HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-24, Page 6�­i ­�;...., 11 . � . . � I il: . , I ,I � �, A :, I , 7., I I I I 11 I IP1,I'll, .... I .. ".. . . 1 r1 . . I . I , -,.1 111 I I ­ ,F II , I I7 !� I ::. , , I_I .I �';1�.I 11.� I . -I . .. 1l 1 . -11 I I,'. 1�,-II . , . . ;. I. ,I1II 1I , . I,�I I : I I , � I . � II . 1 �I -I I I I I I .,� I . I � I I I � .1 �I .1 . _7II I.1._ 1- . . I I ­ ­I-� • I . I I .I . I I I . I I II r '1 I .; . . - I ­� � -rI, � ,I �� �' I- I . � "-I I ,� - �, r+..! . I I � :�I� "II 1,' I -I ­ , , I � - � II ., . �. , I� I I.1 I . I I I I. � I I I .-1 .: . I I . � 1 . II . I . . . ­,", ____._______ - I I 11 I __ ­­_ I— 11 I _ i I., I i; M AGRICULTURAL. Ci a advantage with apples is that life use. Every parrying and market cart iii, market for them is general and they can be France is a road maker, instead of a rut i�Oth I a r held an indefinite tilos until hetes pxiooa maker, for it haausnally tires from four 11- I Asparagus, Beds• can be realized.. inches to six inches in width. ill cure You is a true statement o£ I have kIIo\vii two or .three instances �y having the 'home surronuded with Those who attempt to run farm by sub. - • EWS Sarsaparilla, where old asparagus beds have been thor• fruits and flowers A good influence in. shag- stituting commercial fertilizers in place of • 'kite action of AY p p g g barnyard manure will do well to remember • . oughly ripped up with a heavy steel low !n and refining the minds of life children � �' -when taken for, diseases originating in and harrowed over in such a way as to tear will be secured, that it will benefit the land to have a crop impure blood ;brat, while this assertion out a great majority of the roots and still With very many varieties of fruits the of rye or. clover plowed under, every few p . is true of ,A' ER'S Sa,r,saparilla, as leave enough in the ground for the best second year after planting is of more im- years. It lightens it upland makes it mel. "" lbausands can attest it Gannat ase truth- results, says Jr. $. Hale; this is a gest of fi4rtanca to the care necessary to mwintain low. Culla lied to other? preparations, which "rough and tumble" way to do it, but has a good growth than the first: More or less on every farm there is an ' Y pp p + in each case resulted in great, vigor to the The principal advantage in allowing the accumulation of bones ; that is, they will unprincipled dealers will recommend, remaining a rooks and an abundant stipply mould to remain around the strawberry. accumulate if they are saved,. and every. and try to impose upon you, as ,, just as of good grass has been the result, plants until they are done fruiting is that one should be saved. Even if they can not n�fa t s and Children. } p p 3 , As for making, new beds a light deep soil it helps to keep the berries clean, be put zn proper shape for use on annual fOt[" i1F. goad .as Ayer`s.' Take' Ayers Sarsa- p p d ees only, if you need a as bast and yet asparagus will gr ho almost Large crops of fruit are not always the 9uick•growing crops, they can very readily penile an Ay },, } anywhere; the ground should be r gh Y most profitable. Quality rather than be got in good shape for use as a fertilizer"Castoriaissowelladaptedtochudreathat Catstorlscon, Collc,'Cotsstlpa on, ' blood -purifier and would be benefited and deeply plowed and theil furrows opened P . Y for the fruit trees and ra a vines. When Nous Stomach, iv ft icaa: Eructation, medicine, forneari lip at least six inches dee about three and quantity is what; to a considerable extent, B P I recommend aciitas 11. A. A toaa� prescription villa worms, glues aloap, and promotes dG pecptaitenLiy, This me : P broken up into small pieces and dug in t�iown to me." S. A. ARasun; >tt: D., restion. Y on -half feet apart and in the bottom of at leash, determines the profits, tuou fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, p around: the vines or yonnq fruit trees, they iii So. Oziorci St., Brooklyn, N'.'Y, 'GG't t injuriousmedtcatios., ores that ions these furrows plant good strong one oi' two- With grapes it is quite an item to select prove a fertilizer of the most enduring kind. and made a record for cures, year-old roots abotit fifteen inches apart, varieties adapted to the looalI .y in which There is no better fertilizer than raw bone.. n equalled b other re para- laciu the Drowns of t}le Tants sa that they are to grow since soma are adapted to Then fines round and applied several `} The use of Castorla is so universal and 44Forseveral years. I have recommended never bee q Y p p p g P Y g Pp its merits so well known that it seems. a work your' Castoria i and shad always beneficial i lis• AYER'S Sarsaparillaeradicates they will be about two inches under the a much wider range than others. inches under the surface, it begins to feed of sitpererogationtoendorseIt. sew arethe do so as it has invariably produced benesclal. to hereditary scrofula and general surface of the ground when it be- While cherries is one of the earliest the crop In..% very little while. When placed intelligent families who do not keep Castoria resutts'a the taint of he Y comes thoroughly leveled off. For ease of fruits, to grow they should be planted with under the soil in good pieces, the bone withineasyreach Eawix F. P,tnrlm, M. D., other Blood diseases from the system, cultivationu his betternotto fill re these reference to hone consumption as they 1 g 1? CAiuosM.iRTYn D, D., ,,The W,iuthrop,"•:SthstreetandvthAve., and i# has deservedly, the Confidencelip slowly, but steadily, undergoes decompose- New'irork Ctty. New York City.. y furrows entirely at the time of planting, will not keep for any considerable time., tion and yields lip its; nitrogen and phos- Late Pastor Bloomingdale lteforiued Church, of the people, just lightly covering the crowns of the Shipping to market at a profit requires phonic acid to any plant which is prepared .�.7 roots; after they sprout and begin to grow mot's or less preparation in advance, not to make ,,,of it. There is no potash in Tim q>etlrA ,un Coxr.xr, 'ti' 2AURROY STREET, 1�t it TORE- - well, attainingg a height of two or three only in making the necessary arrange• bone, but it is rich in the other two ele• ` OW inphes, it will be #ime for the first Hosing meats. but }n securing the necessary paek- mems, - '� AV r. and either by horse cultivator in larger ages. fields or by liana hoe in small beds some of In the growing of fine berries under I the earth may be tumbled into the trenches resent conditions it is not alwa s safe to CAPTAIN PIKE I3 DE91j, its ,� „W and cover up the weeds and save hand depend upon the natural fertility in the - --- Q weeding about the plants, soil As the application of more or less for. A. Ocultrated Arctic . Exniorer Passes If these furrows Are not entirely filled lip tilizers will help materially, Alum•. CURED• IN 20 MINUTEST 8 "I cannot forbear to express my joy at the first hoeing so much the better, As it No one should have poor success in A St. John's, Newfoundland, despatch at the relief I have obtained from. the will give an opportunity to repeat the opera- planting trees. Transplanting Is not horrid gays .Captain Richard pike, the famous -DAC use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. i was tion when second hoeing becomes necessary. as a rule, and with careful handling, Arctic navigator and commander of the roubles for about It is also a, good fan after -planting to in n, thousand ebould not perish, except harken tine whaler "Fite, is dead. Alpha Waferafiiicted with ltid»ey # K P P g six months, suffering greatly with pains spread along these furrows some well -rooted possibly the peach, \which is icousiddere d The late Captain Pike was born fifty • in the small of my back. In addition to stable manure or some high grade chemical the most easily affected by digging tin three years ago, and from an early age his OR -MONEY REFUNDED. PurelyVegetable, Perfectly.Harslet this, my bodyw" covered with pimply fertilizer rich lnnitrogenous matter, After in of any fruit -bearing tree. With life has beep one of toil and adventure ° eruptions. The remedies prescribed the first year all fertilizers should be broad- small fruits, such as the strawberry, black amidst the ice floes of the northern waters, and Pleasant t0 'Fake.t)P' 1ra1<B b all Dl'1I ISM . PRICE 25. C failed to help me. I then began ,to take casted and thoroughly worked in with hoe raspberry, etc., more skill is required ill quest of seals and in the arduous task ii- Y g9+ i, AVER'S Sarsapariilu, and, in a snort or cultivator; liberal feeding and thorough in transplanting, and more failure must a of Arctic navigation. Among the people tithe, the isains. erased and The pimples culture will bring abundant crops of aspara• expected. of the Ancient Colony his name will long . .„ ,-,. ,.,..�,.,m _z�. disappeared I advise every young sus. It as ho most econcnilcal vegetable All cuttnigs are amallplants like thestra,\v be cherished as one of the beat products �. man or womttt., In .case of sickness to grow on the family garden and is so prof• berry, raspberry, etc., should never be ap- of An island wioose inhabitants necessarily ___ __ _ __- _ __ resulting from impure blood, no platter !table that I often wonder why more of it preached close with the cultivator, especial. must follow a calling connected with the slow long standin&, the case may be, to is not planted out.. ly the first few mouths after transplanting, stormy sea. While still a young man, bike take A'VER'S Sartiaparillla."--H. I,. Jar. _-- The strawberry and rasberry are set -only a rose to the post of captain of a whaling i 6 man", 331! il',iam st., New York City. few inches, in the ground. If the cultivator ship, and his good luck was proverbial. �-�••q �{ e Helps for the Henysrd. is run close to them, goingdown two or It was, tberefore, quite natural, when, in cel .%; l.�r Manhood HEA H E WW. A stiiall yard or pen, eight or ten feet threslnehes, as it often aces, tt mltst disturb 1341, the United States Covernmept made square, with a snug coop for night use, .the roat in every instance. The cultivator eaquiriea for an ice -muster for tine Greely1 A N D HOW TO ATTAIN iT." R makes a nice run for one brood and the should not run closer than, six inches to expedition, that Pike was recommended as i difference on the number o£ chickens raised these plants. The cultivation should be an eminently capable man, and accordingly : Medical Wore; that Teale the Causes, Describes the Street,, Preparcd by D;! J. C. Ayer 1a Cu., Lo,t'ell.'Mass, will more than offsetthe Cost of thepen and done with a hoe, Now Comes another was, in Haat capacity, laced !u charge of c ; T'ointa the Remedy. coop, Protective measures of this kind are source of danger.. The inexperienced man the ship tt Proteus." Under his caro and ctenufically clic most valuable, artistically the mostbeautifnl niediaaibook ever puti- -„�„�.rt-� A.-,,t,„,q,,.-�,F,,,,,�,,;.,_.�,,,,.; what ��parUClare S41C4CSS. �1'e must take good. with life hoe thinks hs is not doing his work tiiuiiksp a his ' lisiied:'.t6 pages, every page hearing shelf -zona iliustratiwi in rials. Snbjeets treated:-• care of our chicks when first hatched if we unless he digs several inches dee Amon Nervous Debility, Impotency, sterility, Development, varieopeic, 1 �' li g Ttt(iRtlti(i1I KIO\wL'FDGE OF NAt'1l+'A'rION The Husband, �'h08C Intending Aiarriage, GtC. Tu"TER EEX FTE k'w jail;$, would raise them, the newly planted small steins, and this in northern waters and ice -fields, the ship, Every man who would know the Grand Truths, the plain Facta,tbe (Rd Secrets and 1 Ata recent poultry show at Madison- deep hoeing is fatal to the raspberry or after many dangers, reached the location xew Discoveries of'Medical Science as applied to.blarried Life who would atoneforpast IMliblisnedevery, Thura lay morns;, a; spare garden, the Geneva station, o2 New strawberry. Only very shallow starring selected b he art as a rendezvous, near i follies and avoid future pitfalis, should write for this WO4XDEkl UL LITTLE 110 K. T $ TE M PRINTING HOUSE N ork, was awarded first prize for its splen- should be given to these plants. the eighty-second parallel, which \vita des- I it witibeaontfree, uade,rSeal,,%Yhito the edition lasts. Address thepublishers, I r-str did exhibition oa oras. 'Throe !'out the It�t� t•� Atatn streu;.usitri\ opposite 7`itton's ,fetvsior9 p g It is quite essential that the fruit grower tined to serve as a hots of desolation for I ���� 111tIiJi(tCiAI.., ,(',O, , B$'�aZO, N.Y. y ttcio,t.xeter,t,at.,ba , .Ioiiu'IVilotoa; Sons.PrJ- country at 'large, however, comparatively of today should have some means of cold the following period of three years. li uriators. few are able to tell whatconstitutesa capon, storage, for it is only through sunk methods In 1883, on the organization of the second (p—_.-.�.�....- nATF:g OP Ai,VnaTISINO or wherein it (infers from an ordinary fowl. of preserving Itis fruit for certain markets Greely relief expedition, tinder Lieutenant Firttinsortion,portine .....................” geute The larger size, tender and delicious flavor that lie con hope to reap the highest Garlin ton, Captain Pike was again pressed 5»ehaubseo»e.itinsertion ,ver line..... scents. g p g` To iusureinsercoon, advertisumoutP sliouli of the caponized faivl liaVe resulted is ata' prices. If properly stored in cool place the into Arctic service and Arcticdan ers As the N _,_ _. _ .T_ _,•.—.� _ _— as santin uotiaturzhau Wednesday morniag. being much sought for by those once having loss from shrinkage and rotting fruit will ice•master of the relief ship " Pro esus," the - -• teatA its superloreating qualities. When be comparatively small. With the plant- crusliiug of which among the ice -floes of ourZO3 PRINTING 1t8.P 1RT'IRYT is o -it it is considered that a well-davoloped capon Ing of all orchard then, of any size, there Smith Sound, off Cape Sabine, has become,EXETER YARoftho largestand boste:;uipped in the County will wet It from two to four ounds mora Fj 4 a- Huron.all wcirU entruow.t to us wills aw,* g P slicultl also be the erection of cold aloe• a matter o£ history. The passage in opsit no. pre mptatteptton; than the cockerel of the sante age and as age house. To build such a place will not boats of Melville Bay by Pike and Uarling . , the average market price is from two to be very expensive, and after the first outlay ton was a memorable feat and one which J eesious litegartllut� ,'i1i'e'tli S- four cents a Bound more, it is made quite of funds there will be no further cost. attracted much attention, though bnt An Tlic undersigned tvislles to inform lila Public to hezaral that 12 1Ftkpers. a obvious which Is the more profitable to ,,,;elect the side of the hill if possible, And incident in the retreat after the loss of the keeps constantly in stock: all kinds of ,�I 'iIAvrser=onivho tastes a.paperro,utarly from raise for family or market purposes. Build a sort of basement for the fruit; (lig ship. ! aptain Pike's companions in adver- { the post-ofdao„ whether directed in his name a" Tha setting irons must ]lave full right to out the contra of the hill uudl the bottom glty, on reaching civilization, by their ae• UILDINC * I1IATER AL. anotharK.or whether he has subscribed or no,. heir nests, Ana they should be in places of the basement is on a Tavel with counts of his brave conduct gave him a Mt•re onslble for payment. I a arson orders U4 paper discontinued where the other hens can not get at them, the surrounding ground, Tile \walls of isle standing •\which especially in Newfoundland, be must payail arrear:or pthe publisher may Divide off a portion of the nesting houses basement aboula be trade of brick or stone, was at o co + p y Dresiged Or Q�3.C�,res !Gd. ontinue to send it until the payment ism e, and give the bens that are getting the best and be very thick, in order to resist the elf• FLATTF-RINGa AID wFLL•arERrr$n, INE t�! y p HE1�fLCCK LUMBAR. nd then collect the whole amount, whether lace. Do not put them close enough to• p e paper is taken from the office or not, p P i g feet of changing temperature outside: the The nine years that elapsed since the day 3 Insuita for subseriptiona. the suit may bs Place so that they can fight while on the foundation should run up to the top of the ., n SHINGLES A SYECIA,UT Y ustituted in the: place where the paper is pub nest. The more secluded settinghens can ill and then a slantingroof should be of the dieastertothe Proteus had scarcely !heti, Aitlioutih the subscriber may reside be laced lite fierier they still d constructed so that all water •pan be sufficed to wipe off the cloud from the genial �a QQO yi and 6 and �+0dt11 tct.�llii DOS 1]Q�Q 111 hundreds of miles away. I is no hardship on a pun chicken to tars brow with the memory of the mishap i J The courts have deelded that refusing to d young drained off ; the roof should be made with that had placed her there. But notwiti-- stocic. A call solicited and satisfaction guaranted. ake newspapers orperfodicals from the post- keep it in a nice, dry and airy coop for the thick boards, laid in the form of shingles, standing his quiet resolve never again to fflee, or removing and leaving them uncailel first week or two of its life. It simply so that everything will run down and off the risprimafacieevidenceofintentionalfraud enter the Are go sea, ship June G, 13UI, the J&%WEIa IM=L11�I rives the chicken Yen. chances to reach ma- building without caking through ; a good presence of the good ship " Bite," ii barkem ' turltx where it would have oDly five chalices thickness of tar paper should then be nailed tine whaler of the old type lying alongside if running about while young and tender. down, and another roof of boards should one of the Brooklyn wharves, under charter . jr We advocate the cooping of the lien and he placed over this ; this kind will resist to convey the expedition of the Philadel- - �� 14Fa her broodfromthatimethey cone from the outside Air very effectually, and anevenh!a Academy of .Natural Sciences to tine �1 1 1mm" neat until the chickens are four weeks old. temperature can be kept in the fruit base• Betokened that Captain Dl s LaROF S �,��TON Roo i P�Jad.l .!----rooiland waters,Rw4t U �------ ment the year around. Pike had changed kis mind. Under the i tIL131 __ Fruit Notes. pressure of strong Inducements lie had con- Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female Re Marto aented to act as leemaster and pilot for the known. The only safe sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladle I Bone dust and ashes make fano berries. Praotit al Pointers. Peary expedition, On July 3Q the " Site" Y ' -^T�S7 � � •i47 The larger the plant the larger the steamed southward from McCormick Bay, ask druggists for LaRos's Star and Crescent $rand. Take ]il growth. Milk may be deficient in solids without _ ,� otherkltnd. Beware of cheapimitations, its they aredang11 Iez l 5 L ' In the Raaden the cleaner the culture the having water added to it by the milkman. leaving Lieut. Peary and his party be- ous. Sold by all reliable druggists: Postpaid onreeeipt of tp7ric ' i, hind. AMF,RIC;A-N PILL CO., JJOU0 S, 111Cfnhe I � , i -� � better the prop. The farther should tales as much care of In, pruning, out off all weak crowded Yet again did Captain Pike hazard an - _•s p g • the :manors heap as he would of his cattle. other northern voyage, and on July 5, ', _,. { i F F branches, t r� 139 i::'y 1 { tt p r' '� In fruit culture situations as well as sell The most hopeful sign of progress among the Pike' left the snug harbor of St a' must be considered, dairymen is our growing intelligence. John's and steamed north to the relief of y o a' 9EGI Stillit _ hRST K.OWH SEC0110 Met3Ti Farmers era comparing note9 in regard to Peary, bicCormick Bay was reached to- a yi �fi • { G� ti �� t`� The best success is attained by keeping 6e�' b '� 155 care and feed of stock and calling upon the wards the end of the month, and during •p. a, '0 ,§ e u an uniform growth. �►QOLU�#'CI.�f p g experimentstationsaudagrioulturalsci,cols thawaltfor .�� �,e, tip° �" o 4 0� The experienced grows but few varieties; Tf11. ARRIVAL of PEARY' e° 24`0' GJx' 4 ��Odfl a� V Cure I o tpawer, V`e vans �' the novice teles everything. as never before. �, „ p ii e, N 4 y Debility, Night Losers, Iii- Weak lambs can often be saved b feed- from h!s trip of exploratieo, the $!tet 0 ro �{Qb C' .til $ "o N 3 stases caused by Abuse, Over Soft soap thinned to the consistency of y cruised to Smith Sound, and Capt. Pike ,t off' v 'tie �-,3 1 AVark, indiscretion, Tobacco, paint makes a good tree wash. Ing them regularly for a few hours. Keep had there vividly recalled to his mind the "'t`r? ka `4e +9 �V ro .;G� 4, Opium or Stimulants, L ick of r' - Stroh animal manure tends to make a a supply of fresh milk on hand. Ventilate 5 g' ., 1 � C' yr Ettergy,Lost'Iemory,Head , , J g fatal July 23 nine years previous, when A • v ♦ 5 ache and wakefniness. THIRD MONTH • growth of vine and but little fralt, the barn but be veru careful not to have the "Proteus" was crushed. Returning -IV, 9�� Gott n4 �w.1 �*� � , Ioung middle a ed or cid drafts of air strike the sheep especially the t E� 'A �'. ' 'a i Beeping the orchard well trimmed up to McCormick Bay the first week in August, "4 � � �r elle ��. �,� � �4S' .o e�Yoseti,oncr cothehe eff effects ofodiand vin orexcesses, will add to the appearance of the farm. young ones. Keep the pens clean and well Lieut. Peary, having arrived there,' was {e+ , �'•q1 ey £``4 • �g e5 a b 4p'° p g . bedded.. Give the older lambs as inueh ard and the ,. " \ _ ,�, N - ,. '4'' IiELiEPToTFtni@AYGDS BYTRASDMARVEL()US REIIEIJV. .attgaWberrar5ea5oeful u maII betion �£reatlelen length- room to run anes thed play as practicable and let "gain naou hken on , reaching .pit. John's in safety. 4CN:v o VL. '�` , Dino N'�•��' � 4� y .( t4' . &, Qtr a ' Y greatly g them have plenty of sunshine, but avoid g - ' o + $ y 09 �g sued.. It is said that Lieut. Peary, in the passu- t�* tit o p� .t� a I' a I Guaranteed Pia o in pruning, so far as is possible, itis beet having them lie on the cold damp ground once of further expeditions to the far north, ,vo ,tititir��e,�'�'�<1 ©1s e� � I 0 •,V � coq much. 9 r3 g s, er remove rowth.the old wood and leave the new- 1 to had Capt. Piened ke for the purpose of with {Ly�O Quo ` ` E �' G��~4 �� , O tion ��.. '. °e G� o eve one vsingthisRemedy accordin toairection On a farm where four or five Horses are ormoneychee. ullyand concctentiousiyrefunded. g ke t one of the two wheeled road carte ` &;t6 i,3 +. + Pt3tCE 31.00, s PACKAGES $0.00. Pith grafted areas the strings used to P , 2' t • his services, but the death of the celebrated �a ;�+:� �y;v n 64 • ,�. rV . , �Q Sent mail to point in O.S. orCanada securer tie the afts can be out as soon as the cuts costing from $15 to $ i, is a good thong, Arctic nava ator will necessitate other are- . •ire •• b- : . t 1- r c b 3•; tieafedfree from dutyy or inspection. y start t � row. and especially in muddy weather. It saves ran ement Band the finding ofa fitting and "� , ea { ' � � 1�► � o tioi 9, .41 Write for our Book "STARTLING FACTS" for men After he lents are p well in the ar. the horse's strength, it saves the wear of wo th substitute, it is safe to say, will be ti�ri`' , r V .- e °;. �" o� , 5 0.9. , 4 only. Tells you how to get well and slay well. S� Addie s ll call on to get ll and sIPIE CO, a den it will pay to go over the rows care- more expensive wagons, and it saves the a task of no small magnitude: to tiffs � u ` �`� c° � ,a°' 'g, dptr�b „ t fully and thin out. time that would be used in washing wag- ���,. �Iv 11,'k . .� x t 4 4 010 O�'V "Ill' _01 , . e4 , NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, Montreal. Can. ous. The can be bought with seats wide � . } ye' ��m+ o� Qi o The Quince needs careful pruning,, rich Y AS the Years Go by- y �i fit, ry+ hyo �.,I row soil and thorough watching in order to pro enough for two persons, and they are very duce fine fruit, easy to ride upon. A young man and a young woman lean g�HAVE�(�(� ® If the tree is rimed when in full leaf or It is time now to clean. thoroughly all over the front gate. They are lovers: It ?ianufacturcd only by Thomas S011owny, 7s, r'rw Oxford gireett 3 just before it, . one of the surest means of drains and cesspools. If your sink drain is moonlight. He is loth to leave, as the date bas, Oxford $tract London. a s is on top of the ground, get seven or eight arting is the last. He is about to go away. V Av- Purchasers should look to tke Label on the Boxes and Pot$� c , checking growth. , p p y , Thin the fruit where !L !s rowan too dollars worth of glazed pipe, and run the She !s reluctant to see him depart. The If the,addrers is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spuriou growing refuse into a barrel set in the ground at . swing on the gate. ����� thickly, the sooner it is done after the fruit safe distance from he house. Keep the "I'll never forget you," he says, "and if "'x I I 1 1 is set the better. barrel covered, end empty when necessary. death should claim me m - •aat thought will s � There is little or no danger of planting Use plenty of lime and dry earth in all be of.you. too many apple trees so long as choice vaults: Deep your back yard as clean as "I'll be true to you," she sobs. ." I'll varieties are grown. your lawn, and; - remetnlier that, cholera never see anybody else or love them as long hussy owner I In nearly -all cases !n providing a trellis and kindred diseases Are companions of as I live." �► ® horse o cow w The art. Six ear later he returns. to know how r for the grape vines it will a to arrange filth. Y P Y "• - keep his amnia .er- ' - I g p ' qp Y g Although His atvaetheartofformeryears had married. good health •while to the sta6lb-on dry1fod�fer. ' three rather than. two vines. gh one may carry on mixed farm. They met at a party. She has changed .. is the lateattritun th in pharmacy for the cure each branch should, be a specialty, and 1 P Y DICK'S BLOOD P'URMEl: is now recognized •. I iGood seed must n.ot ons Have sn$ctent' 7ngr ready. Eetweenthe' dances the recogni, of all the symptoms indicating KIDNEY AND � as the best Condition Powders; it. gives a 'good. ' 0 "Ba e h ac h e the scauen ers y. the stock kept should be bast adapted to .g• takes lace. Lives, Complaint. (RIF you are troubled g natality to germinate, but to give a vigorous Ch- tion to p Costiveness Dizziness Sour Sto,raclt appetite and strengthens the digestion so thatall the tneat7s the kid of the agstent, start to the young planta that bran it Let ane see," she muses, with lter fan ' ' ' food is assimilated and forms flesh, thus savingmore n e ys are In "Delay is One of the advantagesof tate small farm- beating a tatoo on her pretty hand, 1t was than it costs. It regulates the Bowels:ind ICidn•••^ With the peach, shortening it not only g Brother who was m old tl' ID e and turns a rou h coatinto as moothand'gfoss''::, trouble, Dodd's dangerous, Neg- er is that he is obliged to get out of the: it you or our : s longs the life of the tree but aids mate= Y Y Y l 4;r Sound Horses are al. Kfdney ?iUs glue l eated kidney P- usual ruts. He can not afford to grow on sweetheart i" ways in demand and9c r.. prompt •eflef," troubles result rially in securing annual fruit. asmaallscalethe, >ain'andother staple crops .. .r • g p p Really I don't knout," 118 Gaya: "Prob' this season when they i` /5 per cent. , in Bad Blood, So far as It is possible if if is considered which must comppete with like products abl ' m father: Headache, Inchg estion Pooa Arri,riaa, are so liable to all and o y o„,�� disease is Dyspepsia, Liuer necessary to remove a large limb the work grown b the.hundred or thousand acres; Y '.Y — - -- znEn F>DELtto,: ItiflSoit Tto l° Ixs; sleepless strains DICK'S.BLIS- s p Y. g Y devoting hIsights, Dlelant holytgeohn , BAUI[ doun, t ,a Pr t caused by .Complaint, and should be done before the sap starts. Selecting some specialty and " Mrs. Geo. Lagonza,of West Hazelton, Pa: lYIenibra 's. Hidney anti Liver trure TER will be fou,, a ( welered alts- the most f.a_ri- attention mainly to that, he .soon earns was deserted lay 3ier , husband. Then Iter y stable necessity; itveilI s e s a/l If raspberry or blackberry plants are to c n those who o in remove n y serous o� t t m the spring, care Should be more from a fewa seethe g two year.old cbtld died. As She was with- curb, spa,in, "ll9r ht as lusts Brir fits Disease, be set on, P o, r is et from the larger farm• one or friends she made a shroud of i splint Or th©ro ghp;,i.gr any swe.ung. Dick's g B out m a g ' taiten t0 gat the work done a5 early as peg-, the Old ti Y ment,cures n. saa,n or la sneer and removes ,uflam, tt y It to haus a Diabetes ca n d The. American Consul at Havre'Sa s that her own garments and with her own hands n' „ a Bible. Y mation froth cuts and bf iness. Fo- Sale by health y city Dropsy.. • ; e `cellence constructed a rude coffin. Generous neigh. alt ergo" „ French pavements of crease _n x strawberries for large fieldsvn11 vet ilumediaW rolieP and Tyrrzsca e Q nrc: sista, Dick's B1oodPurifi r 60c, Dick's DlisterG04, Without sewer T h e,: a b o u e u growing g Y with age. In France, he says, all roads bora heard of her sadplight,and furnished a si the treatment should be such as is best cal- g, } bold at all'Drug Stores. , „ Dick'^. Linimen' _n"?r. Did?s Uinttnen.28e- age, as good diseases Cannot, + have ere etnalattentton• If from weight, pretty casket: Send la' h ' t wl7 i e culatedto secure a slow bu, vtgorona plant P p reterboro, Xedlethe Co,, v lmited, vostat card sal h C! t! exist st w h ere q rain or other causes a hollow, rut or sank is Recruits -for the Cbinese arm are not , kldneys are Dodd's,Kidney r� geowtb. ' . Y• PETEROC�Rp ONTf 1pv1Vpar- formed,: it is repaired at once.. Where the accepted uulesS they can jump a, ditch six ' F at ���� ` clogjed, they are: Pills etre used." If cutting' of grapes and currants orb to beret aired is of limited area the wide. ',tri. 3 I • a ose to the old wood the will be rolling P , feet w 8r, .S ? � abookofvatuinlc,=c 'hold and ta.m . c.,, Sold b•, alldcolers arrent byinailonrecetpt taken off l Y rolling of the new coating tsleft to the wale t, puida"the novelist was born at $pry, bescncfree. of p,Jce 50 :o-laS. per box or. six for $2.5o• Il,ore eerta.in to root tb.a,n il.. irom long pieces Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for u tires of the heavy carts, hitt, in ease of ex- , t, Edmunds, 53 years ago. . A DICK St Co., P.O. Bos X92, tr',NT2 Fxhlt' boots called Mdncy Talk. cut �A tended areas a stream roller is brought into11 I 11. Children Cry for P xcherls Castociv,1. . . .1 I,. �: r. 1.} .,......a,..:...., •11 �,.....�. _..,. � t....�.:1.....,... � ,..,,_.�....,._.-�,.,..., -. _. �..... _I ..., r . i.;.