HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-1, Page 6� 1-1, , , , , I ­ ­ ­ I . � , ?.0 I I . r',� O� r 11 I I I .i� . At 3 �� , , - , I - . ; . .1, 11 ��� � I , ! 1!9 I w I p I � 11 I - : I .1 . ��� - � �� , �. / "I'll, -1 . �_ , I I ... � I �� :14 I Both the method and results when S upof igsistaken;itis easaut I I . iefr ing to the t te, and acts ti rompt.1yont e ' neys, . owels,cleansest es s- tem, effectually, ispels co , S, a - � aches and fevers and cures a i al constipation. S rup of Figs i a only remedy o:� its kind ever - I � duced, pleasing to the t4ste an ae.- I ceptable to the stomach, pro tin IN'" -- , its action and truly bereA i.. its etTects, prJared only froux the most � he4ltbyan agreeable substarices� its* manyexce,Uentqu.ilitiescommeudit � to all and have made it the most popular remedy know n. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75a . . 'bottles by all leading druggist& I Any reliable druggist who may not ba,ve it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ,SAN FRANOISCO, CAL. I A,�,=V1X.LZ,Xr. =W-XQ=,Zir."9 I Vor Sale at C, Lutz's J)rug Store ..'� ..... 11,11 1`-,1,:.,1:,. I.— ----,-,----- , 1AMINIANNIIIIN101111ALA � - � �U�l , , � - We A oortsir W spe4t cum for I 00J4lo­Ab4Xoa41md0kAdhIna1l1%x 11 `� , I 1 : I , I I . . Ilk I . I --Ir - I 11 "I""I's atativa. � �� SOOTHQ4.0, CLEANSING. C " 1 1711EALINQ� � Insfant fiefiet, Permanent I ; J7 Cure, Failure Impossible. , , - Many so-called disum are Symptoint. *9 c6turb, each Utpll U " re ach p*rtiAI4eAfta&s,lowbCr­1;oc1 , - 0 _ ,to ,,a, i. 4=411,Lyou� breath, hawlin 4:41 $pit. - , - _h. . .; x i U slausea. conerski soolliti of do. billYt`y, etc. it you *To troolt oil with GUY 01 131464, or kindX04 6" or a �*T , an a 4 a U ai o'?�".'R.'I', [.0 W, I= sk bottle ,of XAvAL I.M 1.4 wrinca in time. noxlWo4 0914 4 Wn mid rovulto In cat"I.. lot. law by onlongtien and deLth. JiAiU�PATX;1201 ,7atLQr499WX labajonkpottpo 'I 'i Vnr"O�pto I .;UdJ"Qoo�rZooZ,vq y&dd.-*uL=X FULFORD & ' brockviff";.o.t. 1, 11 I 0-I I — --"--. . "' READ -MAKER'S 2111M Olt _11, WM.,&ISW . b KEYM FAU TO DIVE SATMAOTION b 'FOR SAILE BY 'AU 'OEALIERM r ME RV S X=YZ BEANU are a now aw covery thm cure the worst casez of Nervous Debility, Lost Visor and BEANSFaillug Xanhwd; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over. ,work,.or 1" errors, . __ - . - .. 4 "..- ­. ­_ Jolutely cures the most obatinate cases when sill t . TjLvrAaxv:xTa have failRd even to relieve, Zold . at $1 per packav, or six for 45 � _, or sent by Z'Sipt of price by oddrming THE JAMES Mr 12 eo� jloronto,Ont, WritA.-torptualthlet. Sold . __ r%1r 1) CAni ERS1 'D � ITTLE .— ' � I � IVER : PILLS. I 1, L I . lffiiffilllk� im IR mr-W I IF &_"w � Now RE � Sick, Headache and relieve all the trouble -i inci. . dent to a bilious state of the sy.stem, such as 1. Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after I eating Pain in the Side. &a. While their most reinurlable suc�csq has been shown in curing I . '. S.1 0 K Headache, yet CAnTca's LrrTuK Ltvrm Pims are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com�hxftvt. while they also correct all disorders of t a stomach, I stimulate the liver and regulate the bo*w els. Even It they only cured " am ro . P" 12 Vat& ` .i Ache they would be almost priceless to .botte who surer from this distressi% complaint.' but fortunately their goodness oes not end here, and those who once try them will find I theso. little pills valuable In so, man waysthat they will not be willing to do witiout them. . But after an sick head ow I I A C,;,- ft is the bane of so many lives that hero Is �Iiere . . we make our great boast, Our pills extra it I while others do not. . . CArtTXn'aLrrTv,r r"VERP'LlSareverysinall I and voi7 easy to take. One or two pills make � � . A dose. Tb�y qare strictly vegetable and do �. . norgripe or purge, but by their gentle action . Elease all who use them. In vials at 25 cents. ve for $1. Sold every-mlvere, or sent by mail. � , , OaT23 XEDWITZ GO,, Now York, . I L' I I kna-11 ED. lhlall. Dole. I Imill NO& I . . � � � . - I ' ((Ify friend," began the solemn manwith � � the red nose, 11 we all are dust." " (4owin!" :L . replied the new policeman, "or 'I'll soak I I - tv rit vVill.) a Mt " - � . 1 you, q,n, tN­ , 9 .M,� . .1 1?. ­qd; 099? : - � ­ � . I I . .. 1� I A . . Hardup-" The amount of your bill, C=* � tor, has made me feel qnite ill." Doctor : .(gl0ef11l1Y)-" Has it, �qir ? Then I suppose, � . you will want me to attend you profession. I allv again 91 � . � �. I � I I i r I I . I I I �. I " � I . , I � . I I I I � 'O ,� When 13aby 7ag ellck, we ea,ve liar Castotill, I � I . When sli., was� a Child,she cried for Castoria. . I � I .1 I I 1 I I -9 ia, I Whom she 6ocaine Xf. , she clung to Casto) r I I 1. I I I . L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'll ",,,""I'll, "I'll", : . . . . . . he gave them Cast6rA . 11 I � I 1. L . ''. I I I I :L/0 %�� , ! 1. 11 ­, 11:� I , I . . . , � I I , . � . � 1. � , , ­ I � I . . : I I . 1� � I — I ---.- .1 I ffitm�olllm I I I � AGRIGULTURAT-11 BA'ALEY. the .peach is the most tender. Butthe THE BOSIN Egg WORLD. . But why (10 you V: I bjLu,,# �t. nr , , 'Whatever influence the character of the Niagara peninsula is the most famous peach �_ father?" "BocaussbehasnO prospects, . � : — soil may have, there can be no doubt that distriot, west, of Now Jersey and its peaches ` I Canada's Climate and Agrioultural Cap- the high reputation enjoyed by Canadian virpiiss inflavor those of California; while Alatters or filloillent to sill, whollter, lit r0plied the millionaire, steraly. 11 Bub you � 19 1 . ­ L . abilities. I . six -rowed barley, is lar ely duo to the pe. the ares in Ontario capable of growing Tratte or Ont. forget, father, what good.�rospects Henry , I I I I culiar climate or the bar ey counties of On- The qoId reserve of the Unite would have if you didn't objem" � Nab many in Canada, still fewer else ft some varieties of tbi� fruit covers nearly � 4 Sta:tvs its I I . I I . where, says, a writer in the Rural Canadian, tarloi ,e,.speoially the belt north of Lake On. 9,000 square miles, and attains its most 111-911t, 02,000,000 below legal requiremen... � ... I &r, d appreciate tbo ,vast range in agricultural protected in a measure by the northerly limit on the Georgian bay in a - According. to Professor Rogers, ever , i . forcy I a i6n * ese, i capRbillties possessed by the DomIltionin Lake from .the .excessive beat* of southerly latitude higher than tile peach culture at, poundofectal contains a. dynamic 1, � virtue of its great variety of oulate, Not winds. Chsagesin brewing andotherin� tains anywhere else in America, east of the equal to the amount of work a man does, in " only wheat and the other great cereals of fluences no longer permit this barley to Rocky Mountains. a day'. . U...'rmoalan temperate regions, and the apple, I vine and command the profit of former times ; but TRZ APPLE. I It is estimatea that about i0000.ow gal - peach are cultivated, but, strange as it, may thera.la hope that as English malsters be. Ions of cider are drunk in the Dominion Of 99 seem to many, even the fig, the almand, the "me acquainted with the grain it will find The apple, the yet leading frait of Canada Canada yearly. About 150, , 000 barrels of I within limited areas. United States, astern counties of Englan (1,, the sweet in which up to the present has been the sole ery agricultural portion Of Hereford and the rough in Devon. The law that holds throughout the vage- market for Canadian barley. For two. grows it, and over 9, stretch The receipts of the rs,ilroado owned, by FO'V I � a large sale in the profitable English barley and America, finds its highest developmerlb cider and parry are annually made in. the -pomegranate, and cotton may, be grown market in lieu of in the in Ontario, both fix productiveness and w . 'Syr quality v tableworld. that each species reaches its tile li,�AnRce r medl. . � rowed barley too, there is reason to think Of bundreds of miles, the large apple or- the . Belgian Government increased fr., A Cough I highost development, or perhaps rather its that Ontario is fitted in sk higher degree ohards of almost every farm make a o - c1ne � should be abso. I .1, gt�atestproductivaness, towards its colder feature of the larldsom an $9,000,000 4nnually.to close on 8,215,W(1,000 than perhaps any other part of this contiu� pe. The lutely reliable. , A -in our case its northern -limit,, operates ant, and perhaps quite as suitable as any =' limits of the apple in Ontario within the last fourteen years. . andbroup mother must be able it2�,�, in Canad a in 4 manner unequalled, anywhere are not yet known, but some varieties may Victoria's customs returns for last month else in either at the Americas. The reason part of the world. The trial made of Chev- be r a -mounted ,0,79.325.34, The im Medicine. pin her faith to it as io-,1 for this is obvious. The distance from alier barley has, it is true, not been an. 1. ,,Own on the south tilde of the little ports were her Bible. It must coarag But this barley has long been ,kg abounding in the wilderness uorth of valued at $340,121, and exports at $33,514. south to north in which cereals may � Lake Huron. At Rainy River, away beyond Theinlauld revenue returns totaled $13,. contain nothing violent, uncertain, ,,. grown in"; be cultivated in the Dominion, in he cool summers, of England, and LakeSuperior, the "Northera Spy," a 778.61. or dangerous. It must be standard tends. over 1,600 miles, or from the lati- cannot endure the hest of the Ontario . tude of Rome (nearly 42 degs.) aa in south. summer. It is likely that should the two- variety of good size and excellerib quality, New Weetminster's customs returns for in material and manufacture. It I ern Ontario, to the, , latitade of middle or rowed barleys of Austria and Hungary, approaches Manitoba with suggestions as to last month were as follows. Imports-Dati- must be plain and simple to admin - northern Finland, as in the MacKenzie where the summers are practically similar what may be done in that province byplant- ablegoods, 6'21,770; free gooda812 ) . 1733- - River basin north of Peace River. Very to those of Ontario, be introduced, the re- Ing very hardy fruit trees in situations pro- total, 834,503; duty collected, $8,5912�80 - ister; easy and pleasant to take. . few amongst us realize that the single Prov- sult will be, P. marked success, and as these tectedagainat frosty antumn winds by the other revenues, $69.20; total $8,662. Ex-' The child must like it.' It must be ince of Ontario reaches south and north barleys command as high a price as the best waters of a lake. ports -Mine, $433;fisheries, $1,987; fdrest, prompt in action, giving immedi- from Pelee on Lake Erie, to Albany on English barley the stimulus given to Cars. VI' .TEY,&JtDS. S292, animal and produce, $161 ; manufac- ate relief, as childrens' troubles James' Bay, over a distance as great as that than agriculture would in that event, be, The cultivation of the vine in Ontario is tures, $424 ; miscellaneous, $50; total ex- come quick, grow . fast, and end I between Lake Brie an(l tile ricareatwattArs very great. I assuming great importance. The area in On. ports, $6,364. tario slid western Quebec adapted to the fatally or otherwise in a very short. ­ - �, of the Gulf of 'Mo\ico,_the bay of Mobile The capability of the N.Lorth-west for . , The unfortunate Australian baulu still time. It must not only relieve cluick inAlabama. In this Ontario range alone is barley growing has not yet been fully test. gra,pe, in at least as great a degree m some con tinne to go under with distressing reg. enibraceathe region of the greatest praline, ed, but considerations of climate would ill. parts of the Rhine v0loy where wine is an ularity, and the recurrence of the failure of but bring them around quick, as . industry of great proportions, has been twervess of Judia-4 corn, a tropical plant, dicate that over a considerable area towards three or four banks involvingfrom. S50,WO,- children chafe and fret and Spoil and barley, a cereal of the far north, grow. the northern border of tile prairie countr estimated at about 3D,000 square miles. 000 to $70,000,000 in one day is now received I their constitutions under long con- . mg in ,ionic parts of the world up to I and and extending in y The average yield per acre of the vine - .to tile Edmonton country, as almost a matter of course. Until public finement. It must do its work in beyond the Arctic Circle. The fact, In its English two -rowed barley can be growli yards, from the Ottawa to the Detroit, confidence is restorcaevery existing move - is said to be greater than in Itrano ' moderate doses.. A la.,;;e 4hautity Important, for it may be truly isald that,the portions a sombern. Ontario a I in tary institution is in danger, and commerce I)earing on Canadian agriculture, is most ,with great success. f the average will continuedemorallsed. one province referred to, cariproduce I GRAISS AND ItOOTS, per acre is twice as great as in France, and of medicine in a child is not desira- " Ps�r' What is true of the capacity of CatiaJo, some vineyaris show the highest yield re- In referring to the difference between the ble. It must not interfere with the fection, every great wheat crop grown in in wheat and barley is equally true of it in Carded in Amprive, Qr in the world. Tile purchasing power of monev betwegiv, 1492 child's r, ts, appetite or general I the United States, with the two exec tions regard to oats, peas, and r;ot crops ,, in varieties oblefly grown are derived from the and the . present time, ill; Engineering & health. ese things sidt old as of cotton and tobacco, and in the latter SpIli'll, fact, over an tire,% of more thavi a million native Labrusca, and besides being more Mining Journal, quoting from a, calculation well as young folks, and make Bo� I case, the exception seeTna rather a matter of square miles th ce crops may be grown prolific than any other grapes known, enjoy published by Professor Rage in a German chee's German Syrup the favorite Soil constituents than of climate. I wherever the soil is fertile and lit each and immunity from' damagi by thati American paper, shows that the first, expedition of " INDIAN CQUIT. I all of them the belt of highest development parasite phylloxera which is now playing Columbus cost ribout, r4,3000 of our nioney, i�ily medicine. (D It May be surprising to those who do not land &reatest prod notiven sea, Ilea almost ex. havoo with the vineyards of Europe. which seems a Very moderate sum. for the I O.Io4ely follow the returns of the Agricul- clusiv.elyinCanadalauterrttory,. Nyiththis Southern Ofitoirio,ia comairm with ad. equipment of three vessels. Columbils was . tural Bureau, to find that on an average of superiority in productiveness, of the great jacent portions of western Now York and paid as admiral ouly at the rate of $320 a I many years ta.L-en by t . he United States 1011, cro goes as a livatter of coarse, a the northern tier of counties ju. Ohio, ap- year -, his captains received $16 a month, i THREWHY HIS CRUTCHES � � Department of Agriculture, ard the Ontario comarkahla, adApt-edaess for stock ralaing pears suitable in ok higher degree than any and sailors from $2 to $2,50. Otherexpentes I . AfR70" YOARS OF 71-URRIEL9 ­­­ of Industries, the Province of OA- and dalryiug� Altogethor the facts of the other part of America east of the Rookies. were in proportion. Men's tastes were simple I -s vm- iLr R1 IVQ. tarlo is exceeded in Indian corn production Canadian clima,te aftordabundaut reason Southward of the Lake Brie district, the and their wants few then I per acre, by only one Statt, of the American for Canadians to have tall, confidence in the excessive beat and moisture largely redi= MOatr0al'whele.,itle tra�e, as a whole, has A , I Uuion-Missourl, and the excess there 111ture ; to them is given the agricultural tl.�i crop by mildour, arld. have led to tile ruled quiet for some time put. The cold � r4 INTM�ESTINQ HISTORY. ; b%rely amounts to half a bushel of shelled dominance of America, and all that this !in. abandonment on the banks of the Ohio of spring and late opening of navigation no � I corn. The great corn State of Illinois, plies. some of the extensive vineyards which doubt contributed in some degree to this - . , grows per exre but little more than tvvo� YRUMOROWING. formerly existed there. In Ontario mildew state of 0fairs, but even with the opening 11 � - I 11 .. I thirds the product of Ontstrio, and the Fruit growing is so much more influenc� is not a formida,ble eneirty, it is easily corn. of navigation there came no very approci. . N� . . , , Province setually produces per sere six ed by winter cold than by summer beat batted wid rarely ill at all injurious, able improvement. In the grocery trade �, : . Y, times as mueh as South Carolina. Yet that the great capacity for grain growing Ju fact it May be said that in the south. Iran the inactivity been particularly pro- � . I I Ontario is not a corn country in one sense that is found along a slightfii broken belt ern part of the province the vine is tile most noanced and long continued, and merchants . I . . . -_ of the word; the yield rarely exceeds 12,. from the St. Lawrence valley to the far certain, and least irregular in returns of all. of long experience say they have rarely �;�-;R­ "R I 000,000 bushels of shelled corn. Thia is not north,west has no parallel in regard to the fruit crops grown. Free from tile eAFTY known so small a volume of spring blipiness. I? ... , - from inability to grow corn, but that On� fruit, but tile law still holds, as with grain, So tember frosts which trouble the Rhino At the moment Sugar$ are exciting. conaid- F;�:, .. tario, grows wheat well, while the great that the highest production is fouild. to- Valley , it fullmonth. Ister in the advent of arable interest, owing to the stiveral ad- "., corn States can mat do so, and wheat, at words the northern or colder limit, at each cloudy or rainy fall, weativer, which vances established in refined goods d�rrn , " ­ . . .i the average price of tile past twenty yearst, species, often later fares with the maturing and ual, the last two or three days, avid which in all J has relatively been to us a more prolitable n Eastern Canada, especially in the ity of the grape in middle and norTern amount to about ithe of a cent from recent . `V " ..., .. - :.1 . ;� � " crop than corn. The Ontario County of region of the great lakes latitude, and isarope, aud without the necessity and ex. lowest point. Teas and roost other lines are I 114.��­ , f.:;, . � ,; I , ,"r .., I lWex in perhaps itot surpassed lit the pro. even elevation appear to be subordinated pause of irrigation entailed on the grape neglected mud show some tendency to easi- I � ..,.! I � _Z duction of corn per acre by any county in to situation in re5poot to rivers find. growers of southern California, southern licas. Up to this week the -weather has been /,' , Amerio%, and there, as elsewhere in the lakes both large find small, to an extent Ontario has a capability for grape growing deoldedl unfavorst, a to the so, a a r ng . - Eo,vi.ne,e, there has, of la,ta, owing to the not known elsewhere lit any comparatively that may well challenge tile world. It is fabrics ; country stocks are corn arftt ve I §1 , h r, ' "' h ze of pork, and the low price of level country. In British Columbia ele. no wonder, therefore, iliat wine making has little broken into, and cit retailers have I'll 8 I at, J)". an increased disposition to vallon and the effects of mountain ,,hains developed within a very few years to acou. been dispose to gram le ar, t air only � '�'cean winds are tile chief controlling in. siderable industry -, that thousands of acres V � I , grow corn Nor is the really profitable on moderate 8al a. ourth of Ilay a nients 71 1 �, . I , corn aralt �( Canada confined to Ontario. fluencea in regard to fruit culture. 11, tile are now planted in vineyards and many for six months billis from lot �ovember, I k ., Portions of Quebec, especially near Mont. North West, thus far, the ealtivation Of hundreds of thousands of gallons of claret sold to eastern dealers, were, all things con.- ffil . ­ , , I I , . real, where the warm aeila= is as long as the apple has not been successful , but it is and other wines are annually molvixtactur- sidered, fairly met, butgentral remittances STATEMER OF MR. WM. MONEE. in the more northerly part of the corn area possible that some hardy varieties from ad. are sluggish. In boots anti shoos this is a see. For eight years I was troubled with of the Western States, are adapted for its northeastern Asia may yet be found to on- FRUIT 1.%r DAITISR COLUMBIA. of '"tween seasons," but travelers will a sore on my log which resulted from successful culture. Some of the interior (lure the winter cold of the great plains, The possibilities of British Columbia in soon be en roick. with fall lines of fall having it brokeu. The dootors kept Ine valleys of British Columbia have a high and that there may be a fefv localities in fruit culture are vat y great. The milf coast The spring trade has bean. satia. in. bad five mouths tryin to beal it up, summer beat and a long season without southwestern Alberta and even on tile east* f.lilo,to permits of the cultivation of all the' samp"s, Leather will ba probably quiet bub all to no I I tried all sorts factor purpose. frost,and with irrigation can yield a high ern side of some of the Mattitoban lakes fruits of eastern Canada and several until .)�;I,tiog oil fall footwear becomes gan. of salves, liniments, olutments, PHIFS paid . average production. where some of our finest varieties of OPPIO others besides. Oil the Dominion Experi- oral. Iron &it(] heavy metals generally have blood medicines but -with no benefit. In . maybe grown with some success. The con- mental farm at Agasaiz the fig tree, the been in rather moderate request, but.as 2893 it became so baathat I had to sit THE WHEAT UnGION. trolling influence against fruit culture in almond and the pomegranate are grown. � summer prices are now in force, some In. oil one chair aua keep my foot on an, In regard to wheat little neca be said; the north wee t�-tb a intensity of the winter In the interior valleys, behind tile Coast creased demand ishoped, for. Rawfursare other for fo-ar Trionths, I could not pub tile Illimitable wheat fields of Canada are cold -is the controlling influence also in range, the winter cold puts limitations not offering in any quantity and dealers do lmy foot on the ground or Uve blood would . famous the world over. Here the Reneral the Illasiasippi valley, where the northern on the cultivation of some fruits, but not seem to be very eager buyers. Tannora rush out in a stream and my leg swelled law already stated in.regard to highest lintitof appleculture extends no further the summers are much warmer than on do mot seem to be layinT,iu any great stocks to twice its ristural size. %. productiveness holds in a very Inarked northwikrd than the northern limit Of the the coast, and the conditions tond to secure of bides, and in calfsk . ,no there has been ELEVEN 4RUNNING SORES degree. The great wheat belt of Amer. paach in the lake bordered province of On. X better flavor in the peach, apple and other n 01111, paints developed on it which reduced. me to . some weakening of prices. I % ica-the area of the highest productiveness tario. fruits. I t4nd glass there is a very fair, steady move- a living skeleton (I lost 70 lbs. in four -lies mostly within the Dominion, where But while tile great interior plain may At Spence's Bridge in. the Thompson ment, and values show steadiness. Wool months). Friends advised me to go to . I it occupies hundreds of thousands of square beat be included in the fruit region of Can, valley, which may be taken as e, type of Is 'lot specially active, but prices are firmer the Hospital; but I would not for I knew miles. The northern limit of generally ada, portions of British Columbia and of considerable stretches of river valleys in the a little since the last series of London they would toce my leg off. Ee doctor . grofitable production is not yet known ; the eastern provinces ba.vo capabilities in interior, the month of April is as warm as sales. then wanied to split it open anaserape . ut it is known that excellent crops have fruit culture scarcely rivalled anywhere On a Toronto May, and July is even varrher - . the bone, bu4 1 was too weak to staxid I been raised in the extreme Worth -west the continent, and the fruit industry, than at Pelee in Ontario while the average the operation. One old lady said ithaa I almost as far xorth as the 58th parallel; already very large promises to take a front of the six warm months is as big a at Emsmh turned V'O black ari,s]. as and coulcl while wheat has been grown beyond that rank among the branches of agriculture. far la. al. , gel San Diego. Up the Thompson ng 023W never be cured. I% never board ot latitude. In the valley of the St. Law. Both Nova Scotia an:1 Ontario exporb� distance the peaelit grows, as It does also in Burdock Blood Bitters than, but I reaA rence, and in, portions of the Lake region large quantities of apples, a fruit in which the Okanagan valley, and there is reason to F, Lwml of a minister, Rev. l4r. Stout, who had I partial exhaustion of the soil through the they excel all other states and provinces in think that in these and other inland vxIleys, n been cured Oil% severe itbacesson the neck . .1 over cropping of former years has lowered ,A meriea. The export of INOV& '800tis' thavinetoo with irrigation will prove as by BXX., alter medical aid had failed, 1. the average yield per acre from the returns alone usually amous annually to son's successful as anywhere else in Canada, and silalihotigb6.1-wouldiryit. Iwashed of twenty years ago; but this drw,vback is hundred thousand. barrels, and the prices that fruit growing generally will become a I . the log with the Bitters and took them - I being overcome by the general adoption of Obtained are the highest the 'British mar, large and profitable industry. - . noi-ording to directions. After using one rotailon of crops and generally improved ket offers. Now Brunswick, Prince Ed. - I , I r farriving, and there is reason to believe that ward Island and Quebec grow the pples ____ . I I 11� . bottle I eouli: ,alk on ortitelves, after I I a Cream' — .�," Tartar 'ng three, 1 throw away the crutches, - I with anything Me a return of good prices pear, plum with notable success, and to 'WRECKING AND TOWIA G ACT. - 11 I= a scythe ana went to work in thi � � , area under culth e extent the vine also. F or great var. . for wheat the ration vnth sOm . I � fiala. At the'and of the sixth bottle rny that crop will increase, In 1891, the wheat iety of fruit, Ontario, however, leads the' 'Irwill Take EXect sliortly. so it u Sam. . . . . e - . I iagw"entirslv'�he I a p1picoesofloose This An Ottawa dispatch s-iya,-A pr cli m bone bid ae u production of Ontario wasever 32,000,000 other provinces of eastern Canada. - - - woAad out'ctf I .1 01'6=44 � bushels,; the average yield per acre for a may well be understood -when it is remain. ation will be issued by the Govenoro Gan I Q i 13 � - came back to their naturi _ Ailles-ag n. �series of years has been much higher than bered that in the warmest localities of the oral shortly, bringing into effect the act Of Tbat was nine years ago and it has in almost any State of the American Union province July is warmer than at Vienna, 1892, providing for reciprocity in wrecking never broken out since. I can walk [ and the average reburit has been somethinj Constantinople or Lisbon, while over much and towing in inland waters contiguous .to I I � five miles to -day as last Its anyone, I �over $15 per acre, against a little over $9 lit of the province it is at least -IS warm as at the international boundary. I �,&A.,Kil, -; avia e.11. this I owe to B,. B, B., Wbich I the United States. It is to the Canadian Sam Diego in Southern California. In these The act wair allowed to remain in abey. certalmly saved xny leg, if not rny life. � I . North-weat with its virgin prairies and warmer countries, September maintains a anceo pending the adjustment of certain . I cheerfully recommend it toull sufferers. I I pI %ins that Canada, looks for the bulk of its beat as great as July in the south of Mo E119- complications which &rose soon after its Nes R Give B. B. B. a trial, it will cure you B13 wheat export, There tha climatic inflUencee land; the season entirely without frost a4aption by Parliament. The Government NA it dia me, . . L i are favourable to wheat culture in a degree extends to six and in False to nearly seven OT the United States claimed that the prov. Yours truly, I nowhere approached over any wheat area months ; the most extreme frosts of winter isiuns of the a,et should apply to wrecking P G WD am WX McMus, St. lye- P.O., Ont. i of similar extent. Fr . ever recorded are not so great as have been , 0 am Manitoba north and towing in the Canadian canals, a pro. n JtT. F. C. Sanderson, the druggist of . � ,% eat to Edmonton,. the average tempera. reached in St, Louis, Missouri, and not great. position which the original agreement never rUBEST9 STRUNGEST5 BEST. St. Marys, Onb., certifies. -to the entire I I I � tare of the summer is that of the best wheat er than have been known in parts of Yen. contemplated a -ad one whiell. the Canadian Contains no Alum, Ammonia, Lime, trutbfulness of the remarkable statement I lands of Europe ;and there is a remarkable tacky, Arkansas and Texasv while, general. Government refused to accede to, declaring . Phosphates, or k,ty Injuriant. made by Kr, MoNee andsa-ya that severaI - rarity of both tixcesilive raing and drought. ly speaking, throughout the large area that this country was not propared to give other wonderful cures- iiav� been made iii I L " Manitoba hard" enjoys the reputation of markedly influenced by the great lakes, tile up the control of i to Canals on any account. E.W. CILLIFT-. v�,onto. Ont, L his district. 1 *4 L I being the best wheat in the world, and com- average cold of midwinter is the same as This the American sitipulation would I I I . I mmmila the highest price. This appears to' that in the Mississippi valley two or three amount to, inasmuch as if agreed to, Unit- . . I . I I be due to the climate, the air being dry , hundred miles farther south. In addition. ad States tow boats and vessels generally *19 0 . �, 11 tile daytime warm and the nights cool. In To the influence of the great lakes, there is could claim im mu nity from our canal regu.. I '.. - ... -1 4 11 -, -V . i -,4, occasional years just as in Dakota and Min- felt also the influence of the thousands of lationi altogether when engaged in wreck. - ,%. nesota, damage is done'to late gown grain small lakes which &bound in northern and ing or towing, and, th reby possibly im- 1�_Z�__,_�Z I eastern Ontario, and which by lengtheniiig pede all other tra,fila in he canal as long as ....... - - 4 . by early frosts., but this is being avoided by et � . U I An 0 , ." .1 . I a more general practice of early seeding and the frostless seasons in the ailturril, per. it suited them. ­­ . � I �, I .. is after all not so serious a drawback.as-thp mits many a varitity"of, apple, grape slid At the recent session of Congress, how- - 0 nt � � I - � . , ", � 11 4 bursts of excessive heat, th , In other fralt to be grown northward of their ever, the bill granting wracking and toWing . I . . I d �) . _�. . . . I I ro I"I I ­ I I � 4 1 a ' ag I et rl . . : I . � the rains, that afteet the more ..at usuallimits. 4 . y � privileges in American waters was adopted, � � I portions of this bontinent. Of late, I -ouch Perhaps no better way of indicating the niinue the objectionable canal clause, and C � I � � I I I I � .,:, - I .1 * P re Cod Liver OU -� - . 1 4 attention is being given to the Edmonton capabilities of Ontario for fruit could. be the reciprocal act will, therefore, be pro- 9 - I , ( I . region, which i's attracting -a large immi. chosen than to cite a few examples of the claimed in force lit Canada. - So soon as a Sods L-;mulsion of ,. u 1. I I - ! � . I , (, - I gration from other parts of Canada and vegetation ' of the mildest portions. of the similar proclamation shall have been issued . � 1� � � P " I I from the United States. Cooler than province, Of the seven species of the mag., from Washington,.the new regulations 'Will and Hypophosphites'd Lime arid Soda will-, I wl , .4 ' I . Mamitoba in summer. the danger of early nolia known on the contine�t, five can be take I effect. , � I I . . I I . � . � . I I I , I . frost app I ears to be less ; while the seso4ong growriinsoutheroOnte.rio. Thetuliptree I ___�— take the contract to I build . . I I are steadler� and more to be dependod upon also flourishes, and the'paeudo-papgw & � . I . you up to go0a . I I . . I fei, Birni�ilr�.ty one to �h& -" - than almost tree, the nortbwestern limit ol which .Ix� , Row to Gat a " Sunlight" Pict -are. ' I I . i VVII.., . : � �� I �_* ___ Y L , I Ll i I . 4 * � n t1n, tn,_�§ 49;;t!,. .Tq.-=1-,1 grmr Lake.Erfe acrooli Send 25 I�Sunliglvt" Soap wrappers (the health'if you have a chronic' cou , * you.are I anywhere else in the i' t,�ri6fr 6'41 . . � I I I . . . .911, if I . I eat, Comparisons show that.notwithstand. indialla, N111nols, Arkausas slid Texas Into ,,hkgd wrapper) t(', iol vl�� 'Bros., IA81., 43 . . I .. 11 I I 14 1 ing the great elevation of Edmonton, and Mexico. Cotton hat long be�n grown. in Scott St, Toronto, and lositig flesh, � or it , you � have simply losq,oull- I . - you will receive by ­ ....­ � _ . I 11 .1 I its great distance frovirt any largdbody of small quantities on Velee Island, while at post a pretty pictures free front advertising , I : . . I I . � I I I � : 4 water the average difference of tempera. Niagara-on-th e. Lake the fig And almond and well worth framing. This is an easy appetite. . . . I I I 1 4 tare �etween one summer and another is are grown succes - fall y in t lie open air, and way to decorate your home. The soap is I � I . I I � , . I k , 4 much less than anywhere in the, Western with only nominal winter protection. The the beat in the market, and it will only cost Scott's Emulsion cures Coughso r .101, States, and is the same as Toronto, which sweet potato attains r Nveight iii southern 1 c postage to send in the wrappers, if you Coijis, Consumption, Scroful a I 0 . .1 enjoys the modifying influences of the Ontario sometimes exceeding three pounds, leave the end I a open. Write. your address , ' and' all AlnaeMlo and Wasting . I � I 'GreatLakes. Thi� peculiarity ,,folimate and the apricot and nectarine are number- carefully, . I Diseases. Prevents wasting 1,11 colwal I I 'I . � which belongs to a. broad belt in Canada ad among the orchard fruits. . . I ­..., �_ft____ Children. Almost as palatable as I I . . . - I lying along the easterii side of the Rock' I . - y � TRE PEACH. I mlitic. Get only fte,wentalmie. Prepared , � y,' important The oceart cable� which has had a life of . A, 11 , must have a, ver . an thirty years, now by Scott & Bowifte, Belleville. Sold by Q . Ifountains � i I . �N 6 ��, 0 . I &MOngst the fruits of considerable com- but lit��,le more th I I �Nl � . 0 t" d �r�Fjopiivg tjlt��_*, �66i�ture of the I Druggiots 60 cents and, $1.00. .0, tl�ll 114i, 11 11 I , � I .1, I - - , moreWil-nporta,viceto, Ontario orchardists, stretch overl20,250 miles. I I . � I I I 11 I I _. .. "I'll � � . I � � I I I I I I In..",�1nr_P 3 - r - I I � I I � iicher, . S_(;�L$t 4 1 � 01, -, , , I . I . -1 - L 11- ... � - ­ I � 1. I 11 . I I . I .