HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-22, Page 5Arrs. A. A. lVilaia3rts ' ".I.- er-stns, i3lapasbaed, and family, have 'removed Granton to Zor=s•:to ,;hero they iutel Iyuz[,1Mfass, reslad'iu future. FQr thO ,cod o`� lav i)o ;'ou real the twi=n uiala pubs . _ Iu t•ebalf of 1730rd'sSarsspa•i`la, The ' i hororglly r0allle and w'•rthy your feu, .Is[r, TT ilLiaa,ts XzBarttl?, Zia- )<deneo (loa'ses XxoOla'rs Sarsa a2,411a, 134, -y -.!AI Cars of eheoao.lrave bsen r, We are pleased to present this from frau Listor:el station durtnra the et v Rev, An A. Williams, of the Sillsbee . T' Ifallarttyiro a& Ban `able^pelf twoaJlfl . ear street Christian Church, I..3•nn, Mass. t exp"rt Coulaiuing 870 boles, valved at "I see uo reason Wily ,% clergyman, more titan 73G. ' _ is layman, tviza knows whereof Ile Speaks, "� V. Joaeph iTaedlt m'a fruit, I:) ip Should hesitate to approve all 1 nefglibo ,hood of St. Mary,, was sold to Article@ Of JPDIae, Rlliott, cf IvEliburn, for $5, Merit11r. Needham will prabebly remove to and worth, from which ho or his Bally have Marys to reside, been signally ve to ex and t` lose cOXnmenda- SMATt � at,l and r aJladur,.la, aowbi tion may serve hl extend those .benefits to ntiiersbyinczt2vi13gtheireonfitlenee.ltlytvife with theatharin;rodientsI iutlial Las for many (,ars bee 114 sutiero>; frons severe I p r•,us 1'la$tsrs, Ina; e C<xrtar's S, 1V, t� Nervous rHOCkdache J %aok�ohs 1'iSstera the best ill thu spat for whish silo felled little lie. 8110 lids triad d 400 free fro. all ! xnnny tiling$ that protit.,io p n811 but I13pnr- ,.rude and irrilat fgxnznd little. I est fail a friend gave her a pot, matter. Coucontrated .medicine or, tie of 1100a's 83rsapar111a. It seems surpris- Carter's Little Liver 1,'ills, Very sol, fog her, Theat oleo bottle sapid and dict dq vary easy to. take; no osis; no griping; for liar, The werelts of headache (leeroased in sity,number and were les$ violent Ill their inters- putg ug•, try t4orn. sity, tWlrlI Iter general health 1133 been im- I� 1t Association gauze of football bet ,%Q i�raved, I xp rienceto 1133 also hociz better. Listowel and Brussela was plc; ed at Brr ,;rani our oxpeappeti with t8f)�{y Rolm Saturday. The ualno was to deoi Sarsaparilla wltioh club I"19 10 ,rear modals. 1', I h"i'vo 'It) hesitstl ll In endorsing Its rlacr)lta.1i P180i g was 8°ot'I still resulted 2 too' .tl.. ,c1., ''ILLxAaxs. favor of Lit-tvwrl. 1 ioop'8 Pii_t s ora the best f if yotl had taken two of Cal,ex's :` itt $wily catbartl0, Pile before retiring you would not ha) gentle and efreetive, Tryabox. 11rice25e ,__.. . _� T - had that coated tongue or bad taste in tl: .. month this morning. hoop a vie; wlG 1-0 { U. [You ftir occasional nae. ( --MIT. Catharine Lynayy, Hortriu Streel SliS ivrtl, av,•ftheued liar hilt band Wedme� "IL;IL Ito � �`� 0 e�f)?, h uc+to light ,Ile ilre, He di -1 so andand reminded himwhat BRANBg� F ;110 rt tnrx:ed a few Willa !CV tatt.'rwards ab( i :vas t,yigg, 111.swt fuil'iye, ICYCLES IV remillsofthe rceent txamzination." HAVE A I at Ilia Toronto Unirtraity lira math: t,r40t431 Saturday, Among tlzc,=o atrt:rird STANDARD VALUE the N 3., degree law are the tolfng fr.ia i ,Itis district ; Arlhur 13eA"ty, llitkton ; 11$01, A. Be'l, Avoatog, aril J;,h t A. tie. i irauntb, at ;MTary L C r The properties of Baayay's Livar ,Lnzt,u r>• go4 are tonic as wall a,, I3aattvP, isles$ ii remedies ties, ale violently purgative weak. �. I an instead of strengthening tho body. 2,,! la}''a LIV('rLozengesorairle3sant,lrerwloss ! anal eflcc,;Ve, ,'5 oent9, I' Some throe ears ago, , says the Argus, .. - trills a Mr. John F rasvr, of Si.Jilarys vna a ` I worldllg pit the farm of Mrs. A lst?attie, i Blare lot I no last a silver wa+cit wbieh he THEY ARM BUILTTO SELL AT' ' ITAr3 wLaring At the tbuo• kR Mr. I3 ren ton TI II3 PRICES' OFFERED r tl.a pre, ent tenant of the farm, was plowitlg tkro other day, the watch was turned rip Thejq. AtANUFACTGRRO 0,Y 1 (mite uninjnrsd, and was restored to its Goold �lcycle 1►011W. q�n()r, HUROrr. � Tie Hallett batter factor' turns out Goo Brantford, Ont. Pounds Of butter par day. DcaoT; 113 YaNaF ST., Tog01T0 I rei ldilapidatei condition of lthe.'r comet. F131'BINfS & W,A.RT11j. cry. 1''Ansan'a 13look: Clinton cyclists are building a track for `"""'�-a•'-----r-------- ®_...-•,_„_ thomaelves and the citizens are "comm , tg� -s down" handacmely, 8 dVG��/�� t �►� �Yinghtrm and I3arriaton Increase foams I* (op•0osod Sticks at tiro lattor place on Thurs. day, Wiugham winning by 8 to 2,_ *: , e{ . klhas, {;rolls of Goderioli, leas rbnba rb, Sz ' ' f4 Ie eJueivt of the leaves, over three #act in 7 � � • , ,� nglh, and onrrespondingly think. ere% `a1 lOiJS NEPVpUS irtsleo!m M3gNanghtou, of Varna. had n 11 ,y%viae, �� valuable young mare 10,11 into a Well the '* AI)AC•Y AVAC� -0 other day and broke its nock: " C3 Alfred H. a{Jiltr, of London was Iadt I � "a t ; week uiarried to ;Mins Longo Ji, Pollard, of t. VVI - S 011itl0p townsbip, formerly of Loudon. , 41F, . _" ,� 00 Wednesday last s Verse belonging to I3 tvp 1.GIAir,. �� R• Cn°lis of Auburn ate a Diene of pcleoned U�D)iY11`1 ' , b:eod sot for rats and died in a few Win- utaF, r. ik, ", �(f ` 1 1I' r+�r,a,{C.9 acs of land which th ownscon theogravtel PJ + react near Winthrop to 9fr. H. lie Lethorne 1 rot 0)119 a tt:llef tU t k stirs for all kinds o for DfS'sa Grace NTOFftu 1 , Of SaaforEh, a pupil j iiEAD PA1�IS, -SICK STOMACH of 31r. Haslam, of Toronto is now singing t AND Sii_IOUSiVESS in the Garden .theatre in Now York, the t largest in the Metropolis. rlarinleE9, Contain no hurtful drugs. A Jit. Wellington MoTaggarl. B. A, of wonderful Compound, hien to take. I Torante, formerly of C1liealhnrst }pee takenSero death to pain. to himrolf a bride in the person of a Wiat. CR Be sure you got STARIi'S. f ton Young lady, J 13 A cat owned by ;Mfr. Levi Tiiok of Clinton ISL PREPARED BY R, StTUR, ill, 0.0- P,, GRE,i1S7 is noting as fnater-mother to a couple of S Fno,,w GLASQOW UNIVERSITY, SCOTLAND, young mfut , which seemingly take to MA I tier as comfortably as to their natural R 'OR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. mother: Fred Gibbs of Huliett was run over by a yy 5OR#TS ]a box. Sold br tilt 1Druggists waggon the other day and had Several of OA' Lt uclrels rte} el onttlound his ribs broken. He got down to put up Ci .N rx•.�, the linea when the horses took fright and TOI of .I ' ranAway,On Sunday Juno 4tb, Elizabeth, wife of I Afr. Ildward Glenn, Sr., of Stanley, passed 9 " peacefully away to the better world. Dur- ing ibe last 'fetr yoara they Were living in A:t Clinton. and it Was there she died. ' Tvin: Mfr, SamuelTurncr, formerly of Bayfitl:l rears Svandcrfvl cTiscovery is the best l nownremedyfor Road, we6t Of Varna, a pioneer of IfUron whilt 'ousucssand allStomacb and Liver Troubles, such died At the tesidonce of his brother James curses onstippationi,i3eadache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Or the Ya r pre Blood, ctc• These Lozenges are pleasant r line, ull Thursday r ¢ It(6t Dlart harmless, andthough powerful to promote a, week L afr. 'Turner was afiiiote.1 with as,.,- boli ihy-action ofthe bowels, do not weaken likep't1Is ser o, the stn mseb,., O I'toug60iseontetlyet¢neediheni. On Monday Ias1,.,�hile running satito arida and t; tuacbin,r inpfati;� coal anti wood ya'd, I. .e Goderich, a young lad nauaed,Hugb DardY F hadlout fiuyers oI his rig116hand badlyASC AIGY. Di ETj STOYRES nut; twoOf which were nearly off'. The """""- -^-w' . ,Wounds ware soon drepsed and he is now Ft r& r -- 7obn I43a d• e J,i , d L< laz , Di. E , is t.xpr,eted prograsainR favorably. 6in•y, I ,e from tl,e old ennut,;v this wrek. Re RilliauaneeS should not be'negleeted. To heifer; take in t}io Utta;,rt, courentir ri ou Ilia `steep the blood pnre'it is n-cewsnry'to take Irtrbt•., I: Qm a- open a`r exerofeo and ken, the dfge'ative "orSO°j dill opt 2:k'Rr ,yv r.rgal,s active and the9vstonl, regular: A . You 1` ' nl Ctrs 1 h t doctor 3' u d d stir r a ":Oil, a1v t h' � t, f t. es Oral •,..� � health lth .Y. • rad fepllul, tick headt r nr v t 1 , gu int lns;;tfv.c )f,,Il 11 Call ba td9 use OI .a.eljaV w Liver Luzaagas' relict+rr d of all t13Rre N'111101:1< by all 21,11 zr I u080"; Mr• ,Cline- ;Via>oii' shl pped a R. Ilor�;1'y 8,11-txllieh gives11 ite+r,ie, oar;,pad of carriage horses, from Brueefield T1111i land bodily sir ]iW tL ami thorotighly to.khip old eputltry-,. Mr. P. McGregor, of yz lat'11l,a the blood, It t,. i,) • +, to Br? A •, 1. Creates e;gOrid, iotfield, state$ drat the de nand f ; �, ct.fn, for 1pP uz'ee u1.1,g-ear,•r, her{burn; tired htlr0es isa little more I risk than hitherto, . d)stx•1' Elk, though the nicos ai'o ria T 1 bettor, except for -- fiho very bent heayy draughts, which wo 1✓ 71 ti+try, F 11 1N , r r:el,y to 'slice asF iIt susrnn, . fn+tt'i,,ai ,t ,,nae ,n , s ,o°. . I 'Ab a flood purifi r, Abe west suiinc.nt JU The v R yJJrir a tr:Jcn s)rG„{ nit tri the :yip 1 Physician procribos Ayer'ri 'Saran . bor,turo D2rzlln. ser a, c£ tilt! t'0, r uftl,;i in FVi Jbhz a mid 1L fr the loos t I3+tw os combination of IW3 L �!tI to ltlntix holy. +,i al: ct;e ,,fill: he vFgntabis alferatfres,'ovc+x`o a puce. ' ifit.:Jra r°!,w',.O lh .,f (tare,+„•.=iuur i+,,ui Ho ublio g red to ribs P Ae',a's grin snit fa,uily m;