HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-1, Page 8I1v15i3i1ANClt: k revtties, 84afoYth Die yPoxire. eTWvish�s: Ol & itande Mr, )t'tn l)a-w is moving into - Mr, A. All orders far the above tvoxks can be ~� tl?rtYli+"l3rn(�`i',c5t'aF•�`i'�F011, CuWvs pelt/ house an INilliam•st. tion q a li Fish's barber shop, Satisfan a S�' 1`ftTi GY1.Ea7"]EA#*I d 85i7Re1Ni� oQ�T, r tion t{uaranteec7, J t.;aring received a vary lino --� r 1 ' ". 3 fo `. � LBS.f0r Z(ic. is still price � P.Lx�T, of 7.orout": also for tile PUMNIX ,, \lr II,' from i'aronto last weelr. .,cad it I ill our' pxics ,5 3rifCs ilz`SU>Ad1dCF CQ1VtP 12 y, or i,ancinn; settee toff ti Have yon. X Y G'TtS, ig Our price `foT far 1116, bet 7()C• l*, inland, AI,12A:TCE INSUAMICH acts- The brick it,ork of Mr Jamt+a Gould's there appaara in another colimxn all ad• 12� ?�2i�117 . t�011�Jle-�Ulf�10 -the -best- 15c. Shin- s new resiilence asi Carling -4t fa eotnpleted. vertisemeut e,f interest to. evet•ybod} We ]i1S, Dress Good, worth 800. i�''>1x'y azEu Tan+•l,Y The Htxrau Sail assizes will o9mniex'Icr� refer to #lie South xlsnartcan l�eivine; t I11z°;. • ; ' KINSMAN, L'D.S, D,D,S erich on Monday the 25th of Sept' which has ba.d growtor silo duriug the past OTS. for Tweed Slip 0` Graduato of Royal Cotletro of Dental e God X5 puYsaons. end of the Dental Department of few mouths thus any other preparation on OTS is OL7T pTiGa for ember, CTS, is oily i ice for the psis, lore ttoUntvereits,twwo honors.) d r Now that the sates have had the Spring the market• Pax ilio recall and fa ling itis 5th a larnic it is a ge Iainge!of pan t- � Sptsi&As0nbridBs-werk,and gold an . pa and its a ooiat3crowna• hoxtaeala,inink,it'aabauttinoto 10ak fur wonderful�restorat e. nAfanyuvoluntary it1 g worth 80c. 9best 1240. Prints.: 85 is our price for a Pnre.NitrousO:xideGas.andlocal anatsthet attnahiuy weaihar, g tot for painless extrRritions. Alwarsat horns. testimonials, from he people of this coat- T,1adieS'Tipped �o1lg(?la. Office: 5'ensoa`s Bloch. Exeter. Mr, J, T. We0cott has been appointed mutiny are at hand and will be publi,hed (�,Z'r5, 1S OLlr pl'iC@ for LBS. for $1•QQ 15 oL1r � '•'� "^" fishers{ Travelling salesm:in by Covera in due course. The medicine is sold by C. Boot worth $2.00. Brea. of the (Halt Naraery. Lutz: tvbo is sale ageut for Exeter. Try a �Ladies' Tweed 4 price . for the best 40c. CRkyo� Yoicmktszra-iYfies Ai, V. White bottle. Rubber11C]1C111ar�i Crth ,`1 c�• is now prepared to do portraits in crayon- $ Japan Teel,, 'Try a polind and in �� 1S OL1T pries for a S !S life size. orders to bo left az residence. klocution. ]Recital. $1.75 is Our price ' for file *be convinced. 1`f1dI1'B 1311ff Shoe tiI'Ol'L11. A large staffof workmen are paabiitg t. e clip the following front the St. est i ,SU UrOOdS. $2.00. #} DIP the Creamery towards completion. Tho ing raferanco t0 apa�rhotnas imea, h having agreement cal a for Its being ccmpleted former esteemed young; lady of Exeter.- ����.a� j � ��� �� ��e ���'e ��°��'�„ �q �� �e� .lune 12th. "The "sweet girl graduate is with us :t, J prices. '+ The council sttlkes the rate, the tax cel- again, and Alma College donned its pre"p"�.r e,'t1�. lector strikes the rata -payer and the rats- tient dr eases last night to listen to thecent. .L JtSI regular �j . payers rtrilce the woods; this is municipal drat ext.mineJation recital given by the l3UTTLR, LGG GI's 0Jl..�1�i •a,� ,A. 01 • East) ball, pupils in, elocution, Nliss Fanny Pinch of + S AND ALL FARM PRODUCE We beg to notify the ileo- Rev iter- %Iaxtin nill.accupy the Main strati,>rd, ani miss Edith IVas ay of TAKEN AS CASH. St. Methodist Church pulpit next Sunday (lravenhurst, a large number of their_ - pie of Exeter And vicinity morixing anti evening -alien the two colt. friends from the city beteg greaenb, " The r ratxxma was cliarminR bulb in iia se- Ale-ars, Rubinson & S arlina of St, t5eZie1. that we bave appointed .14'ir. gregations will unite. P e i n and in the wanner in wh-ch it was p " '�1 The Canadiau Psoific.R41vray has issued Marys last week shipped &ons loads of a, Grigg, .1�Uokseller of .i Xe rendered. The favatita numbers, haws usage to the Spicer, Cuuutry, i instructions that American currency of all ever, Nero t"Death of Paul I7onibey` Mr. B. Spicer, o£ 1+aliinvillo liar signed ' tee, jo be Our A ,gellt, from descriptions, including silver. be accepted itlulcans b' 14ifss i iuclt, Tha remaining CENT. as ar over its enticeslrateni,i l } tits ural! cuutrtict, and willp �chom all oils publications p nutnbera were Lovo ins l3uiloon, 1+anuyduties Ist Jnly :text• The mail will st'nrt SAYE 50 j olid 11ttf'ri3s lila ' bt? had 8t Messrs Nimon of 13xucatield and lion Pinch; The Lowl3ackadtar (Dover) A1iss {xouiEgimrrile and proceed to St, Marys, 1 p � Allan of Goderich purchased a bandsome Pinch; Mary queen of Scots (Bell) t+anulo instead of daily leaving Exeter as at the prices advertised by us. team of brown earriagehorses lrom Messrs K, k>inch,. present', The change will be found sa in - Snell &White ou `aturday----+•--- � convenienttlxatthecowragt wil be re• Mutual �j, ra y=Withconttnan;labletaste anti enterpiis.e, oareofilia 0rchard, voked within three moLtha. Covenant ,l,�Vlutrual Benefit •�•aSSO- many citizens have this spring erected now To any person who takes a tour of the The Chatham liedical Association has iron fences in front of their lawns, and apple orohardtr in this vicinity just after met and solemnly resolved that it fa, from cis .}� tion of Gal esb ur f "`1 • otherwite improved thvar premises, the packer has mada his ae'octiou of mer- the standpoint of medical ethics, unbecom ! --- -- - FOR SAz t -VA Rouse and, Lob, chantable fruit, the amollrtt of anlis left ing for any of its manbers to kava their with every accommodation for Sulo 61'behind wilt indioate that the orchards :are names used is connection with the cases H4N, �� W , B1?1RGGREN, W. H. SMOLLINGER, Stent. Terms Easy- Apply to not receiving proper attention. The codliu they treat, and that, in ordfr to make 11. Hoopml, ou T. B. CARLIS0. m0q, is chiefly Ieapolisible for the por•fora- their disposition towards modesty more.. President. Sac=,star y The Huron District Royal Templaxa of liana found in this fruit and apparent to thepreas, a deputation wait with a little upon the newspaper reporters and request Temperance will hold tba#r district meeting attention iia ravages can be materilast of May a piece ce them in future to leave the dociars' Hautes Under 1110 supervision of the Insurance Department of the State of here on Tveaday, Jure 20th A consort lessened- If about wound n be out of the paper, hat say the doctors Illinois. Seventeen years' continuous pyospefity attest its will by lxol+l In the evening by bbe Emerald of old trunks oft he h orLees a abo edi to Pefrom ohWhat of Huron•. -•shall Tnr Tliuxi omit your pt,pularity, and its record Is alisoltitely unassailable, axet Trio. the ground and fastened there, the female names, gentlemen 1 The Teacheraof Ik est .El<urou were in moths which have no wings will go under - -.--n-- - 4 The oonferencehere last week, and on the neath it, and if the cloth is removed about The our ladies of the toren kava 9.6 815 260. eveuing of Ftitlay gave a very pleasant once a week the can be caught and dea. young New 111tiuT&T1,Gt3 1$�2 �wr]tt£til} x- , , and successful "at glome" in the school y formed an,titlil©tic club of sunzo,lG tLXettl- Gain over 1891 X13,170,875, troyed in large numbers, The spraying of . 'l?�,"e, yyy---��� the trees with Paris green solution Afoot bail matgh seas played at %)T Tlt?arl ' l Q iJBr Ce71t, fiaIt has taken a drop of tr 1x cents pax the blossom falls Is very a,i. live, but cera .� K U PT barrel at Saginaw, making the price 45 must beoxer^ zu so ae not to ixxalte the weenathe " t- Tuesday evening be - tents per barrel. This is the lowest pries ,p,�.+4-,u too strong, Franc the n "Cor Cobs" w and ilio in the history of the industry in Mlc?';pai." ' e, I� raucestaivn "Corn Cobs whish result- RECORD (3F FINANCIAL NANCiAL ST1�t1�iT11�1G: If yrui aontainpliM; nu#„t3"away for the Personal, ed in a draw. A return match will bo 42,000 Store auinnrel K�a.4;; have Tzix Timr6 sent to Mr, R. H. Collins was in London cn played Friday nightatiheFairgxaunds, Mantbersliip ezeoacis � art2�'" ddress, Youwilf.hua be enabled E(;o{�iciN{Y s a Moudny and Gadsrf,ih on Tuesday, cn ECONOMY svo received too late. for Insurance at risk exceeds ..• 100,o00,U00 to keep pustfld ell what was going on dui• busiiiese.-air. L. kT. liiakaon lean fu this issue a proof copy of the proceed- Paid to Policy holders exceeds „• 1,000,{l00 R I�. ins our abseuce• Woodstock on Tuesday on business ilii. tugs of the West lluron Teachers' Is Assets exceed For WALL �� „ t,l�, CSAR- } Elliottssociation held in Exeter last week, Surplus over Liabilities csxcaeds .,. 850,000 � . II'h Hat the aohaoT trustees now shako Prod. Elliott returned from the I4orld'e 8 � ,^ T�i"til i Lit CURT. UNS, a utove in tete matter of having their Fair ou Mondax, whither ho had gone an and as it will be stale natter fer next Bi lllonthly Income exceeds ...... 25a,L�0 ,,,► , election coma off same tints as the muni, business,-Alessra John anii `.rhos Caun week, it would be a wat-ta of space WEALTH. ��Government deposit exceeds ART �I•[,} SLINS,and DADO cipal election? The change would be a left „u Friday last to attend the World'a to then publish it. The :secretary is very desirable one. Fair. They will be absent sumo weeks.- aite aware that Ivo go to press 'Ned- The Worlds best -Unique, Moderu, Scientific. WINDOW BLINDS. Mrs. Chas.Eaorett and daughterBur,ice,of q The now G. T. R. tine table coma into Sarnia, Irlio have been visiting friends in nesdays and might leave made it a- -r7' efrectMonday,but makes verylittte differ- plint to have the copy or proof in our For rates' and other information apply to 1,oli i3lttise iL nlistalt.$ if once in the tithe of arrival of traina at town fez some time, left for hours last hands in due time. Wztll a rush of this de of the evening brain from the week --Mrs, Reid is improving in health series ondence it is impossible to "put L. D. VINCENT, District General Agent; Exet4r• you miss 1136 llitrgfTiliB ill p , somovrhat.•-•Air.R, 8andt•ra, who attended P g0uS8 Furnishings. south being half an hour Tatar. the races at Toronto lastweek, met with a up" lengthy reports within n Ealy hours By the report of the Ontario Avricul• seriona ace'dent while there, by the grand of going to proal. tural college at Guelph, it is shown that stand giving hav, Over 800 peapla fail to tl'ho South lluron Orangemen will Ill gall Pal we show there were during the past year 1.59 stud• th0 ground, andwhile many had their arms calebrata the i2tli duly in Ei:eter 0� without any exception, 1118 outs, of whom 181 were Ontario boys. 'The broken, Mr, Sandell escaped with a badly deapite the erroneous reports. Government oxpendituro was $59,2Ci1. sprained leg, He cannot walls without 60,000 lbs. wool wanted at the R. finest stock in Western tan- The Clinton New Era has been wrongly the aid of a staff, -A number of our Till Exeter Wov11ell Alills. Highest cash $A?i0, 'We want your opin- informed when it nays that the Clint'n agers atteudett the funeral of the late t in Exee team played againsta senior team Walter'Hill of Stephen, at Fai•fiLo Tues- Pr>Go Paid CLOTHING 'OCT Of o Ir Papers. in Exeter. ,The fact is, the roam was only day afternoon. -Airs. James Loadman organised a few days and had had no leaves this week for a six weeks'viait with practise, friends in Almonts, 1liiub.-Alr. Wm, Ale - J. S'T +W P;T• The y that nCanadaicau thinks, a not 1vhereh left a red &Tuessy for Toronto, DEPARTMENT unlikely that Canada may capture the where he has adinred a ao thtan as book gol,1 inidsl at the warid'a Fair ter the keeper in a loading house there ed be. D. le j beat display of tropical planta. And yet Jolxus Mordsyreceived a thorn -Ai beagle 1 is the country that is too far north to dog from a mart in Ingersoll -Air. �I'tn. x amount to anything l and dins Bessie dont who have been 3: � 0 � � T � We regret to announce ilia death an spending the past month at Lente, loft on Saturday, of All., Walter Hill of Stephen Tuesday for London, --Ur. wnt. Daw and township. For some time, owing to finals- wife returned from WoodAock on °Thurs- sial troubles, his mind Lad boon derau ed day night, where they spent the 24th with g ' friends• -•Mrs. W. Collins and family ofAND SOIN. and bis death resulted as a natural sou Blenheim are visiting her mother, Mrs. sequence. Templeton. -Mrs. W. S. Dingman of just to hand a choice lot o The leoburo 3u the lames 5t, Church � �'�T�^h/� 7•'►'r�7 1Pi'j• _OTHI�G in Notice to Times' Readers, Stratford,is the guest of her mester, l�,l�le `c�,Yl�. l�, „�„?r„} 1j.1 d�,u on Friday evening last by J. R. Clarke e- Mrs. (Rev.) McDonagh. -illi. \�rastern T7ta pttbldshera sooiitd esteem it u favor if the subject of ' `John B. Laugh" was large- readers tcottici,uhen making their piircf:aaes, ly attended, by an appreciative audience, of Detroit is visiting at I4Irs. Sweet's, De Laynes. Memfs and Boys' at prices that mention that they saw the morch:nt's advcr- who listened with rapt .attention to fibs Huron-st. He leaves for the World s ��j, J tisement in Tits Tzaiss, eloquent address. Fair, where be has been engaged to play yv'l� Se7 •j- (~ e• - Arrangements are almost completed for the cornThese are the GOOdS which et at a salary of $5 per day.- .1L uJ a +. the coining 12th July colAbrstion, and the lir r red Bee of Parkhill is the guest of But bills giving{ particulars will be issued in a his uncle, Mr. R, Gidley,-Mr. Russell are taking the lend for light made-to-order �% : 1st 1893._fear days, ;ieme of the most prominent Manning, who is attending the Toronto s11ff11Yier wear, and 011r'S lel made-�to-order Suits a specialty THURSDAY, JUNE ,spaakers will be present and. altogether it university, is home for a few days, at- tD At AQP $�i:ti�QS. promises to be a gala day in Exeter- tending the wedding of his brother the Stock- to choose from. off' ours. We g uar`antee first - LOCAL farmers of the district are feeling Wilbur of Clinton, which took place We are Showing; them ITT a �e a� `y'� The �reamerY, jubilant over the crop prospects since the Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs, Washburn of el, y 'weed god �tt�erk=vnan'. . banefici.:l showers of Friday last. ,T3iiy Lambeth spent Sunday the guests of Mr wonderful. variety of patt�erift3 O�� 1L �%ee�. �.J�'i�a�'�+�a�.r�lt r znae6�tng of the shtrrohu%3ers in the claim that the wheat is farther ahead this and Mrs. D. till. -111r, Geo. Willis of and colorings at pliCBS from ah] Exeter Butter and Cheese Mfg. Co., to, year than it has been at this time in any Detroit is very ill at his home.-lAr. and P. gather with many prospective patrons, in Previous ear since 1881 and'82.•--Brandon 25C to 40C per ald, was never better all to the number of abort seventy five, Sian,} Syn. Mrs, Verity and Percy have arrived _ p y n� was held in the town hall on Monday. safely in London, Eng., but Mr. Verity The meeting was a very unanimous one Rev, A, L. Russell, 111. A., B. A. of is very low. -Mrs. E. Braund of Brant- �•�1 and much enthusiasm prevailed. The im• Exeter, has been unanimously invited to ford is the guest of Iter parents, Ir. and Lace �1i�.rtai�l�' (� ����K 0R 3L1 V�� ,+► pression sought to be stamped upon the the pastorate of the Arnberstburg Motho- Mra. D. Spicer. -Messrs, Jno. and Jas. minds of the public that the Davia-Rankin dist Church by the Quarterly Oficial Redmond have been - visiting their Car et Etc✓. , Co, of Chicago had overcharged, or rather Board, to aucceed Rev. AT, H. Gane,wheso sister, Mrs, John R. Dignanof town and % have `� a �O e� a� ""tilled" the shareholders, as manv pus. term expires, and who, it is said will come also their mother and many friendsat rile people have put it, was entirety ilia- to Exeter. Fannsville, for the past two weeks•-• We have something new polled, when they came to the full realiza- Weomitsad inaudon in our last week's Mr. John Redmond left on Friday in. Curtains which. t'P@ Would "Rh LING tion of what they were getting -the finest issue of the Crediton Band furnishing morning for his home in Seattle,Wash, BR 0% S factory in existence, and the most approv- music for the occasion of the 24th May. ' like bq show you. Have you CAR ed methods and machinery for the =an u- This band is composed of 14 members and lalling an Exeter lady as a life pactnet, facture of butter and cheese. The firm is a credit to the little village as also to the We wish them success.- Mr, James examined OUY Tape Bound has a reputation at stake and cannot afford leader, iter. M. tinter. They will likely Redmond leaves in a few days for his Edge Curtains at 50c a pair2 to play the "shark." The shareholders again play in Exeter on July 12th. responsible position as station agent in Yesterday in London Police Magis- t 4 become more determined at every meeting Local municipalities will bear in mind Leeds, North Dakota. If 7101, 110 so, In Cial'pBtS,we one of thorn by having them ready for the trate Parke gave his decisionintheliquor (market at two .years old. 'Ail that ie ie - to forward the project and operate the that the vote to lye taken upon prohibition -- -�---- show Tapestries from 250. cases, to the effect that solar time must i mired is a little extra care• factory to the fullest possible extent, 0011- at the next municipal elections into be 'We extend our congratulations to upwards Brussels, $1, Up- govern. The decision gives nearly a q , sidering the number of ,cows procurable taken at the expense of the municipalities, r d Mrs. Jos. S. Rarve , whose p half hottr longer during which bars may An interestingivenease of a violation of iho this season, which is between four and five and will doubtless be the means of pro M an y wards Wool and. Unions at be kept open at night. liquor licence age was settled in London hundred. Articles of incorporation are to venting -many elections by acclamation, as union in wedlock took place at 'Port r lt6onday. The commissioners made it as e drawn at once and the company legally there will be object in doing so as far Hope on May 24th. IYIr.. Harvey is all .prices. n Terrible Cyclone. part of tlxe conditions of the license that b d with unlimited capital, Milk a t sex ease is concerned, as there must well-known to everybody in this section, V A�nAr�n Mo., :lily 27:--A terrific sig the bar rooms trust be closed at 10 formed an p a h m:: Some of tho hotel'keepers kept" routes will be lot at once, and everything be an election inane avent. while Mrs. Harvey (nee Miss Hill) is cyclone struck haddenia, a small town . 0 opening the factor in a the dau hter of Mr. George Hill a well ten iniles west of, here, last •evening at 6 open till i0.25 soler time and they were put in shape for p g y Few towns in the province can boast of g Hosiery and of weeks. Farmers whohave not �©w� o'c7,ock, killing Jack Wills of Farber, eunimoned for. violation of, the law, ::Tho -: couple a finer lot of handsome shade trees on its to do farmer near] Hope; olid cousin y case was ;triad and the magistrate gave solicited b the canvassers for milk of Mr J P. Clarkemerchantof this place, �1 Mo., and seriously injurin six others; been }? atreet8 and On private grotbada,thQnFiXeter + �>. loves. completely destroying' several large Lia deaiaian'.in favor a£ ilia llatCl keepers ,.. are invited to join in and send their milk can and at this season of the year the An ' at Lome was held on Monday also p Y and solar tithe. to this factory. 5rou cannot afford to green folia a greatly adds to the evening last at theirresidence Thames business houses andAved*eilings, Many beautiful g make butter at horns when an opportunity appearance of .the lace There is nothin road, a large number of friends and We carr the largest and, persons were 7Yadly bruised'. µ to very much better your situation is offer app . helps the look of a lace like nide trees relatives bein resent. A pleasant yR.gUUMATIS9 n: terms certain to benefit your ;that h p P Isla i e g P best selected tS+tOck .Uf these od you o and we are glad to see that several more evening was spent. Killed by Lightning, i RHEGRAT{.0 Parr _ condition, finoncl+tlly and otherwise. Bond a planted out this a nn s 1T1 tOW11 imported w7r1NIP, , May ,19. -During a thun- g t .. jgEURALGIA have been p spring. , ilk give the s stem ` a trial, and The Epwbrth, 'Lea);ue of Alain at. Goods p rstorm in southern Manitoba yester; and kindred gest' s your milk, g } Exeter ladies have always been' noted de that ou are going to reh held an orange social on Tuesday diroct from,, Europe by our., li Peters, -a well-to-do fariner' � araduetonongestlon ' show your neighbor y g g. for them extreme modesty, but a Hansell cliu o day taco beginning in the procuring be.church was beautifully deco-' of ttpro ucoof ease a profit firarn the tragi g P � Irl who as in town recently put them. evg. ,r , , �@ are Selling 2 'TS of Rhineland, while worizng ini'the a tbatprodnopaterman p e fact of there w P vers and ictures. - The SelvbS, g p,. of s draitieed prices: : Th the shade. She wanted to bn a rated with flog P i' field was struck by lsgliinxng and in- . Cation, rose a blood in all in }' for 25c. , See acids: 'If the -blood being the milk of nemrly five hundred'wishing,t "se so s wore orange a #oils, the gentle fast Bili; Rose 0 ,tante killed. His horses ran ,avray, b g Leghorn hat, but not . a .radia g P " s Y dooenotaireu3ato,in, cows assures the success' of she factory. he asked fora n e; era ars' A u extended 'Pro- % dra ` ing the body* several xiniles. fiammation in time await for 1000 cows' vulgar an expresatan, a mon ora g Y the fa' , gg n It has; however, c ti Y , "Lsmbhorn hat. 'The clerks were alt musical and literary, was render- _ must;be the insert•^ grain, Gaaiada to newarci Arner qan �ero'em, abla result, Thee` Cl irs milk. _ stuck, and thought that some new line of ed b local talent, The chair was oc g� . y ,, - overn-' � one o Absorbs t ` hats had been bion ht out and they had r. T, McCallum who ave one of the mostpow- 0 of a new wont g cu ted by M t !~ [ ( (3� n fxTarova,' put:, lily 34. -The G We have received a copy _ . • e P , twill' ive to Captain lfieDo>Yaid, of orfut .blood stimul ; 0o failed to . get, it: The boss was. called, t address. vuring intertaisszon ' men g ants known, Itstirh- enititlad ° .Dairyzn for Prgfi.t, or the Poor t o ca a shot Choonex $ustiei, of Moncoster,1,: ,: s' rock. and being a very modest man be a n o rani an' excellent lunch of the s• urates the blood to Man's Caw, by Mrs. E. M. Janos, Bi r and in the program D IREC�T IMPORT-URt3 caught on, reduced the Leghorn ed, 14lass•, a binocular glass, and to J. J. action, reetoriue the ile. the beteg is Invaluable to farmers S produced oranges, cake lemonade ata was sere v l made the sale. Not seem an of tile: C�roll and'Henry„colt, tiwo of his sea �,. cirouiationt r h dTo! arested in dairy in , 'and con g Teo ether rho sociAl was a successful an tliose:snt y. 1i when he of through, be instituted A g xuen; a silver water pitcher apiece for:. C y once estabhebeddls- 1i calhn on Mr, T. B• _olanlis w g 8 : e ecta oredit' u on the young „ be procured flee y g, catch and found them' in the trimm n' one and x 1i P caro Ynust Douse. ickilo a s Ir bravery 'tri' rescuing lite crew oE' the i W coiling. xoom where they had retired and dul eo re of Magri at, church Proceeds 20, f I+unenbeig,' C'attaot�xOvvrca ' l y p P schoenen Anna Mara, a'LONDON, ONT Iilnard s Liniment paras Dandruff. fainted. last February V