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The Exeter Times, 1893-6-1, Page 5
,..— CONDEN SED DISTRICT s eaforill hup.'lies the horst; and pays . S T if l' 1 TFt. " ' l NEWS 25c. per hour to a trial. felt v.atexing the ,9 ^ { i,treote of that town. Exeter Mav:3i 1893. ' Ta vtzDnl.riQlcx, Some fight bread was seized in Parkhill all Pwltont uarhash.,..» ,..,. • 8 6.5 M,, Thos: Morkia has rented 12r. Beef's tike itcea by tiro tsgtof ounsilablc and con- 8vrinir.rixoatlterbizah nU &9 GOIN,*4 g #arm, p the 6th eon. raised da t b fisoaked. The by laws require that all Isartay r,rr:lxubit: RU 3, '1 Gem faint is being raked ai boys Uatbiu I read (i X -u pF f4no }red cold or offered Cats per bash 3o 3t p Y H y ) Peas nor bash..., 55 din the river, at Parkhill in broad day- Salo for in town shelf Ile ill leaves of 1, 2, or Flour per bbl „ •. 4 UO dV0 I a light. 4 pounds weight, Apples per bag.:. 7s 20 w €i F. ' A party of Qoderiolt citizens, have chart- potatoes per bag t oo t 00 1 / ; W. I , v(ay of 1 arkhiil U.aa beep appoint- Ilay per ton- F o0 700 ^ %?r ed ettaminer at the High School esamin- pred the Schooner Milfage for a throe ,?Voodper auzd hard.,,,. .....:.i .300 3 6J e`' ► ations. week'e trip to the Worlds T+air and they 'Wood nor oord»oft .............. 3 00 200 If s0 it vl1i il+ Utl t') Cft2 Mr. Waters' bill to amend the assessment calculate to bauble to take 50 people along, uttterper lb..... 14 14 Pay p got by taking income and. not ptireonality passage, board and Iod itk to cost about BogsPer dozen... IQ to and See us about,your hardware ?l ;i has been shelved by tlao. Ontario Govern. i5 a head. g Porirperhundrad S UO 8 10 a ..er yll roo ina and trouahln ,, Dr. Nicholson of Goderioh has A plum a. rlis tired again. Host g O session. In the meanxlme'.caples ui it will. tree graft which in, one,year has grown 8 BHEUMATISM CURET) IINT A DAY:- ,_- ••.:e..J feet; all but one inch, 1Ia Showa this with South America be cont to every municipality with a request RhPumatio Care for liheu- I: 11 `• _ that it: by oonridersd, Had that a report of 'some pride and thinks it eau- hardly be matism and Neuralgia radically oures ial o ARE i each eounoWs views on it to be forwarded eseeedc d as as instauoe of rapid and sue, 3 days. Its action upon the system is to the government, Mr: Waters is the eesafal grafting• remarkable and mysterious. It removes mernbor for the North Riding and we feel An occasional bottle of Ayer's Sarsapaiat Once the cause and the disease immediat• safe in Paving that it costa the country ilia does more to. correct the tendenov. . of sly disappears- The first dose greatly GLO JA more money to repeal laws put on the the blood to accumulate humors, Bud keep benefits, 75 centr, Warranted by eN le CLl fora ,Rlackmait statato teoka by hitn than any three men the organs sound and healthy, .than any 0• Lutz, Druggist. aug, la. : E E ?eBoy's n,the House and it would be me a pi o• other t<eatmentwe know of, 'Pi evention ___._____•„__•..._,,,-. __ - - ye llc' 1 Ifitable -o pay him bis fee to atiy at home is better than cute," Try it this month. 1t Saved—Perhaps hiss Life kind ranTH ___,_:..•...:._,_..._... on human or savim6cr gored m 3Q nntps riilCll t3all a,11C S@8 113 t'L OLl i I , . ""- Pullarten is to have telep lioneoannection BIRTHS. by Rroolford's sanitary Gotten. Tfeis'neper W e have & cII1d'S y hood's SaFsapztrflla-Blood Poi-, with Mitchell. WINEGARDER-on the 2istult..the WHO of fails, Warranted by C, L1UTz,, wire, and are special !i aS] iS 1"O • " Burled by Canker. The autoniatio telephone system is being Mr Goo Winogarden, McGillivray,a son• English Spavin Gieiment removes all :g . i the,best makes, 11 head the followingfrom a placed in St. Marys in oppoaitfon to the SCOOI ES-Cn the 21st 'nit., the wife of Air. hard, soft or calloused limps and blemisbeg grateful mother: - itiohar;l 5tcokos, Parkhill, a daughter. "iffy little boy had Scarlet Bever when 4 ears 13011. .. from horses, Blood Slrstv[n, Curbs, Spliute, r e y ROT. J. 'Rr. SauuUy of Japan, will l,reaoli Corin of 1VuinExetrlo n the 20th ult..;tho Ring Bona, Sweeziev, Stifles, Sprains Bora Headquarters ors Ox all kinds 'a of , clef, and It tefthitn vary weak and with blood y on. d Ware, d the Methodist Church il7ttchell on Sun. r acid swollen Throat, pongha, Oct. Save paasarecdt "ritYa c[tulcer. Ills eyes became AT1rrTNSON.-In Iiiddulph on,tlto 31st ult., r T saluflamOdthathis sufferings wore intense, and day neat. f .Rob't Atkinson of a son. 450 by use of one bottle. Warranted tha p• , «p . • "'' fax savers 'weeks ha The s;ittd storm of last week did ranch HODGSON ..In McGillivray on the 19 ult., the most wonderful Blemish Carp suer known, v • r--4161 damage. in this county by the unroofing of wife of -Joseph. Ii, licdgacn of a daughter. Warranted by C. Lanz 4aa Conoid Not Open HIS Eyes, buildings and Ievalling of fences. LAYG,-iu.Exeter ontholiletnit.,the wife of I'took liim twice daring that time to Lite Eye Tho Stratford police mourn the loss of R, S.Lane of a daughter 'M LITTLIt BOY. and Ear InArmary on Charles street, but their two pairs of handouffa, Sour tramlre ran PETE 1180N. -In Brandon, Man, "on the 28th ifentletnau,-illy little boy had a severe NOW-... remedies failed to do film the faintest shadow away with them the other night. ult.. tha wife of bir, A, Af, Peterson of a backing coo h and canld nut aloo at aighk of. good, I commenced giving him hood's Peter Oliver, an old Listowel bachelor sat.. I;triedgHagyard's Pectoral Balsam and. It Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him, I have wbo lives Alone, was robbed of 10 canto and MA[tIIIFI). aured him very quiohly, Hetet douUtod that Jt sreved llsas sight, even a .fiver watch the other night. ,_ lura, J, Hackett, Linwoo,Y, Ont, Is thetllZe if zno¢ !lir, yeA,y Rafe. You may use phis Los• Mr. Jahn Bodgara, of Igo an has solei to IiAitVPsl TTTI,L tt Torr, Hope, on the 24th TO r , r timouialillany way you choose, I ala always 6 ' ult,. by tilt Rcv, Mr, Crothers, Mr. Joseph .h . . 101`Oagbl, , mm ready to sound the praise of YL W.yPepper the north-west quarter of Harvey of Usborne, to Miss Bertha, Hill of TS, v lot 29, in the first con. By .thia division fort Hope. HOSE'` TO GET A: `•SUNLIGHT' x N Hoods Sarsaparilla tack has now a farm of 75 acres. MA$ ING-TAYLOR-Ir. Clinton at the PICTURE. t bacause of the wonderful good It did m son,ix Tho merchants of Alitchell think the xosidonce of the bride's mother on the Such PS Y •AtiBiz I'. BLACIt Lir, 2 88 Washington St, j ratopayera is general should pay for the J1,aylor, ar e M Alr ll of Minton inning to 11lfss Alice Send 2`u 'Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap , Boston, Mass. Got IiOOD'S, watering of the streets, and not levy a SAVILLE-SVEBSTBR-At the resider-oo of per bearing the words °'LVhy dose n woman locda - special frontage tax. the bride's father, Ifullett;on the 24th tilt , look older Sooner than a man") to Lever A ftp.) : pT.tETE STOC i Off` laud HOOD'S FILLS are hand made, and are pas• It sick headacho is misery, what are by the Rev J. A. tiami lton,mr Rdj- Saville Bros., Ltd„ 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and you tactlacomposition, proportion and, appoarauee. „ (aster's Little Liver Pills if they will goal- of Clinton, to Afiss Efizaboth daughter of Mlireceive by post a pretty picture, free -• ip• •. ' 'c- Mr,- Weber. .,7 ' ..+ tivaly onto xi7 people who have used them f,om advertising and well worth framing, NOTT-COX;- At the Ontario St. Methodist light , speak frankly of their worth They are Parxonago Clinton, ontho 3srd ult., by Rov This i9 an sasv way to decorate your home. , To tk• is:l.tot at the Ea t.l'.Tiat:'[The $cap is the best in the market I in axu:tll and easy to take _,„,,, t j"°; W.Smyth, tor•AlhortZ:att, of' uakRrsWltlt Bnel ? Als a farther liviug in tilt vicinity of vx. St, Marys ilia a bicycle club with C S. to' rb are Qua lox, adopted dnuglxter of it will only cost to postage to send in the At owns aged eter, I have jn t erJouoh interest in your R•imsoy, Pres; J White, vice -do; J. Rice, lho. If arae, LondonRaad Stamey wrappore, If yon leave the ends open, s Drug t*+ `✓+ PRILLIPS-HILL-At the residence of Air. titirite3ouraildreSecarofull9. tiers village to protest anaiust the publication Seo They take a run into the tonntr p t y Y Isaac Lanstroth Seaforth, on tho ..Ith tit,, y f die of such B oclm.nunrcation as appeared in every Thursday night, by Rev.. J,CraI1owav, -N1r. Josovh Pbilli sof ^^--•^---•• -- -.. ( tile A ivticate of last week, ' f nett Y p Sneham Oxford County to Nlias +clary II! i of 9 l l l_.r t_j County mar(l), H Mr• re recently Bute, Stratford, of llicc ert. M ea d 3' e4 more i ocentl of Stratford has accept. t• GOLDT IORPE-1•TAltfLTOIT.-:vt the reAd- Tt eg Aside altog(therten, £rani. the fact that rife ° p,f a pea;tion as engineav in a largo menu- enee of the bride's father by Rev 1', b;• Iligles 0 ated latter etas written by one of yOnr awn faatnringcononn at To -onto Junction, on the Iith nit., Mr. AlbartJ, tloldthorpo toT hi BEST. ood, villagers prompted thereto by some pettynfr. Ueal of Follaiton while driving a Miss llmata J. Hamilton daughter of :fir. Willia ®®m in is Spite au+i jealousy, and evidently annoyed drove of cattle along the road the other John Thos. Hamilton, all of Colborne Town - that the celebration was so succesvful, and day kicked at one of tbam. The sudden ship Mrilling Co D ° ton, aaitla Trona the fact also that the journal jar oaused the breaking of one of his litre RBID-1ToLR,1:N-•Attbo 3fethodistparsonago + • •,+• j Machine /^ Tlir Sonforthonthel8th nit, bir the Rev, J. a 7 , Of pubtisbing such puerile rot must be very above the ankle.. .' Galloway, Mr, James IV. field, of [far town- Have opened an office opposite", Sown ,wn- forgetful of its duty to the public, and Pain. from indigostion dyspepsia, and too IhLDIAO biisa Nlory Ann McLean, of Hibbort, Hall +xeter pending, building o 013A\II''lti: i GOLD 1tzED-AL OI ' - - p t, the bu d ng f L OF 1ElI, Dt1tll; 1():,, the broody loaf to it all senac of till eRs and oeartp eating, is relieved at once by tatting 0011011-8T161mosDat t e re 2erd alt., by theirnew Kill whom the will keep rerp decency to the viilaGc, them still remains one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediate- Rov, Air. Hobnas, at the residence of the ' y P--- 110 fact that the communication fairly well ly after dinner, Don't for et thin, bride's father))hCites• holm, Mr. William constantly on hand a full stock of the r T ` • H Coaoh,Irk t 1i ttliams, to 9rsAfaryStaward- beat brans of flour. Also illi kinds of TCi[iO l S L1.LV DE _ will who defines tho poaltiou some of your citizens Ur, W. White of Ribbert has planted a son, McGillivray, atoll have taken to raxda the very rsspectai,le largo aoreiga of ensilage this year, coin- Sg Ren• and dsaerrodly papular gpntlemhn rt'ferrod t posed of white banns, sunflower and corn. D~ E 11 r 3.{ Food • • wear tSi?3 Ce 1S long any other make, r rate to in that maliciously abuRfyo correspond- He is bnildiug a silo 20 x 22 and 24 feet WILLTS.-Tn Exeter on the 30t1i nit., Jana Farmers and townspeople will find it The Finest Hi'rh Grtide Re. enee. I need not ask why* Countryman, high to receive the crap. Willi$, rolictof the late Jamos tvillis, aged o Engine Oils are Alanufaatured b attaching reputable oitizons, did net at). At the nextmaulcipal elections in )lit, 90 years. •e to their advantage to coli and see us, 1t 1 ry -1- t^ [ r p. }' real pend his name to his coin munic a tion. "I chellt esides voting for Mayor, reeve and HILL - I, Stephan on tho27th nit.. WalterHillROLLINS & WILLIAMs• 1YC %L+ u_i_I BROS. < G CO.,Toronto. test 1100.4 not point out to your rondos that couucll!ors, the ratepayors will be asked to *GR aged t•8 years, 2 mouths, and days. , and. 4141' frit;uds in the country are not usually t elect public school trustees and pronounce IN t he rositlen e of 1 ernshti lio.vauderl,, M , r ' FOR SALE BY ALL LEADIXG DEALERS ,1:I TOE C three Points! UNTR . one IOU. cowards who attack the personal char* fov or against prohibition. Ingram in her 97th year. by asters of t;antIaman' and rafuae to do so-Jeaeie Nasmfth of Staffs appeera to be COLLTNS In Parkhill, an 23rd nit„ diary, --" ` ""^ '--'-L•--••-----•----•-----•- -•m-•---.-- over our proper names. There is a di(%r- the beat scholar in the township. She is relict of the late Jeremiah Collins, aged 83 sen ence,if I may be parmitted to point it out, 1 only 12 years old p and at the promotion years, s+u; tit h V White ff cin bctweou attackinga man's public career examination this a ria she obtained the MoRAE-fn kloGillivray. onU&_y_17th: hTare;a• { j iia Peaj)'( [(tae, and attacking that man Personally, and highest standing in. the fifth class of rmo,wifeofAlex•F.MoRne,Ago•ll oars, 8 y [arty lot NOTE WELL, I 1. -• 'art may b , t t i Countryman (?) whoever he all the nine schools. MURDI0-In Seaforth, on the 22nd "nits,. at THP] EST Z N Z'7E[E WORLD. lj , feed may be, that it is just such abuse as lie has The contract for erecting A new edifioo the ropidence of her daughter, lora. D. ata eks been guilty of that makes warmer, closer ou the Mitchell road, Blansbard, in place Grruor, Mary Ross• robot of the late Andrew : , and better friends for Mr. Bawdon. FOr, of the olI AlothOdist Church, the root and A'Iurdio of MoI illop aged s2 years and 6 Wo have had the For the following reasons. -1st, itis built of the beat malaable wrought iron and stool. 2nd - months. Exp eplenoe, expenience that at- It requires no holes to bedriIlodin outter bar. Std -Tho outside divider can be raised or sr's as the low, misorable cowardice of the malls of which were partially destroyed, -- lowered at back or front ludeDondent of liftor,.. 4th—Tt has no rod at tho baelc !o bald tbstrue- beh abuser is compared with the upright, hxs bi on awarded to Benjamin Roadhouse, tentian to business, close prices and tions and anusa shaking. 5th --Thera aro no springs to break or got out of order, t mo honest, etrafghlforward and fearless char- of 8t Marys, for $2,200. A court teATvii Omv. proper fits, are the main factors in our movable clips and can be set in line with touguo as mower bar drugs back. 7th- a9 i' to has Dear ,Sire -I was troubleit with billions business. • Aguard stay, and braalcing mower guard is im osfible. lath --Each litter Ts independent tof the line super io the abuetd,the batter feelings and There is no one article large t.re lino of + other, and can be raised or lowered at the back so as to line in front should mower It suparfarjudgmrnt of °the public soon. rise medicines that gives so large a return for Hess, he»cloche, and lose of appetite. I onto£ line. 9th The nutnbarof machines sold dnrin the est season guards be g P e son onablds a large number :Pts above the small envies and ppttyitjnabbles the Loney as a good Parona strengthening could not cost at night, and was vary With this ever' of the leading farmers Of the Province to testify to its morits. 1'ver machine Prom,otltud8 g y c t e t wttrrMa. j plaster, weak; but attar train thrno battles of B. ' redpemin feat- ELDER d°ElensitilSnmDle machine can be t+cen at lit• r. LA'YG'S Slxoth Exeter, ur "itrltl. of a eurnmunity, to da justice where I»stsr such »s Carter a Smart Weed and g , also at different shells through the county. James Whiteman, patento ton justice is demanded, and render tribute Balladouna, Backache plasters. B. C3• my appatite is gond and I am better ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we and manufacturer,A aulree. ree where tribute is due. than for years past, I would not now be have won the patronage of the man Jamas Oliver, la old resident of St. * p g y THOS. BROWN, General.Agant, SEAPORTS qg It wouict,lxe idle for rte to speak of Mr. Marys, while on kin way to town an a load be without D. B. B., and am also givfnq whom despise these too -often -resorted Ina Bawden's sterlingqualities of enterprise, of wood, stepped it to my children., n p ' ppad on the hub .the wheel to tactics of tailors sianecially, namely ,nd push and pluck. Tie. is known to possess to get off, it turned and he fell of into tha btrs. Walter Burns, putting off until nate worst; what/ ah,luld i cut just such qualities as fit him to by a tnau ditch U the roadside, fraotarin the bone Maitland, N, S. The funeral of the late James Rath of y B have been done this. of among hien-shrewd Anil popular, he has at the thigh joint. Owing to the peculiar ScaArrD w1T1I A Hasp. Blyth took place on Friday afternoon last. the confidence of the community, and nature of the fracture it was not. possible to Sirs, -I had stick a severe ,rough that This is a nice It was one of the largest funerals that has ;n.d country,and well may Exeter congr, tulate set it, my throat felt as .fit was scraped with a 88tls f3Ctl on. loekingword,bnt ever been seen around these part.. He e9 herself upon possessing each a c tTho lzrn. No Rev. J. ' W. Holmes, of the Oentral rasp. On taking Dr Wood's Xorway. Pine to carry out its meaning is difficult to Ras hnr[ed by the Froa h[asons of which ;he one,haviny the interest and welfare of Ex• Methodist Church. Stratford, has intimat• Syrup I faand the first dace t , dome. i a gl ^ry in w.at d and At Wg society gave "relief r y lie was all oldewbxr __ Has the finest Stoek of Furniture ' titer at heart, had better continue this ed that he will eek COnferonca for another and the second bottle completely oared ,,, vxemplitied in our Chop. S'Ge guar - on abuse of good citizens. I hage beard some Station this year. The ofiioial board, in me• antes satisfaction ever tamp in all res- - ` ( Pj l T ever exhibited in Exeter, ,and at ti bir of the eentlemeu who have, for some tea- consideration of his zeal and faithfulness, Miss A• A. Dav<•ney, Manotie, Oat, pacts. q-.+' I t -f- g, prices so low that they draw a crowd '? rat son only known to themselves, .taken a "granted him $100 over his salary. They Goderich laorosee club has re -organized - •-~---- I of customers ever da I si- position of opposition to 14tr.Bawden,abnse have also extended an invitation to Rev. G. for the season with the following list of OR y him In languace most fnisome nnrl untie- l F. Salton, of Brussels, for next year, officers and honorary nizaibera. Hoaorai y if you want a suit, a unit, vast or pair ! PQrlOY coming. .If Mr. Bawden; by his push _ An unoccupied stable and driving shed of pants, give us a call: and be oonyineed r P p l.,' presidonc, Eon. J. O, Patterson, M. Y. P. ; i i j I 7 and prosperity anal his irresistible pluck, on Iitgersoll.gtreet, St. Marys belonging to honorary vioell•es., J. T. Gavrow, Q1. C hat what tae have said is true. 1: L ..t..L D24ti?r C'pQ1H in a has puthfmself in'advancc_of c0era you I Manx Young was totally destroyed Sstur• president, Mayor Butler ; vice president, I g t or; should give him due credit and eueourage day afternoon. Two young children were W, R. Logan ; captain; Charles Ref d ; The people say we are guilty of sell- rttlLr n Ill him n his endeavors to help along your seen playing around the buildings A few secretary, D. Johnston, ' WCNEN” in, Boots and Slices cheaper that 1t1 is. v'l ge, if 1Ir. Bowden is at the back of mimics before the'fire was discoverett and NOT THAT MliD. any other house in town. Come n_ Should your every public a ey towjae, that it a supposed to. have been ceased by Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate the and be a witness, you will be well Kitchell Furniture should Hat ho a cause of navy towards nim them. 1 t had been insured for $200 but stomach as other cough medicines do ; but repaid for your time. iFe dovrxn the j but rather praise and recommendation. because of its being nnoecupiecl the oom- __oy R` If Mr. Bawden has secured for Exeter At pauy went oil the risk a few days ago, on the contrary, it improves digestion and , country for prices in Felt and Kid. ' o HURox, immediate and pronounced. ' effects are D . , LATEST DESIGNS In much expense to himself, a foundry, andstrens Sox and Rubbers Felt Boots and or that in the face of the most factious oppas- ,t, ,ra;xlt Boots,and for Alen s and Buys .a, ition on the part of some of the represent.. The grocers of Clinton have decided to Ask far Minard'6 and take no other. r Long Boots we take the bun. The Undertaking Department is stock fd alive men of Exeter (not to speakof bogs close at 8 O'olook.for anmmer evenings. not a . }-{ , ed with best and latest to be found ve telegrams), whysliduldhenot have credit at 7. OTICE. J '')Y . IiO. 1't[ AN ON ss the country: re for it, and it Mr. Bawden has gpeatlr in. stir, Frad Dtyera'haslraoefved the contract A. r i tereated himself and has succeeded . fn the 'for gathering milk for the Rodgerville The Council of thecorporation of the County The People's Shoe Store. s e' of Huron will meet in the Court House. God- t .' hlext Door to post Office. 'Repairing olid Framing aecial p establishment of. a i3utteY.and Cheese cheers factory. - - arich.on Tuesday June 6tb ata o'aloolc p.'. ., , - Factory for Exeter, why should he not A bylaw was passed by the Seaforth Accounts against the County must be present- "" - -- •--- -- All orders receive prompt atten at have the gratitude of the public for in 0011n Oil last week forbidding bicycles being od an or before the Ist day of meeting. e © t' and work done neat and cheap, industry that is costing them nothing? run on ilia. itreeta. W: LANE. C/ (5 _ g. If Dated.May.22,189.1. Clark. ' 3 Dir. Bawden, at great labor, expense, risk sea(orth council received te6ders far _ Q? ,,;1 ,, S. • X ; and rr.ucb sacrifia,e of his time, seeures for gravel ap f llowa screened grazel, 04,68, RU LL FUI2 SERVICE. ~ "`' • .L. rn Exeter a grand and Llorious celebration of and nnscreonad at 82.60 per cord. Awl 4 Y f ° Bicycle? ODDFEI LOWS BLOCK.. ? ' Her Majesty's birthday, and thereby Mr. '5`m. Copp h+as been appointed over - The undersigned will keen for the'imFrove- ' ,. " m '' `1 seer of the oauetrnei.iou of the naw town meet of stoclt on lhautesRond near Exeter. a s '° ` f draTvs many visitors to rile village,; keeps thro bred registered Durham 'Bull; '" 1 Y:i-+ ' ie the citizens at home (+}nd some of them buildings, Seaforth at a saliaryof $I 7a per, Terms $1.00 rrifa; ai it. F •• G. Z I J. a v BOWIE at ) wer'e mast severely at }ibme that day), day. May 13 4t• Tuos. YALLoty /` fetph6g thoueanda cif doll4ra to the town, Mr C E •.Mason, of TuckersmIth, re- jl ,Ijt 1 n + give lzint the credit, Hud if he did mala a turttsd home from, the old country on OTICE. a F% i„ ; } - PN Ui A 1 Y dollar; have the graT.ia)isness' to; ity he• Saturday. He brought with htnl .a : yory it i,',, . t s'; FURXIT rry t;i ` RR j' { y gg yy.... j l t L1 .1 bla n Po the, Shareholders of the Exetor. Salt'r(r' l,alii` l ' pk kAe vttt_t- il deserves it, because if ho lied lost s1Q0 he fine thro'bracl huiltin{t stallion. ' {fp i,lh, y e M ip tti )Vorirstlo. Please tako notice that the annual R' .k • , ; CiF cep Npt su IP P t4fitil:d surely Ila, o f ed'to pay it out of .his . The interest of Messrs Ulatchford cC 11100tin oPthe said 0o, will be held Monde { ri at e- TIRE wo ,R . awn pocket, . • Swatlield; in 'tbe, Clintud Organ Co.;' hap June 5th, a,t'3 P. m. iaahe town all. y{ I' 1 `SND it ; 13y the same +oken> xs Uir. Bowden been p❑robased by Mr, D;; Graham, of T. B. DARLING. Sealy. 'reeve of 'your rf•'lago, or is he simply acting Inglewood: • 1. HASTINGSS BARBE,Fr tr7 m that , coPacity . Yours, The town of Clinton this year assessed , y , ,,. .. T',Ua I+ARUrn.- the Bell Telephone Co's property, and the . " Mill - Co are appealing against the asessement. FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. 1f „ `. I ------- The case will be watobed with interest. i As you Hass by on, tt0 main street j Orders promptly attended. to. R C. G. RIOnAnDa.& Cii: Mr. John Yule, tubo for mvny years hat, Just for a moment stop, THh' .B,EST YE e been Chief Conatable and night watAimen, Andbave•yourbairand whiskers trlcnmed T'f w. At Hosting's Bartle[ shop. THE CHEAP All Accounts must be settled let once it GI•xla. -i sprained' my leg to badly that at Clodsrioh, has rasigngd his position ,HE ` : I heti to b,a drivoit hnme: uta cnrrii+ge. I and 11r. Altrod Nichol=_on has bean appoint- . ' 'rYo are tl•,e lightning Barbera, T g ilnmetiiately tippbed MINARDIS LINI- ed hips, sucuonsor at a -aal 'r o r We do our work with care. GLI t ^ T T Y ALESDIEN WANTED THE, 1: NT d vVo always &ooh our zxxors i .r . i „ a y f 'F4ri0 a f nt I+jT frsa!'y and in 48 hours ooubp use veer. Arid shears in good repair, 1'o re re 'l3 G y g again' a, wc,ll as over. "BRACE Ur'' is a tantalizing, admonition We have the very tines£ styles ofdehuirs. ` 7 y n sent us In tile sale of a choicelino of ® I - -:.. HARDY 0At,ADIAx GBowx 8'rOaS.. i•.1>Ixoriencri I IO$H17A FVYNAUGlir, t0 those who at this eeaerin £Bal all tired Ws amp o i towels b steoU not necessary. We *an yt n p W .,.. rens:: workers and to out weak without a We shampoo in the. beet of'syla %6S P C81' i Cloth' v all such;we-offer` A Br:idgawater, N. S.: pnetite and„disaourag®d. And ti o the,eas t b liCi lIl Is - pertnnnent situation at a t _ _ But the Way flood'a'8arna axilla builds n s y hair maeht❑o. ! my Tire that gave satisfaction last year good incoino with change of advancement, As p , p t3omo barbcre wor§ an slowly, 'Gentlemen I leave •your prrlers eaa.ly, fax MAN we now have over 700 acres under :. VPAOTYRCD. by. ( d r cultivation,. j That t+tring on,yoar frnzi r me,tnr -bola the tired frame and gives ra good appoCke idol this fa am text: wftlt. the fleet staff of Tatlpze - t rrg a»n lucent salesmen an A is mall wonderful S wo ' s ” M , do not kee o ka be many y o . s 7 Tale p v u tvaitin btook, of. Fine ' rs e and the t togas a also doeire to aoeure a good :all in fret t" a bei lir i.f SIiN:iRO S I.INIIVIENT. Your. turn ss always "next.". rnr[uAg , bemt ' ' Q0El d CII ®s iBD. sour district to Bell tbo Rot`ARY d'e and'it.will irrsoe yon uP."Cutting in Town,yna are sarA of Bafit+tne- for r}xioh wo kava Life SPRA PUmv. 4e 'for the 1Adies andchildree,. stn oNaa'aTRsas, Gonoral Agency. This t F3ou-Britntfoea><, t]attt is soxnothin¢ nets and iudsnenaible to rho' ` 1 Trot a exe*al.fts}r,ly coLar►ie we con- We do that work tip-top; farmer & We ebingla tbAir hair and.tnm )heir bans 's' • » or,frtuk;.grower.. Sciad for tor and:':. 111e3unl's Lin' 13 Coa, J; eta fid,.udy towrbjnond'14 a's Pill¢. At Hattia 'e tea s , • ` : i ER3 JNB & ' TIN, toftivtonjlal:cirautar. • R rber shoDJa s .d.r. s.r