HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-22, Page 64 , w r r,I 1. "I, . M T _�_ .. _ __ rM_ _ __.-. _ r _. h _-_ • __ .�_ ��. EDY TNTAItY•MOO rvaw)erae�:,'A'"-" - _._____.-_ children— i.rl a0ed three years r ,••--- " —. --a ��;9 on Sunda avenin out the throe is of AWFUL TR 9 Cx y BRITISHLATE �n sodat as boy aged #our lnontha-using two tV4uIoxaa`iiYl►YassaarerL. o R^^-'"" table ltnfvos for the purpose, The woman The latest nowspapers from Catauzaro t, , lea Driscoll was burned to also attempted to commit suicide, Dr. (says a Rouial:l despatch) give fall detail of �• � A child nitn Gritiith, of Barrow Road, was summoned, a terrible tragedy at l'BicrastO The crime ,,, r [Pectoral death at Ardralla, " near Skibberaea, on !11baturtla anal after. sewing tip tie wounds Of the has caused the liveliest feelings of horror Y moonlighters three injured ordered their removal to the throughout the country, and in tate looality aG• no e, tial £or the j iol?tzpt r elief At Cree, on Monday night, Dorn of a itospiGa1. The mother and girl may recover the most intense L. iudiguation prevails " . 1 1J nCls�ezt`l� c,LiregfooldS, toughs,, flrea twat shots Into the bed traprra hers Untft }a very donbt£nl abontthe baby. against_the 'woman who is held to be main- , k„ y lZ S; LOSS Of Earner named C�IIIns. 'The;.ou, Cal_�.,l , Hoarseness, s, ansa to as a rariau dispute. Two excursion powties "Exam 13 Iflvoland 1 h eiiponsiblt Antonio `a oroi7iaf attcaxpeu • : refeon r OiC't-Z4:cilBC'sQl'tx 1 hl oat t sirnly * an Jlcnday aftornoan; due- rfve(l at $iyvvaadei' Cblr,eGladstotie 1}n or ter, a eii 10 years, had lived all his wedded thl7la B�•t�nchi'tis, L.aCrippe, i Aa friendly societies' fete, attended by in thd�hope of seviraaches tO ttie rectory life a�Nicraa.tro. His wi£o, Giovanni Ru. Pl11drea1® Asthma, ng Y, .,�" and outer clEkartQ'Glxlents of rise twenty thousand persona, one of the tem- eci ala,ut the app Mes. a sober and hard- , �daP ������ ��� nets The best- orary stands collapsed and five persgns Durlatanetdrover, and were loudly cheered. while tiles busbandowa and domesticated, � throat and lu,.�a, p injured,but notserlously. Vlad , atioa, rid were One of the enthusiastic excursionists was .,rvorkiug, with the result that their home that aistor#acuress,ColtgConE liilaNV Cough-care in the world, a tailor, was p c"Steriais Bowen It& edtochildren Sour Stomach, Diarrhtea. EruOtR#tan, Willi Elks, agea i6, lucky.enough to take a anap-shot Photo. was superior to most fami n the eldest c� Silts Worm, it i5 recommended by eminent ib his wife aGLlahfield,, on a 7stzn niched air as they tion. That' ileal five children, Irecom>r+endiGassupenortoanyprescription ,yes Bleep, and promota4 dt- ' is the fi14 o[1te pushed Bowl Y auataiued a soul wouutl graph Of til, d , p egad eight, and fiha household ,vas coin tliown to me,'+ Ii. A. AncrtGrt,llf, D., .g estkon: physicians,, and Tuesday night, and p passed in tits carriage. blr. and Mrs; Glad- Without inauriaus medioatlou. e station . ith singers, actors, Tuesd proved ferny within half an hour. s Due in t e ca is Connali a Quay on it plated by an orphan child, aged' nine, X11$0.O�ord St., Brooklyn, rI. Y, pa p i e le had been drinking. o : rs• ,Tones the wzfe of the Tata whom ills wife in the goodness of her mind • " al and "Lror several years i have recommended reachers :,an jtsaotli s The coup h ,%,!sit t til , l� - re reported on at $awardvn (sills, who is had adopted. Elitlre harmolty prevailed „'rhe use of'Castoria is sousEO� ms aWork Sour`Castoriav'tindshnl>;>ro`ducadbene8cihille al lltl inflamed membrane, la9SenS Violent 1 ark•kee yr its merits sowelllnoxutlaatit Fowarethe do so as it haswvariabiy•. . ills Saturday = afternoonand evening from -o eriously, Ill. Thep returned to the rectory in the household until a few_ mouths ago, the lileam, Stops coughing, and a 3 f elle North of England. In shorty before five o'clock. when , unhappily for 9.11 concerned, Tor of erero atiantoendarseit Cnstoria results, p a rious quarters o y Tn-vrxF• PAnnss. 7),, Iltduces repose, several cases damage was caused, and near cilia became onamoured of Clementine witbinoea yrea�h who da IIotkeep The t ; s Sovtth Shields a man named Robert Taylor Chiumbalo, a woman forty-six years of CAnr os MATtxyx.D•i,:, „ loth Street and fork City. home, From that anomant all hathe ppiness in bake Pus New Yor1. City . was killed by lightniu�. FT811 Known Zti1e'1• g pp turBloomingdale }3eforined Church. , The recent drought has entailed a. loss to the little household tied. The mart, instead r Glierry Peotor'al Prance of 50,000,000 francs, many crops signed In ninety-twotlteriana made and of devoting himself as previously to his Tffu Csxrreun Cottran> 77'ilunn°v sxRs$x, Now :ort& having been entirely destroyed. parts its earl of Italy tiie long drought has been snecee• Prof, Wiggins, tie Canadian pastier wife and children, commenced. to illtreat11 .sicca for Goratln;ptiCt.= tit ? ed by torrential rains, whish have sauced prophet, has deeftivd to stake no more pre- thorn, l° Stet en checks m thio in it progress of diations of earthquakes, floods ora clones,; x1i,ATIx(ts Wp* aE IhCEgS.k,rT a a - se Reee n floods. Cit olice reported that Oliver Cromw ll's skull is in the posses tali s were spent upon theenever he was at �vomnnand avit}i whom 11 his ;ease and even in the Tater y y p p I _ the i . `. ed abaci 3v, had slot of 3l r. H. Wilkinson,of S In stages . it eases the distressing a fair,,lady-like woman, aged . _ �= , r m°tea refreshing COTtnitted suicide by jumping into the g ngland, and is exhibited to curious visite d gad tbyvher husband's neglected y, rand the ca,i�h anti pro Thames from London' on the pre-' ors. 1 C'� see juts i:gX�:3 iktle to the taste, viaus evening. She rose to tits sarfaca after The late COmniodore Anderaon did two > Dila her wrecking andov violently piss cited her a 1' g big things in ills day. Iia Golnmaudod the ' needs but small dQsesr • and does the jump, lite vvas: not n ain seen, rind her sresttoif or an body lies not yet been recovered. Great Eastern and introduced the stook Ties locked up, were fipaliy sentenced to a not inaeifi kt -Stili d y ticker into England. s Sire occurred on Saturday morning in . lie short term of imprisonment. Site was re- >, a:i F P1. 'h,e of clic regular c�Y7;snic functions. I Sir Edwin Arnold once said that In As art enterfYenc iiieicine, ever f Spelman Street, 1Sile find Roach, London, a A ' in a bed roam ill which Colman `lelinsky and w ere at liberty to choose itis sax and cqun- the r ad homewards she lwasi overtaken by h elder a -could be an a her fE she had household should be p ov ided with his son 1)avitl were sleeping. The try h her husband. He asked _ _.. ,F yer's Chem Pectorail, mtm, who was frightfully burnt in endea- Few families can allow a record like that repented of her fit of jealousy, audsheasked0 baou ,13 Cherry of Cha Gross family, of Richmond, Ind.. i hint wliethcr he intended to lead a more � r rjrp�t s ,�muls-EOfv Of ` yliHwting ixsE:d Ayer"v Cherry Pec- touring t4 extIngulah tha flint diad in ,fere are six brothers and five sisters of tile o • , s C years, T the evening fn Ghe London Hospital, The T Idecent life. Settle of the women 11 41bout the Curative � effects 0 of " " total ht zxt- ,:tinily for y } nil tato iitzlteald it far all son also received Injuries. family, and there has not havo a death i hearing the altercation •oine,l them, and ,�irfe ti,ad can Gonrtea y , i �r��rc��i1n Gc� Liver Ciz z.c� I y oph�s' i�res. ,.. . it 7e41 to cure, -voitiaii wns. burled at Kirkham, last amoug than, for fifty years. i urged la/ovanni not to irritate bar husband, �., •� stages @S p{ consumption. the co-a-plxi.,ts it is Clain A 1 c• „• - -• .with. me o died throe li heirs;; confined of t- cloy. I#aathUy, tkto t'iustralian traveler, ae he had told same of his companions that Of Lillie S111d - �}t7t�:r1 tl'i t,il� fi2.. ia'. Its ,a.•s is ins. _t-. . yc :rl; , week, wl1 g the wife of a local who has just completed the remarkably an his wife's rottirli there would be a mass« rn<l my cup torr,, rs think this Pri_Rtt, her 30th child. `she was tl a • ' .,3?'i41" S2l11r• uwh cure. and had only been marries _0 ?vara, 4 feat of Grassing the continent of Australia' acre In his house. The wife, hgwover, pain 1VI�11y 7',�rnciiles are still CyH tL'ic`11, t�u� Scotf. S rctuoo, hos no equal as a cu a farmer, Y n l a rrsi7tte:*, lV#,B, The wom=n had s}� lots of twills. Of the has arrived in London accompalned b •ler, . no head to their warnings, or, rather, she t: ,11 y 1 So frequently 1S tc be S. W. Parent,, t, l u a g p y ugle 1 seemed utterly indiferent as to what fate e,t thirty children gniv six are now li-:in . Private seeretar , f.. T. Lon le } , �jHg. j� ,Xt ,;:ie : so o�e'Ctlln.:-" ' Both husband and wife were of immense his sole companion on this momentous jour• l might have in store for, her. They entered " proportions, the vvomanweigbing over lust. ney. the house together, and the neighbours past C;XI)E riitlC'. `2� President Cleveland has a peculiarity y------..—�: .. Cherry A shocking murder and suicide was cam- � withaut hearty the cloarbnited, They crowd, Tsfaas, n ittod in ii'olverhampton on Saturday whish Be far has escapes gloves, ed to the windows, fearful of what would Scott's Emulsion cttxod" ;hands PrP area by 1?r, j C Ay1r a t.,,, I., tteUt,G i aunuated railway I press. He never wdar g llappon, yet too frightened to interfere, No Colds, oonsnzysptic'u, Scrafulm tine,C b Saluptyti?t 1:a:Ga'I.. li,+.a,,.t ;sixbett,e„$a morning. An old super i occasions of public oeramnn19.1 or even when Diseases. ,.©m, t $.� a ,, _,-Ura ,to dare servant, narred Frederick Cress, first nine. l the thermometer ter reaches the zero mark, soanvr v:us tilt hence Uarrfeaded than the 2H anncmic attdCflasiva{ iI-• �' dyed his wife by striking ler on the head a 4neehusbana, produainy a revolver prevents wasting in children. tt I on - repeated blovas with tin axe, and tlzvn coin- i On Suet ct onh of `ofr 1 Dirkararmast clotlillig. Fiiit:I? AT 1IIs tvlsE, arae stens;la3atabXasts,ni2i:. Get -r_ _ _ 7 -`•^'-�"-•"'"' 1 mitted suicide by cutting }tis throatwith a rte p alie Sc:G 1, t1=T�=ugglets, y arnr He ilea and recently been dfsahargad fila FresiaeuG dicta ts, Cetnti Q without vxi) Slee fall dead at hist feet, not a teat ci esaap` Iia ©Be]Ievilly Le=a red by Scott St I r Y with bare hands, apl, Y SEF-XFTLR T1116 S- I from a lunatic asylum. w ith b ins ran slightest, est tliscontfert: • ins, Iter. Tho murderer then entered the 50 cents =L 04-'-!0- j it has been ascartaiued that ,i00 rvTliuraiav oaten,, a, i , + rien Emperor of Russia, possesses forty adjoining roost where Itis ^•il}ldrea slept. lcpuiaiisaeti eve sailors deserted from tile men- £our uniforms, ono of which he has never, They were already alarmed by tlo report — _- 1F a Burin the Naval Raview, in New York your unitu , that of a Russian field marshal. i of the pistol, and seeing their fatber enter t :. �- _-._ — - - ' ` _ otc Eliiii Brian-streot,nea,riyopposite Luton's Jowelary Ii,rrbaur, and.enter entered the country without Although lie is commander-7u•chlef of the I wild and haggard, with the amoking wea- '"•"--"' bW3,Q,Sxeter,tlirt..bv•1onn Syaztarz S;7us,Pra• paying the "head tax or undergoing � army, his majesty has vowed never to wear I pon in his head, they wept bitterly site priators. !!• usual examination by the officials of the the insignia of a field marshal until this ` tagged him not to hurt them, 'file aidcst LUM B'"RYAR,1.,.,i '81t'rEs OF ADV:GHT01Y3 ,.w 10,09at'i � Immigration Department. grade shall have been conferred upon him chilli, Francesco, sprang from Ilia bed, and �Eiratiniartion.perilue.. Y S by his brother field marshals after a vie• clutching his father by the knees, prayed Asch su.;Joquoattuserticn t,er line......sceucv. On �7onda morning, on the arrival of an To insure iusurtion, ativertisemouts slioitll torious war, for pity. The monster was unaffected by oa aoutin notracar than tiYeanes3ay morgan; E excursion testa from Belfast aG Mal9.hde, it the child's petition, hilt with horrible gaol- The undersigned wishes to inform th3 Public is i�et3`=cal that . __ i vvas found that a first-class carriage was on fire, The carriage was taken off and shunt- ness fired close to the boy's lead, killing keeps constantly in stock all hcinds of onr;o3 PRISTlhci DEi'vltT'SIF1N'"r is Ora } him instantly. Tile other little ones fled -(' �' �' � �� ��y �, :t. . • . �� A T . otthe largest mud Baste Itutllloaiu taa Cot rtty fad torom ati.n overheated ax le, was extinguished. The oBnitof Bi afdaslaimah, ill the nh hinter., in terror, but the bloodthirsty nwrotch e son. pee. BUILD 1.��1 (y M-311 ii rC3,J,..:t o- Ha ou,9.11 waratuutrusze t to as witty land of :Metre Leone, was recently the vented the escape Of all but tiorpromptacteutcou. The tra,hi was crowded, and the incident effused great excitement. scene of a gathering to which in British little daughters, Angela and Barts, aged s or "7ZL 1:GZ '-G;1. ,b a gLSiUns i�e'�ILrtliti� NewS- (harlea Hilton,. aged 26, of S Rosseli's at Africa a gooddealof importance is six and four respectively, lead taken refuge , Z"a,� ®C�, U �EFu. papers. Buildings, Wapping, L=,Ion, left home on Attached, 7"ho Upper 1Tandi chiefs, which under the bed, but ha dragged them taut T •,3AS arsin wli'a mkos a.,ptp, rre,;utarlytro a Saturday last £or t11e purpose of being mar- had recently, through the mediation of the and shot thein dead cpau tl•e floor. .Chen PIN E AND HEMLOCK L v ry 'i01kL the pa t•odlce,whether itrocteainaisna:naa! Tied aG ldlini tdn. According to an appli• travelling aomm}saioner, DIr. T. J. Allde- lie espied the Orphan girl crouching itt a ary��� iZL� t� ` anott1tirg.nr vvneth.+r tit) h,t, a;io;cribad or rtii cant at the Chimes Palfce Court Ott Tues- ridge, entered into friendly relations with corner. He wounded her, and the girl, r fsrerpcit�ib a for pal in nc cin the bridegroom did not arrive Y P1QE3 ftT1C� CQd&L' ac's�1111IC3 i10�V g Ita per-on orier.: hf3 ptpor diseontimte3 day mor g, g the British authorities, had assembled there, falling down, faigned to be dead, Anti thus pO?Qu i and r d and B'Ltisf'�etiQla gllaTalltQd, be uttlar p:iy sal irre:tr�tvr the publisher may at the appointed tinlc, and he has not s}ace some of them from distances ranging up to saves her life, 1Vith his sixth shot rite a3all SO11G1�i8 olittnu•I to lend it until tate p.tt ment is mz ie• been seen or heard of. 1QO znileR, in order tri meet the Governor, murderer turned Ins weapon upon the baby Sock, nd teen collect the whole .amount, whether SirFrancis Fleltling. The Giiiefs had brought of eighteen months, and scattered it brains JAMES �7C�'' 11.i"�11_, e paper is taken the chive or riot. A einale child, used about, five weeks, e 3 In +nits fOr dttb;uripiicn�_tho sn ,x r y was on Sunday evtr ing found abandoned at their wives and retainers (one of them upon the llillaw of the cot.' The neighbors F — � ^� �_ n.t?tutea in tire, rama w u.rt.tile pap. p had by tbis time secured halt, and sought ighail, avit•hoa'gh the nub+�libar In.Ly nadide Liverpool Stret©nGlosed in ah alanuad tin and the hu a building erect d for thecoca-to break the door da-vn1ebuvbeforeatlthe hundredsotantie mwa)-. had been left j P 4 The cortrt,i have deeideil that re n+ins t] bex, Ili which a feeding bottle had Alan aigtl tiVaa fit ad --'illi an eager Is Excell that window succeeded w doing • so 1 _ _, - `� . eke n avvap.lpar arperiO itt.:L':a trona +tie pia been laced. The child was removed to the overflowed into the talon, His F,xcallency, window saw TOrahia etnerre from the bed- ilicc, or romav-mg and leaving tira.n un",110 i p u mouth, H died at once..Che s l:riniafaGlu uvfdun, a of iuceution:tit fr,tu3 workllouav, and the police have lite matter soften Ga cin Tomkins, it spatter of police ; into lits o m1y reload Ilia weapon, and fire �p ri' a, t'a G � p SSP ��. in hand. A paper bag found in the sour, r, p g � lot, <G ,te, �x�,ea ° �4 a �� y'° had a Cambridge address on fG. Assistant Colon}ah Surgeon Dr. J arratt ar. dwelling 1-esolnbloil a .lou litr•h at each Victim, The An exciting scene -vas witnessed at x}ved by the yiaclhe River Sul ofCountess Derby, death heinurderer igcinst C na fired one 1us a coGit in th• G fi� o ��� =;-;u 'Folkestone on Monday afternoon. A large wit}ch hail come y Y ' , 1 haat named the Irmeess slaver:wentoilsatisfactorily,andthemeet•' case of the or ban }rl -vhn wit recover. S°� °°�iOi40� �c �y fiOa� �°fig'r ► p.easure Bailing p.. I Say wa cruising Otr the sea•frout, with a Ing was pronounced without of precedent f or known, oheu the entire Of tilat�iaciin sof t*R crastro , 1�`� °fid°� ���"� 't° tiN v i;`�G`�y��� yawn , middle-aged cr old men suffering from the large party of evcursioniats, when silo importance in rile history - N" �tiv, °`` SSP �p effects sol forties and excesses, restated to perfect grounded on the rocks, There was a hill This colony has an executive and lebislat}va rose agrinst fila woman Clenavntiva Gliintu- ti Z� health, rnanhaad and vigor, wind blowing at the time, and considerable council ; a supreme and minor courts ; a halo, and sought to lynch her. The gen- ,o & r. �c • , +i�, �,t oA r, j�'��° F excitement vvas caused on shore, as the constabulary force Of 40U.; SOt7 men of the dar5tos, however, sucaeederi in protesting �. • ». ,� QLD D" D°' s ZIME� o craft -VRB in an awkward pasitfan Thv Fest India regiment, with engineers and her from the mob, and she now lies under 1ip,.,,e �� �y�10. �},w C. c`ri��1'yo Ge .6 �, 4 cA r`6' ,a O EC 6 S passengers vv*ore landed in small boats, and artillery; a c,tpitnl (Freetown) tit 30,000 in- arrest. ` t� -bv� ,��0 .L",; o�� ,�� ,°`'*1i, * ;ors eW _qq ,ri a Force and Power=Ui the cutter was got oft uninjured. habitants; SI elementary sel:ools, 6 }z�gh. F1oOgin� . the School and Rome- a. �`� 40 ,f 5 iHI3jI60C�. A remarkable sight was witnessed on schools and a college, aiiiliated to Durham a ti, .S r, S °i �� s'v�� ti�a, �,9 ert4� Ort G� met, ower, 112rvous Debflit ,Night Lasses Sunda learning at tilt funeral of Lady university ; a considerable trade in palm . It used to be said that flogginn vvasgood - °i f a41 ti -� ;-, ' �` �' Cures L-. - P, _ , y i Y oil found and kola nuts, it) rubber p g �' .4ti �'�� ' ru ��1�e" a iot4,V ,a &taw his Diseases caul... "� Jbuse, ever work, indiscretion Wheeler, wife o£ Sir Trevor Wheeler,Bart., , i for chiidren er se; ft made them lou nand e `s7 v Tohacca, Grafum or stikuuiants. Lack of Energy, Lost . t Leamington, I astinwa. She -veishad 30 coal hfties, etc. ; native skilled workers in hard and prepared them fur the pains and ♦� �� ,o of ,U o ..ti frerary, Headache, 4aak2#utnvssa Gleet and Ve fi O old and silver ; a bank and savings banks; Y p P 'C' 4 r` c G rleocela, stone, and with the coffin llowt. 2gis. rib, good roads and canals ; an area of 1:i3OQ0 endurance of life. But a wider experience �u �+ �° QaZ' �} e. w 44 �pS 10' 1` 2o- The coffin rues Gft, 0:n, long, ;int. einybwo ea utiles; a papulation of 130, has shown that the masses of children are 5 �1 ,sa , ��t' `� p �+ meati Vit° ESQ 4t` 000, of whom y p Cure and'3ft. Giu, neap. The nine, a pt f 10,000 are Protestants, 3G0 Roman Cacho• quite tough and hardy coolish, and rather v� °O 1%, 3 ;v aV y� o eh o �' -ati' e A Cure is coffin is lain. A special hearse had to be lies, about 6,000 Moslems and the rest need something to make thorn sifter ;and 3 ` � � I 1 q}' ar � 9 dot hw` �1. vim constructed, and twelve men were engaged as for preparing them far the roughnenaes �,ti �� , eke +� V -,1�, �a.� �a X09 7o every one using this Remedy according to direc• to carry the corpse. The sight attracted pagans. of life, it administers just the kind of sins �� 4 � V' U of � tions,. or money ck2er#city and conscientiously hundreds of people from the surrounding they are not to suffer in afterlife. a In some a ° refunded. PRICE 51•00, 6 PACKAGES �y5.00. oormtry. George IV's Pocket Books• homes the rod is reserved for who is Goa-� Ti,ainas IIollormv, i5, New oxford Street, Sent by utail to any point in U.S. or Canada; at Nelson John William i+ta vis, Oxford Street, London. On Sntnrday, Yecurely sealed, tree from duty or Inspection. ' Nelson, was fined 4+)s. George IP had, fromrt the time he was quite l sea ldothAt the risk of seeming doctrfnRirlo, � � - Lk�ian,itactared Duty by Write to-day for our Hanley, joiner, of Ne a Dun inan been in ,he habit of carrying g and costa for assauitfng his wffe,Catherine. ip Purchasers should look to lite Label on "Lite BawGs and Pot Yi a Hanle assaulted his wife in the street, Ito about flim ,a aouillette pocttet-book, into I w111 affirm that troear, ever makes a If the address is not 583, Oxford Street, London, they are spuriona. �d'�� �1-��1, " "�' followed bar to their Iodgings, and seized wlliah he used to put money, letters, trfnk- confirmed liar except fear, and every blow . 1 6 r�j folio d her making some tea. nd s eked eta, miniatures, dna env of tie numerous given to a child For lying only increases in �a a fans, odd gloves, locks of liars•, and similar it that terror which is the mother of decep- f her and banged her head against the man- keepsakes which he vvas always addlug G7 of striking Children generally catch the habit i i P telpieca several times and threw her on the Ilia stock from all quarters. As soon as his of striking each other from thopareutal rod; _ _ _ _�-------" --- fira, The landlady and anotlivr woman re- �ocaet-buolt became full, he used to put it violence and defiance can hardly prevail NE, cRVIE NLrRVE BEAtis aro s. g� L �'lJU f171 %t7 ➢ leased the complainant, who took refuge in ,� U ® cooery that Duro the worst; TEL the next hoose. away in a drawer without ever troubling wherait is unknown. Better throw itavvay. a Nervous Del)MY Lost Vi {�� himself to examine its present contents or Excellent parents have used it in the past, $ �� .,, °Railing blanhooll; taste) ° EGL& SAY WELL g A young man and his sweetheart, ac- *one a ' • eaknees of body or min gF? . kf to take outwhatever money it might contain but experience has g+vinst it, lila over-wont or the erre m ansa b one youth, started for themiscellaneousa*tl�hes, �Vl:en• passi,,ns of childran are uneducated powers; latest triumph in 7harmaoy for the cure acsges of youth, This'A ildd 2ss or call on QUEEN MEDiOINE CO., co p Y mixed n the river at Wandsworth on Tues- put Awa a full ocket-book he they are not +.o ho bruised, but cultured o tl rite symptoms indicating IiYnrrr AND eoiutel�I� rias themostaailedeveutr relic e. NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, Montreal, Can row o t ever he thus In y pall day morning shout nine o'clock. When took another to replace it from a sgtent stock and trained.—[11Soncure Conway, Lrvsa Complaint. Y if you are troubled with' m e pt gl per packsg& or-six for fs or seat b af:posite Wandsworth Creek, the lovers of new ones he kept byhim,andtkiisassoon a Costfveuess,lyizzinaas,SonrStauiacH, eceiptofprlcobFaddressingTIiLjAOIF,BIS stood uw in the boat and somehow fell over- as filled, was laid by and replaced in like $ Ijgya Palms for the War a oo., Toronto. out. Syritetnrpu>xphiet. Snl, a HAVE YOU 16 hoard. The girl clung to the young man, manner. At the time of his death it devoly . Sold a� Brownie g's Drop, Store; E 11 • and both disappeared under the water. Pd upon the i)nke aLth another to examine Plans are beteg made for the construction 1 i . ® b " The river was Braeged, and the woman s *e personal efte;ts of the King, and accord• of a new palace, lar and title whole to Co rtontadn a' 1= `' `+ "a i i body was recovered, but up to last evening p I , - Ii is ingly tho,y had to look over the contents of the Imperial Family + .,. r o f £r 1 r the other body had not been found awbole ^.ltestordrawer3, on t! suite, -it 13elitakaya Pashto, in Ghe pprovince TinEailFkuulxaa Tin n Asko PA7xs;� Sleepless k;. •reported that the deceased were to be these' ocket•books, filled and sto-ved away of Grodno. The ale chosen is in the midst N;ghts, hfelancholyrt=Feeling, EAoa AUre 4�� },� p married this week. by the King front the time lie' was a young of. the; great forest of 1'usht9., enabling the Ivfemirra Y'a TLidney" dud Liver cur© �:rOWLER a A: desperate affray tookrplace on YTonday Irian. When the Duke first looked at one . Emperor to njthethleasurase of st retirement, chase, ' �X� � � ,p, . 1i 1rLeclaa el Lon- _ ~ in Cammerclai.ever 1 Endlishma , of them, and found the toys it contained, h • The cued f 1 p E ,+. I p • „_ don,.- between a n of life :was about to have ills whole stock Uurnt, '.Che coat caE the palace vvi11 be about three � 1'±'t " o accidentally fell Out, stud millions. The explanation of this project +� a� labouring class and a number of foreign but some m uey ` he Eil lishmen it is alleged, were in variolas Bums no may be sought probably, in a iYd ebroger will gica immediate relief and EFF.UCT A Cnra. , ": . i P ,Jews. . l t " a a rett 'they actually collected ;- 7olie -,V1,'ch . e fro-vin ale tar Intl stronger - Sold at all Drug Stores. . . .- rI�T� M3 _, I the aggressors but the fight w 8 p y less than #:10,000 from these pocket,-1n991 s, t, Y, . -M• .Iz - ,I ` rte; hitherto «>a a cl findrn� that they were salting Iusedihoan to lie destro ttaiYy"iuussia under '' r Yo ioine Co•, Limitecla R� ra , free-one, n " f the Jews drew after whin they c y . reterisoro 26 rl' I « the worst of it 'seveFal o h their less zm ortaut contents. there has bean :11ttle.'or no sQlzdai>t en es: PETERBORO'; ONT. t3 ,� C.1r1 Bete k ac h e the soauengers sd wit P • . I znd savagely used knives. Thomas L tine, Gr: sen rite `s, accers of various TJepartui _V"COL. ineans the kcal of the system, carer, w9.s stabbed in lite fade -` - ttat s are in "'Delay i-S aged 33, alabo , but on this acgessian to the portfolio in N J - his iW•+rite r so ser us I f}nnnce, 'y!. �fftte; set to work to form u . trotr6le. " Dodct s du�rrerous• Nay- and lei and „ _,s . ,., a. • u ,1*1,.2 .,, Meer jmpxaetioality which would resemble a Cabinet. �v rk "1 ' , Pills nine looted s, dee that he �ad to ba,;at"ayed to the L nI on Q Bar in. sornoth, d in .the comparatively "' I �r [� Kidney P � f here he remains. Two Jews Neander, Professor, of theology m B He has at p '' „_ ..:.._ Prom at. troubles result Hospital, w a overtaken tura thandarstorm, slzortti I f a year in eliminating all host- ®� �,, "yG per serif, ifl Bud' flood, merearresteri, wa_oned y �'""' � , / FIC jumped foto a cab, liut could nntgive Ile c'.emeuts, and,wlh the exceptlan of � OIEA ,... _ .. 0' td is' Dyspepsia, Liver A Racal fire occurred in the early hours. 1 p his.house or the name Vannofsky, the N'linister of War, ' - and 'n at East, Street, Wal- either thenumbarof General J '�""`�"�"'�"-''� �� �� st' espied br Complaint,on Tuesday morns g street. The driver thought the man a0 �" y,++ y:" reel li NSrs. Harriet of the s £{ -allose aharac;.er is not one to cause appro- � d �ER'S �� r{i•a�Y6',Ped k..t.. th6 r}lesZ rll:<lr". wart}1, 1n a.TODln tons. Y get henaI017, alltll00tl10CS arAfaltlifuladl7aTentB ,E/ C t -' ` „ er. I>To. 112 was aonlpletely ides mad, and vvas about to telt l,im to � t 1 i .-t s. [ e, d ttI p uli, Crouch, lodg whemtile Profed or, espy;ngastulent; of i�1. Wftte. . 7,c1 Jy,a when the brigade mai- out, .* rr ht8 Disease, actio ed, and g , , ,i T i ._.._ , L� ylr' fit as well Lr, tl , d y ailed out to nun dna said : � 1(st �e�l theBill � �g G�m' . k$,.� _- 1 . I •� ttbrealt the found rise poor G FSEs FAItC is GkitE�ATi&fk9tNi''i AND?1��r brabeios crud _ tered the of Y hive." I�eanaer's sister who.1..°ho,Tapaneseshowtheirappreciation of.-, S BY ALL flE�LrERM 0y lY� to ftu�e CC red remains hardly.recog*.- ,ain where Ir&3t, 3&i, t, c I%YO s ." `ffroman's char e for Izini took fresh a x%Ft ants 9.0 actor's lilayfng: in a mora sabsiant,.,�r;�°�; �y healthy city n k p ,' ue Late on lionday niellt a fire broke Le thous It er than U freely applauding.' They g�,V,�� ;�aA�tip cuitilotrt calces• Tho a 6 0 able• or 1)im rear the univeraxty, as clic tliougl mann Yroan: e in Golden S uare, and r Ttious of their dress on teacher. - t sit T•S ; +� r cod diseases cannot out in a coffee h 5 t. �...^ ta` rLat for her brother. A throw venous po it4iller, a Now c1ge t' o remzses. lfred a,i �str,tye i Rr destroyed til anu at rho end of the' perform Miss Dora eraser for the. ivi tr`* fit tufaett the _exist iu li ere e completely 3, ?. e _ after thvzr removal be complained the stage, Bitted a blackboard. A. � (� v, M11 d and anunknovvn, ,ere days o uffo_ata t cared arson claims the motley UI pat . ed, 5 000: o f ,�Q ,.. , 4 a, e D o �/d s Kt d n e! took (�Q) s✓as s , tial tirzn - walk _ and it hen soca the fav o p 1. kf tl,l e y 8 e, uilding. of the long a g , em with the, rI lit of which she rtes been offer � , [tIAJ?!w re tried, u was burned to death In the b e first to 'that the donors repurchase til g e'; w• a ii((a ` . 01og ed they etre pills u ma tnrved-oulAhat he had alv,ays gone oat fi%ad , "I Q. �� . ' .,.t + man residing at First curvet- rices for the various articles being o'has . 200,000. Saw dry all dealers or, ,entb) i s ionreceip � A married woman, g the old ledging and so f ound: to the p A Washington negr .11 1�y cf „ .+ :,o ceiits, per :f,rrx or sir, for $2,10. Qi onus-(ltieen'sPark, London,'whose namo ratr+s. . 0 -- Dr. timith & Co; Toronto. ,1Vrite for Auld not be ascertained, the wife of a, clerk. '11'-i. q, i pr fo ,plfiCFt2I yS �i�Sif?f ir� bouiK caligl X Jr.cy.:r.,1k_. _ - - :Qildr4e'T 41, y .1, 1. " ,I .. . I I I ­ r r I . . ... I 1_­ I I I I 1. 1 % . 1,I .11 I . . I . I I � : I I I I , I . I — ,�:.. : .1. I r. I I I .11 ''. 1- I I I I I I ''.. I ,� , I , r I I ­­:_­ I . . I I'll I I . , ­ 11 ,: �, ''I I I:. . ..: I , I . . 1''.. �. ,' ! �­ o - �_�, . I I ­ ,,, 1 1. I I I .1. I , ­ . 11 I I . I ­ 1I ''.. 1, I I:. .1 r: .. I I I . I I I I I I 11 I L I . _. I : , I 1:, ­1 ­ ' I .1 I I 11, 1: . — I r : . I I I "I ., I I .1.1111� '_­­o, I . 1 I . , , I", ' . i ".:I I L ''. , 1.1, I I 11­­ I.. I L 1. I. % . 11 I :i,.::!:� ii��L,".' .:­'­­:,',,'­''�Ir 11 I . I I :",i. I'll., 1-1.. ­­ i ­ -, , .::L!,� �,:'. ,:,. I ...... . ".. �. .11-1 I I I I _',;. il'l1'.1 !. 11_11,,: -. 1, __.,-_ 1. Ao.L, - �,�.:'L�:.,, I , , ,m­ i ­11,11-1 t.,:.­:`*�­11 I � 1, .. .J , . „I �'. I ��,����:, ... ...... . "