HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-6-1, Page 4-- . _W� I _ —,-- __--..1-1_..1-.11lP1 — r. � __ -1 - - . - . , — - — : - ; �7 . ..
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. 11 � security, and uot conic back �oii the rf � , : I I THE QUEENJS HEALTH, I I . , -_
. . 11 Establisried in -.t,877 fitricers buo;xuso an agent neglovw Lu �A' ' - , " OF THE SESSION. Cietrilly ItecalTed by tile Now AnloricalA , ND FOREIGN,
.. � I I I . . 0 M I . BRITISH. A
I — .
. .1 � . . I . � . . - __ I I I make returns, I .1 I . I , Conaul,At London. I — I I
.. . . � . . � 'r -44D OF THE THIRD SE,qS LoxDox, May 20, -Xr. G, W. Smalley INTERESTIN i 11 09
,. I , _-_.1___-_-_1._-_ -_1__1 , ION QF THE G HAPPENINGS OF THE JT� CLARKE '
� � cables the Mew York Triblaae:-The. new I I . I
I � S. IV, 01V EAM, Canadian llay In England. . I
.: I . . I . — , , - . I consul-9011cral of the, United States in . I
. . . I � I : . .. BA,W3KER,. Sir Charles Tapper, CanRda's lligh Very 17110s tell tAtio as llr000eil I ill . - London, General Patrick"Colline, has I . I 1, .11 I
'. . . commissioner in England, ba* issued a s - The made his first public appearance, at a Tiie iD I Tyuth is irresistible
ovejopluents of p�acll Day ID,aring I I
.1 � -ETER, - ONT. ,report to tile finance departmenton the RoYal Arsi-at Given to tho Bills llassetl nobody w . U Ce I , I sametimes,.1t. bl`ihgS� 'us ft
EX, � public dinner of foreig maills. I'liope tile VVOck Vaught FxesixXT'rom Me Busy .
L subject of Canadian trAde in I I ill. tell his Irish fellow -citizens I I
� I . - England. ]During tile So,,;816uL__S0*cQh r.,.o)ll tile in America that this festival. was held Wires an face to faoq with sbroDg
I . T�riwsacts a goneralbalikingliusineso. Of the bay trade Sir Charles saya: - - - I on the birthday of the Queen or that a, (I Olt I refully Edite(j and Coudens-
I . -1 . T1110110 -Tile Province 0ongratulated to t to . . . I
I . k -7 � ed for Our Use. illflUeDCeS not., always
Receives the oAcoounts. of Alwobants 40 "Many thousands f —tons of hay have . as her majesty Was proposed . �
I � . rthers on favorable torms. a . been 4ent from Canada during the las . t Vvou Yario � us Tuinvi. . I by the chairmall,the, GerinAn, cousul-9011- . - - WEDNESDAY, AIAX 17.1 1 1 � tigreeable, to; our taste.
Offers every adoommodatio oowlstelit'with year, and I trust that it 11,s proved -- I � Fifteen, hundred inimi . . � or feelings, I I .
i sure and conservative bankinc prinexples,'s k' pro" TORO.�TO, May 28,-Iu striking con. - - 11 � grants are quar- I
: � Taterestallorred on deposits, I fitable to the shippers, although during trast to the pomp and splendor with, � . , . - . - antined at New York as smallpox Bull- , - I I .. I . I
I , . . I
I Drafts issued payable at any offloo 0 tho a part of the season the freight% vvere which the Assembly was opened on . peots. .
. 0 1. , - I .
I WerchantsBank. higher than the price ok tile 00"111 ditY April 4th N"re the prorogation cere. ,� "I - � Mr. Erastus Wiman yesterday made a When we ask you to I
NoTxs D * w I �el.
xsaoriiTiri), And MON EY To Lo.tx ould seem to warrant, and inore than nionies or today., The aethra in the i 1�� ,,,,.- general assignment to D. B. King, of
. . - I I 1 ,
. O . l ES. - it could fairly stand, A firin. who'll I closingseeneplayedto a very thin House. . ___ "I". . 4 � �4 - �v' ") X I ow York. call xamine our ,
. tt!_ --- induced to go into the trade, Messis. ,,qot , __;,, � 'Tapestry C' - ,
. . __ I more than 50 people were scattered - ,_ --;..,,,d,_,1 � The Italian minister of justice is pre. . . arpots, rarg ."..
- of Nine R Ims and � . - t:: z N
Underwood & Son$ through tile galleries and about a score . . , ".. . lt*_� I �, � pa �M ' bill to prevent priests from Ing. in e from 25b.6'j,
r, I I .
ft @Xtt$V 5jM0#. Breutford, have hand led eeveral huiid- niore on the floor. Fifteen Minutes saw 11 , � in r I pric
P., " tbp 4 I e dfiritf. with politics at elections, I ,
I f, 4'. -1 -
-_ reds of tons, and I quote a letter they tile Whole, act through. Shortly before Z I." I , ,�l , - .1, � Owing to pressure from the people, . 90c. Per yard, Y")U will .
THURSDAY, JUSE, let, 1893 have written to some of their friends in two o'clock a detachment from the Royal I 9 be Convinced that the
. 0anada, and it seems worthy of careful Canadian Regiment of Infantry, ma'der ,� .... " �s .11 the directors of the World' Fair have
I I I decided to keep the gates open on Sun�
NOTE$ AND COUMENTS Perusal and attention. With reference command of Lieut. Laurie, marched up �_" U ��� I . truth is told when we
I ..... ��� I , o days. . I
I —_ to the Canadian. bay trade, it is Manifest to the buildings by way of College street, � I
I and were drawn up in front of the great The body of Pallister, the other cou� say they are excellent
I Canada's foreign trade in 1892 -was IY impossible to carry it oil in the way stone pile as aguard of honour. A few .11 ;11;�_ , vict who escaped from Sing Sing prison values.
. � . nearly ,',,10,000, 000 in excess of thelligh- it is being done at present. To this Minute,s after his Honour Lieut.-Gov� ., a few days al�v. has been found in the
Sir Charles adds: 4'Of course the pres- "I .11 1 Hudson river. , . .
�', est previous record. This year the ernor Xirkpatrick, accompanied, by Corn- , 11 I I - I
I � miss E, X. Fairclough of Hamilton has Also a fine selection
ent season has been exceptional in Reg. mander Law, R.N., Lieut.,Col. Ramil- 111 I been appointed to a post-graduato fellow-
. showing V6 ill be even better, the Value land, Hay has been very scarce and ton, of tile qo,R�, Cant. Greville-Hars- .11 . 1. I of White Curtains by the
of the exports for the first , tell mouth$ pricesi have ruled inuch higher than ton, R.(+_ and Lieut. -Arthur Xirkpat. � I . ship in Greek in Bryn Xawr college,
. being over 1$4,000,000 ill excess, of the usual. In ordinary years, unless the ric.k, .A. D. C., drove up, and were salutod . I S Peflusylvania. pair or by the yard.
figairei for ]ast year while the imports priceis low in C�nada -.nd freight by tile guard,It thepresent; arins, The TXXtTJtSD,Vy, XA.V I$, .
show an increase forthe same period of charges light, it is A question whether band of tI I le R. O� R, I, played the Xational I The schooner Pelican foundered in " "� .4
nearly seven and a half millions. This there would be much inargin. for profit, Anthem as his Honour entere(I the Lake Brie off Ashtabula, Ob Tues- � 'W.,-,T� ,;-,ar,-,J
I . steady growth is encouraging. chamber. There were present the fol- CONSUL-OLNERAL COLLINS. day, night a-lidthree Men. wereiolowned. �, Please call. 1%ZZ"Irm V'rma
* a * . However, the trade has fairly been eral, and cordially received by the whole (11 , -
started, I am glad to say, and I trust it lowina nienibers of the Legislature-� A tug and a dredge were blown out .
According to the census there are 1,, T44Y be found Pt 'HibIG to continue and Sir Oliver Mowat, Messrs, Hardy, Gib. Company. It is not recorded that any
� 0 4 into the lake at Coulleaut, Ohl eater- -
, . 688,055 married persons ill Canada, of extend it 11 son (Hamilton), Ross, Gibson (Auron), Pr test was heard from Gener, 10)y
or that he refused to join in thisCollins day, and seven men arid w Mau
Monk, Hiscoft, Sharp act of one , 0
whom,791,901 are females and '490,153 _ - 11, I I... - � - n Ballai homage. Idonotsee howhe couldre. were drowned.
males, so that there are over 4,000 A writer in the Soa-forth R xpositor in Charlton, Balfour, Tait, Gil=lrl,l fuse ,,vithoutdiscourtesy, It shouldbe Near San Francisco the Oaklandferlay. J. R. CLARA' E 4
. wives nnssipg� Tile census dDes not ac- the controversy overfrea corn puts Ryerson, and Suilth. (Frontenae), Mr, observed that-. the chairman, all German boat Bay City ran down a Mrbitellail __ =_"_�___ �
I I Jautive, 0sler, Mr. Justice Maclennan, as lie is, declared that " they were all boat con taining five persons. Theentire -
i I count for them. Nearly . y in the following and V icar-O'eneral Rooney. � i
. some facts Tery forcibl
. n TIT c1loutabtainyd glad to express their loyal sentinlents to five were drowned. THE) VERY L.&TEST INEWS.
in Ontario has a wife i the , sentences which we clip front his reply Theprocectlin-s -were opened ina Wain �—
I the figures being 853,060 husbands the gracious sovereigrief these rcalurs.,, !he news from the overflowed districts St. George's Scelety.Ramiltou, made about I I
. and to one of the grumblers, He says - bu,;ino.s-IiI-,e way absollitelywithout os- Tile health of the pr � ince and princess of 1 4 i
35-0,709 wives. The discrepaney is still "Mr. Elliott starts outby telling nit tb at tentation or flour"Ishes, of Arkansas arid Louisiana shows a dis- 91,000 prOfit out of lho Queerl,e Birthelsy
smaller in Quebee Province, where the, albuisstou of free corn would be the Mr. Sydere, assistant clerk read the Wales and the rest of the ,royal f' amil tres,,�ng state 'of uffairs. Tile cotton d-cuionstration
. there are 244,79:4 husbands and 144,630 title$ ofthe bills passed. during the ses- was also drunk and then that of General crop is said to be rulned. J
greatest boon t hat could be P-onferred on . Collins himself in his new (Ila lcaNa. If you ate tired and never libilgry, Rocda
widows and 62, 'd77 widowers. In Ont- ihe Canadian farmer. I Now it his statt,- $Itf, and the roval assent was formally f ' I The crew of the Cleveland life-saving 8 �
city. He responded to this to &raA`,PAdTiI'& will make You feel Btrolig and
ario the number of widowsis 60,281.) and ment is correct. it certainly 'would be a givon to tile salLe. . & � 0- station were drowned yesterdaywhile, well, ul Ciro YOU a hearty
queutly, I have no doubt- b t of Ill$ elo- appetite.
Quebec 36,3(;2, or one in about every 40 4\'xttic-itale,tlamttyti>ljlxi-fthout corn. A His Honour then saiil:- uttPlullting to rescue two men from a At$ o'clock Sontlay A1t0VuO,)n a
of Quolloc's Population, anA one in abou ds. skiff. Tile hatter are also reported. uAmedWert was rnu down by a light
0 1 Ail Mr. '.-I)e�tko.�raii(IC,reyttlemenofthoLe.�, quence, there is in the 'jeaulou4 British maol
.t Pe'sOure.0149111sletterw I'd mostvarno press no record -whatever. The loss *
eTery 35 of Ontario's. to the couelulion that he did not kilow we lativ&Assernblv: 18 (l."olviled, engine on tbe G, T� B. near Wales And in
theirs. The (41adstonian organ ought to
* * * have plenty of cheap felzil, that he was not Ili relieving- y6n, froul. further att(md- have seized this occasion t Mtxl).ky. NIA,r 10. stautly killed.
. awarotbatthIscountry pro,'lu�-c$aboinili 411(10 ullon y6ui legislative duties, I am. o preseut to .
fi7Sauada now enjoys, un4or treaties fnl crop of all kinds of coarse grain and so glad to be ii,blk- to congratulate yout upon its Gladtitoulan readers this new proof A Alock of earthq�ako la.qting several It is thought that Nellie D4)nghty, aged
9 of tile -union of 'hearts. $ecowls was Aft at Sart F ranolsoo early 12, who was badly burned by fire era chera
made by Great Britain, tidy been at Welland on (
0 ea toa that the farmer reOWs very the ldvant-ag'-s which have alre, of the succe,
inost-favored I Ve profit on the ptodoeti,ni of it. Peas experieuced'froul the completion of tile Home rule has nothing better to show yesterday morning, of her b3juries. �ueeu's Birthday wil I die -
ir-Ation, treatmentin no fewer than !�3 r1e and oats make very good feed, and new I'leirlianieut buildings. While they than this spectacle of the Irishman of The conference between the striking John Iletober aged 17, was founa dea d
Boston publicly affirming his loyalty to Hull dockers and the emplovers -was fit. in bod
countries, Many of tbeia however, are ink it will soon be generally Admitted have greatlycontributed to yoIll, COM- o at The Grand Pildfla Hotel, Winnipeg
treatlos of Iong standing, and with nat. that one bushel of two -rowed barley has fort and converrit-nee in tile the Queen. . tile, and tile strike continu4.
discharge of _ - " - -, ----,.--- Y(stol day mcraing, baying been sqff,)0at0d
ion$ with which we have practically no as much nutrition for feeding purposes as your le'-,Aslative dutiv�, they have 4180 THE SEAL QUESTION. The goneral assembly of the Presby- Fletcher wap from Holy rood, .
trading. One of them, for example, one awl a half of tile six rowed. Then koved themselvvs to be perfectly adapt. __ teriall church in the United States con. 1113yrullaoell�01111V, 011tRrio, where his parents
witi) the Argentine confederation, IwA4 Been tbat,we are blessed witha plentiful (,, t., all the other requirements of the nesuinl)tion Of tile Court and tho ,1rgt,L. veiied ill Washington ye,4terday, reside,
4 coucludec , publiesprvico. It is Tcr"v Patisfa inent by Sir Charles, Russell. The $panish qteanier'.Nfarla Christine, Customs Officer Wsl I her, of Quoenstoa,
. I in 18*25, another with Verie- sup IY of chea food for man And beast torY
zuela in, the same year, with .Sweden & from, wheat do n. it is very diffictilt if not to know that buildings go substariti4l P.kni,,t, May 24. -The Behring sea baying oil board the Infanta Rulall, ar- made a large seizure of the property of
Norway in 1826, with Costallioa. in 1849 , ossibleto ad where either tile born or alldconlinollioushave been erected at Court resulned vesterdayaudSir Charles rived lit Now Yor'k- last evening. st-vo al ptomniant farmers in x1agara town.
with BoIll im in 1840i with Chill in 3841, tue calmnity comeR in." 0.0111 )aratively so low a cost, . Russell continiied his argument, He All the cattle shipped per the Allan. ship. consisting of nursery 6took to the
with Liberia in 181,4 and with Russia in _- -1 - 1___-_____ I Zsiro to express my appreciation, of, referred to tile ,kmerlofin. charge of 88. Numidi tn have been slaughtm,ed , VPIQO Gf about 01,000. The go�jds were
The Council will m et in Goderl( . , . at smuggled from Youngston, N. Y, "
1859. So long as tbew treaties ramain, 0i Tune tile d'1'9(�nee and Zeal with Which 7011 'wastoful, character of polagic sealing. Liverpool. No tracp of disollso has been
oth. addressed -, ourselves to the work of the and asked what that had to (10 with the found in the lungs of the animals. Kate Grassett, the, Hamilton girl, who
in force Canada ,vill continue, to enjoy session. Sithough called together at a property claim, and howcoula wasto on It is announceil in IN"ashington that and pair of boots by maki a I Ise r p re so -
Tha Women'sChristian Temperance Union Nuu; found guilty olseeuring A gold watoll
the Must favorell nation. treatment, and arinobjecting totbo milk vendors of Sea. season of the year when the demands of the part of Canadians give Amea,icanfj a 11 a a n
soule Aava1lt4qe, doubtless, arises al' forth selling will-, on Sundays, ,rivate business ,ire most urpre title. owing to insufficient monpy 11,1vilig, tatims, was sentenced by, tho nirgistrato
r nt, you been
times from this privilege, On account of Ill bealth, 0. W. 0. Alayer, ave shown no desire either fo. hasten P-knls, May 25).-Beforo the' Debring appropriated to carry out fts provislons, on Saturday to one year in the &reroer Ite.
I � - legislation .-unduly Or to Postpone the Chinew exclusion law will not be iormatory,
* * * Evq. Q. 0. intends leaving I'Viogbam and tile sea tribunal yesterday Sir Charles Rus- enforced.
The story ofthe Noxon appointment will liereafter redde in Calgary, N. *. T. consideration of measures important to sell quoteLl Bavard, 131alue and others, John J, Ryan, reluesenting a Montreal
. I
here the climate in, more tenefloial to the province. . vindicating 111fliott*8 reputation as an ex- Rov� NViIlis (4, Craig Of tile Chicago film, Says that be received Iliq greatest
9*o"n"e`_of_th_a4'osb disgraceful epia-des whim. I recognize with easure your prud- pert, against Mr. Phelp's sneering refer. McCormick university was elected mod- bertfit from the Wombruys ERtin$7 and -
i�_tre��h � ile" liis't`ory�o f 1111 co-7fill"La -g'b-y A meeting Ol the Reformers of 8outh ence and foretbouglVit in pro" iding for encO, discussed Mr. Carter's argument erator of the Presbvteilan general as- Liver Care, after using several preparations
the Ontario Government. It was first Huron will be held At Dixon's Hall, Bruce. the establishment of a large national that mankind were entitled to usufruct sembly of the Unitell. 8tates at Wash. for Mdrey and Liver trouble, caused by
. I �, intended to make this gentleman ebei- field, on Monday, J'une 5tb, at I o'clock park, about 121, (100 square miles in artM. only of property and that exhaustible ington yesterday. � much Itailron,atravelline.
. iffof Oxford, but opposition to this P* `- for ths Purpose Of aPPD!ut-Dg aele. in the northern part of the province, and property should be entrusted to the SitTMILLY, Zl,,Ly go. 'A wreck and salva;e district has been
� scheme developed, and so an attempt gates to the Ottawa Convention. in thereby securing for all time a forest nation which can utilize it most efft- The great strike of ulliondock laborers eptablished in Bruce county,extending from ,
A. convention of the Reformers of the reservation of untold value to the conn.- at Hull, I ng., is ova Cape Hurd in The peninsula of Bruce,
.. was made to find a place for him else- E ant ItIding of Huron will be held in the 11,011 ciently for the common good, Sir r, a comuromise southward I
try, and included to it a reserve for s Charles contended that this principle, if having been effected, - ,to the ro,ther.n end of Fort
where. There being no vacancy at tile Town H%11, Bruseels, on Friday, June 2nd aninials as it is desirable to t rotect. The ElAin BAY'. Ur. Bdwatd Andrews, of Red
- time lie w. applicable to nations, involves awlica. A new ukase has been issued expelli Bay, has teen appointed reacivei of wrecks
-1 is i7en a sort of indefinite at I 80 ololoa) for the purpose of a general name, Algonquin. by whic tile Park is bility to individuals, thus roducl�'g tile tile Jews from the Asiat!a province a
position in Ar. Gibson's department. aisonasionof;oiiticaltoi)iog.an(I the p . a Of fortbe dietrict'ieferred to.
I .Icct- to be known, will form a connecting theory to absurdity. the Russian empire. I
It was first Announced that the now fen of delegates to the Liberal Convention link between its former ,and its future Although itis not claimed that Ayer)s
q PARIS, May 20. -Sir Charles Russell The glnc,e of Wales has sent a letter Sarsaparilla cares every ill to which fit,sh,
. official's duties would consist in super- to be held at Ottawa on June 20;b. occupants, while. amongst uther advan- continued hi% axgument in behalf of the to .Mr. zone expressitig his regret in beir, yet, as a matter of fact, it Is come �
, vising the binder twineindustry at the Another old and roppected resident of tages its ample area of laho and forest British case yesterday before the Behri at the recent hostile demonstration in nearer doing this than any other ined e
I Central Prison, but Warden Alassle Seaforth, full of Jeav, passed Away on wili 1�rnish unbounded facilities to corn- sea tribunal'of arbitration. i0in
. He argue� the Imperial institute. compounded. Inpurifyingthe blood, it �
I stated onoath before the Public Accounts Monday afternoon, Mr�. Andrew Xudy-, 211! generations for rest and recreation. 4,ainst the United States forbidding
Committeethat such all appointment of SIcKilic p, died at t'2& residence of b or be ,= tily concur in the provisions of foreigners to catch seals outside of terri. Paul, Minn_ yesterday, 0. S. removes the 8Our00 of nearly till disorders
� At St, I
was wholly unnecessary, and then, to daughter, Wrp. Donald McGregor, of tbat YOur Act granting liberal aid. to certain torial waters, and put emphasis on. j�!,a I . Rogers president of the NorthWestelm of the bumAn system,
. -get nut of the hole, in which they )yore town. She bad reached the age of 82 railways to be constructed in localities statement thtit American I CO�I-Z`6, company, lumpedfrom. the It is probable That in June, Hamilton .
aw, even to. h'611 freeholders will e
pla�ea,-tne �;,o.,,rnrp yeRre. hitherto unpruvided with railway ff ,tell- day dtw., i.i6t make sealing outside of bridge into tfie river. 125 feet below. b asked to vote on three
prit d,tclared that Messrs. Samuel and James Jobraton of ities, and which, opening as they do A, by laws: To authorize. the expenditure of
harles Russell Representative negroes of South Caro- 0010GO on Phir grounds; to grant a bonus �
delivered at God, -.rich yvay to localities believed to be rich in denied that the United States could lina held a meeting at Columbia and of 425,000 to the Hamilton, Grimsby and
Mr. Noxon had really fg-eff ffaae� a sort _NVeAt WgwanoFb, B�161ng sea illegal. Sif C
of general inspector of prisons and char- last �ioridiiy�`h little lniieh of five oattlo, Iron and 0= deposits, must prove to be 8 e C a condemn, Bmtrinvift Eleottle Rail-vay -,and to grant
',,Vbich they Of&�&at advantage to the general corn- tirne of peace as an act of' elf -d fen e. ing lynching and urging its suppression a bDn as of 640 000 for the establishraeut of
ities. It was further stated that his waigb c, fir _ , justify the seizure of foreign -vessels in adopted, a series of resolution
particular duty would be to control the raked in an average of five cqnti�q,ef P;VZ4a' munitv. He next proceeded to examine the inter- by Tdioso in authority. sm('11itig Vorkn.
tablesupplies of those in charge of - netting a very, ermfortable'-sual to I arri pleased to learn that steps ,,ire. to national lair governing seizures of During the ten months ended April 30, At a nicetirg of Methodiatmillisters and
public institutionsin order, presunlabl y h-abi be immediately taken for ascertaininZ foreign vessels in peace and in war. 453, 958 immigrants arrived at the ports laymen of the Wea Toronto distri b re -
that one of the latter might not again Slileen prohibidoulats in. Clinton whether, or to�wliat extent, a provincial 0 a 0 �
PAjus, May 27.-Inhis'arizuirrent be- of the United States. The numbek ar- Olution was pa,rsed strongly urging the
get Away with seven hundreddozen eggs attach their names to the following sen- Legislature has the power to deal with fore the Behring Sea tribilxial ofifrbitra riving during the corresponding period Dominion and Provincial Governments, in-
. -
in, a year, or anf)tber indulge in too timent;--lVe 'helievo in probibilion out the prohibition of the liquor traffic, and tion to -day Sir CharlesRussell disputed of the preceding year was 83.1,825. event of the World's Fair being opened on
Many pirle apples or Florida oranges. and Ont, We beliove the collut, y is ready that in the meantime, in response to' tile American contention that the New- The floods throughout northern Idaho Sundays, to have the Canadian esbiblr� I
* * * for it. We believe there bas been too numerous petitions from all parts of the foundland fishery Tight, claimed under and,the western part of Washington covered, following the example of Grnat I
lonob of the raniby-pampy styl,a of dealin.; province, a plebiscite is to be taken on, the fteaty of 170, sanctioned American have reached the highest point'known to Britain at the Paris and* yjenn� expoti-
esidents i I .
Windsor, the nine-year old son of khe . , ilanp. �
The theory held by many that, capit- with this question. the advisability of prohibiting by lavv claims to the exclusive Tight of seal the oldest 8� .
I al seeks the dearest market is not justi- the impoitation � manufacture, and sale � il"'It to and, the damage I
catching in Behring Sea. Sir Charles done will many hundreds of;
Rev. T. Campbell, pastor of the Cambriage pf intoxicating liquor as a beverage. It argued that the seizures of vessels in the . .
I : fled by recent events. As rates of in- street blethadist church, Lindsay, and is but reasonable that before legislating I thousands- of dollars, IT iTAq �DzEN Pnoyr,D.
. .
, terest advance ab"e normal figure.-, formoily of Godc-rich, died Tuesday from you should procure the settlement of open sea were unjustifiable for any . . . I . I It has been proved over and'overagain
. lockjaw. The boy fell off his reason except piracy, and that the right . Eddie McDuff, of - Malden, 3fa s., that B, B. B. ourge dyopepaia,,eblistipatiol,
suspicion is aroused and uncertainty I ather's any constitutional doubts as to the pow- of visitation and search of vessels upon lowered the American 2i mile road abi7 billionsenes, headache, soroful* A -ad all
I barse a few days Ago, and thi animal ers of the Legislature, and that the opea sea was non-existent save as a cycle record yesterday to I hour, 13 mitt- disekses of the stomach, ivar J
, prevails.. This fact is exemplified by stepped upon and orushad one of his should ascertain whether there is syuon I qfid bowelff.
I belligerent act or as conceded by treaty. utesand 55 2-5 seconds, Try it. E -very bottle �'o guaranteed to Wit -
the; retutris of Canadian banks on April fingers, which resulted in his death. a substantial public opinion in fa the United States had always Another. fire broke Out late last night all t or cu ra when t4ken according to direct-
, 30tb. It is custom try for. these banks A bad accident happened kto %he tildebt prohibition as would ensure its . vor of I France and . .
I to keep very large balancets in the nfOrce- staunchly denied the right of visitation, in Saginaw, Mich. The latest eport long. 1.
. son of Mr.Joseph Izzard, Bayfield line ment in the case of legislation being except under agreement for the sup- was Mat the entire business porr PSEFECT SA,Tl .
UnitedStates, especiallyinNew York Goderieli Township, the otbor day. A adopted. I shall -*N,atch with interest pression. of the slave trade, and had never the city was threatened. tion 3f 837ACTIOiT. .
.. and Chicago, and the money is usually couple of cther children were J�liky ing to- the course of events with respect to both allowed their national rl . . Gentlemen. -I tieve found 13., B. :g7. an
. I � profitably employed there. Owingi getber,t:nd holding rp a small Pole these questions. ghts In this ra- . Chauncey H. Snow, journalist and excellent remedy, both as a blood pu*rifibr
however, to the fluancial flurry in NeNv botizo lly they asked hma to jump ovc-r I have assented with great pleasure gard to be overruled. . � civil engineer, died in Washington Oil Find generb]. family mediciap. I was for �a .
I York in April, over $3,350,000 of Cana- ,it and in t4ing I to Accomplish which he to the bill which you have passed for The Briggs Case. Sunday, aged 60. Mr. Snow was one of long time. troubled with sick headache and
d' ithdrawn and in the trip"d and fell On hib right hand breaking the prevention of cruelty to and the bet heartburn. and tried a bottle which gave-
. . ran money. was w befli bcnr,b at tba vviiet. . WASMNGTO' N, Way 26 -In the Presby- the corps of engineers who constructed ms such Perfect :84tisfaction that I have. I
, . past three or four months nearly 88,- Dr, Elliott, of Obiesao lati, of Bruce- ter protection of children, as a means of terian assembly yesterday Dr. Briggs the Hoosac tunhel. . since then uoed it as our family medicine, I
� resciiin possible or probable resurned his speebb, in defence. of the Writing from St.� John's, Nfld., Lieut.
- cr,Mi,%1 from a .
I I . 000,000 has been transferred to our own field, 1B back winding up his affairs r. ropar- career m,%uy who would other- actioft of the New York presbytery in Penry says the; sealing steamer Falcon E. B9216Y. North Bay, Ont,
; I marketo. This large surn has been used story to his perinnuent removal to Chicago, visa b . e homeless and unprotected. I ' Fen FROST BITEP. . I - .
�.! I .1 in the discounting of commercial paperi He likes the west very =nab troui a has- a the case of the prosecutibia against him will be ready to sail by ,Tune 15. The Bire.-For chapped bands, sore threat - . .
I I I ni confident that tho,measure will be of and in opposition to the entertailling oi sauie route will be taken as in 1891 OR a I
.1 I the line outstandinz now being ,$206,- imese Ataudpoln-,. bit I aukly admi a t,iv e great serviQe. � nd froit bites I find nothing excelle Hag- .
. . the appeal from the judgment of tile tbl-' Xite. going by way of Bafflu.'s Bay yara,a yellow Oil, I had Iny feet frozen 3 .
. 789,000, as compared with $197,707,000 are featurps of life there ubjectionable to I have given My assent with pleasure presbytery thereon. i,:to Swith's Sound And thence to 116- 'yesr4ogo , I
. two months ago, an increase of over $9. a Canadian, who lim not. I constoni(d. I and obtained no relief until I I
_ I . . .been a to theineasures',which you have adopt- :, NVASU=GTON, May 27. -The P,esby- 'CorMick Bay. . used HaRyard's Yellow Oil, which. soon �
. I �
I ; I .000,000. This is good: news to busi- to the lo6ki ness of m4rals which prevail ed for securing the better registration of terian, Assembly, by a vote of 4.69 to i4,5, . — healed Up the frozen part. .
i I
L nose men, but it must be admitted that to a far grra:er extenG thala . . � I
, � ppose. most P8oPIG voters in cities, for the furth ve- has decided to entertain the appeal in . Canadian Cattle Ill Eugland.
� this digeount line i He exptota to 1.�avo about tile Urn 'O LowDox, May I 3 . O.-Calladian Chap Lougmuir, Alameda,'N. W. T� i
n growing too rapidly, 'In ment of our inimicipal laws, "Q tph'e ex- the Bri gs case. This decision is adverse .cattle A eerlou� aecideot occurred in Gerrie 4
� -and insuch times as bhoseitiswell to- lst of Jove tension ofjurisdiction of Division Courts, to Dr. Iriggs' contention. Should the continue to arrive at Deptford, Glasgow on Tn-aday, by . which William, youngest I
. I . have a l4rgs reserve of ready ,cash on The Fweat wree Press Lbays-I'The and for further facilitating the enforce- assembly vote to reverse tile judgment and Liverpool without any suspicion of son of Mr. Paul Doi(�, farmer, oarne voy� I
I charpe of illogral pramice. of rapdicine pre- ment of the just rights of. wage -e
. band rather than I A to I o bulky � . aset of fei.reda�wutjt lfubezt Ovens-, a raedic,bl .. arners of the Presbytery of New York, then the tile existence of disease, _Thby. are care. 'neai. losing hD life.' Re: was driving a I
�:slow Accounts. and s -ab -contractors. I notice with sat- case will be rem anded to fu�ly kept apart from. the American spun of �vounk borses ,& a ,h a�y wa h
I .� . I I . student, uf Parkhill, by'rho-; Wasson that body to n a.0 , go , r
I 1. I 1�1 , I` hfaction that the law's -respectilig- the take such. further action as, shall be annuals -and the lungs are thoroughly wh�n. the. horsezi became. IdAhtere4: 8:hil � I
1. .. . .
_. 1. 1, I .x X X speetor for tian Pruvin6al Med. 'oli"".Ir re-b-Itration of instruilients relatfiig to necessar in acco�dance with the deals, examined, . The hope of. an ,early r; ' 1'olted.'��Ibr6viiiig: "rat' -.un Or the wheeI8 I
Was bevrd by Japticeri B-trron and Knrr the , la" t,g .
"I . Canadian trade with:Gerrilway. is. in- rid And the htws for. ,the protection of' ion "Of , asselhibly�. Moval of the schedule has been strengW . 1i d
, I � other afternooti. Tho cqse wa- triedin tho gaine, have been Improve I . I , . wnich pa�sed over Iiiin b,eaking two ribs. . I
. I
�, . I . creasing rapidly. Thus the export to town hNII, which was giveu by � G1 d and consolid- �_ .ened. , ,� a,ldbraising A)im Toy , Y badly. At last
I . . ewgo ated. - The meastires" also concerning Defittilt("'I'il�e,Stirrertd4tr.q. ' . � I I . .1. . . I i
� I _ :.
. .1
" ,,, that 0011TIbly from the Dominion have Goal 4, wito was snniwoboil b) th.) 1 ro-e,m� houses of refugo, rospectink the Iiublic EL PASO, Texiae; May 29, A hag- It. 63 -Dill . e Fence C ()Sting ,85 0, 000. solicurit. he wae progressi . ug favorably. � I
I -
: . I . .risen in value from,$142,749 in IE89 to io", anj bvt6k! defea, wit io h sawn b.h0f. health, and arnending the 11 I quor license. gard-lookin mail I giving the I NrNv Yonx, May 211—A Saranac Lahe — P_"-� i
1 $842,312 in 1892, while the llports from T he JUsti oes d, O'd a d to su I -in It I h e evid tin c,s I � ,� ' 19 name of . 11 I I
11W81' are tilnGly alia important, and will Edward Pike, gave himself-np to the desDatch says: Dr. W. Stewait Webb True Philanthropy, , ' ,
. GermanybaveincreAlRed in the uaine to Count* Crown Attorney, Bucke, which be f6utid beneficial, I .
period from $3,602, ,55,583,530, ba,..benn dono. I � police here to -day. He said he was does not intend that anyone shall tie � TO TON RDIT()1t ; , , . I I I
. r s- . -
% 570, to . I thank ye'll for the liberal appropris- guilty of.eml.,ezzling $100,000 lit Toron- pass on his private puservps�. I z I- I ,Fleago inform your YeAdLis � I
L I . I � I X X x I I We isre sorry to - havo to abroniclo Ilia tions which you hav e made Tor the public [ to, Canada. The chief of police suppos- .
, der*tlj of nil 014�re.ideli? of Ailsa Uraig, Air. I This week he began the erection of d tlatit I will mail free to all ,
� , orifferetu 0 0,
!_ � Jay. l?yi,qE,tI,.. bpetmApil baft beon for oome I I I ea to beibIth
" I The farmin conimunity will ,be glad . svvvi,:.o. Tbesmpplies ,whicll You bave I ed lid Nvas a hinatic, but telegraphed to Wire fence round Xellasine Park in� means bv wbleb I Van restor .
. I 9 va granted will be b.ipended with car . e and a,�ccrtaln if his statement was trup. eluding Lake Lila. The. fence'will bd and. inanly vigor After y�ws
,: tir'De a 1)atriyO of Bradford, N li�.Iand, ' a . of suffering
. �
11 to learn that Mr. Barr's bill has'PaBsed. W'Ls over to tbis-conntey visitittg bit, fri6nd14 L in the nublic interest. I . The chief constable of Toronto wired 68 miles long, nine feet high, and.will hom Nervoum Weaknjeei4. I was robbe(A
I . �, the Government. this bill provides and reiKi"Ve.., intendit'g Ed pay VIR44 to his Thp Provincial Seeretary then said .. tha.4,Pike was wanted, and, an OfAcer Is be composed of 14 parAll and �wiadled by a ulke .
I ,I.. . I el wires, It, tb kg until I near),.v
I * -
. , 1 that where farmers pay agenbsLof ilTlplenl. soiis in the TTuilrd -'�ttOoq at LA Nhis, Iowa M speaker and Gentleinen. of the L,egis- now on ,the way with the necessary will cost $50,000. ,, , I I I At laith in umukind, at shanks to heavk' 4�
1 1 � I , . M
� ent nianu�acturers, whether in goods '�r ( --d �11- ul�&, Win., and spend a 4iort lative Asseilibly: � � � papers. Pike is a wreck, but is'w'ell, I - . I 1am now %rell, Tiflokous, and AkroDiv, I, I
. -
t re. A� ig. ,,� 11; is his 110.iour's will an ,sed, and is tho I A'White Girl Afarries an rh(lialt. have notbing lo r.nll ar)d
I : I I I . nioney, they will,not be liable to the rlil'a VMt ari re�urn to his d pleasure dres u -bb to have a arge I 119 Aahr.ma lo.'ex- .
: I
I .
,., I
1. , lie f tbattlxis'Lo50-,isl,,,.tiv6.A,,serxibly be Die- - , SissnToN AGE, Noy, S. D., May 27, �_Misq tort monty fiom anyone whommoRver, biki
nianufacturors',,lien as fit present. Her me in the all. Ho linn. bp(trt. for some o atuount of money inlis possessio'n.
I e ' I . ro-ued - and ihis Legislative _kBsei - I : I I I 11 Cynthia Rockwell; a teacher, and Rich. being dwiroutt to Mabe Li ig
,, : . I tim - -oted tbo trip . 8 , , I ably, ,. _ certain a�ra. I
after, if mai uf-ic uror,� vranb to protect 0 in poor bf,Alt1j'ana nxp� I . h
,� , I . qj;d work P, eutn hQ1 While litire � b" 1�@- is accordingly prorogued. , ' foug- ard Iling, a full-blooded Indian, were known to &A, r vrill seud free �
,� : W( . I � Th-', worknien in the Tlioni5on-1 , I And corfl.
17� � 11 It I'll �
I . I � I toja I, e, ,
.�� 0 , I �iric NV, - I I '
th6ins6lv,es from the diehollest of their oamo quite ill. wbish illneal, rond-ad in his At fifteen Minutes aftex two o,cl 3r'ks at Lynn Mass �arried to -day. . I dentfDl to anyone tali partiolliais of juot
m,.I.. -1- . -, 101y de. ill ,
_ �, &1i-1 .1,�,f . - 'ua , . I
count the proceedinfs were over and the a I I- : it� 58� b" ' Wes Rockwell came from Waahi g- bow I vvas 009d. Add,as,s ,jib
. , r death the ot 11 , fit day'at-14M Gxrcle�'m, , , , I I ;r�tud �14 hours a W�elc W ORN 1. n ofteft-pu ; 11
,.;,." -il".�....., ... t...�, .11 I
..,� _1Z I It - __ - .11- ... 1-11-1 ... 11..-1.__,.,.. ispers, ., '. I , I - aten -a iiivolyiug Wn, where it is eaid stio once reigned ft
� ._�.... � once d, . I .a MR ED44.RD MAUTAlbr, (T644h
I _ ��3. t d t1re, , W stril,
ILI, � I I � I � � � I .1 . . ,.r L I . , I � I I f,!)s
. r X�ow wal. . 11 � I P. 0. -Box -143, Det 1, U10% ,
. . 1. I � .., , I 1. I I r . I I I I � I I �. . I I I 11 I 11 I . , r . � . I I I . 1. Fol
�,, , ,, � _�_,, I I I I I 1� I I 1 I I I I . I 1
A66666"��'�. , , , ''I I I . . I
6�I - - I I - �1� -I r � � I I � � ]I , , : 4 . . I , I I
� I. - , — , - � - , , , , � . I