HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-15, Page 2I I I . . , " - I � �_r-_!� . ",:r,;, - : , , , - i �V711 1� __11*111'ft"'� " � 1:,� I �i�' :_�':. W�11#MVF�!Iw"�,_W,7'171-w; _ - ... I ,,,, 7""T�,,�.�-��,-'�''-'��f-z"li,-� - , , 7",
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: — � .� . � I � � I . I I . I � ,� I I I I I . __ W _T! � n.� �!! 11 11 ,
� � , '. I . I 1. . . I I I . � I � I � I � - . I I I I =�___ — I I ,� , .
. I I � ,. ,� I � . zi!�i�i! �ill�iiiiii --- - 11 ' — -- =;=�� � I I I � I . I
. 11 I ''I'll, i I I --- I I � I 11
I 00:;,K,20a1lAC,V0A*CrJ= i!lli!l!lwll:ll::I!! ) . I I , � � .
.. I � — -_ — � (I that the ,
1. I I . — . � . I I
I � I- Q0P0___-__,"o_�_�_!!W--�— 1 6,e get married) ,%yelre shelved —done tired Others hawNs determine . .1
— I _
___ ___
. _._ ,� , --- — — . -_ . . � . . -1 When v � tells have , their world should See And adinire her, &nil 6P-� I I I I ,% I I i I . � I . I . � I
r I .. for AVe 'lot tile Young it would gratify his van- I I I . I I I
� . � TOO WELLY tj;�e - �a lor' bless ulto,-there I'lle lykarried plaud his choice- . ;t. as it had done in 64A � .1 I . I _11
BTJ1 lvoirl�n se;lrl'to have beat tile flin, ity, if Aotbing Inore" Jtx� courted and war- I i � I I � I
Bois $25, ,NOT WISELY y Rome I I
R I . � J I ,where she had been � . I 1. I ",".
i GRE . -- I - � and'are, it$ Skittish as Colt$ oven'.wheo tile shipped ande4logiaedeverywhefeas 11 Lady ' � I I � ., 1:
I., . Uni I — . CQuatrywoluen ;Q,i , -deQ.r are forty. ,I . " . . I I � 4 In Lauraine." , I ' ' , � . i .
. S La id its for friendship ,vered Keith.
I IV.. , . alloNvable.—quito ill "Yes that's -so, Wasi , , &Ad swiftly I -
- , I 01TXPTR'F, Ina, t1W is quite . ' u n -so long as they The earrings 1-0118 sinoothly" 0 1
1 1
. IRL Y tc I these days married won lid -on. Lauraine lea,ns back, -witib her eyes . �
C 04.coursti W010 in sovertil voices in )re admiration A ., Tb the Wives ��
0:116H C11, "I'll, � - I 1As0T1wXSFLy11UTTo0Vr%TX Lckground, for All tile Attention, Of tile are pretty-commarid wo I � . gazing dreamily. o at at tile lighted streets. I ,
, - The fact of b i I . ,
. a,toriloon in � � Sing De at'last. , 0 1
111. , ., - . � VIMrah. But a the bi � '�B t 6 , t are atten tion than tho,girld, - 'reater , "Iffer husband breaks .the sileni, . -
. . g r, "I'll 00,1clave is aroused new. a to P It -ident "
Z5 . VI . � . I a', A, cold, wet people belleve(.1 in el)rjllg� appropriated ze�me to land them a g if . I want you. to be spicia,ify civil to Lady I !�
- -as, ousuznPtI.On. ongIM5,V ll . few day$ ago are frieudohiPs, alicl friQnd`h'Ps"' B. charm. perhaps though,inen AllinIc they're I's � IS Ulf __V . . 11 11
- 'I'vishillQ, of blue ,,p I "'I'oa wera'6�dry I -1 I .11
� OUT - all * *rds, -, there , tly 4 says jMrs. Bradshaw I I tile �
,a4t. 8014 Ili all aits on a G. -a There'was abund,1,1100 Of a' me a. Jean," lie says Abruptly- .
,�. � �st shilohlu Po S 'I 4ko such deaJ ru . I
Tura Ln -me S-Qlde, APk 2 ct,04.05 eta . skyj of tender, venturesome, bi I I NTOOjAitio, dillyly. cc it is the. I ,and' ques I aa,fer. The mothers "Is, lee twige stall cl- offi4tv when She Called on Yet' 11 I 11 . I
� I For a . ts t1l �on know, ou'l if YOU dal I � , . ulat womali' � � I I I .
� plaster VM give G: -A had, been piles of violets And Pr""roses in mean. HoNv is it, you know so Well Who 111ing) " l$l other 3ay. She's the raost pop
t;,� t, U W I I
. . - - 0 itma. 11 11� .. I
, .
. , 'ITALTZERit the fto%yer-girls' baskets, as ti'loy 1110va", luq,y not look at the baliter, and who may witll a girl, Suspect IlDt n iffe, in London, suit - tile prettiest. YO t 0 -For Rendering . I � I
� 8141LON's V Toun., S, - ' breath of . horse ?,)r . I -It's bad, Tbougb," says M rs, Wool , . .,. I � I I I I
I tanooga, M About the London, Street$ ; a steal the � riends."
. Xx's - I * , MOND �Vy 17m, I time in the so( - ,I Bad for Society -bad- ouglit to be f tie Oastry � I I I
'. T s Ili�olkina, cup; t air ; but I I, It is -it is Somewhat difficult, to ex- Shaking her beail,, answers Lsoirai
'kNizon"sVitaw - 4 genuine spring k I d car Once . I .
I JJJfarA"Jit0$dsi16ftm, ad for tile girl$, too, They'll ,,I don't, like'ller," . I . �
VaNsideritthobeatirarw SI UvororMoIA07 Dow all w%a coitl anti blea al)( r , pja,iD,,,, hesitates the pretty fair woman, for men -b rbo asks them,because Coldly. : I S.. It No, of Short or Friable. �, I I � I
I .
'rua,lt For�Dys I . to ' al. V .
If e" n6zoels. WiMsell-1. more And people want back alliveringly - Nvho h%s a chaIritling A friendship" of liar marry the first rnv . Ave in( . "Don't likd her 1" he snPer . I . I
% irouble, Ll;�� ,g fires �nd furs, and abused tile treacherous 3re real frr-edQat co rso not. That's, just li4o a woman I " �
I Vs eoutoat� I own on hand. jiiit now, and is a=iOUS, it they think tiley'll It and ILI . I .. � 1, .
CATAIRE I 6rds. ,But ,what Sort of iviVes �
161�� n English climate to their hear I should be considered I as Valueless as, of %fterw� 9" The moinerib a -mail praises one of your own I , _,_,_^^,_,* , ,
L I HILON q ;eruv,l CoU %lid dreariness VOT's t course, it is. . . mothers will they make I it's quite Sufficient reason for
� H E V E DY, Tile ext ill P. house in fashion- AV. Wo011iTte laughs loudly. 1-1 Those arezecondar� Points of Consider, sex to .Yon,
Z�� �v, E; , shut out, effectually I Mrs. BrAdsha, looks you to dislike liar.' Pray, whae,s your ob. -
L � �#7_� . jug- nswers, " l,eith, arid his face . I
?� 1tvill able naqfair. -b of sluo'll draw Shia a -sneers 1,1 I "'action?"
I I ,Have,yO_a;0at4V,: Tr..rtbizRemedr, V) eta. k Sol I ,,I Surmise it is)" Sales, ation" as the fISID-les J I . 01TOLENE �
- IdCareyou. *Price E the graudear and '"ary I thing like the peripl(l On' can't know And hard and almost crual DOW, e coloura fAintIv.
�, ositively Toneve, at eo-rul treattriout is rooln, Opening 0 with a hundred ! As long as leap up and frame it ill their sudden bright- I Lauraln a And fast., She ridicules C ------------- -, I
his injector for its suce b of a larg - 1% rooln, . L
2h;1On`8 Aclaefflas . or one , with the people one Can- I safifl6so cc. Ojd�fasjljoned ideas like truth and "She is log 4 1 think
fill: ,niqliedfree. tterrieraber F I one's got a, pret . every good and honest feeling, an I
;�Td on z i.nuantee to jF�e r,aT4Sft0tiOD# aos,�ly linick-,,kno,oks scattereci about ty big pile, one can do any- ness
1%we - velvet draperies'. and filled -with hotboll$e , tl,i,3,.,, coli4ancy, and all that!" she is very malicialls." . I I . L . 1. 11 �
- which tile fire -gleams ft 0 if (10cile I C&U'tll&.N'e vair getting cynic9l," I I" ' 11 "'
. ------------ flowers, and over I, but to return to Mr. Atbolstouls, SAY "Lyou're The, secrot of 'her sliocess per aps �,
. a uncomfortably. " DOnJlt Says his friend, gooti-IiIamouredly. la,ughs her haSI-tand. ,, people ,are afraid Is Better than Lar -
. I
- L
LEGAL, played, ra Stands hissing On 0- low � *1gra.v1%, a littl lie balikIl" too yolliIg, and I hate to boar young fellows of -her sharpt tongue. Tant mlaur� Bat: I L 90caUse .
. I I A silver te%-U,_,,,,,t, cup$ Stand, beside - you really knew what% he'll Col woollffe, like yourself railing, against -iroulen. It, im one would 'lot, It has none of its disagree, "
I - table by the fire I .. p.rb.p. I a, " au&ers )it's. seem right, somehow. What do yon she is at all events a worn' _*.W�L_ I
H. DICKSONA, Bsrrlatar, Soli- _ ant, pleasant to the 'tie Smile- ,,He's just don't nighty queer get tired of. Few know ,how to make
I itI, �ll is Nyaron, fragr -ith Id Ili y,re I I able and indigestible. WV71-
� L. citol, at supreme Court, 'Tot It q)s, and a silvery loa . bble, of I . VD_ Oo _110�,r of them? The -,Ice more agreeable,'
1% 7 eye and the zeni I pronlised to wisest themse.1 '
V ( come and stay with me theerld 1,
public. On�,IveTsucor, O'lulmlseloller. womeri�s voices adds life to tile scene, I of tile Inonth, I have I 11jeco-a very creatures, and woula PI'Ule the 'I 'To moll, perimps", at compli. . features.,
I Itionev to Etoula - il, Exe Car. ' ienol, , -coming over from X mail,, but all tile $Ume, they're riot all aOw.u- 11 Well, that's paving us A gre .
0mcelu allsoulaBloo Z� 111Yltat bus becol-00 of year young Ir I cable ,
. . __.___,__,___. 7�z _11V___ , pretty girl she is, too ri,,libbad an.tlyotlmlls�u,ti,44gotuQwllole raentI; A woman iliaking herself I . . .
Mr. Athelatoue!" asks a pretty, fair wom" I York, Anti as thay knew e --oh otherill 5 A 31C." ree
� bale frouk a poor $anti is taking a groat deal Ile t
R J1. (3OLLIN5, it itivoula be Company 0 rnable F,ndorsed by leading f00d
� . Joivn her cap, And turns to I Amapa, I then yes go baolc -to to women they have
� I 0 Et an, " She puts I as-& Xeith aitys not1ling, His a .
I of tI, a goddess or the oaremon, I like fort beat tot together. " 0 fire. and a clonci darkerwa his brow. lie for no purpose unlei,81 of course, and ;,00king experts#
� BITTister, Solicitor, DQuirsymical, pvcsil�nl lCokivowtomans luagnificallt. Horror and Consternation fill the heart th 'a heart that he hateS all tile tantr' as whare Sit; has not. But Lady I . I
IiIETSI:i, . ONT. - � I knows in his Ow cause he lov(.8 oue__�_too jesrl goes everywhere."
� 1 �_P-1111 a, the Beigraviall matron. The ivoT-u, only be busbarldl", maks
11Y19 'ee,cd. 9 -prospects ;
Beaik�, . ,,Hoosin Rome still,,, she answers, with out," and I 11 And .Lady -Jeau'o � Ask. YOU; Gro*cer for It. *_ -
, OFF10E : Ove � r O'Neirs 5 "Meaustoat'ay of bar two aalighTars who are 4' well. . .�__ L%uraine.
a strong Americ3,n acceul - t.he blushing 'a ingenuO in PrOSP1 : "�tl Y9 Ill., ill 0.1 I Sir Yralicia lau�hs, "Well, one doesn't,
. V4, LLIGT & F4LLIOT, ,there, too I $urnlisO-Ieo6etw"s'�yuvu'n�i(IlertfhljeI further ana I rt,bav back into tilt . 0 .
J_!J I Lrs Conic to town, see lunch of him C�Vtainly, But bills worth ..
Birristers, S S powo, Vavasou woman Litly VavasoUr- Lady disappollatmen t. )Man I What a hot- 0H1PT4oR V, ar' a million, for all tbat. Tile earl
pretty -poetry man calls '%Nh%t an odious wo ne y . marry hill, I
01101tors, Mule her� You I does she "IT Sir,X61A T11 XT I A�t UAVPr." wouldn't have )at his, daughter
Laur-ime, as tile _ rible woman t What at, narth of her Park Lane if he hadn't been." � Iftdo only by
conveyaucels &0, &G. know that Story, I Suppose "' meam 9 Oh, it Oul y she wore poor, and In the dressing VOOM a
,,* ree, Other v, aloes. ' hadn't man, ressed for the "Wan Lady Jearlpoorl" . N. X. FAIRBANX & CO -P
v_��-V,ouey to Loan at Lowest Rates Of yo ,, chime in tivo or th , if ,only the. Earl of Longleat ,ion a woman stands. livery poor. Tile Earl of Killery had Wellington and Ann Streets,
, Intere.qt. ,.W�f,J was iv� Italian", Says the I taken 11" up, how silo woula Crash evenjug,, )vely, her toilet exquisite, six aaughters. Silo WA15 tile ourigest, and AlONTREAL, I . I
11 NVOI, be was an N th arlatooratic scorn. But- Her, face is 14 itter About riel, She's beou
ZTZR, .,Its. hernowbonea, gI the onl� one who has mar �
OFFICE I - MAIN - STBEET, EX lady, who rejoices in the "mine of I . well, it never does quite to fall out,with so a raill of diamonds seems to eyes
I DXRJ(1JC VT,I,l B W,01160, -and very poor, linvers, balls, ,Iadnesg ill tile married six years now." I
7t. V. VLT.'JOT. rVoX __ M_ Bradsba,w - f, and that sort, much money, and lose all tile f] liar ; but, there is no 9 and all if you knew !ter before-b6fore-" hesi- I I
. mm� - !�!!"V!�7 - believe, living in a garrt i I and receptions which, tile )jealtby widow that ga-ze 81 their own reflection, sit
DENTAL. but a right down Post, so I )n, So tile unnatural gravity sad sadness So= to tates L%ure6ine. 011, ye% . We
'"' und him *lit I , os right royally in the seaw
- - ----- _ =__ Dow, and Lady V,16vaaour fto glir a the frowns dispelled, on the witito brow and round the softY011139 if Before I inarrit.d you 9 , "I'l""I'll"�'ll""I'll"��:11";illllllllI
. . [:F p, 1,�IX$.�J_kNT, L D. S, D, D, f;. and it took 1 ire is smothered an Mae$ issile from lip". were -,,cry good friends always, That's why ,scleatifto AMerICAn
andbaahis book published, _
of course he's eternal' and only the, sweetest Of-phr fling )Vill) Iti,tn,f,,,;eotLanraiue--La.dyV&va%Ou,,I, I hope You and she will hit it off. Shell
16�.Nkluato of RO,Al (, ,. lit. y
i � a ,ollega Ov Dental S like Nvil4fire Anti ,rote something on I lips thg,t are absolutel tralut A ulaid enters With it bouquotand a note, b at use to You. At 10r �
'DentAl Departnion t of Total' g -nd he m list. 11 01 gro I ,_
rateful to her, a - I hatred and disg L.r.ine is silent. In liar own mind 311A � ,
i cin,z. and of The Lady UMraina, A emptier. and qives them to bar. ff 11 it'
I to VniN (Ir4ity. (with honor,;.) old And her-callea her 'My I The reorns grow emptier on, , ,y lie, was thinks silo aba.11 never be able to "bit 00 i . g JI
speo:alist in bridge-worIz. and 9 sounds pretty,, doll% it—ana -the name Was ,Its. Bradshaw -4 Sir Francis desired m,5 to at She And Lady
. st coulfort, ,vaiting, illy lady." site says, rosp as Sir Francis exPre4sissit- I 1,11 �, t"
I The last, visitor leaves, And ) ectItilly. ' i
ngrownIt., ap, and in P,01110 no One Called her,j -D. NVO011fre loarts back in liar mo atelu many respects, I... m r'; 0;
tlio._�.,,__ And Incol ariaetbet- talcell I
.,,f,e (,
t ! I wasquito the sensation n irrim. - 1011 Can Je%zt are totally OPPOI
r. A t She r4o I in 441 Nvill, be dow edist,tely
lI`Rr","" Lit anything else, I a,bleillair. and laughs softlYtObO I- tie alltipashy to .
in "��, ,_, Xallh= -there, ,
� of_ "I 0 -ad She
i r I Ake my cloak," answers liar wistress. a has that instinctive
to, � It 0"Alerfal I glow of tile firelight. � pure And high principled wolVi- i
, v�itz,f;11� aI,�. I a'. ,A� oll'a 1310 �� __ - of"the day but she 18 Va't.sw t 'r P
___ pr"!m � and no pumpkins about tb I ,;I Tile mod(I leaves tile room, anti Laurame her which 0 CAVEATSi
!", - _!!r _ pretty) C4 We don't raise that sortilown our w, , ves for one whose -metals
: ",$Iles been marriati-lat we see 2' WellZ icipenathe nOteaud readathafew "'leg it or, often cuncei . KS#
. —*. I R. O. 11. RN'(3RAAL DEN'T1 ' %a'$ very dell- I she Says, 11 and I,m, gua of it. contains. Her face. doa3 not Change; eX_ arelax, whose no-tureis coarao,whose views, paslam PATENTSt I
1) I think I rileVern with that bit about ADA%- nistle CopyR I 101JIT'St totted
Sueeepsor to IT. L. Billinsit. "Twolears, just upon. Sl t4 Rome. I to grow even Sadder for a moment tastes and opinions are utterly autM90 I
'*) No rabor of tba Royal 00114- e At ri'lutsl cate-tbAt's WhY tbOY "i'ent � tasia, and it's no cram either- 3110 is uncOm- *' colit ill taking For informatlon and fres'Hariab to to * I
td Ought to taile. I dhoul(Ilitti Thell the teara lip the letter, an to bar own. , ?"Aarr,
sx*.,reau%i Tvittli. iusertioa ir� It 0-101013t i, or sometiAng. An almighty I ;tops at last. Tney get out mu,q$ & CU., = JJDOA1)WJky, W YOUEr.
� . 'Or. A sn; An nitlitatio Cheat, or lung, b she men pretty, ar Wly oldelltinireau
Vat e.ul 0old at Rubl, and don' bid for her, only sho9a that I tile 116wers in liar band, SWOPPS 010 Tile ca.rriago 1 . for pecurins; vatents inlkimerl=
, r baby shles got too, flind getting a ross the richly carpeted a p a orowdail 'Staireaset auiin out by ua IS b
c4lou for the 11-kitilosa extraction f ta,th, pretl Inothers ttowa- V She moves no nd are marshalle:1 11 XT&Y patent t Ivan ,,,, royebt before
yfen(I of it 1 As a rule, i I'm afraid it WOA't1AV%Y- 00 Vab , lictlymuottaila of cb*rgo Ili Q10
seen) I TWO %; ng and Into yet more or5waea rooms. 0
Fine (Iold rillin;.l.as Iloquired, days dan't oven I)Qtlier their heallsabOut sweet On he dealt care a reaber- I corridor, and elItIers Another too"' fA I - I very
Plict,ovortbol'oncIfIleo. I loin like I be easy. But I wtinder Illorown. it isdimly Us awnfan
g1tted, aWl -11 it4 Lady Jaw, S%jom%n, received then
__ ,� t_,_�.__ their ebilften-'COPtif" to dres$ `I - for her -that I know. draperies are pure whiie, ana the furiii- cordially. She looka ladiant- If rot a 9510tutifif zc L
� dolls and take �enl Cat as a show ill' thelt , rm, of tile girl lie told. Ina
.I 0) . ,vilatle become I satinwood, In one carrier stands a, Positively beaLabl(DI womau, She at least is I Z Of, circulation, ot any actentino paper in the
- _--1' �IE�ICAL Carriages. . ofirk �N71 York that fall. He aiwt Inarrjea I tilre o ace eurtains looped back a wornar, who Always contrives to make QrJ.r. gilloudidly illuntrated. iqo intelligent
, -, - One or two fasbionablemotherspresent. . � asked him why, he cat I Ii III t the I -Wov �UcWd be witbout- it- Witek!Zj&3-00 &
__.____,___ __ _ -urince P, littl ; Mrs. BrailshaW �V 1 ber, And when I as good as told Ino to _AN�ti t 1.41 pe'%O� �" a 7.a r a r I 1) b a a a. herself immediately noticed even amidst niza, Osix niontba. Addr,06A ill Mo.
. T W. BROW1,4IN, a M. J)."U. 0 0 Al - Ot'liffOls up inightyrougli, and t,11 ; dresses superbly - 9,,,,,��t,i,.".OtijLB.,dw.y,.N.,,-Z.�Lu ty.
I outspoken opinion, and Joel more 010,11 bur'lueea. Bill, I like thatl A %,oulun rtses ' at liar entrance, and beauty, Shoisverytv ress, and is too , - ... �� -
a P. 8 Oralluxte V10tOCIA Ullivitel Vt. " le passes, liar, ,
d illy, own _ds"pre,pec Ily. L%uraii wer.ra jewels fit for an am ,
t 11. at , () I
wfios ana ro,ildelloe. ')am "ion LV- 'a ever cilnvilleed thAt she is dreadfully vul� 1�� lied P. tfu A not to know
� I Juite, impossible Z Avish ile seat bit happier, muell A woIT10611 of tile we 9
L�I�YE,.!�Lol�_____ really it would be 0 IthAtIolo, He's nor, near so apt audlively And goes over to tile little bed and looks I I ;1� I
only she 19 so . a' Ilazingly TioA. Y a women flown with eyes full Of love unutterable A t . be Worth of popularity. . , I
, , o0roner for t 91ft'll."W" he., as he used to be. How all thes (TO up Co"'Ti'mD.
, T')R. ELYNDMAN, JO t, -1 In I ) I .
� J� County of 1:1-aron, OMCO, app'Riko I 'And Silo ana .NJr. Athelatouc are great are after him. I Guess I got a rise out (if its in Ate, cap Soft dusky J� EN I
. Sr-ril��v,�,��,-,-,i���!�,l��at-or. friends, you SAY 9" questions another vo"'e" My, it they know be waa A child lics. there aal - brZ white , - ____� I
- ,,yes" answers Mrs. Bradshaw B. them that timo� 'Taint none Of their rings of hair earl round tile � . - 91 61 - I
, a staok , ,
coming here to-niglit! T.Opporwy P4&tfom for Topplur a S+AOk-, A 1,111"i i I A i
r*$. ROLLW. S & XXO$. 0 . broir-the cheeks are flushed like a rose- I f I :: II,
. Wooll P63 business though, -nit t be 6 0, molith,is halt open -the I )� 11 11
D fic, shortly. "Knew each *th(%r and I don't mer ,
ts" ,,lrato aceit. es oneasa eaRformer. children -, brought tip as brother and Sisters I think I'll keep tile dragons off.bim, bet- the tiny 0 riot arlot. When bay .)r f0ddsr is Stacked out of
I I ,, 4 ri-iraw oat. Jand-Anastasia. VI little h4nda INY Outside tile taowy cov -
! .4 dle 4: Aplltlkman's building, $1 gilred as doors the PiW111139 up of the last two loads __
In 8 -z C � , lioaR formerly-, north- XON�TUEAL
� fill '11 -I and al I that. ter�n in f heavy straining
. ttli. ,,,, , larmiag," simpars An inano. And she laughs again, a pleasant, cheery Lmurairia'alrbOle face grows transfi - is attended %vith,extromel , -T:uu-
. . 0 r; r. O'l,"'a nil in � s nut' door, f-Holv very cl jug her � she looks, on that baby form ; such love work by the man oil tile oad. From this ' IV) r4p*C I'- 14 VARBIt
. I I.NS, - .. . X -D, looking model of fashion, settl IJI'l.
. .1, I. - I -,, I lvith any insincere nioduistion sucl,. r,pture-snah pure, holy, exquisite joy ften. topped oat and gy )ill
_ ,
�� tacks are too 0 Royal Me quic Co. . 3UWA
ter, ()nt, bounet Strings, And -wishing that some Mon laugh, not of Society. Pat 8 Ile stoops down and presses ul-m- S � It ,�. I .0
� eir beada to drofl in or false ring like the laugh irradiates it! Rua Tumd""Ut 11,11"trill 5P
I Would take it into tlI ,,!ties and eccentricities, called finished before they are high silo 9 I
- AUCTIO,XEER$. relieva, the laorlotolly of feminine -with all her Till % is a genuine her lips to tile baby brour-takes one 10,19, to propetly Shed rain. The accompanying laxi4tint pinatrio Moter.ii V� . ,
an omimiars. . 141,
and is an 11re. Bradshaw - WOOII1Te iaollsinglook atthe chernbio loveliness that 'tali by L.D. Snook, CONUACT0.93 6 BUILDE153OF -V ws 7
. _ - _____ That sort, of relationship jug. woman. I and then engraving from a $Ice -,V)Iicll will Aid rrii $
social,- " call say iimyth i? her dearest eartbly troasuref 1pokary platform CUOMO LIGHT AND 11
I easy, ana no one herself out aliOther can of it&, the Shows a tell 5 4.
�, I EIARDY, LICENSED A(:C- fro. I'd a are coming She pours whispers some partiniz injUnctiOns to fficalties. When the FVMR STATMNS A
- But 1 boa,rd that the VOIVASOur nd looks complacently round hei pretty in overcoming these di 0 .
L. tioncer for .the County of Iluron, EL nurse and leaves the room - sta,cirl, a reached the height to which a mdal S%utlout thit moullnIcb, I Oil.
Clinrilos moderate. Jiseter P, U. back for the Season V room , find us silo looks, there comes the If How long you have been. Matudeacs 54 to 10"Welliustou st.
14,gothey are -at least IC-01th told Ina so .toul.ld of a S+,ap,cu tile stairs, and tile door ===._M
B088ENC,B E zieral Li. I knew him in ,Tqew of a tinle, you women do tal-a to it your
RRY, Ge wberibelast wrote. is tbrown open, and % tall figure comes gowns Or.," gruiribleb liar husbaux" 110 he
Eil caused Auctinneer Sales cautillotod Y ork " she maded, cxplauatorily. ,,Ho is straight to bar amiast the obscurity, and OlThe, . , I PETERMAN'S
'. in 'Llipa-41B.'satistactiot'gilar.%Utoea- blurges ,, . un� meeta bar at the bottom of tbestairs. 11 W � I
k, too welcome him u-ith a car- 11 � ,--
n1oklorate. Hersallrk%,Olit, aulce boy; deserves his In(-' she springs tip t -a have been standing Out there in the , I IN "�,-_ pralsorl
� � - I inion rich, ain't Ile. MY I two million armine that Society would horse , 1-nore than balf un. hour.,' !k � NOT A .I,.
. 0.1irf and 1,11, slot sure if it diality so cold for I �,
ea Allo (Iollars ain't bad.; lear. [ne makes a sign to the maid -to put . M
-ant .NAY RILBS.R Lloensea Allo. a doubtless call it V11 0011)0. Laurai � - FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATSR BUD
I JL -9- Ilonoor for the Conutie, of ETurin It more. Old liez aeat� boy -so you've is on her w, I I p", Write us ifrot I-ept iTyourDru Wn'tillitt'.71-FTY
R elcial0sIlOrson'"s - raps, and then follows her husbana
ifillo4ex - Stiles otiudivated 6t in,)A. *1� tion of Illy ii.e0e. He was a warm man, 11 Keith, my, that I Pill. 9. Z .15- oi?vue'l-
vilil 111, Atelia I'm real glad to see You, � has not looked at --gy,%, F iq.`uL.t0 S i Vrovai
6TUts r4tas. -it raxt-offlas. ara.i, got all." ont to the carriatre. 11c Ail of the . �.11 % .'V, I
.", il ,
O'noe. -3 fQ1. 11 r0i'LARS ITILere It ILa ilwyett a - I
. ;� A - ' -Uq� -
hawas, amil this boy's I .
I toil f1lit Bel, Her visitor takeg the two hands she ex- he lioticed one det � � "lou ""'
,r_he has not, . -
, `11,,11,
...W� "He Ought in pressure. . A' �t I EWING, HERRON & GG,, ----
by the fire, :" "'ir, I � -4 .1 � a., tie & 69
gravian, matron, N, 11`1111111 harsh And imPai 0. 4 . 11 1V , , , " IR I , !U sole N&- W .... =0�."-_�_;_.-_J______�
eats a . Vus#'41
_.____.____ to marry", sugg tends him, and returns their War site toilott, -his voice in Addressing M11
� 'I
rho has two daughters it �icllt, and they have F .� � ., ,qt� ?Jul Street, XONTREAL-
VETERIXARY- in, And Then she forces hi in into a chat her 11 I -
___ . out 11 and a third hadding into bloo . � the logit into & blaze, ancl briogs Yet tile cold, 11% I; � , . � -
. 0 - 4, , show bar, andstiri about 111m. in EL been married but two years. ives is ,- . � �
him some tea, -and fusses nose and inolifference she now race - . Sole PrIlprIetoratithe X,lovbro�ll all ?I Ja
i �_-__- � _., of pooa;� Ail it,ods tearli tub Oil
Tennentm Tennent . beco;ning obtrusively saux"log'aartAtocn. of girls," fileaaaliti genial, womanly fashion that is all ten thousand timeS preferable, She thinks, - � . � T3 ,-�) t,raaolnz-:,::mzurR,
Z�XBTEIZ O2NT. self among the rosebu season. I , rice be- 11 q , . VORTi, Lion Ilmn Alkltuta� 1N7=0rXSr1=_"
,vitablossominLiondo,p. . her 0-4m. i to the frantic passion that he had 0 _,i- 6 . ?OUT ion Ilront" 'a," ,;"ul,.I.. , .
I I fc ) * 6[�;:z�vlra. Bradshaw B. Keith Athelatona accepts her attentions stowed. He haA been mail to have liar, I r -T I W01 1 ligi, �itttltl(V.T.I.a)jr"�,','il�rue- W I N F. 4*v
Marry?" Am ., ,
I I 4*1' �, , POS31onagairattheamourit -well DOW I, . . !I1,-9 "�Q . do. S1Z11l11Ly,I1%0u,u- � I
I Woollire laughs. I I I 'lloss Ile don't think iy1th laughing of and he had won her I Now - "I N .. �Zcii anlilm. CGAr.aTjLl0njf, 'a "A."
� of that yet Awhile. He's too young, anti be taking ; but 61, the W11010 that infatuation looked as abstird as il, , I I ."... , -4 . W111:4gil.r.1,10. lfl!4314,71=2�7, SPIR IT
I aLbit, skittish, too, but of trouble she is a likes boo too, for she has had a -ace been imporxtive� A is a Inan's � - fg�,!A�; ,� .", I ."ANDY'.1,10A brauo, Lie . . -A.
, .
, �) Lp - ,MEROMANTo'
� likes he likes it, and 1) � I ,do Vie. ',is
----R---- . some go. '-Mar- i in days gone Dyl nature ; it always has bee Ill - .&ront
- � I I li berty ; lie's a and a � lways wl, __ . forJoh-1 st"'e-I'%�n & sons 8;Qt0l 13�11131roy; J M-2
Account as Ilea.& a kind friend to 111111 � i:-'AN7V:� eirapon &S,wa, mugctv. ltoill&t & Delaultn-lar=k.
' '" 191ing-8, base. 'T, ". I,te -Ineogs,vind'=6
" Dr And StOlt, . C r
I I '�in"�111 �'-"-�uro than he'll care about for when be was only po' . biwgea., ,-- - -?,.k r .ra.,+, (,l1Axl..%(:Ner,vina.P.
V,raduai r,* of the 0a1mvio Vor,%rIu%ry C 11 r - I 3troat, Mantreal.
It r 41. tranger In a Strange land, not yet having lAuraine too feels strangely �c �. 1. - , , �-n, -6 'St. Paw I
� - ,a long time to Come, erell though ths girls a , - . �, J .. .- .. 'JI!, � 41 __-,--0-"
-6. A"Mrfitpl -s of fortune anti , _�=:��-__.�
"IrT,: P -*n TI%11. hard, indif R ___1_V==- -_
. L �_,' � ,, U)II 01 OfT IW.� do g, ,iter bjm_-Ww sqairls after cobs. 'I struck itell in the way She Seems to have grown cold, � � " .Fii. �
- - 'a tin coliNnOulmudsoille, tila�' � to everything. 1:110se two years .1, .."', I , - II'l- -, -
- _ __ - __ q� . ,[ 'r Y ' , J:;J_
. success. I ferout . �� ti_ 11 .f,.:,4._, .1 _ . (a rA". M: Zd
But then lif � � 'IV , L_
MOXEY TO LOA' N. no, as , - 7' . C,
. "Perhaps his friena, Lady L'11117%i .9 I have really left Rome ? seem like too. This is her first season in . . - " -
---,----- you call liar, won . ettling And so YOl derl, And silo looks - - ,A:0MTW:P.:E1_A_-r
r . ______ III object toll is a a Mrs. Bradshaw Ft- WOOIJIJe at last, London Since she marl A ITAYSTAoic. rL,iLTFOJV%T propr-ietox"
. -AJONRY TO LOAN AT (3 AND Suggests the BeIgravian. matron, ays , reclining lazily in big upon it, as a duty enforced, and with not J. W. Lolffzl!,
. down 1" actress N%rbsu liar guest is bet not to ring for one tbrGb of pleasure or a,uticipa,tion. She can Conveniently pitch from, the bottom of Ir7l'? OF UE -CITY
r percent, A-20OO, Prive with a little more acidity than sw' . A has begged I is T!:% CETIRE OF Trig Olisistas r
to Pands. Beeb . chair, all allel, I
Loarili,g Compauittia,represoutea. in her W0611-1110dulated voice" lights or dii5turb the coal? solitude of the 'is young, rich, And. very lovely; but silo the load, two sinooth poles are lold par 0_-f xo=rt, ))A= SZFzm'T
,)011ffe puts down. her vy heart within 1102 To it. R. �
L -El DICIKSOX I tIleVava,%our.%V' cat lies a has, a cross * u'rOTS xv, .,�ruagoa 11NDI1Q&
_w,,%e, &cross tile top of stack, one ,a r
, ,zetor. ,NiIrs Bradsb&WB.'*Vl room. If And how are . . 'anti a bw ,:,at. I COIT-IN . , r I
. -1 .. - ___ Barrister. V ____ teacu�, and looks straight at ""a SPeUker' A little change is visible in tile face of fal bosom, and knows that the one great, left projectin , about three I , 'a 11 cows Pass the . Doore - .
- _ � H%lf a 10% n1cs1r.
I SURVEYIN 67- -- 11 In oux Country," she remarks, 11 peo- man -a, face strangely altered in error of list life is a � ver demanding compea- .(10 f hay is thr-3wn upon the inner - .
I down ,what they think. I tile young boards nailed oil thit E.7]Mny, wAIL5715�fiRX 1WEtOVENENT
- - pie say right these tw.o years. The features are ha.nd- sation. end of rails, an(I a few trength." ItATES, 61.50-ito wp.00. .
I � RED W. FARNOO SIB, insam, but, I guess. is a, haggard, worn Six months Ago she And Keith Athelstone projecting ends. 'fagiVativreater, 3 I l- - -
ed to tile ...,...---. - - 7, � . I I .1
I don't know what You I some as ever, but tkere 1 a New York -�' I . I
F Lady Lauraine, is 06 good. woman and. a 900� )Out them, and the blue eyes are t &vain. He had gone back t irops fro the ground, are nail I
. frevMal Und Surveyor ad 0i wife, and she'd be glad enough to Ree her look al and dim, And heavy shadows lie me er Ear marriage, to settle his affairs, and 0 1 r r
nit I outer edge. The hay is tben,pitallea up n ,,,.J(IADE 14
Vil En- feverish . silo had neither seen the platform, and thence to tile stack. YETREAL Od �$C, 011, I 1;1
ja playfellow settled and happy; but, you long dark lashes. for eighteen months ,I E- 'S 4-
(3-XM,T:MMM,:M=0., 0 -now beneath the hing of him. When they the boards Are removed, I ll " ti
,. Z, COLIN If, r, .
11 I see, it,s difficult form rich fellowtol, ,eyes and lashes are the greatest tier heard abyt When finished, ; 9 I,'. -
r ADJr-r,,. T'pitfs irs, Saul well's Block, rketor.Oat that the These artled and and the poles either left in position or palled ,-I E, en 1 15 0
� =�__ , . I I ___ Wilf,ther it's himself or his money t Keith beauty in"Keith Athelstone's face, and now met in Rome she had been at � . With . ...4
1 a for, and I snapeo afraid of tile change wrought !it so brief a out of stack. � . . . " I r 0- M. GARTHUR - W 2
girl takes hir . ::j a �
I N S U 9ANT0 V, . . : ' them r � _J
I - __ . - re on that Subject before that, haunting look of saaaess gires * Helooketl years older. Thebright, � a CIA D.- r
would like to be an 0 tenfold more attraction than they pfjs�esstcd time. . I . - 'alld Rprt " � � & I �g % N1
r .1 ffl I:5
. RLOO MUTUAL a matrimony. . geniall Sonny temper that had given him so 'loin .4 Do, L, 0
. - __ - be jumped into matrimony loymsrit 0J DiB61wo-ed bal I I P F_. ;4 4 1
I -11 I Ir -1 the 'before. I ullon' uncertain, Emp� 0 1 rr M =3 -
. a . 'I �
T gFEM171" IV, SUER -y hash among I I Tkay are quite well," lie says,- after a, great Charm W" now . Soldierso ... 11 ��' Lir
. There is a laomentat ITe was restless, extTaV16gtknt0 I Way 14 5 +0 ,
i .�, Establishedlu 1863. fair tea-dijurkers; but one and all are agreed brief pause; ,'they come to town next and bitter. Nvlach.that she bad heard In the 11ouse of Lards Lord Sandburst f ;. NTrIv- .. . .
r 11EArD OFFICE - WATERI.00,ONT. in their minds that Americans have a, most and, capricious. . I ,_� I I
, things. week." and wenoyell her deeply ; but 'has given a very satisfactory account of the _M."...____ W�_
. . fixTORly ,
I So way of putting I, I Dder. you dia uOt wait and come of him pained a for fear I L rncTM �
I 4-. unpleasantly coax . we ed ,emoruitrA steps that have been tIlken. to promote the r tk%hQA TRUSS
'This Comilany has been over Twentr-aidi ears ago since I ca,me, t-1 Ell. . she Scarcely dar . t of discha,rged olti soldiers and 11 ,
r looie-aful ot,erition in lVestern . -It's four y with them." be of beiu� met with a aneer or a r 553, F.. Gnoss, In
I yean in s a oresurned Mrs. Bradshaw B. 'WOOlIffe, diLwayvavasour did not wish it," I tOok A:1 unaccountable e laymen Est. I I � P. �_
IontATIO %nd cantinuois to Insure M! . I . I husband, 21f, rs of good 0haraeter' Nearly allAhe - Ailplialleas for all kinds of Phy *
%iinst 10-48 or
.. by Fire. Buildings, eroh%ndisa ro " re spry about your Ways than Her Sal 0 l)CItlCoUjjiC.%.r. Gro%s'
. . � dainisre " 3,,.e got mo -aware quietlyt , young .fellow, alid had wesent in thil War Office Vr '.1 51hal Z. � I r
I r. I %,nufmotorieS and all outer olneriptioas of I was. Bat there's one thing I don't hold ollife gives him 0, quick glamoe fancy to the ' ' measengers At I ovea pat. Artificial Llaibs. �
�� r �r ' . jaAUTWO tiroperty'r Intandintz iniureri have a.tid that is that ybu don't believe Mrs. We r . n%to,1AIY at their house , but it1right' r are menwho have served inthe army. Yor �))�, L, InpV. . I r r I .
. tile opirion of InEurioz on the Prorrj,,�m,,Tote or with and is silent. . .him cc D Sao tile hatred And coD6 � 71r,Je.a,'1,df00rf1_GU34A-. - .t,fte'r
. . eq�h 16y�tam- I in your women.- our Aniurcan girls, ,,,livolisa troopof women here," she ened. Lauraine t, lashed out in K more than 10 years past, all Posts Of this /P�lroro PTLICM al; �treab, MRat;e1i" I , - , , Al.Ir � �
. I � 1 $4 elth's �� r 1 I
I . . to their bi 0 A as 11- . I . :
I . Parbia the?,Iwt ten years this oompilily bas now, gle, and partied, saya presently. 11 Glad you clidn't Come in tempt that at times f kind, at'tho Admiralty have b,%?n given to Wet W Cr I I
1. 1EFU011;?7,%)96 01,10isti, covering dlroperty to tha 0 nketings, y, they' 11 rbe eyes and voice agairi�t the ,man who called , IC1 gaildrs; The, PoatmasteK,,Ge at I,h 4 0
� � tiu` matchei, mud it, � . 0 BQGTr& S a- DFACTURERS
� � - 7 0'9, L,'5 2, 0 s4u,K2038; audr)%i inlos . ses b,lone mid JTIL 'them horns dud, the midat Of their chat,ter. � X ' - - of the peAt-noallue- ny similar aIiPointlilents to , 1: r
� I ..... .. " C)� andtlieYoUjIg felloWS Be is sea IvW friend.' No word thrown open M& -1 I I .., , ,6 1 . I . .1 r r-, , i '' , ,
. . I A ' e r 1i . tfi-e�you a -ever , -army ,. mel. I � I - c0m- � k T.'8TtP- ENS, 'IN'll'ol ��, ,e j, sqdr�, St . �
r, � � 3; T a tier yon like flies iIfter molasse..9, thi redding-morning. of hers n The 'groat. rai way , Jt ,
14i;�. I I . Al8setA. S176.100,00, 4011sisting of Ca , .think no Take car you arion � Tarried iou. to that a. I . i.� k T.'8TtP
4: '. . , squire them about anaver don't gon,'Keith.l. . - 9m .. � 11 man anti herself. `01 I . to ,J"Q' the same I I .
� . � , r
:, , FHO
;_ r 511 D:I,Tll, exovernment Depositand the Unassols- i , I I . passed betwedil y. 1�anies are� unier promise :, , FHO
1. � force ,, barm of-iti and �3.jor. seandal, why, we'd ' . I bad, forgotten his bo - , association for finding. : I , 'PERS : , � . � ,
,,e(I J,�-eajjnnl ,,.Notes on hand anU i . n splM of -yourself.".. I , [4,010 CUP I � ,.
out with She almost hoped he and � the , , - , I I
� , . ., , r
�� �-.. � ., 'r -lVAJ,DR'4lAf-D-II)r0Sidint', 0 SUIMLOR � �oali a mail 26 bla, k d wha'a 8RY'a word Ifm to � Accept �0111 - , - so 4 org, I , I . ,'�,,
,�, I -. Ii t",Il Craig .,,
�� . I I r .. �.`%V J. 1, %u a guar I . arried V his Voice rillgs it � I J&atC jSh�.rp%SSjQn_wOUI& be Contantr f .. 1. , t for di8chitrged � . I . 1�1,11fBALL$ '. . 1. r � t i ,
11; � , I '. JIU(,IIV,S, JU,Pa0t*r . CJJAJ against a girl's ci�aiaoter for . gain' aboUtr ,riot if 1, know . . 4 Once 'proffered hi islirp 6ymeii, '3 000 meii last year, .S.S. . I I I
r I N r!�901,tfor Exeter andvicinity . f honour � , , � gJ
, � Fe.orphl angry energy; I . the frian&hip she,M ' in, if pja6odll � nearly I , , JAgp' , r
., 1 SITU). I . v�jt'h another Dian. It's a Point 0 1, . � � agalasb less than�230 in 'o 5 9 . t �,l �, 11.
. "i I . , , _ r r I . I.. with tile- to treat. ,an-, just as respectfully women. I I -that's queer," r remarks Ana he h4arejected so Scornfully. I as , 6 like �ariod a I r JU0JLjl6. & LIpMr G'�UZ
. r.. . r : I r I I . in -porous "Hate ,'am?- I, y nothing seemed, to signify low years ago. Tile tars have tile adfiliraltY � .1 �.p . t -z - h 7.69 0-rair ,.:
�,i r as if a hundred mothers and all& Wciollffe... I surmise . i or herself : C I 19 f. .
r,'; r . 11- _. Bradshaw B. r. Yhj Whole r tenderness, of her ,tiellei while arilly aleu,,eeni to have the Pick P�. AULD, r - I . I .,
1.� Trie Olson$ Bar)k were'looking on. Nowia,here in'Burope, Mys Boys much nov .. � )rigade re- ' � ,
1.�.. r I . iUnk, not only Somethii1g,s wrong with you,, -then. S gn her child. , ofall the departm6lits. The fire I 08191011i FEATHEWMANFRi ,I- ' : ,,�
. . I r I yoi3!re all'ift such a war men -haters for noth- nature spent iteel -1 -i I
. . r agearen't Wo a had liar way, sheir would cruits largely from the p The fi ends of r � I
. ;1 . BUt, 1) BY PARLTAXIENT,1855), th your marriod worn- At yon If she could h%v1 r j,,,�,�e,.$ j,�'e,p&,�ecj,, i 9 l.3 N otr,, D azzLn - �� � ,
. (wq�w � . , but, Wi . I a the quiet o� d N till asking f.z"'. - . sx6i�; 1.2i�- "
11:�11 � . � with your gals I I orthum- S r re, TheEarl 117, ta�_' - - �__ - - .
1. 'Faid up CUP310 ... ... SIZ,000,000 an. You cloril t seem to believe 'in such a jug." -cat, those husband -hunt. 'have liked to live il 'her huaband's� and tile enable and _===-t-=� -- , �:
r I . . III mean, of cou I which Was ) a-putforward, a reas . I -, �_ ,� . :.:
� -
. � � I J[Cst Fund ... ... .., . -iondsbip. Why, it, 9, man And ays Keith, aPOIO 6rlan house , � of lvr`lnv�he- in u ,ling , SEAR MANUFAMMS , ,. .
. I .1,100;00 thing a% ft r there's ing creatures," 8 gaties'llV" there given herself exclusively up to ths .,all. Considered cl%1 i hi-oro'theoPe ':
. 11 � veAdornae,Xontreal, . wornam like to talk to each othe follow alone, Iwo - I Anil Jeq,olling of her.boy. Butr such a . r . r.nentg iq the civil seriric,a to ' - U CO, 1 eft S�, Pali, � �, I .
� L ., . I . a , i, Why ean't they let a . ointi -,v. GOLZI)OIT S - I , I
� . . � I a - . . Care of bigherap , jeers &lid soldiers ji�����;'-�
� i, I scand%1,41rectly ! I surr�iso its your WaYl r , , I
r r I -
. V WOLEDRSTAVITROMAS-r1ga.. : der?" , . iia idea was, of course, scouted and ridi ssion;d off
. I GENERAL JNT,A-,q,J,r,JCr, but it bothers me, that it does." I I . ,� i � r I
il " I � .01 T , I
-1, .
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:j r ., -, L . r I I at the ouled. . �� � . . I I be able tO Pass the I , " - . ill I
,,, .r , 11 � . There is a little titter among the ,am on one again a ' s may, I 'Ito,T) $endjor-" r2ces, 7,11) Q7alg �
� : ,: Money, adva-boed I a good fanneirson their own their malted drives -.Vas G, .W. DA -1, _X -A � � , �
I 1. I., p . I Apperef at the shrine of tea and riches, Her husband 1 golid, of her in -a way . I �._ -� ____"`-""""l 'r .i _. .. � i "
I . ore endorser at 7 par owit. wore] other, and each tries, to be foremost . the dainty .k��l
�ffe, you do say su6b, I has -proad of: I q L . -------------
i .. vote wilh one or in . � ;he Spark ing beauty, 1 � e�i Y�ork firm ii. mallub.ctiwing a _. -�
. '. , � 11 Dear Mrs. Wool] . - � a man A I I � �, � - :7- -�- ' � �
� , . , . . for annum, ut I titink you quite mis.Wce. ;with tile braps anagins. When it InIt grg,ce, tile mindand manners of the wornart, If-wiuding'r.look. I ,i � -1 I I . 11 � � " H .Plj � r ' , �
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, . 11 11 .1 I I I Elxeter Branch, . I add things 1, b . money I suppose they think a ade his Wife. She wouIJ never se r _� . I � . . I I r .
. I � � We �.re certainly particular with our girls, got it with a fernale he had in - I I - - - , � rj'�,X �'fER I L
I � 'ver-,laxl,fulday from 10 a,m-tos P.m right unless he shares ,riot �� be fast or -vu I He who lias�IOA
. r . I open ii We n),st b,,. Society would be scandalized such an almigbt i�of Warne oil, and drag his naine through g more, I 1, � �JL �, .
_ 1, , I SATVILDAYS,li a-. xa - to I P - m,, ,out in the fr6s-a,ud_e&%y fash. And there's TA0 alwa ,a ill " ii I � 1
. . I ion of their American cousins. But, -with in (4ra,t Britain. , Xice enough, too, so and adul'irat.i.n.,L1. X. ; ghe would al"),111191y'; � . I I �, . I
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iga,-, or think 0111Y Of COUqUeStaL Ida honor can lose no- r� _'L
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Current ratos of interest allowail on dorl.,A if they went &b a& batterl,n Aznurcans� the .ire Of Don't -go fartiLter than You'. see aile , a - � , N. � � , 9 �� I , A., ., I V - T I I � . , I � I I
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" HTTHDON, L ' marrif.�d -u,dmell it is quito different. We are a, real good ",ime of it Out here, - be safe � r I I � , �
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