HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-15, Page 5Hama ti ora the Dead l day doodad the streets, and In Brooklyn 011e of the buildings. Of the Now -SrOrk _r a BfiMSH ANCI ,FAREIGN. Long alrl Terrible i lt� l i ltlf@S3 News Developuteuts of Eaclk Day During from Blood Poisoi'ting the Week In Small space, t '1EDNESDA,'ir. Jf1 F ' 1. e0r1.laletczy Ctirect by Tzoows 'Edwila Booth (Tied this horning at Sarsapma Ma. Indiana., . Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallou a veru intelli en 3 g t The Infanta Eillalitt Pf Spain was ady of Piqua, Ohio, was polsoned while as, warmly leceivocl in Chicago, yesterday, eft The Ttusso-American •:. extradition t treaty has atlast been;formally pro- uo prospect out, Sha til ail iced butt lbs., and saw ai help, At last she began 0ainled. ta e,Ile- take, Bond's 5arsapar111a and at 'once ire- Scipione Martella was electrocuted at provetl,; could scoix get out of lied and walk. Dannoxnora, N.Y;. yesterday for the he says; "I became perfectly cured by murder of another Italian, Nf,"ed e, Sarsaparilla ' The trial of Lizzle Borden, charged and gin 11017 a well tvninan. I weigia 126Ibs., with the murder of her father and step.- ' mother, began yesterday at New Bed- illy e•;>cn seeiits a ,vnnderful rvoyvey and ford,. lugs, l At 3 o'clocll yesterday afternoon a, Mrs. Xcrey E. QlTallon band of'six robbers rushed into Benton - � ville, Ark., with drawn Winchesters of Piqua, o., says the pity- , ali(! robbed the People's Bank of .all its sieians nro Astonished, j gold and Cufrency, amounting to $70,000, and look at her like one , t ! A thunderstorm in New York yester- . Hama ti ora the Dead l day doodad the streets, and In Brooklyn 011e of the buildings. Of the Now -SrOrk _ I Warehousing Company was set on fire, loss Long alrl Terrible i lt� l i ltlf@S3 Ca of $100,000; One man vas stxuck by lightning and killed, from Blood Poisoi'ting TRURSDA1Y, JI)NB 8, t One tllousaud leen are now on strike' e0r1.laletczy Ctirect by Tzoows at the Standard Oil )Yorks,' Whiting, Sarsapma Ma. Indiana., . Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallou a veru intelli en 3 g t .. Strom influence is being brought to bear on Mr. Gladstone to visit ady of Piqua, Ohio, was polsoned while as, -Ireland this summer, zW111g physielaus at an autopsy a years ago, and soon terrlbic u1cm-s broke tint on her DeR atalieS received from Buenos bead, army, tongne and throat. Iler hair all .A.yres Anthat tlta Argentina Cabinet 11aS 1'eJ3igxl,d. uo prospect out, Sha til ail iced butt lbs., and saw ai help, At last she began Senator John Sherman has sent a let- let - ta e,Ile- take, Bond's 5arsapar111a and at 'once ire- ter to the Republican State Convention p provetl,; could scoix get out of lied and walk. endorsing Gov. Alcl[Jaley for re-nomia- he says; "I became perfectly cured by � at7on. Nf,"ed e, Sarsaparilla ' 11 The enorinous rainfall of the pasbtbree ' weeks )ills injured the coin And cotton and gin 11017 a well tvninan. I weigia 126Ibs., crops in Suiith Carolina fully 30 per can't, eat well anit do tlto worlt for a large family. Wood per oord bard illy e•;>cn seeiits a ,vnnderful rvoyvey and The Srrvian Politician Petrovich was .',pllysielails tl ost111r.0 look at 1110 111 tiaeaY fiounto ni"ha011t>`as Yesterday enticod into a house at Pozar- T evoc by his political opponents a�ndmur- Hoots G PILLS should he to every fancily 'tiered, leis body being allockingly mutil- atediefao ohost. once used. always preferred, a'ted, . • -- �-- , 1'"""'� ti,�'A Thirteen residences near the entrance to the by park, final Francisco, - 8 00 destroyed were destrayecl by lira yesterday morn - a. isis, and three )non perlshed in the • Il(rlrley, 6.RI.4 to X91 Ineyele-t t .l1m)AY, Ji+STI; 0. The world's vegetarian congress is in MARTFORD fC CLES i ""oi Gov. Mc•Kin l v has been renoinin. te(1 HAVE A by ,leclamation, sly the Republicans of Ohio. STANDARD YAi,UE The Infanta Eulal-ki visited the i World's fair yesterday for the first i time. Thu L'anlc of Unglan(1 has reduced its rata of discount from 4 per cent, to 3 ' per cent. i The fire at Fargo, Dakota, rendered 3,000 people homeless, and the property loss is esurnatea at�Zl,000,000, In Chicago yesterday lvlleat dropped to fie cents n bushel, til, lowest figure ever reached on the Board of Trade. The Russian Government -lits lowered THEY ARE BUILT TO SILL AT the import duties on, 40 French articles THE PRICES OFFERED in return for the ad)nission of Russian is petrolouln into France on a favored foot- ' MANUFACTURED DY intg. p, Tlia betrothal will shortly be an - The' Goold Bl�cyGle ��c�,#t� ■ " nounced of the czarwitch of Russia to' the youngest sister of the grand duke of Brantford Ont.. I Hesse-Darmstadt, and granddaughter of Queen V1CtOria. DEPOT: 113 YONtaC ST., TopoNTo SATUItDAt.Y, JUNL 1P. PDR ZJNS & MAR.TiN, There wore 60 deaths from cholera in `f Pamsowx is ok. i li:ecca on Thursday. It is reported that an attempt has been p1;�r3d i j made to assassinate the new president of Nicaragua. Judge Wood has decided to allow the World's fair directors to appeal against ' I n g the in junctioclosing the Pair on Sun- '^ t jtf I days. r ZIS tc- i L. A. Dumas, a 3_oung colored titan, 811-1,0115 NERVOUS � was lynched nine miles east of Dresden, h�snc `� y. DAC 'i'1 I Tt:nn•, for assaulting the daughter of a DAC i f irni r. ,' a 9 sixty deaths from cholera are report- 1 ed in Decca, where the disease is raging. Fire deaths were reported in Corte, ?it Nil `il G 2 {{ France, upfjRtV;r�1NC" I The fnneral of Edwin Booth took I place+ in Now York yesterday. The in- t i tertnent avill take place at Mount Auburn frej C£'RT.IFiG �5 cem-utery, Boston. t �NBE,4N Uf� A terrific windstorm swept Rice coup- ff ty, _Minn., on Thursday, doing $50,000 Not only a relief btrz a cure for ell kinds q.., damago. The village of Dundas stiffer- edHEAD PUNS, SICK STOPAAOH ithe most severely. AND BILIOUSNESS 11024DA Y, ,TUNE 12. Harmless. The condition of James Gordon Ben - Contain no.hurtiul drugs. A , . nett is steadily improving. wonderful Coinpoun,l. Nice to take. In Gothenburg, Sweden, there were Sure death to rain. - 58 deaths last week from%malipom a Be sure,you got STAItI;'S. Melchor Fox, one of the oldest and 'PREPARED sY R. STARK. tial, D.0, P., CHEMIS`f� richest residents of Eau Claire, Wis., i FROM OLAseO\•i UNivCrelTv, SOOTL I ANO,,, has been murdered. Three deaths from typhoid fever were Fay, �� �� "��EDfCINE 1 reported yesterday from North Brather INEi island, New York, , r,ar, s~,otd by art Drut:fiis,. i The total loss by the great fire iii CT,Crt�V •r',v Fargo, Dakota, is now placed at $3,- 500, 000, with $1,200, 000 insurance. The total number of dead from the i Ford's theater calamity in Washington is 24, and the injured number 52. Y The Standard oil strike at Whiting' ` 1 Ind., has been declared off, and 400 s re 'llrestune work t . workmen n wl o day tivitli ThyA.Wcindert"ul di;co,�ery isihebesttnownremedyfar• 1 amine-houvday: Bilio&sness and all Stomach aY d Lnei"Troubles, such The 'A'tilal ari1'ated Association of Iron d i as Constipation, Headache, Dyii,epsla, Indigestion, g y Int "pre Blood, etc. These Lozenges ,are pleasant and Steel Workers has Comilletecl con- �,. and bhrinles;;, and though powerful,.to promote.•a. sideratiom of the wage scale. The Scale Lealthyactionofthebowels, donot tvcakenlikepills. remains'unchanged th ougholit. if your tohene is coated you need then• A test was made on Friday at Sandy. .'• r Hook of a steel'lirojectilri to, be fired ' f from a rifled mortar for coast defence,. (- The test was pronouncer!'a success. F AT ALt, Tri v4 ST61tETUESDAY6 t* _ The wool market at De JUNE i3 D C3 s:Vi111t'txl Iienrr Jolint3on„ o- Pia- catul , ;Mich., ton, -'as f!6uild de(LA-ip bed at -her home opened at 15 to 20 cents per pound. yesterdayti,,, , ,ng. Cardinal Gibbons 'favors., f rias Prlds' Fair Sunday'afters aK.., Joseph Bgi s71on,. aged 13;: wa's;killed in o V aooas.' P +g. ,. Thr •i. a prospect t f h 1 >; 1 " liiuxtln a"rd of the �P. There s o the_ umber i t i e a C. Rat Carle..— I 1 .g Y,. e T. 'e ton Place .yesterd'ay. _Theboy.Was.try- sl)?versatTonawandz,_d.Y,retuinudg. anb to°board a moving train,• to work in A,few days. John Vroomanshot and killed Captarn Tin:' deaths_ from choleraic disease James Hickey 'last night in a disute i are -reported' at •Alois, department;