correspondent writes ; ''The mem-
bers and friends of Sparta Methodist
Church to the number of about seventy-
five, headed by the Sparta braes band,
agreeably, surprised their pastor, Bev,. W.
Ponhall the ether evening, by presenting
with a handsome gold wath, andMrs.
Pexiball with a dozen silver _knives and
forks before leaving for his new field of
labor, St. Johns." Mr. Penhall formerly
had charge of the Elireville circuit.
The automatic telephone system opened
for business in Mitchell last week and is
the first plant thus far opened by the
Company in Ontario. It starts out with
25 instruments. There are a great many.
advantages in this: 'system. There is a
great saving in the cost : the expensive
operator' required in the ordinar ex-
changes both da and gare entirely
,, y nighty
avoided.; the costly and troublesome
switch board is also unnl' ecesear ; instan-
taneous taneous"connection; no ;cutting off oonver-
nations byeporatore anddisconneeting by
the pressure of a aingle key.
Colored Dress Goods for cheerful ladies, Parasols that.
captivate while they shelter, Underwear suitable • to the "`
variations in temperature, choice range of Delainettes,
nothing like them in the village,
Full assortment of Gents' Summer
Coats, Vests, Ties,
Collars, Cuffs, Braces,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hats the latest,
Flannelette Shirts,
(Beautiful Goods.)
Newest Novelties in Window Shades, Lace Curtains and
Curtain Poles, Boots and Shoes the cheapest and best,
Crockery, they are not iu it ; Grocery Bepartine:nt, no
better; Can Goods of every description. We still lead in
Teas. We venture to say that we sell more Tea, tarl all
the others put together, Try our 25c. Japan.
Public School Hoard Minutos,
June meeting beta in the town belted 3
p. nh. Absent : 1;. 8. Howard and W.
Treble. The following are the items duly
passed : Minutes of previous meeting; pr
T. Fitton and lir Lutz, the following ac-
counts : S. Fannon, repairs, 81 50; pr Dr
Lutz that the Chairman, T. Fitton acid W.
D. SVeakes ba a committee with power to
build required outbuilding and make other
desirable repaire; pr T. Fitton and W.
D. Wakes that as a mark of the Board's
appreciation of the efforts of its pupils and
encouragement of the more diffident ones
that the Board pay the examination fees
of all pupils from the Exeter school whom
the Principal shall see fit to try at the en-
suing Leaving Examinations; pr T.Fitton
and Dr Lutz that the sum of 351m granted
the Secretary for extra service for the year
1892; pr Fr Lutz, adjournment.
J. GRIGG, See'y.
Grass was never known to have grown
faster for May and Juno than the present
season. It will now measure over 2 feet
on some meadowiend.
In the Matter of tare estate of Nicol
Shirray late of the Township of Hay,
County of Huron, Yeoman Deceased.
Notioe is hereby given pursuant tr chapter
110 of the Revised Statues of Ontario 18e7 that
all persons having claims against the estate of
the said late Nicol Shirray who died on the
7th day ofMay 1893 are required to deliverorsend
bypo:t prepaid to the undersigned solicitors
for Agnes Shirray and L'ernard Shirray, Ad-
ministrators of the real find personal estate of
theai des t
a d eased on or before the is day of
August 1893. a statement in writing contain-
ing their names and addresses and full partic-
ulars of their olaime duly verified. by Statutory
declaration and the nature of the security (if
any Amid by them.
And that after the said last mentioned date
the said Administrators will proceed to distrib,
ute the assets of the said estate among the
parties entitled thereto having regard only to
claims of which notice shall have been received
as above required and the said administrators
will not be liable for thesaid Aesetstor any°part
thereof so distributed to any person or per-
sons of whose claims ;notice shall not have
been receiyed at the time of such'distribution.
Folicitors for Administrators,
Dated 20th June 1893. Exeter. Ont,
In the matter of the ,Es of Limmerman
Weaver, Deceased,
Notioe is herobygivon pursuant to .the pro-
vrsione of the Revised Statutes of 0ntaiio,18s7,
Chapter 110, Seotion,36, that all porsgnshaving,
olaime against the Estate of Limmcrmen
Weaver, tato of the Township of Stanley, in
the County of Huron, Olen tleman, Deceased
who.died on orberore the 30th day of May,
1893, are requested on or before the 2nd day,
of Sept, 1893, to send or deliver to W. 0•Smith,
Honsall. ,Solicitor for Jacob Meyer, of the
Township of Hay, in.said County, Executor of
he last will and testament. of the said 'Am-
merman Weaver, 1' deceased, fall particulars
of their :claims and the securities (if any) field
by them, verified by affitavits. And after the
said 2nd day of Sept, 1893, ` the said Executor
will proceed to- distribute the assets of said
Estate among` the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims' of which 'h e
shall bays received notice; and finer such . dis-
tribution the said Executor will .not be respon-
sA,ibleD.for,189rh3,o assets of sato Estate to any person
of whole claims notice shall not '4,,ave'been
received at the time of snob dietrlbtit>on.
Dated at Mensal! this fourteenth: day of June,
Solicitor for the Executor.
and kit t rod diseases
are due to congestion
of the bloody vessel s
ration, rceulting in
acids. If the blood
does not nironlato;la
flammation in time
roust bo tbo inevit-
able result, The"Cnr
ativo Absorbent"' is
one of the most pow-
orfui blood stimul-
ants known. Itetim-
ulates the blood to
action, reetonng the
cireuletion. That
once established dis-
ease most *eats.
The Ottawa subscriptions to the Prinoeee
May's wedding gift from the women of
Canada amount to abont 3600.
Benue oe Fees,
Produced from the laxative and nutrit•
iouejuioe of Califomnie figs combined wish
the medicinal virtues of plants known to
be moot beneficial to the human system,
acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bows
ole, effeelnally cleansing the system dis-
pelling colds and headaches, and :