The Exeter Times, 1893-6-15, Page 6p' j"�' , c i ' 1y . ilii �_ _ __. -_ - .' THE ,t��TISM pF FRR.,, R�x�� 1 •- • ' �^ Tilt y��1�1 RIDGE. t�1pw A. 13q OUT . . H' '-z iAi4Ad.VR4 LikVli►• vJ' tif; .�1 . hccotitut oPRt. `l� r T kttetv'th $ mL TLie l crit 11 serial's r + ''. e Prince well. On the first liwa r f r ; r SSil1S, "" ` occasions I saw him, ib was through a bine. 3.,I No � Ito to thele,-IY �'�ssa ��� � a , .�.',l, �1``alar from a canaitlsrable distance, C)n • �' TONIC .-. Lr, .� - ? August 2, 15;0, the.day on which the boy Farber 1 artlruLats via i3O, tolloi dpi special ,•v �� of fourteen, in tore words of his £athsr, �11watching A FtYtt'a Carnets, vi ontreai,,@had �': gei'ved,his bavtistnof•�tre,'' I asruoltn �' I 11 " y H t?,' k+dy, . of ► from the dr}llgronnd abcwe air ,: ass ._Vi r, probably the mostdttfieult t ?hon ad not lice `7. company with the last remaining I'rnestan evening a man ever lied. liesoldiers, the oncolaini swarm-attaok of a�c� �D '�' home far some time, and though 2te tried10 ipanfull to hide it, his emotion overcame ds '1i i , v Eon Bataille's ticaillenrs, tiring as they Burr}ed . p passed knell whlcit rose to the lain it aewsriiltrines, Hedrovewiththellows lys iicrotleheplain. The seinth pl%il about. y 'Cure " him ° i alt pitpermensnddetactiresfromLacolletotlta ,tl�/l'+ alt11 , ` midway 'between the Spicherea hill and scene of the tragedy, being atappe$ every ( t , where T stand, and presently it was Stomach Ive,-4r i 11 YOU �ysvwal little whileby some ore web wanted to s1tCw i t crowned by tsva horaemon followed by a 0t�� D7.�^�C%pi'cs ,. the r Sympathy andahaka haxid6 with him, �` �, `fit 1� greatatmff. The.glasa told me that with e ;; .. a t $4 s ; and no . The whole district is ,noiixtiing> , ' ,out ti. doubt the senior of the foremost •��� �€lS�G o$'18 u�•�'e�• Ye��• t wonder i The Edvs. stara with the Haw' the reput of being one of the old, ZrtuA'SDY. horsemen was foie Ishorter napoleon, and it i5 Pleasat t0 �$8 `�`S5�G' as the crest p steMilli;.11T.eC�+Bi'.. i� • orld_reuownod Soap stands at the legs, li es acted families and 110,40 It fs flared now, however, that it is too than the younger, Itorwtas the Fr and g eeeIm- • it is S€lfe ana, llarmiesg as t . phis is est and mos .r • P, mere boy he l a , hep clo# 0,!i Laundry assd nousehold Soap, both lived in the vicinity for the last century late. sntol sales, , ed in 1531, and old 1118 eeinetex on gsrial w.}loP tive 1rAscv to be with his 1 manufacturers of the Great torquality and est They were married being a. In the corner of the 13 y lather ill the field. A fortnight late`, in This wonderful l`iehe p Tonic 11hS Only recently 1Jeen intro ace - alractions,It:doesav¢0,3 + + mother was a Hawley, he be g Y into this. collutry lay the laroiirietors and Used according lady a mo a trace their the same road or street as tney call it Here, the early morning of the 15th, the ria be 1-fasitiatted drncigerq of inane ve th child, The H%wieys Oat South Alnerica�r. N'exvine Tonic-, And yet its great Value us a curative with all the o d se a inn of Eu land by where' the inurdsred people lived, an fm• fore liars -t0, -Tour when the German army it; oa won'tbadisappoutted, fnixtil - baok to the iotas g Ld mense rave has been dug, and here the un- ti - as still only east and saute of Metz, x ];riOtiiled 'e Of top day. Txy > y y llof;nt lags long beets known by, tt fest* of the most learned phi°sicizzna► s•-xcinx sg9i' has been in use in 'William the Conqueror, and each househo S>z • bound book, con- fartunntes will be bttrted is the family plot, accompanied a Germaii horse -Hund ry which, - t the est s;ears, and its has a large, handsomely s The officiatingin to whose church alio iia lip to within five hundred paces who ltitve not braupht its ]xiCri$s �d valuQ. t0 the � Windsor Castle lox past ye s eluted g p g been s Y pp tainin the entire family tree ani far back a the belonged,, was an, a# Town when the of theohateau of Longtteville, around which general i7l2blic• osteo boli . . the problem Of the cure gfr�I til', C- I ma tilfaeturersitava p g, Luo beglnninf; of tea seventeen century tragedy dy occurred, and at the f:onferenee in was a French camp of some size, opened This medicine has t Omp y sOaaaitalsits '° Cornwall, lint hie tvi#e telegraphed far hint fire on a chateau and camp. After a few estiou, dysl7elisn Anel diseases of the general nervous system. It is lth fro qurusN i l ai.a lie cams back yesterday` i ease of shells had hese fire i, ggroat confusion was ' 'pee latest and moat grotesq ue p abserved about the elcateait and in the also Of the greatest value 111 theii1lby al forms nerti neo tRlang he Aqutaliti s a�, the sad .affair is the itawartan-ed camp, and I distinctly discerned the Fm whatever cEltlse. It nes by i, tlAllAlifEFll ( f lh�`EgF$RFrcE of °° srllilTS" pesos and iiia son emerge from the build- which it possesse�Chall e by rel and theabowels.w�No lremedy digestive ,1},g FURE AND Tq 1 p y, • y organs, the stom , t( � � rug, mount and gl�ilo awe followed b i,} OtyilYAlt1 Nq ,-,,,, who are giving unasked €ore and u @dca11ed In and escort, Years later, in Zululand. tirAIN HO "mitt' to the detectives. Rh �Tws. work was dune for bath of with this wantlerfullygvafuthee man body, iAnd as a ,read renewer c, as a builder and IIof S t HEM ICAl5 • I .. up by some Spiritualists from iltitt s Corner when the twill ht was falling ou ho Cilei' of the fife forces It is also of .-lore real pOrl"anent v 4lue iii • ,.,' t and Swanton, who met Rn the house of a u l diseases of the lung$ than ti>ay eorisulnl?trait maanaunedi,imlon, The "spirits," rolling veldt, the r ttce was want occas• brol:M-dOWlt COnBtitutiOri 1,q SLS r U `� other things, discussed the murder, and tonally to gossip with me about tease early the treat ulcfnt alta cure of �� � ,��, 5ellietly ever ilaetl on this conttne�Lt. It is zl, marvelous cure it�x nervi- ��j�`�%rtfj a c) said it was committed by three mesh; and days of t1tB slat war tvhiah Avewe had wit- f falriales of 1%1 awes. neaten who Etre approaching the critical �� gave the names of two of these. neased from opposite sides, and he told me ken of.ou,ueSs 0 �\ The}* also said that the sold watches his experiences o nithY}t morning0, atrt nand he period known as chau�e a:l life', Sllotild r10� tot wo tor three ��Ars. 1Tt 'iYill 5 l - 7 would be fauna tri tion sellar, and as they A Crash awake b Tonle, itlrilZlSt COUStllntl�T, for the sl3tice �� i . ''r , were, but several hours before the spirits was sitting up si heel bewildered, when his Carry them S afel ' avec elle denser.'h18rt3ut sGrellthc'nor lLitSl CUTa y . t, '1 /, s %f father entered vrith the oxclamatiau i "Up. e ed and Infirm, bOcaTlse leg g read r {✓� spoke, inquest opened armia at eleven Louis, up, and dressl The oe8lnanAs the abells Live• i5 of inc'st lllaUle sttluC t0 t div 1 0l d Ori life, It will add ten 1j o'clock today is the xssidettsaof Mr. Omri 3�ra traahiug tliraugli t110 roots.,' cr 1rR?el'Cies will ole thorn »... , Fill. T dy, jr, Amon st the mast interesting Print.Inotzed out of tea window svltit0 h0 eneif t ellI 1 1 witnesses to be heard were Sliitiner, who hurriedly d eesed, he sew &a seated n the or bottles Of 'the ralllf:dy eavla yealIItlny of i;t�ose SYhO dill toes u -calf ,d016s Awarded 11 Nola 11�tedaly, old, \lr. U, ay was considered one of the will now be asked ander cath as to his burst is a group of wealthy men of the district. This beautiful whereabouts at the time of the murder, garden at breakfast, and when the smoke GREAT REMEDY FOR ® ���� CURE �� farm was. worth probably ;w12,000 and lie and Skinner's best g}ri, wtio works on a lifted three of them lay dead. Thai, the >• T IS A �` b -'t U had considerable money invested otherwise. farm here and saw him and talked to him story of his nerves having been shattered Nervousness, 33rolien Constitution, CENTRAL Both his wife acd daughter were great as he came from the ruins early an Satur- by tole bullet fire at Saarbruck teas untrueDebility o1 Oleo Age, favorites. They were both staunch sup- day morning, seems pproved by an episode ho related to Nervous Prostration, porters of the Methodist church, and Miss She was interrogated this morning butt me of the same morning as haus later. On �nid3>rstiol? and I}yspepsitt, to r k dy, being an accomplished musician, was maintained that as a did not remember his the steep ascent of the ohaussee tip to NG'rPRUS Headache, mea Lbltra and ,, our Stomach, a member of the Alburgh Springs Orches- raying anything of importance. Chatel the imperial Rorty was wedged in Sick Headache, �rdieZle And TenderaaeSs in Stour&Cut ,. + ural Club. Phe detectives are now afters Hary sus, the heart of a complete block of troops, Female Weaknes$3 e, F3NSt?,I Bi.C)L}, wagons, and Hilae; along delay ssemad ; Nervous Chills, Loss of Ailaetittx, NYben the Harty accompanying Xr. H. O. Peri. Frightful Dreams, tidy arrived at lioash ltuigm, the bodies fnevrtabla. Tint the lad lied noticed a way- Paral .eisi wERZ TOZRE TIM 1117RDERl RS? side gate whence a track led tip through I � 3 3(�izzinesl< xnd ltillgiia� in rho I~llxrs were at the house of lir. OmriO Bdy, jr„ in Nervous Paroxysms A11tX the Care of lir. Bush, the hailbX Great importance is attaelied in some the vineyard. He follatved it to Llie ekes,, 8Weakness of L.stromlties And A-09.4 It was a terrible sight, They were laid quarters to the motion, of three unknown and marked its trend ; then riding back, h0 I Nervous Choking, Faintili, on a large tabls, father, mother and daugh- called aloud, "This way, papa 1" The I Hot Flashes, tar, Strange to say the leak in Mrs. lady s Prince's side track turned a block, and I Ful litation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished I3lt3ot�t face teas a serene expression that might I presently the part,, were in the psw guar- 1 foils and ('aTlauneles, ., is almost,r: t"exs in tea atibargo of Gravelatte,--[Arobi• hfe>ltal DespQRdellClye]Coftila, iIA'rF, „ss;~ TASEY atilt A aaflf,E• i • . , - � bald Forbes. �iteelllessness' Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, ._�, �+t. Vitus' Iaance, A fall stock .of all kin CIS of The old gentleman's face loakod extremely Nervousness of Females, Catarrhptian of the Lungs, peaceful. Several. n0ar auddistant relatives Al L ' _ QEbLLEl 1%u H%y la Brit%ill+ ,r Catarrh Of the XstLn ,R. Ilyt3=Stllf3 eller paeliuge have coma in since Saturday, among them Nervousness Of Oitl �1 P, ,,,•- 1 1 + i• I� Mr. R. Undertvoa3, of the firm ti# B. nil 0hrOlnG COugh, bring air, sad Mrs. Kemp, of Toronto, and 7irOilehitls a Dyes, constantly on Liver Colmpla nt, } Mr. and firs. Bart. Hawley, Who i s f` - England, was in Otta V0, the other day anti. I I.':lius Neuralgia, the Heart, • han 1, Winc`bTl s Now York State. They have so i the Bae Chronic Diarr'cro, • in Los. Angeles, Calk, who ever since the , � r `�=`' lima Po interview with Tion. a hick s. re re Fail IIp , Delicate ionto ScrAftilous Children, CiC}ilt3t1C3T1 murder have been in constant aommunfca- -' and Faster. The c �mpauy which he r0,gpr0,- %e41th, owd- tion with the family by telegraph. The ti sentain one of thelargeatconcernshandling pumm" Compltaint Of' Infauts,. Hama of this fancily i0, Coleman, and the two tray in Great Britain. They da considerable ex 5 feta Miss T3utt}e and Miss Florence •;I,. � �� � i business in foxeinn hay and a large portion All these and Tnany athNervinecomplaints ToniC curet% lay titin nontlexful s dauglt , t of the product w1ticl I wits sent from Cauada the best Coleman, were an tli0ir way to pal' them a ti-• *� A 4 last year passed through their hands, torr. �r-gar, (� j o 721 the � � visit. Sub Chief 1:ancey loft Sunday night t. E` Underwood stat0s that rho G`anadial Arad- jt,111 ,M:d 41LJ via Glarancevilto for Montreal. _ 1 not was not altogstt ei sat}sfaetary owing et (i11Ci always To•daythe mystery deepens and to carelessnessnin etl er s0, and handling. tin S a cure for every class Of Nest otic Tllsenses, no remedy lies ole@ J A10T118R THECRY \v AS E\PiaDEU M f i s�.•'�•• r -' lin therefore thought it better to come to , n'171e to compare lvt� �s u Qn the youngest child or tris lthe Nervine Tonle, Which is TerY deSt$and =084, TBRh« Faintly l f �ip- Gatiada and look into the matter and make harlialess ITL till its e l "'' ° • . Y@ ar8d S t last night. Picard or Dtifard haamanag- ;• Crrmngoutents with hay tlea3ers and expert- delicates individual. trine tenths Of All the ailments to which the human 025 GEirBflllly , ed satisfactorily to account for hia where - I1GX'al I?xu>y i�tQT'd E$et8 abouts, swA11PI1G T1190RUS, w r0, in order to overcome the atfTisultiea family is heir :are dependent On nervous exhaustion orad iinlafliretl diges- Ci8 o which had to Ile Contended with last year. Y Mr. Mosher, the bailiff, attd lir: Sysinay men who boarded an incoming mixed train tiw,.. When there is an insufficient supply' at nerve ,fl in the blood, ti '+ FZMr. L-er, who went after him, came bac - ener9l state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves i8 the at St. Armand on Su,aturday morning. They G. • and made a report to that effect, are described as having the appearance of The Auatrlan .l•rolen Rutt0a Industry' t _ As 13 r. 'Mosher said, " he led us quite a tramps, who had been ant atl might! Itis game ideao£the gigautioproportionsivllich l xepttlt, tEirvCCL 31CxYes, like Starved a thomususand become Susan tie ll t d I The thought to find hien at High- p , bonen.; of having money i Tight kind of food is supplied; &nil a thousAnt.i Sveal nesses anti aillnenta ii tf3ShlEr& ita.1ofZ60,000 Chas. -"y had to follotir- him all the 'sa}d that they tris industry has attained may Ins :gathered x0, pl hoorporated Ihb f t Whit p , gate, hat instead to be able to pay their fare. St. A rmand from the iaot that ono of tea establishments -disappear rear as the nerves Teeover. As the nervous APstem Ia1i1St Supplyall way to North Fairfax, beyond 5t. A.lbans. Station, by land around \lissisquoi Bay, is alone, the Australian Chilling and Freez- the polder by Which Clic vital forces Of the body are food oes it is on- 1'rhey found him at his own house, and call twelve miles from the scene of the tragedy, ing NVorka, at Aberdeen, on. the Great first to Suffer for ,rant of perfect nutrition. Ordinary fAOtl `ices not con- doge}in oat to the road Charged him directly Wherethose men left the train is not Northern Railway,, 302 miles from byd - sae 'with l.natsiadga, of the crime. ',Ain zt sufficient quantity of tllti kind of nutriment necessary to repair Et 4f ' At first he tried to bulldoze them and known. nay mad sofas 57 nihil beyond eep daily. the wear our �N\' _ when told that the bast + .an freeze 08 ,0 and lesvcaatle0 asipeoial tram FOr tllia x msonsit bent ecom s necessary thatOde Of livin,':r, and R0, nexvoe foo 1 baOR ��lllaplied, ?- ­ s-^ j showed fight, but w The vcsaels load a , •" t\,/ Ir - -- thing lie could do would be to, if possible, BRITISH LAM A_9D ORDER- conveying the inutton to that port, where as This South .t1.i.11lerican 1Nervine has beets found by an, .'Sin t0 Colitatn tliti A. RUG•is. s7ti � i account for himself from Friday noon to __ many as 6,000 Sheep have been loaded in one essential elements out of -Which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts `:'t .ass i Saturday noon,he quieted dawn and agreed Law• ►blelnx Ca»tmnnitio*, lit tore \linitc� da ,- +pea ateamers carry their cargoes to o . ' ___ i to accompany them to Itis e,npinyer, a man Iteirton% or itCritish uolnnthi:i- E gland. he weasels aro provided with for its universal AClsaptability t0 tole Care Of all forms of nervous de- named Ed. Belly, who lives at ;vartlt Fair Asa part of Canada is the asses of more refrigeratint rnanilinery and deliver their Tenement. enn,-- s rax and for whom he worked. Mr. Belly rapid settlement the Kootenay district car oes }n frozen condition. or.kwFORDawILLE, I,n.. An,-. CO..' '96. RrDsce,+ wiLtar'aav, of Srawasvaticy. Incl., P_To says; "I had been inadistressedcondition Wit assured them that Picard or Duford had in British Columbia, Into that surpassing- ps&R GESTS.—1 dealre to say to you that I .three Sears from leervoueuicea, Weaituers+of the ly rich mining xegion are pouring large have,utferedfarmanyyearnwithmveryserious Stomach, Dyspepsia, and indigestion, until my UED-P, � numbers of new'settera attracted by the dtseaeeo I c uld hear and nerves- Itrido e w health testis gine. I lead been doctoring con- tneclicinc I scuta hear of, but nothing done me G�, rich reaoureesand brilliant prospects which n d any appreciable good until I ,vas advtaed to stnitily, with no rettcf. I llaugtlt one battle of A;9 g A I L_ Xawait the sturdy worker, Naturally a good try your Great South American Nervine 'Tonic south American \erclne, -rhich done mo mora L _ *,t : many of the iaimlgrants come froxi across - and :stomach and Liver Ctllr, and styes v Sur- ' g �ggyk' f On. .,_' the border, and most belong to the mining Wishes to speak through the Regislerof severra bottles of it I I— say flint 1 e s sur- tIng gaol than any � ,s worth of doctoring I over .� K l� ri 1 a W. i fi DRO1f fw prised at its wonderful po:vers to cele the sxant- did in my life. i would a end `eery tre=0v per - e t for Canada. Class. Towns are springing up, and every- the beneficial results he has received nth and general wn%nue systesn: 1l everyone ,Boa to use tuts, vatuablc and 7or.1y rnmCdy ; a G. C• FATTSla•-e31v, A where there ate signs of a marvellous devel- y He fete bottles of it ties cured me completely. I ',��,`�! � from a regular use of A er s Pols, L --new the value of tela remedy as f da you cyanid mY ' c , p {3lietiE by user ' opmena says: " T � as feeling licit and tired and not be able to r l)=, tiro demand. �''• lee vrlei iwv , r,� i ,' One might expect ander these circum• sa stomach seemed all out of order. I J. +i• liar nl , r,Ic•Trcitr• a<fantgomery o0,. consider It the grandest mediclno fa the s orld:'s R E tl ICC e'•'3l: Bell b: 1 ,i, 'E' stances, to hear of a certain lawless element tried a number of remedies, but Wane ? zl CHOREA. Ts now ye o,nlzc•tl tis the le s Y t traiIxln ethe °- , which often Beta the upper hand in new seemed to give me relief vat}I T was SWORN �rU ROR S'�, I��`° to suh'eAng ll11 Anity V xt� fast rlting the Ifo - mining settlements. At first we might induced to try the old, reliable dyer's GR1�l;�a oRASZiLLF, SNn•, June , 18$7. lilt,: of drug iu till cera o - pp v„11 effect rm,cs in seemingly /. o suppose disorder and violence would allow pills. I have taken only one box, but I yY daughter. eleven years old,: was severely afflicted �vitU St.. Vitas' I'inilefl troutne:, r,nu j° �.” i elesit Cases wrists eve otdierknownmeans themselves, till the general community be• feel inks a new man. I think they are �p Chorea, We gave her three u>*d one-half Mottles of South elLileriesan 13er� l tors fat efl.- it Is nilture s reatedy, tinct by its r� respectthe most ieasant and easy to take of villa and she iS ca3ripletely Test°red. I believe for ttw oily nr4�� )1 A 1 sure it 1,11 ;o case of St. d r s steady, soothlr,g etirreut diet is readily felt,° gee contrary,enforcesays i e Victoria oColonist anything I ever used, being so finely Vitus, Donee. I htiVB ?rept it tri my firm y PoSi'1`iVELY CURES �,„k„�ti "Tt is cheering to see that the law sugar-coated that even a child will take Pio±cDtril �'�caltnoss. /I }s vas ectad. in this new `cants . '4Ye do g the greatest Tetrtedy in the Ivorld for Indigestion and I1Ssl3el7sial and for tat] Rlienmatisi i, Female weak els, e y them, I urge upon all who are fOr1i1S of i`TBpwtluS I'�isoxCler5 And Failing Stealth, fTOTII whateverd,ol;m � cause. 1. Sciatica, MRS. EDI' not see in the Nelson and Kaslo newspapers C=enerr_L DablM7, Xm iote�nc,,3vsoasos, .State Qf �Zl,�ary7 , 1 $s: Lutlibas;o; meq Li a 4Q:a,itpisaint, stayoa with him all 7+ridaynight, and that ve have beeneled to believe a ceche ao *sr- U .lttont�Omery G`Olt>at`J,1 Nervous Diseases, promo ][testi, lie had gone honie with him to help him do 1867.- 17ysiiepsia. Lame Back, Subscribed and sWortl to before me this June 23, sarioocole, some work at his hoss3 on Saturday morn- istic of mining towns. It appears 'that the of a laxat}ve to try Ayers. Pills,"-- GRAS. W. uVgTGn2`: Notary 1'tllaliq ing. \lasers• Mosher and $illrickm also new bomnm as a are as peaceful aof nd he Boothba (Me.) Re stet. iy°ol l In .5.si AND � P SIA4 saw Mr. Smith, the roan for whom hiss law-abiding roviri ern Pers n and proper -parts arappsr. y l ) IN ,n. `S it is a well knaw-t S::ct that mei"Cm science Spencer and Picard worked at the same, p faticct to wrord relief In r t Smith said that Picard"iisver old , eptly as safe there as they are in hal when I wa11 gs troubled w'Sth 0,k}nd of sal fiheutn, Grdat South American n ,�TC'•3'Vine� TQC P' has utterlyThe cases u e centore t11c tissrrttonthat although timeonly absolutely unfailing re]]ICdQ evel Y us venture •lie^a fu use.aa a remedial him anything about burning the ];dys,tbut or ti ancouver. It does sot appear t tor Elebtrlcitt b S more citses i n °nee t would "slap old Air. Chief Justice Begbie pays that minima din- and ee tecitalty to the sbendtof the k nee Which we now offer 17, , is the O y y a• ent fora few Sears, it t,as cured lie told it c , lied same trier a visit, he will have more to do or p thenwattstn than :ail outer means Com. Rd ,s face," with whom lie r ez cases than he would above the calf. Here, running sores ,discovered far tll2 cure Of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast Grain Of bi �d. S. . e or otic ]ending by clans, sec ff y arae time a o, will meat with had formed which would scab over, bur. bine ni.c, i wait a Liemseivesoftliis troubles g o ulous a ricultdral din• uititng this Oast, in an equally populous S . ' • „ old break ilnmediatety on moving the symptoms and horrors. which .are the result of disease and debility of st atetitaf natuxe's forces, Supposed new clues crap up all tea time, Ina p p trio on tf re Island or on the Mainland. would mother tried everything she the human statuach. N0 person can afford to pass by this jewel of incnl- ,, and Detectives Douglass and s\lalor l3awley It fa a remarkable, but a deeply gratifyingrt leg, Y but was without avail. i Q t�EaT0 E �`������ us •county them. down, but they British rule everywhere could think of, bu culable value who is aft'ected by disease of the stomach, because the eg- r er from, a variety of are kept h Y. g fact, that under B ah a child, T read in the papers 3r jT g Iions tial of people snff out, as. a rule, to be of no importance set for thelaw, an a security Although er's per once and testimony of man Oto prove that this i� the oNE. s7ld s diseases, snail as Sominal Weakness, turn a . , ,hare is m resp nervous - t . er. ro art that are ,Hard to .about the beneficial effects of An let ONLY oNE great cure ori the ;world fox this .universal destroyer, Thele o*.ane� g, host Bi.uniiooa, lvsmlc 13ac1., e e , wltatev for.person and p p y itis and ersuaded my mother Imp r trCitfmCntfailto cure atsst uzzler is the finding of A1r. t l,e tendenc is toUelaw- P . , I? th it,%rti cid inode5 n he 1 e nal a aewhere m, With n6 teat faith in iS no else of unmalignant disease of �>le stomach which salt resist tY�e t a loss of aervo force or ower that q . Berm is. t yy t and and Mrs. Edyga gold' -last night and .%A ,i Among the Criminal classes the .Tote try the g x of Now Ross, Indiana. . _..: e;torad iji,me,laca treatman , which was g hole- the result, she procured wonderful Curative 1)owerS of the S. j ), ,America n 1TTervine Tonic. cannot be r d''tr to acsomPlisp this the discovery of the - cash box strong arm of authority is held in wI. any doctor teho waLtl Y g Snnzitam E. ELnLL, of Wayuetbwn, Ind.; »aye: bfRa. ELLA A. I3nAxTo . ~. s r i s is rcicttsing a'dangerous used b the old gentleman for the purpose road. British couimunities are not ,•I btve m9 life to the [trent South' American says: `I cannot y system,%v much T ecce to tut lty any l,•nd of d .t s Y some d @ t i]tt,rl Lt2nlSnl.',ropCrly treated f keeping his valuables. This box, it was crime but tea easenCe a,nd spirit' Nervine. I had t:eeniu bed for fiye months from Nervine Ton[c. r4S gyetelnwas completely shat >ormo o p t; free from , to be misaiTi ,and when it them is firm and ttio:effecta of aneshaysted atomaeh•>jngl atterad tared, appetttegonr wits con ;ping anc� Enitagei - f i said, was sure !l of the rule which covers,• DISIT M, '.CAN BE CURES nd in the course of a curaary Ch Conditions young Nervone Prostration, and a genera was not fou inflexible. Under su y, , ,.�- oonditiou of my tyhoto.syst�m. ,Had liven up up blood; rim sure I n'as tit tote first stagoi by'� ,he, .0wen Tlectrie nn made 'esterdm it was announc- the Canadian cotnncea u.ho es of getting tveii. 11na fisted three doe- of consumption,, an inheritance handed down T10Ctrtcit3,' as ap]tl sd exmminati S y communities like P a p sto assuredly do soon no relief. The first bottle of the Nero through several generations. ' Z be as raking,, 1.d Suspensory, will rite , 3 ust have been stolen, or atabilit and are bet Dela au p nt tl ut ed the t it m ow u with seat Y and I began to use them, and tors, with nl�I:nown rctttecilail a C i gr p, g 3s tISGo ,, ,. ,, Ct far Encouraged ,, ineTouieimprovedmoeomuchthatlwaeableto the Norviao Tonic, and continued to y.�o of sq, IL kin xtattet�Y, net Ve snow UMAli9 ter raft together by a •general res noticed an tmprovemenk• g wall` about, and a few bottles cured mo entirel is the riandest remed9 farnnerveersstamuch and will sup,,7b tthpt . 13SURD R r r SIT, at•t.ttro and vigor to the TIIE Mesa A order. W' e+have reasonto bC thank- this I ke t on till I teak tyro boxes, I believe it is the best medirino in•the world. lungs z bate ever seen.” force or vw e , r law and by , P r use to h'eitithy action the whole sad, and the atran est' }nlieri Lanae of i3rttish res disa eared and ,have sen not recommend it too highly.” g atgansaand t o are constantly spread g Jul in Canada for the when the so PP„the a .nm, the -H. Chipman, No tomer] compares with SoirTa AmEAIC t NERYTN771'Be r the St Stomach, No remedy will a� art : uervoussr.t ossiblmmeans suggested for catchint p yule which is ours. never tranbled me lint e._ �p� e one man seat- i t I{oauoke' V0,. pares rrltA. South American Tervine ss a wondl ons cure o t I TI �+ murderess, As an instanc , g - Real Estate Age t , , m a with South American Nerviue as a cure for 0,A bores or StOVgtuhealth, ' Da .ee. ' tl- poReire t" r: : 9lkl ID i &t l t��c� fact that no one had aver -.- co tI r4 bewailed the f « erect for ears from stomach ' cure Indigeatton-an$ DYSPePslp•' it never fads to cure Oh led Elect rio ly I cuff Y rpm rare wonderful in the extreme. it cures the old, the Olin and and the min• worthless, cheap, o-Oa}Photographingthe a es o:f tea to Bold Youn MeA• iScci tile died then ht of Y' iiU 0sti0II g kidney troubles, causing very severe , build np the whole ays some concerns and lied gg and 1i d y. s eon! ' advertised by duo agx,ll, It is a great Friend to the aged and nfic� vvi11 reytorenot eygod to lect health Sv5oouth Auterican Belts ads et is re electric in ge ea 'peo le, feeling convinced that„ lad isi suddenl kissed b Tier - , ., r country. 'Sooty w mord r P Youn 9 Y t pains in various arts. cl the body: None if ou do, ou may noglcet ,the: only remedy w71 i n, i,.rgh ,he .c t o the g i nal P y, Y urative ower, and Contain the picture f y ertsetl .sate, and very Pleasant to tHo taste;; DOlicate ladies, do net Emit to vne'thie ., samean-9, wet tliless as a o P the retina would 1? cousin while she is reading a sensat o of the remedies 1 tried''a£f°rdecl me an Nervtna Is p 9 ,•. •�' ' e"r's Pills, rest cure, because 1twI11'puttha bloovt o{ freshness -and beauty upon your ltpa and to your cheekq, ' "C ar at tan, ;office d to sltosv an murderers. „ e .tote -%V ori novel,, wh9reupl me remarks • relief until T began taking Ay , g i3Ye phs39e. ,t; been set for the funeral, „ y es. 11 Cturent is ander con Leo da has Foi innately, my clear Augustus, I min „_ pie rein tr,'tiet e b e Y and was cured. Wm. Goddard Notar and quiclTly drove eBay your rliaabilittes and waa nese Ellett - tt as Completelyas this. his talon lace from the house ofMUM 1,0,4 the itataerwhic g p readiw a deliglytful- passe a -with ,w}iich 'Public, Five Lakes, Mich. : t `t`� ,ro '.reads Ii.ram3i Is rho portrait of W. R our - nit mC Belt and Cmri Edy, jr., at 2 a clack if the Coroner your rise tliorqugiily harmonizes; otherwise �� :Ik an axnbcsseC. to (sold up 9 of forbid. it. Many here, think that .ve:rebuked' oil severely' for your Prepared Uy Dr. 7. C. layer & Co., Lowell, Mass �y .' -.,,,fiance ln'rt Fsagtured by up, `loss n not been half as tharaugh I would ha a y Sold by all Druggists iverywhece. FOOT i LE W A� ��, �v�� t Jr ,. 'oot'-Mailed (Sealed Free, the autopsy has impudence. r E� �� uolld fie- fi�.t009 � as it should have been and that in connee- } . /� 7^r - e suicide theor ,tore 'Caronor ,: help -others to. bear thein 0 C � � r ole Wholesale and Retail forl;XeLer, I, c 4�VfILfj�ir%���i B�% i7i�.f tion stith:tir . Y me more we i p Eve G.: LUTG s11 - Tticanitp. should have ordered a specs&1 examination burdens, the lighter our qn'n will lie. I - I I I .. I I_ 4� t,,..8 �,.. Ela., of I Iold Mr; Edp's brim.. '' '. 11 I -: e.. t" ;_Gc ;.er VI . V;,_ e, r r{' . 1r f4t � �tichtrev;'Gaston t 1.'', . .1 , 1�. I I . I I . - .., I .1 I I—, ... . 1. , I I... 1 . . . I I I . .. .1 . I I I I ­ I ... I 1. ,, . I I . . ­ .. I 111. .1 1 .1 ,, I .I 11 .:,.. I 1. . . I 1 .I., - I I 11. . 1. I , r I . I I I . ,� I ­ . I r .1 I Irr I 1. 11 I I 1, - 1. .. I., I . I I 1. I ,- I . I I I -11 I I I . I " I . . .1. . I I I �, . I . , ,,, . I I I I *1_1v:. . . ... I I I 11, I ".1- . , I I 11 . .. � ­, ': ''I I 1. 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