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The Exeter Times, 1893-6-1, Page 1
V&I r�&. -, $e • ••! i •i v iv,, aa�i a auv Lrr1V11�I tJrs tJ V 1V t? jr l "'tl j arolI ,1 3,WJQITI: dt bOb ! _ SP010118hers mad Proprietals, nsall. W .OA.IMItON Sn ITIr, i}avrister. $oliai- � Anne -Our Foot ball team speaks in bride's father where a tempting brae . -T tor, conveyancer: 'O£ffoo" matn.st, $ praise o.f the, friendl and fart fast of fruit sit ' g A uxgraYsn 7.`itiilUTA.=Presentations Can b000nsnitod later office hours at the high Pr iso of Parkhill high Y a'w ed theme. They left Wh '00, A,rifni. appear t0 be file order of the daY. Last commercial hotel. Honeail, ball ho „ti school FOOL far Cleveland lajr the one a"CIOCIC train week tlid people of Varna and Goshen line BARGAIf llacr AND Siloit ,Ialt,roattrn ov : Ys on the 24th. 'J'ba Ware well amid showers. of rice and cozy ratula. appofntmenta mat At the house of Iter. Mr, I1Z.N$X .r, -My stock of foot weatr is now, ,nom- matched, Greenway only s coring one, tion;- 'Ella la in of the g �`•r�. hen Walker and presented him And Airs. ffero: Just to hand the ohoioost lot of Moen°s, laying corner atone argains '��U [;aYj Want very impressive, A greatnumizer Welker with a beautiful dinner set and I n 11 Syomnd Oxford ties Bicycle g shoes And could not of near enough to ear as Tan 13o1e and Oxford tine, Id shoes, ,Tr ea,d ,Seafoi t'rl• the crowd + silver butter knife and a very handsome all other kinds of boots and shoes, Trunks g 11 get a good, high, bedroom set as a'slight token of the esteem and VAlisea.Ladiessatobal$ and shawl straps, "- wd was ea large. The clays � �y iii which they are held by all, Mr, at prices tl:atwill poll tbomo ("all andexaminst Bu"I", -a lace named Fred Coven- proceedings .netted the, Methodists of -_ any gtaok and be convinced that toy "urians can try, aged 17 "years, was Accidentallythis place in the neighborhood of T Ih man Plow Shoe �i tiPalkarleavea Varna this year, aud the rrotbebcatonby anyone. Butter and egxv shot through the up tart. OF thg p $7DQ: Granton la bhet place to Game at'p�+ j -y t a,5 ttood ",skies of all go with him to his Haar falcon, right lung 1.�1 1.T '&M of labor, Wonder wbo our neat ;min• A.Wossr,ou. h Monday, a shot gun going rods of celebration. A few of the tallin.. S'T P�7 ITATS, err i/ter will be ? We feel quite oertain we will Sinn of Big Boot. oft "hila it was being examined. The this place have Organised a , for 900, � not get one to fill the place batter thanMr, polluwing are the market quotations: buy is in a critical condition•—A foot ball club, :look out some ofi Walker has done for the last three years, Wheat ................ 35 to 05 pleasant celebration took place on You other teams for in the near future PARASOLS, „ Barley ................ 80 to 35 23th of May at. Inverness House Sea_ You will be, getting a call from Gran: Clinton. Oats 30 to 32' forth, the residence of H- P, Kennedy ton 1 ----Mrs W. Bain has gone home on PR1N S, Also a complete Lint, of peas ,.... 55 to 55 Esq, beiag the marriage of his eldest , , WOMEN'S MISSES' AND NrarxlAn-A fashionable weddingtick Bay .............. a visit bar lu4ther Mrd Crena Haar 0,00 to 7,OQ daubhter,M se,la.A,Kannady,to Mr: Ed, 1at,Marys,_'i'he Royal Tamplars of this CHILDREN'SQX„�''0RI) �'iT+JSiIl Plane foto Tuesday at2o'Giocka. m„ at. Butter ............ .:14 la 1G" mlind L lark ofT r lace atton zlxG�iiDl�i {'tSS CxQQDS TAINS the residence of the brides inotha; , Rite, Ba9a . • . , • , ... , , • . .... 9 to 10 , o_ orttt?, R4bn is con- p _ .dad a ,garden party last .CANS' and DT,JNGOLAS, `'These Taylor, the principal's being Bogs ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,8;00 to ti.ats Reeled with a large 'wholesale house Thursday evening at Air. Radelift's.-- P P s bZr, Wilbur g12d . thousand. Other Goods were bought direct front the Running, book-keeper for, the Doherty Clover seed....... , ..8.50 to 8;75 in that city. Mrs W. Jones spent the,24th visiting Alanufaefurers and will be sold at Organ Co, and a former resident of Exeter. BinEva.-Airs, �-•• her mother, Mrs, Morgan of Seatorth. and Miss Alias Ta King ;Iles sold tier ► r.rr. Lines, a p, prices that cannot be beaten, Taylor an estimable yoaitg barber and confectionery [business to Crediton, The First' Draft. lady of town. There were over 50 guessv a gentleman in Sabrin villa who will .Eggs x z cents per, doz, Present And the gifts ware of the best pro- take possession at once, He conies Grealto And rrewovedto the decided orth est Ito its the first After ha weddingdinner the p will According to the first draftaf stat-* P. 4..i►� highly recommended and will do a holdacieariursaleforTkirtydaYs. Allmust ions of tae London Conference of the R. Mcrt OW n N, ngwly sreddad tont the train n a Borley- big ba sola at onca. Q.13. t U�Kvzzr g, z m �r 6 YY ,Ga,L�I g .grade at tklie point, Chars la , Dlethodist church, the following is the Bargain moan trip to Cleveland hltfo, avid .the BATIMs.-Mr, IT, Either has recover. n Depot. sou ratulation$ of a: host of friends. On some talk v picnio i here V. Mammoth list of ministers for the Fxetor Di:strict: General bZarGllant, I irkton, Saturday evening; Mr. Mannino was made Conservative plot beta e o month ad fust his accident, although not as E\ZTl:zt,,,-„.,Alain at,, R. ATaDana h the recipient of a handsome oid vatod. and Will nged`to ata -move on: "-aha robust as 6e was. -The Crediton hand ,Tames St, R. J. Treiavin, g ' Exeter Xuaicipal Council. y his employers the Measro, _ practising daily to be in expect to go to Exeter on July 12th. PAImulm,-John Holmes. chain b cricketers are ra They are offered engagements for a ,Additional. Locais. .�.. Doherty, as a token of their can&deua0 and prime condition t0 meat their Seaforth 1fiLlMYILLE.--•J. B- Copelani, L. ia, -^ Uay 27th, 1S�J3, $ lfarden party at d ime,ick June B. -- , ostoem, bratfirea,_,.,Tha change in the time ' Jane z 'L`hq council Hist this evening as a P 00 table does not inconvenience the 20th and at Centralia July Iaf,-Tile CZ.NTXAL1 A, -J. 'hloNAir. : elict of the late James Willis Court of B'evision. All present except Zurich- citizens as badly as it was first tbou bt woollen mills baa again changed hands died at the residence of her son Thomas, p g the new lessee being Mr. Derwin.-- 0.1i"ITON.-Geo, Baker, in Exeter on Tuesday* at the age of 90 RTr, Christie. The reeve t9as, chosen -- it would. There is but little diflexenc� g Butu.-R. Redmond. ears. Slle lied been comparatively chairman, and the inombora duly sworn Baissa-lilt. John Deiohert and wife -Mr. Herald la greatly improving the J"hQ briokmakers are burning their BYRANSrov,---,J, H.KirIand, w i who for some time past had been visilin kilns and expect now brick in the well up to Monday night when she by the Clerk. in Berlin have rt turned home._NLIr, Bourg appearance of the grounds around course of 10 days. -The ,cream separ- AIRLIlOSE,-G. J. Ferguson, want into a stupor, recovering C)n appeal, John Rossior s assessment Y hie residence on King st.--Mr. Mo- Sxl,v<tx.-S, KNOTT. on Tuesday y p �VOber tvho was at one time in the employ In tyro is in Detroit runy. ning a saloon. atOr projoct here has fallen through GnA:rza BxxD,••,-J, J, Iia lock Cr. Y and to ass peaGatulit was reduced $500 on lot 1. Main,st, On of Moaars Appol and Zeller is visiting in For this season owing to a scarcity of naylock, and pleasantl awe niatiait of `lpackman--AloCallum. the villagn,_,Mr. Wm, Hens of Crediton go. rs Mclatyra Joined him a few days cows in this section, g It will be roviv- BIS@`rap. 14ranotice by the Torontopaperstllat The following Hamas were added to sPorit Sunday is the village, -Mr. peter ed•next season and carried to a suc. r A. L. Russell ,Foes to Aylmer; n,• fl, K. Hyndman successilegged. the roll, viz : John Elsie, tenant Of lot Bearer Ana been engaged by Dir. H. L. cessful" issue, '1'bosa bareabout who Rev. Z eala to Brownsville ; W., $ his 11-:al"examination before the Una ri Pt 6, Gulley-st, and Win Arthur Greg. 1101,10 as hostler at the Commercial hotel Gr&nd Bend• had intended bringing their milk to Butt to Sparta , B. Clement to 0011090 Physiclans and Surgeons and s ory, tenant lots 43 aud 44, John•st. stables. -Mr. Louis Dumart who was at _ _. Wallacoburg ; J. P. Rice to Walker- .. Crediton will take it direct to the now a fully qualified g die There being no further busitioss, the one time in the employ of D. Gotteebalk )Br urs. -The spring crops are now :Exeter factory. vibe; ` W. Ponliall to Amherstburg ; surgeon, �i pliysi of and roll was fin<tlix• passed and the Court has rotarned to the villag0,---Wal, Balker looking well although the season was E. Medd to .Barrow' •Jas er Wilson grtula, a , xt wish the hand of very closed. ltas bean engaged by Mr. Peter Lamont late, the root crop will soon be in. `�"" to King svillo ; J. A, � Snell to Pelee gratulation, and wish the doctor every The. council mat immediately the to run bis butobor cart during the cawing FAII wheat is looking fairly ,yell. --her. �irJston, Island ; S J. Allen to Bothwell ; D. success in the practice of his •profession. Court of Bovislon. All present;. Alin* otlmmer.-Mr. David Goliscllalk was in John Failis visited Ilia home on Sun- Bitmrs.-Messrs Dona and family Al. Kennedy, Florence ; James Graham Righeat cash price pail for wool, at Port Blak� 1'ussdaq last. -Mr. Hicks of StrathrO J. E, Holmes, � the Fxeter Woollen ATi1Ts: otos of previous meeting read and con, the Dredge Co, was in town on Satarday day,-i4Tra-1lonald Patterson and liar left last weak for islym0r "hare they y • , 4Yarwick :firmed, ,' last. -Court of Revision was hold it the twolittle boys are visiting At her have purebasod a residence and: as S. G. Livingstone, Point Edward - A petition signed by 50 ratepayers village last Saturday, --Mr, Jas. Bonthron fathers and is. Incising well. Her two soon cs theyl;etpraperly settled willgq W. H. Gallo, CIiI Springs, E. l+'asagnt, That CCottntryznel~,°' betweon the north side of .Atkinson's of Heneall we% in the village the letter little brays Have grown since leaving into business there. We wish them Bosanquet ; John Russell, Corunns. Cabinet Shop and the the Mansion part of last week. -Mr, Wm. Phippon of here,- Mise Jennie McClelland is success,..- Business :around the burg This draft is subject to change, 2°o the Editor a} Che Exeter Times. ',louse, on blain-st, Praying the council �Pnarkhill was the guest of Ills brother John visiting friends here this week. Jan,- has hnan gond the past week.•• -'There Woo t With your pormisaion. I desire to ask to water the said portion of Alain-at,was Sundap last.--1'ctr. <x. F, Emersou of niches been in Near Berry Mich. for is tails of getting up a celebration for �` a ! in your next issue if "COurttryman,"{q} read, Clinton was in the village last Tuesday try- the last three months,.-v'Vill Oliver the let July. -Mr, Geo. McCurdy of It fa with feelings of the deepest sorrow who subscribed that little pieta of dirty, Sia SGkrnan •_w 1leCallum - that the ing to sell bicycles. and a ;Gang of Hien left on RTonday Ireland. is visiting'nt his brother's and regret that we chronicle the death blr. spleen anent Exeter's celebration of Her prayer of tl))a petitioners be granted,and 21TIr MAY. -The following is a list of morning for Thedford to do:'some mov- Mr. John McCurdv, his son Benj, and W Abray, who died on Afonday evening bTnjeaty's birthday, is the lama fndivdd- a by-Iaw fol' that Purpose prepared and prize wdnnors in the games; -Putting 20 ting of barns down thbre,-Mv. Ed, daughter Mise Katlein accompany after a lingering illness of ovi,r four Sears, ual who, on the 23rd uIt., rejoiced to submitted at next meeting 4f the counciL pound stone, W Fritz. 0 Britz: putting 14 Gill of Exeter intends buying property him, --Mr. J. Taylor has erected a During his entire illness he has suffered the extent of getting drunk on the head Tire pound' stone, 0 Fritz, R Fritz; fat man's here and buildin severely, but eopeoiAlly during the la7t few S 8 a Iha clerk to enquire re cedar lumber,. taco J Silber N Fritz: 100 yard taco, g on it, -Alta. John tailor shop between ills residence and of the promise of bad weather far the bTcCallutu--5paakman•--that the cul- r Foltz, it Hoffman; standing jump, e, B asird is away this week visiting her Mr. ROadhouse's shop,. -There is'elerY Months he has suffered most intense pain. 24th, and chewed his collar button.beat vette at Dr. $ ndtnan s and Jno Gills t ter. -b;• r. Brenner has a $ing9 colt ro But through it all he line exercised groat Y Fritz, J McGee; stand hop atop and jump p spect at the present that the cream his wife, and roamed around our village from lila driving mare patience and has borne hip great a,fiay wi l be widangd,--�Carriad. C Fritz, J riduGea: run hop atapand jutep g ;he expecte !t to cry will do a larger business this with Christian fortitude. bJr. .A.braywill like a boar with a sore paw all :rho day A culvert at C. AViluan's to ba attend C Fritz. IV Roffman; halt 'mile race, 0 heat the record in the trotting stocir, year than ever before, -Mr. J. Elliott b0 ve,y much missed from our midst In of the 24th, when he found weather and ed to, Fritz, IV Hoffman; tossing cobra, 0 Fritz, -'The water in the river is very low had the rnWortune to get hisfoot jam. the church and Sundayschoot he we an celebration, in fact et•erythiag, more Cliristto--Spaoktnan--that an $•in the W Fritz; bicycle rnao, J Reichert, ;V this week. -The fishing business has med. between two pieces of timber earnsat and untiring worker. As a favorable than even Bawden et al antio- drain be put in from the creek at Ann•st R11tebei1, hurdle race, O Fritz, W Hoffman not been vary brisk owing to the while raising a bridge acroes the creek citizen and business man he waa a model ipated, or is he the scowler who on"the to A. J- 11ollins' egrnar. standing high jump, C Fritz lot, JMoreo weather. -bliss Charlotte Grange is in front of 1-I. Smyth's.--Th6 wina his pleasing mannor and business abilitq 23rd, expressed a wish that; the 11100allum-Carling-that the drain and W Fritz, 2nd, even; running higb returning home, this week after her storm of 11#st week besides blowing made it a ple2sure to transact business — —would be stuck for $200. be put in provided the parties interested ]amp, 0 Fritz, 1st, W Hoffman and W visit. down fences and' uprooting trees it with hint. The family and relatives have Whoever he is, he takes the success of furnish the tile. Fritz 2nd, even; vaulting, C Fritz, G Me Ilio heart felt sympathy Gee; boys' race, J Biblert S English, E ..s..w moved the 'r3gricultural;,hall about sixof thewhole, cam- the affair mush to heart, and a ;sin re - Goo; motion was declared carried. Schnell inches .out of perpendicular, - mtinity in their great bereavement. -The grets that he isnot "in it." DIeCalluin-Christie -Adjournment ,gills rsae. M Sararua e, Doan, Dashwood. hire. Irvin and Katie y S S- Anniversary held beret an the Queens lours, etc., E Williams; Bower -Sclegged race, Weber 8 , of er Mara 'Birthday wag a deoidedauccasa. Addreases until Friday, elle 2nd June, at $o'clock Schroeder, Bower SchicLain; trotting taco, BsIEFa._ (suite a number from a spent part of Iset week visiting at Rere delivered by theChairmau lir, Wm, _ Tirlr�AaElt, p, m. -Carried. -horses-El Doan, R Laing. Mr, Cha•. attended the (,ween s Birthday Ktrktan, Pridham M. P. Rev, ;Sir. Fear of Nile Al. EA.CRETI, Clerk. Fritz whose poet office is Dashwood, bration in Zurich last Wedn6sda .•- Reye , Minard's Liniment is used by Ptrysloiana _. ., challenges Any one in the County in the , y Hutton , I Excellent and Roc- Rogers Arias '1, Kibler and bliss A. levan of Granton. of Dungannon, Eseellent nivaio was #nr. Drysdale competition of patting the light or heavy Zurich were visitiri friends in this nisbed by the Woodham Fbite Band. The Look at the date on our label this hot or runningJ00 arda. g` Y Damra.-The wind storm of last week Y vicinity Inst week''=' uarterl meeting BmoniouThe 84th here' passed o$ tables were well covered with cod things y laE Y g g g week. and see that our name is mark- dideonuderable damage to the trap nets a i was held in the Evangglicai church on harmoniously ; from early morn till by the ladies of the congrbgation. The y Along the allure, tearing them badly and Parlthill. .Saturday and -Sunday be=Rev Air. Litt late in the nigbterowds could be seen, total proceeds amounted to $122.40, ed well in advance, allowing 1the flab to escape, which was a of Berlin. -The special meeting con- A grand wedding took place at 10 Hiss McLay of Goderich is visiting in CELEs11ATIaN. At no place in the Dom- ducted by Ivlrs. ;S tnmons era lar el o'clock a. m. in the English church, the village at bar sister's Afro. August ts_n- INTO Paper is discontintcad until all gree! loss to the fishermen as the catch inion was Her Ma•eat s birtbdn t_ g y MoNevin,•-J. B, ford has returned home arrears are fully paid, except at the option was a good one. -Miss Jennie Talbert and 1 Y y otii„bra attended b e0 le from far And near. The contracting parties were Mias lU p ed more heartil Haan 'at Parkhill. At 9 Y p p from Toronto after writing on his first of the publisher. Miss Riinnie Stevong are Alvav on a well- Y -Mr. and Airs. Winer of Crediton Mary Beamish of Granton and Mr, D. _ o'clock a new silly flown pr.,esenti,d by the Weir of London townshi year examinations in Alt,, aithe Toronto earned points. vacation to Exeter, Urediton aud were the guests of Air. Hobbs en p. bliss Re- Univereit The date when the subscription outer pniuts. We wish !hent a pleasant Parkhill branch of the lmperiel Pederation Sunda becca Beamish supported the • bride y Rlise Sarah Stephens has re- is on the address label of each non exgxirea League to the School b•aard, was raised Y, -Mr, White editor of Tut p a tamed home from St Thomas "hero she paper, the time and a safe return, --bliss Florence over the High School buildings. At 30.30 �1 r.i,Es was in the village on Tuesday,-- while Mr. J.Park acted as groomsman. AAs bsen for rho past few menthe --sir. change of which to a subsequent date be - Turner, who has been visiting friAnds in p gathering of Bello 1 A boy at Mr, Wido's.-lir: There were also two maid:;- of honor, Alex MoNevin is getting around again comes a receipt for remittance. Subscribers Bayfield, has returned looking hale slid the trades procession and a !; half a hundred vebiules left the Fair Chas, Miller is still ver low and little nieces of the bride and groom. The after a short itheea,-The the vii Case of will please examine their label before and Hearty der Robert otictl, is #Hat climbing p y, *rhe election bride carried a beautiful bonnet as London spent the 24th in the village at after making a remittance. the ladder of distinotfcn as a violinist Grounds under rho direction of Mr, rVm, hope for his recover ' riastinge,the oldest living Parkhill pioneer, of officers of the Y. P. A. took place also her maids.,, The bride wore a Mr. Ford's. under the careful teaching of Air. John The Procession was headed by the Yarkbill last'thursdit evening when the follow dress of creamcashmere with orange Bannerman. Y g blossoms and veil Clinton is agitated over the elopement Rebecca Wilkinson,vebeniof Bro resaed o, In, •'�^�_ brass band:; Following in the order named tug officers were elected ;-Pres., a , "bleb was very of Joseph says;- I have been in a distteeaed condi- came the Fire Departm,•nt, the Fown bliss M. A, Snell , Vice Prea. Mr, H. becoming; The lad:es of the Church ph Cook fireman for W. Dohrety � lien for Throe years from. Nervousness Sslior o>f Flos. Council, ormmercial vans upon which were Guenther, Rec- Seo,, Jos. Seel] Tress. of England deserve great credit for the Co,, with Mrs. Robert Stevens, wife of R. 1Vealcness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Peodueed from the laxative and nutrit- , Stevens, of Er. Stevens & .•ons, builders & T fousjuioe of California fiFa combined with displayad merebandiee and looal}ndnetrial way in which they decorated the .,udigestion until my health was gone. I Miss J. b Hall ;Organist; Mies, F. centractora, Cook leaves a wife and six file medicinal virtues of planta known to products attractively attractively arrwever, Tlae Snell ;Librarian, RIr, H, �3offman - church with beautiful blooming $aw- children and Afro. Stevens leaves one but bad bean doctoring constantly with no te- e the procession however, er, lues the r, ars far the occasion. Tt would, no f lief. .I bought one bottle of South Ameri be most beneficial to the human system, avtizane, eteiths, tanuers, harness makers Mr, r©o. Emerson of . Clinton was in took one with her Great ludiguation ie acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bow- wainwri Ata; um tutors painters, ahoto• ' town on Tuesday. doubt, send a warmth to the bride to expressed against the unnatural pair, but can Nervine; which done me more good E15,, effectually cleansing the system dis- i; 1p p a think she. was so highly honored. The more especially against Cook, who just than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did graphers And barbers. In the parade was : polling colds and headaches, aud luting a body of Oalitbum Tana who furnished happy couple drove in a Cab, which heforeleaving, it is said, deliberately forced in my lite. I iswould valuable Advise every weakly habitual constipation. p txreenway. -waited them to the residence of the from his oldest son of 16 his month, ws gs pAraonto use this vainsble and lovely tai$. amuaement to the thoueund of interested y g edy, A trial bottle will convince you. spectators massed along the line of marob. --- - with which he had Just reached home and Sold by 0. Butz, Druggist - Afton iifnuar the citizens and their visitors BruErs;-The semi-annual meeting this is the only money he seems to have wended t.licir way to the Agricultural of the Biddulph. District L. 0. lodge ad with him, a- Tark to witueae the races and gain ea. The will be held ih Centralia, Wednesday, Mr. Jamos. McTavish, of the Hip peu �. 2.30 trot and pace was won b Tom Bilk, June..l4th ab 2 p, m, -The 23rd ult was �k wood Road Tuekeramith, was in Miobivan last 'week attend;lp., thelaneral of his brother BARGAINS . This owned by T. Murdock, Hansail,: the three the happy occasion of the marriage i 1115 hVeell, �i'e 11Ye ;'IVIDg minute trot by Nairn Boy, the running aF Mr. Win. Couch of Parkhill to Mrs, Jain, who died at his residence, near Bargains 111 OVeXy Depart. race by Highland Mary. The prograiYma Mary Stewartson.: The wedding`took Mount Clemens, Michigan, on the lith included a toot ball :match between the place at the residence of t ' inst, Mr, Jobn McTavish was 69 yeara of naeinfi, Cllr Stock - Of tSL11T1- Qraird I3enil and Green va clubs and n he brides TCr G0 do S I Will offer ^ e 3' ago, He had been in declining heslth for y w e father, Mr. (%. fl'otin. The nuptial BE3AR A� S Thor Goods 1S, 00]Il lobe, won, by the latter, A cricket match knot wits`tied b "Rev. J. E, Holmes. CjLlalltlt jT of Good' purchased QOor, a year, and had been a severe haat p between Forest and Parkhill wad won Y ' m patient sufferer., lie was a native of Glen- _ by,Ehe form enttnnd ti� abet of friendd were •pies a� ZQW pricos. quaicb, Scotland., ife este to Canada in- e�presents presented to the the year 1833, For many years he lived happy eouple were valuable and '.num on the 12th con. of Hibbert, -where he We have an elegant assortment HORSES roil FOREXGN MA-Ullazs. • erous. - N,:essra Corbett and Ratz 25 coixt Dress Goods for 15c per d Owned,a splendid farm. a of PRINTS, GING-HAMS 0 AL- Our farmers will be interested i - Reeves of McGill, ray _a d' S 12-'' y Mr. Robert. t � , lI t n know v _ n Stephen, � cont Giugliams for 60 per yd R .Win pr of 5anfortll slapped r, LLES,' ' VER ' ing just how to put tbeir. horses . and passed through here last Saturday; in 10 cent Prints for last week to the old county among other 22 Lbs Coffee Su'var $1.00 OVA CUI3;DS, DhL- Y,, , z s f,r bo per yd Y g cattlein to .suit foreign buyers, speetingthe boundar tirreGraVol road. 10 cent Muslins cat+tio, ion sleets two years old this spun a C ATNES, .�+ aa, fir -0111 c. per -yd. , In order to realize the o rice 't e Y• for. be per yd w 'o averaged g ZeLI S SZ]ll�d WO1�fI JO , s p y ..ip, • : top price they xnuet They the road in much better Lace :Curtains for 10c per d hi iz a raged 1,260 pounds each, 'These be in first class health, sleek And firm. repair than last ear, the • , r .p y steers were bred and fed by Mr. D .D, cents Ing Y , t e_good, slough- hashes Vesta,3foi 2�c.C S OT ,25 NiCE,PAR�A.SOL;j 'E'p13;• 50c:' R.. This resnitcan be moeteasi]y obtained by ing :the est winter, :was a ,teat Wilson.: They were from.: ordinary grade , Silk Elandke 75c, EACH ; ,,sing Dick's Blood Purifiar. �-Mr. Jotin 2c � A special line Tweeds for 35c per d; cow's and a thorn bred bull, but they' n+oro 3 GZlIefS at, .10 i v: protection -- A, Pherson of , 1, Y kept row,n from ilia time t w • 1--, , ,�, , o J. S. Cook, M. Ar of lttpley, late Akron Mioh.-le vision •len s, Mene-suits at low rices•<a job Ane o£ p g. .g i. a they, were 1N__ INS & BOY, STRAW ITIATS of Hensall lice recoiv 3 d in this , e P J, calved until tI,e ware shipped,, ~The c� PrS.�iOpi�OT1 �08F3 for .2c� ed file 13, D, degree vitiinfty.--141 r. Thomas son Of men s Felt Hats ; a urge stock of ��all p pp . Y r. 1 OR 5 C1ENT>, of. ,ho Wesleyan T1leolog,cal College, Mon• a.” L Jr.1 were sold early in the season for 5 cents Bayfield spent the 24 with,,riends here ,Papers at a roll and n tivards, afine �10e 9Pall.1°a ei a . p per pound. It will thus be seen that these p b 3c.a roll treAl. Ei,i ties also eu6cessfa]ly completed r, C _ ti The 24th, Queen's birthday, was a display of;ali rile latest styles iii Millin 5 t ti�i"i ���to����, �>�1�GA,9�3 i'I.I.tS tba Post.Grrsdunte course for Doctor aL . Ya , , .;, c2ttoraalized,�G�each. 'What is n - e "• alada in our village, 2 ery, Ladit Jackets and Ca BO s.St1aW H�Lla at& eac , t 4veelt x. p 1 h,Ioao ,liy, lu �ou>leotion With the Illinois g Y y„lag 1 Union pas, Parties of Iceapnig and 1eod,ng animals for threes p ttnd of door, T3a,cin� t 1 Jacks and 2 stars and strr es were requiring �inythin in this line will do o �' YesJoyan Vnivorsity, and will be awarded P e g yes.s Mien 0 p i !lead more can be made Checko' d L in,,ha Las ,1t ! well.to call before purchasing, a JC” a' Powder ltac Larl;e Glass f'tcliPr the l'h.D. Degree at lila June aonvoaation. seen floating in the breere, showing p g. uul•`oitizens to be ' patriotic' and kind R9x LI'XTbv, Boy. acrd. for 3$c. Llt7 not rail tc -Secure tial Mr, Cools has';ust reiurned from a visit to p A large ttl' - s I he annual ', stook of Hardware iii all the Got omen, My little boy had s severe y the World's 1+air, and with. airs. Cook and picnic of ^, lie Boa loading lines. liaekinq cough and could not elee at night r, pilLC a babe will sail b4 Steamship, Labrador on Alethodist, Grattd Band and 'Shipka a o g p g. 1 I t i d llagyards. Pectoral Balsam and it ,, f the 17th of June fore fWbmonths' vacation Sabbath SOhoal .°he ' held Tuesday, 1 Ya A u+ll sulicitod. eared him very quickly, ° V f SHIZ L ER R.. FORD 8rs CO in l upland and the continent. June 15th at Lake baron, near Grand ,J. H A Gly lits. J. Hackett, Linwood, Ont. H1a1•TSArTaL