HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-15, Page 377 1 1 . I I I I.. I , 1, I �1111
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ACx iTG'TJIt��S [T� A,T, i m Th _ ignorance mattes him .kelplesa VAST RiB30U 04iS OF ..tlS.1 .:. zA,, ~
pag� at the very start..; lie is: not in Aposition __ s
,� I I . s- 'O e � " --^ to say, "Pay me so much or no sale,i° for .
• `"' ntensiveFarming iII igriana• ' he
has no grounds for ,shell an assertion Gr�at , xem or Fertile G:t•itl nnii. Almost -
when he fixes that ice' e can of found it'- 1Snlintited Jll Brat-Wea'itli•
'`A,,ill:cure �rT., is a true statement of Mr, F. S. Feer, author of an excellent Pr h n
v a work on so lFn •� cauls has reeen 1 been inion coa f of production,, for he `does nob q,}iere' is an area equal to an English . _
the action of - A _ EPS S Saxsa Grill ,
P visiting s a r t y his know what cost of production, is. Then, as gounty for every man, woman and child in
i al:e for diseases ori originating in g t too island of Jotsoy and gives i
,when n g. g rm>ression$ o into sive farmingas tie lie has not taken the pains to figure out the A hstrallas, absolutely unoccupied and
while his assertion F f ncost at product he h not taken and
impure blood ,but, �v t saw it carded tote there;b some .of the ?� •. as , ttntleveloped, ttsserGa 11'it Edmund Mitchell g
y:. .. could. at t e' eine o ti e those r 1.
u of P'Za:R S Sarsaoaitlla, a5 host farotera in he world. s n Debar its . n pl' > P t protF c only os o£ i tctorta, No amount oz, word -painting / GA
sits ,, t 1 As Pa
o -En I 'things for which here is n'tletnand at.fatr- ox l]n a of ktat}sties can ive evozr e
thousands can attest; it cannot be truth,- f g and inu0i of It ltend is hired ftotu r P , i' I? g
landlords and at rate that alWays tonisli ly profitable_ prices. Would not more faint idea of the vast potential wealth of. I . I 1. .. I], a] . I
'null .a 71ied'toothergiegaratiotts,tvhich rates t is a tyay as ,
Y Pz Americans, being fro ,'49 as the lowest to careful business methods asset by fanners. Australia. Fullrevcfatten nnlycoineswhen
unprinc}pled dealers will recommend, SSOontlie highest eras e. '1' a avers �einte gut diem to a position to fix the price on one travels over the country, and, seeing in - `i `'
d t to Fm ors upon you, "' - gr p r h g what en, i have to. sell? If the farmer patches here and there what the soil is
tan try p p y , as Just as is over 500. The farms are generally ama.1 knew that they were what pno le wanted, scall ea able of finds he nd a v r't e
good as Ayer's.' Take,flyses,Sarsa- zatignig£romfivetotwautyactesandaverag. p n • Y P • , t la o i abl for I�tf'ant5 and Children.
a mg but seven acres throw h the Leland. Jet he tvoiil l be in a pP»:cion when he went to wilderness with no riga of veritable ocett-
parilla and Ayer's only, if you steed a say is about 100 miles- ughli of s' •land on "market to say, The price o£ my stuff is patioti except for a few sheep fences, The
blood -purifier and would be benefited tyhich counts its .farmers depend fora so and so ; not, "What will you give me malleesoruh of Victoria, extending fortena$Casterisissowelladaptecitochildrenthat Castorlacm-as Colic, Constipatfas,
permanently. This medicine; for neatly market.. It is neediess to say hat people for it ? of thousands of square miles, has only to be Ireeoaiincaditassuperiortoanyprescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
who rolled burned off, Sips Kornis, gives sleep, and Promotes d3+
fifty. years„ has enjoyed a reputation, pay auc„ scute are thrifty and indrs- , , ,and tickled, with the known F!. A. Anvuxa, 7S. D., ggestion ,
end made a record for cures that has trious. Ali work and nothing is allowed to Linseed Meal• stump+l%ng plough to produce harvests 111 So. Oxford,St., Brooklyn, K. Y. without i {ur ous medication
11 ' go to waste: Large quantities of seaweed of wheat that cannot bebertten m any other
never been equalled by other prepara- are gathered at ever low tide and hauled Linseed meal is a healthful as well as part, of the world. That vast, perfectly ,i e e f `Castorialis so universal and "For several years Y -have recommended
ns irE '5Sar�it Sarsaparilla asheforenri Y + nutritious feed for any domestic animal. ilatarea lyin between the Murra•arid the itsmerits sowell knov:nthat itseems aworic your`Castors,I and shailalways continue ta
tions. A R N p ening the land. Cattle are For horses it is used to advantage to tone' , i rumbiii lying
rive'rs has a soil rich as that of su ercrogation to endorse it. Few arothe dosees ithas invariably produced benerwiai
1 the taint of hereditary scrofula and Dept at the rate of two or more mature ani, lip and keep lip a healthful digestion and of n •arden but it fs iven over to rhea intelligent ftunilieswho donotkeep Caatoria results:'
ether blood diseases from the system, i als for each acre in grass and all manure 6 -
g p' within essyroach. EnwzN F; PAnn> s,1kT. A.,
is scrupulously saved. %Tat a mouthful of consequent appetite. The the ant a use running about one to the two .acres, acrd. CAasos Bi New D. D.. is The Winthrop,"125th Street and TthA.ve,,
and it has, deservedly, ,the confidence cattle food is witoed. Early )teddies are a the wodependrk
i the condition of the animal and producing ab In shillings worth of wool g NacvYork ��; NewYork0it
of the people. leading crop but almost every farmer has a the work itis required to do. Feed a given perannum, In (ttnaensland, upon the ea rate Pastor Bloomingdale 14sforniod Ghaith y
measure ever other day and watch the vannahsstrotchinr undredsofn:ilesinever
considerable area under gloss devoted to y dh Y
1'� - grapes, tomatoes and other fruits and vege- results, One quart a feet} may do the direction, the traveller rides or drives Tim Carrzitun CompANr, 77 Muan.i.Y SxaxaT, new TO=.' tables. The soil is well stirred to the dep„h Work ; two quarts or four will not be dan- through natural herbage reaching to his
of from 12 to 18 inches. . Seed potatoes are gerous for a trial. • buggy poles or his saddle -girths, alai in a
a few weeks before planting,then carefullyEnsilage, Millet and Thor clay's journey e cattle a few hundred sheep
AVLROQ0 prepared by aero iting in warm light rooms
IllDtnetera• or a few score Cattle ; population, in the
ar e� p w% setting the tubers in the rows withouMuch has been written about the value proper.sense of the word, there is none. The
MI 6 V 1{ Er. breaking or brnisit' the sprouts. of ensiiage as food for dairy cows, it has unbounded productiveness of thaseVirtually
All the work after plowing is done by been found that when the proper variety of waste lauds is .
11 I cannot forbear to. eicpcess my joy hated, the rows being but 13 inches iapart corn has been used, and the,ears to nearly PROVED BY ACTUAL P.FSal,TS.
at the relief I have obtained from the and hand plows or cultivators being e awn laze beforeharvestin , that most excellent ,,. f
use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was g g Australia esti grow moat, hatter, choose,
' pib r about or pushed. along the rows. Mr. Peer gives results are obtained says Franklincount
afflicted with kidney troubles fo a r + Y Y Fwine,rom fruit and wheat for theiswhole worm; CK
Y the cost of the crop as 51 JU per acre, in- correspondent of the Practical. Farmer. Froin a Eery flutter factories in Victoria, for ® aren Z�� k
six months, suffering greatly with pains eluding rent, labor, seed, fertilizer and Early Mastodon corn has far exceeded any example, a single steamer has recently taken'W� 4yo
in the small of myback. In addition to 10
,marketing, enough to scare almost any but other in value for ensilage in this section, away X35,000 worth of chilled butter. and ` ,
this, my body was covered with pimply a Jersey Island 'farmer." But the sales are The importance of summer fodder crops
cru tions. The remedies Prescribed k P shipments are proceeding upon this scala
P P e cpeotod to reach $300 per acre or more. should not be overlooked, and amona the weekly- for three months each season, '.
failed to help me, I then began to tette Ono crop last year was repokted at S�1011 hest is millet : it can he sown later than althmigh it is rnly within two years peat
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, an a short per acre, All the land is made to produce oats in the spring and is a most excellent that the export trade in this article was
time, the pains ceased and the pimples two or more crops of something ever year. feed.. P 1S a SVO1lCle1'Ul remedy, 1ir111Ch 1S stiles bellefl-
disa eared. I dviso eve Dun p YY commenced. Victorian brandy has been
man a woman ,in oast of slCltne g Mr. Peer is a good farmer blit lie will Every buttermAer should have a thee•. pronounced by the British medical journals Gial to you and our children.. Such is C`offs EinvlsiaiL
resulting from ]m, are ase no matter doubtless be a better one after his expert" mometer ; use care to churn cream at the to be equal in duality to the finest French
howl°n from
the food, no at er ence with thrse thrifty :slanders, We in proper temperature, F5° in summer and at cognac. The results already achieved in Of Pure Norwegian Coca Liver Oil and Hypophos- •
g g Y this country have yet much to learn regard- .about 60° in winter. Work out buttermilk Australia allow almost unlimited ossibili-
takeAYER'S Sarsaparilla."—H. L. Jar- in the best use of the land we pretend to P , t .
William g P tharoitghl nein care not to in. urs tam ties for wine•tnakin The fruit trade a.so hues Q� �..irfi'e and SOCIA. It checks Virastl*.`1 lIT the
mann, 33 R illiam st., New York City. cultivate, f b tt Y. it d' t 1 kgs re, has an indefinite fat ire a es enches g " %
gill Cure You
Prepared by Dr J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, ?Hass.
�Ispublisnedevery Thursday moenng', mt
Alain-sti'eet,neariyopliOaite Vitton•s Jawelocyl
Btuio,Exoter,0ut.,by,iohn Waite& Sond^3-
,Firstinssrtion, perit'ue .....................,.lo cemti
%oehsubsequattinsartion por.te...... 3conte,
To iosura imsortion, advertisoments ahould
Do sentin nottator than 1Vedausday morning
OurSOB PRINTING DEP 112TytllNTie o•ti
of the largest and boat aquippett in this county
Of linron.All workontrastal w us iviltra.;itvi
not promptatteution:
Deesions Regttrciiu- News-
'rlAyporsoawho talces a paporregalarlyfco•n
Vi Opost-oflioo, whether directed in his same or
ar�others, or whether ho has subsorlbad or not
i i osponsible for payment•
12 It a person orders his paper discoritinuod
he mast pay all arrears or the publisher may
ontinuo to send it until the payment is made,.
nd then collect the whole amount, whother
e ,pa is taken from thaofico or not.
- 5 in suits for subscriptions, the suit may ba
nstituted in the place whore the paper is pub
Ished, although the subscriber may reside
Pined reds of miles away. `
4 The courts have decided that refusing to
( ake newspapers orperlodieals from the post•
u•prima fucle evidenlceaof intentional fraud
o n er,sa actor mg oyour mare t gip , p • ChllClr@n anCl lJT'OCluces sound llealthy fl` -s -A. It keeps
--- quiraments ; use a moulding stamp, which apricots, oranges, lemons, pears, apples,
The Dept', to Flant Corn. will 13ave your imprint or mark on each phims, pineapples, and almost every other them from takinar cold and it will do the same for you.
Three inches deep is generally about the print. Wrap the prints in parchment known variety capable of sea transport
Paper. flourishing as in the. sunniest corners of
right, depth ; ft the soil has been made fine
to a good depth by deep and thorough France, or Spain, or Italy. Then even the Scott's Emulsion cures Coughu,
already im ortant, astoral ndustr isca a Colds, Consitnsption, Scrofula and
ploughing and severely harrowing until Dairy Granules. P p` Y P US completely fined and properly compacted, ble of expansion, for an immense urea of �,Anuernic and Wasting Diseases. .
cores telt' f fe the right depth; put in That the dairy does not pay one man and country is still unstocked, and in the wool- Prevents masking in ehildrea. Al- 11
some soils, and he indifferent plowing does another on an adjoining farm is decis- grouting districts a system of small farming, most as palatable as milk. Vetonly' .Y ty
p g ive proof (when the two methods are com- •with cereals andatock dividing the atten tete genuine. Prepared by Scott
that depth may be too great in a wet scare Fared) that "it is the man more than the tion of the agriculturist, would vastly in- flown, Belleville. Sold by Druggists,.
Sliallow ploughing and cayeless harrowing dairy that makes it a success and a reward crease the 50 cents and. $1.00.
requires shallow planting and is a shallow ' for the ideas employed. PRODUCTIVENESS OF THE SHEEP IiiJ\S.
proceeding from s pia fug to "le Other things being equal, a cow showing ,
Unless corn is planted at, least three four acid oni-half percent. of fat a montfi The fattening of sheep and -cattle ,or ex- —" — " T`
inches deep, r short edgy spell" will dry P ort in the frozen state to the marltets of
out the soft around the roots and the growth after calving, will give profitable results tiro a is an enterprise as et merely in its LUMBER
will bo materiah checked. As lantin And for milkher alone for customers and to P P Y Y E E .
Y p g ship, the herd averaging 6,000 pounds year- infancy. The primeval forests in many ra-
time comes but once a year it is important 111 1 ions are rich in valuable timbers, but their
to do it right. Soil that has been properly ly will more than double too profits of the g,
p p Y old way, silence is still unbroken by the ring of the a ,,, a t.
worked for a few ears will be in better Y Tot: undersi„aed wishes to inform klij Piti3liC lei men ,sal t111.:
Y woodman's axe, Instead of the 3001) camels
condition for deep planting than that which, Set your aim at not less than 300poundsof now in use in the arid regions of Central keep's Constantly in stock all kinds of
has been carefully cultivated. butterper year, and buy the beat cow you can Australia there might be a hundred times (� [' '� /�' /� (� y �7 `p /� `�'
Deep and thorough plowing each season find, using the milk test before buying and tont number opening up pastoral country B� ILLI.I.V C .1b1 Lam..! �:.I �.L CS..Ll
and an occasional subsoil plowing with fie- afterwards to weed out the poorer ones.
hent after cultivation will 're are rho soil Get a thoroughbred bull of a butter pro• as yet incapable a occupation through trio
q P P impossibility of getting up station supplies,
for Seep planting of ail crops. Tho soil ducing family, if he costs as much as the and enabling gold reefs to be worked where, Dxaps,a ecl 03" gYi,CZres Bed.
being mellow and fine to a good depth the rest of the herd. men cannot now subsist for scarcity of
moisture of rains is soon absorbed and My observation leads me to the honest water. Onlya inch of the mineral wealth' PIN E A.ND HEMLOCK LUMBER.carried away from the surface so that an convietion that too few dairymen have an in the bowes of the earth has yet been ex- SHINGLES A SPECLkLT'7
excess of moisture is not left at the roots of adequate conception of the value of their tracted. In Tasmania is the biggest tin r
plants to hinder growth and in this condi. by-product, skim -milk, and, how to feed it 00,000 X Y X X Pi-ae and Cedar Shingles now in
p. S . mine in the wrorld Mount Bischoff • in New i and .c E
tion the air enters and Warms the soil and to the greatest advantage receives but little South `Vales the biggest silver mine in the . ll. li 1i;0d and satisfac ioTi uaTallt9d.
enables the seed to start into growth. A C study. I have observed milk feeding world, the Proprietary ; in Queensland the StockA Ca So C t g
quick germination of 'seed makes a health last winter in the State of Minnesota dut-
y) . biggest gold mime in itis world, Mount ��ry, +�.r��•
and vigorous growth of plant, ing my institute work, in different in- Morgan ; in South Australia one of the big- JrOtr�d MM Ii.1.6Ji
The popular writer and successful i. n rsta..ces, that would fill any experienced
g fdeder with indignation. Louis. ( castco per mines, Wales,
; around New-
culturisr, t�Ir. T. B. Terry, planta potatoes g castle, Aew tisuth FYales, are some of the
cut to single eyes, five inches deep, and If a cow gives 4500 pounds of milk in most extensive coal measures anywhere to ,
finds that they grow successfully, By thor. one year containing 2.5 per cent. of butter be found: But though hundreds of millions ,. s OS V .1' ,,> 4
ough cultivation each season lie finds that fat, the proceeds from the butter at 25 of pounds sterling north of minerals have ,0� P, � C.� pb : ; sT
the soil will admit of deep planting of seed. cents per pound, would be 529.33 ; at 3 per been raised in Australia, it is certain that Frr Cr, � , �a �P, `d' 15 y,t,- yiC �.
Soil as ordinarily cultivated will not per- Petit, of butter fat, the proceeds would be thousands of millions remain to be won, . •� b\v &�ti ° , 4 b�
ti 07, �K ,b . pdo o� 4'3'
mit deep planting. The conditions are such i $35.60; at 3.5 per cent., $41.83; 4 percent., a 0� tt � S y� 41
that if ordinary potatoes cut to single eyes $48, 30 ; 4.5 per cent., $54.60 ; and at 5 per -- �5 t,0 p4"' 11G til' ��,04 .�
were planted five inches deep very few cent., $61.13. In other words the cow giv- Soms Causes of Failure. .0 ;. V � ti 15It
pieces would grow at all ; but with the soil j ing 4590 pounds of milk, with 5 per cent. Careful investigation into the character heir to b�> �0 1•`� i5 G, e 1
in the Boat condition, made so by proper butter fat, tvill make more than twice as ti �� 0 0
1 of failures in Ontario, and in fact all Canada ,N 2 �a 'tib 0{` r' „`b . p�O �l, ,t,
culture for a series of years deep planting , much hatter as the cow that gives the same durin the past six months, indicate that at w e't`•' `'` r� �, ,� N
will always firing the best results. Cultiva- amount of milk with 2.5 per cent. of fat g t G e� o tr �s� - �Qe,
least t,6 per cent. of them are people who G 1N �� e, e 5
tion implies more than hasty and careless the cost of fees being the same. How many �,E �1 G� S e; i �,$ '
commenced with small capital during the �; b � y , �� �fi a �,
plowing with a view of getting over the of our readers have positive ltnotvledge in past two or three years. Two primary titin' t 0 `cit' 9 0So9 20lt� e ° is
greatest area of surface. Cultivation implies' regard to the quality of the cows they causes can be distinctly traced in this i i?. N ti0 w f ,F�'tkgI
doing the beat work and getting beat re j keep ? -- p g P � ,0 pd, �.� `yt,'� ;int` S o� �,- S'� 9g. Wit,
phenomenon, viz., increasin c em etition ��yy
turns, _.a L_- a d -.a, „el,. :Ft 0 11 .4 nr . O 1e+ .dill ..a. -4i .4'S1 _ -e
11 ---
t / ;`x i -- Enough is as Good as a Feast the epoch of i° hardtimes," beginning in To- {., gi �� { eF, 0 ; �' ,`417 o t° ° G.
l Y rl The Im rovement of Horses. M o,vn observation sa s a tosses on• ionto district in 1590. Not only would this `C` e: r las' �° 4 0`} e+
'8E1+IHYt iii '• 1•lRST MONTH sECUND MaHTH The soonerthefarmers in too United eat, is tont the best informed ractpical depression operate a sinal the then existing 9 v4�� 11r� , °�`� tet° 0�' "p, ,,9 �'`�
p P P g % J t � °. t t cio .$
RO�OLUTELV X65 States realize the fact that the ordinary ,farmers are the most appreciative listeners storekeepers directly but it occasioned 5 ti0 time , .,Q aj x„ ,,,
I 1,v and commonly bred horse is likely to de- at the institutes and get the most good. from many in no way qualified to embark on the �0 0,me ��% � °°el °ic ".-@E,, `�,' �' 1,1°a G,ov eg+- �.
3J hiilitsLrtiFt�Lts�rvaDns' y teriorate in value year by year, the better men critiDeiso mostactthe ait lr and assireciations ece temsea oorarilmout of workwent towhen t a novice,boloQa���~ z 9�`S 9 G4y� ,° v�`o4°�f�e' �`4O� este
y , it will be for them. The use of electricit 1 Y pp p Y ' �fi '� �,o- ti� �o-
seases caused by Abwc, Over to drag street cars has alreadv reduced the I ly. They are often able, out of their experi- sale house, as is well known, with one or: esti a Np -N,e+ eO rap` fig
Work, Indiscretion, ,LackTobacco, g 1 once ani observations in the field just two hundred dollars he would be eneour- ¢ 4 `o �� t` t '
Opium or Stimulants, Lack service performed by horses iu the cities, , 1 ' ° ° 1�
energy,1,a%tiiemary,xcad- ^ .A and,the extension of the trolley system in i traversed by the lecturer, to add new and aged to bay more than he could ever pay for t
` ache and 1Vakerulness, • T -l. t1nNTH i the suburbs and the perfection of electric pertinent farts, worth making note of by arguing that he should be surely good for Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 79, Wear Oxford Street,
'Yotmg, middle•a^cd or old oth lecturer and hearers. But one lecture, an opening order,- but it is hard to stop late 589, Oxford Street, London.
men suffering from tte effects of follies and excessm5", motors will relieve many other thousands
restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor. of Horses from such service. It has not been on one subject, and a careful discussion there. The lesson to be derived from these ATParehasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots'
Rnt.t>:r. TOTaoasnunsavrxts&IArVELoasRsnienv. so Very long since nearly all the threshing following, is about all a fairly well trained facts is that even the average business
� was done by horses; now only a very small mind can take in, digest and assimilate in under average conditions cannot in the face If the address ie not 553, Orford Street, London, they ars spurious "
��I�t IS �lu l"�li ���d ! percentage of even the threshiue-machines one day. It is mental digestion and assim• of present competition when his first stock V
are worked by horse -power. Practically ilation which makes the Bearer a strong man is not paid for, continue solvent for many
dzomcvezyoncusingthisFcmedyaacordingtodirections, all, of the plowing is now done by horses: and insures a permanent lodgment in his years much less make money as so many
0 eery.,ncy cheerfully and eoedyaciordingtodirusly e t but a cheap and practical steam plow will mind of the principles presented at the vainly hope. It would pay wholesalers and
- PRICE $1.00, G PACKAGES $6.00. be shown to the visitors to the World's meeting. t� moderate amount of teaching bunks to remember this when ethall new Every owner ora
use orcoNv wants
Sentbymail toanypointinU.S.orCanada,securety Fair, and itis not improbable tiat• in ten at one time, and more frequently given, is firms are starting in numbers out of 'all is ® toknow bow o
ealed free from gut or inspection. much more valuable to the ail, voun or ro ortian to the increase in o ulation and ante
Witte for our 600 "STARTLING FACTS" for in
Years from note quite a large percentage of p P g p p p p e 9 keep his animal is
u Foivto get well
stay well. plowing will be done without the aid of okl, than'a load of information of all sorts the rerinirements of the public. We find l" good health ,chile in the stable on dry' fodder.
Addss or call on * ( horses. '.Phe. need in the cities and oil the received at one time, into minds many of the average of failures of this class very is the ]atesttriucnphinpiarmacyfor the Dura DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is now recognized
e : •-Nk6Y YORK LIFE BUILDING, Morifreal.Can farms for fewer horses will tend more and which are not fitted- by previous mental much less in small towns than in cities ; and of ail the Byy-mptoms indicating KInNRl' AND. , as the best Condition Powders, it gives a good
t.training to make use of it. that perhaps is. caused by the fact that Cost LIVER Complaint. t;`If you are trouloled with ' appetite and strengthens the digestion so that all the
more to reduce their market value, Core. g Costiveness, Dizziness, Sour5tomach,
nionly bred horses will be the first to Bete• there people can gange better how many - food is assimilated and forms flesh, thus savingmoro
Notes• stores a limited community will support. than it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys
store•teinprice;indeed,itisdoubtfnIwhetli• As an instance in Port Hope a good busi. S and turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one.
HAVE YOU er finely bred horses will suffer at all. A greater percentage of the tillable land tiess was successfully carried on for a few ® Souad Horses are at -
There is no reason why they should. The is occupied byfence rows than is realized.' ways in demand anctat i
purposes for which they are used will not years by a firm novo ft: wholesale fruits in this season wben they �p(� ;
a " ' Teach the colt the use of the halter another cit , but no one ever succeeded Headache, indigestion. Poo&Arrarirs, "®a
be affected by any inventions revolutioniz. while ver young both to lead ,and to stand
Y Ttasm Fserrtto, Rnaoitarro PAINS; Sleepless are soluble to slips and
y y g them although the town is prosperous ;and strains DICK'S BLIS-
ing methods of transportation or tillage. Nights, Melancholyt. Feeling, BACs Aerrs,
6 I I I - Even though we could fly in the air with a tied. in many towns there are frequently no auc• I Membray's Kidney anti Liver Cure TER will be found a
balloon entirely under control, a spin on Some good pure water every day will aessors to recently extinguished firms. stable necessity: it,vili �s
'6 the road behind a pair of trotters or a prat• do a calf good, and help to keep it in goad — remove a curb, spa,dn,
health. r. » ' splint or thoroughpin or any swelling Dick's Lim. <
lop across the country would give just as The Stupid Sfrang9f•- mcnt cures a strain or lamenessa'nd removes inftam-
" much pleasure as ever it gave. The horses Avoid giving cold water to the cow that .4 certain seen CttatOmer. who was a mation from cuts aud bruises. For Sale byall Drug.
who get the blue ribbons ui the horse shows has just calved. There is danger in. doing stranger to mirrors, and who stepped into will give immediate relief and Ermcr A Oitre. gists, Dick's Blood Purifier 60c, Dick's Blistcr5oc.
will continue to be as valuable as ever, so. g Sold at all Drug Stores. Dick's Liniment 25c. Dick's Oiutment 25c.
the cabin of Due of our ocean „steamers,
while humbler animals—those that drag fibs first sitting -hen in spring should be , Poterl>oro� Medicine Co., Limited. Send a
street oars and tows—will,be less valuable prized. Earl chickens furnish pullets -that stopped in front of alarge pier•glass, whish � M postai card
;,, P Y. p he took for a door, and said; PETERBORO, ONT.
for full ar-
• 1
B•a c k a e h e ,the, seaven era year by -year. will Fay early in the fall and, through the „ . l
means the, kid of ,the ystem. I say, mister; when does his here boat titulars, &
-- winter, if properly cared far. start?" P abook of valuable household and farmreciprs will
n e y s are in "Delay is Business 'Methods in Farming. Too much importance _cannot be attached Getting no reply from. the dumb reflec-' be sent free, rT
. troub,e. Dodd's . dangerous, Neg- Farmers fret iientl tom lain that rices to co-operation in the home. The farmer tion before him, he again repeated : ., DICK & CO:, P.O• Box 482, 11iON'tI2EAE
- Kidney Pills 0 /tie leo ted kidney are always s,fixed for. them ;that when the who does not fully co-operate in all las "I say, relater, when does this here boat`
prompt relief, troubles result Y Y transactions with his wife ,and with, his 9' •
„ go to buy •a ,price is named which, they lutist � start9"" ' •
75, per cent: t n B.ad Q/cod, , children as soon as, they are. old enough to Incensed at the still silent figure, ' he 'minlshin Birth-rate In the United evil but lie sn este that it does constitute ' `
a and.when the o to sella rice is IThe yl g , gg
p 'disease is Dyspeppsia, .Liner named ,&Bich the must acce P , . take an interest in all matters pertaining broke out: "Go to thunder, you stupid aninterestin sociological problem, . `
list caused by Complaint, and n y pt. this re, to tile business features of the farm, mattes • jackass:. You don't look as ifyou knew States g o P
. true, but is not the, fault partly the, J y
disordered kid- the most dan- farmer's?-' The merchant insists upon a grand mistake. much anyhow." Fewer children are born now than were
treys. ` gerous'o a/P P n a \Ve often see farms on nvhiah the ex en- 4 ,; . Y born formerly in.the United States; in pro- Trials of Adtors• I
' certain price or no ale, because he knows p -- illfn s
"rllfightas toe.l Brights Disease, dAure.. of $10 in cleaning and fixing up portion to the population. Dl. J. S. B g ,
ust what the article ,cost him, and under Said one ; I{ The greatest misfortfine that
tit to 7taue u Dia :ete } • r , would improve :the looks the celebrated medical expert., considers, in
J b 8 a std ordinary conditions it would be foolish yards, `roads, eco:, wonThe telephone has lately -been arranged P can happen town actor is to lose his voice.
. healthy cit Oros .'. Y the 1' ce: 100. It would surprise some • an interests aper•in the June, Forum, the pp. " .
„• � , y "The him to. sell at a loss.-kurther, he bu s a o1 P a �-• p for use o£ divers, Pi sheet of copper Is g p ... To wlucli an actor replied. No, sm ,
tUithout scenes: • T h.e above' Y me to see how much 10 worth of labor reason for the fallen ,oil. Exoeptmg Arizona, i
thin .not because he .iiap ened to bit it, ° - $ used in place of one of` the glasses in the g our teatest misfortune cerates tri when wa
age, . as ood diseases .cannot g' YiP Y well directed in,this lr e: will do. There Colorado, Montana and New Mexico, every g �•
n• iu the year before but because there,will be a 7 helmet and to this a tele hone is fixed, so
y ' pp t showed n lowered birth- have to play the part of u Icing or anEtn
health: tuhen tua exist tubers should,be but three upon 'the farm, the diver when at the bottom of the stateandterri Dry s, w ata a and oto bed cv>thouir
, demand for it at a, price which he esti eiloid that . . parer on the g g
wk�dnys are ,r?odd s Ktdne, the manure, ile the wood pile, and the . htl turn his head in ?ate.:forthelast census year. The greatest ,,
.. ,,4 a sell. ..Back ofaiim ie the manufacturer, P- ' p sea, has only to slag• ,Y supper.
oto ea the are Pills latter should be ecreaseoccurrin' strap el oit h in the S:,
gg y. used, avho knows what it has cost Lo manufacture rubbish pile, and: the Iter e o d e order re ort.whaf he sees or,receive•in- d., B. - g Y�?i g ,
p states and the least in the north- -`
y Y s from stove, d -
Sold by all, mad onrsi-pt, a tar els' henceeellsitto her a burned struction southern ,
of rice o ce t n articles ,, ,. t Per pant at, tea int. Peter's Rome, costs vS'cr',-^il0 u : yeas -: ;
• : p 5 ,n' per box of s;x for gz,se., e o tat eastern states. Dr. Billings do no > g rd , ,
Dr I,. A.;Sm,t11'dc Co. Toranta :1Vtrito•ior t a •egrtain,pric r no all But the farm ! ,
bvo!s..alled IQ hieyTaik.- er•%dos not.know what ilia redacts cost' W ill -do id a pigmy beside have -dome, . Ghlldren Cry' for Plteher $ Casio�I1I the lessening of the Birth-ra:to as in itself an for repairs.
e _, R P gI 11 .1 i
, ,r .