HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-24, Page 411 � ­ . . I 11 _ - V � 11 ���, I I I � I - � I I - ­__ - �., I", _� _r7�, � ­�i, ,� I I � I I . I . I . " �,,� . �: I I ­­�-,­,�_�tl �, I I., I �, ., - , � , ­ - I ,��,�.: I W�­ I � , z� '­ ..' � ,,�­ -f ��,rll � : 1-1 - - . , , 11 . . I I 1, I w ­- � I'll 11 . I ,- ,,,- �-, jil-, "'If,-,. T-7�117- 11.* - . . I I 11 . . .� I 11 I "I I . . I _ , I - � � � I . . � . I . � , / . : , � I " � I 1. I I I � I 1. ", I I , L, I I �,� . I I � . - I � I I I I '� �'�� I , I . I � I . I : I I . . 11 I 1. I I I , 1. � �� " " . . � � I 11 � �, 1. � . : ,. I I � I 1, � �, � 1, � , � .: . I I I I I I I � , . �, � - � 7. __� 1 1,14111, 1 1 1 1 . . I . . . . � � � ., , . 1. I I .. : ... �. , : , , - . . �. � 1 ,: .�,�, I � I ,� .. : , - �� . �� � . , I � 1. � . I I I I , � - I . I I . . � , �,�,;;, . I I ,. I I I � � � " � �:: � � ,: ,: �'. �, - : , : , �� , � � , I I - I I �, �, I I :. . . , � . - . I � . I � . I . I 11 I . � I I I � I � � � � : ` � , I : . 1. . . I :1 . I , . 1, I , .1, � I I 1, � . � I � I � I . �. . . . I I 11 �, � - : : , I , �1 , I �. 11 I , �_ - I I . . � � . I � I I . I I . I I , 11�, I � , , I 11 . I I � I . . . I .. 1, � ,� .., � I I . I . I � I � I I 11 , I I I , . .. . . I I . I I . . I I I � � .. . . . . � I , 4�: I... I I : . � � I I I I . . . .1 - . I 11 I I I . I � 11 .. � I I I : 11 ��� I I � I I I I 1 � I I .1� � . � . - � � . . . . � � . , , , , - I . I . I . i . I "I I I I � I . I I . I I I I I . . I I � , :� � I � I I . I � I : I I I � I 1. I � I . � I , � , � I . , � , ': . I . . I I � - I . I I � I . I I . .- I � I I . I I . . I I � I � I I . I , 1. . I I . I I . e I I I � I I . � I . I . I I I � � . � I I � " I . I I � I I I . I I I . � I � I I ; , � I � I I I . I I � I . I I . � —_ � . %� I � . I . I . I I I I I I . I . I � "!!!!-- - --- - — � --- - -1 -_ , � .. .., � I I I I .1 I . I I I I I I I _­___�__ — � � . �. — --------- ���, I I I I-- - - . I - I I � !!�,_!,_ ! r_ I ___ I � I I I I 11 , - __ -- -_ -_ . I : I I ­�� I I . - . ;;---= I - - I 2!�2!L- 0 - I ' I � :� 11 11 � ---.,__ — I I I I . � I � , ---:---- - _N I � I . I . : ,. . I , qq p� � . - . I NT LADY ABERDE61S PRESIDENT.; . I . : � I . A�'_—��_, �r!T� t I I Established in 1877 OANADIAI� CURRE cyl. . I , I RISING�'OF THE WATERS, �, ,IRI,%,I%t HOME RULE— 0 � � � ` Ir �, I — — � . . � — - of, tile x1liernattou . ,� I : I . . I � � I ` ' ,� I . 41 Council of the :� � —, � . . , � . � 1. INTERESTING EVENT� OF THE DOW W01,14's, AVoluen's Congress. I I & ltleviOW Of the Aululri, of Last Wook In J. P. CLARKEPS I - VVHAT MAY HAPPEN AT THE FAIMOUS . tile Ifou'se oi� Cornillona. , x3, S. =T=ra, , CHICA.00, May P,1._�-The menibero of . I I Jaw"iJA ��� I . . I . � � INioN, r -ROM FAR AND NEAR, trheIriternationvkICquitoil,of tifia�-%&m ,CHAUDIERE FALLS, , Nriv Youx ' May 21.�_Mt-,' G. W, 0 I - I 1. I . I ­ . .. . I . . I Congress lajs+ I . en'i i . I Sma I I . I ��, I BANKER, I eve= settled the cause . . cables from London, Mr. Glad- --7- ., . � — I stall Iley . 'L � I The DeveloPlneitta of Each Day During . . I 9. " I : I'll I a 1-4 'low in a position to inoasure, if � I � I . Ifthe North Waters Come Down, There lie will, rather more accurately than be I n e � I EXETER, - . ONT'. tire Week 0 glit rresh Front tile uusy . . I . 0 ePric to.Eve?ybod�- I .. I I I . . . . . . . . I Au � . . , : . Will be a. Seco�nd T0hnst0AvI1 Flood -A hits yet done, the strength of the forces " � — . I I I I t arraved against ' — I � I 'Wires and CArofully Edited aud Con- — � . him and his policy. The . I � � A � Transacts it general bankingbusineae. .serlous Situation -The Probabilities- hom7e rule. bill has been a A , lit * I I Receives the Mocounta of Merchants and densed for Our Use, I 11 t , �� � . , for 1119 in There is. a pleasure as well as � I �thers on favorable terms. , I I . Picture of the Unique Falls. � . committee and twoolaus'es out of 46 have., satisfaction. to hear . 'AVZD�NESDAY, U.kX I -,. I . I . � . . I been passed, -one, by a use,of the closure, I custfter$ say,, � OfferF every accommodation oanaistent *with I OTTAIVA, May,24.-The Ottawa river which nobody defends except from' a after dealing with us for j6 ndoon erv. I safe a iltive banking principles. Thomas Ford was trampled to death 4a . continues to rise, the party I point of view; the other by a con- thatanything � we � co, * e, � years, ' , � Interest allowed Dix deposits. by a stallion near Lambeth on Saturday.,, , "I Otta Mr. Brophy of cession on'4 vital point which r Gla& . mill nd to their � Drafts issued payable at any omae o the � I wa river works stated this afternoon M � judgments ab being first-class and' i It is feared the steamship Wandrahm, that by advices from all along the rivers stone had distinctly refused to make the � Merobilats Bank, ashore below Quebec, will be a total I . of the north. share received this morning week before. By these two reliable, invariably sta`mps our I NoTns Discovx=, and MONRYTO LOAN' JOB$, 1 .. . the waters are rising, The norther' taoties-one a violation of the forms *of word upon the " I ON No'I'Es and Alolaw,.A.CES. � . � u 'unwritten- , mind, as being � The date of Mr, D'Alton MoCarthy's . waters are overtaking, the heavy rains law of the House of Commons, the other worthy of coil, fidence. .. ,, . . —_ ! visit to Woodstock has, JDeen fixed for and he added "MY own impressi * a surrender -h , I 0 on is 0 h' as' carried through, We do'not pretend to be the , I May 31. _r �; we are going to have higher water," The committee 20 lines out of 400, exclusive Mu f/mUr MM, 00. Mr. J. R. Booth's large sawmill at 11 , / . imminent danger lies in the north; water Of the schedule, ,His reflections on that cbeapost spot On earth, but. ,wa do � Ottawa began operations yesterday with I ,1 may begin to dome down., A mill fore- fortnight's work are not perhaps of an sell reliable wares at .such i , � -"If the north water comes , prices THURSDAY, A -TAY 25th 1893 a gang of 900 men, . man said, exhiliaraiing, kind. The rate of progress thatany honest mind must and - �:;i � i I : down on the top of this flood it will be wits described last week by Mr. John will admit. — The C. P, R. is now open from Port .1 . good day to the Chaudiere. Everything Morley. rhetorically, but with some ap. 1. NOTES AND COMMENTS, Axthur eastward the trestle near that I '. I � will go before the tremendous force. proach to accuracy N�hen he said that We challen 14n, and - I ired. The river, with the addition of the north at this pace it would take a twelvemonth say that no betb�r quality in, - town having beeii repa ., I � ge corn�*ti Ofthe $13,000 required for the me- of their differences in regard to the this ' to see the bill through committee. Prints The Freeman brothers, charged with tribution of offices, to the v - water, must rise rapidly three or four can be shown in a. neck to neck morial statue which it is proposed to murdering Constable Rankin of Clia- arious coun� feet, ,and with what we have now you It has to be observed further that such I , - ___ - - - I tries. race than we are oftering at 1,21C a tham, are to be removed to London jail, can easily understand ,what havoc that Progress its has been made has been due . *- ect to the memory of the late Sir John It was decided that England should willmean, It will be a second Johnstown largely to a Conspiracy of silence among yd., fast colors. Please c;kll 2and as been A company is being formed with a have the presidency, America the vice- flood. Millions and millions of dollars the Glaelstoujans, and especially arnong see them, and Ive will also show as MacDonald in Toronto $30,000b, , Bubst�ribed. There should not be ally capital of $200,000. to prosecute mica presidency, France one seeretary and dam a the Irish The), have, indeed, spoken large a variety -in Fwxcy Summer = I f 5 would follow. Men down I - will be in Detroit, al matters, Laces, Fancy West End Cords, 'a month. should go to Finland. is now on its way do�vn, and niny be and still more often have -they spoken 31000 withill I ro,_ fthe upper lakes say the northwater on side issues and on person difficulty in providing the remaining ning in Ontario. The headquarters 'England one, and tile treasuiership . I I I a - — I . Interruptions have, been systentatic and and T)Ataines. I jq The by-law to raise $S,000 for a fire Aberdeen, president; May Wright S W *10 (heil * * * T111JUSI).&Y, 311AYIS. Officers were elected as follows: Lady here to -morrow. One o1*,,1,, is f­":'1,*,1 wll_ - Opponents were speaking, Llama Cloths, All -wool 'Challies I I h4 fact a I 1 . es are The special cables announce that the hall in Guelph was voted upon yesterday all, vice-president; Mine, Xar!6 Martin, sYsteinaticallyoffensive, Butsilencewas comple(e, Hosiery, Gloves, Black — 1111`98 of all the cattle forming one of the and defeated by 49 majority, recording secretary; E vaMeLaren, Eng- 1%"�W It".1gX,-,-� 4 �i r� I � , kept at first oil the most serious and Sill' Lpces, Newest StYles Colored land, corresponding secretary; Baron- F_W?,Ut�V*34� ,�, _Q01. , - - . weiz-11tY issues. Last Nveek saw Mr, Lace. I from ess Alexandria Gripenberg, Finland, � _"==;� �­= I - - Oswego to Toronto, has gone ashore at I J __;��-- � i. ,,--- cargoes sentfrout Canada to England The schooner Vienna, bound , 11 - treasurer. I 12­__�- -1 ii had been exiiiiined and no trace of dis- TS , �__w ,;, Gladstone at his worst, -when lie would. � Marlton beach and will be a total loss. "either explain nor allow any colleague Call and be convinced. ease found, Thia resulb justifies the Capt, David Bwaxt AF�;�_�`� - .�::�a � ., ' I expectation that the old privilage' 01 cannot be found, A DYNAMITE a6MB IN WOODSTOCK, - I __ � . 1V Or ally to exPlaiIl­v,rhat)was really meant , First-class Produce taken an4 - - a 1�at sense sendin.- our anittials to Inland Bricish The six-year-old son of R. S. Perry, - ... ;W__ I , by Imperial s upremacy, or in w . towns living south of Schomberg, partook of A 313diliclit lExploslon-JIttempt to Blow — I , - highest price paid. I , a on the hoof will shortly be re- some broad and but Up a )?rivate nesiaouce. . � - 9 or to vvhat degree or in what circulu. ' . , tored, ter -which had been X, M ,\1 I k� I I 1. 'kl,l I . 11 kl, I stauces the supremacy of the Imperial :-:-,=-I- - I __­=:� r> chargedwith strychnine for rats. Death WOODSTOC ; 11$t , , . "\-,I 3 Parliament Over the Legislature at Dub.' _-7— " * * * ay 21. -Mr. F. Cross- � I �\\\\"". , - X I I I 1p - ,� resulted before medical aid arrived. , ley, 64 Vansittart avenue, was startled L , 11 I I �' ­ I lill Iva$ to be operati��o and efficient. THE VERY LATEST NEV,r'SL I . I � The "green -goods" syndicate broken Among the speakers at yesterday's ses. about half past twelve Friday night by �y�' V, � .. ... "I ",I . i, . 11 ., The L'oundatious of the empire and the . rincip The Earl and Count up in flartfurd wits making at, the_rptv ��'O"'-vZ the World's Congress of Women a terrific report caused by an explosion i - P * , Ics wwcil are ilawoveri with the eas of Craveri, are int near by Unwritron cOnsti'atioti of the empire moutreal. , ' in, Olticago were Mary McDonell, A, M. . The mernbers of the house. i- werz�, if �dr, (�,tljt" - , dstOnG bad his way to President Cleveland bag ppointed IV oihalfan-.;1111i,�.."f� yeir',*la �'-'aly Out Of Blakely. Augusta S. Gullen, 'Ifts.. hold were greatly alarmed, as they fear- - - bo unsettled. The limits of the au&r. X M. Dallis. of, Arkansas, cons a ul of Witt, / the p0ekets 6f fool Canadians, If this Harvie, Nellie Spence, Ernily Cun John ad part of the house had been blown up TRE C-11-kUMER4 V_�,LL ;� ity of both croNyii and Parliament wera� nipog, . fact does, not defer our people from and Alice Fent linings by dynamite, however, it is yet to come. The lakes - allowing them.selves to be bled in the Canada,. on Freeman, all of The explosion was so loud that night- have been frozen until about the last to 110 undefilled. The Now Godarloll tug, Jobu Logia, wat k a triallzip Thursday, and made fast I future, the Rar of aeeing their names in Andrew Hines, of Dunnville, chman Anderson heard it up town week, so we know the water is not yet wo.,111 11()t le'l-ve flue matter there. time, . Ont.. and hastily made for that direction, The down, Should it be held bacli for a few It Nvai ob,�Ious that the Unionists too - . PrilltaltIO11g, the list of victims probably went to Buffalo yesterday in search of residents of the neighborhood were all day� and, Thcy 11 Ive at last ellibedded the I)IIIII- will do so. his wife anti chilZI, The police allow these south waters to be ci,,l of i,I] found I 0 , The 0. P. R. traffla returns for the weak awilcened from their slumbers. worked off all will be well but if not it..,. n them for him, but on Mrs. Hines telling s,lf. The Nyill now att ding May 14th were 83$7,000; earn* week * -. x x X �Jorhll,�iupramacy ill thd7bill, , the superin On investigation it was discovered all will be wrong. The sito�tloll is car. Y 0 If a session of the Legislature does tendent of Police that her it. aild by amen4wents truPt to apply last Year, �268,000. 1 - or", 0.1 clauses, to Inakostir a successive It Is ioported in Wintlaor that Mayor I , she was given street gate and had placed under the Suriday greatly disturbed. the immense husband had abused ]tax that someone had entered the Hunter tainly serious." The wind st walk leading to the back door, close to flood of water in Lake Duel 'Is well as i!'Prilluil)10, ttMt the Imperial lesne, and pal chief advivern in the coming campaign. q, 6 for each day's FRIDAY, '�IxAy 19. the house, a huge cracker filled with widespread damage,was done along its ,L .1,,611nent shall still be imperial. ' member :s allowed only , -at in Practice' Flemming will boon* of Mr. No0artney's u:it extead beyond one month each custody of the child, a th I - - attellla'Xe. Ifthis period is exceeded The steady rise in the waters of the powder and other explosive. The crack. shares. It was the fiercest day on tile v - ­ ­ � ­ __ ­­.— BPf;vg medicine end Hood's Sara�parilla the full ideninity of $600 is given. St. Lawrence at Montreal is caushig ' X'ra.es,-ior Iro4ait in, r�ovc. are synonymous tetras, so popular is this The er was blown into one hundred pieces, I lake ever experienced. The waves were DnitL7_, �,I, y ,,,. ' N �� -The reasons of Mrs. great medicine. at this season. le�61i,,,Iators hare shown excellent 'ud� and part of the Bidewalk was torn up. many feet in height, and they crashed Koch fo- obtaillillog a divorce from her The top( Evil* .1 - shippers some anxiety. a 2 ment this year in continuing the . sea- The Governor-General yesterday for The sidewalk was then on fire, in against the shore ,with terrible Yale- husband, tho fa�uotis bacteriologist -,nd las was successfully lannah Si011 juat long onough to enable them the first time signed "Derby" to the offi- Mr. Crossley's mother was almost, city and force, smashing everything with Professor, are grad'a; . ad Thursday afternoon at ()oderloh, Miss 'ieln-and tbelarger amount. cial documents submitted to him. driven into hystericsby the report and I which they came into contact. The Prof. Koch li 'lly com"19 to "*-"It" Craigill 401na the honors. The tug r.;Il to decently , � , " " The quarterly board of the Ce is very ill. long wh, nw long been. intimato with be ergagod Intba. Lake Huron fishery ntral arf extending out from the Bertha Forte;), 'tit actress in Director trade , X X X Methodist chur�h, St. Thoinits, ha, , i Mr. Crossley offers a reward of $100 A.Amer boating club's house was com- Bit"IIIVS cOUlPaqY- Miss Forten, Nvlio .. 1 0 in' for the conviction of the party who was pIkely wrecked and carried away, des- is expectail sjo..1 to beconle Mrs TarAwFALIC FACH.-For nervous prQgtrat, We have more than once expressed the vited Rev. E. B. Lancely of Ridgetown responsible for the disturbanee. pite the arduous effortb of a s . Koch, belief that there would be a general to the Pastorate for 1804: mall army cattle holre fro i it Rtw-siau ion and anasmia there is no medicine that Of men who did their utmost to save it theater, and will so promptly and infallibly restore vigor, Provincial election during the coming Mr. A. X. Burgess, Deputy Minister wa.'A owrilge(I for L�1.11'1111%1 more for her strength as Soott,is Emr,11116 � ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. from destruction. It was weighed dowli per,ional attractions �jh�lu for her art. slid of the Interior, who has returned from a with immense boulders, but oj�eil than 6he hits 8, fine figure and it haudsolue . All wheat aeading lbroughou 7Manitobs, sumaier. That belief is no lopgerhold. trip to the United States, does not think TORONTO, May 23.-A vote .at mid- this old pleasure promenade could not , ' The RU110uncement: made by 8ir Oliver that Canada is behind in the handling of night characterized the proceedings yes- ,withstand the fury of the waves. iM, but never lia4 Wen able even with Is now completed, and many of"the - fields Mowat to the effect that the bill for immigrants. .- terday. There was a protracted debate — theso advantages to risf, above trivial are quite green. �Nls`ay reports sky that . the re-arrangemelit of Toronto's repro- At the Provincial board of health on Mr. G. W. Ross' bill to take a plehis- 11 Deliberate Suicide. roles. Mthea slie:111-st appeared in this the oropis quite an far advoluiied lie look Rer-tition intheAssembly will be brought meeting yesterday the question, of pre- cite on the liquor question next January, , OwRl N SOU!ql), May 24.-A most deli- city she had a rich friand, ot about her Yxisr. in next session is, we think, the strong- , ventil epiddmics� of disease in Ontario Mr. Meredith said the system was radi' , ,berate case of suicide took place in own age, but threw him. over soon after The Allan Liner Ribariat with 37s est possible assurance that the House *as (1�198cnsseA in connection with Dr. ,ally different from the Swiss referea-, Br6okhoi ii, Owen Sound's bi meeting Prof. Koch although lie is a critile, the Deaver Liner Lake Onporlor ismolved before 1894. Bryce's report on the sinallpox outbreak durn, In that case the legislature first' grandfather while she is but 32 years' 568 ca le ai�d the Hamburg Tfter Stabben will notbe d' g suburb laci6ssthel Pottawatamie river oil Sa- old. ,� 11 buk it * * * at Port Arthur and Winnipeg. The passed the law and afterwards slibmifted, l 1, turday morning, in which Ai�. James with 390 castle Nailsid Ir reld on government -%vill be urged to take prompt it to the people. This was an abstrabt 11 in t,e a resident, played the most E ,lovoii 'lunied. to Deatil. Wednesday. orut to start and WFeeth4measures in this direction, question, and the Government had not I Prom : I`B� This is the time ot the year ,,a t part. Frourdevelopments it Irred Witlook,a jockey, engaged at the even pledged themselves to pass any pro- CA,DJLL1% Mich,, May ,22. -Terrible W,,bpine track, Toron,o, while, handling loca! wars, and neighborhood rfuts, by SATEMDA-r, 31AT !!O. is certain that Winters planned his death forebt, tres ti ,a raging all around hare. hibitory 45r restrictive legislation should in the coolest possible mannor. ame a revolver Thursday exploded it, and R res reported the vote be favorable, The Attorney- The striv =*11 of Edward Marge idae, ballet entered his loft lecr. He wee taken - n ad his week against 25 last over to town on Friday and pu r keeping chickens to annoy your neigh There were only 10 failu Hec rchased four miles south of here, was burned' to the hospital. . bor, tura them loose when he is General said that the plebiscite had been from one of the leading dr sts here yesterday morning Th do what a Jumber camp and keep about three care to away Nveek. demanded by a large number of temper- ten grains of strychnine, N111--lgi he said of Dmis Saiid, tn"aar Lake City was Count M asugieria, founder of the law the ellickend fail to do. Whentheliens The Store of C. H. Thompson, Cape- ance people and that it was important, lie was going to us . schools of the Japanese empire town w a in ridding hisprem- burned Friday night and,four men were and legal are killed and "hoisted" into the yard, as again burglarized Thursday information on the subject should be ises. of rats. The druggists had no mis- burned to (lea th. 0 I ight others are miss. ildvis"10 the Mikado,liae reached Toronto then is the time to give him his grand- nlgR. obtained at the earliest moment, If the givings, being well acquainted with the ing A special from Cadillac, He is father's hist3ry, and tell him big moblie Edward T. Honor of Port Hope died vote was in favor it would remove man also complied that the regn- gi�* Mich., all English L. D. D, and in a mem- r Y as fuller particulars of the burning ber o the Inner Temple. winked at a man once in church for a suddenly of paralysis on Thursday after. difficulties from the Government's 'A' ' f path, laticiii.'requiring him to register, About , "' amp AYR Kidney and Liver Care is Hensall told me so. There is nothing 1100111 The bill was read a second time at mid - 4 O'clock in the following morning he to death of I I men at Sand!s lumber a Membr a off a night, the vote standing 48 to 28 i yesterday. The men were assembled at preparalion of Herbs and Rootip, the med- � that takes like stirrin'g up m A young lad named Caton fell n favor aroused his wife and requested her to go dinner ,Ind the forest fire which was ioal properties of which are Uriversally bile. I unicipal wharf at Belleville yesterday and was of Mr. Ross' motion. Anumberofpri. for a neighbor as he had poisoned him- burningall around on . vate bills were advanced a stage and the 0 tirely cut Off �)s_ known. TyritfOrPurifyiogthe Blood. * 4 * drowned, Belt Sliehadscarcely returned when c ap e. Mr. H. A. Marsey, of Toronto, is in 8:50 a.m. the suicide expired. It was found that ____ The nude body of a woman was found House adjourned at 1� . Cleveland, Ohio, attending the opening ex. The present indication3 are for a large floating at the'mouth of the Niagara A Fishing Schooner Seized. he had taken about six grains of the A Stone Throwu at mr. Gladstone. ereiqes of the Fpworih Memorial church in yield of fruit anti grain in t river yesterday. poison. Ali inquest was not considered LONDOZZ, May 22�-While, Mr. Glad- that city. At the early service on Sunday his county. OTTAWA, May 214—Capt. Knowlton, necessary. There can be no reason as- stone was travelling from London to Mr. Afassey contributed $1,000 towards Reports froin farmers say that the indicat- The Ottawa and Rideauxivers continue of the fishery protective service, has re- signed for the rash act, for Winters was Chester on Thursday a heavy missile ions are for a very heavy fall wheat crop to rise, and grave fears of serious dam ported to the Department of Customs . fairly well-to-do, and had no one to pro- was thrown at his compartment. as the Paying off the debt. and that spring grain and hay promises a age are entertained. the seizure at the Magdalen islands of vide for except his wife. Durin� the train approached Willesden. The mis- In all cases, where a mild but eftelijive, large yield. The coal spring weather was It is expected that most of the 302 per- the American fishing schooner Lawrence Z, A. Munro. This is one of the vessels past winter he was nighbwatchinan in .r I favoruble for fruit and it kept the trees Bile st itok the window of the next com- ,periont is needed, Ayer's PiUs are the sons confined in the smallpox quarantine the Simpson shipyard while the - build- P,Irtment, which was occupied by the best. They improve the appetite, restore fxom budding until danger from frost was at Winnipeg will bereleasedto-morrow. which has been listed for seizure for I ing of the steamer City of Collingwood Dean of Chester. It smashed the glass healthy action. Promote digestion,L and past. . having on the 13th of May, 1892, pnr- was in progre . Anderson, Veney, the Amherstburg 'base su plies at Canso, X.S., ss, anT had been offered and.,struch. the cushion P. few inches .regulate every furictieln The plebiscite vote will be taken next murderer, has been taken from Windsor P without work for Saturday,' which he refused. I from the dean's head, No arrest has 11"' ter demand, . No -pill is in January on the having a modus vivendi license and ell _ I or more hiliblyrecommend - question of awertain. gaol to Kingston penitentiary. where he He wits a sailor, iand was w known at been made. ed" by the profepsisv. 'L 9 1 . - will serve the remainder of his life. bar of other Yankee vessels are in the I I —_ d - T . Andrew 14ineff,of Denumviller, onj wen, ' ing Lhu upilljoll Of the electors of O,t,r without reporting at custoins. A num- this ,and other ports. I I io on thvqveStion of.'probibition. The MONDAY, MAT 22, same category. ---------- � A Terrible IVreck. to Buffal Wednesday in re,girch of his voteing particulars 'will be aboutas ' _. Case of infanticide. I DuBLus, May 23.-WhiIe a train on child ando wife. The, police iound ibern follows: The ice in Port Arthur harbor has . Sq;;ar-L,0/­ Vessel Ivreeked. GUELPH, May 22—A few days ago the Tralee and binglee railway was going for him, but on Mrs. Hines telling' the . 1,irst,asto qualification of commenced to move out. II_kLlF . Ax, information was placed in the hiinds of down a steep grade yesterday the engine superintendent of Police that bar busba"(1 "'oters, The new First Presbyterian church at from May 22—The following is Air. F. W. Peterson, county crown at- driver lost control o! the engine, as the had obtisfil her %be was given custody of icated yesterday. -hitehead,N.S.: Thesteelsteam- torney. that there was 'a suspic brakes would not work.. The train ran the child. I this will include all who were entitled Chatham waB dad Vv to vote for the Legislative A ship Craigside, of Lo ion of a . ndon ' 3000 tons case of infanticide on the farm of Hiram I across a as well as runnici burden, from Matanzas, bound for Mon- Laker, lots 3 and 4,, in the go:,e of Pus- a curve, then jumped the ard Thurs- ssem�ly, Dr. Hector McDonald, a graduate of at a high rate of speed half way pal voters, embracing Qiieen'-s University, aged 20, was drown- viaduct on The Toron to Public School B0 women and spinaterg. treal with a load of sugar, struck some linch. The authorities made an track and fell 50 feet. Five day night decided t It so 7,09L 13711, passengers 'Presbyterian bymn � ill * - were killed and 12 more w6re wounded turpose P- Wlfitehead a few roinute,,; I i0mu the severe of teaebil'lg the tonic 001-fs I ad at Kingston yesterday. I . submerged object about nine miles which led to an inquest. . � b000k. folartch, Second, the ballot papers will be Be' The deposits in the postoffice savill ' southwest of I ages t&il ot "' , kv . men. anks of Canada during past midnight,. She immediately filled Maggie, a Young daughter of Mr. Laker, were completely wrecked. music. The item raised qnite a brisk arate, yellow for men, blue'for -wo b evidence, it appears that last Sund y. The carri And. engine �Se, - ifiCULSion on the ground that it savored of This would avoid confusion and rend,r $630,725, and the withdrawa i ' and foundered in deep water. The crew , beciimeamotli�r, and that the child was . denominationalism. � . llplrlO�7, ivll're a r, easier to count and record votes. Mr. J. F. Walker, traffic auditor landed at Raspberry light station in found dead beside a fence on the farm. * , . . of A_ lWiring Sea Boonleralig. L. " Third, the clerk of the municipality the Grand Trunk railway, (lied yeater_ afety. I L ng abr,ut � n day at his home in Mont - verdict of the jury was that the injuries I roof of . real, aged'about Light —Senteace ror, Atteuip Of FIE311)rY NV. Elliott, United Sfiates 50 People Proceeded to clitub on th is authorized to appoint two agents a . I 6 �d Alurder. A coroner's inquest was held, and the . PARTS, May 19. -Copies of the report At 9o'clook Thursday taciul each side to attend the various polling 50' . te to the skull caused immediate death; Treasury Agent in 1890, concerning the the coviii1y Treasurer,s office andwioh 6 I L. is to BRANITFORI), Maly 20—Thomas Slilli- also that the mother and Maggie Laker Beal rooheriZAs on the Pribyloff Islands .4 S . - I inecessary for Sheriff list to go places arid look after the interests of The honorary degree of D. C. van, a farm, laborer who reCeutly at wAitilng to see Veaey executed. A was , . their party. bo conferred on His Excellency the tempted to inurder his wife with a were guilty of criminal negiet)t in. not have beea distributed by British coun' , Governor-General, and Bishop Potter, letting it be known that the childwas sel among membeis *of the tribunal inform them n0fixfOution would , out'A'sill to ' I ' before the crowd would leave. the clerk of New Yoi;k, at the dentennial convoc born. As the girl is at S" Charles Russell and Sir Richara Veney wits ,, I Fourth, the ret -urn ' ing officer shall send a Glinmorris, was arraign0d present ill no Ir take piece municipality - yesterday before DepufYL JUeLge 11,7ilwn. Webster regard this report, as, of great, L InIen to Kingston Wednesday. � � . of the tion of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Sullivan action will be taken just now, but 'the I � a statement of the local number of vot. Que. shortly- " . I is a harmless sort of it "itian and aut4orities will likely prosecute. I esb importancOn BlIpPott'Of their case. Mr- Jobn T. Dickson, n behalf of Jb4 . . lie was drWefi to:the deed Owing to his I . . — ,. L I ors for the Legislative Assembly, r,he- Th'a repotted cannibalism north�e A Goderich Horticultural o L I . 11 - I total number of women entitled to vote, of t.1 - . ast wife going 6ff �vith ,, noth6i ini'lli. 110 Drowning, Accident at Rawkesbur TlieFranco-Caliadfan Treaty. Society, -is corres- L uilty, &JI'd'L , View (.)f it I . 3`_ . , � ponding with ibe Ontario Commis,ioneris . . t - eirellUlst! n I REAuMaY21-Mr. H. J� Cloran, PARIS ,, May 20. -It is iinderstoo�l that at,tho World'SL.Fair, with & v /' . 11, L ,Lve I &o1agL I mber of men wbn have vot- ed. -klltliemembers.ofanfndiaiifarni- ances was 'let off ,with six who resides at A awkesbury. report,$ a iltisfactory explanations been re- on exhibit at Cbicsgo a complete col,lootiom be total no is Saguenay, Quebec, is contra.dict- pleaded g tile Mo-N'r. � ad, the total number I s I eiw to PI i r ! ver-�, Bad drowning accident ' -t gavernmen of women who ly except, the father and his �on,8.wifei mouths iatlie,Cent al, pri,,pp. . coiv6d from, the Canadia :, have voted. From this it will be easy starved to death, and the two latter were _­­...­�� �­_­ I I - � I that took t .of-the:eo6iing seasoll's ft - , , — 'asto the reading .of 6e ­ I uilv'in this cobint : I ltfiakter itud. X041; ", ­�, , rtain clallses L .r , a alf— L' (" Ml�rk. L18 , �': , to ascertain the rel,eltive strength of the only eaved from the same fate by L .1 La 6 ill t'116-t'village on Saturday. -7�'hile NVIIII. . I The, deach I I t vota polled. . � h ! 11, Xi, a.sort. , -1 named Charles -who fed I ,.M� -A coiiplf,, at fi,"�n,,,,, bar dinner 'Ihss K;1te ' V 'L oltwere ambiguous in the-Fretich announced at Kincardine of �, � . bree, . Jordan, TVIOITTlm � I Ma`v, 19. " I's of age observed to. -libil. treaty. Parliament Obadw Wickham. at the s _Da_ � , I �tc L I . . Fifth, th, penkes of ttie vot p , mild clothed them, ra6cally card gal ablers decoyod a vol.d.1.11t :. " I w ure to be , , . ! "n Yeal ill -be s I , 1, - a. a I . tb.at she did Lt feel blingr aeked to ratify it at- the nexbsession.. ,L tile . , * ' .11al L I I 1�10tb�er , ceabed Nvam a resident of Nt,L 91, o", . 11 I I be borne by the Municipal On TU.E0SD,&y, DXay 23. . ruralist' into"b6ttin' yand 1 60,6 itD'i Was enga L uncils coal I I g his DioneY 0-11 QL(3 � —_ gcd a the � I g,LD:lk,' On the Toronto o i t4li.)lUe"t She 'would go down to the TiAr6� . I � ce me rule meeting wa .U.. I IL ' 'L I . try. i.',,,,,. � I , rned. I L A.n anti-li o - . . ,tpxess.la-,�'t id" ToXiike.tlle ClliuPi011a Swiner. nepv.� - I . .d".y . . L I . s held " : and Lilco, a yow. A litiPlb ater a T)oy L . 0 11 L I L . ; in Montreal last night I I Theyfleecedhilit,ontof$50. Anion -the Lb LONDON; 1VIAY 10.�Tlie propellers of Mr. E d. D It the , d--' . I Sixth, in addition to the directions . � passenvers -was Hon. ubliiid into the puse Sayine, that �,I!,qs the uOLY Of St. Xazys�' lo � ' ' '� L' �L ! 'W,aq"(-.1 �Ia-� I L ell, lY Pal t of I he wee, k ,f , L L �: I 11ackenzie Bo"""ll , " 6una�,l steatner Caniinnia have to I � I I . .1 fallen into tile L WE' t("?" or, Toron VFhero' ' L �'� , , -yen to voters at municipal French-Canadian pa coMpOfflud,the j wa� i.L,-,,,,t.�t too triao it been readjusted and the,blades fixed at, 11" .a position as street.01ir. , ordinarily gi . It is said Mr. Ouimet will start a I Minister of Militia, who I s, this ataterbent sball he added: . per in Ot ))"" riblAlo('d - , - �t,, d by the offi6ers conductor- I I I I ,�- election riascii,15 t,odi!,j,-,rorget,'.io-nioiie�.- dicyliad , swept -. The 11001-kirl vvas a,qother pitch as Bug ' ­ ,�; . "Tbe'elector voting yea on b1ii I The annual meeting of the ... - , stolen front the aLlricultur'ist. - .1 . -,vn uuder the bridge, and :_11- 'J I I . I .1 . 'C2x obse' n L 'L s ques- . . I . . L TIM in accordaticawitNII ? rvations o ' - —,. 1­�� h j , , * � - 11 tion shAll be considered as expres:sing ciety of Canactiai opened at. Ottaw'a" _to`� I' — --;-- 1 thotigh a lad nanted Morrisoh th� P -a .. I . I . , ' I .1 I the, hm.,ne,mard vovaze. L L , , �� , , , day. I I I lle,wi�,, at,(��11'lpt t ,The ch 12 xe L True Philarithr 1 . - tin opinion in favor of prohibition to .. .1 I � . I � I f A INt"I'ler Itom9bly To'sSed. I �, . � ;, L o save tbo yonng j:,,,,1y, ea'l.)Octed to incre'asi her speed. a 'gas a To nfj, ED I l3,01t . cip�r.L, I ' .1 . I I , � I ' " I , r li.; (-`1,,ns Ive"o in vairt, �Ui- in a R��I)L-t I ___ - L - . , I , L , , . _____ I I � , L . ' the extent to wbich the Logisi4tiv� As . _Vhe election petition ' at .1inst Air, j. 1. I 11E1S1.R,T,Er,. INIPY _�'-`).--The �I I O'cloc. . ; , i,i;e W,is W"..."On had disappeared. f1cu reaga-11i; oti.x Jli1),JiRu8SlL:t, , . Plea'so inform yr, -, � I g, L into .,.I , , ­ .1 �1. _ -ens u r readorg, L . . - Tarts M1,P. for L'ls'let�, has ,been t-dil Y06t'�!rdav moniftig ran � Co I , tbat I will mail fleo to , I L I L esombly of this Provilice 8ball.ha a Juris - I . L 11 687 �ill fl- � Jbo�15- %vas recoverod aboutanhour after. Sn PL, Ul a I suffersts the: , v I ­ miB�ed. 4,.rto:�'I. fll(� L , I dic�,ion as may be determined I . i vevan(4e Pt tbe"cross , I , ""t;lbial - 'rE *1`31TRG, MaY 22­w"Tl ' ' � b the - I 1, I I -_ ____ I 'a Rus -'L 'WaliRb,v,&h1�-1,1 v.ftEl.'real'orod.to heplth' ' I C07LIrt of fin I I . y An uii'known man was run ove 1 here. John fl)i�on, ,%Pii,, —1 , sian Imperi,ti Council has uadek donsid_ L. Y'lii 11101dy I L . L r '1'', al resort ,ij 11�,q�, f,1�111(-!- .1 , I Suicide in �t Stable. I I L' 'L. 11 I I I 1. r and I was ridin thebng,gry. jj:e, I -, I I t I L,L I L eration .9, J.')ro1)6 f,(,,, r Vi�OY Fkftt,.r :febriL. Of Suff6elng, * , . I I . killed on the C.P,R.,' near �Mon I _ ,V� sal by Count '�roroiltzoff N,rv(iu 11-1 � I treal, " -i12'MvIl � :f,'?V,NrP0RD May.22—At st-z O'clock, � 11 I " r' .4 V�`eakrio-�p. L ; ' . yesterday morning, . - I I out dad ,a rib brokpn. The hors6 � L -, ��J ii, (I 1:: , , , I � Dw31Jh()"`_P j�o malee the 1� ' 1. ImAtj rob6d ' ties nt ih I ,I - lis';Vtiipc�isantry $ qU,Jek�g�aajirl Tb- Vp�'j­faeilj I � "ay, 'inornin- a Firld -0mPed by tb ' I r X. C, Ayfrr & Co. I was carrivl 0 vards on flie Ifflot f t1te , L.�'il. I I Jt"i-sey.ville. Mr-' dir",_�, Lowners �uf tfie bind, which',thay loot fiii I . . Lnear)y : f,�nt;bla ther t() Pf I1sner e,)d_�dliis life J;y ja4 -It . " I , L ' I -a Fred Jelfs, the new'21)oli 0 1 1 1 1, h in mankin(li bot oh,uilla,.Jojlasyen�� � I L I ,�� of Lo,,vell, 1,,ar�g n I Mr. Geor, � We li`is�,tvl . I . ­ .8 C V, n _,V till -for , to commune. . L ' � I ace the - envine AaCr I ullle(l into a,iuu�"[ J)()1e,., It ' j,,,,,�I'L �'Fre jjft(l I)C'()JlLk)ut t1l " L I sm r)oJV �, I I I I magistrate Of Hamilton, took hissbat on wt,,� I , . of hi -4 ]),I;,,). I io,- I 11 ___,_____,,.a.�, _i, _ -_ L , " I ­kpag. .1 .r L 1! I ii7periorl)'Ir�o(I-��ilifit-�r-Aver'ASarA i , 11,111,13: I � , I �: . � ell, Nigorotlg snd� si ., . 'Pa"I'la thebenchyest rday� , 2 . I Ill ; N�."iV,�J��Vtt L . , i I — -_ baye"n,ahing to 861 4 d ' " ' f� � hc buggy -wi �,; si. 1 'shed'� smn,� "livt'!0 ;vvoe'k,,;, and v. -ns I , Filtally S'llot bi'lierisoll. , ,. r )a nO,E-.tbo1bk,to6Z- , a I I � �-w'tll'o f',Rpy iegell , 'f tl)G POnrr-st invalid , L . . o. ; to atollis. , . I . , - , , , . , Ort ro6UJ;L3_L fl ()In -a I , ', - h L, ,L . ." � 11 I , ' ,�, ine w ornso btit r � 0 fake a cheap subNt1j,t,, ' The Breithaupt tannery, At Listowel - — . I 11 . . I . - ,,,, I 'd 'Ret'rWilll ' .I . � ,. evor, L . , 1''doubt �Sane . ab the time Clu I'LL'I'll %Ji�(_-�i -,fa-B;1�', " ,ife f , , , i. 41 ., , I EL't be induced t L t � I I r . I " 8 I . '. I — �__ -.---- I Ny a s. (I o i i L . L' I 1. I bL0 L, ,p. Lr,* - , ,. ) "ir";' L, tnake Oi t I is tke formerly owned by George Towner 'wa �, - , 13� * , I L� L ­ , . WA C�I�'fl . Al.;ri,ysi1rP(iw1,rr Lh4t t�ie be;ia I , , , . 'Jin (31 ap, G� Jj C- i I'g d t, �7 -f, . . . , I I , i , , of Slvnir Gr v ­11(�'IX OMII�os:tbi,761',N I I . - . LL el allAr T"O. .L1 � 11 .1 , i"'. 11 : I I . . 4 h. 't 1.2 r ,, �1 '� 'L " , "' ' ,�-,,,�i, * known it) a)I, ynll send fir L 7art "''fl ,_I,()NL I I IPS ,�krjj . , ". � , � , L I _ . 1 I . � , L, �( O'(1-C,b" Wa8 T11!0)r,w)�� fill- . .. (JeolialL to, 11r.1ty0l ee.� I I ,coyl - __ _ I I . I r ,,r, L L � . _ Y ,9ter- _� � , J�''!k­_`.;-_"1 '.' ['� Tlhi�ep,British wats , . , I nll-v shot,'b.,��'-fhoi.'a c lo foll, partiolli"trw of-jti!t� ` 4""�"�t i" '"i:,""�' , "�'"' , , . I �,:cheopes � almost totall destroyed by fire yi� I I '-1L I I . ", .1-1 I , �1 - I I, ' , 'A�`X,. I I � � k f�.r '.!� I l'."J.,, L, , , I I I . I L _ ' — - '�Oe" a WIf 11 A t it Eu I a �! . A �7 � L I I 11 m, ""i"t I .1 r.' ­ � (!Isc �C ��Sl,i�, * `� ��"Li`�'­U P h"'A' I V� " 7 - Addi(IF , ) ,, 1. , , day. I I , ;�­, . 11 d -i! - )j�,bol­ L 't, , , I .,r,.I,a 1. . I %vi'l be i�,,�,',,�:�'! , :,] 1`hic,, sninmer off %Wfolj� (11"tild in �'­'Lj*- ', e�t� � , � no tq�,, 61 , .1 I � 6 i , no otlle7. I I - I I L I I L'. 7 - ­ , L I , ' L r `0 4"' -1 � "' ' I , ' � `_""' - ' '�"'_ ' ' ' ' ' ' �;'� '' �� W�"�"' �"' ��" t -�' ' �' ' ' "' � �; " ­-�," . , k. �. ' �, � . - � � , , , I � , ��L In 'I'MIV I Z �, i -7 � tK`i i ,?Ybod .Y I — � - I 'L � I I I .1 � �: �, -'iu OuNvif,lifisheri6h,l)roteo�,,'.on;� � 1 -,(,,�.L, i_,3", ". � ,11:�17,�-,-' , Allt Fi)W,�'Itfi,Lk L ` " L . - I I L . . : the Behri, � ' '­��-' - ­` � -,� , , (Ai I . . of lier.� 'iI,� , t , , , , I . L ,,, I . ' L . I . —_ `7 � . - . I . .' , b: r)� i � , . I I I I � - � � ' " I I � .1 :,�: L! � � *R,W1:, g 1. ­ I I .1 I I I I I r L I L 'L It . , ,�,: . l"L 0" Boj"I'4,1 ., I � : L I I I I � L ­ � I I I I , ­ I I 4:, ", ''. , .'' 'L ", I ,, , , , I , I . I I I , � � L L , � ", , , , , ,;.:,. . ,ilt, ,' fibi,., L !, I I . I I 1, -, I L I i . I � � -1. I , ��, r I . I � ,�, � , :. I . . I .� . I - I � I 1roItL I : I . . I L I . I . L.. . . I I I r I I I . L I I 1. L I �. I � , I . - I I � L'. ; :L; , : L . I " ,� I I _:'�'� 'r " ' " L� '�'�­! � ". . I t !1" L L" .' L . I - �, I I . I L . 11 , , _ L " I � .. It . " L'. " , � I . I ''I L , I . I I . - . , , 1 : - J,t . 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