HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-8, Page 1AND HURON MIDDLESEX. GAZETTE. "HEW TO THC LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAYS'' VOL. XX. NO, 35. EXETER, ONTARIQ, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE Sr 1•tM". JOHN WHI U oSWNI x� Crediton. MrsJ Gra bel hereat resent,. --Mr And lI1G$t3lS8a. CAcf%211 SMITH, 11arrietor. Solidi- - y p ' tor, Conveyancer, Offioo Again-st, Mrs. Witmer of Exeter were the guests q. Ix A�> JI�RIA11-It becomes our painful oan ba ocnsutked after office boars at the BQGri Asir' G SALN.-Having decided to leave of Mr and Mrs. Thou on Sunday`.--- Wh Oo roloot dui this week to record the death. of Commerc)ai Ilotel. Ronsall. bolda akl d rom,e for thirty d ys. A I will el" Y bold. a disarms sal¢, for ,B. .Luys, All must Mrs. Summons of Fort Gratia( Mich, is e r C11a+lys the s,3o)nd daughter of Byam and le���a doidedAio call 13¢otSaturday sceupe be sold at onto; G1.13. t1LAzsvrrr,s, 1. m, conducting special meetings in file # rrriii���iii111aaaYYY -' ?4iarySpioer whiehaad evout occurred on IlRu i•s Mix Gumbert is vary ill. and •Evan elieai Church At reserit, 1,'hxs on this day than oyer before for cash only or g P ,,. j,� the int intik atter a painful f)lness of three Produce at cash prices as a spoola I inducement not expeoted to live long. -Mrs. Keys, week it is our painful duty to chronicle '-,When Can tveeka. Deconaed was a bright little girl to clear them out at once and make room for wife of John Keys, has been seyerely ill the death of Mr. Charles Miller who of quick parts, and at the time of her death now Boody hrriving weekly, nothing will con- for some time, but is: improving -Albers e, U agood high, vinoe you like a personal inspection that the died Iasi Thursda mor bin'* after a Hill Ibi^ i , was 12years, l mouth and 13 days"old, eboopeat place tbuy Boots «k Sboes is at Morlock,a'ho gat his lag broken some time ness of several weeks. Mr. Miller i She had been in almost constant attendance et, vtrasaa os, ago, is malting goad progress^•- Ura,Auguyt man S Plow shoe at school daring the past few years and Sign of Big Boot. Hill is able to partially attend to house though safieringgreat,pain boric it with by industry had mado rapid .progress in Following are than market quotations. dutisi at the Central after presenting bar Christian fortitude; he will also be STRAW HATS, at R, Xc Go W `an S her studios and atocd well in her class, A Wheat . & i to 05 husband with a bouncing girl, Auguat greatly missed in the church and sun- Iittle over three weeks ago she took sick does act say much about the matter,anil a day school, lie being tits earnest work- PARASOLS r and althou h all that Inedigal skill and Barley . . . . .... . ...... 30 to 35 (� , g little down fu the ntcuth because ft is not er, The interment took place on Sat+ir- Qr `' O oareful nurarug could do to reliepe her Oats 30 to 32 �, sufferings she passed peacefully away as Peas . , ........ 551055 a boy.—Mrs H. Shelton and illiss Trove- day afternagn in the Goshen I.iue Bailie- P�,IN�'T8, g P y Ila 0,00 to 7,00 thick are visitiuv their parents. -John tery, The family have the heart felt agave stated, The funeral which was t r Sohnider anp John Koxr intend visiting, Also a complete Line of lar el attended took place on Saturday putter ... Th to 1v � their sympathy of the whelp community in g y Eggs .^, „, 0 to 1.0 the World's Fairiu a few weeks.-•13a,arl* their sad bereavement. LTG'E.T DR.�'iSS ia'OODS. WOMEN'S MISSES' AND last and for the first Half mile was an iia a!¢tz claims he can make 5 lbs butter from TIB oaing cartage, bar, school mates turning BOA% , , . , , , ..... 8.00 to 8,25. -- -- - CHILDREN'S OXFORI) S- in P Clover seed., ..... , ..8.50 to 8. q 100 lbs milk, If this is A fact, why do out in large nurgbors and marched ahead 7- a9t6 c4w4 pay' -Tho Trav@11Wg Dalry i Te61lwtiy' A it thpll lid Ot1l8r TANS and DUNOOLA.S. These of the rogesslon for that distance, They BRlrwi_,N1.r Jacob Schluchter and visltodour village last Tacsda and gave iGoods were bought direct from the wore marsbaliad by her teacher Mr. G•, W. wife of Zurich were v.sithng at Mr !l, .,lame. fine oxplanations as to butter maing. BltzuFs-Tile Ladies Band of tvilhn9 Iailies at Dlanufao#users and will be sold at Holman, Mr, W. Xlunra and Mr Thomas Cook'a on 'ruosda.y,-Ur Adam Watt- Where was alargn attendance, end all pres. workers of the Boston Methodist church t prices that cannot be beaten. Andrew.. White the hearse bearing the laufer, wife and family, of Blyth, were entwero well satisfied;with the explanations will hold a Garden Party at the resid- remains of their departed schoolmate pass- visiting at stir A, WeseloWs on Tues. given on butter making. --The township slice of Dtr, J. T. Wilson, 1 mile west g �p ROSS Eggs I z cents car dor, ad through the lines the children sang day.. --Revs, 1,,aix and DaoKinley are council met last Monduy to let a large of here nn Thursday June 28th. Rev. +rJ . .IG".. V Sha beautifully 'God be with you till we meat R. L. Wilson is expected again" Two beautiful wroatba of blossoms attending the Guelph Conference at uainbcr o£ graver contracts; the Court of P ted fa occupy iiia laid. on the coffin attested the lova of her Owen Sound this week. --Mr Inc. Dope Revision also stet and adjourned to meet chair. A game of football will be play- Bargain Depot. R. MCGO YY f and wil'a were at Dashwood on Sunday again June Lath, --•Si urth & Co. have ed In a field near by.—Mr. W. T. Ulan teacher and schoolmates. The sorrowing hued a new Anlake stack. on their flax started fishing last week,- 'Xr, George ' Cancra! Merchant, Kirktgn, relatives have the sympathyof tha nei th• and day o a v s�ira Jamas Whyte left p . g o g mill, -1'2e have a man in aur viilav, who Fgrlreattended the Teaahara'Canvantfon -T--`°--"---3-m•TM-~----"-�-'^'.'°"'•-~".-" borhhood in their sad bareavement. Tuesday on a visit. to her daughter's is anxious to hays a match with an mau 4 Aatratt,-Air Ilanry Peina,of the Com'_ y at I,�tater last weak, s I;irga number Exeter MuaiGipal: Council. k'ullarton. Day after day we think what shs iii doing in, the County of Huron for putting the ward resent anda, very profitable time --- _ In those bright realias of air; martial hotel, Zurich, was in town on 14 IG 18, 20 and 22 lb shot, Last 3 in 5, p Year after year )ser tenderstops pursuing, Tuesday., ---Mr D. Gottschalk of Zurich for fromw2u to $w0. Also run an man was silent together.—Mr. John Siieritt June 2nd, 1893. lit xuas,--A man named Aikens, of the Behold her Brown more fair, - - , r Deputy Reeve of Stephen is attending The council met this evening per ad - Mitchell High School fillad the appoint- was visiting at Ur Chas $ossenbexry s 200 lbs or over a feat rata, l00 yards, in p y p g g pp Thus do lvo tiralk w)th her, and k¢ep unhr¢ken r County Council in Gc+darich this weak. jgnrarmsnt. All present,Zinutes of merit o[ Rev, John Bali ,on uSunday, that The bond which nature Ives. (no&on ,an Sunday.- tiesara P. ltoadding. P. the County of Huron for from $4'u to "�Q. �' rev aus meeting read +lied eosaGrmed, gentleman beingon a visit to his farmer Thinking that on x¢memlrnucs, thoush un- bell mod 5Y. Peart were at Zurich on Hera is a good cbance to maks money. Miss Clara lticPhaxsanraturnad hgizie P g astorate at T, ta.-Oar M, D. anti the May reach her where she 1i^ ves. Sunda Mr ,los Snell of Dashwood We trust memo one in Exeter will be able from a visit last Monday, Christ ma Spackman no, 7 a. for the fol. p � y,-. lowing Sarna : P, F'rayne, ilio, rep hose Meader of soles continue to improve the was in town oil Monday,^ --Rev Air to accept this challenge, and not allow ScHooL Rr•.z•orm-The following is a t!i; rti Naraons, $13 G0, labor; 'has Horn, g Vsborn@ GaunGll• P , ' , , p $7 55, do; Jas Creech, $4 0.0,charity to Jas appearance aC their reaidaucasaud rr,aads lahnaton Of Sexsmith occupied the Crediton to issue such a broad challenge, correct raper. of S. S. 1\0.1 Ste boll by planting evergreen .hedges, ornamental. uI ht in the Afethodfat church on Sun Exeter has been boasting, put tip or shut for the month of Nle names in order (;could and $2, alo, Mrs Pi er.-Carried. and shade tram --The Skippsrton club The Council met Aa n court of Ravi,ion P P y, , p on the ..7th ult. all the members Present day evening. -Rev Mr Curry of Glen. up. (Dashwood is the village pia refer of merit. -Sr. •illi.--� m. Wiligri, Della The clerk to ask prices for street water - played ilia regular organized foot ball of ta.-l:il,) this plata on Monday evening, and wan an find duly sworn. Onmaiion of J. Shier- cos occupied the pulpit in Carmel Sharia. Jr. 4th. -Wm. Aikens, May Ing until the now oast is prooured,tonders tV, Kydd the Reeve was aprolutecl chair- church on Sunday.. He preached twoWilson, Albert fiayter. Sr. $rd, ---J. recox-1 until Monday evening, essy, vielory.-Mrs, John Stacay left on man. .There being no appeals the assess verywimpressive sermons. Ravi Mx. Baylield, Hayter, Nancy Eagleson, Thena Turn- McGagain-Carling-that the thanks of Saturday morning for fort auroa, to wait ment toll was gone carefully over and aeuderson was away to Giencoe over or, Thornton Sherritt. Jr, 3rd._A1, this council Le tendered to Arch. Biahop, on her Ron John who is seriously sick some minor corrections mado. After Sunday taking up Rev Curry's work.. llzuxzre.-The football team has been Faglasou, Tien Sheritb, Rubt. flaytor, Esq., M.1. T ., f m his trouble and mani- iniiammatiou of the Iungo. which on motion of J. Flaks -•J, Shier the re -organized and aro practising for July n fasted interest In procuring the passing of salt was confirmed and the Court of ifavia• -"`fir Goo DTOLwen's new Bait pan is 1st. That' Ara a smart tat of beyP,--hilae 2nd. -Alice (Vila ln, 33e!!a I�ioe, Mbart an seta£ ilia Loglslut ve eseambir of On now finished, and the snaking of new Aitkens Sarah Hayter, Edna Sherritt 13t@pitezx COunG1i, ion closed. The Council wet immediately salt will start at once. --illi ( t: Stops- 310a Slatubury has returned home from a , , y , tario, authorizing this corporation. to issue _ , visit to Taranto, -Mrs. ` Dr. Stanbur is Lillie Turner, Robert Carruthers, Ed, debentures for the amount necessary to after the close of the Court of Roviaiou, ( } y liquidate the accruing debt of this kluni- man attended the Guelph Conference at present attending her mother who is i!! English. Goo. A. FoltT>"x, Teacher. All su�mb,ro prespat, Mlnutas of last The minutes of the last eossim were read this week held at Oivon Sound as dale. q g mooting read had signed, and approved, lay -law No.4 1898 appoint• in Taroako^-\Ir,. Thomas Liddy has been ---------�*�-^---- afpality.--Cariied. Clerk to regnest Englueor to examine Ing patlimaetors was thou read and on gate for flensnll circuit. --Miss Ross of vialtinq her daughter ii, Dotroitr-Somo Hay Council Spackman--Carling-that the proposed band credit and ropert, motion of T. Cameron seed by W. Kydd Qodorloh is visiting Miss Bella Mile.-- time ago the council had notices ponied hydrant and trough be placed in such pos- Tho usual gravel road contracts were let was passed. J. Sbior-J. Haila that a Mrs Cook of Whitechurch is visiting thatsheop, pigs and horses should not be Council mat pursuant to adjqurnmant ition as the reeve directs. -Carried. After passing the following orders the apeoil grant, of S15 be given to Mr, C. her daughter, Mrs P. Tri,ggerson.-Air' Olowedto run at large sad goose and cows in the town hall on Saturday, May 2t, MoCAllum-Spaekman-that theoouneil council adjourned to meet Saturday 17. Washburn to assist in gravelling the Jas White strained his ankle Inst Fri to be closed between 'p m, and 5 a, m 1893, adjourn until Monday night at halfpast F. W Farnoomb engineering $15 00; F. marsh sideroad between lots $ and 0, con. day at Ur Bell's raising; MrJaa Kirk. One evening last week 23 bead of horses The petition from Fred Stubbs And seven o'clock. M. EncarTT, Clerk, Hogarth rep 2 oul 2 con $2 00; M Beaver 11, Carried, W, gydd - T. Cmmoron patrick,livery driver for T1hoaJlurdook, and cattle were impoanded. The owners others was laid over forfurtherconsider- • 4; rep Piledriver $15 75; kir. Eagleson relief that the Reevo be authorized to expand• is home on a visit to Crediton this must watch out. -John Jowait has puroh- ation. The council met at the town hall, Eye, $8 00; K Pollick dr $2; I Bdwards rep qui share Of siI noeessary expenditaroa on week. -DTs Geo DicSwen is at prosaat Used a now bicycls " a Comet"and is be- The following appropriations for ter, 5th ,Tune, 1893. t All present me scut Ensery bridge $!; Dr Stabler D1¢d Car the boundaries of this municipality. Car- attendin the Ccunl t;ouna%1 Sittin eominx .a speedy rider. He will likely sada were made: -Contra Road (1) h1r.Christie. Minutes oipravi us g g y g make most of ,hem bustle on the First.- read and confirmed. Oates �i5; J Ryan bel of salary $125; A rigid. \V, Kydd-J, Balls that tho asess- at Goderhab.^-Dir D. McColl shipped Miss Rontledpe hne returned from a visit $3.i0, ('.i.) $150, (3) $`300, (4), $100, and Carling -McCallum -that we advertise Dosjardine stones L R R 62 50; Uayooun- mant roll be received and an order drawn several car loads of bogs to Ingersoll to Hamilton, -The fishermen hero have S. B. $500, N- B. $250, provided debenturs for sale in the Empire, Globe oil liay awamp drain $10 75; S Ireland 2 on the, treasurer for the Assossor a salary. , Stephen tG Stanley riot like amounts, l- out 19 con $170; J Williams shvlg snow $) --.Carried. T. Uameron-J. lanlls that on Tuesday. - Mra (Rev) H. J. Taira been doing well horn this spring until the p y R • and Mail And local papers. -•Carried, C Mawhiny ehvlg snow $1; J Ryan 2 out the clerk advertise for tenders for a cedar who has been sick for several wAeks recent siormy weather when several bun- Win. Klapp was appointed to over- Spackman -Carling -that John A. Cil - $2; Wm Riely rep out S B 01• trues bridgo over Fish Creek, at Kirktou, with inflammation of the lungs, is dred dollars worth of• note were loat.-Miss seer the work in Geiger and Klopp s lespie a tender for Arcot watering, $2 87•ho Court of Revision stands adjourned to also for one of rook elm at, tho gams place, slowly recovering, -Rev 11. Irwin of Lottie Martin has gone to St. Thom is to Pit with instructions not to allow any per day be accepted, the work to be done Saturday 17 June. U, Pnoaxr. plaus and speoifications to be seen at the Kippen circuit is this week attending take a situation no book -trooper. -Tho one to go in said pit who does not corn- to the satisfaction of the council. -Carried. _ clerk's office, Elimville, tenders to be in by the Guelph Conference in Owen Sound. summor weatheris all ilia more welcome ply with his instructions. A petltiou from John Willis asking tlig -'� the 29th of June. The following --Mr A, Cruspe, barber, of Sabring- bcosuee so long delayed. --A larger number Wnh. Zimmer was Appointed path- council t ,level and grado the side walk SYRUP or rias, orders were granted ;-a. l�erguson cutting villa who bought out Mrs A, King, t`at usual of 'mumm-r tourists are axl ostod master in No. 7G, instead of J. Eidt and from Mr Baker's to the east boundary, Produced from the laxative and nutrit- hill, $7 ; ;iIr, Ilodginsori, rep. road, 50s. ; has taken oasession Atid intends here as They know of no finer place for a W. J. Fee in 18 instead of V. Daters, Spackman-Carlinp-that the side walk iousju)ee of California figs combined with p vacation -Rev. Mr. Karria has lately been The clerk was instructed to notify all be prepared for ravel and the corporation Albert Shier rap road, $5 ; T. Brimacombe moving his family in in a few days, - y gravel, the medicinal virtues of plants known to keep of A. Carmichael $10 : bf,;gamwell giving aria famaue lecture, "Life is the pay for the grave! at the pit, petitioners be most beneficial to the human system, p Mrs f3enry Welsh is on the sick list•- Az entice Republic" at his several appoint Parties interested in the digging to haul and put on side walk.—Carried. keep of J. Hewitt and wife, $13 ; J. Ruth- 8 P p P este gently on the kidnaps, livor and bow- ford rep road &o, $3 ; W. Miners salary, lir Wm. Stoneman has engaged Wm menta, Bayfield, Yarns and Goshen Lina, of the little Marsh finished b that AI. EACItErx, Clerk. eta, effectually cleansing the system din- $50.-W. Kydd-J. Hall ilio council ad- Moore as painter. -Mr Wm Moore has Large numbers attended and were much their portion must be finished by 30th palling colas and headaches, and curing journed to meet again Friday 80th Jul, at the foundation dug for his new brick pleased.--Yeahs ago the people of Bayfield of September next, Minard's Liniment is used by physicians bsbitual eonstipsiion. residence, -Mr John McAlIisterof the made great preparations for celebrating Anew Road beat (30A) consisting of T. ° 2 P nu• G. W. Efo> xkx Clerk. Parr line hasibought a lot on Queen Qaeen's Birthday and right royally did N4, T;1: :J'9, Wt' S-% S?;. E411, north t. D, Cumberland, barrister, o_ Wfnui- , peg, has been appointed in Judge Walkor's ' street from Mr Wm AVeleb, where he thay do it. This year those old time J E111 cG E. -t,10 in the VIII concession Look at the date on your labal this place., intends building a residence for him- sporting days are to be revived and a fine was formed with J. Gingerich as path- week, and sea that your name is mare, ElimVilIe. self this summer. _`h1r Louis Herald program of horse races, bicycle races, foot master. A meeting of the eseoutive committee had a cement walk utain front o[ hie codes and a large number cf athlekio don- The followingreductions were mad, ed well in advance, of the South Perth Liberal Association OBITUARY, --Death Las again paid this p = tests are being prepared to iake place` on was held in the eonno)1 room, St, Marva, neighborhood a visit and this time snatched residence Mr ea this week, The jab was done the Agricultural grounds on Dominion Day, In the Assessment 266 and W. Cge� 2�To paper is d, except at until all on Wednesday afternoon last. Tho from home and friends one of the most by Dir C. Eni rattnof Sexsmitb, and by July lat. An energetic committee has from 43 00 to . GEiO and Frank O'BrienBn arrear. are fatIZy paid, except at the option business was to select delegatas. highly rebpocted citizens, in the person of all appearances it is the most durable been appointed and already a large amount reduced $110. A number of other of the publisher. to the Ottawa convention, to be held on Thomas Heywood,who departed this life on walk in flensall.-Mrs Win Bell bee of mons has been subscribed. A prom- rninor changes were made and the As- as inst. The saleetious made were the 2nd of June, 1893, at the age of 57 been laid up with neuralgia of the inent attraction will be a cross -oat sawing sessment Rollodeclaredthe revised roll The date when the subscription expires the president of the association, Dr. Irving, years after a lingering illness of about two heart for the past week, -Mr John match at which a number ;of fast 'sawers of 1893. is on the address label of each paper, the Mr. W,'Thom son one to be chosen b years. Deeeaaecl was a native of Devon. McArthur (banker) and familymoved will take art. Good prizes will beg given. A number of accounts were aid and change of which to a subsequent date be- �A the Young Liberal Club of Mitchell, Mayor abiro,Bugland and emigrated to this country on his farm near MIsa Craig for the Walch for bills, g the council adjourned to meet paid on comes a receipt for remittance. Sabsorlbars McIntyre of St. Marys, and Mr, F. H. about thirty years ago, settling first in summer months. -Election of officers - 0 June 24th 1593 at 10 a. m. will please examine their label before and y after making a remittance. Bain, of Fullarion, As alternates, who Exeter, but shortly after on the farm on of R, T. of T., Honsall Council, No.391: Dashwood. S Let J. LATTA. Clerk. are all entitled to the same privileges which he died. For a lumber of years Select Councilor Bro. Wm. 001will P. S. All pathmasters' lists will be _ except volin;,+in the convention, there were Mr. Heywood followed his trade as a Vice do Sister J Troyer • Chap.,R e Bitirps—Large quantities of lumber mailed to the pathnhasters immediately. Iisbecoa Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, In, appointed Mr. A. Rurritt, Mr. John Whyte framer and very numerous are the barna + y � M loin, Thos. Ryan of Hibbart, and Mr. standing throughout the township to dsy Spiercei Ree Seq'y, Geo Sutherland g are being drawn from the saw mills S. J. L. says:—"I have been in a dietraesed oondf- Thep, L""ameron of Uhborne. which testify to his skill and thoroughness Fin- Seely, B Iloedding; Treas•,Maggie bare atpresan appearr. n enf Reese has tion for three gears from 'Nervousness -- _. ( �. as a mechanic, Acing a man of sou'hd jadg buebanani Herald, Ross McPherson; improved the appearance of his house Zuricri. Weakness of the Stomach, was gone. and Titicaca iron sauisxG r DlaniraTs. merit nun} unwavering firmuess to his con Guard; G. Gook; Sentinel, D.Brintnell; by erecting a verandah in front of it.- Indigestion until my health was Bane. I soientious oonviotione he was selected a Organist, B. Ellin. A load of young people from here at- Barras,• -Mrs. John Roedding who bad been doctoring constantly with no re - Oar farmers will be interested in know- len number of years ago b the lea ed tended the dance at Mr. W. Holts for some time past has been visiting lief. I bought one bottle of South Amerf- ins just how to put their horees and g g y p , in the villa returned to her home in can Nervine; whioli done me more good Y council as assessor, and for some fourteen Kiva last Thursday avenin iYlrs. cattle in condition to suit foreign buyers. years performed those antics with except- Simpson and her sister Miss Reihm of Tilsonburg last Wednesday.- Mr. than any $30 worth of doctoring I aver did f In order to realize the top price they must P in life. I is valuable advise avert' y re 0 ional�ability, praying the wisdom of the , DD-oodham, $silo warp renewing acquaintances Adam Fasaold spent Sunday with y y be in first class health, sleek and firm. -- g q Parse -This use 61t1s valaable and love)y rem- -This result can be most easily obtained by and his His calla wore modals t neatness re- here last week. -Mie. John Pae of friends in Exeter. -Miss Lizzie Dam- in andhie assessments cars) disputed or re- BRIT':I+B,—Memorial service in con• p tidy: .Atrial bottle will convince you. using Dicks Blood Purifier: y I3ensa1l is visiting her parents Mr. and art spent last weak with her ding In Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. versed. Some yaairs ago by thn lalling of vection with thA death of Mr. J. W. Dashwood.-1Ylessrs L, goading and timbers hereeelved internal injuries wluch Abray will be held ,n the Methodist - - ! W. g, Hoffman were in Dashwood, �- iiia supposed brought, about his early de- clhurch here on.Sunday evening, JuneOWEaqwa VzoMonday last, -Mr. Charles Hartlieb • IEV mise, forone of lais rugged' constitution l8tb,-Rev: W. Birks is attending Con -NU sent Sunda in Blake. -Mr. DavidBargaii-L % would more likely be regarded as one to ference at Owen Sound• -Air. C. C. ES hweitzer of Dakota is visiting at Mr. Day, more than the allotted three adore live out ino t Switzer occupiett he pulpit here onTI D. S, Fauats. Heintebda going to the Thisand tan. The funeral took -place on Sun, Sunday, -Mr. Was. Abray of Denfield, World's Fair next week. -illr. Davie ai his Week, we. are '.91Ving' day the 4th inst, and was largely attended, is still in the village.—The Woodham _ -- ' a the council Mesers, 1ay,, YVad, Halls g Mr. D ton was in town last weed, n Day ir,alns lh BVa3ry Depart- ' Flute Band it to furnish music for the Mr. D. Gottschalk was in liensall an Shier, Uameron and Messrs G. W Holman went, Our Stock Of . Sum` Clerk and Tilos. Coates, ,Treasurer, W. picnicon lite Base line. -Miss Clark Sunday last visiting Mr,C,Boseenberry'. ---ON -vlfnere Assessor and Thoa. Androw Auditor „ visiting relatives in the Parties S r e quiz - .-Mr. Phillip Hauch has had his res - I1101. Goods'is c0;nnplete. of Pickering is vie '% �] r respect for their deceased village. dance repainted and otherwise repair Saturday', hine rot showed their J �— friend by attending the funeral in body and Dag Cjl(�thio g will ed.-1Ir, Thomas Rye who for some marching at cite head of Abe proceesion, ► •*'+ time past has been, in the employ of, 'We have an elegant assortment Deceased leaves ,& widow, two sons, and 'a i J „ Mesars, Appel & Zeller as coat -maker, - �' daugliter, and a large circle of friends .to glrlttont. well o E' r`�,II� lef'tlast Alonday for his . home iii wy , $ e Hai Bargains at Spatial of PRINTS, GINGTIElI14S,f)x3AL� morin his loop.' The, sorrowing' friends p , p � � oming Ont. Tom was a general favor a LIES, VET�UNA CORDS, DEL have the sympathy of the entire neighbor- BRiivrs --Rev. C: Pletcher preaches in e Pl'1c9$ OI1 tl at (�a DO ' ' their "affilotion: The remains were a s sola! sermon to the l�irkton tent y . ite'among the boys, and he will be very r, x hood in1y much, missed,—We understand that no miss it. p. RINDS, Etc., from 5c: psi` yd. up, interned in Elimville K. '0. T. a4 . on Sunday next. R.$6.50 -Suits..] �7 Fletcher has improved the appearance �lia.ey Mr. Harry weber has taken his place, NICE,PARASOLS'FOR,50c, &_ --+— -Mr. J. A. Williams has taken Mr. Space forbids quoting ricbs TltueTa.AY97) OQDiIIINATIGNP. of hl6 house by 'giving it a newcoat ^¢�'!] p `7- b 75c. EACH ; , of dint. are extra '. V C� lu.el Wm. Johnston to learn the milling here, 1TUt a call will sat- ' nn o alar But chore is one form of buslness:-Mr, W. Cameron Smith of >, Are p p Satiooi. RnPORT.-The following is r Ileusall was in town mi business lvlon- 1St OU that it TS a ; MENS &BOYS i�TRA,HATa trust against whichno one has anytbtng to y y the repot of the I irkton school for JDalanoe � Z�` FOR 5 CENTS. say. .That is the trust which the public the month 'of Ma day last. -Some of our young men cut ' n Eiood's Sarsaparilla, and file Y. glh9 report is J�LLrgilln Day. reposesin P , based on attendance '* recitations quit a swell these fine evenings, OUR :SPECIAL BARGAIN THIS best of it is the trust is fnlly justified by s >. ' 1�� e� ��OC� at a wonder if there is any more than the i the merit of the medioino. kor, remember, punctuality and'conilucr ;—Jr. III:- Y „ „ Terhas Gash Or Pioduco at week'. 'z pound of good •B'akin i walk which attracts their attention, p g Hood's Sarsaparilla Curse.. V, ,Tameson, R. Shier, �. 13. Leigh.-, aY' � 1 1 Sam says he did really think it was Cash Prices. Powder and Large,, Glass. Pitcher _ Sr. III. I F. Marshalls P. Doupo, I, � very cold up there 1 ; perhApa it ' hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do Bre thou r. tl Jr, IV, -R, Hazelwood, L. tyDo. for 35c, Do_nat fail td seethe this g ` not purge, pain or gripe. sold- by all Wiaeman,;Fi, Barr. 'Sr IU,—S.Doupe �_. �^}��/Il�l1p� f/r/ e��•yy prize. druggists. N. Switzer, E. Robinaon. —IV,- L, J. HALL? Ma. Fred, Long of at. Marys, has so. A WWI t"]r'YI f LLERr Jameson, M. Davis, M, Tufts. ' cspted a aeition as clerk with T, A alara ~ R. S.,FORD & CO,. AIinard'e Liniment cures Dandruff. DasilwOod. p � 1 Sz Co., London. g.