HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-18, Page 2IV, 11 .. 4 , r ',`x `•zi . C - M . . ? . .. It .. P 7 ,. M. - _ - ....... - .. - 11 . �17� �y h�7�gp �y /{� �1 nT�y 'ppgf�{ r�T [Dpn�g7/�+ i. AILIiE BIG R M L U Dii���d��. t xnen orad tintbaxs, The explosion was tar- HEY DID BRi,iAI 1117LDIT. iitic, and the ladies crieal t' Oh!" and elosecl fig,, to eyes es to shixU°cub the dreadful vision of , dui s fitoand explosive force wlatah ,was bolero ID r The Anaeric ns Surprise i fly the, British theta, i><or bars iTliivcr at%ly �lld>rtititi•etd inti Y a w ' �xzd beast of t o ' 1?Aii.C7tane$5, color, . Y. S..'ixntirgn• Its was all. so easily done and pleased, the the Naval Parade. de. - V 1a lir, the greatest care is necassal+, agectatora sa much that Adtui> al 7lopk>us tt h inarm beir. done by ilia use of u . �i lit-vtgLt Attach decided to blow It squadron up• some more. Ait era ,nit Cozatneut flpolI Their• rer- 0 :I'll I m e g difessnga� try se rAYt L tea 4 ressizlas.o be suer of affil Dcstrnctdol at rtes trlcet. He diff it three times dieting the evening, rarmalatau-.1 an> lral3goplrttls r,tX�rGssos ; t Nvouthless d and each time lie of man hearty cheers. having a first-class article, ask your For the eutexta]nment of the relit aF g }' t insotrgsAieing'vuryWelksatt<itietl,. gg erfutner fbr Mees flair thousands spectators who filled all the LztlDTnxxta:szcl eras~ »� ciriz�gzst tarp middle west side and tile All this time the American ships had A naval nfficer coutrihutes to. thew ow Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any housetops of the wt , . e been holding an animatad conversation with York Times the following eritioitm oz the + . g .f the kind. It broad, sloping acres of lower Riverside vreatnaval parade in New York :- other preparation ark, the British sc;uadron in the Hudson, one another. This was done by meaus of ice and fullness, p T r t9 d tiro ell itself colored electric light globes, the carbons of i �lrhan the men of the United States fleet I restores the original ca says the'sew York Helal , e which burned and went out at the will of landed, they were dressed in the regulation pQ• Infants ane! �h l� ren• • 'd b lt----_-•-� I to hair which has become#hin, faded, to escape falling into the hands of the ene- the erators. 'It tickled the mind to con• • blue uniform, with wob cattra go a s, .� . > e cal coal znaist my. First, the four luen•of•war were simul• p a his win in at anchor t bayonets, canteens and leggings. All car- or gray. It keeps the scalp , + dei and burned to the water a template fixe re t s s r, tochiidrentttat rlastoris cures Cabo, Consstipatiol, tanaously fired „ g p ' ore 'pts con•'ried Lee magazine rifles. , No ammunition Castoriausgvre2lrldAptc ? oD SourBtoulaah, iiidrrh a. luetation, and free fron> dandrut3 Itheals itcixing e with rofusiop of smoko and great at uzQht, with rowsDI colored .g t ed , , 9 p $tantl being ran at and diSa eaten , and• PVaS gabled. The marinOa. of rite United IICCOAlIItendltasEnperl0 anyprescrip'b ems, gives.. sleep, +arid promotes di- . humors, prevents baldness, ant imparts cracking of flames, Then the were blown Y g F pp. g . I esti Y to know thab ever lobe as it wen$ out . Mates fleet were dressed in light marchaug ttnowntonae." II. A. c»Bzt , attic to up through the explosion of A, mimic n'aga- y g order, in undress, with white helmets; The 111 So. Oxford St., Wooklyn, N. Y.. WiCut incurious unedicatton zinc, represented by about four tons of fire- luerint some word. or sentence,. which shad ntar.aas -were armed with Springfield rifles. _�_ 011'sHE HUM ' p, uniformed young officer with a sl e WO rhe enem , it should be said, was Naval officers, who critically compared the "The use of `Castorla' is so universal and 11 rot several ° and always e continueto a ax and the burning and blowing u hind . `im iu y, g g p written dawn to transmit tothe be K Americanblue jackets with those who fol .itsmeritssowellknawnthatIt seems y G. yprodnaed boneAefal II . a gijkezi to Aute and lasting fragrance. -curial loofa bel}eve. After that the ships him. lowed diem AF other nations regretted that of supererogation toendorsoit. Feer arethe dosaasithas invariably r Y exhibition ever But the English were bound to be ahead intelligent fam•tlies who do not keep Castoria " ]sowlx F. PntsnlF&, DI D,* No toilet can be considered complete gave the finest electricale. i again. When they had finished burning • there was so mach sombreness to the Amer- withlnessyreac ut this most popular and elegant seen afloat. and blowing u their squadron and had scan blue clothes. Cantos iiL 'Nov, D. D.. cc, tp throe," 2:5t1i Street and 7th k without p It was the result of great preparation on g P , q eformed Ch ioCity. of all hair -dressings, the part aF the staff£ at �'ice•Admiral Hop- shut off the four thousaud or five thousand ; • There was a sv}de margin of cxaellenca ktetvYork electric els the were read with spire- in infantry work observable among thedif- I.oral'a rBloamzngdalelteEorzuodChuroh 11 iffy hair. began turning gray and kin%to make the search light display add J y }' 9 ferent com anies. Several of the seamen y` fal}ing'out when I Nvas about 2g years of illumination arrauged for last evening much thing else. ;infante commands were, handed in capital Tics CrXT.& rx 0o;_vA: