HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-24, Page 8•r
- `nit ire`s ' ,-,•...;.;.--.w.� _
�!h APik,
r ., o said i s a xOT;
i "t 7 t , ,, tI za we, a b e wars! spring, .All order' fol the above wor}ra' eatt.,bo (
tlt"d! 1,rI4IC, �3(r`'IPt�p x ,J� q.'�%✓ L,l
T1d1 �VDA2F The first *truly 1tat l�aa a peareol -rtaty 14ft at b .i Fish a barber alive, Sat+c ,!,
h X -�liy, ofotanOc ; lulsc fatlheG Nib for, klie !tinea pasta, p t �i�" e d.et th
x tion rnaraititcerl, a a, dvan +
W l�t3l7i�,AIAX UQl1gsT3a'f, 6 z,ondan• XI"ceping, ciotttls make $smiling rarth, — •O-- r
3':u laud, d,i,i IAhG1. 1N1>UttitNCH CUAt�• What. It ousts. ---- -
1'e.�Y oF�n,iland, if they don't weep too nmoh, The fishing •i i � t
-� - - Regnlar 12J and 14c: primes clearing at s 8 m. uta has shuck our jowl). 01daned ii full IlDe of 30c, double -fold x.12 `
F. KINSMAN, L.D.S, D.D,S We. at the 'Big llanknilt store, g A couple U local ancleis- with plenty of z, , O , il1Gl1 l)1e58 Goods by 11 lllg C&511 Offer?
• 'graduate of Royal Chliego of Mental p tackle, wended i}teir way the other day to p 7,4Q( 2 z c,
urssone end of the Dental Department of The city of London'has etrrek a rate of the Sa:uble vvith high hopes of a profitable
oto itoI nivors'rty,(with honors.) twenty eerots on the dollar, entch, but alas! the were doomed to di$ Bought a t ' rn
8x,triaiistinbrtda o,worR,and goldand per-
lent kcal
y stock, of Glat,llill at 50c. ill the de]]]li, lien s :Sums, 3,5Q and '°5. 5
*Clain crowns. p , best lemons only 15e. per, appuiututent.. The followin bill which ' b a i e
alar price $5.00 acid 8.00. tl full !tile of Boys' and•Youtlis'Goods away ' �-
Fgra;fitroua Oxide Qa$ sund lace,! astiasthet- dozen at the 13}g Bankrupt Stare, was handed us by one of the:' participants r 41N ;, dOwL1 in 1311 o
fins for painless eatrimilona. Always at home. (George Haig, of Blyth, was badly cut will speak for itself ,^ Shoes
1lLOttlpe: bonson's !stook.. Exater, up. by being thrown irons a rig Iatsly, mxor,i as Ix ai Goc:wT wiTx Frsiriro, xxcaresto t BOOT and 11,06 Stock COISI lets rO1Ylt?]l'S tt311C1 • ~
�--- - p es for 35 and .49 allppers dust a'riv-
Mr. T. B. Garliup has *rooted a hand- Dr. Cr ed, 150 a'
rSI` APS and CRAOXERS some gas pipe, fence in front of hie roszd. To horse and busgv l day!l 74 By fish catch $ 75
ecce. " time i day 2 men 2.50" fun 2,50
refreshments 7u" root losa_.t2 Pring c ; ,
Buy your wall pager and blinds at the "adipose waste 2.09 p 2e. fit. Table
�1 iP � .y� 16c
Store, prices are, is your r Linen
Big ri $5.97 55.97 ' • T
50c. weeds 0e 60c do
The CuuA of Revision for the asseas_ The firm started off with a capital stock 7 y #4 c
inept roll will be held in the town hall on of thousands in their minds, a paid-up 1.15 l • P ` . #
capital of $3.19, and a reserve fund of �✓c ¢, ri
SaturdayVvening next. _ 9 4�' Shirt-ings, 1
health and energy. the paid-up nicest
I'Ira,, Ic.,2•,3'•xht,,,ic., &10c, • Foot- I riots, Cba1lies and De Lanes. Largest was soon exhausted, a reserve fund had to l� (✓' j: ! i ,, ? OS Arles, e solicit yTOt1r tr.lde,
ball~ , 4, axztl fi, cozupleto 81,65,x$2,25, stock beststyles and closest prices at the be drawn upon, vrith the above result
and !•45; Croquet 4, li and $ball, r 2c Big bankrupt Store. That' want to water tkeir stock and have
ll5t <11 id :1Sc. ; Base balls fiuiu de u , The 33rd, battalion ones to camp on the, . applied to the proper source for permission BUTTER, EGGS AND ALL FARM PRODUCE
Bath Sponges; 4c. aild :lc, ; 50 sheets `20th of June, and the officers are an the l�0 2 excursionists consisted of a trio, and TAKEN AS CASIl. � % 0
note h,l)er 1.0c., and 0 st , envelopes lookout for rec,uits, to be more economical decided to walk and •
l P Sugar has gone up a cent wholesale, thus save horse biro The welkin ran ed = - -- - - - - ----- �.e
for k.; slate Pencils, 10 for 1c. ;scrap — _ — - -- �__• .,
consequently there will be leen given for for miles around with ilio I,iah meladfea. Exeter Municipml Council.
1 - -- --
ltot,k.� irvui be. 1~:1-ory girl will receive tha doihir by the retailer. that flowed from the throats of the an !era- - '' Arm
� ��1
a good faze with every 1,R1e Council met at the Teton Hall
l worth of with the result that the "t,eanties" would Th,' stem
school books. Every boy will get rt A petition has been circulated to have not bite. kl a have not received an nein, Exeter, 19th May 1503, All present,
goo < ,;i�eb.ill with $1 worth ci eCliool Alain d. from as argel si4 to tow
n hall ized Recount as yet, but would infer the de Minutes of prevlous meeting read and � t"
buil.& 013-cerine, soap 3c., Pure white watered. It was largely si;ped, bit side of the account to be the greater. confirmed. 1
Caatik 12c. ; Alouth organs from $c 200 The deposits in the postoffice saying$ + Catling—Spackman—Orders for tbo I SAVE 1(� V` PE R -CEN x
" hanks of Canada during April were $630,- Per■onwrs fel}owing" sums ; J- wtlah, $1.50 clean-
pieics full size music 4Ae.; Irving music �-
So. lintel pencils 5c, per., doz, Small 72e,, and the withdrawals � ; 07.411. Our clergy leave in a few daya for Con- Ing privy at Town Mall ; Win, Parsons, a
Fit nn ain't it, you can just note buy ference,--Revs, Russell Rud MoAaun h $O RO, lab*t ; Jas, Creech, 2, ohRrity to Ey Piaci 7n your Life Insunoince to the
wait counters Crotvtled- Keep your eye Y Y j Y >;
open for that da > if 40c. Bauble fold dress goods tur a"a, and exchanged pulpits Sunday morning Nat..-- bfxe.4feintosh ; do, $4 00, Jae, Gould: tin ' v l � #
l you want Cheap 45c, all wool double tohi for 24c. at the Pr. !Robins spoke at a picnio at Kippen on $2.00, Mrs, wiper ; Jas. 'Beer, $5,0 00, se,} Q Pi Z � � � G j � �,u `� � ��n ���� � r��� W
,tied,, Big Bankrupt Store, Try, Wednesday.. -Mr, and Mr*. R. J. Pickard `xY ss;asses:o• and 05.00'for preparing ,
r Ai Swine always squeal when an attempt have returned from their visit to Brant. Truant Offiicer'sBook, Carried. dais[ 0�Galesburg,
e��� L. x,, Zl
The Mart '� is mada to forco them away from a full ford • also Itlra T. B. Carling. --J. W. Spaekman•--Cnellog— Tl.,tt Ross & I i .t gf ,
trough. you can apply this to everything Broderick wasin town this week.—Mrs. Taylor's tender for Derrick for tnuhs be�•-
T � (`I '[� �{� �•y you l-1 o and it will fit is nicety. in t Sweover of Niagara visited friends cedar is ed the erenc a in prig that if EON W- BERET GREN
V >,..1 R Vf-i. $ Some of our farmers In Alantin their in than over Sunday.-blr• D. Johns, P. cedar is used Sha difference to der of rant. , SMOLLINGER,
g .VS. has returned home much im roved site,! allowed, Am sant of tender $I86,OR. PCt?NICiQ1At.eoreta
Pspring• % p in health, --Mira, Reid is very ill at her Carried, x`4� .
states* this are scalp a s rink! mm X--4 ---� m�-
zng of flax seed in the name round as adaughter'sS aokmau-Ckriatia---T
raventatite against potato Lu Aire,. Jas, Parkinson. --.111r: and p lzat R 4 wheal®d r
p g p g r we, on tank, 5A allong cx Under the stl ervisiun of the Insurance Department of the State of
Mrs. W. H. t erity and their son Percy of 8 3 g paoity, *prink• p
Great preparations are being made for Brantford sailed from New York. on Tae,- ler eta , be ordered from Reitman, London. Illinois, SeVeritftim years' continuous prosperity attest its
the celebration in Exotor of the coming day of laat week for London, Lnglaud, Price $150,00, tarried, 2rfr, frloCallum pt•plilality, and its record is absolutely unassailable,
12th of July, Soetie Very prominent men where Mr, Verity will undergo an oper. voted nay,
have promised to address the gathering.. ation for cancer of the stomach. We wish A list of work of the road commissioner
The BigThe best spot in town for new and them a safe journey and Mr. Verity good was Rdogte3, New '(nsuranea 1802 (written) $20 859 250
choice millinery is the Big Bankrupt fortune in the operation• -Rev, Rt dmond Carling --That— i'hat ilia Reeve , , ,
Stare. Special value in gir'a sailor and of Itdarton, wife and family,were in town and -,Jr. Christie be -t comn:f+trt, on g $vel Gaia Over 1891 x+13,1.70,875,
.Leghorn hats. 255. buys a 50c,,Leaborn. this wean attending the wedding of Mr. lin!;. Carried. '�]r nearly 100 per cent,
j Tho annual mooting of the Orange R's brother of the Western States and Carliu,�- Spackman-•Atijantnrtentuntil S
[ grand ledge of British America has been Miss, Ferguson of town -Mr. Charles aatuaday iho $7th frnmodiattly after tli-
.���ttt�����... („� poatphIca until the Int: day of Auauatnext Af taon of Brucefield was in town hIaudsy. (:4 utt cf I ev}sicn. Carried
' andfrwf}Ithenbeheld.in the town of -Mr, Ed Sanders and wife wile have-f.E,.Aeii:TT,Clerk. RELCRI7 C fi FINANCIAL, STANDING:
been Yisitin friends !sere tar some time_,-
Kault+ie, Marie. left for their home in Clinton Monday,-- CRAYON1 PonTRAITs— lissAl. 17. Whitt, ECONOMY 4lexnbership exceeds - 42,QOtl
Store Alf !;yawn the well-known stage clrirer -lir. and Ilfra, John. Buckingham of fs now prepared to do pnrtraits in crayon- 111SUrance at risk exceeds ,
on tba port Elgin Kincardine route, was Ukiah, California, are at present visiting life size. Orders to be left ar residence. raid to Policy holders exceeds 100,x,
kicked and) trampled by a horse in the . Air, Buokingham's friends in. town. Mr. To RENT. --35 acres of good nasture IS Assets exceed
LAR- fort .Elgin stable the other day, A nnm- i}��
For WALL yr � v bar of his ribs were broken. B, is the, publisher c# Dale of the, leading land. Apply to R. (azzmLz�;t•, Exeter. Surplus Over 1',ialailities exceeds . r
Democratic Journals in Ukiah Co. and is a •. 8x0,000
t TS, ', t t A very strange species of animal, sup- graduate of Tzxx Tiu>:s. Hia man frienda with SAM—Valuable moria Aouso aittl Lot, WEALTH.
Bi ?lloxttlrly IztcOzate exceeds ,.. 21i0 (►Ofl
PtSa lrt�%1� CUl~"1t1Ii3S Y with ovary accommadatian for Sale cr Goternntentdeposit exceetis ... 63,000
r posed to belong to the prang-autang or herewere pleased to see him after alt ab- Rent. Terme k�asy. Apply to - -.n_-.. - ,
baboon family,was teen crossing alneeofoometen or twelGe,j�yeRra in the t Scientific. "'"„” ` ^^^�•
LL 1,1L1.1.AV €tJavid II, IIoaii:z; aFc 1, B. Caz,r.zata.',]le"Lj'or]d'S l:>esi---I�
Wibon'a field the ather4vening going is golden state. -Mies T. R'hite of Sarnia 1nlClltC, 1lZodern, Sclotltffic.
W11NDOW BlANDS tbodireeticn of Lake fftiron, mad was last and Airs. (Rev,) Gundy of London spent Edward Blake is now making pro
seen in the vicinity of Roes, fishery, the tarepart of the week in town, --firs. phecies about home rule. He is, the For rates And other inform tion apply to
You make a Mistake if The postmasters have received a note G. F. Oakes of Stratford is visiting re- acme fellow epee prophesied that L. D. VINCENT, District 1
from the P, Q. department that the new latives and friends in town. -Air. Spencer Genera .Agenic Exeter.
YOU !hiss the bargains 1n pati cards lately issued are not for Postal Rentminszton of the, Aiolaone Bank Clinton the Canadian Pacific Railway would pat
and Alm ,F. and E. Farneombo of London be able to earn enough of mono to bu „-
piollAp, Furnishings. use, but for printing, ,this order is pot- y y ^-^----•-- _
sibly only temporary in order that the old spent Qu- ens Birthday here -Air. Robt. axlo Grease. The annual report of the
hack may be worked off on thepublie. Sanders of this ptaee attended the, Toronto C, P. R. door nOf exactly bear u'ltt Mr. ff I "PERIs
Ill Wall Paper, Nye show races.--•Mre. Phoebe Harris and Mrs, Blake's opinion of that road.
Who ClIAtharn Board of Trade bas taken Walter Weatcott Huron Street attended
wit]loll.t any exception, the up the p"rojeet of creating a Canadian the Golden «redding of Air. ani Airs.
f112esf' >` to el>; in Western On- national park at Bond Hall Point a mag' Win. Fasterbrook Burlmvton Plains,
a, nifieeat 'piece of Government property formerly of Usborno To,vnship, on
t aria, �W want our O 111- aplsndidiy timbered and embratin man
y l� a Y rister Wednesday at lasting t. Fred Elliott., Bar -
7011 OI ('lily Papers. tiiIutandaof d Seftforld Colles Standard, Chter is attending the World's Fair at
- Ingersoll and Seatorih Collegiate Insti- Chicago. C" ON"HI"'Amn
tute teams played at Seatorth Saturday for_.
the Hough cup. Seaforth won in an ex- Tyr Tzpfz s this weep is one day late
J ..t'�.. STBWART, for the
Remo e t goal to 0. This victory owing to the 24th Alay celebration,
for the lzoma team leaves them etf}1
TZholders of the sobool championship Alias Elxina Orr, of Exeter North died F
trophy, on Sunday last of Consumption. She had 1
Winnipeg has a population of 30,000 been ill but a comparatively abort time f
and a taxable property worth $22,000,000 John R. Clarke the celebrated orator
This is a marvellous record foz a city that will deliver a lecture in the Jades Street (�}
20 years ago was abut in one sidd b the church on Friday 20th on ``John B. AWN611 D O
trackless prairie and connected with by
ization an the other by a road. 300 miles The Epworth League of Main-st. church 'j �il.�t '�' jQ �],an� 'a choice ��� Q�
- long, will give an Orange Social in the baftment /"sd1.. ai�lew� and
Oh, you man tubo take your a restless
ss of the church on Tuesday evening next, Challies _ ��� +,� ` ��i�� In
Notice to Times' Readers. your homog, and toes upon the business
to of the 30th. Admission a conte, (`+' �Vj .iT,
The f uhlishers would esteem it a favor if couch from night to morn, how foolish, how The exploding offire crackers ignited the � e La3%�.e�. 'p� �
*•sandy* stat they s w the p their purchases, suicidal? Oh, you women who worry and rear of 1Veekes Bros. shop the other day, ,LW.i.en#ss and Boys' at prices that
mention that they aims the merchsnt'a adver- fret and nag yourselves tato an early old and but for its being noticed in time s e,7 p
trar,ttRa s 9r4 TEE TxnzFs. age, how unnecessary} How disregardful serious conflagration would have been the These are the Goods which e
- of common sense you are. result, are taking the lead for light j h
91 Rev. R. J. Treleaven of St. Thomas The Semi Annual meeting of the Bid. summer wear, and cur's is •��' �i
bas received an ylme do born the Apastor Centrlphalia
District L. O. L will be held at the Stock to choose from. Made-to-order Suits a Specialty
dist church at Aylmer to become its pastor Centralia on June 14th at 2 o'clock p, rn.
THURSDAY. Ai3Y 25th, 1893, at the close of the present eonferencsear. The Scarlet chapter will convene in the
y P
Air. Treleaven has accepted, subject to evening. JOHN HEAL, D. If. We are showing thein in a of ours. e guarantee first-
100AL HAPPENINGS. approval of the statloning Committee. It Mr, H. Eilber of Crediton met with a wonderful variety of patterns a
was thought th would accept are. to the serious accident on Tuesday. He was and colorings at prices from class style and good woo- L`� ani t
The dopartmeatoF Alilitis, for the con- James St MethOdiat Church, bora. standing at the doorway of Smith's black
venieree of officers who will attend the an- Berlin has a verystringent dog by law. smith shop when the) doer blew ahnt, 25c to 40e per yard, ship Our Tweed Department
Waal drill camps, is having all the orders By its provisions all dogs must be tied up knocking him insensible. He remained •
relating to Lha annual drill consolidated on April !stand not permitted to run at unconscious for some time and was badly X11 was neve' better
into a *mal} pamphlet, which will be Bis, large until September let. Any one allow injured, .8•.1
.ributed to those applying for them. Ing
his canine to run about is liable to The Legislature on Monday passed an ''yy"'ace Curtains
Rev. O'aimage of the Brooklyn Tabeina- have him destroyed by the town author- amendment to the game laws, that one Ca,rpetw�3,� �•� c. n�®� J. �� W e
cle threatenr:d to resign the pastorate idea. The intent of the by law is to man could only shoot 400 ducks. The u !!�a j D
of the church if the debt was not at once prevent gardens and lawns front being open season for deer was extended to 28 have n® egad
provided for. On Sunday a satisfactory ruined by idle dogs, days, from October 20 to November 15, We have somethingnew
settlement was arrived at and he will re. It is impossible to give a correct report which will be good news for" the sports- in Curtains which the would
main their Gospel adviser. of what the markets will be on the next men.
AIr, Thos, Cudmorc of Ueborne was in day or the next week after the issue of we regret to anneunoe the death of like1c) Show yell. Have you LAw"LING
town on ,Monday, and while his horse was our paper, but we can and do give correct Mrs Jackson wife ofMr George Jackson, of examined our Tape )Bound
tied in front of a store it took fright and statements of prices on the date of issue Egmondville, who died on Sunday last, at
ran array. It was captured on Huron St. that is, on every Wednesday. Our termer the age of 61 years, She had been ill for Edge Curtains at 50c a pair2 lllR��iiill4 R
when it again made a lively spurt. The friends will find it to their advantage to some time, and her death was not unex- If not d0 s0, In Car ets,we
buggy was considerably damaged. examing the market report, Compare it pected. Mr. Jackaon', many, friends p
A marlin;{ of the shareholders of the with the report of other towns in your throughout the county will fully sympath- show Tapestries from 250,
Exeter Creamery wan held on Monday, 14IOND1IY
vicinity, and then trade where You can do Ise with him. , DJA.Y 22, C. 0 , RICHARDS & Co.
the beat. upwards • Brussels,$1 up- The World's fair was not open yester- Gentlemen,-Tbe top of my;.head was
when xaTeral matters of importance was The Traveling Dairy manages by two day bald for several years. I used AIIivARD'S
decided'. The contract for the sinking of The Creamery will be erected in a short experienced men will be exhibited in wards; Wool and Unions at bald fo severe, d now have se good
the well wits awarded to Messrs Sippel & time, Farmers who anticipate becoming Exeter on Jnne the 8th. This will be an The Czar is said to be suffering from 8 d a growth
Weber of Zurich, their tender being oon• Patrons will find it to their advantago to opportunity, for farmers' wives to learn the all prices. a cancer. of hair as I ever had.
sidsrably the lowest. Another meeting get ready for the opening, June 10th neat, latest wrinkles in butter -making ; but �_ Prof. Virchow says the recurrence Of MR"• Albert A cKAy.
will be hold on Monday next. All attend Canvassers for milk will this week make a since we are to have a first class creamery cholera in Germany this year is improb- OVhoately River, P. E. I -
Miss Nora Clench, the celebrated one, tour of the district and let the various is Exeter the information thus afforded' a able. I' have used MINARD'S LINIMENT.
young routes. Exeter will have the meat nom will be of little practical use to the ladies Hosiery' and The Earl and Countess of Aberdeen freely v my now have a good Canadian violinist, will come back to plete system of butter and chosen making of this immediate neighborhood. The in- g d bead
Canada nest fall, and will give 30 or 40 in Ontario and the success of this locality formation, however, will not come Amiss. 1 sailed from New York' on Saturday for of hair after'baying haying ;been bald for several
concerts in Ontario and Quebec, and will as a dairy district assured, A bill whfah is Gloves. Liverpool. years. Ittetho cult' hair_ restorer 1 have Possibly visit the Northwest alao, Mise Very important to all Eleven men were burned to death at ever Lound.
Cleneii is still in London England. The In the suit of wyld vs. Hooper, tried at eouneillors is now before the Ontario
House, and has been put through commit We Carry the largest . and Sanas lumber camp, near Cadillac; -fore. C. Anderson.
fact of her playing before the n the
has the Assizes, 11w Justice Street Tian giTe . tee. When first introduced it Michigan, 011 Saturday. Stanley Bride P. E. I.
brought her into prominence in the must- judgment. It was as action for a de- provided best Selected Stock of these y Bridge, -
cal world, but she is rapidly winning her elaration-that certain .goods and fixtures for the imposition of a, fine of $200 on Goods in The emperor of Germany will start On
each member of an municipal town, imported
catty by the force of her own merit: in the possession of the 'defendants were y p l sonnei! P June 29 for a see; voyage to the north of RBE
Anew time -table goes into affect on the subject to an execution upon a judgment failing to set aside a sinking fund annual direct! from Europe by our.. Scotland, returning on July 21. !e RaEU
Grand Trunk Railway on 'Sunday; :28th recovered by the; plaintiffs against one ly .where debentures aro to Mall due. selves. We are selling Portland, Oregon, has a flood, and the an kin
Hematreet, and for an account, oto, Jud However the fine was left out in commit. g 2 prS merchants are moving goods from the are due
spat,, There will be a large number of meat declaring that the;toods were .never tee and disqualification of offioe was fast Blk, ROSe %T 250. ' See fust floors of their lace's of bust of the b
olzauges of more or less importance, and subject to the plaintiffs' execution but ,made the penalty.; P ness.t that pr
numerous improvements ate provided, ilio!!!. The officers of Brooklyn tabernacle
P That the fixtnroe were and are as between - met on Saturday and,arranged• to meet acids.
changes affecting the L, H. & B. are, the parties., Reference, if necessary,' to Oar in ffiItohell the have a doesnot
London Huron &Bruce morning traln 7 peculiar the indebtedness, so Dr. Talmage will itammat;o
K determine what the fixtures are. Costs sow by .late The nwasr of two cows, a not resign. must be hh�
The, R: Picard�n,..
-..,,1*A.v�s'Lsnddrr.at 8 16 instead of 8 08. The of reference if any, reserved to be given allowed to pasture but ::on,e the on ata ableteeult, T.
afternoon train leaves London at 4.55 in, g P eats George I3arrimiy� „ tubo shot Fred, ative Absorber
stead of 9,30. The train over this lino against the patty rendering it neosaaary,'of Mr. R. Barr late of scone t ,hue move
Tho.plaintiffs to have their costs to the fire dye -works to Mitchell, d DIREOT IMPORTERS. Foote at Sagxnaty some time ago, has one of the most
tgltich formerly arrived There at 10.15 a, m hearing, except the costs of the issue with Wih be foand n' been sentenced to 10 years at. Jackson erful blood atita
Will arrive at 8;66 a m., and the afternoon n . excellentremed for known. It ed
enitentiar ante
• regard to the goods.:. The defendants to sick headache. ;Carter's Likle Li Liver Pills,
p y' + Mates the blood to
train will arrive at 6,40 of a the casts of that issue to be set off Thousands of lett Q ' TUESDAY, MAY 23. 1 aotion, raetoring the ..
6,65. P• m. anatead agafnat the plaintiffs' costa; Hoo er is ors from people who have oironlahop. T h r�"t
Hooper J. used them prove this fact. Tr them: Forest fires are tleyastatzng Northern , 1 once eptablisbeddie�
Ulntrd'a Liaiiment enrerDAndruf . N. Hooper, formerly of Exeter. Y Michigan. , ease mus! Qoase.
I #
LCNp nUxOrrtCa ,..
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