The Exeter Times, 1893-6-1, Page 3a. r -z ,d ._.., - -'. .. I : I ", _ .. ... ! 40 ARODNI)TRE WORLD. THE FATHER RE ENTS. I-FOUGRT IN MA14 r BATTLEa. ..rixf f4eaiswihtar created Ity the Presence ora A �I 1 ,nn�- C ,aljy,t PloasantLittle nomalieeIlk lilgh Lite, is y� -05' "n { s�,�t • Arc ,•' 'J, Gstteeui"loll L:lay ia4 ilia lalerlur or A DCntlrotColnr.Sergt 4lexitneterl(nY. "Ibe all, 9 . ,A.T , uEff ,Arita\ Tacoma, SVash: s ecial sa s C a t. c } Japan. , p says, fJollalabaQ.,, I �;4• RS 7C) 141r, dames S: Snasdell ins actor Jerry Bourke has started far Chicago i O At 19G iYlarkham streep oME I p of the assist Lady Aberdeen with the Iriall exhibit , T Toronto, on on Sun- l ` PY,E '- :sten Life Assurance Company,, has favoured at the World's Fair: Later,behaa the row« day morning, Color -.Serge, Alexander Ka , , a.Ylnncreal "Witness" tnaii with an account iso a€ a $3,000-a- ear osf fo u late of the 13th' Light Infantry, departed Q y p t o ndet the y, r of some of the sights and incidents of the Marquis of Aberdeenwheu thelatterbecomes this life. Sertrt. Kay was born fn Lanark- i `x any �ti'' 6 tour re.lurd the world just completed by Governor-General o€ Canada: under Glad- shire, Scotland, and was at ilia time o£ his INF TONIPO himself and Mrs. Snasdell. Iiesaid:--'�We stone. Capt, Bourke's winsome little wife decease $o y� Lta of age: He was the son of BY SP! CIAL R4 AL APpolffTMEkT •'' left Montreal, on May 27, last year, taking a farmer lady-in-waiting on ween Victoria the late Capt, Katy, of the 14th Hussars, and the C tins lion pacific Railway for Vancouver. will:leave by a Canard r rx Qt . Wednesda � was destined for the clittrch., Willis at- . �T�-y Faj A day was spent at 1;randoit aril two at far London; to oecome the uest of her 'tending College, preparing for hot orders ' —AND— . ND the work Vancouver, where we took the " Empress cousin, the Duchess of Bedford. Then she his desire for adventure forced him to leave A eo oat down of Japan " for Yokohama. During most of will visit her father, Sir William Payne, a is studies for a soldiers life. He accord t� thata young the voyage the weather was very cold, part retired general in the English army, who ingly' like many lads of his day, ran away Uy girl Ci cloficeto of the time fog y, and, as usual, in the mid• gave her the cold shoulder five years ago from his books and listed on the 20th day � � � jigg of Januarp 181x, in the re iwoman can do a northern Pacific the "sea was very rough. • when she married his wide-de-oa Jerr F' g went above family washing The voyage occupied fourteen days. -The Bourke. ° ' Y named, 'rom the time of Ilia enlistment The Most Astolllshing Medical Mkovery of �. without Uoing only land sighted was the Aleution Island. Bourke was. a second eon and as Sir Will- till the time of big leaving Her Majestyi's e (� steam tired, On Sunday morning,June 17, we reached ' service, his soldier's life was not a bad of �' �iiI1CT'eC Y�il�lo N,0 st tte(, m � Yokohama, a distace of 7,300 miles from lams other dau daughters had married exceed- p g roses. Under Lord El hinstone he assinted It is Pleasant to the Taste :a.S' the Sweetest Nectar. No HEAVY BOILER Montreal. ingly wall, he was very angry. Willi his fn avenging the massacre of the IB,OOO men IN THE To LIFT father dead, the fatnily estate went to the in the pass of Cabul. Afghanistan, by the It i3 Safe and Harmless as the Purest Xilk. Y1,51TED A VMCAaa By :ilanT, first sono and Jerry had nothing but his treacherous Akbar Khan Dr. lar don bein This wonderful Nervine Tonle has only recently been i In speaking: of the sight-seeing incidents commission of lieutenant under his bang the only survivor of that dreadfusiau l g Y Y introduced You Say: of the trip it was learned that, afters end. father -fn -law, who instead ofadvanaitt him g iter into this Country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great; House p g The generals commanding the avenging Sonth American 1\ciwine Ton C, and yet its great value as a, curative ®W.� fug nearly threemonths in Yokohama, they in rank for his marriage La his daughter, as army where Sir Robert Sale and Pollock '� {Waited the great volcano, Asoma Yama, the friends of the young paaple expected, while the captain of his awn company was agent has long been known by a few Of the most Ieirzleci physicians, which is situated about 120 infles north- he ground him dawn and Jerry lead to sell y BY USING west of.Yokohama, Cite of the nearest and his: Commission. With the proceeds of his the afterwards renowned Sir Henry Have. who have not brought its merits and value] to the knowledge of thee: most convenient places from which the as, sale became ta•the United tates, but be general public, ■- Cent is made is elle village of Karnizawa, had to leave his wite in England on account fins AERO OF L"0XtTaw, This medicine has completely salved the problem of the cure of indir which is distant from the base of the vol. Of DO funds with which to bring her over. He served throughou t the war in Afghan. gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. - — g y from m rano about. 12 miles, In order to reach Having been in the army be erne{v some- stars from IS,1$ to 1841 ; was presentin:1840 also of the greatest value in the Cure of all forms of failing.health from) this village one musttake the train to Yoko. thing of civil engineering, and he secured a at the storming of Ghuzaea ; siege of Too, whatever cause, It performs this b the ' ' • Sawa, the terminus of the railway, and then Coition of district engineer on the coast_ dendirah ; storming of Julghar; engage- P y e great nervine tonic quulltiefi transfer to a small tram car drawn by two division of the Northern Pacific. went of Parwandirah ; in 1$41 at many which it possesses, and by its great Curative powers upon the digestive ht horses, which crosses a high range of mown. Before he had saved up money enough to bloody battles in the passes Between Cabul organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedyCom area SOAP tains ky A somewhat dangerous mountain pay Mrs, Bourke's passage here, a relative and Jellalabad, Khoord and Cabal, Tazzean with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as1 a builder and strength - !1 pass. The journey through the pass occu- of hers had died and left her a thousand and Jugdaliaugh ; 1842, at the defence and a ener of the life forces) of the human body, And as a great renewer of a 40 9 pies about four hours, but the magnificent pounds. Just as soon as she came in poe, general action of Jellwlabad dud battles of broken-down Gollsti ' col'ding' to Easy Direet'CU scenery well repays one for the trouble sessiou of the. legacy she sailed for Amerioa Jagdullaggh, Tazzeen aril capture of Cabul: tAtlon, It is also of more real -permanent value in taken. ,After staying a few days in to join Jerry. About two years ago there D -" t}'ose engagements he did not escape the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption Karnizawa Mr. and Mrs. Snasdell, au- was a change in the ensineerin department tinscatihed, but was four times wounded, remedy ever used on this Continent. It is a marvelous cure Put aside your own ideas next waeb-da g for new Y Gompanied by a young lady and five of the Northern Pacific, and Jerry was At rho alarming of the fortress of Gliuznee, ousixess of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical anatry trio easy, clean, "SUi�GIGNi" 's'ay. guides, started at seven O'clock on a dark thrown Out Of a job, while the wife's purse while scaling the walls, be received period known as change in life Should. t �' t a o , s l no fail to use this great Nervine AigllL to make the ascent. About iI.3Q was shrinkfn 'They lived in two small A BAvoY>ar filzRt;sr MIT Let anotherwash-daygo brw.14 tout p• the base of the mountain was reached Pomo almost sonstantl for the s ace of two or three years. It will 1 m. rooms in ilia �uimett black here, and Mrs. ' in the top of his head ha fall and was ' y' p . trying3t, and here the horses were tethered, leaving Bourke without complaininj set about to picked up by his comrades as dead, fill the Carry thein sftfehy over the danger. This great strengthener and cura- two of the guides to care for them. After do all her housework. bhe remodeled da of his death be wore. a silver , I Ive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because: its rest a most difficult climb through cinders and gown$ in which she used to appear Before y plata {r - g t, App which replaced the part of his skull die. elpe>'tilxilxg properties well give them a :Heir llt7ld On life, It will sticgi telt, broken lava (the distance from the base to Queen. Victoria, and in fact performed reg. p�alaced by the savage thrust of the Af han'a or fifteen years to the lives of man the summit, being five miles and the height ularly all the common place duties and bayonet. After serving in, there regular f" , 3' of those wlio will use a half dozen CENTRAL about One and-a•quarter mites) the top of drudgery of &poor .man's wife, � g g y Mottles of tilt remedy each j^ear, the crater Is threo•quarters of a mile in " At times those nearest the Bourkes be- for • t years he retired, ><40 has been a diameter and is about $00 feet dee to the lieved they were cramped for the bare resident of Canada far over 10 years. After " 1 I REMEDY ��1 y p A his arrival iA y pa ice, was made inspector 1 � ~ Drug S itr 0 r Qf fire and is aoma,vhat funnel shaped, The necessities of life. T`ha {vi€a never cam- of the military police, and served in that NervOilsness seething mass of molten fire was a very plained, and f•'aptain Bourke's tall form was ca aril for about 10 ' Broken Constitution ,� rand sight, especially as erect and soldier) as when he served p years, under the Nervous Prostration FANSOv a BLOCK, g $ A t fn the ),loom before Y supervison of Staff Officer Col. Sultach. t Debility of Old .Age, daylight, The ascent of the mountain is under Sir William. 7'he edge of the silver Nervous Headache, �ndi� Cation and Dyspepsia, generally made at night for two reasons, lining appeared four months ago, just when NCl% Headache " ~ First because it would be almost impossible the Claud {caadarkest, Throti h theeflorts THE ST- OLAJ,R-ERIE OANAL, e ' Heartli.era and Sour Stomach, of a sister o£ . g female Weakness g to alienia it in the heat of the day and, sec. Mrs, Baurke's, Sir William •--.• a Weight and Tenderness flat stonlat;h ondly, because the fires are a very much relented, and: allowed J•erry's'wife a quarter. A Toronto special says: -.Conroy 1Vyatt- Nervous Chills, Loss of ,Appetite, i grander sight in the dark than in daylight, ly allowance of S;i00, He also asked her to an English engineer, now residing in .-VIul- Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, After remaining at the edgeand near the Cama home and she complied, starting two neapoiia, has arrived here to moon Col. Tis. Nervous Paxoxysms and Dizziness :end Ringing in the Ears it crater for nearly all hour, the descent of the weeks ago, After tine shower of good for- dale, 31. P. for South Norfolk. The Colonel Nervous Choking ' mountain was .made in about an hour, then tune it poured, the Duke of Pedford and last session at Otta,va advocated the liot Flashes �� Weak gess Of Extremities and - the Horses wereagain mounted and the will- the Marquis of Aberdeen and their wives e-onstraction�of a canal from Lake St. Clair s Fainting, ago was.reached' about 11.30in the morning, taking A hand in befriending the Do urkes, to .Lake Erie, running through Lambton palpitation of the ITE'art, Impure ttnel Impoverished Blood, .� i7I? stook 0 all It1I] dS o the journey having occupied over sixteen -- -- --• •------- and Kent counties, thirteen, miles lou and Mental Despondency, g , ]Boils and Carbuncles, �76-19t"lt j�g a,Lill. package hours of almost continuous travel. Tile range Tenth, making' an immense saving for the enormous Sleeplessness, Scrofula, Of mountains Is magnificent, almost equal vessel traffic between Lake Huron and all St, Vitus' Dance, Scrofulous Swellings null L'I rs .' yes, oollstantly oil, to our own Rockies, but not quite so wild. TTh re?,, no fe� r inutile Piilots face ports ports beyond the Lake I�rie points, g cC , hand. Win= f8 IN TnE 11EAnT OF SAI'AN. As lie guides tile worlds.likobontsin aeturm, Mr. Wyat,,believee in this canal, is ready Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, The next day the city of Nagano, situnt.. Through the rockin seas of f Paco • to build it, line bankers behind him in St. Nervousness of Old .Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Ciondition. ed about thirty or forty miles west of And whether they make the harbor At last Paul and is lined with substantial endorsa- IWTPuralgia, ]Bronchitis and Chronic Cough Karnizawa, was visited, and the large old rjr stiff forever shoals shoroless flea, swell, tions, A 31 foot Oanal,150 feet wide on top, , YoSVd~]''.sins in the Heart, Liver Complaint, temple of Zin•koji, situated there, proved I knowthatall is well- Will coat less than $4,000,000, and this pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhea erti, very interesting. This city being in the And I learn these things from the heart of the money, Mr. «'yatt says he can get at once, at t�i6 best very Heart of Japan and about 150 milds From tttc solemn soul of the sea- All he wants Is a Dominion charter giving Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, from the. nearest treaty port hardly any S or never a bird ina, wire -bound cage the Company he proposes to organize power Summer Complaint of Infants. �, in the mark-. foreigners ever visit it (especially ladies) Told all these things to me. � to expropriate land and to collect tool, All these :end many ether complaints cured by this wonderful et and alwaysand lfrs. Snasdell was regarded as a great Ana thio soul of man is sunward bird from vessels. He will start the work as soon Nervine Tonic, curiosity by the natives who collected in IVlth wings that word"'mado for flight, Ax the charter is given. He will spend `� -p-�7• �'�t resp. Family reeip. Crowd, and stared in astonishment at her. To pierce to the front of the Ailning day, $1,000,000 a year for two years for wages l� E,1 1 Q 1� �� $ �1 �( They then returned to Karniza{va and And float through rho depths ofnight alone. Tits new canal will bring an immense '■' s %�'I 1�1r el'S (3a1"8f 2�1y prepared at after a few more days spent there the re- And T se le the;c othis things is that sky, otGod volume of traffic through Canada which As a cure for ever class of Nervous Diseases no 'SVhosaleavrsarothes rdnaings:ky, g ' y , remedy hag been Central Drug More $etre turn to Yokohama was made. After visit- And the legible face of trio dark green sock, now only skirts it. Increased efforts will be g able le compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and ing 'Tokio, the capital of .Japan, several NVith tho eye behind floe o10. made to interest the Government in the harmless ill all its effects u. times, Kamakura (near which place the For truth Ignot closed in the lids of abook, scheme, pori the you child or the Oldest and mos(; C IAUIT■ great bronze image of Daf Butsu, lift feet For never r aibird saal is fres ; delicate individual, bine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human ■ Y And never a biro in a wire -bound saga high, is to be seen), and G4noshima, Mr. Told all these things tome. family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- --' and ," Yrs. Snasdell sailed from Yokohama P When the Other Fellow balled. tic:. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood a, for I{nobe (on the S. "Empress of Japau") For truth stn es into the open heart „ , , Incorporated 087, with Cash Capital of $500000 {v]iiah was reached rho next day. After a And ii L�io breath the streaming liauittle Johnny.- callia' on ,Ila a goo to deal rather Nice. egeneral state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow', And nerves is the stay here of three {weeks the sailed on, the earth fella., result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the yb SS. "Empresa of China" for Shanghai. And drops from the , i na ch rch Sister's Admirer (delighted): rr right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses unci ailments t�� Tis gat shut in a Uook, in a churc or a school, ( g ) Would After a stay in Shanghai of two months the Nor cramped in the chains of a creed, you Y Why?" disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system stem must supply all "Empress of Japan conveyed them to Bnt lives in ilio open air and tine light Lfttle Johnny: "'Cause ebenever Mr. the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the Hong Kong where they remained five For all men in their need 1 , • , y ' But the fish that swims;n a goldfish vase Nicefello calls she stuff's up the .keyhole." first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food .does not con. �. {racks. On January 5 they sailed for Knows not of the salted sea, fain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to rer ' Aur, ig. Singapore on the P, & 0. SS. t° 1ialwa" And never a bird inawimboundcage Swards were manufactured in En land y _aiY Pit 8T of there in firs days. After a stay told all these ;.: rigs tome. in the fifth century, g the wear our pre$ent mode of living and labor imposes Upon the nerves. '' f nearly three weeks the SS. " Goda For this reason it becomes necessarythat a nerve food be supplied. } very" conveyed them to Java. They re- TFrom the hillstl athhou der the sky,d'peaks" 1—``Daggs must have a, poor memory. r mained at Batavia three weeks and after Through the topless heights of a mans own g me $5 for a ,year." -Y— This Sglltb•giiiCTlCAn Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the He has been owing visiting the great Botanical Gardens at dreams "On the contrary, I think he has a goad essentiail elements out of which nerve tissue is formed, This accounts I . k I Ec ft.� j Buftenzorg they returned to Sin a ore and Thiavoico goes wanderingby; memory. I owe him $5, and he asks me for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- [file BIE 1, ,,i,' o ANN'ith an car nd who roams the earth beth an opaned to bear, lSCt.rt, for ft eve time he sees me.,, rangement. 1 took the P. ce y pe Thames" to C ming Whenever s the voice comes near, then whore they spent two days, interesting \V]el catch some broken cora of the sound CRAWPORD11MLE, Ira., Aug. 20, 'S0. Itr,B tCas, WILMN,aV, of Brownavalley, Ind..) then for Bombay, The most interestin To the Great SorieAA inerfcan ifedteine Co.. says: I had been in a distressed condition for AND APPLI.ANOIE] CO. things seen at this latter lace were the But not passed the prison of custom and dices 9 REAR GENTS: -1 desire to say to you that I place 'Will the voice of the 0,%ion flee • have suffered for many years with a very serious three years from Nervousness, weakness of the 49 KING STS W. TORONTO, ONT. Caves of E]ephanta and the P Towers of And never a bird in a Wire bound cage disease ofthestomach and nerves. Iledevery omach, Dyspepsia. and Indigestion, until my Silence," where the Patsi people dispose of Told all those things tome. medicine I could hear of, but nothingdone me ! i AVER -S health was gone. I had been doctoring con. their dead. any apprGrea a oCod mei I was advised le atantl with no relief: I bought g . C, PBTTERSON,1Figr. for Canaan. Sarsaparilla try your Great South American a Nervhte using y g one bottle re ,mss (rIVE.V' TO PVLTIIR139. and Stomach and Liver Cure, and since using south American Nervine, which Bono me more The corpse is taken into the tower and Fifty -One Days Under Snow several' bottles of it i must say thnt I am our- good than any ; SO worth of doctoring I ever Electricity', its applied r y the laid down naked on a grating and the vel- An account has been received at St. Yet- IS superior to all other' re aril: prised at Its wonderful powers to cure the stom- did in my life. I would advise every weakly per- Oes en Electric Bolt P p p ac4 and general nervous system, if everyone eon to use this valuable and lave r Belt, turas, which are sitting on the walls in erabur Of a remareablt ex erience that knew thevalue of this remedy as I doyou would y remedy; a g g A tions bebIoad-puri$ers. notbe able to supplythe demand. few bottles of it has cured me cam leW - 11 7s now nTC gnized as the realest boon offered hundreds'wafting, swoop down and in half •befell a young -girl named Alexandrina . p Y I to suffEring h . in all rt is fast taking the First of all, because the principal J. A. IlaanEE, Ex.rreas. Montgomery Co. coneldcr 1t the granddst medicine In the ;world: i4 plane afCdrags in all norvous and rheumatfa an hour nothing remains of the corpse list Schftkine, 17 years of age, who was recent- , troubios, End wi11 eirect cures in seomingly the bones. Almost every day from five' to Iy discovered lying in a state of complete ingredient used in it is the extract , hopelessctiseswheroevcryotherknowumeaus ten bodies are disposed o` in this way. exhaustion near the village" of Bogorodska, of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla A SWORN CURE FOR ST, VITAS DANCE OR CHOREA. pias f'fr, o It ', nature's romedy, and by its The Hfndoo cemetery here is alai ver in the province of Moscow. She relates CRA'SVFoltD5VILL1% TND., June 22, 1887. steaay,sootlling fourrent that.is roadtly Boit, Y Y P root, the variety richest in medi- QOS'hFtVELY CURES interesting as they barn their dead on a pile that she fell asleep one evening on a heap My daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St. Vitus? Danger • of wood. A notice placed on the gate of the of straw, and on walking some hours after- cinal properties. Also, because or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner• Blienntatisna, Sexual Weakness, cemetery states t. •,, every stick of wood wards found herself lying under a mass of the yellow vile. and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every Case of St. ' Generr.1 Female t7oruplaints supplied by the contra. ,r is to be at least snow that had fallen during the night and Cures Catarrh dock, bein Vitus' Dance. .L have kept it in my family for two years, and aim sure it is Lumbago, Dobility; Kidneynipotency,Diseases, six inches longer than the corpse. enveloped her to the depth of some three g the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and D s e sift and for all LumUaSo, Iiidrie.V Diseases. raised expressly for the Company, �• �' y�P P , ' Nervone Diseases, Liver oomptaint, After remaining.six days in Bombay they feet. All the girl's attempts to extricate P y� forms of Nervous isorders and Failing Health, from w atever cause. Dysppensia, " iii»e ilaelr, left for Ismalia where they disembarked herself proved unavailing, and she remained i9 always Ercall and of the very JOIN T. XisiE Varicocele, Tlrinary Diseases. Cairo Stale of �?2dirLnCL, for Gairo which was reached March ?l, ed buried among snow and straw for fifty- best kind. With equal discrpmina- I ss: FFF lltontgbscriy Coand Eu � A��.� M After &trip up, the Nile, a visit to ancient. .one days, her only nourishment. dnriag that tion and care, each of the. other Subscribed and sworn to before I Itis awell known fact that medical'science Memphis; the pyramids and tombs of Sak. time being a fe{v morsels of bread that she O e me this June 22, 18$7: ingredients are selected slid Com- has utterly failed to afford relief In rheumatic karah, the Fyramfds; tombs and Sphinx at happened to have with her. When, at CHAS. W. WRIQIiT, Notary Publiep eases. Wo venturetho assertionibcttalthoiA Gizeh, the Museum and a drive around old length rescued, the girl was, of course, Pounded. It is q�4g� . Electricity has only been in use as a remedfal Cairo, Ismalia was again reached (after found to be in a state of most complete in 'i' Iy`i� IGESTION AWD DYEWE agent fora few years, it has cured more casesd6 19I�l .of Itheumatism than all other means" com- passing twice through the battlefield and anitian, and it.requiretl severe] daps of Con• e bined. Some of our leading.phystefans, reco$$- cemetery of Tel-eland the SS. "Bri. Stant care and nursing to restore her ■ ee �t ® The Great South American Nervine Tonic niFing this fact; are availfugYhemseivesottlit tennia"conveyed them to Brindisi, Malta strength. On recovering she statecl that e d 0 C I n e Which we no ofer on, i t most potent Of nature's forces. Superior ver you, s he only Absolutely unfailing remedy ever and Gibraltar and then to Plymouth, Eng- alio hurl not experienced any excessive cold discovered for the Cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia,ttnd the as train TO RESTORE MANHOOD land, whore they arrived April S. After and had only occasionally been'seized with because it is always the Same in gt x111 Of I several places in England they sail. shivering, She suffered mitch, however; y symptoms and horrors 5vhit h are the result of disease and debilityof Thousands of people stiffer from in, varix of appearance, flavor, and effect, r nervous diseases, rsuch as Seminal Weakness, ed for Montreal from Liverpool on May 4, from hunger, and, after her few crusts of PP ° 'the human stomach. No person call afford tri. ass b this 'e - Impotency, Lost Manhood, Veale Back, ete., arriving hereon May 14, havingbeen away bread were eaten, supported life b suckin and, being highly concentrated, P y jewel Of eeal Y AP v g eulable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex - 1 that 4,o old mortes of treitttnentfailtocure ," eleven and a half.montits, and having'era- the snoxv. The girl alsu described the only small doses are needed. It erlenee, and testimony of man. o' to roe , The of b are, of: nerve for-ce orpgtGer that, vell'ed near) 96 000 miles. anguish which she felt on finding that no one p Y Y g, prove, . t11tLt this, is the "olvE slid cannot be re stored by medical treatment, and Y . g >S., tllerefOre, the. most; economical OxL , a _ . tiny doctor who would try" tis accomplish this I. beard her piteous, half cries for Y ONE Bleat Cure, In the: world for this: unli elsal destro er. There P g blood purifier fn existence. It is a I Uy any kind oi' ari)gs'is 7i•rwotfsiuga dangerous. help whenever the sound of foot steps In the o Case of unman Want dl lease of ehe stomach which A S ell can resist the form of charlatanism. properly treated Where Ron• G. E. Foster Sold Groceries. neighborhood of her living sepulchre fell makes food nour.� wonderful u Nervine THESE.DISEASES CAN BE CURED A;vlonctun N.$: special says c= upon `her ears. p Cures, ishili work curative pgwers of South American rervine tonic. ,. r p y Ain Ong..g) k • HARRIET -E. $ALL, of Waynetown, Ind., says: MRS. BLLA A. IIRATTON; of New Ross, Indiana, the buildii gs•c]estroyed by the fire at. Apo- ® .mem. ru peasant sleet) I owe my life, to the Great South American ,- Electricity, as a,pplted b ,the. Owen Electric A P ' P Ncrviao: I had n L ears . I cannot express liow much i owe to the y hatiui; tli •other day, is one notable as havCIIO® IJL�: bee n baa for months Belt and Susponsoi`y, will most assuredly do refreshing, and the effects of an exhausted stomach, Indigestion, : Nervine Tonic. My system tyascompleteIy shat. in been ears ago the lit a counts store No Room. to ' so: Itis alta only known remedial agent that g Y g x Y Nervous Prostration; and" a eneral shattered' tered: a etite ono was c:ou h n - , w life en o. able, Tt searches out all ` g. pP s g l g;.aitd spitting ill"SuPPly-what is lacking, namely, nerve in which the present Fina .e" �hnister. of Ss condition aI ray whole's stem: Had en force oi� power, impart tone: and vi•ror t t Some Irishmen tram in iiia county on y qlo, uP up blood; am sure I. was In the first stn ea: 0 lac ]? t; y impurities in the system and expels all hopes of getting well,, Had tried three doc- of conn g Canada, Hon: Geo. E: Pos z -,i, was :fora P Y $ g e mption, an InherCtanca handed down, organs and amoteso to liealthy'action�ehe whole the out; for work passed :.a coal -pit tors, no relict. The first bottle of Nerv- throw h ea ver nervouissystem. time employed when a bay, ai ,] before any them harmlessl b the natural : IneT girl r v B c al. generations. I began taking, Ir .11 month just as the cage was coming up full y- y o mp o ed me so much thatIaasableto the,NervIne,Tonle, and continued its use f >, walk about, and a few bottles cured me entirely. o of ®® t one, not even himself, could Have dreamed of colliers. channels. ` AYER. S Sarsaparilla arilla 3 ab bout etx months; and ant entirely, D EWA R E o I ' M ttT p p y P I believe it is the best medicine . the �Vor18• I is the r y It1. GTAT�QNS of art he vrottld" pia in the .nation's '° g andest remedy for nervee, stomach and histor : The building was a sinall one f They hood astounded fora few moments, gives elasticity to the Step, and oan not recommend ft too pigmy. nae I have ever s '• And the {worthless; cheap, so-called Electric Y g ' or when one of theta said to the other.t - N g eon... � Ilia owner; Mr. Fenwick built rt when .the , 1m arts tq the aced and infirm, o remedy compares can Surma .Aai a wo draus Ere a cure for the -Belts advertised Uy someooucerns and,peddlea ° Ocii Shure i +- P s ' ares with Nerves, No remedy Com• ur it's no use comm into this p South American Nervine as a -wondrous curator the S through rho country: They are electric ,fn railway. was 1n pr�gre§s`and when the site- ; renewed ,health Streit' th Com .. y county` to look for work- as the are dra •' a g , gild parewlth South American Nei dine as forms failtn h name only, orrice, seas a curative at I poiwer; find of the most of, the resent village of A y Y w g ealth.. Itnovei lolls ta. cure Indf estion and Dyspepsia It never. falls to cure Chorea or` St. Vitus :Dance. Its dear at any price, p g . large ing igen up out. the 'arth_as they wants VltalitY• buildup he h Pot, e i d, P whole aro wonderful in the extreme, It cures the old, the, .awn a d the i �. We Ohaltengo the SVorld to show an `hagni was �i wooded wilderness. A Forge ,em: ' die a ed: 9 f5, n vi d , ,.. Electric 1left where the current is under con store was afterwards built beside a 6 Itis great friend to the aged and infirm, Do not neglect to"usethiA Precious r . � it, but 7 if you do, you may neglect the only remedy which will restore to I p �oep' er in S y yqu tealth, South American trop of file Patient its completely as this, the old one remained and was used as a kind ,,:' N v s is perfectly safe, and veru pleasant t. t Our Tracie lriark is the 'portrait of Dr. Janitor You well have to take that eat cu - p o he taste:, Delicate ladies, da >not fail to use thi* well, omtwssaa in Sola upon every Beit and of warehouse, out of ilia window o °iAVER end re, beeause,t will put the Mom of fresLneee and beauty upon your lips and in your cheek,, d i pull quick] drive iiia appliance rnanu a P Y Y"Y,our disabflitfes and weaknesses: Pp f oturea by us; Tortuga Teller—, Mrs. 'T latter—"'\1'hy, that's only s. doll I ,,:+ Send for Catalogue-Malled (Sealed) Free, Tel er Let mo read your for, }tad whoa I was a girl." Janitor—+' T<ja �a r� js�, �a .�+ 11 tune, lady. I eau iitid out your future, y �s a p a r i l i a La e 1 ® n ce Bo ice le 1 0 i; c be warm but folks in the"streets'rni,,ht I " 14 THE f?Wr-N ELECTRIC ,$ELT Cf]., husband.'' Lady I thready have a hus ' ; l , , Pr aced b D . J. C. Aver & :��.. _ - - _ . . ...at.., „ think tt ivies a child and we don't all r J t Co.,,Lowell Mass. 49 ming Si.' W., Toronto. Land.-; Fortune Teller—ll If you'd lil;o to chfldreti in aur suitesr iAwrin. il'o can't�bu Solchyallv%7ruzgists; Pricetr; sixbokttes,$g. ��i Mention this goat have 1-ini found 6nt;,I can do that; ,too:" „; too strict, you knatt �iiiICES (t%lihnc ..uiill� ar,nn .. w,w.....�.:wpm.:•,..-,....,«,..,»=.•.w�11��11��,i'Et�i.l'1i�-.�II