HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-18, Page 4-
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Established in, 8,7/ TRUE,
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Tho ."X-Alft1lonalre Makess, Statement—
I .
� � I
I . , . . , �
Work ]'Done loyRrovincialLegl6lature Dur -
1 ,
� . — I � � I
. . I
. .—
. �
I I . I
I ExPects to Pay All In Vull.' �
xg,w YoRX, may m_.!-whe � Sun says .
I , . I
1. . 131C the Week. I I
� I
ToRoNTo, MAY 9.—The Government
11 I I I I
I : . ,� ;
I — �
1 33, S, 01NEIZAT :
Erastus Wiman, will file a general as.
I '
,, Came Within flv� -votes of 4 defeat yes-
I — . , . �
. �
. I .
signment for the benefit of hiSl Creditors �
I — , , .
� I
terday on -an, unexpected division. , Mr.
Meredith had introduced bill to to
I . L
-'� - , �
- - � �
One Price to Everybody I
"Bad" Xudlaug Wiped Out Coln)iletely
on Monday or Tuesday. assignee
will be David Bennett King, the same
The Doi,BIOPments of Each Day Durli.it
a give
married women the same rights, in re '
. o - I . , I . 1,
. . , , I I .
The Queer, Plea of tlxo Murderers In Do.
attorney to whom Mr. Wiman transfer-
the'Week caught Fresh From tile 1jusy
. �
gard to property and contracts as are
I —_ h
I I I �
� 1
� �
I . .
rcnsQ-S9rrQ-,v island in British Co I I
re4liisreal estate on Staten Islandin,
the, latter part of March for the benefit
� Wires and Carefully lWited and"Condenow
� .1 11
e injoyed by itien and unmafried women.
The vote on the three months' hoist. was
I �
'there is, a pleasure as well as ! i.
I �
Tra;asaets a generalbankitigbuoluess.
I Receives the VAccounts of MolobaritS. and
bia titeseene of the Tragedy.
'. *0 �
ed for Our Use. . 1
22. for and 11, against. An innocent-
looking bill proposed by� Mr, McKay (of
satisfaction to hear customers say
� I I � I
alter dealing with us for i6 years,�
11 rth "a on favorable terra$.
VAvcouvER, B, C., May 16, -The story
11 11
Oxford) to allow municipalities to issue
that a cytbing we commend to their I
offe" every so mmmodatiou oonsintent
safe and conservative bouldna principle$.
of an Indiaix massacre oil Sorrow Island,.
in the- northern part of the province, was
I - I I
, .
Lord William Paulet is d�ad in Lon-
�e,rmits �for live stock to graze upon the
- ts
judgmen. a; being first-class and ,
, I Interest allowed on deposits.
Prof to Issued payable at any 00100 o the
recently investigated by the pro-vincial
nolice and found apparently without
. . . . . I
Bishop Whipple is lying ill at Minne-
10 as was opposed so vigorousl y that it
was withdrawn. Mr. Hardy lies intro-
reliable,. invariably stamps our
word upon the mind as being
. � MerchautsBank.
Nom Dxs(;ouNT.ED, and Mo-NzYTO LQA'�!T
?oundation. Itislawlearned to have
been a, reality, but of much earlier date I
I ��
I 11 I
apolis, I I . �
The cholera is increasing in Tobolsk,
duced two bills, one to consolidate and
amend the drainage laws, and the otherL
. I
Wortiiy of confidence. .
ox NoTzs and AJOBTGAORS. I ,
tha ssed. Alexander Grant, of
Russia. �
to amend the Ditches and Water Courses
Act They are in line with tl.ie repom-
We do not pi-etend to be the �
____ Is, I
____ I I I !!���
Vancouver, has Just returned from the
. -
"I , 11 �
There was ail earthquake yesterday at
. I -
. ations made by the Drainage Co -
mei�d, M
cbeapest spot, on eArth, but we do
I ,Sh @Xttgr ZiMoo.
north end of Vancouver Island, and
states that he was told by an Indian
... -1 .
Gladstone,. South Dakota. I
Edward Dunsmore, a former slave,
. . .
May Legislature
sellreliable wares at such prices
TORONTO, 10;-Tbe
that any holicst mind mu,st and . .
there that the affair happened two years
died yesterday at Avondale, Pa,, aged
yesterday, w�ien in committee on Mr.
will admit. . �
THUR§D.AY, MAY 18th 1893
ago and his friends tool-, part in the
W.11ing. A party of Kitkatlahs came tro
-1111. M1 .I.,. R :1
The Superior Court of North Dalwta
Gibson's bill, fixed tile conaitiolis under
which the court shall have power to re-
We challenge competition, a.nd
. I
sack a village on Vancouver Island, but
__ -11 I
has decided the prol�ibition law to be-
move a child from the control of its
say that no better qu0i,ty in-Frints � I
, - - -
At drup, ists are permitted
the inhabit,
ants were all ,absent fishin-
Later the southern: Indians located �?,;
I _�� I �.
constit ational and valid.
Gen. Manuel Gonziels, ex-presidentof
paxents or guardians, and place it in t1i e,
POssMiOn Of a Philaut ropic, society or
� ,�
can be shown,in a nedk_f� neck � I
I present .9
. � to sell liquor� in quantities not exceed-
leaders of the hostile tribes, it is claimed
in accordance with the usual -custom,
of the State of
Mexico and governor ' I
any person e onsidered a suitable guar -
dian. Sir OliverNowat's bill to make
race than we are offering ;A x2jo a
yd., fast colors. Please call and
� ing six ounces, to any one who simply
and after due. trial the prisoners were
killed and the bodies hidden. As none
of big creditors. The decision to make
Gua,naguato, Mexico, is dead
The date of entry for horses and cattle
further provision as to voters' lists in
see them, and We willL alSo show as
I says he is unwell. This system Mr Mac-
o ured escaped, the
eached last ni ght
after a receiver had -been appointed'for
at the World's -Flair has been changed
cities adds considerably to the duties of
assessors, but that will not be a strong
large a variety i,.i Faacy Summer
�, Ikenzie proposes to oh-Anve by compel-
� ling desiresto
story did not reach the ears of the white
till fourmonths Themurder-
the Electric Power Company of Staten
from June 15 to July 15, and for sheep
f I .
rom July I to August 1,
Objection, for very few public officers
Laces, Fancy West End Cords,
Llama Oloths, All Challies
I I each person who obtain
men ago,
Island, Mr. Wiman, was seen t�is after.
are overworked, The House adjourned
� �., liquor at a drug store to procure i x�"edi,
ers considered they had ,done a good
noon at his Office. He .was muCh
at 10. 50 P. m,
and 1)'RtZlines. In fact all liaes are
� / Cal certificate before doing Be.
deed in ridding the country of bad
Indians, whose scalps are still preserved,
troubled over the condition of Ills finall,
affairs and somewhat averse to
The Irish -village portion of the World's
Fair was opened in genuine Irish fashion
ToRoNTo, May ^11.—Femalo suffrage
received its quietus yesterday for so,,
m ry, Gloves, 131ack
� xxx -
I 1. I �
making any extended statement.
dipe to come. ' Mr. Waters' bill to give
Silk Laces, Newest Styles Colored
� I A writer to the Globe from Port Hope
"I expect," he said, "that the papers
Cardinal Zigliara, died yesterday at
'women the same right as men to vot
-e in
� . seems to have goC;Mr Kowat on the hip
Anderson Veney, tile Amherstburg Alur-
will be filed either Monday or Tuesday
Rome. He was regarded as a candidate
provimial elections was lost by a divi,
Call and be convinced. .
I . ed bythe
regarding the *powers posses
derer, Pardoned. .
OTTi,wA, May 15. -At a cabinet meet,,
next. There are certain formalities to
be attended to, especially in connection
for the papacy.
The trial of Lizzie Bordeil has 'been
Sion of 57 to 16, Of those Who Support.
ed. the advanced measure twelve are
First-class Produce taken and
highest price paid.
Province in relation to prohibition. The
writer draws attention to the bill setting
ing it was decided thatAnderson Veney-
Amherstburg, wife murderer, shall not
with the receivership of the E lectric
Power �o. The tumble was caused in
fixed for the first Monday in June at
New Bedford, Mass,
Liberals and four are Conservatives.
This is somewhat less than the vote re-
. I .
� .
aside a district to the north, comprising
beexecuted. His sentence was commixt-
ed to imprisonment for life. Veney,
tile main by the. publication, several
weeks ago, of the transfer of the real
Madison Square Garden in Now York
corded for female sqf1rage whei
- . �1 it wu
before the Legislature last Parliament.
IS townships, as a national park. This
who lies in Sandwich gaol, was to have
estate oil Staten Island to Mr King as
trustee. Negotiations were on'that very
is offered for sale. It cost $4,0.00,000,
and has never paid a dividend.
But the proposition before the House
yesterday differed from anything of the
- �
The Magonle Granol Lodge of . Oan&ds
bill introduced by a member of the
� Government, must have had the ap -
been. executed on Thursday. The jury
recommended him to mercy, and a peti-
day in rogress towards floating
uld Jlas been
George J, Go elected
it ind that had previously been 3nade, in�
meets in Ottawa in Jone.
There vorel,631 yoluntearx in okura
proval of the Attorney -General in its
tion for clem ed at the
department of justice as late as Friday
lub of the Electric Co. J,ogeutle-
men had been over there a -ad saw me.
president of the Missouri, Pacific and
St. Louis, Iron Mountainaud Southern
asirinch as it was broader in its nature,
'When tile matter was last before the
l.arodo at Toronto on SundaT.
foundry Bramptoixis,
inception, and his assistance or super-
vision in its preparation. It was in-
from the people of Ainherstburg contain-
ing Some 800 signatures. The
They had agreed to talc,e those bonds,
When they reached the ferry they heard
The body of Rochl, one of the con.victs
TIouse there were restrictions upon the
proposed female suffrage, but this time
TlleHaggart at to
be reopened after three years of � idleness.
troduced before Mr. Mowat was waited
claimed that the condemned man was
that I had assigned. Of course, they
-who escaped from Sing Sing the other
it was advocated in its broadest seiise.
"'hen you speak or "on think of spring
how quiokly.'Hood's Sarisparill
upon by the temperance deputation, to
always a, peaceful and law-abiding citi.
backed out. If I could have negotiated
day, has been found in the Hudson river,
The s,weell of Mr. Waters, in moving
=11n11110 your mind. Try it now.
whom be made his reply doubting the
zen. Of late years there was a general
.these bonds my estate would have been
near Rockland, NX
the secou(I reading of the bill, was a de.
Commander Booth, and Mrs, Booth,
power of his Government to go the full
length of the sale of liquor
im,re5sion that his mind had failed,
au� lie was subject to fits of mental ab-
$350,000 better off than it is to -day and
I should have been able to pull through
Admiral Gomez Y. tiono, 'who COM-
clarrition of the equality of woulen with
- -
men in all matters, ind taking that
spoke before A largo audience at, she Salydkk-
Army bxrraeks Belleville, Priday
in the Province, One clause in the bill
erration, but was always supposed to be
I believe. Then upon the face of the
Manded the Spanish vessels -of -war in
th e recent naval review in New York
ground lie concluded that it was a relic
on in
might, 4W.
proli;b;�-- ` -,-. no liquor shall be sold
harmless, The petitioners believed he
was suffering from one of these attacks
publication ,came the crash at Wall
street that d1sc5;edited allbonds."
harbor, is dead at Havana,.
of barbarism that they ,should be denied
a voice in the government of the prov-
The Part Huron Police have arrested
I I i�lthln the territory set apart
as a national park. Now comes the
on the day of the murder. Attached to
Mr. Wiman said he could not estimate
ince. Before the division was taken Sir
Hamilton Purdy ca suspicion of be,
Py fo fl,t,.
jleTpOtTstor of the many iriterid 'all
; Where does Mr. Alowat
one of the petitions is an affidavit from
his assets or liabilities. Ifwellmanaged
1�rought 11as caused serious damage to
Oliver Mowat intimated that his reasou
find authority to enact that clause for.a
large 'Vwo
Thomas J. Hobly, M.D., of Amberst-
burg, which sets forth that on August
he was sure that he could pay dollar fo�r
dollar. "But you -will understand," lie
grain crops in Italy.
Conflicting reports are received re-
for voting against the bill was that the
con" try was not yet ripe for such a re-
aolm J, Ryan, reprQsenting a 31outroal
firm, says that be recolved the greatest
� po,rtiorx of the Province,as as
go , countries,when. he cannotfind sim-
13 and 23 he treated Venev for cerebral
exclaimed, '*that the whole thing -will
be out of ray hands now."
garding cruelty to Jews in Russia,
form. The debate on minority repre.
sentation in Toronto was concluded-
benedt from using Nombrays Kidney and'
ilar authority for the rest of the Provin -
congestion and insomnia, and believes
that"he was a victim of melancholia. A
xli:w Yonic, May 1'1,-Iu answer -to
The levee near Lrtko�port. Ark., broke
yesterday, and a large section of the
Mr. Ryerson was tbo only Conservative
Liver Core, site several prepkrAtions
for Kiduey and rusyle"19 trouble, caused by
ce. If he believed he had authority
letter ftoon Dr. Samson of Windsor was
the question Mr. Erastus Wiman said:
state is flooded.
-who spolce, and lie showed very clearly
much Railroad
when be embodied ttiat clause in a
Government bill, when did he begin to
attached, in which he gives his opinion
that. Ve ney's mind is affected. Venev
,,I have not the slichtest intention to
re-euter the mercantile age ney business.
Mr. James B. Eustis, United S
I . tates
the absurdity of having 29� polling
boo lis in Toronto to receive 15, 00 vot
t , 0 es
Rev, R, J. Treleaven, pastor of the First,
Methodist church, St. Thomas,haa accept-.
I I doubt ?--Mitchell Recorder (Lib.)
murdered his wife last September, ana
The field is already fully occupied, and
ambassador to France was received by
Premier Dupuy yesterday.
at a legislative election,'while 150 booths
,d at, invitation to the Aylmor Church for
* * *
was convicted before Air. Justice Street.
it may be dou.bted whother any Success
registired 20,000 votes in a municipal
next conference yes.r. �
I The Ontario Governm,)nt has refused
He was defendedby Mr.' Alalcolm, Cowan
of Windsor.
could be achieved by additional facilities
in that line. In order to make a living,
The recent speech of the kaiser on his
determination to pass the army bill con-
contest. The rerioltition. coildeml ar I ty
the systeni was lost on a purely p
A boy about 4 year a of age, named Frank
Coolt, of Watertown, while playing near
to change the system of paying officials
now that I have put everything out of
tinues to be the chief topic discussed. in
divislon; A. number of bills was a -
I b parents house Saturdaysiternoov, fol
in public institutions salaries and adding
my hands, I must seek another field.
vanced a strqge, and the Houw adjour -
i to a cistera aud wits drownelP, I
allowances an:1 perquisites that do not
Statements Presented at the Annual
Meeting of Shareliolders.
Staten Island possesses abundant scope
for such employment. If capital and
Yesterdav 290 Chineso actors who
had been r6fused admission to th� Unit-
ed at 10.50 p. in.
TonoNTo, May I2.-Yesterany was a
"The flowers that bloom i4i the spring"
tire more vigorous than are %hose person$
appear in the accounts of salaries. By
MOINTREAL, May If. -At the annual
confidence can be controlled there is in
ed States, left Tacoma to return to their
'Very (11111 (lay in the HOUSO, A 1111111ber
%%ho purify their blood with Ayer's Sarosp.
this system officials who appear to be in
meeting of the Canadian Pacific hold
no locality a better opportunity to make
own land,
of private bills were read a third time
jqilla. The fabled V,lixer Vitro could scores
the receipt ot $1,000 or 82,000a year
yesterday 314,690 shares were represent-
The Exposition Flyer is the name
and. a resolution authorizing the Lien-
tenalit-Governor in -Council to accept
ly impart greater vivacity to the counted.
I his
. really receive double that sum, because ed and the proceedings were
residenceslare f urniabed by theProvin throughout. .
given by the New Tork: Central railroad
to its ne,w 20 -hour train from New York
debentures of the town of Sault Ste.
once than wonderful mediailse,
�Irs. Bell living aboui four miles from
' ��
and then household expenses are paid
The report shows gross earnings for
` he year 1892 at $21,409,352 and the ex-
Tlie 0-ueen Opens it I n Person-Canadlans
Hen ored.
to Chicago.
Marie for the sum of $211, 502 due the
i being part payment for certain
0A Springs, committed suicide Friday
afternoon by taking rat poison. Deapon.
out of the Provincial treasury. One re-
sult of this plan is that the people are
)enses at S12,980,004; net earnings, $8,-
14 q interest
Loxi>ox, May 1l. -At the opening of
Two men were killed and another
fatally injured by a railway smash at
Aal�(;; s 0 land purchased by the Ontario
, I
i Ste Marie W ater, Gas, and Power
decoy oTerbor husband 441TC! loft bar was
not aware of what salaries are paid. The
loans, $203,603; fixed charges, $3,102,017;
the Imperial institute yesterday by the
Queen a detachment of Canadian mount-
Walker's, twelve miles South of Parkers-
burg, W. Va., morning.
Co. in 1880, was passed without amend-
The new method of assessment a(lopted
facts are out of sight, and only an en-
q�iry difficalt to make before a coni-
surplus for the year after payment of
dividends, $2,221,932-, and accumulated
ed horse formed part of the Queen's
t f
ment. Mr. Gibson's (Hamilton) bills re-
specting the laws of insurance and Mr.
in Montreal, by which buildings are being
valued separately froni land, is expected to
mittee of the House can bring out the
surplus, $6,923,531; increase in profits
e, cor rom Buckingham palace to
Kensington, Canadians with other col-
Smallpox is epidemic in Gothenburg,
Hardy's to establish the Algonquin
inoreAse the city�s.revanuo this year by
facts, The Witness gave as a reason
whv this system was maintained, that if
from working, including interest earned,
$014,291. Land sales for the year, 80-0,-
onists were given tile place of honor in
the escort, Coming immediately before
On Thursday 17,082 people bought
-National park were advanced a stage in
committee. Sir Oliver Mowat's bills
about 1200,000.
If ever a man feels like a poor worta of
, I
� _, tlio� -whole amount was put in to be voted
as salaries it might arouse criticism. So,
467 acres for $1,855,618, against 97,240
acres for IS,414,945 last year. The net
the royal carriage. They were warmly
cheered by the crowd in the institute.
tickets for the World!s Fair.
Considerable destitu6n. prevails
respecting mechanic's wages, the regis-
tration of land under the Lan(Vs Title
the dust it is when be suffers from that
tired feeling. Ayer's Bars&parilla, roirnovac-
that the idea is to mislead the represent-
town site sales were $344,552,
The directors say there is an, increase
among the people on the eastern coast
Act and some minor ones were read a
secondtime. The House spent the even-
tbia discouraging pbysioni condition and
imparts now life and energy to every, nary
atives of the people as well as the people
themselves. Another iesulb of the sys-
acreage ready for crop of over 30 per
cent, in the Northwest, which
. . . . .
Emperor William has declared his in,
ilig in committee of supply ,and ad-
journed at 11.30 p.m.
tinue, inuacle, and fibre of she whole body,
Rev. Dr. Chiniquy, who has been almost
tem is that it leads to extravagance. As
promise of a large traffic after next bar-
tention of opening in person the new
TbitwN,To, May 18. -Yesterday Mr.
at death's door for several days in Mont
the Province foots the bill expensive
vest. The past winter has been the
Balfour made one of the best short
-real, suffering from bronchitis, is slightly
luxuries are indulged in and bougbt
most difficult within the experience of
. - . - , �
George Victor, the sovereign prince of
speeches that have been delivered in the
better and hopes are now entertained for
too, at high prices from favored dealer..
the company, and the results of -%vork-
�- - - ......
. 11. I
I Vtp .
Walde6k, died at Marienbad, Bohemia,
Assembly for many a long day. The
his recovery.
Ron. Mr. Hardy Nyas forced to admit,
ing bav6 consequently to be compared
�, '% ,
yesterday. I
speech was directed to the dissection of
Pole and sallow girls and prematurely
as reported in the Globe, "that there
at a disadvantage.
. - � , ;
It is reported that the great American
the bill to form the undertakers into a
aged women should use Dr. Williams!
might have been some extravalance in
� - I'll ... I
-__ "
sewing machine trust is dead. The
close corporation. Only two mem,
Pink pills ; they came as a boon for all
the case of the Toronto asylum,' yet he
Neck and Arm Brolc�en.
. . . .., I
I � I
capital of the joint compia ny was to
bers had anything to say in favor of the
those ills which, afflict the female system,
and his colleagues refused to make any
VICTORIA. HARBOR, May 12. -Andrew
� �,, V.1�
have been $12,000, 000.
bill, and Dr- McMahou, who introduced
Build up the blood, restores vbatte�ed
change and the people have to foot the
Cadieu, employed in the Georgian Bay
Lumber Company's mill here, has meta
I " )
The United States coast cruiser Blake
it, consented that it should be declared
"lost on a division." Anumberofbills
nc-rvea and convert sallow complexion into
rosy cheeks, Sold by all deslers, or "at
bill for the extravagant luxuries of the
offizials. The only argument urged
sudden and violent death. His job was
I'll, �
is ashore at the entrance of Lake St.
Peter. She was on route to Chicago
were read a first time and Mr. Ear-.
poet paid on receipt of price -500. ,per
against a cliange that was even plau-
to mind the elevators that dump the
refuse of the mill into the burner eleva-
. - ��
- - - � N y
and attempted to navigate the river
without a pilot.
court's bill to amend the Public Health
Act was read a third time. A number
box, or six boxes. for $2,50 by addressing
Dr. Williauls Med. Co. Brookville, 030,
. sible was that in most if not all these
institutioDs, such as the asylum, it was
tor. It is supposed that a slab caught in
the pulley, and that he went in under
- , 1,
The new Cunard steamer Campania,
of motions returned were carried. Mr.
§prague's bill to ame7ad the act respect-
Little Johnny Kennedy,. of Ottawa, we
crazy to see the World's Fair, to he - sto
necosaary.for the officials to reside on
the premises. But even if that is ad
the elevator to free it and got his arm
caught. When found life was extinct,
- I ,�
I r 111W ,, .
I ,,;,
, t . .
which sailed from New York for Liver-
pool on May 6, arrived at Queenstown,
ing compensation to workmen in certain
cases was carried in committee with
$19 from his mother an& bought a ticket
to New York, supposing that was ' h
mitted thev might be given residence
inthelbuildings without their house-
the neck and arm being -broken, Hewas
62 years old.
' 17 .
7, 9 i
at 9.30 yesterday mornina, having made
the passage from Sandy Hook in 5 days
minor amendments. Mr. Whitney'sbill
relative to business fees was declared
logo. InapectorBell, oftba ,9( ,!iaivW,fA071,
Prevention of Cruelty, will bring him
I hold expenses being paid out of the
treasury. The system is & bad ene, but
- ---
American Cattle Sent Back.
, (, A -1 ? 6�. I )
' -,)-. I- J
0 t
�Pl -0 ...
17 hours and 4.2 minutes, the fastest east-
I ward passage ever made.
lost on division. Mr. Mackenzie's
(Lambton, East), bill to a -mend the'
A carload of 36 cattle from laws ills
the Government refuses to amend it.
PoRT HuRwN, May 15—A Carlo ad of
1, I
liquor license law, in the direction of
arrived at Pori Huron on Friday, ware
36 cattle from Iowa, that arrived here
, � I
Gounod, the French musical composer,
further restricting druggists, was read
sent back to the American side by the
. I
yesterday afternoon, -were sent back to
is ill.
a second time. Mr. Barr's bill amend
Canadian Inspectors, after having passed
- -
this sidi by the Canadian inspectors,
after having passed through the tunnel,
The scene was very brilliant, the pro-
EarthRiakes continue to occur almost
Real Property Limitation Act.,was read
a second time. as were a number of
through the tunnel, on tke i ground that
!ome of them were lumPy
Bitimrs.-Mr. J. W. Thompson of
, Goderich was in town last Friday and
on, the grounds that some of them were
suffering with lump They
ceedings being the most important state
function in London since the opening of
daily in Sicily.
An extensive strike of building labor-
private bills: The House adjourned at
- SaLurday trying to sell bicycles to the
.jaw. are at
present in charge of Cattle Inspector
the colonial exhibition. Sir Charles
Tupper, as the representative of Canada
ers is threatened in Boston, Mass.
P. in.
TORONTO, May 16. -The assessment
Either by acquired taint or horideaity,
sports of our town; his efforts however
Dr. �Cummings, and will be hel& until
on the executive council of the institute,
The infants Eulalie, of Sp ain, wh0Js
law was under fire yesterday, the dis-
those old foes Scrofula and Consumption,
proyeaunsuccessful.-Edir,h Dy6r was
advice is received from the State Board
was m member of the procession for med
-at Havana, is improved in health.
cussiou taking place on Mr. Waters'
Oust be faced generation flow generation;
the guest of Edith Steinback last week.
of Health and Washington.
to conduct the Queen from the entrance
Willthe Emperor and Prince Bismarclr
bill which provides that personal pro-
but you may meet them the odds in
. � -E. X. H. has improved his appearance
to th e dais in the great hall. The Cana-
be reconciled? is a leading question in
perty shall not be assessed, but instead
y�aar favor by the help of ,Scott's Emul.
. . I
of late. "Pie" is sweet but never mind
Cattle Embargo to be Removed.
than permanent exhibit in the building
Germany just now.
thereof the income derived from it, The
sion, l
. , �
"Ed" where there is life there is hope.
-F. Kibler has levelled his land and in
LONDON, May 15. -The Boar o gri-
Culture has refused to gran & license
is wholly incomplete. Iu all other sec.
tions, however, a similar state of things
A Philadelphia & Reading engine ex-
ploded on Saturday, killing the engineer.
government without approving or dis-
,pprovingof the principle of the mea-
. ------- a-
Eor. Fr4o8T BIT118. I
I I other ways changed the appearance of
for the slaughter of Canadi ca tle at
the port of Aberdeen, but the or Pro-
prevails. I
and two others.
sure consented that it should go to the
municipal � conindttee, Sir Oliver
Siyo,-For ebappea hands, more throat
and frosi bites I find nothing exoshr Hog.
., his residence -The Zurich Dri-,ing
� Park Association has completed, what
vost of that city, who had ail interview
with the chief officers of the board in
Louis Kossuth has -advised his ,parti-.
sans in 11ungary to support the Week-
Mowat's bill 'regarding the duties and
yard's Yellow oil., I bad ray feet hozen 3
years ago and obtained no velief I
I .
I., they say is the fastest race course in
London,,.was led to understand that
TheUnited.StatesAdopts Newpolley'11%
erle Cabinet and its liberal poli -Y. .
-� le
liabilities of sheriffs is a measure of some
length, covering many phases of the
used Ragyard's Yellow ',Oil, which .soon '
. I
I JE[uron,-Mr. Latta has made an invest-
I ',the prospect was that possibly within,
Rel tion to Prose.entlons.
A large number of people were drown.
work of these officers. Among other
healed up the frozen part. .
. 11 inent in an Ordell Type Writer.-Th6
one month the present restrictions on
PORT TowNsEN,D, Wash., May 15.-
ed during a panic on a ferry boat near
matters it empowers sheriffs to seize and
I Chas. .tonginuir, &lamsda, 1j. W
� I .T.
. . dudes of our town and their "better
Canadian cattle trade would,be removed
Aavices from Sitka, Alaska, state that
Borovitches, government of Novgorod,
sell a mortgage, when so ordered, as if -it
-_ - .
, . .i . I �
ql I � balk" held a pionlia ab Bayfield which
altogether." � ,! �,
the Government has adopted a new.
Russia, yesterday., I I
had been assigned to them. 'A number
� D*3)bs PiLLS AGIAIN , � ' .
I they claim is the first of the season,-
� I I .
� . I
policy, in relation to the prosecution of
Owing tb a, Collision with the steamer
of bills were read a third time, ,and Mn,
. -
Ringston,,MaylS. Nfr.�L,Yottof'volfa I
:, first upset. -Old Eli I has, mov ed his
,� . I I ., I
, 11 effects to the commodious Centennial
- I . , .
VxTonLk, 1�. C., May 15 -To-day Col-
British te%lbig vessels in7 Alaska. At-
. �
torney,Genora101ney�has ordered Dis-
City of Hamburg off the coast of Corn-
wall Saturday the ship Countess Evelyn,
Dryden gave'some interesting informa.
tion about,the Agricultural college in
Island, opposite this city, has be n, cored ,
by Dodd's kidney Vills. %It is a w:11l'u"n
. . I
. � � .�
I I for his future life—Bob Johnston lips
I .1 . d in a fast horse. -The bead cook
lector of CUStOULS Miln� received in-
structions from Ottawa to notify the
trict -Atto.rll ey Johnson to abandon the
on of the British schooner Hen-
sank, and 25 lives were lost.
I a . Z �
answer to , question.j. After econd
� .
,readings the House adi,ourned.at 5.'20
. � -
fact that Mr, -y-Att hag been a sufferer �' r
. , 16
'years from backache fesultin�y, from � dig-, I 11
11 . �i I -1.
�� 11 of the Hay S,vamp Dredge. accompanied
soaers'.o cerincommandatEsquim,
that reab ritain and Russia had azreed
=uothhrged with receiving a cargo of
Sealskins in Alaskan waters last summer,
... I 16.
I �
Several I more bank fai I lures are, re-. I
. �
- . .- 1 .
p -m-, . 1. 11 .. � I I .� � I I I :
I I � I , - , �
ordered kidneys, somuebLgo itifit-if �in, a . -* I.,
�A_ , �- �
standing,: he iur I �
I I , ti Albert Zettlesuperintendant of the
NIA"Cand W%lker Co., in town
sealing �Vithin 10 miles '
to of the
withoi-at reporting.to the Customs author-
� ported in Australia, ... � I
. I . I
� I � � 11 I I 1.
� I TheJac%flshtres ej3veal,
fi r
position should ri� _� roun � �. �
I 11�:
I "� "I
suddenly the pain *cold, takff ' his bro�th;, , I,
, were 0 n
I ' and bearty '
they look hale , �-
R t, and within 80
-ussian coast -miles bf
Ro b -.'n i��Iand� He carried out the
ities. The vessel was seized in Behring
The Woi
. -Id's Women's Congress opened
yesterday Chicago. ' '
� ,
PORT ARTELfRj May . 16. -LYesterday'
I 1. s
I "
swl f his case t,� 'Mr., ,
Ly, Inspeaking , C-"'_
.� I
� Siindenj'
I I ng is the order of .
L ' L ard tile day
I .
. orders. also notif ying the British cOUS'lls ,
sea and then wentbo Sitka for trial.
The case is similar in all respects to the
I . ,it I
1 One man was killed and three 'llit'red
westbound train is still east of Schrei-
ber', au is* also to -day's. To -day's east-
onry Wade. � the I �. I
H druggist of this �city,. I � I
f rorn whom. he purchased the pillsi he o&id ' ':I'� ,
, , Apple & Zeller are cbanglng.ap�earance
� I I
.. by
Yokohama ai,�d Hakadate, �
at . . I �
. I � I
. seizure of the, British steamer Couquit_
I �
by, an explosion in 6, mine at Lincoln,
� �
bound tr4u will be hold, at Fort Wil-
. 11 ��,
Ih aye been a. sufferer for, 'us; I
. I years irom,jal t. �,:,
� , of thei-r store A coat I of paint.-
� tall ladie
Horace takesa great fancy to ' Fr.
Tbo G.T.U. 8trilce 8etLle(J. . .
11 .
, by the'United States revenue Cutter
CorvAn last June, with 6,000 sealskins'
Yesterday. .
Bishop W. M A.- Bissell of the episco-,
linin until'the repairs to the Jackfish
trestle Lire completed. Thegaz6o'kainall
I , �
,n, tho back bud kidiiey diesais,' 11�*d; ,. 1'�� 111-
� ill;.
Ir"d liniments, plasters, 6iniiiients�ftn'd, ),, ,..
I I , -The 21th of May Celebration to be
I : , going to be
� held in Zurich is seemingly
IVIONTn'sAL, May 12.-Tbo men 6m- �
loyed by the Shed(ten Company who
P . ,
removed from British Seboonerg in Alas-
han waters. Alonson is ordered to deli�
paldiocese of Vermont died in Burling-,
,terday. I
ton, Vt., yeo�
brid�ie, i,which was also carried away,
will ; , I I
xpacted; be repaired as I soon,
'L i'l ' I I I
other remedies from dostore 4412d drugg ots:, , �,�: -
� '' . 1 ,,,� ,,
11111101360(sboboremedice holpad,�WcAn
I I the, beat evei held in this district a grand
, ..I
w6at mit ',on strike with the Grand
Trunk freight handlers returned to work
verthe Henrietta to the British author-
itioes demand.
jolln Terrell, who inurdered a rail.
as the other. The weather is warm and
. .
I I L _,*�, , �
""I 10110t- Hearing Dodd's kidney Pilldr#o' ��'L 't' �
' , 11 ,�
, I I old in the evening.
� , concert. will be h ,
111)'hy gi
vesterday, the coi -a -authig the'
on , I 1.
road conductor, was lynelied by a mob
ft t Bedford', Ind.,yesterday irlorning.
moist� i 11, , r � . .
I I . I � ,
much talked ; ,'-'" L
. of, gave theta, a Itial andii a, _ ". "I
ieknh two boxes cured me. This':: ,',, ,,.,r, V, " 1, I
cure ,L ,
- The Patroi is *I, Industry of South Perth
I .have nominated Mr. James
''I . I Donald, of
"I \
inen some conceasions in, re gard to over-
Jilne. I .1 � � 11
. I , I
Mks, G�Po, Vrife of Rev. William Gape
of Sagar Grove,,uear Jam6qtown� N.Y�,
Two men were killed and one inJured
! At the Cariadiam pavilion in Chioago a
register iz to bo'kept, in which,ca, n*adians
, : I
probably not its marvelOffil, 94.W"y;*h&t hGo � T- � �'
r,cen I Sly been made b � :1 1.� I
y Dodd's kidnlay�pjlla. �LIIIL,
Blauoharfl, Prid Air."' Robinson, of the
. . I same township, for the Dominion and
, I
wax probably rfatidly shot by the aOci�
in a railway wreck on the ]
St. Louis railroa(I near WeE
liiay sign their' names,and place of reel-
da�41cy in Chicago,, how long they
; ,L'
I 1-ut, jt,ii creating cobsidsrable Is kai,,.d a ' I li _ "L;
� .
I . , ProVjDQi&JPfivIi%1n"nt. L
11 I .
L I .
I , Three British warships will do duty
this sunimer,off Newfoundland In con-
dental discharge of a pistol in the, hands
OtdLeOtL I
Of k4t seven-year. �
ain'left the track aT All o�pell,
111. The tr. I . . I
, , _1 11 . I land
d � to �tzy,; .� gir Of �,
_JujQU f 4,: the iuformx
went among Ids f ion i, 1,% � '. �,:. '�L"
�, t do and, " . .� L� I I .�,
I 1. I. "I ,
hot*. I ,/ , 11 . L .
I.., � '
L ., I
I I .
I ]� I I
I'll . ..
:,, � � L . ��,)
nectiou with fisheries protection. � L
� I L ,�
I I . I I � � L L
. I I
I I I L � I I
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