HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-8, Page 5CONDEN SEI?` DISTRICT was so moral in its tendencies, as Ontario,
_.d»`l' BL>i'97iE1< dt.,ti.+.�,d'
NEWS, Tie had not seen a drulikeu man since he _T
Y improper Exeter Junel7, 1893.
name to tire Dominion and hardly heard
ilunori. an im rq er language, allFwheatPerbush•.. $ 85 $ r6,
Mr, lDowzor of Clinton the otber day fell $prtngwhoat pgrbuah 6o GO
down stairs and injured herself cevarely, Mer,i of Nerve and Barley per ah,ba4... 30 34
' Y Oota per bust 3i) 3-�*
A loan named F4, i3unpan Of Clinton, i Fi 1i'Inness of Purpose Foca per bctsli st, 55
;.•i6+: kt Flour pgrbbi, ....... ......<.. 400 41, BUILD `g'
rescued his case troin pound and was. fi nsd '4�! .�..1
Ati ugst men w o forced their way to Apples per baa .... 7a 85
for the o£fenae. fame t .td fortune, five may name, as an eYG- Potatoes par bag ... 100 i 00
�~ bliss Alwe Taylor, of Clinton, now ;first. ample to all, worthy of imitation, the flay poi ton S 00 7 0!1
�,. •:•„ p Wood per acrd Lard... 300 3 51
r , v W. N', iia.{auning woe presented with a hand famous And jwetly oelebraited Thomas Wcod peroordsoft. S 00 a QG If so,. 1�i GY1jI ay yon t0 Gail
some banquet lamp last week by tbu Bletho- Holloway, better known throughout the Butter per lb 14 14
diet Church choir of which she way a mem• wide, wide world for his Pills and 0intment, Lgsa pordoeen 10 10 tI7ICi SQ6 usabout Otl rhardware,
Pork per hundred . Soo 8 10
her. Of these medicines, it is not our purpose tocooling c`l,'1dd trOlialling,
Mr. Albert Taroor of the 3rd con. speak-wearo not viriting puff, ba solid
Taehorsmith and Miss Emma Shiplay, of plain facts, to show what can be done by RHEUMATISH .CURED IN A DAY,— a
the 1,faron Road daughter of the the late great Strength of mind; find that what South America It in atic Cure for Rhea.
JollaShipley, sero jn,ned in wedlock, this one man Iles .done another may do, proved matism and Neuralgia radically aures int 0 ARE X
week. ed that ho has the ability and determin- 3 days, its action upon the System is
Rev, pear 'Methodist pastor at the Nile ation to use it with all his soul, remarkable and mysterious. It removes
� Wei read of the Great Nn oloon, whose at once the cause and the disease immediat- - ._' _.'�_ I.�.'!: 6:A
was presented with a very complimentary ambition was oon uer this world, but el disa ears• 1
o l address by his cougrogation the .other, day, q .Y pp The first close greatly
yrs. JA IP, xYe.t as an wtprossioa of tboir eateem and satis• Holloway bas done samethingelse, for fn- beneflte: Ili oent8. Warranted by
of Corn'vallls, Nova Scotia. faction as to his pastoral duties, stead of shedding oceans of human blood, 0. Lutz, Druggist. aug. 14.
_- be has oared his thousands, and spread
y, If you once 'try Garter's Little Liver great joy among the poor sous anti dough-
$200 Worth Pills for siok hoadaebe, billiouanese or con- of affliction by iiia wonderful Medicines ; Itch Mange and Scratches of every kind
stipatien, you will never be without them. and although Le does not pretend to crates an human or annual-, oared in 30 minutes Thele call and siE10,'ns about it, W8 have all kinds
Of OtherMedicines
Falled They are purely vegetable; small and easy' the dead,' tet lie has given strength to the by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion, This never
_ to take, Don't forget this. halt anti soun'dnese to the lame ; and if ho #ails. Warranted by C. LvTz, wire, i111CI are Specitll 81312 8 SCP l2s�bl 8t makes.
$itt 4 Bottles of JFood)sSarsrslsiar Ill a Mr, and Mrs. Turner of Tuoke rsmith has not opened tire eyes of the blind,' he English Spavin Liniment removes; all
who have been residents of that township has soothed the pain -worn, and comforted bard, soft or calloused limps and blemishes
Cttreci. for the past 50 Fears, were last peck pre. those oil the brink of grave ; and in the from horses, Blood Spaviu, Curbs, Splints, ,
"It is with pleasure thatltell of tIco great sealed each with ahaad5omo easy chafe lay four gaarters o£ the globe his preparations Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, sore Headquarters fog c`Il ki.i dk; of : ardware.
benefit I derived from Ifeod's Sarsaparilla. thoix neighbors as a token of respect, have found their way -not by the force of and Swollon Throat, Couglis, sot. Save
For 0 years l hav0 been badly aftlietca with the sword, not with the aid of legions but 00 by me of one bottle. Warrnated the �
• When Viin field that og i cannot sleep + 0 B ' :X0=. o •�^,. N ..
�Yg1St����� r have bnsix silently' horn0 Oil t}l6 llo5em Of most wonderful Blemish Care over known: u .+rc*
And yet lip in the mmnir,g its tired as when Warranted b
breaking out with rinuiing sores during hot you went to bed, be assured your kidneys old oeonu in our hug.) merchant ships to y G. Lusa
sulnuter mollth% I have somethnes not been
ablateusenrylimbs for two mouthsatatime. or liver are out of order. Membrays kidney every earner of the oiviltc:d world who'o Timmx 4VdSnotr.
one bottle lastsprin , commeneedusin it; felt But to do all this gigantic work(, to , by
suffering man is tote found
Being induced to trylkoocPa ba1:s•xpaaiilfl, Igpt and liver cure will remove iiia cense, of g Great and timely wiadont is shown
E g all this trouble. Try it. keeping Dr. Toctlex t extract of Wild :__•, __ _
N W"'W
so lnuall batter, tot two bottles more; tock neermplieh no v ond,ous a deed, recurred Strawberry on hand, It has no equal
then, di, ing the summer, was able to do nay Miss Tillie Gauloy, of Clinton, who ?las q al for
14ouseworlc,'and much thought and much energy, for with. oa(1 ra cholenmorbu
Baan ailing for some time, died on friday out these combined this might work ,diarrhaoa dysentery ,iii x1110
Walk Two Niel ��s last, {hero wore really very little hopes of ' Y colic, cramps and all summer complaints �I10 t"
her recover), at any time during her illness could not have been accomplished. And or looseness of tha bowels,
which I had not doile for six years. Think I g thus be did it. There is a wino saying, TO r.� IIOI'Cu,h)
and cared of ory%i},clad, And rceonamolht airy she was the third daughter leer, W, Gauley. „llou,t s oro our rioter's ink 1" and ' "° "" -
person so affikatcd to il:c 1f you are tired taking the large old Holloway spared nether sprinter's inir,' BCW 'PC GPI P A °SUNLIGHx a K n
Hood's rsa parilla fashioned griping pii!o,try Cartt+r•'s Little not vast piles of the precious metal, gold, PICTURE. � IN c '� d
I^our bottle, bas clone nxorefor nee tha l �2()0 Liver Pills And tako some comfort. A man 'Ile advertises in all the languages spoken 0- s „ av
worth of other medicine. I think It tai eat tt ? .isn't stand cvcryticing. Ono piif a luso. among civilized nations- and whether send 25 Sunlight Soap wrap era (wrap
blood purliler ]mown." Mus. H. D. 'v'S'rs:•i ; -Ur them you c into France, Belgium, per bearing the words Why does a woman
Church street, Corawalils, N. S. y y g um Holland
li r. Jamea Scott, Mechanics' Institute Prussia, Denmark, Russia Greece, Spain, loop older sooner than a mall") to Lover COMI'Tl�+'.`I'I� STOCK fit'
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto, and you
Howe PILLS care liver ins, constlpa. i librarian of Clinton, passed his 84th mile. Portugal, Switzerland -any, we might say
tion, bllioneness, Saundkco, sick head elle 25c s stone; the+ old ,gentleman is certainly more all the kingdoms of the world -and in a will receive by post a pretty picture, free '��`"'' ``�''�"'' 11T
" ")
hom advertising and well worth framing, l.. J.�:xS1: ''Ili
active, moutally and physically, than many thousand tongues they talk of "Holloway's This is an easy way to decorate your home,
younger Hien, and rve sincerely hope be ,Litten ,l in a thousand languages they The soap is the beat in the market, and a
uiay unjuy a eouciiorablo lease of life yet. utter, 1au12ovvay's Ointment. Ws are filled t �g'�
with boundless wonder and astonishment it will only coat to lavpostage e send iii the �f Y'C3 9.% .. �' .!«n ' ,�.Store.
On lilondr4F uft;ht #leo aougiegnt£cn of wrappera, it you -leave the ends Open,
4�y ' St. Jehit's cl)arall,'Varua, pskscntetl SAW that tinct man, one mind, one Bead, could Write your address carefully. p
Wan ri1��eo � . planand devise rill tbis and we aiy that if
�' Ainry Stivaon with a beautiful bible and ,•ono man lis.s reale liana su there mast
prayarbo 1k. 51iais lixoving to Clinton, be some wonderful curative proprietio5Mi�T0RANTFo D BICYCLES rind will be ilr'eatly wisaml in the church, ,, a 9 `" C .•_d i.../ Y ,l _1Lis 6
I hEiu; an w tiva 8aadrty school teacher orad abfaar lil`.i L191s and Ointment, �
HAVE A 1 h enter iu th•) chur0b,. _ _-�._ ---- -a THE 1
STANDARD VALUE Insowlin 14,L,rfully on the hic-Aic. The OVArn AGArxer C1101,PRA. i ° I .
ash and exaftomcut of modorn life so tax Reap the blood pure, the stomach in
the nervous aystsm that multitudes of good working order, and the entire system Milling Co "�
people are deprive,lof good and sufficient free from morbid effete matter by using Use L '�^ Y T Machine oil
sleep, with ruinoua consequences to the Burdook lilood Bittors, whioix Cleanses, Have opened an office opposite. Town
nerves.. Remember, Ayer's Sarsaparilla stren};them Hud tonus tba whole system . Nall, Exeter, pending the building of MAMMON GOLD MEDAL (III; OF TIIE i OAMINT()'1N.
makes the weak strong. Cholera cannot attack the healthy. thoirnow 141ill, where they will keep -- --- --
The oatnto of the Into J. J. Fisher of A Cr,osn RzalsmnuAxoc. constantly on hand a fall stook of the t '►� S -IR,
@� -
' �ff
Colborne, delivered this woclr, to N Baichlar Alany Symptoms of Canadian cholera are best brands of flour. Also til kinds refCC Oil S CY-.�..X �f .i ,t,�`-I I-r.€,1�
l of the falls Reserve, 18 head of fat onttlo, Similar to thoso of the real Asiatic cholera
t, ravoraging over 1500 lbs, and one tipped the such as vowiting, purling, intense pain, Will ,�u�'����� ���� . . . wear twice as Ion( as iliiY other make..
t '` 4 scales
at 1080lbs., this was is flue animal etc. For all those s,•m atoms Dr. Fotvlor's n
• irthiug over 8 ft. They were sold at 50 Extact of Will Strawberry is a safe and Farmers and townspeople will find it
' to their advantage to call and see us. The Finest ITh Gracie Crinins C1iI5 are ,itlanu# ►cttlt'ecl b
Ver ib. euro sljeoiGe, Price 3;ic. at druggists. a h Y
THEY ARE BUILT TO SELL AT � Nature provides a remedy for all ills Ct
Tt-IE PRICES OFFERED i scud 15r. C4'illiaws' I'fnit kills is nature's BIwras. s
I muledy for the ills peeuilar to the female BAWDDN-In Exeter on thelst last, the wif o FOR SALE Rat; ALL LE ATir ter; 171'.ALERS IN TETE COUNTRY.
MANUFACTURE() BY I ,ysteal. Suppressions, weakness neryotia- of Mr. P. Dawdon of ii divightor (still bort()..Three
.Hessandalldiseases; resulting from, fm- RTLLY-S BiStephon on the 3rd inst. the The Goold Bicycle C'�imd a � less ""'ed blood, speedily yield to Choir wife of W, G. Rioliyof a dautrhtor. - The
T, y n � � . ��-
r J l tret.tment. Sold.by dealers, or sent on re- 1jTvt)I,D-At winehelsort on the 1st inst, the y i+' ., e.,, y, ,
Brantford, OlI$. i sept afprieo- e50:. per box, or Six boles for . wife of sifghnot l.lford of a daughter, J! t t r �t w • � � Pea Harvostunr
C50 -addressing the Dr. William%' Sited. hiALiE.IEU.
o., Brockville' Ont. NOTE WELL. �p-1 ••r�;;r T T
DEPOT; y13 YorlcE •Sr„ TosioNso OLkRTQ,',_IiENN1!DY-At the residence of 1.��5'.l 'a1ii(`).L IN .:.t,.r:,;i WORLD-.
Tha family of )lr. Jae, Granby of Hallett thebride's father, Egniondville, on May 21th
PERT INS & MARTiN. are certainly passing through the deep by the Rev. Noil Shaw, air. Edmond Clarke,
;� �$ We have had the For the following ratans: -1st, it inbuilt of ar host a -Thele itsido xt Iran ami of act. 2nri-
Faneon'a Ii?eek. water of nfli?orlon, for only a law peaks ago of Taronto.to Miss Edith Aliae,otdest daught �X�l er � It requires no holes to be drilled in entree bar. 3rd -Tire outside divider can be raised tui
_ - they were called upon to bury a son, who orof Mr. 11. P. Kennedy. r expenienoe that at- Ioworod nt back or frontindepondent of lifters. 4th -It has no rad at the bnok to bold dmtruo-•
�rnnrn fell a viclilu to oononmption, and last week MILLS -011 U RCIIILL ..At Stratford, on Lb 0 tention to business, close prices and tious and cause choking. bth--There are no springs to break or got out of order. 6th -It has
(bey suffered the lose of another from the 24th May, by the Rev. I B Walivin, Mr. 1Y. movable clips and can be set in line with tonguo as mower bar drdgs back. 7th-Eaoli lifter, has
Thstc ie sstill a chance that before text A twills of Illneva?e. formerly of l;tanloy, to proper fits, are the main factors in our airuard stay, and brealdrig mower guard is impossible. sth-Each lifter is indeptndent of the
same ailment. John til'., the Ivat one who Miss? izzio Churchill, of Bluevalo• business. other, and caubo raised or lnivere at the bank so as to line in front should mower nerve leo
encs of the year Mitcbell miy Tbecome a died, was aged 27 years. a yonng man of GILCIIRIST-DELSIAGE-At the residonco out of line, 9th -Tho number of machines sold during the past Beason enable+ a large number
ou8tows outpost wit?x Dr. J. 11 . Call as romiso and ver highly esteemed. of Aft, 8, Rogere. tit• Marys, by the Rev. J. With this ever of the loading farmora of the Province to testify to its merits. k very machine is warranted
collector, p y g y Scott, Ai, A. oil May 27th, W. C. Gilchrist U. promptitude.
The beloved wife of Mr. John Garrett D, of Orillia, to Sara Helena, youngest redoemin feat- and .Even ontest.'Sample machine can through
.Been at it. o ty, Gia Shen, Item n, p Lento
4 i:LAEIt+S, H'®nsall, also at diffsroat shops thrcnGL the county, Jamas Wh?toman, pakont0
How Sour blood should be purified. Talte who died Hay 30th, was a native of Lincoln " risucliter-of Airs. E. Dolmago, of St. Marys+ are imprinted deeply on our motto, we and mannfaoturer. A.nulree.
Hood's; SarBaparilla, the bust spring (nodi- shire, England, and was married to her R1DEH-STEPHENSON... At the Alanso,lcip- have won the patronage of the many
cillo and blood purificw. pen, on Afay 29th, by Rev. S. Acheson Mr. THOS. BROWN, General Agent, SEAFORTH,
surviving husband in the year 1841. They wm Rider, of Almont. Mich. to Miss Eliza- whom despise those too -often -resorted
The h,.ttl property at Stiff.► has 'teas emigrated in the year 1851, and moved both Ann sozovd daughter of the late George to tactics of tailors osneoially, namely
purehasud by Mr. F Uavlici, and the Ira- wast into Huron, where they together with Steveuson of Stanley.- putting off until next; wear whnV should �^t -( m
provinw.nts lie is making, ,+haws that he willing hands made themselves the home DIED. have been done this. �.� UIL .L -IL
means business, which they have enjoyed up to the present.
Wi�s Dridge0 B rao and her brother COVENTRY-InSeaforth, on Monday fifes ,
y Among those who have passed the £nal 29th Fret Coventry, agedlGyears and 4mos . This is r nice
Pater of Dublin leftoa Puei inty for Mild- examination of the College Physicians and T tJ a tied' f ac t %o . looking tr old, but OR
map,51anftobu. Tutor haw a situation !hero THOUPSON-In Sonforth. on Sunday Ilfay
in a largo Surgeons, of Ontario, we notice the names 28th David Thompson, aged 32 years and 7 to carry out its meaning is difficult to GUILTY
g general store scud 0,150 as a of J. X. M. Gorden, St. Helens, and"H. x. months. some, N Ty►, idery in w #rd and tht way _FIas the Finest StGek of Furniture
wheat buyer. Hyndman, Exeter. Among those passing PENFOUND-•In Clinton, on June Atli, Henry in nxemY�pli lied in our chop. We guar- over exhibited in Exeter, and at
TLose unhappy pernone who suffer from the primary are IF, Agnew, Balgrays; Rlary Ponfound, aged 79 years and 6 months . 3ntee satisfaction every time in all res- rices so low the, recap a crowd
nervousness and dyspepsia should nae H. Allan and John C. Hutchison, Fordwieh GLENN -In Clinton,on June 4th, Elizabeth,
The people say )vo aro guilty of seIl p they
Ltttle Nerve MIN which Aro made E. T, Kellam, Soaforth; and C. A. Orr, wife of E. Glenn, aged 65 years, poets, ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that of customers every day.
exptes,ly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic j Goderich. D3 stCEatharineD eves el orof theIlateJun any other house in town. Como
safferera, Price 25 cents, i bIison sturd„ a bnuh3lor fuzmsr in Doovos, aged 87 years, Yf you want a suit, a and
i vest or pain and be a witness, you will be well Parlor,
A tramp entered a house -dear Mitchell l Goderich township,. engaged a tramp to BEaCOM-In Goderich Township, on May 28th of folate, give us a call and u convinaed repaid for your time. We down the
last week and stole a pair of pacts from work far > im, The other day lir Sturdy Annie'M. youngest daughter of Mr. Robt, hat what we have said is tette. country for prices in Felt and Kid. �b3dtlt�o ItiDQl;ty
Beacom, a.od 18 years 2 months. Sox and Rubbers Felt Boots and
Iver. Marsales. The thief was traced and went to Guderlah looking the house, When +
IiEYW00D,-In Usborne on the tad lost.�j for
caught, but ',afterwards escapod, and the ho returned the tramp had gone, as also Thos• Heywood, aged 57years. W. adv , Gong Boot we take the rt andPoys l�Ltll trtttYl
last heard of him was in Exeter. considerable valuables, including several SPICER,-In Usborne on the 1st inst., Gladys Long Boots we take the bun.
A summer meeting of the South Porth crena of clothes. The man was caught in daughter of Byam ,Spicer, aged 12 years 1 , KZtche7l Fr tGYnZtZdyG
Farmers' Institute will be beld at the Irincardine and it now in Goderich jail month, - GEO. MANSON S, f
village of Staffs on Wedusoday, June 28th. Awaiting trial, ��� The People's Shoe Stora —Cr T>zg—
One session will bo hold in the afternoon A correspondent from Toronto writes.- Mext Door to poet Otiica, T , , ,
Y1E[3ENTURES FOR SALE ralh,01911 _ �A ,1 �+, '�' D]�',��
• and another in the evening. Frequent veleta to the House daring the .1.�
If it suits the convenience of Hon. Speak- session have shown the constant applfoat, The village of Exotor have $10,000 of de- 8 0�� or� (1 � � t+ ��'
er Ballautyno arrangements ate being ion to business of the member for South bentures for sale. 20 years under Bilf No 7- L 8 l FAILING G e The Undertaking est to
is stock
made for the laying of the corner stone of Huron, A. Bishop, Esq. He iS always in 1893L A. Ont, Tenders invited. Address at ad with best and latest to lie found
once, The Reeve or Clerk, Exeter, Ont. �"� General and s Debility, the countr
the new Presbyterian church, Mitchell on his place and taking the deepest interest , i F•
the afturnoon of sire 15tH ins%, ,A soeial in all tlink is going on, and bigwo&on the r v• 'Repairing and Framing a special '
will be hell on the manse grounds. nstmerous committees has kept him fully '�r y
The d til Stratford Beacon of Wednes. I employed. South Huron may wellbe proud [� Si S All orders receive prompt atters.
day says ; 9 "No less than 249 members of of their member, who is always found on tb o A r ^ and work done neat and cheap.
the Central Methodist church here have the tight aide, wad who, Prem hie clews and -
signed a requisition to bhe Owen Sound practical invectigationS: is enabled to give �'V� "�' �7
Conference praying- that Mr. Holmes be an intelligent vote on all matters brough4 ni , r`} S. �,Jl ID !i_1.J� Y.
not moved to another field of labor at the up, TO ARTISTS- t' i (. DDFELL' OWIS SLOCK.:
end of his three years' term." The death of the oldest eettlor in Huron - — ;14 C9, ✓
The n{etahed runningrace '.at Mitchell The Government of Canada propose creating
County, in the person of Mrs john Ingram in the grounds o r the Parliament unudintrs,
between W. R. Davis' Lily B. and James is announced tit the ripe old aQ,e of 9fi yearn of Ottawa, a bronze statue, nine feet high W)
OolquhoUll's Bella J: foie $100 was easily one month and eleven,.days. Soaraely six of the late Sir John A. Maodonald. � �
wselta a'go the deceased, together with her Artists are Invited to submit models 2f t. 3in �r l
won 'Churldsiv afternoon in true straight
id height, t hich must be a000mpanied with, �—f i11�
heats by 13r11a J. Lilly B. vrss smooth children, grand attiIdren and great grand ig t �• qT'�t
Proposals forthe.bronzo statue oomuleto•'!
shod, vied the rain hu.inq made the track' chil3ren united in, celebrating the 96l h t ;� `"+ �.kl i 6JJ,iWI
greasy;'Lil B. w cn leading by four A pea^ tum of five huntel a dollars' will be lam.
. y h r, anniversary of her birthday at ]3enaall, at paESiA• a artist whose model and pronosal are L �• ,
Lengths, fell with bar rider. Another the occasion of wbich she appeared to be av, ` cod. $300 00 will be paid for the model � s / 1 AND
match Las bean made for the 15th for a enjoying the usual good health, and enter_ dwisidered next in order of merit, and $200
purse ,of •0200: Tile trot between D. twined her gnests by relating remini e -8-i for the9rd lLalussfnlmodel. rj?
P , The model must be delivered to the depart p"M'l
Bar, at I31msk Jltc!c and W. R. Davis of her early life. She pas�gd lu her eternal men of Public W orks, Ottawa, on or.before Y -
Lad ..lea UI06h, Was :von in three straight reward witldout a prolonged ilinees, having the lac day of November next and the ,prom- 441 " .
y J,
heat;: bythe el-liue, Black. Jaw's. been, in.hoi•usual health until several dere' iron models will remain the. property of the
g • - Department. The others will be returned to ` i l
before hes death, which ie attributed to the areists;iftheyso.exproeatheir desire when
-her eatyeme old age: 4
submiting them. ' Q:_ t i 'Orders promptly attended to,.
lir. Win. Nethersole, of gent; Eugland, Copies of the conditions,'&o, may be Ottarxr-' „_
e elle Farmers odonapplication at +he office of the
High THh BEST YET i t. s All Accounts must be. settleattifzttel ''
0, C. RlCaeztns-&'Cir: whois a repreatenative f Commissioner of Canada, No '10 Victoria v vi i,pa'd1Ui'lr�llflG4�L-
Club, at the C6utrai Chambers of Agsicul Chambers, London:, 8. W. Enlriand, lion. T&�]i�`t CHadaARL'ivesST,YET
GntsTa:-t aprained my lag do badly that ,n ie inspeetin than Heetor Fabre10Boa do Rome, Direction Weakness of Poi and'Mind ffects i ALESME:N WANTED.
riven home in -A onrria Vie. tore, London, I'' ba g Y a of S
I, had .4o 6e dr K - A reproaeutattco of -tire 'farmers Inteirior, B Beaux And to the
Department of the THE G�vss�t 77 ext I
• ; • , county ,aS .. Interior, Brussels, and to the 8eore[ary.of the Errors or Excosscsin O1dorYoung; liobust, To reproaent na,in the eale,of a chole
wxrnmdiaisly apphod 4fINARD S LLNII n that art of England. Mr. Nethoroole Ottawa o line' oF; '
could us f p K Dopa meat of Pnhlxa Works. 0 a Noble Manhood fill? Restored. Hove to I iS t ne ssary. rx GROW.)(want
Saco;. ' Experience '.
MENP trrralywrrd an 48 lienee co was vary much anrprraed to And so excellent E. E. ROY•, Y
not necessary. We want coal workora and to °
ray leg uliain, well as aver. a country' here, stating that ft yraa far
icor. r Enlarge and Strengthen Weal, Undevelo ed i ali such we oIIer a} permanaut situation t''
$ Order Nat oditood ,ln i s - P (mod income with chanoe'of advatioemailL A* ;
JosxrvA Wxxavoa'r. - au • crier to what he had expset9d, and' he Deportment of Public l3'orke, tt� � '� -Orions and I'a.ts of Body. tllasoliite] un- Oitrwa: Apri117thA823. S' g _ . X Y we new Lave over 700 acres under, eultivatloip '
would returc with a vrrf favorable report. Gentlemen 1 leave your orAero r; %dy, I- • • wa efin geve oar enlesman many au o 'o
I ndgovrater, N. S. failing home treatment Benefits in a day. y p lift r4dYsn
iudeod. He believed tbat ,wary of; alis t?he best stat rift 'BetktSB Atte tagaa SYemieo dettre to *tour a socd"scan
U LLL RUl2 SEIi VICE: l i `;,lcn testi£ from'GO State9andIbrei Coim sour diairiot to naiftho RoxAar
�oa on 'fir or means bring monied farmers' would soma oat here; and , � of, Fine !kkimmtc , acrd file bwartt f 6pA►x Pn?MP�,;:
That string A r R for Whish we Laasa the Gono;al Agoney..
. autharrzatt n■ n>, -bee behalf to say .that, 7 ho nndersisaad will keep for the improve- fan'k'ow#t, rn aro scow► tat $X:o co rocs. til lice theta. L)escnptirrs Hook, ex- a tie
home a bait(* of kf1NAAU 23 LINIMENT $ : Y. i tnelhxtrc,naev, earl lndunanrwible t0
while he had vioited many athar countries, mans of stock on Thames Read near lexeter a Cull Ianauon and roofsmailcd sealed, tarmsr'or fruit per«;>gerr,
whore bad ho egaa a couatry that frrt, thro'bred resistered Durbaal tBull, p P tontimorifel circular. end fur,tbrics
no Tart:rc S1,M) y b QlCfa k W'lsLLi]fGxt)N.Nursttstea.
1►rcazcd hiss so favorably all reaad. ate .16CaYI$-4t. Tuos. Yazrow ' '•'• ° n • � ���� �," oat gN ,l Ia Tares e
Alfa s a1'a I'tuiWeM octets! Co*, ata
CONDEN SEI?` DISTRICT was so moral in its tendencies, as Ontario,
_.d»`l' BL>i'97iE1< dt.,ti.+.�,d'
NEWS, Tie had not seen a drulikeu man since he _T
Y improper Exeter Junel7, 1893.
name to tire Dominion and hardly heard
ilunori. an im rq er language, allFwheatPerbush•.. $ 85 $ r6,
Mr, lDowzor of Clinton the otber day fell $prtngwhoat pgrbuah 6o GO
down stairs and injured herself cevarely, Mer,i of Nerve and Barley per ah,ba4... 30 34
' Y Oota per bust 3i) 3-�*
A loan named F4, i3unpan Of Clinton, i Fi 1i'Inness of Purpose Foca per bctsli st, 55
;.•i6+: kt Flour pgrbbi, ....... ......<.. 400 41, BUILD `g'
rescued his case troin pound and was. fi nsd '4�! .�..1
Ati ugst men w o forced their way to Apples per baa .... 7a 85
for the o£fenae. fame t .td fortune, five may name, as an eYG- Potatoes par bag ... 100 i 00
�~ bliss Alwe Taylor, of Clinton, now ;first. ample to all, worthy of imitation, the flay poi ton S 00 7 0!1
�,. •:•„ p Wood per acrd Lard... 300 3 51
r , v W. N', iia.{auning woe presented with a hand famous And jwetly oelebraited Thomas Wcod peroordsoft. S 00 a QG If so,. 1�i GY1jI ay yon t0 Gail
some banquet lamp last week by tbu Bletho- Holloway, better known throughout the Butter per lb 14 14
diet Church choir of which she way a mem• wide, wide world for his Pills and 0intment, Lgsa pordoeen 10 10 tI7ICi SQ6 usabout Otl rhardware,
Pork per hundred . Soo 8 10
her. Of these medicines, it is not our purpose tocooling c`l,'1dd trOlialling,
Mr. Albert Taroor of the 3rd con. speak-wearo not viriting puff, ba solid
Taehorsmith and Miss Emma Shiplay, of plain facts, to show what can be done by RHEUMATISH .CURED IN A DAY,— a
the 1,faron Road daughter of the the late great Strength of mind; find that what South America It in atic Cure for Rhea.
JollaShipley, sero jn,ned in wedlock, this one man Iles .done another may do, proved matism and Neuralgia radically aures int 0 ARE X
week. ed that ho has the ability and determin- 3 days, its action upon the System is
Rev, pear 'Methodist pastor at the Nile ation to use it with all his soul, remarkable and mysterious. It removes
� Wei read of the Great Nn oloon, whose at once the cause and the disease immediat- - ._' _.'�_ I.�.'!: 6:A
was presented with a very complimentary ambition was oon uer this world, but el disa ears• 1
o l address by his cougrogation the .other, day, q .Y pp The first close greatly
yrs. JA IP, xYe.t as an wtprossioa of tboir eateem and satis• Holloway bas done samethingelse, for fn- beneflte: Ili oent8. Warranted by
of Corn'vallls, Nova Scotia. faction as to his pastoral duties, stead of shedding oceans of human blood, 0. Lutz, Druggist. aug. 14.
_- be has oared his thousands, and spread
y, If you once 'try Garter's Little Liver great joy among the poor sous anti dough-
$200 Worth Pills for siok hoadaebe, billiouanese or con- of affliction by iiia wonderful Medicines ; Itch Mange and Scratches of every kind
stipatien, you will never be without them. and although Le does not pretend to crates an human or annual-, oared in 30 minutes Thele call and siE10,'ns about it, W8 have all kinds
Of OtherMedicines
Falled They are purely vegetable; small and easy' the dead,' tet lie has given strength to the by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion, This never
_ to take, Don't forget this. halt anti soun'dnese to the lame ; and if ho #ails. Warranted by C. LvTz, wire, i111CI are Specitll 81312 8 SCP l2s�bl 8t makes.
$itt 4 Bottles of JFood)sSarsrslsiar Ill a Mr, and Mrs. Turner of Tuoke rsmith has not opened tire eyes of the blind,' he English Spavin Liniment removes; all
who have been residents of that township has soothed the pain -worn, and comforted bard, soft or calloused limps and blemishes
Cttreci. for the past 50 Fears, were last peck pre. those oil the brink of grave ; and in the from horses, Blood Spaviu, Curbs, Splints, ,
"It is with pleasure thatltell of tIco great sealed each with ahaad5omo easy chafe lay four gaarters o£ the globe his preparations Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, sore Headquarters fog c`Il ki.i dk; of : ardware.
benefit I derived from Ifeod's Sarsaparilla. thoix neighbors as a token of respect, have found their way -not by the force of and Swollon Throat, Couglis, sot. Save
For 0 years l hav0 been badly aftlietca with the sword, not with the aid of legions but 00 by me of one bottle. Warrnated the �
• When Viin field that og i cannot sleep + 0 B ' :X0=. o •�^,. N ..
�Yg1St����� r have bnsix silently' horn0 Oil t}l6 llo5em Of most wonderful Blemish Care over known: u .+rc*
And yet lip in the mmnir,g its tired as when Warranted b
breaking out with rinuiing sores during hot you went to bed, be assured your kidneys old oeonu in our hug.) merchant ships to y G. Lusa
sulnuter mollth% I have somethnes not been
ablateusenrylimbs for two mouthsatatime. or liver are out of order. Membrays kidney every earner of the oiviltc:d world who'o Timmx 4VdSnotr.
one bottle lastsprin , commeneedusin it; felt But to do all this gigantic work(, to , by
suffering man is tote found
Being induced to trylkoocPa ba1:s•xpaaiilfl, Igpt and liver cure will remove iiia cense, of g Great and timely wiadont is shown
E g all this trouble. Try it. keeping Dr. Toctlex t extract of Wild :__•, __ _
N W"'W
so lnuall batter, tot two bottles more; tock neermplieh no v ond,ous a deed, recurred Strawberry on hand, It has no equal
then, di, ing the summer, was able to do nay Miss Tillie Gauloy, of Clinton, who ?las q al for
14ouseworlc,'and much thought and much energy, for with. oa(1 ra cholenmorbu
Baan ailing for some time, died on friday out these combined this might work ,diarrhaoa dysentery ,iii x1110
Walk Two Niel ��s last, {hero wore really very little hopes of ' Y colic, cramps and all summer complaints �I10 t"
her recover), at any time during her illness could not have been accomplished. And or looseness of tha bowels,
which I had not doile for six years. Think I g thus be did it. There is a wino saying, TO r.� IIOI'Cu,h)
and cared of ory%i},clad, And rceonamolht airy she was the third daughter leer, W, Gauley. „llou,t s oro our rioter's ink 1" and ' "° "" -
person so affikatcd to il:c 1f you are tired taking the large old Holloway spared nether sprinter's inir,' BCW 'PC GPI P A °SUNLIGHx a K n
Hood's rsa parilla fashioned griping pii!o,try Cartt+r•'s Little not vast piles of the precious metal, gold, PICTURE. � IN c '� d
I^our bottle, bas clone nxorefor nee tha l �2()0 Liver Pills And tako some comfort. A man 'Ile advertises in all the languages spoken 0- s „ av
worth of other medicine. I think It tai eat tt ? .isn't stand cvcryticing. Ono piif a luso. among civilized nations- and whether send 25 Sunlight Soap wrap era (wrap
blood purliler ]mown." Mus. H. D. 'v'S'rs:•i ; -Ur them you c into France, Belgium, per bearing the words Why does a woman
Church street, Corawalils, N. S. y y g um Holland
li r. Jamea Scott, Mechanics' Institute Prussia, Denmark, Russia Greece, Spain, loop older sooner than a mall") to Lover COMI'Tl�+'.`I'I� STOCK fit'
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto, and you
Howe PILLS care liver ins, constlpa. i librarian of Clinton, passed his 84th mile. Portugal, Switzerland -any, we might say
tion, bllioneness, Saundkco, sick head elle 25c s stone; the+ old ,gentleman is certainly more all the kingdoms of the world -and in a will receive by post a pretty picture, free '��`"'' ``�''�"'' 11T
" ")
hom advertising and well worth framing, l.. J.�:xS1: ''Ili
active, moutally and physically, than many thousand tongues they talk of "Holloway's This is an easy way to decorate your home,
younger Hien, and rve sincerely hope be ,Litten ,l in a thousand languages they The soap is the beat in the market, and a
uiay unjuy a eouciiorablo lease of life yet. utter, 1au12ovvay's Ointment. Ws are filled t �g'�
with boundless wonder and astonishment it will only coat to lavpostage e send iii the �f Y'C3 9.% .. �' .!«n ' ,�.Store.
On lilondr4F uft;ht #leo aougiegnt£cn of wrappera, it you -leave the ends Open,
4�y ' St. Jehit's cl)arall,'Varua, pskscntetl SAW that tinct man, one mind, one Bead, could Write your address carefully. p
Wan ri1��eo � . planand devise rill tbis and we aiy that if
�' Ainry Stivaon with a beautiful bible and ,•ono man lis.s reale liana su there mast
prayarbo 1k. 51iais lixoving to Clinton, be some wonderful curative proprietio5Mi�T0RANTFo D BICYCLES rind will be ilr'eatly wisaml in the church, ,, a 9 `" C .•_d i.../ Y ,l _1Lis 6
I hEiu; an w tiva 8aadrty school teacher orad abfaar lil`.i L191s and Ointment, �
HAVE A 1 h enter iu th•) chur0b,. _ _-�._ ---- -a THE 1
STANDARD VALUE Insowlin 14,L,rfully on the hic-Aic. The OVArn AGArxer C1101,PRA. i ° I .
ash and exaftomcut of modorn life so tax Reap the blood pure, the stomach in
the nervous aystsm that multitudes of good working order, and the entire system Milling Co "�
people are deprive,lof good and sufficient free from morbid effete matter by using Use L '�^ Y T Machine oil
sleep, with ruinoua consequences to the Burdook lilood Bittors, whioix Cleanses, Have opened an office opposite. Town
nerves.. Remember, Ayer's Sarsaparilla stren};them Hud tonus tba whole system . Nall, Exeter, pending the building of MAMMON GOLD MEDAL (III; OF TIIE i OAMINT()'1N.
makes the weak strong. Cholera cannot attack the healthy. thoirnow 141ill, where they will keep -- --- --
The oatnto of the Into J. J. Fisher of A Cr,osn RzalsmnuAxoc. constantly on hand a fall stook of the t '►� S -IR,
@� -
' �ff
Colborne, delivered this woclr, to N Baichlar Alany Symptoms of Canadian cholera are best brands of flour. Also til kinds refCC Oil S CY-.�..X �f .i ,t,�`-I I-r.€,1�
l of the falls Reserve, 18 head of fat onttlo, Similar to thoso of the real Asiatic cholera
t, ravoraging over 1500 lbs, and one tipped the such as vowiting, purling, intense pain, Will ,�u�'����� ���� . . . wear twice as Ion( as iliiY other make..
t '` 4 scales
at 1080lbs., this was is flue animal etc. For all those s,•m atoms Dr. Fotvlor's n
• irthiug over 8 ft. They were sold at 50 Extact of Will Strawberry is a safe and Farmers and townspeople will find it
' to their advantage to call and see us. The Finest ITh Gracie Crinins C1iI5 are ,itlanu# ►cttlt'ecl b
Ver ib. euro sljeoiGe, Price 3;ic. at druggists. a h Y
THEY ARE BUILT TO SELL AT � Nature provides a remedy for all ills Ct
Tt-IE PRICES OFFERED i scud 15r. C4'illiaws' I'fnit kills is nature's BIwras. s
I muledy for the ills peeuilar to the female BAWDDN-In Exeter on thelst last, the wif o FOR SALE Rat; ALL LE ATir ter; 171'.ALERS IN TETE COUNTRY.
MANUFACTURE() BY I ,ysteal. Suppressions, weakness neryotia- of Mr. P. Dawdon of ii divightor (still bort()..Three
.Hessandalldiseases; resulting from, fm- RTLLY-S BiStephon on the 3rd inst. the The Goold Bicycle C'�imd a � less ""'ed blood, speedily yield to Choir wife of W, G. Rioliyof a dautrhtor. - The
T, y n � � . ��-
r J l tret.tment. Sold.by dealers, or sent on re- 1jTvt)I,D-At winehelsort on the 1st inst, the y i+' ., e.,, y, ,
Brantford, OlI$. i sept afprieo- e50:. per box, or Six boles for . wife of sifghnot l.lford of a daughter, J! t t r �t w • � � Pea Harvostunr
C50 -addressing the Dr. William%' Sited. hiALiE.IEU.
o., Brockville' Ont. NOTE WELL. �p-1 ••r�;;r T T
DEPOT; y13 YorlcE •Sr„ TosioNso OLkRTQ,',_IiENN1!DY-At the residence of 1.��5'.l 'a1ii(`).L IN .:.t,.r:,;i WORLD-.
Tha family of )lr. Jae, Granby of Hallett thebride's father, Egniondville, on May 21th
PERT INS & MARTiN. are certainly passing through the deep by the Rev. Noil Shaw, air. Edmond Clarke,
;� �$ We have had the For the following ratans: -1st, it inbuilt of ar host a -Thele itsido xt Iran ami of act. 2nri-
Faneon'a Ii?eek. water of nfli?orlon, for only a law peaks ago of Taronto.to Miss Edith Aliae,otdest daught �X�l er � It requires no holes to be drilled in entree bar. 3rd -Tire outside divider can be raised tui
_ - they were called upon to bury a son, who orof Mr. 11. P. Kennedy. r expenienoe that at- Ioworod nt back or frontindepondent of lifters. 4th -It has no rad at the bnok to bold dmtruo-•
�rnnrn fell a viclilu to oononmption, and last week MILLS -011 U RCIIILL ..At Stratford, on Lb 0 tention to business, close prices and tious and cause choking. bth--There are no springs to break or got out of order. 6th -It has
(bey suffered the lose of another from the 24th May, by the Rev. I B Walivin, Mr. 1Y. movable clips and can be set in line with tonguo as mower bar drdgs back. 7th-Eaoli lifter, has
Thstc ie sstill a chance that before text A twills of Illneva?e. formerly of l;tanloy, to proper fits, are the main factors in our airuard stay, and brealdrig mower guard is impossible. sth-Each lifter is indeptndent of the
same ailment. John til'., the Ivat one who Miss? izzio Churchill, of Bluevalo• business. other, and caubo raised or lnivere at the bank so as to line in front should mower nerve leo
encs of the year Mitcbell miy Tbecome a died, was aged 27 years. a yonng man of GILCIIRIST-DELSIAGE-At the residonco out of line, 9th -Tho number of machines sold during the past Beason enable+ a large number
ou8tows outpost wit?x Dr. J. 11 . Call as romiso and ver highly esteemed. of Aft, 8, Rogere. tit• Marys, by the Rev. J. With this ever of the loading farmora of the Province to testify to its merits. k very machine is warranted
collector, p y g y Scott, Ai, A. oil May 27th, W. C. Gilchrist U. promptitude.
The beloved wife of Mr. John Garrett D, of Orillia, to Sara Helena, youngest redoemin feat- and .Even ontest.'Sample machine can through
.Been at it. o ty, Gia Shen, Item n, p Lento
4 i:LAEIt+S, H'®nsall, also at diffsroat shops thrcnGL the county, Jamas Wh?toman, pakont0
How Sour blood should be purified. Talte who died Hay 30th, was a native of Lincoln " risucliter-of Airs. E. Dolmago, of St. Marys+ are imprinted deeply on our motto, we and mannfaoturer. A.nulree.
Hood's; SarBaparilla, the bust spring (nodi- shire, England, and was married to her R1DEH-STEPHENSON... At the Alanso,lcip- have won the patronage of the many
cillo and blood purificw. pen, on Afay 29th, by Rev. S. Acheson Mr. THOS. BROWN, General Agent, SEAFORTH,
surviving husband in the year 1841. They wm Rider, of Almont. Mich. to Miss Eliza- whom despise those too -often -resorted
The h,.ttl property at Stiff.► has 'teas emigrated in the year 1851, and moved both Ann sozovd daughter of the late George to tactics of tailors osneoially, namely
purehasud by Mr. F Uavlici, and the Ira- wast into Huron, where they together with Steveuson of Stanley.- putting off until next; wear whnV should �^t -( m
provinw.nts lie is making, ,+haws that he willing hands made themselves the home DIED. have been done this. �.� UIL .L -IL
means business, which they have enjoyed up to the present.
Wi�s Dridge0 B rao and her brother COVENTRY-InSeaforth, on Monday fifes ,
y Among those who have passed the £nal 29th Fret Coventry, agedlGyears and 4mos . This is r nice
Pater of Dublin leftoa Puei inty for Mild- examination of the College Physicians and T tJ a tied' f ac t %o . looking tr old, but OR
map,51anftobu. Tutor haw a situation !hero THOUPSON-In Sonforth. on Sunday Ilfay
in a largo Surgeons, of Ontario, we notice the names 28th David Thompson, aged 32 years and 7 to carry out its meaning is difficult to GUILTY
g general store scud 0,150 as a of J. X. M. Gorden, St. Helens, and"H. x. months. some, N Ty►, idery in w #rd and tht way _FIas the Finest StGek of Furniture
wheat buyer. Hyndman, Exeter. Among those passing PENFOUND-•In Clinton, on June Atli, Henry in nxemY�pli lied in our chop. We guar- over exhibited in Exeter, and at
TLose unhappy pernone who suffer from the primary are IF, Agnew, Balgrays; Rlary Ponfound, aged 79 years and 6 months . 3ntee satisfaction every time in all res- rices so low the, recap a crowd
nervousness and dyspepsia should nae H. Allan and John C. Hutchison, Fordwieh GLENN -In Clinton,on June 4th, Elizabeth,
The people say )vo aro guilty of seIl p they
Ltttle Nerve MIN which Aro made E. T, Kellam, Soaforth; and C. A. Orr, wife of E. Glenn, aged 65 years, poets, ing Boots and Shoes cheaper that of customers every day.
exptes,ly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic j Goderich. D3 stCEatharineD eves el orof theIlateJun any other house in town. Como
safferera, Price 25 cents, i bIison sturd„ a bnuh3lor fuzmsr in Doovos, aged 87 years, Yf you want a suit, a and
i vest or pain and be a witness, you will be well Parlor,
A tramp entered a house -dear Mitchell l Goderich township,. engaged a tramp to BEaCOM-In Goderich Township, on May 28th of folate, give us a call and u convinaed repaid for your time. We down the
last week and stole a pair of pacts from work far > im, The other day lir Sturdy Annie'M. youngest daughter of Mr. Robt, hat what we have said is tette. country for prices in Felt and Kid. �b3dtlt�o ItiDQl;ty
Beacom, a.od 18 years 2 months. Sox and Rubbers Felt Boots and
Iver. Marsales. The thief was traced and went to Guderlah looking the house, When +
IiEYW00D,-In Usborne on the tad lost.�j for
caught, but ',afterwards escapod, and the ho returned the tramp had gone, as also Thos• Heywood, aged 57years. W. adv , Gong Boot we take the rt andPoys l�Ltll trtttYl
last heard of him was in Exeter. considerable valuables, including several SPICER,-In Usborne on the 1st inst., Gladys Long Boots we take the bun.
A summer meeting of the South Porth crena of clothes. The man was caught in daughter of Byam ,Spicer, aged 12 years 1 , KZtche7l Fr tGYnZtZdyG
Farmers' Institute will be beld at the Irincardine and it now in Goderich jail month, - GEO. MANSON S, f
village of Staffs on Wedusoday, June 28th. Awaiting trial, ��� The People's Shoe Stora —Cr T>zg—
One session will bo hold in the afternoon A correspondent from Toronto writes.- Mext Door to poet Otiica, T , , ,
Y1E[3ENTURES FOR SALE ralh,01911 _ �A ,1 �+, '�' D]�',��
• and another in the evening. Frequent veleta to the House daring the .1.�
If it suits the convenience of Hon. Speak- session have shown the constant applfoat, The village of Exotor have $10,000 of de- 8 0�� or� (1 � � t+ ��'
er Ballautyno arrangements ate being ion to business of the member for South bentures for sale. 20 years under Bilf No 7- L 8 l FAILING G e The Undertaking est to
is stock
made for the laying of the corner stone of Huron, A. Bishop, Esq. He iS always in 1893L A. Ont, Tenders invited. Address at ad with best and latest to lie found
once, The Reeve or Clerk, Exeter, Ont. �"� General and s Debility, the countr
the new Presbyterian church, Mitchell on his place and taking the deepest interest , i F•
the afturnoon of sire 15tH ins%, ,A soeial in all tlink is going on, and bigwo&on the r v• 'Repairing and Framing a special '
will be hell on the manse grounds. nstmerous committees has kept him fully '�r y
The d til Stratford Beacon of Wednes. I employed. South Huron may wellbe proud [� Si S All orders receive prompt atters.
day says ; 9 "No less than 249 members of of their member, who is always found on tb o A r ^ and work done neat and cheap.
the Central Methodist church here have the tight aide, wad who, Prem hie clews and -
signed a requisition to bhe Owen Sound practical invectigationS: is enabled to give �'V� "�' �7
Conference praying- that Mr. Holmes be an intelligent vote on all matters brough4 ni , r`} S. �,Jl ID !i_1.J� Y.
not moved to another field of labor at the up, TO ARTISTS- t' i (. DDFELL' OWIS SLOCK.:
end of his three years' term." The death of the oldest eettlor in Huron - — ;14 C9, ✓
The n{etahed runningrace '.at Mitchell The Government of Canada propose creating
County, in the person of Mrs john Ingram in the grounds o r the Parliament unudintrs,
between W. R. Davis' Lily B. and James is announced tit the ripe old aQ,e of 9fi yearn of Ottawa, a bronze statue, nine feet high W)
OolquhoUll's Bella J: foie $100 was easily one month and eleven,.days. Soaraely six of the late Sir John A. Maodonald. � �
wselta a'go the deceased, together with her Artists are Invited to submit models 2f t. 3in �r l
won 'Churldsiv afternoon in true straight
id height, t hich must be a000mpanied with, �—f i11�
heats by 13r11a J. Lilly B. vrss smooth children, grand attiIdren and great grand ig t �• qT'�t
Proposals forthe.bronzo statue oomuleto•'!
shod, vied the rain hu.inq made the track' chil3ren united in, celebrating the 96l h t ;� `"+ �.kl i 6JJ,iWI
greasy;'Lil B. w cn leading by four A pea^ tum of five huntel a dollars' will be lam.
. y h r, anniversary of her birthday at ]3enaall, at paESiA• a artist whose model and pronosal are L �• ,
Lengths, fell with bar rider. Another the occasion of wbich she appeared to be av, ` cod. $300 00 will be paid for the model � s / 1 AND
match Las bean made for the 15th for a enjoying the usual good health, and enter_ dwisidered next in order of merit, and $200
purse ,of •0200: Tile trot between D. twined her gnests by relating remini e -8-i for the9rd lLalussfnlmodel. rj?
P , The model must be delivered to the depart p"M'l
Bar, at I31msk Jltc!c and W. R. Davis of her early life. She pas�gd lu her eternal men of Public W orks, Ottawa, on or.before Y -
Lad ..lea UI06h, Was :von in three straight reward witldout a prolonged ilinees, having the lac day of November next and the ,prom- 441 " .
y J,
heat;: bythe el-liue, Black. Jaw's. been, in.hoi•usual health until several dere' iron models will remain the. property of the
g • - Department. The others will be returned to ` i l
before hes death, which ie attributed to the areists;iftheyso.exproeatheir desire when
-her eatyeme old age: 4
submiting them. ' Q:_ t i 'Orders promptly attended to,.
lir. Win. Nethersole, of gent; Eugland, Copies of the conditions,'&o, may be Ottarxr-' „_
e elle Farmers odonapplication at +he office of the
High THh BEST YET i t. s All Accounts must be. settleattifzttel ''
0, C. RlCaeztns-&'Cir: whois a repreatenative f Commissioner of Canada, No '10 Victoria v vi i,pa'd1Ui'lr�llflG4�L-
Club, at the C6utrai Chambers of Agsicul Chambers, London:, 8. W. Enlriand, lion. T&�]i�`t CHadaARL'ivesST,YET
GntsTa:-t aprained my lag do badly that ,n ie inspeetin than Heetor Fabre10Boa do Rome, Direction Weakness of Poi and'Mind ffects i ALESME:N WANTED.
riven home in -A onrria Vie. tore, London, I'' ba g Y a of S
I, had .4o 6e dr K - A reproaeutattco of -tire 'farmers Inteirior, B Beaux And to the
Department of the THE G�vss�t 77 ext I
• ; • , county ,aS .. Interior, Brussels, and to the 8eore[ary.of the Errors or Excosscsin O1dorYoung; liobust, To reproaent na,in the eale,of a chole
wxrnmdiaisly apphod 4fINARD S LLNII n that art of England. Mr. Nethoroole Ottawa o line' oF; '
could us f p K Dopa meat of Pnhlxa Works. 0 a Noble Manhood fill? Restored. Hove to I iS t ne ssary. rx GROW.)(want
Saco;. ' Experience '.
MENP trrralywrrd an 48 lienee co was vary much anrprraed to And so excellent E. E. ROY•, Y
not necessary. We want coal workora and to °
ray leg uliain, well as aver. a country' here, stating that ft yraa far
icor. r Enlarge and Strengthen Weal, Undevelo ed i ali such we oIIer a} permanaut situation t''
$ Order Nat oditood ,ln i s - P (mod income with chanoe'of advatioemailL A* ;
JosxrvA Wxxavoa'r. - au • crier to what he had expset9d, and' he Deportment of Public l3'orke, tt� � '� -Orions and I'a.ts of Body. tllasoliite] un- Oitrwa: Apri117thA823. S' g _ . X Y we new Lave over 700 acres under, eultivatloip '
would returc with a vrrf favorable report. Gentlemen 1 leave your orAero r; %dy, I- • • wa efin geve oar enlesman many au o 'o
I ndgovrater, N. S. failing home treatment Benefits in a day. y p lift r4dYsn
iudeod. He believed tbat ,wary of; alis t?he best stat rift 'BetktSB Atte tagaa SYemieo dettre to *tour a socd"scan
U LLL RUl2 SEIi VICE: l i `;,lcn testi£ from'GO State9andIbrei Coim sour diairiot to naiftho RoxAar
�oa on 'fir or means bring monied farmers' would soma oat here; and , � of, Fine !kkimmtc , acrd file bwartt f 6pA►x Pn?MP�,;:
That string A r R for Whish we Laasa the Gono;al Agoney..
. autharrzatt n■ n>, -bee behalf to say .that, 7 ho nndersisaad will keep for the improve- fan'k'ow#t, rn aro scow► tat $X:o co rocs. til lice theta. L)escnptirrs Hook, ex- a tie
home a bait(* of kf1NAAU 23 LINIMENT $ : Y. i tnelhxtrc,naev, earl lndunanrwible t0
while he had vioited many athar countries, mans of stock on Thames Read near lexeter a Cull Ianauon and roofsmailcd sealed, tarmsr'or fruit per«;>gerr,
whore bad ho egaa a couatry that frrt, thro'bred resistered Durbaal tBull, p P tontimorifel circular. end fur,tbrics
no Tart:rc S1,M) y b QlCfa k W'lsLLi]fGxt)N.Nursttstea.
1►rcazcd hiss so favorably all reaad. ate .16CaYI$-4t. Tuos. Yazrow ' '•'• ° n • � ���� �," oat gN ,l Ia Tares e
Alfa s a1'a I'tuiWeM octets! Co*, ata