HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-18, Page 1v v • -tor, Qonxeyanoew Off ce lq n -et, ----- vv1v .;i'MINZf;: WL 1}I,`,'3`,I*,RICT
if j� u 1 ] ����� 1dnIFPA,—Mrs. O'Brien, widow,. of 2nd. Can be oonrulted laftor offtoo home ,at t}t' l3RIEa'a«—CUarlea Andrew who spent the
Y.i i/ eon,, Hay Townships while walking in flap Commeroiat Hotel. nen,ail.A, w� .
r dark across the verandah of her house, on — winter at London Business College phas 13. arnnxrs,
T Thursday last, fell oyer the edge and out 2000 worth
of no th°o id goods. just g sed with. J. G. Jones of Winohelsea as ' 1.
If Boot do oterk. Preparations are being, made for iters were this. year 242 'names added
�.� �QU Can broke both arms above the .erriot and in• Shoe dealer, of Heneall, We are nlwaps to the -festival o to the Stratford vote SOLILOQUY
�,: jurad her hued considerably. Under ilio thefront in urine, quality and style, and carry strawberry tt 1st .of July by d ra lief, $8 namoe were
e o OO high,
treatment of Dr. Browning she ianow pro. a stock equal to any olty', Theao nods have the Sunday School of this Place, -Rev. chunged and 308 otruok off.
g ' ,f j j j p been bis enc for oast, direct from annfeotnr- J. Russell left on. Monday for Parkhill to Tha "Third parte" talk of starting an
t greasing nicely,—The farmers hereabout ere. this enables us to troll Soot -wear, as. Cheap attend the district meeting held there.— g of their own in the town S
are getting ready to supply milk to
the and cheaper than any, other dealer, As our organ They offer O Dear! I v -
man S Plo w'Shoe Exeter Creamery,—.The recent cold spell moto in Awl has been "Small Profits and quick Our temperanoa house is doing a rush. the munificent sum of $600 to an arrpn wish that hv,use
�•�•� ?
hag retarded farming operations, -We pre
returns end by ourequaro andhonCst dealing Ing buat=-ATComp boys, von will have to who will undertake to venture. y p - cleaning SvaS over.
''pp �/�^ (V in thQ Deet. Cur tradeia inczoaain every Year, u . Here iR R v r. JUSt thinly
Crti R/ .il-lft J,t%L (i 1,� Q pp' a]n S .all going to {oke part. in the 24th iiia cele• Boots. and Shoes our
trade to creas In tie latest got a hustle oa, or that $16 prize will chance for some live three rooms to pip=, a
not be yours. Advagats, ptintnr.--MitoheiI p p , and, the sit1 -
r� bration fit Rieter. Y style, and A first alaes:fit or no Sale. liapair- � w ting room and Spare bedroom must
for 9, 0c. M-w.--.•.a.�-_.__,.., in g neatly done and, promptly attended to. ---.-*Ir r �.:—., Soma Suiser11111 1,
aU a miaoreant entgrgd iba haye
Tr have also in Stook a lases asaorttnont of TL10kerainithi acture field of Mr, Pilke, near the Presby. new Carpets, My, my 1 1$
-- ,� " Farquhar• trunks and Velieos at 13araaiUs. Butter and p seems to 111 we are always buying
—:tom, Egge to on in exelian o for a.)a 0. 30 or tent- tezian cemetery Mitchell,. ane night last �' 1' g
Bnmrs.=The neighborhood was mualt force on all res y made roods' fall and Bnlses•-,-James Camooban was ill week, and eat {he throat of ppq of Mr, son1et111ng. $t1t never mend, it
Also a complete Lisle of surprised on Monday to hear of the un. 'Mino our stook, and tae oonvfnas that we with the measles. He got up to soon, Pilke's horses, and the, beast was found won't cost so much
e °heap. caught cold, and was again eexipusl after all, for t
WOMEN'S biIl3SEt;' AND timely death of his, George Armstrong of s,[l a n, vyaaarou,Proprietor, ^Hy •dead next morning, stn told that J, F, Ross tit a large
OVILDREN'S OXI' ORD ''.PIES in the Thames Road. The funeral ox Wad• Sign of the Bfir act prostrated but is now recovering, Frederick Frus e a fatmsr liyfn g g
'1'�1NS and DTJNGOLAS, These nesday was largely attended notwithstand. Following are the market quotations : CrIch sold a yearling thoro'bred bull the p ' g near Stock of the loveliest wall papers
ng the inclemency of the weather. -Mr, Wheat «. «..... , . , .. , r other day for $80, to a gentleman near Wartburg, mot with a nasty accident with borders to Match that were
Goods Were bought direct from: the 6a to 35 Saturday. He had driven. into Stratford
g Thos, Csmeron anticipates retiring Sesforth,-Fronk Laytons household is ever Seen in Exeter, and Such
Mannfaefurers and will be sold at farming and movie g from Oaia . ..:. . " •' , , , , 30 to 35 and the bores became frightened and ran
g 3ntc fife village to live Oats 30 t° 32 severely afflicted with i33ge/Sea, four being array, liruspe, who fa 70 Years of age. war beautiful all -wool Tapestry sets and
prices that cannot be beaten. We welcome him. --A very orltical p erat. Peas down at once. Mr, Jobna' family were P Y
p ., • , 0 to to 5G Y thrown out and had two ribs broken, His Carpets, all at rices within the
San was performed here last week b Dr.' Ha similarly afllicled,- One of those pleasant p , p
F Y • 8,00 to 7,00 pyonts in whioh all are interested is the daughter fell on him and was not injured, reach of All, and better still, they I
Eggs 11 cents perdo2, Browning of Exeter In the removal of a very Butter , , ..17 171o17 wedding of Mr. George while, which d oitiaen of .11itobell was the otter dor Sale j Can et a o0
large tumor from the person of Mrs. Jas. Eggs 9 l0 10 took place on Wednesday when ha oa¢ arraignel before a magistrate charged with g v5 Picture
R. Mc O ♦� AN Wes{lake, We are pleased to report the Clovflog.,, 8.00 10 bo 8,75 united in wedlock with Miss E Willis a hiring out his horse contrary to the bylaw. thrown in. Ain't it a caution I
ii7 1j�/ J.y f lady progressing nicely. Clavas sagd. , , .. , ... , 8.40 to 8:.75
_ p pillar young lad of Serforib. Our The ease was argued rand it was shown gin there so I ata. Are
a Im going ,
General blerohant, Iilrkton. Btfla as -Mr Them. $err /hf sd a Car °on ratulationa are Palisaded. that while the slat"tq ivea
i3idd - , - F PP g power {p the You
_ load of horses on S•►turdar•-Mesars Bal- town to pass a by law restraining persons MRS. WIDE-A-TVARE,
A Wheel Within a Wheel. Bitmn-Tho past week we were called lantyne `k Shilliaglaw shipped a car load Uredtton. for lotting horses out to hire without a
Of cattle on Monday,-Iifr Jahn McArthur, - license, the by law only requirf s that* who
onto park with two of otic oldest resi, banker, is spending this week at Ailsa keep a livery ;,stable to take out a iia nse,
Cit HOW To BUY AND SELL WIND ailLLa. dents, Mr. Thomas Stanley,aged 78 years, ' BR ed, and
Jones wife has been
father of Mr W. D, Stanley,our township Graig on his farm, 8 Jar T. DI, Peterson, confined, and fa seriously ill, very little TbA charge ryas diatnis¢ed. Clinton.
P Supreme Organiser of Canadian Order of hopes being entertained for her recovery, nunon.
clerk, also father of Mr T, D. Stanley, ex- $oma Circle, is at present visiting at his -August dill's wife presented him with a , 133tIE1S.-C)n Monday Ma
To the Editor of the Exeter Tirnes. Mayor of St. Marys. On the following son-in-law's. Mr. G. F. ounein bob Mrs, T. Tilt, of the Queens Hotel, Galt, y yor MC
Since, in the late selection and puroha¢e dap Mr John Hodgins of Luorn, aged 80 Arnold,, general g y girl,and August is as proud has loosed the British Exchange Hotel, in Taggart received a messhge that ,KT.,j.
li merchanttDash ohnPop°andfamily ay rs°cyld be DrWiked under the Circum- Godertali• g ItTcTgggaxt'a fitiier, lair. Broder, of -
of a wend mill and pump far the town well Years, Sather of Mr Elijah Se Sha, sic- visiting at Dashwood at ills Jahn Gray stances; --Dr tiYickett has t.ken up b?e Mp ,
.Exeter, some very amusing and gDein. Mayor of Stratford. Rev. ser Shaw hof
e biel'o an Sunday. -Miss Eater Graybial abode here and appears {o b° a natio John Sherritt, of Stephen townabip, near rrisbur�,, was dead and they left b
liar things" were exhibited,rve showing the Lucan delivered the funeral sermon in the returned home after a months' visit at bar suer etto Pushing' Greenway, sold r drove of cattle a few days train for that place in the aftgrnoony.
"latest and most approved" methods of Lucan church. -It is rumored that the , g , young; man, who ought to do a y
successfully handling that class of goods Rov Mr Gheant Is about to resign the antes s, Mrs John Pope. -Mr Fro ?:Kibler good business.- Sophia Fahner, wife of ago that brought him Us' arty $1,000. Air, Droder was ill but A short time,
d Herman Wall of Zurich were fit town Tobias:Fabner, has been vert* ill for some A petition is being airculAted in Brussels pleursy being the immediate Cause of
I s a ll, i of merit, fair play and, decency, Granton and so Jamas' ly appointments in last Thursday, -D. Gottschalk of "Zurich time, buh we understand is making good for the aanoelling of the Ilosnse of the Re. death, In life he was active and Cont -
Z shall, in the near futnl�e, as soap as I which he has so acceptably officiated far was in town on Monde r r
shall have recovered from my late unwsll- several years. Monday. -The Sacrament p og ess: Chria- Beaver has been awarded vers House. The petitioners think three paratirely a young man, --William bac
nese. endeavor to give all intending punch• of the Lord's Supper in Carmel church last the contract to build an addition to the hotels are auitioient. Cabe is dead. He wag a man of sterling
oasts of wind mills and water troughs a '_- Sunday waslargely attended both morning Methodist church, -Ice cream is all the I' fs rumored that tenon sill be taken. worth and respected by all who knew,
few valuable pointers regarding' the how." Kiricton. and, evening. -Miss Ross Of Ailsa Craig rage now in the village; although the wee- by an interested parson to qumb certain him. His bober, the late Hugh McCabe
W. TnRVZTxtoic, spent Sunday at lir, H. Arnold'a.-.•«•The ther is cola two vendors are doing good business done by the Win town °oun• came from Enniskillen, Ireland, early
Agent for Clem Steel Wind Mills, Bnrsys.-Mr, Ross has begun operations spall of wet weather has made business business. -W. S. Wenzel has completed a oil this year, on the ground of legality. in the forties and settled on the farm on
in Elie creamery, the cream drawers start- rather dull in town, -Mr G. C• Petty of fine band wagon for Wolf's livery, -Tho which he, his wife and eon Willi&
P, S. I might add'to be more explicit ed on Monday. G, Longhurst will be his Sarnia, formerly of Hensall, is up on bust. Bend bas completed an. ont•door stand. Mr' S. M Sandarp, of 3lsphen, delivered Pi
regarding my health that I unfortunate- assistant during the season. -Mr, and Mrs IIes/• There has boon some fault found with the h+s berl o[ 20 stackers to Mr. Geo, Morton breathed their last. William's father
ly got caught in a cyclone one night last R. Yule of Toronto spout a fery days last articulate plans, but the bo a ea it will of Ail ea Craig, this week,aeauriag therefor 4 died about 34 years ago, his mothersome
-0t,k, and was almost wrecked. Cyclopes week visiting friends in Kirkion.-Mr, 'Stannley'. answer their purpoaa, They got Exeter coni, per pound, which weighed within a 7 years sines. The family were among
111is kind of thing sometimes you know Beatty has begun the erection of his re. on 24th to take part in. the celebration. fraction of 11 000 Denude. I the early and sturdy and 7respgottid
Et'• T. sidenoo in Kfrkton, Mr, Brown is the build Bamrs.-Mies. Maggi° Murray, who - . _ Z't'he 8oaforth High School Athlon° Ar• pioneers of the County of Hurot,
— er.-Miss Afaggic Davis spent Saturday ]las been visiting her mother for some ,•rn aw Dashwood. s°alation for 1893 has organized with litres k;Afr, guns: I'`fab__
and Sunday with friends in Wittohe]sea.- time has returned to Toronto, --Airs, "�� ..� oflioare; W R. Graham, president-, B, ler of Colboarne
+'xeter MU oioipal Counoil. his right hand badly out by coming pia
While praetisinpon his bicycle. W. J Gour. Bathwell, sr. has gone to visit bar ,laugh. Bxiz:as-Death has removed one of the Balls, wipe -president; W. A. `Scott, treasurer contact with kilo saw in Dir. E. $pit's
The council met puxeuaut to, adjourn- 1a was thrown to the ground and sustain- ter in 1ltiohigan.-Mrs. Johnston }Sas pianeora of Hay township in the person of Al. GI°Shill, secretary; W. Wilson, ouratsr mill on Tuesday the 6th fust. The little
meat At the town bait, Exeter, May 12th, ed an injury of ilia arm, which bar kopt boon visiting friends in this vicinitv,- Airs Catharine Wiidfong, relict of Itis. N, and a council of eight members, two from finger was Tuesday
act tom y
1893. All present, him from work.- Messrs David aid Alex, Mr. Joseph Caldwell and fpmily have Wiidfong, who died on Wednesda last at each form. 9 pistol severed and
moved to their new residence v bas since been amputated and the next
A requiaitionfrom Air EH.Fish to ¢rest a Kirk accompanied by Miss E. J. Mirk have Godexich the age of 56 years. Her romaine were iiklt seams necessary toaxplain that the Ira two fingers were very badly ant. Mr.
shaping gallery on his promisee was road, gone to Michigan to visit a brother wba !a Rogd. Interred in the R,C. cemetery in Zurich.- Lewis, whose death rues lately chronicled, Fisher has been rather unfortunate hay
IVC action taken. dangerously ill. -Tb will be, no service a-++*'+ A largo wedding occurred at the residence is not the Iia Lewis, Ti, S. B. who fa known lnR loot pant of itis thumb on his lett
McCallum-Christle-that a Court of in tai° Methodist ohuroh next 8uudap ow- Cromarty. of D1r Tobias Wurtz on Wednesday. The far and wide a¢ the County Crown Attorney hand some time ago and also bodily in -
Revision of assesament roll be held at the Ing to anniversary services being bold ,it—
contracting parties being Mr Louis 9taubus of Huron. Thin gentlervan is still in the juries,
town hall on Saturday, the 27th fast,, at 7 Woodham.-Messra Marahall and Shier Bntsra.- Seldom are we permitted to and Alias Barbara Wurtz. Rev«.Dir Krupp fleah, and we trust that he will ba spared a
o'clock p, m. -Carried. have taken possession of the store recently record a death that has caused such nniver_ officiated. The happy couple, who are Ions life of usetulness and enjoyment. SCRAPFn WITH A RASP,
A specification for derrick for tacks was purchased from Doupe di Co. sal sorrow, as that of Miss Letitia Hsmil• well known and esteemed by everyone Wm. McCall, who has been a resident of nay thSiraroat felt as if scraped re Wo�hga rasp.
submitted. Ion, who died at her parents' residence on were the recipients of numerous. beautiful Wingbam for many years, a carpenter and On laking Dr, Wood'sNerwap Yfpe Syrup
Al °Collum-Christio -that tenders be �" Friday last. The deeoosod young lady was and costly preaente from their many ad. jointer by trade, went out to Wm, Hom. Z found the first dose gave relief, and the
asked for derrick aecordina to revised Blanshard Council. highly respected by a large circle of friends miners, Miss J, Mellick assisted the bride nth s, Turnberry, the other morning' to do a second battle completely cured me,
specifications. -Carried, for her high social and' rslisious qualities, and Mr Jacob Wurtz, brother of the bride, lfttle job, and about nine o'oioek was etriak bliss e o Doely, ca ed me,
The Municipal council mot at the town She took an active part in all religious acted as bast man. Asumptuous wedding en down, Apparently by paraiysis• He---.,.w%�
The %enders for rind mill were taken ship hail, Molntyre'/ corners, on the 1st work, and was prominently identified with, fesat was pArtaken of by the large host. of lingered until about eleven o'alook at night Membrayo Kidney an
up; ship
inst. Present -full board, Minutes of ilia Uhristian Endeavor, Sunday School friends, after which a pleasant eyenng whop death intervened, He larvae a Widow rMemb au of Herbs an Liver Care, is a
tender for 12 foot stool wheel, 30 foot der- previous meeting read and confirmed, and choir of our village church. Sha was spent. The Zurich String Band fur- and grown up ferny to mourn his sudden cul properties of s ant Rootsre the
Universally rink, pump piping, etc, included, price bean
$174, bs accepted. Messrs. Forsythe and Peaeook were pre, g the only daughter makes the trial niched the music for the occasion. -Mr A. demise. known, Try it for purifying the Blood.
AmendmentbyChristie--McCalhtm-tbat sent and. asked the council to grant an harder to boar for the parents and family, 5obroedev, jr., who has been workingin _
amount equal to "West Nissouri towards who have the sympathy of the neighbor- Port Huron for sometime, returned hme MIDntsaicx,
Goued a 8c Co's (Brantford) tender for ted * q s Diinaxd'r Liniment fa used by Phyafoians,
Catlin down hill on the town -lino between hood. -We note with plieasure the sucrose on Saturday last. -On Sunday a number The Pott Stanley rend is again in aper•
same motionloa,price $I34 6 carried
accepted. g Y , ation b the las-0 •a the trains ranula
The motion was declared carried. the Bald municipalities. Moved by Ullyott of H. R• Christie, who .passed his second of our citizens enjoyed a drive to the (:rand F g over Look at the date on our label this
The cleric to make enquiries concerning and St John flat the sum of $100 be groat year's osamination at the bead of the list. Bond. -Mise Mary Nadigerleftfor Detroit the 11. C. R. instead of the G, T. R. y
cart for street watering. ed propided Weattiiasonrfgraated A similar Mr. Christie was atationel an S'affacirenit on Monday. --The masons commenced the Thn remains of the missing girl, Miss week, and sae the: your name is mark11
McCallum— Spackman — adjournment amount—Carried. last year. Also Jas, Norris, who succeed. stout work of Mr P. XeIsaac's residence Kato Beatty of Parkhill, were found floating ed well in advance,
until Friday. the 19th fa¢t«, at 8 o'clock Mrs. Henry was present rad laid on the ed in taking bis M. A. degree and medal- on Monday,—Mr Ai.Fenn is improving the in the river Thuradap out httcdred Yards
p. m. -Carried. M. EACRETT, Clerk. table a bill of costa in the maintenance and Set at Queen ' CollCga, It gives us pleasure interior of his harness shop and is also from the railroad bridge, where they sup. till, Xo paper is discontinued until all
care of the invalid, Flora Knight, during to Claim him at a Hibbert boy,1 treating it to a coat of paint. -Air. Chas. pose she drowned herself. arrears aref ,rullr
pairs, except at the Cptiori
the time which she remained under her Miller, one of our respected farmers is very Tenders have at last been accepted forof the publisher.
(JONFIRMFD. roof. She claimed $60 as an amount sniff, Grand Bend• ill, and hisrecovery is doubtful,—Arr.J. the erection of the new townball at Park.
The favorable impression 'produced on cient to pay her for her troubles in waiting Pretter and wife of Crediton were the hill, The maeonery to Meaare, Campbell The date when the subaeriptiou expires
the first appearance of the agreeable liquid upon said invalid, The council. altbopgh BRIvra•—Baaut;fnl weather this week guests of Mr and lira Willert on Sunday. and Tuck of Parkhill at $3;025 and the is on the address label of each paper, the
fruit remedy Syrup of a few years ago not legally entitled to grant anything from and the farmers are about done seeding, —A number of our shop into have adorned wood work to ;air. Gibson of Lucan at $2«• change of which to a subsequent date be -
has seen more than confirmed by all the a syoipathe3ie al stand Ioint granted her 1430 the fall wheat` is leaking fairly well,—A their windows with now blinds. 047• comes a receipt for remittance. Subscribers
pleasant experience of all who have used ft as R donalion. gnat many cattle PROs through on their Friday �lkert Dingman, who was Con- Will please examine their label before and
and fa allCCeag of the proprietors and A number of rate n era were way to ranch and are looking }letter 'this Mrs. McLaren, who lives in London viated at tbt late assizes for stabbing a after making a remittance.
manufaolurera the California Fig Syrup salon p Y Areae= spring than they nsually are,—Mr, Tbas. Townairip opposite Springbank, paeaed neighbor in Biddulph, wont on a visit to
Company, g grants for flair respective road Stubbs was here on Sunday visiting his her 103rd birthday on Saturday last, The Rebeoos Wilkinson, of Brownevalle In
divisions, which ware referred to the sever Y Torcnto, He was accompanied by Bailiff F, ,
siatar bdre. John Baird. --Quite a number old lady is in comparatively good health English, and will be entertained a Gov sage :—"I have been in a distressed condi.
al committees appointed to look after Ills of mon from here attended the raisin of and is without :ioubt the "oldest inbabi- F tion for three voara from Nervousness
OPEN As DAY, same. Mr, Love's' barn last week. The framing tant" of Western Ontario. -sav d syncs Green,. Control Prison, ins the next tion f ora of the Stomach Dyspepsia end
Barr Robinson- That the Court of was done b g — --•— �v'— nine months. ,
It ie given to physicians, the formula of ilavisi n for the township of F Mr. Norman Bohannon of A contagions disease known as the scab *updigeation until my health was gone. I
Jar, and Mrs, Geo. scale, of the lot con, bad been doctoring
SAt's ]i mullion being no secret; but no p Blanchard be Shipka, which is a Credit to him and his is reported among sheep. The disease, ft of AlcGillixrn were mar f3 oonetantw with. . re:
. successful !inflation has ever been offered 'held on Monday fifth day of June, Com-, man as everything fitted splendid. The appears, lead its origin in the Township Saturda 1 y' tied 50 Years on lief. I bought one bottle of South Amerl
to the public. Only years of experience menoing at 2 o'clock p, tit, and that the Font Ball team here are practicing now to of ColiingWood, and was subsequently Y last, and the event was celebrated can Nervine; which done me more good
and study can produce the best, clerk Insert tbeneoeadary advertisement,— play on the 24th.—Miss Charlotte Granger introduced into Carey by the importation At their residence on that day. All the than any X$50 worth of doctoring I ever did
Carried. of Brucsfield is here this week visiting her of a number of sheep from the former town family and all their old neighbors and In my life. I would advise every weakly
~ Minaxd's Liniment antes Colds, etc. Robinson-Berry—That the Clerk be many friends.— Mrs, Wm. Pnttareon ie on ship, Farmers in Bruce and Huron friends to the number of about 75 ware personso use this vaivable and lovely rem -
authorized to communicate with the differ- the sick list this week with a eavere cold, should examine their Socks and see if an Prevent, and the old couple received a num- qdy, A trial bottle will convince you.
eat manufacturers of road graders and as- ^ Mr• H. Rosenberry is repairing the fence of the saimals are affected with the die bey of cootie presents�.�.� Sold by 0. Late, Druggist,
eeztain the larreat price for whioh the same around Mr, John Dalsial's orebard.-A ease. The four children of 'LIr. liamphrep ---
' can be purchased.—Carried.. epenial meeting of the K. O. I, M, was Purdy, of West Nissouri, had a narrow ea -
On motion Sul mads and sseonded the held on Monday eyening to Consider about
y cape from death by poisoning a few days �� io I
DoS.ronD : lieeve granted thefollowin orders: --James the building a Hall.—The dredge.is expect0--,", Q
6 ad soon now to commence operations..70M b �0 since. They were in the woods gatherin
It ohnson, '$74, bridge top at Enriglat's• R. wildflowers, when some inviting looking
ie, charity $7; Wm.' McRvith, '�$7, berries were discovered, and the children.
Y y o Q d h `a m cedar poet culvert, 0 S Road; David Bonis,
partook freely of them. shortly afterward
$1, filling waehout at bridle, London Tioad Bluth. 'bey were seized with severe pains, , and
— -- John Morley, $2, sop, enivert on town,lIne — FOT 6� days I will Offer f1 hastening home the
IiRiItFS;-Mr, Howard. bricklayer, y p explained that they`OLLS I . I L 1:
B and. B: DAn'Hodson, 600 rep, culvert, yer, of had eaten. wild berries. Ther are reoovcr•
town. -line Bid, and Usborne; ,Too, Rion; $2 Clinton, apdmen are making great dread• C�U&Iltltq 0 CiOOClS pLI1 C1111Sei� inn, ,
CilOt1117]g, D16SS C� OOaSiB00tS rep; i6uahont Culvert Ba/e Ifne; F, Ulljott, way with the brickwork of John Kelley's at low prices. --
cX� Shoes, an:d. Delaines $17:50. rep bridge river road; Jno. Patter• now addition to his hotel.—Mr. Gidley; of � 'Ahe directors of the -Northern Fair Ailsa .
song $30; drawing stone and rep river road; Exeter, has been visiting his, cousin, Mr, Craig deserve credit for their enterprise in
al's selling l s pldly . Mr. Henry. $30, donation for aeryioe rend- Sam Gidley of this town for the past taw 25 cent'Dress their attempt to Snake the Fall Show a sue- F-_
daps, -Professor Scott and ' Company, Goods for 15a per yd, ossa in the Zino of i • eoial attraotiona, A O
at present. wed in aid of invalid; Thos, Pierson, 50e1e. win - pany, of 12} cent Gingliams for 6c ter d'
1 . Y . new stable b6 s 34 is in the course of erect-
< for rep, water; aloeet;'tp, ball; Noble John R m, :ora to glue an entertainment in 10. cent Prints for
Ston., $9.50 the -and digging drain 3rd ` the Industry hall in aid of the Presb ler' r Be per �'d ion, It is 'to contain sixteen box stall 1.
1,rte {�� �H® y when you glance at 1, g. con y San 10 Cent Mueliiis.' for 5c per d' Mr, D• A. M i` °'
Pr S.'Armatrongr $ii7.41, unpaid terse on Church S. S. on the evening of the 24th,— . P y dlJwen,,haa already obtained
our prices : lands Nhioh have been Va Friday afternoon fire fres dieoovered is Q,hace Curtains for 10o per yd' the use of twelve and proposes removing to
paid to County lLadies'Vests,ftfor 25c, the villa a immediate) to `
.,Treasurer; $90, salary' 0ollcetar, suing out of the roof.of the kitchen Nof the
Boys' Sttits, : I. 0 , !rr:aw,.r.M g Y open up train-
. „ Suits,, $I. 5 . Comnercial'hotel Men were a ..g sr�•rr .M:...4,--, �- •: ing stablos. As r,Dan" is ,
soon on the ,well-known to
F. Dross Goods, :assorted colors' a Council adjourned to, meet fret Ylvndoy .roof and f A special line Tweeds for 35c ar
'• , �q fn ,Tens at the hour of 10 *'clock w th several, paile of, water stopped , P, Yd, be else ght in his dealings and expert with Will PIPER
in. wide), ,2SC,; look a. m, : Men s,suits at low prices; a lab line of the rCipa, his venters is sura
g progress. ,not been ob _ of success. Its eager Fad it iiion s Felt Hats , . alar e stock of Wall
Nlisses'`$hoes;'So,C. _a pn J, H. J1MIFeox, Clark ' eeryed In time, nothin�q could have ; saved, g Old r j�'�
the en.{fro building from Ste' tom le Papers ut 3e a roll and wards a fine I Hoctgms, of Lucan, to dead. He ein `A
We'. bought o Cir Covlten'Y the a fir." complete do d1e t?P ' wan. 81 years old', and awed awe ver - , '
]a of all the latest et P Y y1.1.
o r Sugars before Cir Ill Ab, 3 P Y Pies in Millin- ,
The toetimonia s ` blowin . , as there was a sttou east wand fioaosfully while lying down for a rest
c l fraquenily published 1t atth„e i ne.-On Hrida afternoo' cry; I,adtes Jackets and Ca es,' ar After
prices �*Jent up•, consequently an, in thea R y n , . P • P ties bavmtt eaten a hoert sup i �R$
e paper relating to Hood a ;f Rrifa av- gonstable ;Davies had a mactfrom re ulrin :an .t n Y pear. .Heart die-,� fi 8 '�;0.
sell at less Haan resent tiVhole'sale ills p Bonmrller q g y hinb in this line will do cage is supposed,to b
p. They are franc reliable eo to stat before P, $ell and W a ` iare been the cause of + .
Prices. P P, , e y C mpbell, J. p s 1n well to call before urchasin g4qud' death .1
C};ve its a trial, simple foots, ' cud• show'be and y !Sall char e P . g , �, „, The fangral was very y largely at. a doubt industry g d with having a screen ,
that HOODS CURZ+a S, ” Why ' across the aver the A large ' - tend°d, indt°attng the ttgh esteem in o 1e
a . E s i ic. y don t you thereby provenhng the•fish a gq stock of Hardware in all' the the deco s �U�Y•
g per doz. try Chia modicine . Be sure you of from having the right of way aid, o le'adln fines. a ed gentleman was held in, Middle.
` r' , B Y elating g sox county. Tb ia''Und6nioad that me. LI', - A'X-
' Hoods, fish on a Sunday. E. Campion, of Goder- lndgins, of Stratford ie a beneficiary, i'
,R.`a FORD &, 00 - ich appeared for the defohdant., The naso A(AU solicited, is p of ,,.
• Minard's Liniment Curse Dandruff. khe notate to the ,amouInt of R handsome
''A�j,, p
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was adjourneI .111,d until Friday neat, ''.,J. 73ALi, /ntn• ®• IAV i�/'tJ/LLERr .
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