HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-11, Page 8iy h,p c7tIIdSURTd1r`tCLr v� i Fan
J�dh:NFi'S•.1. �„i.lAtJI1 5J'r.�1aPNT FQ.Q.M..
P.3N'v of Toronto• also for tlXaF1r,(BX18,
VMS t$13V 2AIZ0 e4+iPAly otLan3on;
PANY at nxlantt,
_.F, 1�1;N3MAN, L.D.s, D.D.S
(Irodaate"of Royal college of 'Dental
rerlons. and of the Mental 'Department of
YoroIle University, (with honeys.)
Ss iAwlet inbridge-work, and gold and per*o1ai 3 crowns,
PeixeNitrou$ Oxide Get and local amosibW
Iles for painlose estrnetions. Always at home.
0fdoa : Ysuson's Block. Exeter,
The new shades of Ingrains
for walls with handsome
Freizes to match are wfar•a-
head of any former season's
showing, and the prices are
lower. tome ir. and see
these as well as onehundred
and fifty other patterns from
.tile. cheapest brown blanks
up to the finest gilt. The
patterns aridprices will please
Lehi as well as hundreds of
others who have seen tbam
this season.
The Mart"
The Big
You make a, mistake if
you :hiss the bargains in
House Furnishings.
In Wall Paper, we show
without any exception, the
finest Stock in Western On-
tario. NYe want your opin -
,ou of our Papers.
Notice to Times' Readers.
.Thc publfehers would esteert it a favor %f
readers would,when making their purchase;,
wwottleirt that they sate the merahint's sdver.
Usement in THE fimxs.
THURSDAY, ALLY Il th, 1893._
The Central hotel is being - repapered
and otherwise improved internally.
We are now enjoying; beautiful weather
and spring work is progressing nicely,
Messrs. Snell Bros. made a tlarge ship,
ment of salted meats on Thursday to
Of the medical graduates who 'recently
received their parchments at the Detroit
College of Medicine thirty-two were from
The contract for the arection of the
Presbyterian church recently destroyed
by the wind, has been let and will cost
when completed over $2000.
A young child of Mr. John Welsh, while
swallowing a button on Monday, choked
in the endeavor, and medical aid had to
be secured to relieve its sufferings.
A married woman residing in Wiarton,
undertook to indulge in the pleasure of ,a
yawn on Monday last. She overdid the
job, however, and dislocated her jaw.
we understand that the choir of the
Presbyterian church are to assist in the
S. O. E. B. S, service to be held in the
TdYitt Memorial church on Sunday 21st
at 3p. m.
On Monday while separating two dogs
which were fighting, Mr. A. J. McTavish
had his hand badly lacerated, while Mr,
Jahn Hawkehaw was bitten through one
'of his boots.
A little son of Mr. Jas. Gould of Hay
Township, while playing about the stable
the other day, was kicked by a horse,
had his upper jaw broken and his face
badly bruised. kDr. Browning attended
his sufferings.
A, very lamentable occurrence took
place Sunday morning in Kincardine
township, when :Bertha Milne, a hand.
sbe new Victoria Methodist College
dost $222,000, and is al.solutely free from
debt, Our eongratttlationa to the regeuts..
CRAxol. RoTtTA T.Ts- Kiea 11. V. White
is now prepared to do portraits in crayon -
lifesize. Orders to be left at residence.
Alr, 11. Hooper purchased of Mr. R. II,
Verity the residence Mr. V, got front AIr,
Dickson on Simeon, street for a handsome
Mr John Eesery returned last week'
from the nortbern part of the wauty,
where habad been inspecting horses, for
the World's Fair.
It is now, alleged that the Canadian hog
crop is only about 40 per cent. of what it
was last year. 'Ibis, combivad with the
shortage in the United States, its zespon-
sible for the increased price tbat has been
d this a'ryear., !
This may be news to some people: When
a settler in the Nnrth-West Territories
wants to go back to. Ontario to get married,,
the Canadian Pacific railway sells hint a
matrimonial ticket at the usual rate, and
on preseutiug the return coupon, and a
marriage certificate he is entitled to free
transport for bia 1+ride,
J. M. Fortier,. of Montreal, writes Tam
Tialrss that to promote and , to introduce
the culture of tobacco in Canada, he has
imported large quantities of Havana to-
bacco seed, wbrch he will give away to
any one who wtrhes to grow it. Same
may be bad by writing for it to 140 4t.
Maurice St., Montreal,
At a meeting of the Exeter Cricket
Club held. Friday night the followingotlic-
are were appointed for the ousuinit year:-
kion, president, Dr. Hyndman; president,
Dr.. Lutz, vice -press N. D. Hwdon; secy.,
Fred. Hiliot; committee, Dr.ik1. Hyndman
C. B. Marsland 1. R. Carling, The aooy,
is anxious to hear from other clul m; with
regard matchsa. Kindly arrange datra
Quite a number of bogus 25o. piecos are
in circulation at preaout. They are dated
1892, look quite new and are very hard;
in fact, the old test of biting or cutting the
coin will not determine its reliability, as
aluminum seems to play an important
part in the composition of the coin. The
only way to detect it is by throwing it on
the counter -it does not rink,
The following is offered as an antidote
for some of the ailments tbat prevail in
tack yards ;-
Rake ............ ........ I (one)
Shovel........, ......1 N
Wheelbarrow .., .... .I ,.
Chloride at Lima .,,......1 It
Dim--earoxs-Use vigorously an hour or
two in evrry twenty-four: hours until ra
ireved, `lours sincerely, ONE Filo HAS
Tnixii IT.
Tyre entertainment given by the Ep-
worth League of the Presbyterian church
in Draw's hall on Wednesday evg. last was
a success. The proceeds amounted to
over ,500, while ilia program ;was well ren-
doted and the selections equally well re-
coived. A good deal of interest oentsrod
in little Ansa Taylor, of Taylor's Groes,
Flay township, in the rendition ofher num.
bers. Sha.is remarkably clever for one s-)
A number of western bills received their
third reading and became law in the Legis
lature on Thursday, among them being
the sat respeotfug the railway debenture
debt of the village of Exeter, the act raw-
pecting the ;railway debenture debt of
the County of Perth, the act respecting
the Sarnia Consumers' Gas Company and
the act to enable the Board of Education
of the town of ,Sarnia to convey certain
lands to the colparation of Sarnia.
Since the Automatic Telephone and
sesarortla Jaye wo vies.
All orders for the above works can be
left at. El H laish'a barber shop. Satisfac
tion guaranteed,
Property Exchanges This Week,
Mr; Robt. Sanders sold $0acres in the
12th con. of Stephen, to Lawrence Deitre-
lch for $1,`300. - tSr. Win,, Horn. solo to
Mr. John Taylor I .acre in Vfancestowu
for $191 ; small house and stable on prem-
ises. -The old,tilcDonald property, recent-
ly occupied by Mr, 0. Dorward, consisting
of 130 acres. was purchased by Messrs. A.
J. and J. B. McDoneli, ,for $1,000 ; yir,
A. J. McDonell will work the farm,
Hatter liralcing, �
The travelling hairy from the Guelph
Agricultural College will exhibit
woderle make buttsr, teat milk and d e-
Ever lecture on the a
1. management of nu'k
s !
and cream, the feeding of Govt's, churning,
working and packing of butter, etc., at
the following places in the County on the
dotes armed Crediton, Tuesday June 6tb;
Daehwood, Wednesday, June 7th; Exeter,
Thursday, June Stb ; Farquhar, Friday,
June 9th; Bensall, Monday, June12th;
Zurich, Tuesday, June 13th; Varna, Wed.
nesday, June 14th ; Bayfield, Thursday,
.lune lath; Brucefield, Friday, June 10th ;
Seaforta, Saturday, June 17th. Each
meeting will commence at 2 o'clock p. in.
The public are cordially invited to all
those meetings. Wo hope the dates will
be borne in mind and that there will be a
large attendance at all.
Arbor ]Day.
Arbor day for the schools was proclaim.
ed for Friday last but owing to the weath-
er being disagreeable, very little or uoth•
iaR was done, and moat of the schools
postponed the work until Friday next.
Hove is it that invariably they plant
them by the schoolhouse, they plant them
where the branches will obado their own
door sill, they plant them by the roadside
those maples, elms and birches; -but why
don't people plant them around the ooun.
try churehes.
Queen's Birtl,daylnExeter,
The large posters announcing the big
demoustratiou in Exeter on the 24th of
May have been issued, The list of at-
tractions is the beat ever offered by the
people of this section and should bring
together a large crowd of sight seers, The
program includes athletic sports. novelty
horse raciag, Ilaorosse match, foot ball
match, bicycle raring, ate, for whieh near -
IT $300 will be given in prizes. The
Crediton band will be in attendance and
in tho evening a grana concert will be
given. For list of events see ddv't.
]anti Contract.
The contract for the convoyance of Her
Majesty's mail between Exeter and St
Marys for the ensuing four years from tat
Of July next has beau awarded to Mr, li,
Spicer of Ellmviile, at $697 per year. In
the agreement the mail is to start from
Eltmvills at 8 o'elock in the morning, go
to StXarys, And returniug Come to Exeter
and back to BIlinvill,e the acme evening.
At praeoot the mail leaves Exeter at 6,30
in the morning, and returns at 6 p. in.,
which is found to be very eonvenfent to
all But the new way will be quite incon
vonient: (except to the contractor)
especially to TuE Trails and its hundreds
of readers in that direction, Invead of
the paper reaching the post offices along
the line on Thursday morning it will be
FriOrty morning ; and besides it will
greatly interfere with the interests of
the business men of Exeter, The condit-
ions of the contract as regards the start.
ing point trust be changed.
Electric Co. of Canada, which is said to be
a great improvement over the Bell system
decided to extend their busine,s through
out the Dominica, ilio latter company
have naturally become terribly alarmed,
and, by the offer of large bon.usss, secured
the exclusive franobiso of St. Thomas,
London, Stratford and other places, but
the courts have decided that corporations
have no power to ;create such monopol-
Richard Smillis, school teaober of gills
Green was before Magistrates Snell and
Buchanan, in Exeter on Saturday, charg-
ed with unduly administering punish-
ment on a eon of Wm. Baker of
Hills Green. After the case bad been
in hearing for some four hours the parties
came to a settlement, Smillie paying Ilia
lawyer and court charges, Baker settling
with Is own lawyer. This charge had
been hear+i before other magistrates but
was dismissed and aubnequertly it was
brought to Exeter.
It is well known that animals with
"lumpYjaw" are unfit for food., and it is
criminal to use them, Their milk an, well
as their flesh in liable to convey the disease
of;carcer to human beings. Flesh of ari-
mala with broken legs are unfit for food
for inflammation renders meat dangerous.
While it is not so serious a crime as the
other, it a criminal act to sell. the meat
of such. The flesh of a mad steer, also,
is certainly unfit for food. The farmer
selling a cancerous animal may be less cri-
minal than the butcher. buying it; but
there can be nopossible excuse for the
butcher who deliberately sells the flesh.
The sooner such partm, are stamped out
the better for humanity. M
There is an impression an the mind. of
many that a licensed tavern -keeper may
receive or refuse to receive as a guest any
person whom he may choose. This is very
wrong. So Iong as a man conducts him-
self in a proper manner and pays or tend
ers payment for the accommodation furn-
ished, the tavern keeper is obliged to re-
ceive him if he has the accommodation.
As for meals the License Act is rigida
Every licensed tavern shall.be a well-ap-
pointed and sufficient eating -house, and
guests arriving at that house at any time.
night or day, have the right to demand re-
freshment, the refusal to supply which
will subject the Bayern -keeper to convi'at
ion of a fine of not more than NO for each
and every offence. _
wThose;of our readers who. cultivate the
luscious ylear noticed that last season ills
leaves of the .trees seemed to suffer from
blight about the first of June. On close
examination it would be found that the
sap was exuding copiously about the axils
of the leaves and dropping on the foliage
below and sometimes running down the
branches to the ground. The mischief is
done by an insect known as the pear tree
psylla.;a small, yellow, jumping creature,
flattened in form and provided with a
sharp beak with which it punctures the.
bark. of the tree. The remedy recom
mended is to paint the twigs with EL-strong
solution a* soft coop and syringe the fol-
iage'with stron;t soapsuds.,`, " A little judg-
ment must", be used ao as not to make too
solution, too strong and thereby injure the
foliage. # ,g
Mr. Gifford Eliot of Gorria wash town
this week renewing acgnaintauces.-Dr,
Strebler and wife of Credi!on wera intown
on Sunday bidding their many friends
here good-bye prior to leaving for Brook-
lyn where the Ur. will engage in the prac-
tice of his profession. -Mr, A, Hastings
bas purchased a bendsome young horse,
and is practising for the aaddla contest on
May 34th. -A young Englishman named
Hindson, who has spent several - months
with Mr. Thos, Sweet in an endeavor to
learn farming, left for Fleming, Manitoba
on Monday; he says there is no money in
farming, and that he will seek other am-
ployment,-Mr. Arch. Bishop, M P P.,
spent Sunday with his family in Usborno
township. -blies Pearl Taylor of Taylor's
Grove Hay, visited Mrs. E Maguire Exeter
north last week. -Mr. Win. Grigg has rent
ed his bouts on. Simene St, to Mr. Henry
Glanville, Mr. Glanville having sold his
house on Andrew St. to Mr. Win. Horton,
and which will be occupied by Mr, Win.
Cole, son'in-law--Miss Lizzie Penbale
sister of Mr. Wm. H. Penhale of Stephen,
who has been in Vancouver the past six
years returned to town on Monday, and is
visiting friends in this section. -Miss
Lizzie Nelson, of Exeter, is visiting bar
friends in London. -Mrs. 4ti m. Hoskin,
of L+'xeter North is very ill and her child-
ren have been called home to her bedside.
Among those in town this week were:
George, of St. Thomas, Chas. and Edward
of Chicago, Richard of Staffs, and Mrs, I
Louis walper of Berlin. -Mr. S. Martin
spent last week in London. -Mr. Louis
Walper of Berlin is visiting friends in
town. -Mr. Andy Oke of Ingersoll was in
town over Sunday. -Mrs. tubas. Eacratt
and daughter Eunice of Sarnia spent the
past week visiting friends in town. -Air.
Seldou of Ingersoll was in town over Sun
day. -Mr. W. H. Hutchins M. P. for
North Middlesex was in town yesterday.
-Mr. Cousins of London is in town.
The watering cart will soon have to be
put on,
The new mill structure is being pushed
forward rapidly,
Foot Ball is booming and the boys will
organize a club this week,
A little child of Mr, James Walker,
Usborne died on Tuesday and was buried
The Bobier produce .Co's evaporating
and pickling building is towering towards
the last story.
FOR SALE, -Valuable House and Lot;
with every accommodation for Sale or
.Rent. Terms Easy. Apply tc
H. HoorER oR T. B. CAnwxG.
Mr. Maesland being unable to catch any
fish with the hook on .Tuesday, undertook
to wade in after them and got Lis feet
wet; he is now suffering from a severe
The adjourned meetingof the Board of
Trade and business men of the village
will be held to morrow, Friday Evg in the
Town Ball at 8 o'clock: The results of
correspondence relative' to. thequestioue
discussed at the last meeting wfll be
Ask for Vinard'a and take no other.
7w, ,
(NrvrAVJSH CO's'
8 A K ii U P S' A L OLD STAND s
'Thanks to'°� I,'�
e of Exeter riffles un
i 4
Sales increasing every day. No trouble to do business at our prices.
Just received 100 pieces best English Prints all the ntlwest make, and designs, extra
p g � a s g
nude, fast colors, regularly sold for 121 and 14 cents, all for the one price --.9 cts. We
bave still a few of those best 1210 Shirtings fast colors for 8 cis. Drees Goods sales
have been immense ; priceF range from 3o. Baer yard up to 75c.. for the finest and richest
7 t
, ,
might dra til and see our Youp o . Mens Braces a. zo cents. .Pres. 5a, Rubber Coats $r.so, Ladles Cir-
culars worth $2 for go cents, qo cent Ladies' Ties for 23c; all Linen Tabling 16c., and the extra heavy 6o c
goods for 45c., and 40 cent Linen Towels for 23C per pair.
We have only time to think of a fele of our bargains. As little or as much as you may require of any.
line of goods we shall be pleased to see you and show you price
.\I ��eeT
The fishing season has fully opened tip
and the Isaac waltins are numerous along Assessment it ,steam-
the river banks just now.
There is a good prize offered for best 1
trade outfit, to take partintho 24th May
celebration in Exeter. .Aro you cin to
compete ?
Mr. Thos. Snell, who has been working By placing your Life Insurance in the
on the railroad for the past year lima been I
transferred toExDelves to talcs theor p'aoa of Covenant Mutual Benefit Asso-
l�Ir. Robert Delve, section laborer, who is
very ill.
From the ehureh list just published by clatlon, of Galesburg, Ill. ll,
a firm in Milwaukee it appears that there
are no leas than 24 clergymen formerly of
the Viscose of Huron nowlabming in the E10N, ak, W, BFRGG}REN, W. R. SMOLLINC� BP;
United States. President.
Mr. w, A. Dent, who is at present Secretary.
teaching school at Wiarton, but who form-
erly taught in Usborne, has been appoint- Under the supervision of the Insurance Department of the State of
ed to the geological survey staff of the Illinois, Seventeen years' continuous prosperity attest its
Dominion Government, popularity, and its record is absolutely unassailable.
In the 33rd "Huron" Battalion of In,
Pantry, O, - No- 4 Company, Soaforth,
Lieutenant Alexander Wilson has beers. New Insurance 1892 (written) $28,859,250.
appointed Captain 'vice John Sidney
Roberts, who is permitted to retire retain Gain over 1891 ; 13,170,875,
linr;g rank. Or nearly 100 per cent,
M•Nichol Shirray, a respected. rsaid;
ent of the township of Hay, died on Sun-
day last at the ape of 66 years, 6 mos.
He had been in excellent health, but re. RECORD OF FINANCIAL STANDING:
calving a stroke of paralysis on Saturday
expired next day.; Y• ECONOMY 11Sembership exceeds � 42,400
In reading over the report of the election Insurance at risk exceeds ... 100,000,000
of officers of the Exeter Cricket Club in Paid to Policy Holders exceeds 7,000,000
the London Free Press we find that IS Assets exceed ,.. 1,000,000
there are a number of new citisens in town Surplus over Liabilities exceeds ... 850,000
or many have changed their names, WEALTH. Bi-hiontbly Income exceeds ... 250,400
The club should purchase a type write;, Government deposit exceeds ... 53,ow
for the corresponding seerc,tary, C, B.
The World's best -Unique, Modern, Scientific.
For rates And other information apply to
L. D. VINCENT, District General Agent, 9keter.
0 U Rib,
-- �-- 1`1
19".0 P` All 6 L M XZ 5 &or
T 1
is a
This is a lire in which we
can suit the moststoc ioli"s,
We purchased our stack at a
1S C O �1� 1=�
big bargain direct from the
manufacturers in Gieat,'Brit-
ain. We are selling a $1.50
Just to hand a choice lot of
Parasol for $1.15, and all
other lines in proportion. If
MAA.DY-M A,l7'.E1U C LOTHE1.TG'r in
you require a Parasol, see
en's ands. Boys' at prices that
our Stock.
will sell theme.
A Big Snap
in Gloves.
Made-to-orderSuits a specialtyWe
of ours' a guarantee first -
will sell the celebrated
Pauline, 4 -donne, Fastener
Class style a7'[l,d good workman -
Kid Glove, regular price $1,
ship. our Tweed. Department
for 75c.,commencing on Sat-
was gle�7�r better
next. Ladies' Black
Lace Mitts 20c. upwards ;
Silk Gloves at all prices.
Dress Goods !
have no equal
Our Delaynes are having a
big runjust now, We have
them from 25c, upwards, all
beautiful goods. Black. Lace
Flouncing's and Fish Nets
A farmer living not far .from Bra ndon
0. 0. RIe8Anns & Co -
will be In great demand this
saw a recipe advertised for keeping wells
and cisterns from freezing. Flaying smut
Gentlemen, -The top of my ghead .war
bald for several years, I used MItgARDIs
season, and we show these
in his dollar bill he received the following:
--Take in your well or cistern at night and
LINIMENT,and now have as good a growth
of hair as I ever bad..
Goods in all the latest de-
stand it in front of the stove. -Brandon
MRs, Albert MoKAY:
signs. You Should See our
F16ilncing at $1.15, its great
The Ontario Governinant has introduced
bill the
wheately River, P, E. I-
I have used MINARD'S
a which will entirely prohibit
sale of liquor in s district about as large
freely on my bead and now haven good bead ,
an, South Middlesex-tlie proposed Provia-
sial Park -but -voted down a bill to prohib-
of�hair after; having ;been bald for several
years. It is the ouly.bair restorer 1 have
it the retail trade in the rest of the Prov-
ever found.
bill has been introduced into the
( Mrs. 0. Anderson.
Stanley Bridge,
ielature by Mr.Rorke calling for the
prices are naaki1g
amendment of the Municipal Act to
provide for'tKe reduction of county coon.
things lively in this line
Mart by one third, The new act fixes
the representation at one for every 750,
and kindred diseases,,
y r
We are selling a Gents Blk
atloodyvessola resent it is one for every 500 on the
are to ooneoetion ..
of the b
W61Sted. Suit made to -Older
• -
and boiled for $15, whichfor
voters list.- Mr.Ii,orkeshould have gone
further and made it one representative
tation; resulti
If the food
acids. -',
you can et nowhere'else in
every one thousand ,names on the
voterslists.or fractional "part thereof. '
; does notoiroulato;ln.
flammation in timo.
must be the inevit
town for less than $18. Rb -able
-., oProrr Aa DAY_,
result, .Cheslur otive Absorbent is
meni.ber ' e can, save you 25'
Vii -mu
r+ ,;
per, �e1it, 0>� Clothing.
a of
,,.. , to physicians, the for 1, :
oire green •
Saolt a Emula>on being no seokat; but no
one Of the most liow^
h erful blood sttmut-
ants. Ttagm. . ,
urates the blood to
Q �
R, P i C k a rd & Son,
successful imitation has ever "been oHerod
to the public. Only gears of .`experience
the best.:
action; rostering the
` niroulation. T,li a%
tl g onesestabliaheddis•
and study can roduce
ease roust cease.;
minard's Liniment is the best. CAMs arrOrrtoit',