HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-18, Page 6 11 11 .-�-, - � -9F—-.-- V��-- - - "� 11 -.-,,, ��-",,_ . �,.�,7:,, �: ��:��...,� � . ., V"'- wl" �11 - " ��
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I �� I a whilat I engage a I Growin lio ; 1:� � I . :
� . . it ther g, gs for Peofit. I 0 , a
. � mi I !M-�el � - � I —I- ." ' yourself ,must wa I . I . I 'k. , : I �L
: 1, . � , � I "'� beamer or any river conveYalao,-pozsi�le 0, Perhaps tile most'oritical period in I the, I �� I I , 11
�. . . . �
. I .
. ,� . I 4 V,,A take as to tile ,ea." � life,of thapig, I � I .0. � 8 i�, �.i
1.1 � . I'll A Remarkable Qrlental � Expenprc-,,, a 9( I I �aud the one requiring thO I I -
I I . Bab why to BolispVs?" , �Irlexlt oil tile Pat t of tile I
- - M , 1, 1. I . � " . . or, -, his, house, in my niind, ,,,at skill arid judg I t, , C !It, , .. .18 I I " . I I 1,; I
I , I . I I I I c For this reas , grower, is from farrowing to W6941119 line, 11 I . . 1. 11
". .. � � , I t� TRE.kcaRRY. will be tile last to 'Which Shau-miii-yuen I , tile . I � ..: , I
.. I � I If properly' ilaridleO during this tinie I 1. �, .-
I ,
. 11 . . A THRILLINLQ STO�LY Or' CHINFISP41 I I I I I a'steamer or boat might be gone, for iye -ill stand -, A $140RT,-ENINM I ��.,,,,
RE- I " pig -4 1 , sorno little xieglect or mis . I I I I 1. I I �11
0 � . �
. I I I ,%Vill, go - Bangui, h%s riot appeared In . I � I I .
I � .1 COUGH CU I . � . . � I . I I � , for 'ement afterivard- without seriously _7 �- I .. �� I lm
. I ld the man- Ins"a [1, but t1jere In ust be but . I I I I .
.� . . I - in,� connecQOn with our search, ar mpairing Ilia growbl . through the:busY WaY. � '
2 460C 5 —_ - - , then V I asked, answer . .
I �� at absin we are clarili will not be likely 0 go to his friend " takes within this eriod if Down the street'
. . Jsumptlou,vol�glhs,Cxroup,sera I � .1111`Y�Iuc! ltht word& 11 In Tie Ivilen ,,pan such ail affair as this�" " few if, any mis., I p I I I . .
. Cures 001 Guarantee. 1.13 hour of . the best results are to be obtained, I
11 D VtS oa a Strange as it may seent in thi or my part, I shall Only A lady passed on marketing day. 1 11 I 1. :
I ,- '1'C$." -,t Shiloh's Porous to ,,X,,4 far from Oafe. V Iperceived the strength of Ilia reasoning,', ' As the sowis apt to be feverishat farrow- re, I - I I I
:� sold b�, al , I
.1 I Side Bac.c. .. . � trial the sulk's heat did not seem feel ab ease when we get to sea." 11 14--d at the Idea I � f Who, pausing at a grocery $to I
* U�_45 ce'll — I I I 1, ,,,,,, yer my itim re,v a ing, silo should have access to 1) an y o - . I I
I Sly* gr"t satisb3clio ine, aud� later I felt no injurious efyect$ �, "Yon, are right vit is Our Only %IfOtY, . Stepped quickly in at the open door.
I �� MUM perhips ulY head was suffioleutly protected ,e have not passed through gQingto Bonsel's house. I Pure, fresh water, but, have no food until I I
,()HIS VtTA too feel that w � , I put this before him, asking if We could I nd anxious V�en 11
. Aft, I Chattano' Rf,.T $han-lahl.-Yuou will know she ars Ilangry and than OUIY 01 few With bated breath a I �
:)ga Tema..sa all our dangers, not rather remain together, wmithout separ- , baild"TuN"of bran arid middlinga, stirred in a $lie queried : 11have you COTTOLENE?"
SHIL ., M. by my mandarin hat of round shape and Of
'. ,
ra. 1. $- it , , SAVED I r1m. I excitement . � I
0 _h I ,erhapa the great I if lie pur- ;-- I I
I e sh ova dobaftatcarhistem fixte straw, or P that we have, gone to the coast -, ating. But he answered ine that it would . .
aid 11 Qror]�AAPY ay &a all antidote , half pailful of Nvarat water. Do not terript . -1, I
t , best ufora ,e ; but he I L�
I or sla Ily served in some unknown w, sues us by river, we have a chan( d her The grocer, leaving off his worka I
Is at of the Ban's rays I . be night, and that, with Norris to support , I I
Ver I . ri 6 OU to the great he . ing overland, ill� . her �o eat, and be in no hurry to croW . I � � �
U It I we rode ori-,vard, urging may,also, by rapidly push the hear of from, 140,00 to place, our chance of securing - d ery cl rk ; I 1
I .
_ - ,
. As I � ,,,. our steeds to tereept us. All depends upon could not ac , t rapidly when thas cambered Witt) food, a13 for the fit, t few days tile pigs, I Interrogate ev e . I � I I
. C and Keeping the ponytipou reach ' require 'but little foineir nourishment.., - � :� ,�
AXWA , &T-ATtRH fresh exertiouA $ lait that, B t to that time had seen ,
. ' � �
and we now looked to the\ le '� I . .
, 'a For us, darkne -very eT u n
1411LOW5 hl setting out from Pekin, If we as was a. certain safeguard
which Norris was tied between us as WO Tientsin in safety, I shall bribe these men Possibility of J43 .T.erienced growerwill ad An arti'cleucal ed " COTTOLENE." :
In '. I REMEDY- went, a terrible fear entered into me, 'is by . and it � was with the average fariner, the tendenck is to I I
. :5 =-5- A_! I that our to take us on to Vile coast, little for leaving Tientsin before da,wn , crowd them too much at the beginning and aid lie to the dame, I �
-Havel kioatarrh? ,1,,ythIs Remedy. Itwill ,, Suppose," I said wildly, " chance there is an English %,asset ready true that Shall�iniu,yueu, if lie had mrrived ' "What is it?" s ' , .�
_O' 0 - Price Do cts' -ponies break down - what then V the to stint them when started, and whell they I �
ositively ud Care YOU immediate departure. We must risk r a likely to Bak "That answers to this curious name-'
a a ,f I , reatinent is ' 'erad me at once n this 000Kole.zhell or (lid arrive in Tientsin, would b
his U3 at Ohia-zhiu-wa answ — . - I should be fed. liberally. Afterthefira-bw I I
. I believe it is the of? Whafsitsuse? ' I
.1 e f . e e er . 'Silentedlea "44 . sea I . avoid big German friend. when bent upon ,tile ration should be gradually increased, What is it made .. . I � I
turn ... a � faction. Face trouble when it comes "' . suit ;'but, itch, I "r
a 11 ve aid not speak - for our safest lueek'am." ugb such a mission as that of our pur and by the time the pijs begin, to eat, wl ,,g -use." � "
After that N I �, ith rattle- ;veekR, she should be A -
Bllt�," I queried, "are there not eno - My ignorance you'll please e I
' flight was of that nature which called upon E us�n notwithstanding all this, it was w will be fit about three I r\r inie%, - ,�_
lie to expend our strength of mindand body nglishmen in Tieut4ba to protect I ta tl t I,,,,,,,rreed. brought up to full feed, and should now "You're not tile metchalltfO . d' "
lee "' -producing foe .�y '� -
LEGAL. "You mistake" was his reply. " you at, couldhave had no � a she will _
upon haste aloile ; and, cambered as We That B hand * in , luav,j,' al'l It I a milk I see you're quite behind thelti. tn� -
' But suppQslug , :9 ... t�
have seen the settlement, and,know it to be I Norris's ciaptujr,o I believed. t Lree times a day.
— It and horse between us, t 'B;, �d have yolf 1010%�
a, sma -,a. we cannot estimate tile the,, a leniently in -or COTTOLEN
were with the me, 11 oi t we dged him, to r
H. DIORSON, Barrister, S01i- we were indeed sorely tried. We are in tile land , 1p,d I insist too urgently art the im-
were upon the strength at our foea, 1hen" I questioned Chin -chill- ' 'r. ...-at t Is now tile tiling that's all the,90 I I �
* citor of supreme 0ourt, Notary I do not know how long we of the Chinese race, and our lives may Pay i ; ceding the pigs largely througl: -
Publi of time; I t P, .. V'rt.u.. Of f Ali article I
L I V�11.i$1117tllllt an
0, o'nitakasioller, &O road, for my mind took no account theforfeit ofwhatwalla,va done- Dcuot 11 I shall was his answer, t6 & in. .ehe raw oil the vitality of the of high regard
Gonvayanoer� G I V&
31ouev to rjoart but at last.l. saw that we were entering. a sow stickling a li .
offloein ant;U'aBlock, Exeter, , thinK Ilia,it now, after all that. has, beeti,after I f, ,,,,,,,, youb;,iVith yott," f there is guilt, tter of eight or ton. healthy I A healthful substitute for lgd-
I I ' *
I _ great village. (I onward, the � ce I it robbed of ilia prey, a Bon5el's 1, i , - it . � Composition pure and clean;
-9, .an, 1 1 we shall know t instantly.
. There we hastens I Is b .B.Pd I Trust to me-" vig0riOus pigs 'a tr ementioug ; besides, there
R 4 -d60 -AR po,asing through its itreets. unheeding those at allythilto is no food for tho growing Via th,vt Is equal ve me COTTOLENE-11 -
, b h I aid no roore. e flo�vaf mult, should For cooking gI
��ulk:taua,s ihe 11m been, 0, _-, te t A I
who gathered in a crowd behind, until WO It "I a tile way of his revenge, I � �ved down, tothe dam's milk. Th
hyrist- eywar, Etc, I saw F4%IIB haorlingetvas falling as -we mo
or, slibitor, WV , rea,chad a, Vast upon space, alld like infuriated and a I's 'a' t tile widened river, past the outskirts of therefore be increased by every -possible
' "'It b " a a -lay be kapitgrowing As from his store the lady fled,
and -masta at a little distance- I HP 11 destruction will be a small means, that the pigs 11
1� h X r.,r E 11, - ONT. We had reac bass j' H�is .i, "" . Inine. I am glad I Tla�atsin Dasit, Chinese soldiers at play a sow may not be� The grocer gently scratched his heAd----t
-ak. Irst compass n tbe��
lied the Pelho. . al .8 swingingiroglarnito arm, and thrifty, and that th
OFFICE : Over O'Neirs Ba . Here upon the banks of the liver in the thing, if he f ) come a walking skeleton and have to be On his next order, first was seen,
" village of Tarigehow, we dismounted, Chin- that it is so, for now, if -we ineet, we areas I Ili graceful movement, great weights, which io to recuperate before she is s4olle dqxq; cases COTTOLBAIE." .
i FLLIOT & ELLIOT, orris from man to man, Nothing stands between lls'- to the, other, caught, as long till I
�� J chill-wa directing me to release N , But," be one Iona post- =ibiou to be bred again. �
I inay destroy thiswi;Ud man , ' pa:'yed ',rain ,U,h the air, in car
. whilAD'. be . th fel thr to feed
� ttrg, SqUgito,S, Not,&&S pablia, the rope, which bound him, . .,. lives must or- This way to ao0omplish, thig is
.an ighle, to.,,, " oar
;lit f. , ur Grocer for it,
hnat, , ,continueJ in a H I ,,a,,,, which Il,�,sl have strained tile pow ,as tbres a day, a well balanced t AsIr VO
, ""u$i I
Emig r a I �'. a liberally, thr
, rb from others as far as may be. it mas
. .1,5 to
.1� Y tt'. clmel had done Be,, he returned, We all , he full, on convict- ration. Pigs are usually fed too inuoll cora I
1:7 conveyancers &C, &C. [ me all was not risk many lives to gave 1,11rea; Obbers, again, were busy up
I and in a few words informed the sei;tleril`e�.b.�Wust not be called upon, else w r Up 11 . Ile liver banks. and other foods too rich in carbo,hydr#303. Made only by
.. . 1:R,V,o:aey to Loan at Lowest XRMOS Of well. or two s-noe, fearing thtl,t %TO evOryBuropeall lift) -in,NorthernChlua hange 0 k 0 t life, with They should instead be fed nitrogenous or . & CO."
Interest, A Inoment he)%, The whole river teemed with )N. K. FAIRBANK I
1 - Youlmuatk, Boa now curious boats and junks, and the. air -,vas protein,foods, as they require much more
I _� RED, T, RXETE R. should not secure a boat, I bad foreseen upon a thread filledwiti,a myriad ofilumansounds, which nitrogen than old hogs. By this means we Wellington and Ann Streets,
- - nppl , . MA71'9 - 5T )n must now powerless would the legation iu.)�ekirt have
I . I NX ITILTOT. death only, as ShAll-nlia-Yal proved, ba,I we gone to them fo�,'ajd, -, alew secure, greater growth with a given &mount MONTREAL.
R. V. IOLLTAT. FREDERICK V rose alike from the water and t1 ,e land.
__ -_.—___— — have been. nearing its ; for although I bad men against a nation, What is t1he reauM We reached the bridge of boats , it was of food, and there is a move perfect devel- ,
�, _ V upon my person iwo revolvers, a,11d Chin ; what does it matter 9 The 11, Scarcely opment of bone and muscle, which indicates
ENTAL. — chin,wa no doubt carried, as always, his They are brave open, agd we pmsod tbrou a, N —
��-==_= __ �._-_- enauizh Chinese are pitiless and cruel," �1 —
bad we done so,,wben Qhln-c iia-wa, stood a. condition of the system Is st It ble to
R. 0. H. INGR&MI, DENTIST, deadly knife, I had come to know . a how , 11 I see that you are right. Thou Yet', it 'A file r,�,,Yers loudly, V69 disease, eat foods available tit this ScIent1fla American I
I 1) . L. Billings, of China and tile Chinese to parcel%, a proceed to the coast In this boat Ip and commande to, -to -put to Perhaps the b I
succe�sar to If a at Dental useless would have beer, the shedding Of propose t ielitsin 1" had known, lie was about to � season arebran, middlings, corn meal, oil� for
Member of the Royal Collo�- then were; and it &lid to avoid entering T land. But it seemed that they refused to Agenoy
0 -parlance we
Fu,goonaj Teeth inaectou with orwithout blood, far inland as ,%,a ing that till 11 If it be possi a wisest since, the meal. and grass. lit our own vx -
1,%,o, in Gold or Rubber. A.&f.A..stli-tic, ,as & most fortunate til ble, it would be th obey , for a distarbmuce arose, . I I
gAieu for the pal uless extraction of toeta, had brought. )Ian. We $I- 11 attempt it." I men he'd expected. greater re,ward whon have found a mixed ration of three partS 0 An -
the ariu5 which I I 44Audwht -hall we reach'Xion Tien wet I I
this time been ca,l1ed lain "' tabawaspassed. Chin.chia-waturood bran, four parts middlings, two parts earl% -
Fine Gold Fllllli%�; M Required- Witt, me to the north had noto meal and one part oil mail, by weight, � 1 N1 ,,
o:Ww over the Po�t Office. into requisition, for a single drop of blood questioned. f to.morrow night; perhaps to.me, aid. Itookthem up (With milk as far as possible', to a creamy I 111,
;_ lt__ I - _ �_ - _ might b-,tve sealed our fate. I I I hope, earl., I Your revolvers "' he a . , I.,
__ �, �;' i - — belt and itanded them to him. He consistency end fed in such. qualitities as . " 0
'4ED 6 - sat talking, for there from my -borbaud, and, pol -at the same "
I . ICAL S.-mroehalf an hour had passed ere we before darkness falls ' clean, and CAVICATSo
down the Peillo 'ti= ttih..,V,,W,ilpl.�',,',tt-.Pbeso.tisfied, gives the beat 11�_ TRADE MARKSo
:a, bad atarl!d, ou Our journey For ,, long time we chthat took one in a!+, ..
_.__,_,__.______ , __ to Tientsin. was ranob,whioll eachhW1 to OTLY—Mit old to the men, spoke in a voice Of I thought ,e'altg� I thus fed, in low troughs, we call — DIESION PATKaTs, ,
JW. B.9OWNINU M. D,, X. 0 our progress was rapid, for Chin-chin-wa wal repeated and yet; seemed new, and h For F6 moment, they swerved; (I I was see no necessity for arranging troughs, for COPYRICHTS, OtOA .
P. S. Graduate Victoria univers ty. 11, oNving to blue aangers 0 HaudbookwrltOto
. bad secured a triple orew, slid of these men all interest for emal th,,tt this threat was allilicient ; an lie pigs in separate apartments inaccessible ForinfoTmationand7fr a
0-6 *e k%ud residarice, I)oru'ulou Latbo a d, as in glad for I feared tile result Of tile Pistol t sow Its generally recommended. IjUNN & Co = BROAI)WAV-, NEW YORM 1%
C, ni the bank dragging the faced together which had now bOun C&
a number were upc ; oldeet bureau ?or securbig Tinients In AmOltrl.ra
iary_,E,2io"!��_ __ --,--L,--- of ropes tied 5 union of tile tritest kind. explosion at audit a tillic, 'But whether it to the , -ind of Nvery , ,
boat down stream by means a bond � rant of the deadly The hc SIB stomach needs some 1, gtent tAicon out by us to brouglit be
L)R. aYNDUAN, coroner for iae Hours may have passed, when in a 'no' be that the men wereigno at f.s g. divisor of ilia more taepu Ile by AnOtICO given free Of charge in the
Oounty of Unroll. 0111CO, Opp'sit"LN to the mast. f our ponies I do not know ; NTd 0, 8011ILLI from the nature of the weapons held by Chill.chin. fibrous food to a 0 ?4
What came a mentary silence I lie atea foods, all 1
43 a b 4( It Is - concentr, (I allow tile gastric R alavicau
Car�u_ _r wa, or t)i,%t they felt security in the pros. ffififfifi
9B 26_�tor�!S��u�4M_--_ they, ,% with oar baggage in Pelt"', 'W re little 8. in. 11 Ilush I" I said. once of tile life around, I know not; but nices to permeate tile entire mass and thus
rs� ROL LLN'S & ATNIOS. left behirI1 We had no time to care for Norris who speaks at last," ad Chirl-clain- it is that they (lid not obey, but greatly aid ill the digostion of tile whole. Lar IV
.just circulation orally ocierittflapaperin the
D such things as these, I went down beside him, a, certain It is often disputed that pigs, when nuraing wor a. 1500 ,idij inuotrated. NO M0114nt
mer. , 16313- 8 4
1-40paratoOffices. ResideavesanionsfOr were was a rather roweil the harder down the stream. abould 0 W tbOut It- WOOk
idrow,;t- olli(�e-,� Sp,,w,kinali's building, The boat upon which We TIOW wc, followed me, liberally fed, will eat much Inall Udress Al. N & 0-i
L I 11 st -. Dr Rolliwl'sallla as formerly, north housa-boal the Europeans By the feeble u tracked tile darn, and MVI ifl,60 six months. , IVYork Olty.
11faill' � , so termed by rays of tile little lamp we The oara,of Which"whilst,theme �t only good grasseras ru xasais,361,ArOAwAy, NO
door; Dr. Amos"same building, south door, since it carries a W awak a ; that sleep Itood an- ueh%d beenusedas radder, grass. But they al -8 Ilch,and are more . ,,,,
T. A� A.1108, M, D in China, . . oodon house, saw that he was upon the bank-, 0 1 iniront; but make botter growt vigor. -
J. A, ROLLUNS. ,' N1. D., f - -core the travellers illay tirely romoN,ed the cloilk and that tile Nvere now employed by the me, . � , 1.
arl I 11 �
Exeter, onr orlulng It Ca0lil is and could speak. at our boat IV- one than, when reared oil concentrated food I . 0
repose, and it r
- man was now cOnsciot nay be Imagined tb � I
We did not speak much at, this time, it was then that I fully perceived his f ally manned (even for its size, which was r6lone. They should, however, be prevent- .
r. ,�,.J\$JrJLX, L� D. S, D, D, S� a , -boat of its ed from running in the grass or clover when . ,00 �4.
]a Chin -chin -WA, and L It may be that i� elliaciNted state, for it must have been a 10,19 lairge than the ordinary house �Pl
Q1,1 ollego at Dental Sur- were equally wearied, or that anxiety held time since he had tasted food, and that, alone _ .d)r, when it is known that there were five wet with rain or dew,
afluato of Royal C � had not reduced him to this plight. Chinamen in front, thas m,,Lking-with I Tile ,weauing of pigs when improperly ORE .
gc_-in4.aud of tile bantn.l Department of Toron us in iron bounds. complentent of eight on done sometimes puts a, check on their P I � I
;ity, (with honor -y - ourselves three -o,
fo univer, Slowly night began to fall upon us ; but wit
S'peciallqt lit bridg -work, aud. gold and ere to Chin-aliln,wa poured some 8NIngil'" "a growth from which they never fully re-
�e our speed slackened little, for we w 5 - and this seemed to aid Ilia poor board. -
Inrei'Atuba crowng. ' thet- travel throughout without stoppe,90 ; and his throal , h, for be asked us in a strange The Chin,imen were crashed together, but cover. Besides, if clone abruptly, it - -_ -_
Pare Nitrou-, Oxide Gas and locol area � strongt ,d to guide the boat, to cause the sow great suffer Tll�_ fi-As t- —_ - - , 1110A
I iag TIES-
,v,tIoll-3. Always.o.thatne. , great sense of peace and security ruined a a3ld now sunk I ilge the food
iog for p.iinloi,A extm -'s it fell, a r hear rito yet nlanag(
0,11ca: Fau,;ou,,3 Block. Exeter. ard total release from anxiety came upon uneven voi-.o nov ould give him food, They did riot obey Chin-obirt-wes com- step should be to gradually 16N, nio-ANNU .114
___________ ______ ...%...� me, and I fell asleep. a whi4per if we a e another, a -ad we of the sow to dry corn at, one that will not o at lo ic 0 , .. muss
1p wasburniug The knowledge of my OW11 selfishness mand, but shouted to on aping up the
AUCTIONTEERS. W� lien 1 awoke &feeble Ian w am. produceso mucii, milk, ke Am nea ineondescont Ripatric * 11 cc
I lay, and I saw stal)'bed ine. I had nothing suitable to give� moved on rapidly do n atre a oil a Lighting, Weetrio 110tors
______ __ _==� in the little cabin where �ut, Chia�cllin_wa, was more provident; ior, Chin-chin-wa did not fire. Insiteadsince protein ration with the pig i the On atneratom OF
lvas beside me, Something I - my floor where the sow cannot go, When CONTRACTORS & EUILDERS,
U0_ that Norris , flow of milk h ELEOTRIG LIGHT AND .
I EIARDY, LICENSED A pa area me now, %a I looked ail him, that ,whilst I had slept lie had had some soup threat,4were of no ava,il, he handed me .as thus been checked some- Printing
L I it bad cooled, it was we ons* what, separate tile pigs entirely froin the PO�VEH STATIONS Wrappplu �e
Charges moderate. Exater P, 0. itg�auldbo none other than be. prep IV Throu�hout,thODDVOI'90n-
0 tioneer for the County of Huron, &red, and althougl Xh.-c Are useless; it must be quietly
__ Sleep bad come upon. him, too, go I nourishing nevertheless. him (lone. Wait here I Do not fire - leave all dam durin n, the day, by confining the sow S Sellaforst ts.
E RRY, General Li. judged, for Ilia breast moved gently and his Norris SwAllolVed a little, as I held ' but lettin� the pigs have fall range and I to 70 Wallington St
.1 � � I sy. up whilst Chiri-cliln-A placed the basin to me. There is only one way now.
ted I could not think- , in to sleep together at night, After �'I'
�,e� E# censed Auctioneer Sales candne eyes were closed, so that xhausted, With these words lie seized in bis hand a allow the' a few days the
juallparts. Satisfutiouguaritutood. Charges that he was u to his lips. Then. he sank back a . I Y IS ROACH FOO
aconsclous still. a-,., Leave him. short pole of wood which was fixed u r t being thus separated for I PETERMAN
nloderate, Runs, . ail P 0, Out. — I looked closely upon his face -, it was an and obin-chin-wa, said to In, We shall in a hole upon the deck of the stern Pw1ilgehre may be weaned entirely and neither p gs
English face, I could have sworn it, and Come I He is too weak to speak. in its socket, for it nor sow will ,,&rcclyknojv -when or how it �" P0189
TTENRY E ILBER Licensed Auo- yet so drawn that I know not whyl judged Collie again.11 we stood. It was 10030 mi, the oar in wal done. If there be runts ill the litter,it NOT A ,
JUL tionear for the counties of Enron in into the might bad acted as'� part of the hol
� and ,1\11ddlp.98x . SsLies Douducted at lno�l_ it to be English, for I had never seen an So we went forth aga the earlier part of our journey having been is an excellen t plan to allow them to run
a with the sow for a few days af ter the others FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUG
er to rtttes� oince, at post.affice. Crod. English face like big, air. 9 ; tied to this with rope. ndeney to even WritousitratkePtli.ryOurl)rugg'At- IYO will [ZITO V1
ton ont. .%..W_.."i U on hishalf-shaven head I naticea sev. The first of the da-Wrt was approaabin 3,me easily to big band,and taking it, are removed, which haR a te MOLI.Lus lylloro it lul likovol � w1uro it Droporly apid,
_ __ - __ _ __ __ eralKlack spots near the forehead, round but neither of us slept, for anxiety held us It cl
VETERINARY. lie moved quickly forward along the side of them up. t least, they should beive dry, EWING, HERRON & C .1 SME )IFFICIIA
and evenly marked, and I wondered vague- in its bonds. Last but no , MONT -
Slowly the new day was born, and slowly the boat till lie came to where the men sat and sle I &., 579 & 5891 St- :P street,
ly ag to what these were. a incident in the prow, beyond 'the little cabin upon clean, warm quarters to rest ep in, sole y&s _____ -
Tennent & Tennent Then I 1:)okea out upnn the night, and the morning came ai�d passed. N the out- deck-. for the comfort of all animal has much to ;;�
ie half-light of the occurred, though we -were ever on cad still, though I do with its development;. so7avroprittorof tboLlo'.1br-vi
X,'.'%.HTJ91t ONT. distinguished clearly in tb oar enemies should appear upon Iobeyea him, and at .ArIt
to figure of Chin-cliln-wa, sitting in look lest I did the We know from experience that pigs treat. of Voo'L'4 All Pods b s ""I as I ?I DRO
moon ti longed to follow ; but as it was, de Inuk aro P._�
cated in this article ,$Vill "lake a tr� PORT LIO- nmna- All'O"t#' wl:roL--rr AT
Jd1%. the prow gazing forward -so it seemed to the bank. fed Norris, and graau. right. ad as indi -will be PORT liou Bmn4, "A" ltawRil
me-as though ever ,,pan tile watch. - Several times we Chinaman instantly knew that darl- growth for the food consumed that li.:L autnTtY.LI,onl1mr�0lI
a bad d 0 improve; but it was past The 0 �33mnd w, WINE
He to 0611Y he Se"le t' �y stood up as hill. prof ud entirely satisfactory to the do. sat-MLIO a ,,-A-6
I stepped out bealde him, attired to sit beside him and ger was come ; for the itable, a anlll� OLhR%T,L1onBrs*p , I
__ fallen tinder nature's charm, for he slept noolt before Ive wirisymy Li=:prAnd,LlonJ1re, 8 P I R I
— chin-wa, reached them, and two of them owner. :eVLASDy,J;JomBraed,LiOiX41U pPaERCHAR
Groduatef? the Ontario vetarina-ey 0,51 Bitting at his self -chosen post. I speak. . up, and drew in their oars. But he did not give � do Vlo, Eoborfton & Sons Soot,h W131*03*-, J.
I did not disturb either of the sleepers, 'By that time he was able to sit Agent for Johl In -T
. . t for thought. A Thankless Sinner. Ferguson &114ons, GIft,q9Gn-; RoullGt &� nel"Ol
30ge, s r way to be rbgalnlll,O sorne. I tb em a nionten . on Tlu
01,l!,lc7E: Cue hnor �tnut,lj ofTnwn Rall. but sat down to muse upon the danger seemed in & f B! N-,,Ielding his black at wood with herculean colpme Fronco. C11AMPAG'fl'i'vindarl�A "
. . passed, and which thing of his shattered strength. . I ien over like A, reader was looking over an old news ' 3treet Ifflontre
=77==_ ___ throug,11ilwhiall we had . him for I st�reriqth he knocked the n hen lie found the 416 St- Paul 3trect
ov 'I 5'striking attheir heads and sending paper the other day, w
AEONEYTO LOAN. still g ,er us, wbilat my ears were ,9 iorris," I IlLad said addressing
- era .I you are safe now," a he did so, over the little followijig incident, wbi-31i lie thought would
__—, � - I _ charmed by the gentle splash of the wat the first time, noniont, and then in I C I rr . 10,
— - ___ - were moving through, and my eyes f at- He was silent for a T w do you I vss - bear reviving, -
)/10 NLE1 TO LOAN IT 6 AND we - I " 110 _ el'ssi e. il Engliall hospital, The chap. :
loWed listlessly the half-aistinguishable his arrange, 'weal, voice 1 6d scarcely time to think of� big It was in a
percent, $25.000 PrivateFuuds. Bast forms of the men who tailed for us upon the know my naiine 9" he said. 1 )a
rjoaulhg Corapaniosrepreseuled. . . " was my intention before all this wai done. lain was makingbismorning rounds when J. W. LeWls, � PrOPria
., L.H DICKSON bank. I '.The swallow brought it me, Three of tile mell were Ili the water, two he met a porter. is morning 9" lie IN ThE CENTRE OF 'TUB ZU'-INESS rlr'7 OF 711
� � Barrister, F, .x,ter, Night holds a beauty in these lands un. reply' ,, months and months ago," an I I do of them being apparently stunned, for their 44 HOW'S Robinson th L 0-,N NoTrx� I)AMM, ST:>X, ET ,
Known to those who live at home. The As f stioke he burst into tears , ( h ,d sunk. asked
4('I -ad the porter. t6ii"NIEST TO U. R. 1)"zpOT3 AND STE151BOAT L ,
777, " -!2!L,� asy by every sound at kno�v if it wa.s a,11 wealmess which caus- bodies a . ,,,, —
_ S UJI V & — still air is tailed into east, n up, forthe vision of the beau- The third was half swimming with the , a dead, sor,"answel
and a near peace falls upon the world and ad him- to we Of the two men still left, one litust 14 Dead V, I mleall.-io Car$ Pass the Door.
]FRED W. FARNOORB, - tiful bird, weary and worn with its flight tide. vaol � I
ledwithitsmil- as it had come to me in have been senseless, for Chin-chin-wa raised 11 Yes, stir." ' EVERY I
subdues the trouble of inan 11 me, I might � RAIMS- 61-50 tIL8f1-1D0-
Far above usJu a sky peop across the seas'b.fore, recurred: to me,and ilia body and cast it over ; and then when I 11 But why didn't You ca, ......�
TrovkloW Lind Surveyor and CH ED- iionsts,rs, shone the peerless moon -vat in Brussels TrOuth"L - I . a a comfort the poor fellow a I
we full, so tikat I could not thought all was at an end. the worst came, have I)een alit b
its I -all glory, but yet beautiful in its silver uly own heart 9 a last moments. " � Z O�
ca-MMTMMM,:M=0., for the last man; who cau not have been I*tLI in Ill ) U, = -,Nt, ,V
office, Upstairs.Samwell's Block, Exator,orib light. � I �aenly rose and precipitat- I I , m1forted 'in myself, sor." , AL 2 ,=; , I RADE 14 1
1 4 �- .",
— - speak. - 11�-- (�, COUR :;6
1 - �ath me, within a foot or two of my We neareaTientsin at last. We had paid much injured, and chin-va with all Ilia :: You, nd,Lad 1 Andwhat di(I you say ff I
- Bene ed himself upon Ohin- � ;; 9 ,-. T_
-hose dingi- off sonle of the mF M4 =4 �5
u who had toiled for its � to comfort him ?" �4 co
INSUBANCE. hand, was the sluggish water, m force. I suppnsoWRL11 �:-
__ ness was riot obsJiable now that the night upon the bank ; for, as we neared the city, Chin-cilin-wa, staggered ; then, to my c, Hi said to *im I Robinson, Hi ,- 4 t -, FACARTHUR zi
. WATERLOO MUTUAL bad come. I the river broadened and deepened, go ths.t -k, and the next on Know you're werry sick ? ' ;2 Ea a. , .
long, low banks d our boat horrori behalf stepped bac R .
TJ'B were of use, an inams,it's arms about Y d � 'Yes,' says ,ee. I I PWR : t2 V & Co..
On either side lay the A
I pIRI,l INSUBANCE00. �-� the oa,rs &I -e- with the Ch ,1 I Robinson, Hi sul)POse you know you I I �p .
i a which the m nough to hold allthe men instant, I a �; 't- ��
� Establisheiltu 1869. and before us the onry to was not large e him he too fell into the stream, whilst the -all, t last long., ONTis
� HEAD OFFIDE - WATERLOO, ONT. with the ropes were straining even 'low whom we had'hir4a. Chin-cliin-wa, boai heeled so that I thought it was about a " , Yes ' says 'ee. � � PACTORY P. I
� I round. It wa4 at this time -that to upset. I Inson, His pposa� You know You've - -
This Corapxny has been orer Twenty-elirli i� senses drank their fall of , peaking to the men at the an, wit out a sound, a 9. Robir u __
,032Sal oper ttion in Western For a little n who had been a] The. waters closed th I h I . on, Tfij$S :L FACTO RY i
venra in Butp 8 as Istoodbetide him icked.1 0A . I 11
:). Ontario, and continues to insureagn,in t loss or the tw.3tf at glory of an. ERstern night, so oars turned to trial L him and his despera,te. foe. been werry w I I F,st. IS% 9, Qaqm; Prop. ,
Buildings, Alerelimudige me, and I wander- and said bitterly: upor My eyes were fixed It ,.Yes,' aaysl 'ee. , ,.
dsimaxe, by Fite, that trouble passed from a * 'Ily Tientsin." I I could do nothing. . it Anson, Hi suppose you know you A, �, A Viances f6r all kinds .f Pny. . . ,
I 11 Diamafactorieg and all other descriptions of andof irearns. . I we I I I
11,/ able property. Intending toprors 'have ed into a I TT"ehrely rulase to te.ke its past ,. isappear I P.01 . st6al Deformities. Gross'
insur, tra gets or It was only ,now, as I sat� quietly, that I c,Refuse 1,, i said, astouniled. ' c, Why V! upon ilia spot where the two had a cg,n,t go to heaven.' .
the option of inSuring On the Praiiii - for when I �y see the ad,, &a the boat swif tlY �&Oaecl it, I am not ' -6 4 'Yes,, says 'ee. - - , - I Iptoved pat. Artificial Linal i i.
. I
. [f theacene, 13eca,use " Ile answered, �' the - J T I -Bond for --Z_ , K.5 � I I ""
Onallsystora. ton years this company has could Picture to mysel -wa's rapid tale,my f L unlimitied reward; they have I was alone now with Norris. 4c c Well, Robinson,' says Hi, I you ought 6nd C1116ULAI '- �, L $1
. � strong swimmer ; ,and even had I been so . pla, L, Beforo ' rRicm LIS
During thenst . hadlist6ned to Chin -chin possibility o L I iat'tbere'i a, ce Irstus 7IZ�CrA%VTaet;, %iontical , USIUA
L issued67,096 olioles, covering PTO�orty to the ion to fully com. hat ev�ry hour is of a , . I .
I I # wind had been in no couditi fathomed the truth t . I cc uld7have done nothing, since both men, to be werry thankful tI 0 go to.' .. , - . ��
I I ,in I I you fellows t , ;�& 3H.0E.
I ,�Gunt.,op4o,s72,J38; ancipaidin ossesalone L I I 1, a 11 I - .
1 9,752 �� . . . I )roviaed for , L QL07
L I I prebend. heard and understood, - but no importance to u - -anything .had disappeared. . I )es. � ' . I . � � 8 MANUFACTURE I
'' 1, . , A,,,,ta, .sl7a,ioo.00, eoriBisting of Cash I had "But give therathe reward- L . c6 ld0hiu.!ch4n-wa'8wIrh? Thequestion 11 I Yes, says L L " . I � L L 1. L
- I � I L I - S!rF
. I inl3ank Goveralnent Depositwad tho uaassbs- . for the -sense which man possesses, they ask", reried L . 1. I . I u I e. I had L ,,.And then lee tarted'is face to the wall 'NS Wlialesal.4:'Begildry Ii
., I ged Premium Notes On hand and In' force more; a,y drink in fear and horror, 'L ' - . I . in its f till, agony occurred to m I I.. I d without even thanking me for cam' J. & IT. � - ,.. - -,
I -
I - - 0 IPPER%'L :L,�
� L . -W.kLDF-Z4,V,D_Pr0s1doTlt', 0 bl-T,kyl,on which in Was at L "'YOU are wrong,',' he answered quietly. never heard him $peak Of this- ' � L an die I i I 11
I .1: J. W ,. Hiraffps, In pector . 011A� that time already sated in the pres I . f _'great . Moments of intense feeling passed over f�rting)lm." I '��" ' ' - : , ��' ' L 01HORtfift . I
Seerotary , J. B ence a te Iliave peomised them the reward- I 1,
, . I . SNELL, AgentfOr Zxeter and'vicinity the dangers 'around us; and ,it was Only rewajd__��%fter we �ass'Tientsba ; but L We � the dull water� ,� , . _�, I .L ., L, " I . I � L, E',I Or
I . i I gazed powerlessly &I . I 11 L I . I . I ,Xl" L , . , L., .1ur,
L I I I 24BALL I .
L __.. I first time that I could clearly L . )at that half-madLe hargean. meaE I tifted, 611. 'Of a suddell, I , I I . L L . I � .1, . . I S"'S'Ll I ,I I __� I I _ "
I ". L I I . now for the . I must n6t.oarrY ( � Wo mustle � ri L I I . I., I L. I 'L000, YeGi Ojai L' �; .� I I I I I ,
. :1 the truth of what had passed. , �,Tlley will agree to n othing� ,whilst the boat � I'll a I L' I I 11 I A Villi�e `50 rs MAW ` Orl
grasp I I I - '', I . L. sve heard a splash. ,I turns . , � L , I MUCILAGE & L�Q,u I
th , , I is L, , 0 I , I I I I I .
I : 1, � . I 64T ad theL I , `16�dr
o I I e by 1106ve- Is b t �od I" bur a
What must not the months oat'at Tien.flini at from me, "&I R. AULD, :'. ,- . I
The Molsons Bank . 'bank G FricesRight., I
I .
I'll . . L I as he Iianl been, a I , I I Why . a() i,, I asked ; tort ,was puzzled., , IL -6h!u-w& had I risen to tile � Pompeii is but ,of ,Yesterday I 1. -_ Ze., I
I , . been to Norris, found, woll,., ; forChit, L, rraomid of Cheops of, the day beforej, as I .. � I I FR L�',;
1. i I (OlrARTERE D BY FA RLTAME N I I 'by some P, . ' h the . RICH . I
I - , '� 11 This is the r I surface in front of 'me, . F
,n to such awl ill torture in the end ! eason, " wag big � reply. " I I carlied: on 1 Collipared, ,in of anti uity, wit, . 4
, T, 1855) victil I -1 ,� . I L point ' 1 � I a19i3'N6tre6B
' I
� I I . F or his tale, I knew that I must wait,'� reat sums'lf. th6Y will !,at. . L I � L ,illage wi�ich Mr. Armand �lre bas'discov. 0 ,
I , � I 11aidup capital ... ... $'Z,000,000 have �roraisedLtlleruigj uri'der-curre . L , . W.slsT ca-_ P ir
. . I I perhaps for many, many days, and then, it . I I., th. , They v I Ah.marlria� Q*,Fe' thei,q 1?e - , L,
I . 'Rest Fand i., ... ... 1,100,0r_ - I L ered in the deP8 , : --- I , I
I . avieet6t'mke�ustoth6r,iver:s'mou , , I.,%*i on tile instant, that he was a power- Irtment of Seirie- L'
IL . I might be that the mystery would be clear f&r'L sect that they ,think ,the and basteninig forward, :I � It *a FAIR �
I I . I have so agn . I I., 11 ful swimmer ; i Fra,nce. i a prehistoric village. of the HALE TIQ � ER
I . 11 I HeadOlnca,Xontroal. and that it would be explained why f and ill a ilealithie Or L, new storie L age. , The founda- � . I I L I
I �, a (1, greater reward Ilea alter the reached ojifi all oai��-hO caught it, I & CO." ol P
, � . I F. WOLVERSTAI_q TTr0',%J,k8-'R1scI., rnin-yuelk'had held him captive there, �passlug ,a , - '' d LL 6q . kh;le . 1W. L GORDON I , t, 1
I I , tOOLd �dg,in by my side. � t,,ons.of I, wholestreetj showingretilmrki L
I . . I I . I May' P&g8L life , I to � .1 I - ..� 0 !
. "IfAllrAOUR rid their, str 11 1 ��d,my k, , � --- -_ I 1
'Shan Tientsin, e!hcl 'With that in view theyL Wit few hepon a mor �,,�,ii!ge- to
L I , . I . �T'FAAL I I. and for what cause hp had been subjected I �mgth so the , n clan ty' Lin ..jtlO.�building, bivwbeeu lln- I1$J
� I G9, ,�t wd, L - bui the ma, t I I � S EEL TA . .
. I - , �thg, regular, .
I ' '' L
, L I , lyroneysavanood to good farmerson theirown. -chiii-wa expe . - I -drawn ��btatbz .0�plaoe of One Of"tbscabLiog . - L I , �r pri, ' ,7
.1 I STREMP'L ,' �
I ronies'such as this that Chin -ity. Than they have %is in their p6w& ; ?veen long I . I I eartha'cl.,' The. fli I I " es, ; 49 IQ]
I I when (Jlhiu� the 1, I �L ' 'bujous�i_ j6: 1 me'Phe sadd,, beti , ,�, L .1 .1 L I I I 0 W,. DAWSON,,. 81024 I L .
I s . .1 ,4 , , t I't ' 'of � & e Ac an .0 rea , I * '' - LL I I I I-
I L ,pote *lth Lone or more endorser ac,7 per oo'b. to ag or f06 . time . .. I is lnt&O 'L , '�'Aa - 1.) d, ' 18, , I-
I L I bad foulid. Thus wam I musing they, may r6f 686LI move jj�,�venvhaia lie 'was dead4 , I k I
I I L -in . L .. . bin as eL `AA ,� �k:L
_ '
Ferannual. 6, ' alogt.� lkf every , i' h spoke, for it , ,"S'S .OXaCtly a ,,L
L . &am6j:Lb Iurn6cl to the-cs, I uch'La.'%
. I I chin-wa moved. He turn 4.towards me re'lace , ,
, I . L . . , Lon arid Man W fee may demand me LL now that ( :)hiu_ohiu_W& thickne. ,, , . , I . I -L , I I �!" 'A": .'L �,`�, .
I E xeter Branch, a feNy moments. , "I I I L I ' L ' a , ' the riv4 their avar , L I I I , f b 6 ... . I . I I . L
I I I . en An, . to , ' , , Viie has, seen nol 1, .0 W O I L L. 11 I .1 T!
I 91111 B, Our. mddorily sbrudk� : I
L opea evely la,wfulday, from 10 a. ra.to 3 p.ee � 1 ,, Have you slept 1" he asked. , " : w, Nve canuot"M Was gafe� that it wapt ,,Strange . ere 'L 6 a I let r§ ' L', 7 I 1. . L I I . I .
I . I ' , L , Djurjara, in At - Ia.- ' ' I -1 I ' x T
I �, b foraLL. 'risk , " , that" Norris L' ' I
L ,ISATURDA , nl,e 7 1 .1 I L 31, 9 , e Fes a id ` , . L � - � L L I . vl�
L ,a a L'a ty '112, L "_ , , I , . - ,;. . I I 11 '' � �' "L '' �L�L
. . I - ffieVa ree _ _. I , :TIM. 1�
� ha given no cf-, - ,,, , , ' o, b � .' in the place, t 6 1 OF ANWAR - -
� YS -01 & -in- to I P -mi. bad,sentinel, You see but I t1tiffilk if d a ' rash t)rl I ' ofern ot fligh b. " L'. L � �' " d , , Y , . L L I I
. &110_Wea on d I ve'whkened liv.g .., such By � . . , -ted, pr 11 - h , , K, , . L,1 , L . , , � ,,, ' .. - 'I'll
� I I
. . L � �
�11 Current rates of interest OP 64 bad been nea,r I should fia . CtThefi," I asked,''i'what istd�bedeia,o, ?" , " L 'T�li)ttncl,iha�h6'ha,cl.fa�Ln., I I I 11� ` L�,�- I , t6,pri' ,,L , r t , a a 1,� - 'L : .1 1, L , .
�, . . a shall reach Tlent- ' I ', , .�""'' L I ' ,� ,L � b's ,,, � . � , , .. 1, .11',.,�, , .1 1 L ,L ''. - "I ,
," L nighthas saved"as , w ly Lltn6W. We ihati:go, I think, B,p �'iceas 6f 46%r.,� ' � 1 1. I I "" . I 1, I..,,, . � [": - L "' "' L ,'�,, ' . " ... 1, � .�.q I ''; L�
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