HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-22, Page 4 I � — : - —1—Ir —�!� --too ,W ! I
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I , Eli't a b I isne d ih i 877 costly gifts ato being PlAcl,ed &way, carding Christiaa,Q, adeavor for anY iadopond� I I � I - - ---7 1 1 1
�'i:, . I Coliaty cottlicil Notes,
I I . " - neyer again tabie. l6oked �t, orlanizition. I . I I
or I
. I I — , en the least olianice ia th,� at 'Wide of our, 'rile colluty Commi�.4ioilor re. t .
I of tha.w0diii, a A;Rriiiceas Alary of churelles towards Christian Rudeavor,arld that follows. The oontraal for the l3t,%yJJoI(j �
,w , there need be no feat that 010 Prosbyteriall. bridge ball i;ieeri let to R,jbt. j*mi 0 t , P CLAWKE I
I . I I - � 11� 1 . Smwaply'ould it do to, proclaim the date 'Xhird that as far as we know there has not I --
why 00 B , T be ll,)rtQd 44
I B � s,,,,4L " On , mnxxal� - ,Xeck Dv," and for the 1voroen of An fo ot ,,,,, 00 U A i 0 X ,
I ,� I , I I Uhurch of Clovolmid, will not be found in line e,2l�15 to be 00 .
� � I . Canada to visit tile varik us '. orphans , ,� lo a ild.roady to do theiv mploted by solit� let 1993., . �
I I . I
. , ,
ba� .
st! to tile movemeat o.
. � in m%kIM, the OQUVOUtlort OC'94 a great The contract for Hall's bridge bao.beou let . I
3SANEZER� honkes and charitablo institutiot s in \1 �Vhen v o Li. c a ni success. . to the sawo pervic, for E565 tObe corapl, � I
I I I I . I .ted I Truth is irresistible - " �
. .
I I -1 - E, r1i Till R, - OTNT, �� their .-everal , locaLties with flolvers, . I 1i . I . . by Augaet let t. 8 �ma sopportil Wore I z �
E X I I Yours, O'l-H-111'.wimsox� I
. books, toys and kind words for tboin- .-----. P 1-0,+�4--- . solnetir . I
� I . mates, and present geL ca good, high, Pu� under Oraund"Bend b!idge w3t4 a. new ,.Jeff. -It briags, jis .
�,z - the watrorls, or !k :, � Hexisall. liddro could Ila bud'. Tendois wale salted face to face With sbron I'4
. , . ,I,rzknsuqtstkgi3xier�t��,�—lki—n!-Ilu.iit,k$L.. as the case may be, with auy cash 0) ey � M P Q.e W.'OAMHRO�11 SNIT11, Barriater, Solici- f.)r the ortati,�n . . -a
,1 , an s I low Sh' ', ol a brillge 14t urp lid Beil'i I " , �
. '. . cl� I � 111fluences -130t. 'a' I W, 11 �7 : "
!. - 1, .
: 11 Receives the Accounts of �Mqaxahants,n,_d may have to spare, Priu �m Afary has tot, Conveyancer. office Nain-st. tiudarsi to be in by June 5zfi, 01 �Iliah IOU
� . . I �Mareonfarorablatierma. I aotie,iw uallch and is noted, follliarnla,ay at RI/IoGowan's , "'I" heorusulted after Office hours Attho lvere rectired. On coil I ly-q �
. I I
l� I . Offaim oycr�aeoornmodatten 001*10%lant with charities. . We are -sure Her Royal , I Commercial Hotel, 11ensall. Gunt C,f some of the ktgreeaible to . our tas to I .�
"15 �,' eare and eonservativ a bank Ina DrInaliples.1 . I Another sp%' daY0a Satardi�y, damaged. 1, � 1,
� , � ' , a., t I bargain 06110ty bridges being badly y . �
." .1; tilterestallowedou deposits. I ness would be better pleased, at fop 9001 P I JuuoNthatt a HemalL boot,%. shoo crapor� spring freabots, the 0011111Y c0mmla-douer or feelings.. . . ;
. I Win. (IrpatbittgoLii3gii,illbogivoilthiod%y . ,
I �
P . !i5thiloolebrationof her nuptial day , 7, . in recommended that tile ec il'adQfit 4(i L I I
��' Drafts issued payable ,at any oftles o - tile allkin(Is of footwolroethayma . I I line ,me . L
?! UercllautoBsOc� ' than at the receipt of any present. . stba
, I I . — ordiarto make room for our laige so,", "I )notion forbidding Parties frona going over I I
, Xowzs DISCOUNTSD, And MON13V TO LoA-T I : .11, . I — .. , . I fall aild winter stook. Ternis ; - I'll... these bridges with loads of ovt.r a tOu"4Xql,,,pt
�,� ' , Zlr, ,,, P,..! $ Wlien we ask you io� .1
' duce tit cash 1) rl a as. I r . I ;
' Also a complete Line of at tile risk of part�e going Over � , �
f1r, � : � ON NOTES slid 21101MAGAS. 131cidillpfl. A. WeSXLOlr, all mid examiZI6 Our.' I �
- -
I ------..-.. . WOMENIS MISSES' AND Sign or;Big Boot,' The follow.ug recommendation was made I ' I
�, i I � -- I in the education report.—Thattlater .Doug, - Tapestry Carpets, rang- . I I I
Bairms.-Mr. Win. J, Clark a former CHILDr,,E�NIS O,XFORL) TIES in Gil— Cr,-= S,kws F0%T1ultTYD.X . .1
A Having decided to offer our immense stock 'of , 9 .
, . � q I
" � . � ft,e � f,jVtjV, VIMV,g. merchant of Mooresville,, paid us a friendly Y' It's, it) 0011jull0tiolf with Jud a Toms, arid I . I . ..
I. !� T NS and DUNGOLAS. These wonted tweed pariting xept%; Furnishings ,,,it. J. B, Ing In.price from, 25Q.to � �
� , � Tait last week. -- The Ray'd Mr. Ghent ' Cb, froM th(� ,,,, a l,reat reduction durlac i Toizi be abitrators in connection will, ' ' . I 1.
-- . "'a speolal sale application of S- 8- XO� 11; Hay township, 90c.- per yard,, ou will
�-, � . preached his farewell oarmou at St James Goods were bought dire I
'. 0 take Weasure in calling vour attentlonlo � y I I I
�� THURSDAY, JU,N4 22 ,1893 - burob last Sunday. Rev, Arr. Holmes M4llUfa0furer$ and will be zold at' Md. followin, Quoilatioxis. Buying in large The Executive Committ-le reported. -Ill, be convinced that the - . I
I.,., — I — Nvill be his andozolior.—The Bov. Ur wil- prices that cannot be beaten. q nantities from the best wholesale houses. we refereuco to patition, from oomillittao of
, a I
I Yarns will preach his filirewell sermo at ,%n Iva you better value and more choice than 33rd battalion it was r000m inou dad that no , truth ,is told when we �
;��, : ! . ,tllg
i. .. . STTS Nursery church on Sunday 25th just. a I or$- Dur stock is ewflial to any town or .
� NOTES AIND 00-NIME'D —Tho 1' :99s I I cen ts r, er doz, city. Tn paritings lye avisso differal't pat- grant be made as the Domillion Govern. .
:� � 7 . . PuPiltlOf $. S. NTO. 2. Biddulph, held I I I turns of all the nowest and latest styles which Went is the proper arty to grajit knell in- say they are excellent I
' " I ' I - p � .
' The drought in Europe is assuraing the'r annual picnic in Atkitison's grove on will be made to order from 82.0" and upwards. I I I
::" L ' I F riday afternoon the 160i imat - -,ilia bleavy P '0 N, The- in oar navy blue aud tweed allitings creased pay. values. I I .
� �. -serious form, The crops have dried I McGOWA made to order froin $7.50 to $12.00, regular The road aud bridge committee ma6e the � 11 .
� . shower of 98aturday the loth inst makes I
I .. ,and in France cattle are dying in herds, Oteneral Merchant, Kirkton. prices $10-00 to $;W(v Our $1210 all wool following recommendations:-- That !be
I tl,e oropoof all kinds put Oa it, very thrifty 6 urge suitiriza are selling rapidly, thel"' bridge on the Zurich Rr * Also a,flne, selec
�: . I " owing to want of fodder.. Hayisinde- arpearance.-The Bauble Bona of Temper- - . are ilia best value that was over offered It avel road in Bay U61L 1. I
. .�, . mand at X40 per ton.. If it continues ance hold their annual monthiy mootilig in . Housall. In our show window you will see a township le assumed by this county and of White Curtains hv the'
I ZUrlch. lot of summer shirts and drawors, This lot we be plact,d Oil it
I are offering at 25 ots. each ; rf.,;rular price Vo , . 'Lot of county bridges, That - -
!.1 / � I there will be starvation in theEtiropean School Beation No. 2 on Tuesday even! ng - d such is the ease ivith all other lines of notices be placed oil Bayf pair or by the yard'.
I I xeld and Ht4mos.
" I countries during phe year. thal 13th !not. Quite a ilamber �uow be, Bitizra-Vtobael isller reLurned last I on"r AtoOk : villa bridges warailig the publio against I
: * V * - A I Ina of Caml�rlch shirts ive are
1 . I long to tills orgiinization. Friday evening from it fourday's v'i8tt clearing out 4t to ots, il-iou worth $1.00. drawin ton over faid
� Iftubercul Oarlar.o steak of hats, tics.suclia-lir vidgee
I -osis has been discovered P ,1111i 4 to the Worlala FAir,-q%1.n . ,! loads of over one I solieft 0, call
I . — , J, Latta has will be sold at east durl flits special a a. b That all the iron bridges be to. I
. aniong cattle sent to Eng"and frorn YuUarton. purchased a handsolile cushion tire 4speoial3o fl.ysala lltbofor pAitiledifnecesaary. TWI tire tenderiug
11 I cgs a , ..
Uallitoba there can J)e no dollbt that -- sarety bicycle froln Messra ftartleilb QS101110 is ill a to a gottin! a arial of:the Grand Bend bridge be 1,iti to the
i .- I It Kilizinger.-M uring t sala� at uy .'.,'I Vo wo ill oil- 0481lieur to award the caukraot in uJano
� tile dise%se was first introdur.ed into BRIEFs.-R. Ross, of 13ma. Township is .r. Llenry Bletch is tit ,30, aye see r stue . 'Ittis action , ou * t
the Prihirie Province owing to the I&xity , spending a few day. a with Wands near visiting friends near Aytown Cut._ gu.lr,L teed. !on vrith the warden of Lambton or com:
� Mt. Q N V. Meru -knl; a ties. Itirefereneatoli.ttur "'T
ofthe regulations under which cat Vleasarlt, and has rented the Goallay farm David welamiller of, 11ensalt was the Vor, Ileasall, Mi froza John
� tle X98ou, asking fur an from bildge at Bay.
. from the -Sta,tes were permitted to oroas from Wm. Hanson for a terT 0 Pars, fit guest of ,Nfr. 11.. L, 1'eine on ,Sunday Folluiving are tho market quotations ; Cold, it was ranommouded tlint it be ill J. P. CLAR K .
. . the border. Fortilwaely ronre strin- $290 per year, to take PoEsession in March. last -Win. W`urm, allent Sunday in Wheat ............ � ... W to 62 In tatereace to applications of tom,lishil 0 motion to the ogeot that
-Tile Patrons ofludustry of Crediton.-Allss Ada McLaughlin of li a rl (�Y . ........... the clarli allould
gent rules tire in force now. �!lltb erth .... � $3 to 35 of Ashrield, Stcption, Hullottand Gray for advertige In the Toronto pope 0 sng
will bold a grand picnicaud -o Utfor .rupet- Exeter was the guest of Uisa C. Iler. rs I r Ill -
. P Oats ... � ........ ..... 83 oo 33 1% eonlritilition.of percentage towards the Of a Roltoo ofRefuge to accomwod%t# 1,,()
I I Xxx ing in Mr. Win. Reid's grovezere, on June say on Sunday last.-& large number I 1, i as . ... .......... ... D5 to 56 traction of bridges IOU test and over. it was Or 75 fninatca"Was lost. Oil mollort it WAYS
The reports of cholera in Europe are the2ltb, commencing at 2 o'clool. Ad- Of Our citizens rtttandQd the Public Hay .............. 6,00 to 7.00 recomminided that the inatter be juld over 4f cided that tile council of Gollob, M1411101pal-
daily becoming more serious, There is dresses will be ,'doliverod by the grtlud School plenic, at firand Bond 4n Wed, Bult'n ............ .. .. 131013 tilt next meatirig to w4it roakilt of app ial of ity take
� President, M.r. MaJory, grand 4ustee, mr. nesday, and of course they all had a Eggs ............. ... . o to lo a vote Of the 61totore of their re.
no occasion for allirva, bill-. it is the im- Glifford. and a number of other$. Mr, 1100 ........ ..... 8,00 to 8.2z Hilton To. Morris, Ru lAter from warden opootivem"nicipAlitT, at the game time
. very good time. -August Weseloh of of Larubton aasaug, the road con,missioner that the -to on the question of prohibiton
Parative, daty of the Dominion Guveru- Ba I-Intyrip, M. P, P., Rad Air. priallaw, 11 ens,ill spent Sunday with f, !ends it, Clover so -A .......... 8.00 to 8.115 tovaeLA their 0311moil, it was rfoommended is to be talron, aA t
ruear to redouble its efforts to keep t X R. have been invited; and we hope to 0 whother. or not a house
I plague out of Canada, and (if the I he see both ths�e, The pionjo rill a freo, tile village.-Mias Thompson. who ha(I Bitiltirs-Ur'Geo NeEwen mturned thath-;4ocruotas he ploxwq. but the o(yetage'.1101214 be erected in this county.
I mun- charge of the millinery department Ot Friday from ditaw*a,vrilare he attended collutf " Lam"11011 1111cold Pay bi�, expeugos Thereivill ba no meeting at the 0 AID611 iU
icipal authorities to put forth still and the afternoon will be fulivetied by past filei High Court ineeting of the C 0, F, clause ky clause , . December, 0
1 . more #election a from the St. Marys braea band, D Steinbitok during the Season I 11 -
T1.11 ravo t I as take, UP
vigorous efforts in making preparations which has been eng%ged for the ozeasiou left for her home on Xonday last-' ws delegate f *in lIens4JI Court. -Rev. 1XIA, 0 Iti2a then want into 4 comizitteo of Thel Finance cotenlittea Made a total r,f
. which will enable them to check its and ail are cordialty invited. Visa Uzzle, Treumper who hu been in 31r. Switne of Auburn was in town on tile wbolo, Mr. Ssunders in the chair, ,1,110 estimated expenditure of, 8�
, ra,vages if it does come. Moriday, visiting at Rev, Fair's. -Rev. %immitlee ro-a , I lose a
I -- �'- L -- Detroit for same time past, returned , and rfil'tlrted prog"as on t1mated rOcelPth Of $1,52$, requiting a rate -
I . L I * * * Ba'Vtleld. home last Wednesday.- Xessra W, fl. Ur. Walker Ot VArtia was in town Noll 0'auees I � 2, a. 4. 5. 6. A one, Sol Me ler,ort. Of I .1q; wills on the dollar on the t(IRAiizee
Sir Olis er'INlow,,it will hase ta reduce — Roffrnan and J. Verner spent sund4jr dity visiting at Rev, 1rwin's,--1iilr. D. It vifiu, decided to u�k the (*eur)ty Sol..O;t hooessed value OI tho count , .
7 T is rate is
the Price of his prison-mado bind fairra.-Dr. Charlva Lng-ju lots Isat near Crediton.-Solnel of the members Weismiller was in London last *fllurs. or o,A tlo u4icoring, qrlk,e:!c,zA,R;- egg thr('Q' t%vf r I lot 1115 Of 0, mill higher thliall lan . I
er Ibla "
WoLk to practice in Detroit, We wisla him of the Flensall Bloycle, C:ub day. -Misses L. Rolosky arid A. Kerr 0"llucil rl�isi ft bY+1w flsing ,';z25), or Year,
; twine if he expects to do any business. were giv. othor stim to be palft to the 31nulcipal
I sn-loess. Fishiaglistabeen 11,31lit lately.- exhibitions on their bicycle 0 are visiting friends at Zurich and On hn anieudineut tq A. folmer motion *
i He charges Ril cerita'a pound fov his Picnie,,;z are the rage nor. CoulicA,;, or otLer persons, for the support
i Almost every S�nugrlday las.t. -Tboie three young rr'aenu Dashwood this week.-Ur.Z.Roedding recorded ]alit wce!c, it was decided
I , of lavaue P315c)us, irrespecliva of tile ayst to grant
I twine, by tbe carload. and 14,1� cents a day large numbers clf vouna people gntlier wO suPPOSO, thOu.-134- that they were atteri(led the District R. 1'. of T. meet- '�425 to C'4011 Of thO East, We
L pound ill sni,liler quantities, not less here to enjoy the lake breezes.- S. A. " of tile li-vo-Bary waint,?zg4t�e,1 ot such per. H01013 Farn)era, Justitilills, at And 4011ti- -
-right in it" last Sunday evening ingoliTuesday, held at B,cater.31r. notiv. 4%,lj-�), ,�vjg%t. does 1h.e
Camp . whole of.pj
i , . rt; I
� ,,, tball 50 pounds. .k Hamilton dealer is meetings start here in ot,out two Weeks.- four or five others coul-d and 14 ---�---
. selling binder .Aviae, "the product of John Fraser has been using the pair t brush have been D. Welsmiller and family were visiting 4upport metan. Tb � a -ii ,ver of the 0�nivy . I r.py.
t bought for a trifle less tbari-,A cht,1v of at Zurich on .Sund%y.N1r, A. Weselob; S,.ilioitor, in 614, ig. th-It If the cfntity True PlIllantn
honeet labor," at 8:1e cents a pound.and IreelYandmuchimproved the apipa"trance To TI -sr, BmTou ;
. . the buyernmy take any quani Ofbis store and the tailor shop.. The gum. and family we�e visiting At Zurich on coulil arrat3ga ,aith lotal ninuic!'1011ties that rIesfo inforia your ro4djv
. t1ty he Celebration Commi-tteara dolur wi-Illn -O.r - - SmIday.-MissMaggie Brownlee was !Iley woull provide th,Per file theirindigont
chooses. 'S,ir Oliver need'r f ' via1W)g at Zurich on Sunday.-N,Jr. G. insane, and rollovo Via conn.ty of that part that I will luail free to fill sufff'reto tile,
try 'Illy 0 arranging the affair for Saturday July .
I his binding twine corn bine tricks on Walls by which I rag r,,,41ored to licalth
I I I tile Ist. A gra- d program slid a liberal prize Grantion. D. Arnold and n'to left Wednesday on of their duty lander tb a Str.tutea, a &rant
I'.., farmers of this sooti(in. Hskmilfon linkis-nowort. Seeitandabove 41140u,t -- a two week -Is visii to Ailsa, Craig and of ,1425.or some whor slivahlo 81111A to ba pa7d, arid inanly vigor after years of sufforiog
- -,
, Spectator. fall to come to Boyfield and BUMN-Mr C. Foreman has arrived Torouto,--gr John IfoArthur of ,&ih a per )lead, to the 1(�cfil mun -cilia Illy, wou'd from Xervous We4kneep. I was robba4
I enjoy 1110 home after it lengthy stqy at the World's Craig Was In tolva ob Friday. - Xr J.C. be legal On the otiler hand, in tile ab. and swindled by the quacks until I rl"rly
I x X X : bports. A grest deal is being eald about Fair, Chicago. He is well pleased, aud (;Iauson was BP,Ucoofaiiydefixiitepl,xeelt.it,g ptovid(d lost faith in mankind, but thanks to heaven
Thescenery Ill almost any part of fast Eawing and a number talk of entering looks somewhat improved in app4arancil.- al; Londorton Wednesday, for such poison,, a g, Ant of $4)5 or $0111t, I= now well, vigorous an I
� the match which,011 no doubt prcve one A quiet wedding took place one There is great demand for lea oream such sum, saying rJothirAtt bout a V),1108 of have "otbing, to sell and 110 a strong.
. day last V. x6homo to vs -
I I I Ontario is impressive at anytime. Hill Of the most Interesting events of the day. week at tha Aletbodia',, pinr4onamo. The at present, and 9.11 our restaurant$ are shelter tit the county would Hot bo.ha corn. toit monily from 411YO110 whommyoribuib
and dale, level fields and wooded slopes The Lorse trotting and running will attract contraetfag parties werai ,Nit David John. kODt busy. -Tho Brat ripe cherries ile tatutt:B, bciv�r desirous to make this certain anipla
spllar;rs cumber and name good horses will $ton, 131anebard, and Mrs T Ounning Of were brought to town on Tuesday by known, fo all, I will asud hoo
give a variety to the landscape that be seen. Be aura and be here. Our summer .Motion of ikfesgra Ratz and rill or that n
Mrs I :1 001 % -
arouses the same townshfil Iva wi;h ilia happi , . Gilchrist, anti sold to Mrs. Ed. avrstial $0 atiyona I It pavilou 0,
the admiration even of the most bolirdors are arriving, Mrs, Brierly of Lou- y this county grant the couirratot of the Ilow I %I,aq It
, I Phlegmatic. But just now when forest don is mt the Commercial couple long life and prosperity. -Rev Mr. Shaver.--, -�44111ll Grand Beni! cat the Prlvilo,,,e of remaving cured. , dd.cos h rharap,;
and fields are covered with the fresh Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Davoyand On S"'turd'ay Gheant left last, week -for Ilia How appoint. I NTH Bilwann XkHT,kl,;, ( 04 lor),
I Tardureof June,'the scene is beautiful and engatzea rooms of London came ment at �N,Vjkervi!le� Air. Glienrit took Tucicerbinit)2. the Grawl Bond bridge and that this erju�cil 1�- 0. Box !43, Detrajt�, Ulall. 1�
. do not erect the ue%N antiore'tactorc of said
I at the River Hotel with him the good wishes of a number of - - �lldga. natil after Sapt. 151h n-xt, provid- 0,-
beyoni descripti6n. A fifteenmile drive. Which they intlead, taking up shortly. . friends. We trust his NWr will be blessed Bitmrs.-Mr,ZIWITofflatls barn in lug that such contractor areat a suitable A CONPLICATED C,k�.V.
over country roads at the present time whatever be may go, It is a hard thing this township wits struck by lightning bridge iterolli ilia river at Gamud Bona t6 llePE'Ar Sira,-1 was troubled witt tiliorlp,.
renews the buoyancy of youth ardtrans- Blanshard Council. to Ell the vacancy of such an eloquent ,,, : last Friday and burnt to tile ground. accommodate the public and that the roal F0, 11CAdUalle and loss of appolitp. I
fers to human existence some of the as Yr Gheant.-Ur and 11ra Jones of this If oat all the con ten to of the barn were commissioner bo instructed to A -k tht,loame irl.oull natrest st night. and waq very weak
I freshness which n%ture has distributed Municipal council met on 5th just., place are away to Buffalo attending I he saved by the good work otMr. MoXat liver from tho County C u - but after using three battles Of B. B. B."my
: with such lavish hand over inanimate P J nall if Litutton,
. talent full Board. Minutes of previous wedding of .Mr Jones' sister of that piece, and tile neighbors, A Dew binder Granted If the coutractor will ,,%�oume f re. At-POtite is good and I am batter than for
. objects. meeting read and confirmed. - Another of those pleasant events is to which had never been used wits in the sponsibility for au$, accident that years PR6t- I would tot now be witliGnt
Mr. Barton Allen addranael the Board take place next wedneslay. Con U B, B, and am also ;living it to nar
: * * * I rally adour
I ratula- 'barn and Ivan saved with the other im. On temporary blidge or approaahea. Al..?o
Twenty-five valuabl. in reference, to ilia hill at his place and tions -The now 1,,Ingilab minister, Wev"Mr childron,
. olives were lost asked for a small amount to be Holmes, has arriyed, and preached his plementa. The birn was insured in that the road commissioner be Instructed Mrs. Walter Bnrns. Maitland bt, B� I
I by the collapse of an old building in thereon. Robillooll and Ullyot; were tile flay Township Farmers, Alutual t" rooitivo tenders for Grand Band bridge ,
ap. firat sermon in Grauton Stinday even' to be elected after Sept. 15th 7lext, A CA.vAriIAX FAv011lTX.
n 109 FirA Insurance Co., for $200. rind in .
� � -Washingtiln theother day, which, des. poi led a committee to inspect the hill and Just -Roadwork is the order of tile day ---- event of a hirlier prjo,il being paid that cL.u- The season of -green fruits end summer
I report at next meeting. here. Our town fAthers have done pand tractor pay difference. A HU)"plemaulary drinks is tba time when the worso forms of
i pita repeated warnings with respect to Mr. Peacock asked for a grant for the workslay ... down new sidewalks in differ Qreenvvay. report wu brouRbt in, recommending thsI, cbt,li,lra worlitig, diarrbwa Hull bowel com.
'to .fg
unsafe condition, tile T'nited States townline Blanabard and Biddrillill, , and ant p the village, %vbIeh adds greatly - by,law No. 9, 1884 (assnaiing county plaints eafego4rd Dr,
I u 6 to it's and appearaneo.-De brldrt,B) be repiraled, on ot,n,litinn that F owler's Fxtraet of Wild Strawberry shoulak -
. Government persistedin using lis officia was granted 010 provided Bididulph gra t convenience Dumpa.-Rev.'i E. Holme'sSermo n prevail, As a
�.t quarters for hundreds of pension. office the same. creara is quite a favorite dish tills hot to the Maccabees last 8abbatb was in. intirticipalitias h,xviug hitherto not re. be liapt in the b(Znae. For thirty fivA
clerks. A building c, Mefisrs Gowan, 49000 and ot thars appeared weathor, hence our lea erearn parl,-r is well tereating and instructive. A very large ceivea equal noristancein thoway oibridges Yfay$ It han been the most reliable rvill.
. in never be proved '.
. uns%fd to the satisfaction of those usin before the council in referenco ,to certain patronized. audience assembled to hear bim.-Mr. obould relecivo a fair remuncrilsion so as to edy.
9 Parties having their fences out on the side J. B. aodgins passed through here last put them on a par with municiralAiss that BAD 11=01) CURED.
. I it until it tumbles down, but the Wash- road. I
ingtoll calamity'Ouglit to catry all im. -- --- Monliny with a patent buizgY axle re. have heretofore hail bridges built, and that Gentloman,-J have used your Burdock
On motion of Robinacin and St. -Tobu, XO the Bdifor of the Exeter Times. palter. It is biglily spoken Of. -Urs. bridgeawhiehmalnesistence now to be Blood Bitters for bad blood and find iL
portantleasonto ail quarters of the -theclerkwas authorized to notify said DzAit 8xit. -Some weeks ago the fol- W. J. Wilson reneived word by tale- taken in consideration at their pitr value,
il which collapsed parties to move their fences off the road lowl without exception, the beat Purifying tonia.
. was formerly F ord's Theatre, in which allowance. 09 paragraph went the rounds (if Phone last Monday that her tI, This rep,litt was amended &3 follows; Mo- ill use. A short time Ago,two very, large
11� � President Lincoln was assassinated in On motion of St. John and Berry, the the local papers. The Presbytory of Mrs. J. Brown, had just died. auullat Von, Of Xe0ra NeXurchie and Milne be and Painful boils came on the book of my,
, ,April 1865,. and it is a singular coinei - clorkwas instructed to advertise for tanderL Cleveland has decided that the Y.P.S.0 week 'Was picnic week; there was a referred to the 1' ,end arid Bri(Ige Comr.littek, neck, but B. R. B completely drovathem
dance that the structure should have for %to construction of stone abutment for E. is an injury to the Church arid should picnic Pvery day in the week out at to report at next meeting of Council, and away. L
fallen on the very day that Edwin bridgeatfook of Prospect Hill also for be put down and out." Thelarticle ,Vent Grand Bend. that in the meantime the crigincer prepare Salnuol Blain, Toronto Javatititt �
Booth, brother of the ,assassin, was be- bri4go on 8th con at Hooper'.T. on further to say "the action or ".. -----. ..,..Q— a statement of the number an 4 valne of the Soaforth Council &I Its uezt meating will
ing carried to his grave. D 0 Brown wanted a small grant to be Cleveland Presbyteryislikely to become :Kirjkton. bridges costing minlicipalitie,t, for the u-0 pass R bY-I,t,w to make it purdattable lot.
of such committee. On roading the report children to be On the I
. - * * * exppnded on Station road and was granted general in the Presbyterian' Church in .. . of the equalization Committee, it wqs mov street# after nin&
410 conditionally. the States." BRik,mi-Anniversaly serviceswill be O'cloak in the evening unless accompanied
While we are as loyal as most people By -L * No 184 for commuting statt t, el ihut the report be amended by reducing by a puardiaD. . . L
a As the article seemed to be authentic )laid in the Metbridist Church next the aEsasoment of ,
and h:tve none but the best wishm fo labor in the several road divislonj in the it gave some antisfactio U. -borne and .Tu ke: - —11. & .
- . 11� —
r ato tbe oppon- SundRY-Rev-Mr. Nilson of India $milk i�l per note; thii was lost; a similar .
. the future of the royal couple aboub to municipality was read short passed, vicrilad ants of the great movements and con- will preach in the Xirkton Presbyte?- motion concerning the township of Godo-
and ilia seal of corporation attached thera, ian church at 2.30 p. m. next Sunday. richyraslost. TheCommitteelia recom, o.0 It OHARD it 0 �
be united w4,,. I � ye n � , sympatily with to. siderably al,trmed its friends. d . X a 0.
I the idea of the women of Canada pre- Tt turns out, however, that there is -The game of base ball played here mended a reduction it., the tqnalized w.- G291IT11-1 sprained my log go badly tba,j,
---- g- no toundation in fact for Ole above (in ";aturday was a walk over for the 11118melit of Hullelt, of 5I 'an sets, thid , �
sentin the "bonnis bride" with a The Tuwashipe(Hullett has expended " I had I<) be driven ha, . I I
wedding gift of any description abatement. They are loyal to thoir visitors, thescore standing n was adopted. arid the report passed. immediatalir :,appli in& Ins oard . .
though the wedding will not take place the lot of January, 1876, the aring sum of Young people and the society which has The Finanee I ed, 111WARDIS ar;wlr� I
sining bzidgoa since, favor of Opposition. -The soiree held Committee reporhed as MENT frogly ana in AS houps coul,,i �ug',
� - AT. in erecting and main' 20 to 9 1
for a mouth, says the Mail, Princess 025,800, or on -an average of $1,875 a year doneso much for them. But the Pres- in Mr. Wiseman's grove on Monday in follwa-In reference to letter rf Donald nly leg again as well he over, I I - : '.
I May has already received more presents byteryof0leveland, likethe Presby- connection with the S. S. Anniversary -mclunio for damagi�s, it was recommended . I - . ,�
. Ma-srs J'. W. Livingston and T. Stevens tery of fluron f was a grand success. The day, fine that he be r,a';d $100. Application of J. J0131111A WTITAIU011T. I 11 . .
than she knows what to io vvich. The of Sonforth, lef k last week for Chicago, to elt that more sympathy � � ,� -- . . "I
---- an W. soott for itioiciaxed giant Ixoni $75 to - . . ��.,
.! - Play football There on the representative d help ahuuld be extended to the the tables well spread anti the ;peak' Bridgewater, X. s, 1 . � , � 11
�,D � � � Ca"d,an loam, young people. So they did what was ers each sustainitig his ,reputation of $109 for leaping of Win. Collins, recom- 11 -- � � I I .
Inealis boing �
don, at a recent meating of the Fiesby. lence� I "Ons were )tilt on list of county worls h i'mO a bill lbe of MINARD'S LINI U -ENT, $�' I
A. wonderful now combination is R being popular with aKirkton and* mended that it be prantEd. The f ollowirig That string on your finuoi
I Stark's Headache, Neurslqia and Live; tery of Huron, brought tile society into :I �'Mr. A. Ferguson is home Lit his and paid for at the following amouoti,�- . 1. � .
. . -
B 0 S I r Powders, nice to take and perfectly harm- closer relations, only in another way. "acatiou from Toronto Radical School. Sarah Williams B. uss;els, $100 per annum ,- I . I L � . I
� . I I a -. Mr. Alex Rtim�ev, Imperi-il BAnk, The Presbytery of Cleyelind thought .-Dr. Ferguson of bl 'yth spent Sunday, Uargaret.MoGuire, Goderiall, 572; Anna, — r '
, Wt Iland aays;'They are excellent; I have the beat wav tj do thab was, tt) form a on(k Monday in Kirkton. I . I
, eni to all - . --, bella McLean, Goderiall $72; Jos. Samson, 11 ..
� no LesAxtion in recommending th union of ail the societies, within - its ' . , � StePberlo $100; Suaanna 11ansoln, Sto.rhan, I
� I woonn,.Amc, who suffer frum headaph.s." Mr. Block .bounds. Tills was done and t I he action AR�A F I . �72, W,Iliam, Robeit and Me gFiet Currie, 0 . . .
� ' I
I a W of Aalifik-M, tit 00 each per aulium: Jill, . .
IAB t1`10bled with most; severe -by the Jooal paperg . rJ kv BiLm-esi Went � Wawan:Ish. $100; IlV ' 'Er, . . -
G. T. R., Hamilton, wx ites-F or � 3 years 1 was .misunderstorid
� We lia ve j ust received a line of headache?. , _
� tills Seadoolle, Kenr- . as opposition � 'le . , . . I ,1 '. . :
0 1 peop 0 ; Johanna moxivi . .. .. N �.. I �,
I Po wders I have been butire-� - , Y I � . Godcriall It wao move(i � - I. . : I ;, � 1�
; Bo ts and Sticies bought for Cash I need � " �� A 0 Sutler', Ex-tvir, $72
to the, �ociety. The yollp& "O Tmu
t S.nce 1 have used Sta � �N I argains
I t�� algia and Liver not be alarmed, The ]z tllkt that n ,. ��'.,
. ' . -- - - - - - �
I , I � I I ''
. dir I I laid, llb-tr- ers of the.church %iill not sanction-uny- ' � 1, . , ,5172. � . .�, �.. � 1:- . i �
!. ect from, the manufarturer, � lyfree from them. Mr.Lanear I paybolFinance liepoit rati,ting to.Co.- , . I � � .
I . of.the pnblic,library Hamilton, so -bilior, th I ,- � �_, 1 . . I . I � � . . I - 1.
�! We give customers the ben- "'. .vg:- I at would destroy the usefulness - r . T. -P l- words be amendt.d, so that wanjoiqplitip � I I . � .1. . I I.. �
, �J ,,, a �
of the society they lb�e, The Prasby-� --�-,�'t,.v L ties req r - having courty'waids be, I aid -05per&�' 7 .
� They are most vrilliab.'e, arid give alm,a '11'. .1, t , I u i I DE . —1 N —I . I . . I . . . �� I I
I I � I � 1i
. .
. eflit. of our close buying. instantaneonsri relief;- I always keep a, box te�ianplitirchintbo�tl'..S.A., as well .1-1 for shelter and 25 per cant foe ulaintp ce . . �
, 'i ,
� .
- � . 0. Mr. M&Yaf(rd, I'Veo .� . My& I- I I . � 11 I � r. 1. 11
. I Ill my hall. datualt, as ill Cnnhda, is loy6l' to �t I I
. I I Call and see the elegant I . this great , ulo-Ahin will maki '
� , n Lin
i ^ a n g re sms: Theyarewonderful. Me..Hallzralil- movement, andthe , � I I ng a total (if 51 .r conk offmilAt tileiy - I . I . % I I ,
N�,7 Church inay rest, �-p I ars tiow.receiving.. Thiii was lost .Xotio S'p V H 3, � 1 . . I
i R AV . AP' I , ''
� of I'den's, omea's ayA Misses' ford, says: I by vo t i(id mniy remadi,�s assured that her young'people are loyid - of YeFsrs. Rollins end spilokman tbat 61 11 I . I L� ,
� - - : ,,Ua,weli to. exam 00 � I . � 1. . ,�, I
-d Shoe,,; we to till liar ii.tere-gts, and., ,and vppeifi, . . . 11
� J�lacb. and Tall Oxfor blit ail,without affect, unt I I took Slark`8 . � ,;, , be expended: ill ge(ting pjans, . . I . I 1,
I I I . will ever be (lit iolnj of alloaso of Iadu�try I I PALRASOLS '. I I .1 I � . " I " .
. "(I foremostin arivaricirig tile,,,. � I Ell Accollatno I 11 . I . I I . I . . I ,�, I " I
. caureaututuoid thorn moht highly. - A Y ? I date 60 or 75 p(ralinsi Nimi loi-.ti., The tuotiob 11 I . � 'I L , 111� ,�, 1
are wnv sholvit'g. Headache, Neuralgia and LiYeA Powders; I fou' .1 13 0 �. P- ,R4 and ,
I Pri,ory � The followiri�, inoplon, illoved I)v the I I � I . I ''. . I :- �
I I Otic Ken's 'Fluinishing Depart- 0-5 06,-tj is ,box. . . ., 5�4 ", I . .
" , . r- ,. il-t It I . . . . I � �: ,
I . I . ' le ve7 % I I vot-:--yVii.-j, - .. : . I - I I I . . I I I � , ,,, , 't
'9� I , 0 liz)-,i, �j -Cl, I ri S.. roolienshire, 011ami)cri, OrWok-shank, . . I � . :1 . I" �
0 Sold by all. medicine , �, , 11 olooton the foilmring
� ,, ,irient is complete : I . I deal rS. . I orighildor of tilis new plan i ii the C, , , D They .wa I -PRINTS�. 11
I limd,Presbytei . I � I . � I I . . 1. � I � " ,,� I
1� ry.speaks for itself. Lb, Kerr, Keunk'dy, 1follumilio ,;. L
Ww. J. Witter Franhii!,, Man writes , � GiNon 110, . ' � ",
,�, � I - . . Insouluabas a misunderstanding basi &H I I - ' MaLeen, MoKuy, T3,18phars. )ill HT DRESS ;�� ,, I
I I Ifenls Palloy Top rind My sister had I son ar,e, , � e x t'r a value Alwiliv,' , I LIG'
. ...
I v"rY Poor llealtil fOt six in tffo �,ublic mird concerning thil tittituile of I . GOOD S. L � ' :�� " '
I .Summer U ri (I er Shirts at - or P- all 31c arF, and looked ws though she tlioCielltil!in.(IPro�sbs,-,�rytow,,Lr(I the Clidst- . , I , Llioudfoob. 11oltilio Salindiard, Spachiran, � � . I I . � . I 11 11 1.� I �! : 1
r I
I . I 'r
, � WU it()ing t') the gr I got soine of irm endotivor-movkment; lanoe, o 0 MOV, Y01111;z 1 '.
! B, AA f Y-Lil- Shei,pard, SpaPIli)e?,,Wo;)d-, Wak, I ':'
, . aye. . I r -11, 11 1: , , �:'. %
'( , ., (, , youl . T]WWOV6'. We tho Prosbyleriati club of the � A , You 122.: 1 . offic � � . I
� 25c,, Me 7r . r , , At, a thousand I
.11, .. ' ' 1 $1, $P 1 150 " ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aad ib6y ty of 0!eyehpid, deew it due to ng. NT, Ell. I I . . . . I I .. 1� - , � f
I I �",
11"':01ves NAYA-131eaCI.Orli, lionnowiff" (jor, . C', k, r . I . . I . ; 1i ,�,
. '11-1 d $ 2 ea c h � comll(�tely te-to" - , il I � I
t " '" nd the ChristiAn Endeavor m,)VA()!'neut. to linery " I ()o . I . I I
� " 84 her to lieslfli,. I to- a Stoo --� at a 1-ilneq, ftt 1. , . I
I I , . I
.: hill V:e1nasa w1adorful medicine. Be- s1Y:- I I . � � . Dames Ei,an6 Errat,' Rilbet. Peryu8()n, I � � - . � .1 � I � ''I 11
, I � I., � I , :1.11, .
switTWO1 bultatf,m).q. May bei ball from all 'First that the v reas rerv)rts were a misropre- '> -; cp i 1 12 Is, I � Gii'vin,'Geif4pr,'(4 allam, Rowt.i, Rav, KYdJ, . I - � .,
�, Ties, Collars, Fancy lstralv� .,n8 .. T-'.- I I
- J .
� Bard atid SAI, Felt 'Hats, E,c., in deol r�, or bi IYI III, P ,�t , , $eritMi0ft ofilleacti nof1hePrestivre B a rt'' I . I Milne, �qcEiwenr. M.,Donald. .Vooncy, . . . i I . I 1. 1. ", ,
. 1 '5O co"I's A ','econd,thatih-Presbytorian ofub"i olis , 01,Nei., Ra1z, 9 . . I . �. I I . I �', .�
, I box,'- P'�'Ll, at 'o . � I I .
great variet. ur six buies f(st. $2.50. by addressing dity exrlre�s theit Ire irty end I t 11k, '" , I . � . 1,
.), ,)r8cruerlt of ilia I . - t, sherliO S I, Stew- J - � �, I
� , in o K5 I I . I I .11 �
. 'brialitui Endeavor movement. and dealitre , I I T, vraiio.�, Til,Ylew- 2). A : I . I I j
I 11 . . � the D --. Witlis a' lied, %Co. Brockville, 0 -rt, Tlirti)wif. J. r .. Ros I I I I I I .
I � , J 12 . . � I . I
; I R,;:S. FORD & CO OnI. F I I " thaf�a;- far tks we und,rsulnd the se,itimorits I . : . I 0 'ALL, , � I - : '. I � . I 1. I . 11 I . . . 1. � I I
� I � " I � '' I � I of the Peesbytery, there wa,lno though t of diF- � I I I I I DashwcQ)c)d Mk -),37d,8 L�airnept oures 0o"14F IttAl. I . I � Bargain D . . I �
� I I I . I I I . v . I I I epoj� , " , . I . ., % '� �:�
1�ill. I I . . I I . I . . I . . .1 �, 1�� I I . . I I . I . I I . 1 1, I , . I I � . . I 1. � I �
I . I . � . 11 . I I I I . I � . I I . I i I � ''I I �
�, I I I � I I . . I I . � 1. � . I � :", I I . .. I : , . . I � I . 1, 1. . 1, . . . � � 11 I .1 .. I I 11 1� I 11 ,� I 11
II I � I . . . I I . . I � . I I . I ', ,� I I � I I . . I I I
" I . � . I I � I I
1. I I . � � I I . I I 1. I I 1. I I I . I I ". I I , I I I �, I . I I � I . . 1. � , � I I I . 1�1
:;�w ,"------�—�—�-- -- �-"`ir.s,
Do. U
I n oil I
I I a
V". I I I I I � I I .. , 1. . . . I I � . I . � I � , � I I I � I I I I I I . I I I I . I � I I I I I I I , 1.
� I i ; � I � � , " � I I I , , . . I I I . I I 1: : � & I I � I I I '. �,
" i I , : I I I - . , I . I I I . I 1, I I .11 11 I � � I . , , ,
. I I �, � I 1 I I I . I ,� I . I I I 1, I ,. . s . I � . I . I . I . . 2
� I . I . 1. 1, . I I I I . I "",��
" It , I , I .1 I . 11 I � . I I . I ,
,,,, � I i , I I . I . . I . . I I I .1� . . . I I I 11 I . I I . . I I I . r,., 'I'l
I � I I I � I I i � I . I I I I . .. I . I � . I . , , I:, ,, - , I
"I . I . I � . I I , . . I .� � I I I . . I . I , J
il . I I I � I I I . . . � .1 ,. I I � I I I .1 . I I I I I � � I . I I � I 1, . � : . I , I " I , ,
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I � I : . I � I ,.. 11 � , I . 1. . . � 01 � �. I I � , I . I I . � I I . I I . � � , � " � �. , � , . ".�'.
" I I . . 1 . .1 I 1 i 1, I .1 1. . III, . I � , , 1, �: .. .: I I 11 : . � I I I I . . . I I I I I � I I � I I .1 11 � . I I I � � . �, 1 ,-, ,"�A
, I . I � . . I I , , � I I . I I I : I.i '' I I �, . � I ; . I .� � I . . I � I , � . �� :," " I , :, � , ''.
. � I 1. � :; 11 , I I � .11 - � : � - . - I I .. I I ''. 1 , ,, ,. . , . ''
�.. . ,L � , I , I 1. :111 . I . , . � ; 1. I I I I I � I . I I I . ... I . 1. �i � 1. I I 11 : :::". . .
I I ; " ,� , . I I , I . I I I "I 11 I'll . � 1� .1%
� I I , : I I , , � � .1, �. I - � , , ,
� , , ,:. . � , I I I I � I , . , , � �'; , ,
I . . � : � , . .. . -, �; I 1. I � , �� � I 1 I I 1, : �� , I � ''. �'� "'', 41
i. � I I 1. , , ,� . I I I .; ''I � 11 , . . 1. . . � . �, - I I � I I � I .111, , � , , - 4 .1 . ,
... �, I I � � � I I I . , .� I te , , , ,,`, 11 , I I ,� . . I � . �1� �,: �,�:.', , ,,,, .;, .111 . ': ': � I 11
� �. . I I 1. , , I i� �, I I , . , I I I , � I .,i
, I I I , , ,� I I I. ,� 1. � . 1. I I I 11 .1 1 : � , � . �, ,;� �,,,:, :� ,:., , " ., �� ��q: i'.:, .. 1.
11, : .11 I � I . � '' �, � ,� .1 ! :� ,6.,�: ,,,� I I I . I I I I I I � I I � 11 ,:... . �, ::,',' �. ��q,� t, �
I . I . � 11 I , � �! �, e ;: , l'i " ., � - , I
I 1-1 . . . : � , I : I '! ... . .."��-";t,.",::.;�,,.,.�.�.,,'-":",,.!,�,�'t"�'�,:"!"..�,�."k-lI -
... I el -.: