HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-15, Page 7- , ­ I I . . - I I .. ,- , , - . _i-_111:1-, � I � I ! � - I I ­� , I I—— ­ ­_­ -, , --1 I I I'll � 1_'11 �� � ­1111__�`,­ 11111111111111111111111!,� I . I I '�­�, I - : 1 -­X-77`17� - - . _ I � I � 1. `7T771'7`77777"� "'. 111- , �1115­ 771M��` � I . I I � , 71 ., " � - 7 -­��, �,�'�e , - , .1 I . I . -It- --- I � �� � .1 . I . . I I . I I Ir . �� � , � I I � -, , , I I I I �, . �, �� , �,� �;,::I, " 11 I I I . � I . I t I I I I . I ,­ , - I I I I ,.n � I I � . � ,� I I ; I i 1� I � �, I , I . � � ", I I . I I � I I I � ; I I . I � I ,. I . . � I I .I 'i ;� , 1. . , ;, . - I . I I � ,� . , I . I � I I I 11 I I � 1 � I . 11 ,. .1111, � I I 11 � � I I . . I . � � I I . � ,�i. [I � � I . 1, . I . 11 .� . . I � I � � . � . I . � I � I . I I I � I �, � I i , ,, � 1. , . � � I I . I . � I . . � . I I I I � . . I ��,� ,f. . 1. ­ . �� I . 11 �. .11 . I 1. I I I . . I I .,��t ''. � I I . I I I . ; I . I I I I I . I I �..'��. I I I , � ., - I . I I I , 1. I � 11 1. . � . 11 . 11 .1� I , . . . � I �. . ­ � I I I . � I . I I � . . .1 I I .. . , I I .� J, .. ­ . I . . Ill I �.�� � . . I . � . � I I I I I . � I I I � I I I I . I , , . 11 , . I . I . I : , : 1 " . - ­ � I . � _ i )r. � . . , , .1 I . —1 - I I —_ — _'. I . ­ . I � - - —_ - - . I . I I I . o , ; ; , � ��_ — , �_-_—__!�"_ I. i'1_0�"!r___­_ I I 1-1 , . I , I � . I . . I _____-____­_­ - . . I I , I * � I I I . . I d6 . I I -HEALTIL and every efrort,,ouide to keep the system PERSONAL .PAUQRAP�18. � . 'If,� �. I . I "I *1 AW -1% in a state of repose, , I I I — , FUAX$ IN THE JURY BOX, I .,A, ., . . ". . I I I I — It a, very large surface is injured there is ' .. — � � ­rv!��_ �PA I .,1:: I , 1, I . The Emperor of Ruaiia?A fear of nihilists OMIC41e&loug WItIcla slave Upen. Sem in , , , 0,11. n, I I I 11 ,�- I; ?iA�i , I . 11 ­ Q . I *troleum for Diphtlteria- daugee to life,'but this mayalmosb always . . . . . t,-� � - � ,0 �� � I I "A ugust I � - � � " I dO08 not aPPeavto, affloob his appetite. He 0001,311 Coartropuls. 11 .. . rt " , �� , . � I I ­� - L � , � . . . � In the X6rmandio Zedic'ale of Rouen. be avoided by tile immediate application eats live meals a day, beginning with . � �� r/ ��� ,- W, -�, , I . , :.. L ' 99 there is all iutareatiugaocoun� of a new aud of the lard. It Is po,fe to assert that the early breakfast and top an , Some Amusing instance$ of o3d Skir1eq ? 1. ,.,�4;:; 1 1 . Y so W'wonderfully successful treatment of average offabil cases could be reduced mor p pirig off with a light were recently given to the publia in &4� /,* :,�' ,i;� I Q $up at before going to bed. the '4 - , -o -4 , , L . 11 _ I I I � . v, -., _� I 1 ��,,� '� I . I'll, . dightheria. It appears theit in the village than half it the course of treatment were - oceen-bag Tho fir -it of IT :� 11 �V �_ �,� I I 1-. I � f. " "' . . :1 -*,wer I 2, jr, Gimdatono to one of those I g ,. -it example wx% tb. !� ,- , ­�� T I 1, 0 ot euvilte, Chatup. d'Qisel, about nine notice pet,aisted in. acklutious 4, fO jury. The slieriff of u cortiiin comity, ";1 .1 . . from Rouen, a nialign Cases have been known, where. large sur- le who do not destroy letters. The being of it jocular turn of mind, quietly 4 "'r"..'.1, 1. ". 11� � "�,4­; �,, in t type of the diseasr� c p I ;;�, . . . 0 I, �"J �;,�. .1L . , broke -outlast year. The country doctor, - ' � -_ i I I . mrs'. Sarah M, Black of Seneca, fe. es'bave been deeply burned, and thepa- tnemble statesman is said to have a cot. picktd a jury of the twelve fattest m all 14�,\ . . � 1I .1 I � tient tins; recovered without leaving a sea - IePtio'n of 60,000 letters d6posited in a eligible for the purpose-inen so fat t at - I "I �� .Mo., during the past,tNvo years has M. 11'rederic ri lahmut, bi�eatad the cases in .1 strong room at Hawarden castle, L When . I), I ,V .1� � I ; been affected, with Neuralgia of th; the usual way, but the deaths were numer. when treated !a this way, Drugs and they appeared in,co art and tile time I I 11� . . I I . � - ArohiUshop Satolli, the papal delegate came for them to take up their position in ro.;�r., . ., Otis Remembering, as he says, thA Chemicals are beat left a,love in such 6mer W/�V�' I b tile I . ;,�, ''� � g I-sh use petroleum, as art . tispAsmodic ', . I . ead, Stomach and WOMD, , (!-.'.','�'7v,-',, 1 H anQ B I an gencies, simple treatment, absolute quiet receives a Ilaiary of $0,000 a year. He has the jury box it w-isforuld that bu�, nine of . ')',- .,� � . "I'd an antiseptic, hedetermined to try it and a moderate amount of plain, nourisbing mon living at , the Catholic university in them oQuld:bean.commodated. 11owever, by , .,. ... � .� -writes : " My food did Uot se,em to a I I 'i� " " � I I P -strengthen me at all and my appe periment. His, first trial was in the food almost always insuring a sale -and Washington, but will take a, separate house re- arrangement and squeezing, gud amid V, � t ­ ,I, , , , ..., I I . - 4,4 � v ... - � Tie ad speedy �oLovery, . this summer. . the boisterous laughter of the court, they , f,i 7,Ny - i tite was very variable. . My face case of A little girl, 7 years old. 11 - - . . 4,141 - -�, - 11 �� I 11 � I I a3ready given her tip, and proposed to the -- . Queen Margaret, of Italy, has a long final, succeeded In crowding into their . � //t .. - , . d... . I . I � . was yellow� my head dull, and I had parents to luake the experiment, whi6h � naernory. She refused to Accompal Illotty'd qnarters-& packed jury I . � I � 1- �,, I Toba000 as a Morobloide in the most � � i �y King ","", ��� � . � . I � such pains iu my left side. In the consisted in swabbing the throat with cont. I - Humbert oil a visit to Queen Victoria at the literal $case, 101 -ng -;�. I J I Dr. Tassinari has published !I) the ItaXa Villp, Salmicri I Z qC3 , � , � I moming when I got Up I would mou. petroleum. . recently bocause, Queen Following Plas fat jary. the vAme merr 02M -,�'-O'�-� 17* I, � . a flow of mucus in the mouth, success of his. new method, but to hI% aston. ad neglected to retu-n her call of 3 a' �14 have He "ad "tile 'tape Of tile Terin4le the results of an in vestigatiOn into Victoria It, 4 iff,had collected a lean jury thin enougK . tnd a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes , a noticed an improvernei)t after the effects of tobacco smoke. on microbes- five years ago. to have been acoomalod%ted in the jury box Both the methr,d a -Lad re-vall's when; . . k - I . I . i ",'men" I At another time holgathered a I t the f1r. He findi : (1) That the evicke of the Cavour, twice over. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is piemaa . I tr ' I . The Duke of Westminster, who has . I -my breath became short, and I had aPpl cation' H; cont'nue(L' the Virguinmand Tweau cigars, And all blaok u of barbers, and as a crowning feat, a and refrosbin- to the taste, and acts eatmeut and the child recovered. Then scandalized the E ,nglish aristocracy by sell- J ry ,2uch queer, tumbling, palpitatin . ccos poseess every pro- jury of tw.elve men who squinted. �17 yet pr�&Pt17 on the Xidneys� . g he tried it muQuessfully with his othet ps- nounced bactericide power, Ing Cliveden, Ills ancestral estate in Perko geni I sensations around the heart. I achea tients, aga . inst the bacillus of Asiatia all "Paclally to -',Ir. Astor, excuses himself by.saying A sheriff with a far finei sense of.humor, Liver and.BoweIs, cleanses the sys- � � - olara. (2) however, was Ile, who, having been re- _ I I all day under the shoulder blades, This year Its had forty cases of diphtheria, This inicrohicido action ma in allvrobabll- that he has a family of ten children to pro. proved by the Judge of v. tem effectually, dispela colds, head- - � , . . � I y certain court for I to treat,and he Avas successful in every one. vi,le, for. Tile sale i,idds $50,000. a year to 4, ,in the�- left side, and down. the back be attributed to the products oi nicotine tb presenting a jury not, sufficiently retpeet. aches a -ad fevers aud cutre's .habitual , , Fn order tobe perfectly sure that tile cases ily a duke's income, . � �,,,, ,of,:niy limbs. It seemed to be worse . (3) In epidemics of cholera and typhus the able, read out at the subacquent, session collstipatlon. rup, of Figs is thei I in quesidon were goallina ones of malignant use of tobacco may be rather useful than, Bmilip Castelar, the great Spanish liberal the following list, with asuira,ble emphasis diphtheria, he bad the expectorated matter hurtful. only remedy 111 I ih the wet, cold weather of Winter (4) Tobacco smoke mortis special and writer, announces that lie has definite. �Yoa the last names, of the jurors . Mom . 0 W Mud ever pro- . .and ,Spring, and whenever the spells submitted to the analysis of Prof. Fran. cousideraton oil the hygiene of the woutt, ly withdrawn from public life. . duced, pleasing to the taste and ae- � �came on, my feet and hands would cois Hue of the Rouen ColAge, o He has, King, Henry Prince, George Dike, William f Medicine, ,is,% prophylaoic, means of combating micro. however. made the 6ame announcement Marquis, Erlwaril Bari, Richard Lord, ceptable to the stomach., prompt in, . . turn cold, and I could get no sleep and lite Professor reported that.be had biall affections of the bucal cavity. before and has been drawn into politics by Richard Baron, Edmund KnIght, Peter Be. ItSaction and truly ben6licial in its , ,.. clearly discovered the presence in it Of at all. I tried everywhere, and got , � one of the rapid changes in the Spanish quire, George Gentleman, Robert Yeotn%iu, effects, pre aredon1v from the most � , numerous bacilli of diphtheria. Moreover, government. $tepheu Pope, Humphrey Cardinal, William iio relief before using August Flower his diagnosit; was confirmed by Dra, Das- Trade and Commeros. Car-lival Ledochowsky, to wholit Bra. Bishop, John Abbot, Rleba.rd Friar, Henry 1. 19 Aesub.atances, its Tben the change came. Ithasdone hayes, Lerofait, and Ballay of Rotion. the In Paraguay tolophones Pre rented for peror Williaml during bia recent visit to Monk, Edward Priest And Richard Deaeon. man excelleitqualitiescommendit last named being the physlician In, chief of 120.50 Der month, and 11) word messages are Rome, presented a gold snuff box, w,)w After the laughter had vubAded the -d to a 1 and bave made it the most ze a wonderful deal of good during the T, I .hospital of that city. ,, � . sent f;r 10 cents. The Star,San Francisco lit once filled, deposed and imprisoned by Ing judge, accepting tho�joko in goorpz-'�rt- popular remedy known. the time I have taken it and is work- The troattrient presents little difficul ty or commenting upon this says 11 even In that Prince Billiparok. The cardinal was then complimented the Nritty sheriff upon Me' A� rup of F !g . , 75a in- a complete cure." I 0 danger. The. swa,bbing is done every hour I _ _ ,s is for sale in el half civilized country you calt telegraph bo- a German bishop and violated one of tile cleverliess. 4. fi� GREEN, Sole tlau'fr,Woodbtu,y,TQ, or every two hours, according to the thick. LNvoon all points for one cent a word.0' clerical laws framed by the iron chancel- But another odd jury -to modern ideas bottles by All leading druggists. � . . ness of the membranes,, which become, as Canada% exports for the month of April Ill indeed the oddest of all-w*a not 1 it were, diluted under the action of the 0i joke, Any reliable druggist ,viho mdy not NEW fi&USICAJ4 IN)ITAUMENT. ameiinted to,53,989,562, compared with $3, Ambrose Blerce, of the San Francisco and -wa.s impaneled during the most sober have it on hand Nvill rocure it petroleum, The brush, after boing dipped �18,301 for the same tronth of last year. B xaminer, whose short stories in the style wad iierioueperiod of English history. Most 73 __ tit the potroleam, should be shaken to pre, I omptly for any one w iowijihea 4Rroitt Things Expected Frain the Vlolon VOIlt any drops falling into the respire, or Tito increase this year for ten m.ouths is $4, - of Z dgar A. Poe have g tined the approval newspaper readera have doubtless, heard 9 try it. Manufacture d ,only by tho collo"Pinuo. . gliminela.. The pq.tielats ilXporion�a r. Ii r 101,FO9. The imports in the same time In- of the critics, 13 an Briglishinup about 60 some of thenames, for they are often quoted irst application. T I I from the very f . creased by $7, 430,5q4t and for the mouth years old. His no,%ysiltiper -svork in of the as ex;%41 "Is of puritan nomenclature. The manufacturers of musiml Instru- . of April alone S1,414,000. cut-and,slash order and, the politicians of Here is th"a complete list as recordod duly CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO, meuts. as well as others ha,ve for years been agreeable taste of the petroleum r the Pacifio coast stand in mortal terror of in the anno,la of iho court of Rye .- Accepc- $AN 3MI&XICISQ01 CAL. I tondeavoring to free the toile of the piano for a few moments only. When Sir Thomas Gresham, In, the 16th him. ad Trevor, Redeearier Compton, Faint -Not from its disagreeable metallic, harshness. Dr. Fialia-tit has been interviewed by sever. century, ,promulgated the 'principle that Colonel Andrew Haggard, brother of Howet, Make -Peace Heaton, Qod-Reward ko-U.WVXL=,J=- =W*rQ=-,X--Z . The aim has been to produce a I � nellow alreportors of Paris papers., He is a niodeab bad money always drives the good from Ryder Haggard, the novelist, contradict, Smart, Stand -Fast-on�High Stringer, Earth For Sale at 0. Lutz's I)ruir Store ff * . 1* lit . I much as Ulan, and appears to be astonished at the circulation it raceivei small recognition in Adams, Called Lower, Kill -Sin Pimple, Re. — I aging qua I yl possessing as __ — i i le tile flexibility and sustained, char, noise that be is making in tile French medi- his ("W11 time, bu%, its Attempted violation the statement recently printed that the i I te- Ifittees first wife was Aliss Carroll, of Balti- ier of the human voice. A thoroughly oal world. He ought to become famous &Aa by the quackeries of nioneta.zy legislation turn Spelman, Be,Fai;hful Joiner, Fly -De- � AM"INOT a Pur,, 1%tisfactory solution of this problem hastiot rich, for he has certainly struck oil. has alwa�s trongbt its own penalty. It is more. Colonel Haggard says I bate Roberts, Fight -the -Go I od.FikPaith I I , , C.Auva Nedl. ( been reached as yet, but great etTQrt3 are - now recognized thAt the principle which lie has been married 14�t once, to Miss Louisa White, More-Frul1i Fowler .and ope-For * c1ne. They are r, modestly advanced is at% burn Btuding, 4 BLooD B=Drr. -constantly being made toward its a6coni� Sanitary .Prailantions, � utable lamr, MRI-90taon, of Ditolliughana houae,XAOrr,o:k, T"le end It--coN plighnient. Professor M, do Blarninek, o and his own nome, has appropiately bCe, who is still alive And wall, 40 . ST=T01., A9 tho f The sanitary condition of the household supply in a 40ad'au."O.1 given to it. ARSS.Murphy, tile piozeer Lady journal. . .., — -..I-,------ Paris, has made P. great stop in the right is a. subjeet on whi4h one should never ist of Australia, edits the Molbourno Punch, "' Ta-ra-ra" Affilots 21to%lm r4land. I'll .. . ---,- .__ on, --1-1. I .direction. He has conceived the idea to weary of exp.tiating, says all exchange. Au order has been issued prohibiting one of tile most successful of the Australian The British ship Damfresshire arrived at � actu lyneetledrocu. cousOuct an instrument which would coin- At this time more than sealing in Ilebring Se,x until Ma� let, 189-1. I rich the Blood, caring usual care sll*uld This will neees5itat ,a the laying up of seal., coluics. She is a great advocate of wom.- San Francisco on Fridgy from Now South � ,. all d6cilzes 'cowdug blue the special features of a string instru- be exeralsed, for as the warm days come , from POOn V.=d WAT, lit-' ml,] is very good looking, miss Wales. She broke the voyago at Pitcairn NIT 13=0:;�, Cr J'.^= ment, considered as leading,with tf�at of the disease I Propagate with great era until that dute at leas, 'an 3 rig d tile stair of 'the p4 Island, where the crew had & singlar ex. I I VlTzA,,r-w.P lf=fonz P lit . ,pitno. Under the pianoa, vio- lity _11 ifern a ' long will gel the upper llures reported to .�; rpl,%y foi.no 0 � BLOOD, Z=d also Accompanying d before Of the 2173 business fa noar a its a in years ago, and has ttained once. At the only landing in the Island, loncello or a Violin. is attached and closely ""I i I I Irmsek4eper. Look At 'I N vig r . Lie " Rercautile ability tollaty Bay, is a queer, English-opeak. . r are c 1, Z d' 'a, the , Agency 40 week in tile to her present pooltion solely by hera mats and Dun= _ connected with the piano. The left )land the collar, see that there are no vegetables 1;uited States and Canada, two of tile fail. Tito 3,,labarajah of Kapurthala, wboso Ing colony, the descendants of the I . , � VT- a Blow) aud � STsTEM, when braUen of the plityer controls the keys, while the or fruit in it half decayed state, cleat, oat ,are,, were of firms rated fraiv $2100,000 to wealth is (to extensive as his name, lanstoll- nintlueala of the English ship Bounty, down by ovarwork, right gaides tile bow of The string instru- odds nut] onds of all sorts, swee '$300,P,00, 4utl two from .". 00,ODO to -$500,. .. niontal wn-,-, P, scrape, .$-,diqeU.0, ishlug the people of C Wro,where behassto who settled there in 171 90, and Intermarry. A , excesF,es end uldlfvre- meat. Ali ingenious machanistri causes the acrub if necessary, brush oat, dust all alsbas Mo,; but in all 46 were firms rated at Ing with the native women left vi, numorous tions, They L-avo a ,mallow clearness of the tone produced upon from the heater, that have accumulated $5,000 or more. pod oil his way to En-pland, by appearhiq In. VXCIPIC AGMV on yinbliowearingbracoletsof pearl% uslargeas progenyto perpetuate their lauguagaii,ad theistrit instrumoutto keepup with the during tile Winter slid bang around, oil the Reports front the Last indicate some ac- p. - Tile arrival of a ship is a great D . ri:ra SmUAL SYST99 Of estang at, Igeon's eggs and bca�y necklaces of dim. their race, I both mirn aud women, pitch of the piano and. Imparts cobwobs, for they are nurseries of disease. tivity, which is stimulated by the finproved inando and emeralds. Otherwise lie is V. event in the islanol, azd the population, as. . restoring zon Woon I a great purity mild sweetness to tire toile of Daik spots on the wall should be cleaned wcailier. in the retail and jobbing drF senalule young mail and talks of coming to Pecially the softer sex, crowded to the , I I ana corzeedgg all : 1381'ar-L'u41=4 and the latter. It is also easy to produae the and whitewashed. Lime is a great parl- goods trade, though collections are oil the the world's fair. ocaeli to extend a welcome to tile crew. At � S UPPRI1.11SION2. mo-mlled tremolo as well as sustained organ flar, and copperas water is invaluablo for short side, mail reports from tile West and William Block, the E aiglish novelist, be- night a little dance was organized for the Who finds Ills Inert'al Via. toneis on this now piano, which is something killingdiseatiogorms. Two or three pounds North-Westoay that the crops are two Jack Tars, and ai it prelude to tile enter. ER RN ulti;�n dtill or failin Of - that is impossible to obtain front the ordin- of Copperas dissolved in halt a barrel of ,weeks lieves that all hin uttoimucei hoare a commer- tilinment % barijo was produced, and t* its Ills si y - M-1 powera J!"Girg, should W -.e t woe earlier than, last year, and general c.iol value, Jn reply to an invitation from ii. , fl; ary pianos now in use. When the violon,- water ulid, used with a sprinkler around business is Improving slightly, but only. fair' P�L a. 1V , tinkleJoseph Redniaun, of Liverpool, the ,caT ey will restore hia lost Qnarglov, L=Ch cello-pi�no embraces five octaves it is said drains and low places where the writer yet, and collections are aipeolally slow, L6�don newspaper to contribute to a sym. second mate sang a number of sea, bal. n 1 AZ4 Illontal. Oula take them. l poshint on tile question "Is Fiction Decay- lada and musia-hall favortrites. Of these They cure all sup - strong approval of loading musiclansi -ra-ra Boom -do -ay" seeinoil i take the preftion awl irresularitiop, w2ch incyltawly to be capable of taking the place of every settles Out Of deal'$ may ss,ve a doctortO Tito annual returns of the shipping and lie wrote: "I am extremely obliged ,, Tit �EVERY WOMAN 8" stringed instrument. It has met with the large bill or a break lit the family circle. tonnage which phased through the Suez � Ing �" I- your kindness ininviting me to , . And Pour % few pallfu13 of copperas water down Canal Imira recently been published. The o0,,yt(,'u1b,f,(t' stro,nrat hol(I on tit() till 0 luill;a 1"110A neglected. .%gination of the t�tlf spc�'k of se4girt ZhOU14 take theZO PILL% � yal ThOY Vill 4=3 tit* XO - 48 tons compareit with that was perliaps the on y! spot on eartt to wlo of y..tWul 1,�_d b-Ilitti, and strongtbou �!, . ling innovl%tion in the piano world. water closets with It and soatter it in all crease at 980,7, ,a id MIEN great things are expected from this start- the aink and through the pipes, delitize a to your colmuils, but you have ,a or's * ; net tonnage for tile nast your sho%va a do- forgotten to say whatyour torms are." land . for thig If a - pl cc" "'her,, there are bad adore. of 1801, and an Increase of 821,0,1.4 over which the calicos 01 tile ubiquitous and sYs�bnL 0 & ca� of potash on tile shelf over Out of IS90. The percentage of Britial A DBSPE RATE NEGRO. oovar-t,;-be-forgotten till obo-uld. take thent. peuetra�ie. Tile fatal rQody spread like Thcse r== vill 11 Yea, I admit that our boy thesink and let the water dissolve it and ,atller And tile sula, adlar. on " ,ough was 72Ar per otint. in lle ,Lillel, 1114 Wire, 141,4 r -1 La - alted Business Sagaoit7- thEittall uk, drop. a few crystals into flags passing thi .I . __ , ric bad failed to " womo, ran away through tile pipes, -watch &a IPDX among Indiana, like tire ramour . rormle by all drags'-ste, ov will be zont ur= Zatheri- 18DI, The commercial stiperlority of slieriffand 11"ReAllvd, of a failure an 'Change or a fire in the Xsecirit of price (,Tc. pernox), by 44dress!LG - � 'ritain is still more app.trent when only A dosip&toh. from Laurel Del., says :- prairie grass. In two days the enti ain't lazy , he'a as sinart as. can be wh x� comes to 'tend:ng traps and running erron It dainp corners; it ifiewalls are water-soakod ends the merchant vessels are considered. They to colony XZZDA� 'WXLZXAM5s NED. CO. but he doesn't seem to have any busi and f,aper falls off, leaving a colony of wall, represent 8.1 per cent. o! 1he -number of John Dennis, heretofore a hartlworkin 9 was siDging it indoors and out, morning, .4-ockvUlt 4"Ac eat negro, drove into Salisbury with a load of am hur, . I ---.* gacity at all," mass devo oped fungus growths in various shades vessels and 87 of the tonnage -, 7 per cent. strawberries yesterday. After selling the Iloon, und, night. Q%pta,in Ileuth go 1lother-11 Why, what makes you say of blue and black, scrape the walls, got a were Gerroan. vessels, and F ance, Holland bgrrie, lie got drunk.' On reaching home of sugar an( bread -fruit. Tito last caik of �174m% ',i2* 11 ,ttl tied his pre aratious, and took in his car ­­�___ - - ,- that 91t . a Pur0and cement, mix it with,water ,nd Germany made up 0.5 per cent. f . 1�1 , C �Jroll - and put it oa with a whitewash brush. . . ]its frither remonstrated with him. John water bad been hoisted on board, tile last I.ir-AS.-MAKERIE 4"`*�y Ox , for example, look what he did Work rapidly, and this will not only give . J e up his un an sah he would, leave tearful farewell spoken from the boats U-14 Vei-A- oa�hi yesterday. He had. four nicafab rabbits, the walls a hard finish, but,will make them ti housefor ool, His wife ran after him crowding alongside, while a grc A 11 . -'A 12'� and -what does he do but take them down to as waterproof as a chu'la, clip. Ena of a Challoery Suit Be X.uu in 1741. i - ' )UT of tan- L-ONEVE0 .-U'v * 1-ult $91m,STICA, 01 I 0 town to sell them. If lie bad taken them ( a ging III to retorn, ].a levelled uredylol�ninnles oil shore ancod. a tip to the woods where them city tellers are Some day, when we 'know o, great deal A 11 short chancery suit," which com. a] aclo ry PCIR SALF ,qY "L. T?4X,'!Rr%* ti n tit her and fired. She fell mortally fgo rou "T, , butitin' he could have got double price,"- ore than we do now, all of the plaster on meucod lit Fnaland in 1741 -over a century 1w at]. ' he murderoFs mother upbraid. Tiler t 1, sound t. nd the faint breeze car - in and a halt ttgo-has just ])call brought to. ried . tile sailors, 'ITA-ra�ra -'oat. our walls will be made of this sort .)I ma- ad him, whereupon lie tried t,-, kill ber, but Been, do.ay.n � . (Pittsburg I terial stuff that Nvater can nob got through , ,%it and . lite estate of a Mr. Greenhill fell she escaped Tile father, who was 78 years VU . .., ­ * --m."W. .11 4. 'I 14 U T , , I , I then we will have no further trouble with into the clutches of the Court of Chancery, of aeo. tried to interfere. Young Dennis ft- , � I , - South Sea Annuities," � I I . � paper falling off and growing darnp and 'who Invested it in ". Ilaced the muzzle of the weapon to the old I � ��= I . . . and subsequently �transferred it to Now inav's breast and fired. The father fell � tz­ 14 Re. Nund It. discolored. Con uls, ,where it now stands at the respect- dead. A Live Western B,)T. a . 8 More people die from carelessness and s tg;t):;- I It is- not OsAY to tell a belf-concelted man Tito teacher of a school in a Wes tern 9) 1b__1 A,. . ,_ bow he is regarded, but now and then some stupidity in the world than train any able figure of X 1.4.243 Gs 2d, nob, counting The murdererhad two hours'start when town had occasion to rebuke -one of ]its I U R E ir. INZZ-61- . othercause. It is too much trouble 'to keep an odd 4,98 Os Od lying in the coffers of t) ' :37f , ". -,� one proves equal to the task. I 11 intelligence of tile, tragedy was brought to pit Is, little Tommy Rouridup, for laziness I 76r��,!�N' -e * things clean, and because same court tit amb. Mr. Greenhill has of � - D I 00.1 I g.au I: ivil War a man, the enemy town.'Deputy Sheriff He�rn, with a posse, aut�ine�Aecting to learn )its lessons. He POWDERE ��iad ttt,l t, lat the American C course, long since passed away, but even Tommy: is own eyes, 14aa, by some influ. doesn't come with j� roaring noise un,l started in puranit. Dennis wag overtaken said to � .! -1 , ence, appointed brigadier-generid. His brandished WAGPOns, nothing I;; thou -lit before his gray hairs went down to the ill the,vvood-. He agreed to surrender, but " If yea d,)n't le,trn your 1033on3 better, ... . . , I � . a . grave he witnessed the E;range sp6otacle of ­ I sense Of his Own importance was - Once in about it. A stitch in time saves nine, auq, as lie apporoache(i the posse lie raised his I'll call on your mother and tell her what . 664, - 11 , creased. He could hardly speak of any. a little care early fix the season ,save hiniself daily becoming poorer while his gun and fired, killing the sheriff instantly. sort of a boy you are." -&F�� - thing else but his new dignit doctors' large fees and not unfrmeqany�cntly own wealth increased, It was a case of The posse were so startled that allow. I N'150 11 y. Meeting a undertakers' larger bills. . a )wing to enable others to reap. Sonloper. they ,:I wish yolt would try it, professor?" � ;9� - " home -spun " Yankee one4ay, 'he accost, � ad the negro to escape. He is a .. 0 till at large. You do?" � I � .. I .,m . - ad him thus: I after him. He will be " Yes; pa is awfull 7 jealolm He is lay- -URIEST, _-T2ZC!!CZ3T, ZEST. I . ado out their clailit to Scores of men are , L Well, -_ be Mr. Groenhill*s heirs, and on Saturday lynched if captured. v -.�.-;.-ntity. �Tnr n1ol.k.ng SnaM st Jim, I s'pose you know I've made an application to NZI r. Justice Cilitti __ Ing with a shotgnn righttow for a mail who Ilendyfor uKa in =, beon appointed brigarlier-general?" Treatmant of Burns. called on ma. 'I'll tell him what you said , jx,f tenlim Water. max, lkwii rar. a-�,I a kunuraai oinaN, " Yes," said Jim, " I heard so." - - to obtain I lie money. Counsel had to dis- about calling to see inx ,and I recL-_Gn__ -y-0-11- -.%Is' A car. equalsZ.) 1_=,!� _��Ii 4i'da- . . Every little -wbile one reads� some ex. case tile stim, and it was then discovered ALL FIG13RIES, NOT ALL FAOTS. Sola by Ail ('2ovc!m =,I Zrurclsls. . hadbettergo andbnyalotin theceinetery, �c. -sm-. <- " Well, what do folks say aboutit?" baustive treatise oil the treatment of burns that the money wastbereright enough;but I — , ,T:r.�.- ��, ��=�==t� . fu;'They don'tqpy nnhin'," replied truth- and scalds, said troatise almost, always befo Music employs 4,15W Londone for pa, is awful oil the shoot." � Jantea; "they juatlauglr�" I re the heirs could get. it they' would re- - rs. Tommy has no', yet told bis ps and be . � __ . . eniing tip with the recommendation to ii'se quire to pay to the Govern,i.ent duties The longestbridge is 9,144 feet, sa,ys he i; not, going to say a word about 1) . ,.. limewater and oil, says tile Nalrr York amounting practically to the whole of the Londoners use 60,000 telephones. the matt6ras long as the professor Wil him 111% n L 000 desiri's makes a wise and happy par- , even though they went to the eXPOUEO . caudy. ITTLE I'll .. whoever procures iti at the expense of 10,� for the employment of this compound, one inuch ..N in loubtful if the parties would gab quarter every Saturday afternoon for . * adical science some excellent reason it was e KENN, I . 'A I A I . Ledger. While there rally be somewhere '114,000. .11r. Justice Chitty remarked that do as lie pleases in school and gives h in a rt Oil I 0 Contentment is:4 pearl of great price, and in Germany boasts a 5,717 -foot well. I V India has a 6,006 -foot span of wire. chase. ,,* � . can not but wovider how such a curious of proving formally their titles. The mon- Japatese laborers get 6 cents a day. , .� ­ � mixture qver came into favor. One might ey, in fact, would jo to the nation . ,. .. 'Thbreare 50,000 varieties of plants. . -_ I IV E R I - I . I . . . __ die -from'exhamstion, from pain, before L . Germany supports 26,000 breweries. L . A Plea-aarit 'Invitation. PILLS. � . . . e--------_ . either of these ingredients could be procur- hTM I k-=== �_ ed and properl� prepared for use, besides Happy- 0anada. South Carolina has only 46 saloons. Old Soak -11 Here is all invitation I have - , . .11 not every one understands maiiaFing them, The trade of Canada is consta'ntly in- A tob,,co plant, yields S89,000 i9eeds. Just received, but I don't know what R. S. — , L E R14� . I I-Yhy not use a reinedy within t is ietich of creasing. Last year it increased twenty- London theatres employ 12,000 people. V. P. in the corner means ; do you ?" . ' Tom Gin-" Yes. Rum served very r . . every one, somethinj that almost every three millions -the largest ia its history Tayats's wool clip is 20,OqO,001 I otinds, plentifully." , , . I I i . Z I I affords. and which has been tbor- aftd a largest showing of any country fit Mrs Stanford has $2,000,M) in jewels. Old Soa.k (excitedly)-" Here, waiter, , = tested and found in every way to the t,1' CURE I ., , .rld. During the past four mont7he i � answer all the demands of a rem-dy. At the trade of Great Britain has fallen ,ff 14,� The metal carlurn costs $1,920 a; pound. quick, my ba,t, and call a cab." .- - Sick Headache and rclieve all thetroublesincl. I . . I I the vety first - possible moment I grasp a I � � � I dent to a bilious state of thn systern, such as I millions, -ivhile Canada increased seval& A F lorida tree contained 15,OOD oranges. Dizziness, Same.%. Drowsiness. Distress after, .; eating, Pain lit the Shle, &c. While their most . I handful of la'd, -such as is used for cookin millions., The United Sta,tea last�year had E rigland's Prime Minister gets 825�000 a rentarkablesuccess has been shown in cming L I ' N %A purposes, our neg fallen off 93 millions, while Cana L year. - , 'L � 4AKIN0 0 How to Gat a "Sunlight" Picture. : J�Qp A Kr)F,� _ ., d smear it over the bur da increased I . � " I- .1� surface. This answers until the regulai 23 millions. And the coniparison holds . ) I , . - 'Sunlight , � remedy can be prepared, 4ussia produces] Ill 640 barrels of petro Send 25 ' ,," Soap wrappers ,(the . 9h. . . , let, consists good i, You cannot leum. daily. large wrapper) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 1 L I wh �vitb regard to France. . . .k . I I 11 as rat ur's a . \% I ; .�� nj� imply of a paste of flour and lard made as and another country where tile gal w A o elevator will hold 3,000,- Scott'St. Toronto, and you will receive by Headache, yet CIARTMIt's LiTTLz Li-vEn PiLLw . I., t SICK � � .T , L�TT 11 I L � L :Of t as' it can be, handled. This is spread over the normal. A few weeks ago Wall 000 . bushels, g ' r in . I . . I- post a pretty picture, free fronvadveirtising are equany valualile lit constipation, caring . ,4:.,t,_..= -about half an inch thick upon s cloth and street stood on its head, and hundreds of Ini';ew York the average number,of per. and well worth frainizil.. This ia an easy and preventing this annoyingeongaint, wbile ,_ ..5;" , 5 . ..... I . � �, . I I I applied to the inju�ed 'parts. . Let it re- millions of dollars were at stake. Every sons'jo a Ii *a 18J. 1 � . they also cor ct fill disorders of t a stomach, I I � I I . L ,� main until it"begins' to crumble, wl , iic � . � a" we L way to decorate your imne. The soap *a . 01 ulate 'liver Ad regulate the. bowels, I , : , . , . I be Teadily ascertain6d by raising the h can day brings its tales of bank crashes in the Thecombine'"f-i,"gth of the worl&s tele- thebestinthe arkeb,andiCivill 1 ' , al th.re . I P= ,-1 H ' ,d e � in only cost, Even If tlwy b2ily cured ' � . I , , 11 � - � corner United,Stateo, In' Australia, baAk, it, 6 graph lines �s 881,000 miles necessitating the . i, b .. . I � . -11, I" , � EASAL of M I "'The a�plieatiqu inust then I I 0 . . leposlage to send in tile wrappers, if you , , cloth'. be bauli'le failing, ruining thousands of pe use I I . I I . . of 2`1260,600illiles of wire. leave the ends open. Write your address . I �_ I _ 13AKINQ -renewed,' great care , bein�. necessary in (J a to London -and see the sensiti � f al During the past f3f by years more than nine carefu , Ily. . � - , � . � , , � . � . �� . , 1, ., -11� , . I - , OWDER� faking off the old plaqter that. the surface of unrest. Come to oanada and no a 1) I I I . . ,P . TH't r� I � HEAD I � I P 'it is' Opt' broken. ' If U'sticks tit p6v 18 heard s�jaimb our banks. I � :� I Ache they would be alc,nst pnicaless to '110se � i. , , _. 11 - . . . million people have emigrated from England I I i .11. I , . . I , . . of ili� ski 1 it of,whom 10 per cent. have returned. I I I . :. I PUREST5STROKOESTgg ' , any point, it is much better to leavelb than ba,riks are,lending: to the brpde inter a a t a . I . , The telephone has been successfully used who sufrer from this distressing coinphlint� � " ,, � I I . � __________1�_ in surgery to locate�the position of metallic but fortunate]y their goodnesc does tint end I . � I � . 1. t� 1. ;. , �ST. t-- run aiiy'riak�of irritating the hurt and same as the others. Why is it? It is b here, and thoi� Who 6nce try them Nvill find .. 1.- , I . a- . - � � � 4,!, , , I �. Contains no Alum, Amm 'a, Lime, ,�, I po�sibly Causing a deep sore, The-numbbr ,cause the trade interests here roast their The Colour . of t1le Sky -� ' substwices in the body, thus enabling an these little pills valuable in,to niany ways that � ,�, . anx r any, I ' 11 operation to be performed in the right they *,ili not be willi ng to do 14vitliout thelit. I .. I Phosphates, o f applications will depend upon the na-' ob igations,, because they pay their bills. he lng,ence.of dust and wa6er particles . But after all sick llv�d � ., r I a& ,� � 1wilruilt, 0 � I T .1 ­ 11 I ' � �: , " I I ,� . L tare of the burn. Sometimes it is neces. . . I .d. ky as well direction at once. - .� � � ured effect; in the I I .1 . I ". : I — , . and it is worth while to d6'ibis if the burn �. 0. . I andthe sunset cri ' . The I � rider. 0 � I � . I I I I I . I nison or orange I . . � I .- - '�, I � . I NERVE, Xmp-VA BEA,xis are & now cur,, � is deep. - In 'other cases, *no or two will He (crossly)-' Why do you always con. 'cles ofvolcanic dust which filled the airafter , . . -2; I - I . � . I � . E. W.'CILOETT. To'ronto. Ont. renew, the plaster a dozen thiles, I lap "'.. It, I. ". to dust that the 19 . . . . � the � 9' I t A Doinestio Epls%od kn. sky is blue silence is not of the feminine ge , , , parti- I ,Q�,, ..-a is wt bra I I � 4 !'' . . . Is .. �. . I '. . I covery tbab oure tbe worst cases of be quite sufficient. tradict me?" the'eruption of Krakiltor made the sun ap. ,. I . . , , .. I. 92, 1pa.�: t ,A I . � I . I we ma -e our grea ons . pi � I , . I Xeivous'Debilit The, burn it , Ill Ils cure it � � 1, )Yd T,Gst V19orand ,ed flesh absorbs all the oil from She(humbly)-"I'don'b want to, de4r." pear ll,luish-gremi. in India and elsewhere. . I I I I while o�h do not, � FANS � . . era ­ � , I ,B . F�illnq 111-lihoo -, restores the the plaster, and tile flour serves to keep He -"'You do it just the same, and 1 A pretty. ex Perinientin theaction: of oolour- When Baby slok, wo bar Cas (1kit'rim's Lrrrm r,TYrR rILL9 ore Very Salall I , � � . � weakness of body or mind taused - . WAS gave bout. � ,andveryeasytotake. oneortwo 1: ,� - I - � It want it to occur again." ad light may be performed with a, metal T�heu she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. a dose. They are strictly vegolsb a and do I . �; L � � I by over-worh, oi th�,qroi-s orex. the. air from it, and if carefully inanaged, edia , lJlr wal"'a , , t ". ,4� � ( ' h glass, e L I . I I I , � n��olutely enres lko, m �t- obstinate mses when all o6h She-" Yes, dear.?' I tube wit ads connealed to all a F not gripe or purgal but by their,vit' de nctioll I I 11� �t�ea,of youth. This Remedy., �L, there will scarcely be �any pain after�the I 3 � � I . I � I . I , 1 � TRWIT?-"�WTS li;�Vaf�Ljlede%,,elato I-eljbVe, " I d is put on. When she b came Miss, sho elting 6 castarin. I - inmal. 15ceots-, - I : , - "' gists n't ��l I- iR :,oltlbydrug.. ar . I . I I . sEVERAT, BOURS LATER. I putitil. Any sudden expansion of the air �e 11 ilAe all who ilse'nein. Wat;L I . wicage, or olx1q $5, or, sp.nt by f -ii bn , :Itissoiiietim�s,desiral)lbtogi%leasooth. , I lius6s a cloudy condenilat I ion to settle, and Men she haid 01iii4ren, she&Avo them Caatori& live for $1. sold ever.rivilere, or seat by mall. � � ,." .1�. , , � � Xe­iPt G� P.H00 3,y addreping.Uffl JAMES1FvTrDXC1rT,T7g - . � I I ; , : I He (after some oversight)-" Well I think 0 1 . I . I ,�' CO:- Torf.mco.(,*/j1,,. llrrit�forvrwipb�,t. �,�Id i,,-- ,Ing mIX.ure and allO-Ar the patient to sleep, when the air in the tube is expended, the . . ­ I I . I , CA"TER YnDlonn 00, VOW 7�vk. .1 . : i 8 Dal'a Store Exe.Ar 'or bar light passing thr6uih it becomes Deautifully � li � ., -, Sold at­prowniug� ,� t , Ds are' extremely ex I'm the biggest fool in town." I . . . � I ' ' I I , I I r, and She "Yes, dean" I , . . I I I I I I ',I ij'l !a , . � , . I I great care should be taken Ilausting I , I I . I D,11 .. r'. . OP1051 , �: !I I . 11, I r . . . I � I with the ai-t, , - I V �Poloured. ' ' � ' . r : ''I . . - . I I . � knill h I 11, sna " DO% 5.-, .. 1. � � i I 11 r I r I I � I 1. . Children' Cty for Pitcher's CastoH4 ''. �: " ' I . � . 1 . I I . � �. . � I 1, I I I - .. �� I �, , . � . . . . . I ­ . I r I . I 1. I . ,:, , I I ­ . . I . .� . . I I I . I . I I � ­ 1. I I . � � I I �, I �,!� I I I . . . I I I I � � . � � I I � I � . I � 11 I f a . T . I . I . I .1 I �, r . � 11 � I . 0 d 1110.1 I . , I I M, I . . � . � I . � � . 11 . I . I � I � � . I I. . �­ . I � I I I I . I . I I I . I . I " I , , . ". . . . I ; I . . I � � � I . � � I I � 1. !? ��: I 1.1, , . I ; � �., . , . .1 .�. � � � . 11 ­ . � �. I I 11 I . 1, .1 I . I I l�, . , . �. �. . . . . . I � 11 I I � I I I � I I I . I .. I I I I . ,� , I ,:, . .1. . � . 1, ��, , � 11 .1 '' 11 1�, . .1 I I., I 1. � I 1, I . . r . - I I I � I I I I I . .q .1 I I I � 'i�, ;., I I 11 I , � I I . I � . 1, . . � . I I I � I I I I . . 1:� I �. I " ­pl I � . ,� . � I � � I � . I . : : , I . . . . I .1 I I , I � I .1. I I I 0 11 " I I � . 11 � . � . � I � �, I I I 1. I . I I � I I I I . � I I 11: . ". I I I I I I 1. I I I 1. . I � I I � I . I 1, I I . � � -, �' , 11, � I I , . I . . �, . ; . I I , I 4.1 � A . I . . "I , .1 1. . , I—, '' ,, ., r., 1:, 'I c 1 � . I ,,., � I . I I � I � I I:, I I f , I . �,,, � I I � I . I I I � _1 1;1 , ., � _� �, , ",,,,r.1.,,,, "�,:'__:., I I . 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I ," i: 1::�:. � ��;., ;, �, ., � __ 1­1­ �: ".,. ,:, � A, ,, ., , ��' �il 1�'.,,�, _121-1�1_11­, , , d � , '__,�_,: 1'1­1­�11�1;� . ­ _� I .: � , � . ,- ­ ­ .1111, � :� . , �. ;�� ,,�_:� ._�': _­�_..�.,I, _,�.­Iil­­; L',