HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-11, Page 7��,_ I 1. �, - � , . , :� , , I ,,, :: -:-------.-7-- -� ,: . � I , � ,.� � � . ! �, 11 - I I 1� , � -1 ,- . I I � .11 .1 1: , , , �� , � " . � I . i ; � 1� . "' , , � , I . : I : � . ; , . - I ­ - I - , I .1 I—— - , �­ - - ­ T71n . ", �- . , �� � : . I I . � 1. . I � . : , , , � . I , I � , . � I ". I I . 1. � I I I I 11.1 -7- 1 1 1 : - .91 -, I , ,�,, , : . I - . I I I . 11 , , . I ", I - ", , , I �,y . . . . . . ,,, , t I ,�. � :�, ,. "'e, . I . I . I , I �, , ,�, �. I . � � � , � , ,, ,� I : I � : , I I . I , I I . . . , , . � � , � ,�, ,, , I � . I I l� I , . I � �: !�;,., 41 , I . �, I � � I 1� I I I � �, i ,� ,� � , : , . I I � . :, : . I .� , I i . . I , I � I I .. I I I I 1 I I I . I I 1. . � I .. 1, � � I � I I .1 I ,. . I :1 I - .� 4� . ,� , 1. I � - ", . , � I , - I 1. I ..� � �, . . I I I . I I I 1. . I I 1. , I I . I . . � - � � . . I � , . I � I ` ;'' � . ,i 11 � .. 41, 1 : . I , I I , , . I 1. I I I . I � . I . . � I . I � . I . I . . , � . � , .. � 11, � 1! , � I � I I I I I . 't�, �, , �, � . ., ,� ,,, I I � . . I . I I 11 . , I . I I . I . � I I I . . . . . I I � . I I I I � � I �� I I I'll -, ,:, � I 1, , I , � I I , t , I �, I , .1 � I . . ., . I . I � . I I 1. I I I I I I � ., I ". I . . . 1: .. ! � . � , I :1 . . I I , % I I I � . " � 11 I . � � I 1. � I I I I I , , . . . . �, . I ! � . I ; . I I . ! . I I I � I � , I I I i I . . I . . � t I .1 , : I I . I . I I : � � I I I . � I I I � � I I . I � . I � . I . . . I . I I I I � I � I I .1 . � I I I . 1 I I I . . I . I .. . .. - I 1. I , . I , 11 I., I . I I � � 1 . . . . I � I . I , I I I � . I I . I 11 I I I I I I � . I � � I � I I I I . . I I I � . � I I I I I ___ � I � I I I I I I I I . 1. . I — � — - ­ - --- I I I I � . � I I . . I --- —_ . , , I I I I I 1�� SPZ ovkt � TO I . I 11 I I � I I - ____ -01--*-� ­ YAL'11AW*.V M!!-"- _____ --- !� �!!!! -_ I . . . . � , The chief remedies the t have been used I " I APPOINTMEXT ! HIM MAITESTY ]KIFIALTH, I I i 1 , . so" mumns M W.Hru Q . uElax . I I . � , to combat malaria are quinine; arsenic, OF COLUMS. I 1. I I � — � _". _. � I �. I � .1 . euca,l"Whs,salievlates, the fruitof ihe lemon, . I — � OU I . , . � . I 11 I f the 11aby, � I ,, THE GREAT SO TH ARIERICAN I . I N.. I . . Oare o I etc, Tile good'offects of quinine are, of � I . On Vse, un(I ties tionable. Its anti-malariolio in- AttOull)b to MeIll Them From the 0onvent . I .� ­ , A healthy infant will take water every fluence is, according, to Prof, To I I � I � . I I I . y hour and be the better for it. The les,,A Crudeli, rapid but fugitive. Q ' i Tinael- La, Mabidv,� - I I I I I rocking, tossing, Patting, combing . uinine is., tin, — . - I 1 $ coaxing fortunately,, rather expeusive� and tends,, . I 11 111. If you I Wh I I teasing, a,nd kissing An infarit is obliged to ft., A time, to disturb tile digestive organs The via$% contailling Thein 11rioltert and . I. I ! I .1� . endure, the better his health and good na. a . the A-41108 Alastracted, by an viaunown .. � . IlBeayso SUNLIGHT tum.-Seethathe at � and the neryous oystem., Arsenic the writer Thier-Reecivered by a inugky Jalkitor. I . at .1 �w SO-A,P is pQrfootly pure Hops in, a coot romm, regards as, � a remedy of the very highest, I . . , I and couttans ut� !pjurl,' with inouth shut and head une . A Chicago despatch says: -An - 11 M I dvored, If value, especially as a prophylactic. He fill atte .,,Pt to at 1111succeas. . . : OUR chemicals to injuxo You wish to rest, at night think -bow 114S instituted extensi . I 11 wish , either your clothes or r- eal Christopher Coln bus' your bands, . Grestoot You would swelter bob ive experiments among ashes was made the other evening. in The ..... A .MN==WMZ==7_== , . : I . �, � ween two giants, and the properties of. the -land-owners. ,of .4:�Lwn care Is exercised in Its do not pub the baby to bed with grow glass containing them was broken, and . Manalaoture, and its n Tuscany, Rome, Puglia and Sicilyj and � . . qualityissov, reciated people. Have all garments looee enough for =9 the priceless remains lifted froin their iest. 4*d 8 0 ld�kfi I .1 Uat it has comfort at throat, arms, waist, an . I ern'rai workers on, the Roman and 1119 -place by an unknown thief whose pros, , d wrists, ,� . # Sale of any and be sure to have the shoes and stooking-9 Dr. Ricohi, the chief 'medical officer of the, Rabid& at Jackso the sacred Convent LA "r U I I I ways, experimented in the year V ,v,v re I . I I . I soap in tile World. large enough. A child should not be giveu southerairail u park. The ashes were r iv ,P& ,w,% ff ', %A � MI -Ir. I the Laiges Iways, with encouraging results. once desecrated bwmacho' V � � me"', Until Ile is two year, old, Do not try 1883 upon selrefity-eigh b persons in the dis- carried from the dark Corner to the light of . . Linell to to teach 96 Child t stand, He wilt stand by trict of Bov! . 06 window And carefully examined that � no I Iscovery of. . I 11 0 . no, where malaria is very viru- The. Most Astonishing Medical 1) ' . ., . I I 01 H ow himself when his body and bones Are In la4t. He divided them into two categories, mistake might be made. But the delay for I I . I I , � . . . ... . . . I condition. Use no starch on his clothing, one of which only was subjected to the pro- examination proved disastrous to the pur- the Last One Hundred Years. - ­ , Can you test this? rt and keep his bibs ciry. Rose of the vandal and saxed to the Exposi. It to Pleasant to the Taste as the ,sweetest Nectar,. . .1 � be White You -mays never tried . . L vqntive system by means of arsenic. The Dion And posterity all that is lett of the ItL IS Safe and Harmless as the Parest l9ilk-. . . . SUNUGHT SOAP, Ask -_ I resulb waii that the greab majority of .those L I I 1�i those who use it What who took no Arsenic (we Are not told the mortal romains of the great explorer and This wonderful Wervine, Tonle has only recently been introducca 11 - . 4. they tbjjll( of it, then try Rurried lHiniers. . benefactor,. The ashes were confined in a '.. . . I Itfory,ourself., The re- It is a mistake to ea b - quickly. precise number) had violent attacks of fever L Y. . as ,Snow,, sult will lame you, and I Mastic&. while of those subjected to the arsenical glass urn three by three inches in size and into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great 1, I �_. - tion performed fit haste must be imperfect treatmen ve inches in length, bound ab South American Nervine Ton . , . I . �,� ?I , oub the 10, and yet.its great value as a Curative , L Y a a. r 0 othes will be t thi rty-six escaped eati rely, white corne I I , 4 Wasbed in far less time, even with the best of teeth, and due admix- the remaining three had unly slight attacks, ,,,i,h�s and angles with bands of pure gold. agrent has long beau known by 0. few of the most lea led physiciall9v . I � ., . - _k with L a Labour : 6 Greater Isomfork, and ture, of the salivary s6cretion with the food Other experiments werenot less satisfactor who, have not brought its merits and value to the krunowledge or the . will be whiter than they I me. When a crude mass of and soills, cases of failure were attributed io roll of p4rchment; inscribed in Spanish I cannot take p1 y, ux and covering the ashes Is a ii I hiLve ever been beforeo inadequately crushed muscular fibre, or un- the arsenic having been administered in a " Chrispherio Colombo." The urn itself general public. . I I 11 � 611ght when you used o S soa�li. rabiarl' divided solid material� of any depeription, non -assimilable form. Prof, Tommasi- Yo3ts upon the dust-stallied board box This medicine has completely Solved the problem of the cure,of indi- I I - is thrown into tile stomach, it acts asa me- Crudeli had no faith at all in the alleged in which it has been kept at the gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system., It is I . � chavical irritant, and setsupindigestioll. anti -malarious influence of the oalicylates, J Cathedral Santa Domingo at the Fair alSO Of tile greatest value in the cure of all forms. of failing health 1­�m . � I's When the practice of eating quickly, and, and Attaches hardly any re , Etter value to ,yrounds and within another glass case, dia. whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qumlitie3 I filling the stomach wil,h iprep%red food is, tho use of eucalyptus. As also disputes gmond shaped, three feet in length aud � -ve whole stands fres h �t habitual, the digestive orgau ik rendered In. the alleged beneficial results said to he twelve inches in height. The Whi0h it POSSesses, and, by Its great curative, powers upon the (11 , , ti ­a o!%pable f performing its proper functions. Attended the planting of eucalyptus trees upon a, pedestal in the southeild of r6om K, organs, thO Stomach, the liver and the bowels, No remedy colnupares I � , S09 T ,a Blither 860nillch larger quantiby of food than, in malarious regions. He thinirs muohmore in the woet, end ofthe Convent. Thousands WRIl. this wonderfully Valuable Nervine Torae as a builtler and stgength- , . � I nottlia best way to4e- would banecoaaary under natural conditions highly of 0, popular ramody, widely employ. who have been permitted to enter the con- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a I . cid.tbamAtter? First is required, or the system suffers, --from, lack ed in many parts of Italy, Greece, Arabia, vent And see the priceless receptacle have I Will do by enquiring iivbat the of nourishmetit, The matter may seem a, tile West Indies, at, . wished for even An atom of the dust. broken-down constitution. It IS also of more real permanent value in I � I , preparations Dark - experience is of those small one, but it is not so, Just as a man of the lemon tree, 011-y"', had already begun to fail on, the white the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consum I already u a it. Tile mealt active. prep. "' ption I b .a � 107.11�11.ndlyi 4 fair trial may go on for Years witlidefective teeth, oration, is said to be a decoction of the city last evening, and nearly all the visitors remedy ever used on this continent. It is a-luarvelous cure for ilerv- 11 . , it. yourself oil are not , ectly mastivating his food, -and won. whole lemon frait, And remaricable results lied left the giounds. The convent was OUSness of females of all ages. Ladles who are approachinty the CrIt'-­ . '� , . 6d in any W47 1111, ati I � to use 10 so ; all we stion, so man in ay hatilta ally live under,anitifflo. remedy. ' comralt 41,p,11.11�1 why Ile suffers from iudige are claimed tor this cheap and simpl 11 open, however, but the three guards perlod known as chan,ge in Iwo, should not fail to, use this Wl�eat.N�174 I IIA� . all Is 1 o 't slay try a , 0 who remained on 4 u by to -watch the costly ' t the 0 1 bing hay. tion of hurried dinner,,, and endure tile qon� The net result of Prof. Tormitasi.Crudeli's tre"Ill'O, 04NY to one enter the place. It ,rbule, alMOSt constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will : . � I I . sequout loss of health, without knowing w. hy experience would seem to be that hygienic was believed no one was, in the convent with Carry them safely over ihe danger. This great strona,theuer and curA- i � 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 he is liot well, or how easily tile cause of and diatetio measures are of the greatest the exception of Janitor Dunne. The jant- tiVe'is of inestir6ble value to 1he aged and inrlrm because its great C, life illness might be remedied, Importance fix dealing with mal tor was in, his roorr, having completed his energizing properties will give them a new hold on I' arsenic has a true prophylactic aria' that duties. Beiorerotiring he startecL to leave ife. It will add ten " influence, the building fora drink of water. or fifteen years to the lives of many . and that quinine and a decoction of lemons Upon of those who will use a I half dozen CENTR&L ROW to Improvise a Vapor Bath. are the most; valuable remedies during. the re�ch�ng tile corridor he heard a slight bottles of tile remedy each your. � Set a red hot brick on end in a can, small actual,attack.-CLondon. Lancet. 1`10130 In room K And went there to inveeti. "IT IS A GREAT REMMY FOR THE CURE OF' bath, or other suitable vessel ; place the . . . .......... Q__ Sate. When ho reached the open door of room K, he aaw a man, walking from ill" Nervousness, U r u em Store latter under a chair, On tile seat of which a A MET WITIE THE FOA0 HERB. ouluml . )us Broken ConstitutioU, F!P um to the window. Glancing X, 118 Prostration, Debility of Old A p, Piece Of flannel Is spread. Tile patient, at tile Pedestal, Damae saw that the orvo *AX-�O-.TS BLOOIC. undressed, sits on this flannel, and fie and spearing a Salmon. glass Quo was open and the urn Wervolis Headache, ludigeiiion and iTy�pepsin, the chair are well wrapped in blankets to All being ready, the old man steps aboard gone. Then, shiffing his ,eight to the Slok Headache, exclude the air; his head is to be uncover. with tile spear, And takes his Place In the mail at the window, he caught a glim. Female Weaknessj Ilearibum and Sour Stomach, ed. Open the blankets A little at the bot. bow. The torch in front Is lighted,,and war of the golden bend. As tbe unknown Weight and Tenderness in Stomac!i, .1 NEW09 tom, and carefully pour about a -pint of with a crackle like the trying of grease tile man thrasi the urn beneath his coat And Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, boiling water over the brick, and keep up flame leaps upward, and with its yelloNv toward his pocket, Janitor Dunne shouted 11aralysis, Fri,,,htful Dreams, the atearn by occasionally repeat glare lights UP tile bushes, Oic nearer tree, "Drop that," At the same instant the Nervous Paroxvsms ancl 3 Zzilless and Ringilln- in the Ears I ou The patient remains in the bath lullugtii�llri:'. trunks, and the surface of thewater. Quick- janitor leaped toward the relic despoiler. Nervous Chokiii.-, D! " lieved by perspiration. To make 6 vapor ly stop&ing in also, the stern man, with a Tile thief did riot dro_p the urn, but made,% Weakness of Extiz=ltles and __ bath in bed with hot wet bottles, fill about long po a in lieu of paddle, gives a push or rush for the door. Before he reached it Hot Flashes, Fainting, six oval shaped half -gallon stone bottles two, And the canoe glides out on the tairfaco Duane seized him, ;Ind together the two FUlpitati011 Of the Ireart Impare and Ilnpriv� isheLl D100ti, 'wr ith boiling water, cork well, and fold ofthopool. Butitistiloquick done,for men rolled upon the floor. The urn was Mental Despondency, Boils and (,'arbuacles, fall stock of all kiDds of o2ch in, hot wet flannel. Lay over the bed the pool, shallow there, is lig ited tolthe dropped during the struggle. The men $1ecillessness, Scrofula, .!TI I age a waterproof shcob and a blauket; lace very bottom as with tile light of day, and fought desperately for the mastery for sev- Dyes, constantly 0 0 the patient on these, cover him with a thm. several huge black objects move away into eral minutes, ,but finally the thief, loosened St. Vitus' Dance, Scrofulous Swellings au(I 1, , hand, n ket, and distribute the hot bottles about the deep and somber places. With it splash from the janitor's rip,, kiard to We feet Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lung,; . , jeers, Win wa's him -one to each side, to the calf oi each ,the spear is quickly thrust down into the and boundea out oft,m Car But lie loft NerVolisliesa of Old Agre� Catarrh of the Luntr.4 leg, and to the sole of each foot. Wr p up water after a departing shadow, but, it is the little box of sacred ashes behind. Neuralgia, .1 Condition, and tual; in a Bronchitis and Qhr(�")Zllc Cough I well with extra blankets, to re- too late. Then the canoe is cautiously driv- Dunne followed as quickly as be Could re- 1"aills in the 11cart, 1:1, .1 POW& I tain the heat. For tile spirit lamp bath, en toward the deeper place at the head of. cover himself, shouting to the guards be. p-,Iius in tile Back, Liver Complaint, 1.14. . place a damp towel over theseat and be. tile pool, and as it nears the other end, one, low to stop the fugitive, but the wind and Chronic Diarrhma, . . . erb, fore the front of a cane bottom chair, under two, six, tell, twenty great obaduwy forms 'I the rou Of T,ako INI lchigan's angry waves Failing Health, Delicate awl Scrortilous Chlhlren, �the best which a spirit lamp is lighted, and over the dart, one after the other, toward the foot of deafened his shouts. The man because Summer Complaint of Infantg. lamp a tin vesaal. with boiling water in it the pool, put them, lost intho corridors, and when Duane fin- All. these and many other complaints curaLl by this Mnderful . In' the mark- The patient, enveloped (except the lisa-d') Down goes tile spear, not with a splas , ally reached Ouards, Raisch and Reach to et &nd always in four or more blankets, sits on the chair but with a steady thrust. It strikes t notifY them of the attfampted robbery and Wervine 'Tonic. resh. Family recip. u I ritil free perspiration ocura. , . bottom, but. the fish is already several fe struggle the thief had made ilia eacape. __ away, anid it is drawn back empty. Sever I -'% V Mi _" A Au Q9 JN —, TXER"V;r0_w'rS w-&WS""J AKES * I times this lu.ppens. Has the old man lost As a cure for ever) S Meftffly PrOpared at Mala -da - Its .Prevention aaa Cure. his former skill? Soon heauspects that the Trom Bad to Vorse. I ,r clagsorXervous Disea.9e..4, no 1*011161V Ila$ been able to compare with'the Nervine Tonic, which is verr pliasant and tral Drug Store Exebe Prof. Tommaa[40radsli points out that new Pole, like P, bright streak moving to- She -I would like to call you by your harmless in all its effects upon the youngest Child or the'oltlest and Most 1, , the traditional precautionary measures lo ward themi frightens them, Christian name, love, but Tom is so hateful , � IL-rVEI a mv& adopted in inalarlous countries have b ng A now supply of bark is needed, so they andoommon, you know. Havea't Yousom. delicate individual. Wine -tenths of all the ailments towhiell tile human C a QJ A; -,&m two ends in view -viz., to reduce as much retura tothe camp. The spear is holdover petname? family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and imp;,: -il diges- .. - __ as possible the quantity of the malaria for. the fire until it is blackened trom, end to He -N -no, I-or-hAven7t. ti':;. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve footj in ill . 1, a ment; which enters in t; the system through end and is no longer conspicuous. So coll- Silo -Are you always known. as Tom 0 b rporat6d 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000 the air breathed, and to prevent a length- fident is the old butiter of getting a fish, among your friends ? .general State of debility of the brain, SlAnal Marrow, anti Zerves is the ened abode of the same in tile system. The that he makes ready to eat him at once. He (brightening up) -No, the boys call result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, Nyolne s,ti,ollg when the . firab Point issought to bea011ie'ved by avold. He pokes up the fire, throws on some fresh me I I Shorty V' riallb kind of food is supplied; and a thousaml we,tElcuesses and allments, 0 0 4M% Ing agricultural operations during those wood, and sets S kettle of water to boil. � - disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous sys&�m inust 811, ply I XA E %J hours at which the malarious influence is lie pool# some potatoes, which he has Life is aborb and we have never too much ) al, , - time for gladdening the bearts of those -who first to sufferforwant of perfect nutrition. 0r;linaryf0,-dd0V8n0t,CoZX- ­ , most potent, viz., aboub sunrise and sunset; brought along (perhaps for the very pur the power by which the Vital forces of the body t�i-o carrietl on, it is the k hence, accordin%to the writer, is really ex. PON), and puts them into tile water, . are travelling the dark journey with U,*. ') . . - plained the muo misunderstood dictum of Meanwhile the aalmon have recovered, Oh, be swift to love; make haste to be ,,, of the kind of nutriment nec�cssary to repair — . � tile ancient Sybarites: ,,If you wish to doubtless, from their first scare. So, ,with hind. . tain a sufficient quitatit, , UG. . 71 the wear our present MC�le of living and labor imposes Upon the n(,rves. - CP I I -OW live long and well do mob ever see the rising a fresh supply of torches, they stmrb A few days ago a eat bolongiriv to If For this reason it beco es necessary that a nerve food be slipidied. . I — or the setting sun." Another point of the again, -this time with more deliberation, � r. in � , greatest importance is to avoid breathing for the long black pirogue has nob entered Date I of the Alma Inn, Castleford, lied a This South American Alervine has been found by analysis to contain. the J the Air in close contact with the Soil, a, it the length of itself upon the pool, before litter of kittens, one of which was found to essential elements out of which nerve tissue is fbrmc�d. This accounts I can be shown that the malarious poison down goes the spear. Hand over hand it i Possess Hight lega, two tails, one bead and for its universal adaptability to the care of all forms of nervous de - ?*a% .1. .." rises only a short distance in a vertical di. pushed, And, it seems, will never stop. It three ears� This strange creature bas ex- fLN I ranoement. C (i I rection. Thus in the Pontine Marshes, an reaches the sandy bottom and $ticks there. cited much curiosity in the neighborhood. 0 CM!AW,-01AZ9T7L=, I%D., Alig.!% ISO. 1-i 1 C BEL, intensely malarious region, platforms' four It sways as if something is tugging at the To the Great Soid& -4 rzierican .11'rcricine Co.: Itr.13COM. WIL-Naox. of 33rowaRralloy. Tttd.. or five metres high are erected, upon which end of it. Titan, as he -.vould lift a load of DVAU OnNTS *-I desire to may to you that I ! 04YO - -I had bNla In a distresse,l condatin tor I ND APPLIANCE 00* have suffered for many years with a very serious throayears from Nervowizess, weukao,s wq gg% . the people sleep in the open air with com. hay on a pitchfork, the old man gradually .0 . um n dif,,.,,,,,fth,.toinachii�dner,ren. ItrIedevery Stomach. Dyspepsia, and indigestion, uu,jl r.1 - I a impunity. a Greece, the jungles raises the end of the spear. Out, comes a niedleine I could bear of, but nothing done me health was gone. I had been doctor7-.L, ee � . NO ST. W., TORONT09 ONT, poar-htela-st Indies, and Central and South black nose, then there is a flapping and any appreciable good until I ,vi -as advised to stAntly,wIth no ",lef. ,, . _. I A wr r i 43 in d try your Great South American Nervino Tonle I bought *no 1. 2,,,. - * 0- PA%TnlL';ON, Mgr, for Canada. America, similar devices have been ado ted splashing of fins and powerful tail, and the and Stomach and Liver Cure- and since using South American Xervine, whIch done v­� r_ - - with beneficial results. Another moZ of first salmon, is caught. Quickly the old man Wishes to speak tb rough the Re,aisler of Heyorat bottles of it I must say, that I am sur- good than any s5o worth of dootorla, I ( *. - r1eity, as aPP11'ed by the eluding the malaria-ladell air in close con- draws the fish to the side of the canoe, lifts the beneficial results he has received Its wonderful powers to cure the stoin * He general wrvous system. if overyon woak!.­!�'- . dwellings in an oil ,a .-f tact with the ground is to construct the ib on board, caught and held firmly by the from a regular use of Aler's Pills. i,nowthevalueoftiilsremed,.-nsicloyouw id 'Son to use this valuable andlovely rer­0 .., Ovven Elecitirle l3elt, u . , PZUIR71�,adt .-IdEdlumYlife. I would advise every ' z it le 'I eatest boon offered 011 & way that .'when the door stout iaw3- It is released, aud lies upon says: "I ;�as feeling sic], and tired and not be able to suppiy the deii�and. I Teir bottles of It has cured me, rompletoly. .1 I in hn aulty. ft Is fast taking the is shut the internal atmosphere is renewed the bottom of the canoe -only a four -pound. my stornach seemed all out oforder. I .T. A. IfAnn=. Ex-Tr=4. Montgomery Co. I comaiderit the grandort medicine in th, world.." dr 411 nervous and rheumatto only by the strata of the local atmosphere er. Only a four -pounder, the smallest, one tried a number of remedies, but none -. 1, I Cure$ in seemingly saemed to give me relief until I was , _, I w 11 a which are near the roofs of the houses. This of the whole crowd, when plenty of them C IV 0 other4nownineans . "t 1 is:managed in some localities by a looked as big as stove -pipes I And th induced to try the old reliable Ayer's A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANGE OR CHUM d. 1i n r I sremedY o arrang- r�a,,Udyb�jlltks ere 0 in tau that Is d Ing that the only opening in the outer war,$ wai one, much bigger than any of the rest, Pills. I have taken only one box, but I CxtA.wF0nDSVII,LV., IND., June 2:21, 1887. POSITIVELY CURES is the door, and sit the windows open on an whirili'looked fullyfour feet.1011g. Some- feel like. a new man. I think- they are My daughter, eleven years old, was Severelt affileted with St. Vitus) Danco inner yard at a higher level than the ground times,when. those big fellows do act caught the most pleasant and easy to take of or Chorea. � . W, We gave hir three and one-half Ottles of South American 2�er­ , Ism Sexual Weakness, floor of the house. It is advh-able the spearman lets go entirely, and ien the anything I ever used, being so finely vine and she 18 completely restored. I believe it -will cure everyease of St. 0 Is so to IvVoyallltr, . I Flien'X11olttleenutor"Pla"'t's keep the windows of tile houses CIO"' fish is exhausted with the violence of its a .1 0, -1 no Iseases, the'morning and during the early hours of efforts ib may be easily drawn in. It would then'. I , upon all who are . �K Bed in sugar-coat d that even a child will take Vitus' Dance. I have kept it in my family for tvro years, and am sure it is DIV, '­;sf .Orriplaint, I the evening, especially if any exclys,tions be liar, rg7e the greatest reinedy in the world for Ind! cation and Dyspepsia, and for aH 911L Laille ac . d to say which is more excited over forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing 1 ealth, from whatever cause. U.0 j.,...,g. should be go' 1 10010, nary Ing on in the neighborhood. the capture -the stranger who never saw __M . . . Care.should be exercised regarding the at. such a thina done before, or the old man, to In Ne(au . State of Indiana, Jbim T. 21isia; . RHEUMATISM fecta of placing vases of flowers in occupied whom all the taithusiasni of I i I Mont f I 88., I . its younger . jqomery CountS, . . ell known fact that medical science rooms ;either those .should be entirely ex. .days seems to have returned. . of a laxative to try Ayees Pills.',- Subscribed and sworn to before me this .Tune 2.0, 1887. I 3 ly failed to aff0rd relief in rheumatic eluded froin the houses when malaria is . . -_ - I — Boothbay (Me.) Register. I . 0 venturethe assartlouthat although rife or the utmost �tigllance should be taken CR"- W. WRIGUT, Notary Fabire. � by has only been in Use as a remedial to secure thorough ventilation. . . A Strange Panther Story. " Between the ages offiveand fifteen, . . a few years, It b as cured more cases I was troubledwith a Idnd ofsalt . Matism than Th above A very strange incident is reported by -rheurn,. I N 1) I G E "' 03 T I ve" N A IN D' 3-3 "73, SIP'T P S JA . Hil measures all aim at prevent. the Times of India from the Godra distric b or eruption, chiefly confined to the legs, ..., . olue of our leading ?b Ystolans, reco - Ing tile reception of the malarioui. poison in. the Pa,uch Mahala. , 1. S Tact, are availing hemselves of tlit ' andes ally 16 the bend of the knee The Great. South American Nervine Tonic , - 6ausing much injury to a eat, of nature's forces, into the system or of reducing the amoun b for some time been A large panther lied bove T.i calE Here, running sores Which we now offer YOU, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever . . . I received. formed which would scab over, but . discovered. for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepk�ia, and the vast train of, . Other measures are directed to the cattle of the district, and the superin- -would break immediately on n1oving the 0 MESTORE MANHOOD preventing the germs, already absorbed, tendent of the police, Mr. J. V. Cooke, :, ands of people stiffer from a ,variety of from remaining in the human body for any leg. My mother tried every -t Symptoms and horrors which are the' . dfss�ses, such as Seminal Weakness, I th of time. Thes I .hing she . result Of disease .and debility of ; � a mea'sur went oub in pursuit, He succeeded in get- could think of, but all was without avail the human. stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of inoal- moy, ei, according ting a shot at the animal, and b - " I � I 11 tored b abo I I r's I b fall to cure over, the bullet going right through the ' ut ilia beneficial effects of Aye perience and testimony of many go to,prove that this is the o.WE and a fild modes of treatment Iellf ost Manhopd,�Weftk Back, etc., t. rof. Tommasi-Crudeli, ' all resolve them. owled "'in Although a child, I read ia the papers culable valus 'who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ie�x- is it loss of nerve force or ower that selves into expedients for maintaining in panther's heart without, touching the bone. ' 1. �y medical trealment, and An active.,,And regular condition the circula- Pills, and persuaded my mother to let ONLY ONE g � - io, would try to accomplish this ; The"panther fell into a hole or danii within reat care in the world for this universal destroyer, There y kind of drugs IS. ractising a dangerous tion of the blood. Everything that tends which, unsuspected by the arty, a female me try them. With no great faith'in . otcharlittaullem. froperlytreated to keep the secretions healthy and active ill, result, she procured � is no CaSG of uninalignant disease of ',-he stomach which. can resist the . . ; . ''. promotes the eliminaticiii of tile malmrious pantherlay ensconced. TIC bullet, after I . wonderful Z� . I ESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Voison. and reduces the prob%bilitv of I it s lug Lhrough the body -of the male an- I I , curative powers of the South.American Nervine Tonic, . I I I I . P11 81 3TAnniET E. IT -L, of Waynetown; im., a � I ther, struck tile second animal in tile Fore- . - I'lolty, ag ap�ljed bT, the Owen Electric, eflo.Aing destructive changes in tlie body� head and entered the brain, killina lie I A% " I 0" my MO to tile Great South Aniaralc`tts� . INIRB' EL'LA A; BRATTON, of Now Ross, Indiana. : . . � � I find SUSPellsorY, W1 I moA assuredly do . The principal indications are to mahitain 1 . .r at Aye ffma'o Pi I I a Nervine. I had been In bed for five months froul. 11 cannot express boAT much I owe tothe � � I I It Is the only known �emedial ,it once, The whole -episode o4 the pro I tile effects Of an Oxhallsted Stomach, Indigestion, Mysystomwascomplotoysh t� I atit that constitutional vi or by, good nourishment, an . ximity I Xarvino Tonlc� I I -supply what 19 lacking, namefy', nerve and to avoid all Istin-b d accidental death of the secona panth er . Nervous Prostration, and a ge'noral shattered t6red, appetite gone. was coughing and spjtta� I ature. , am niir,� I was in the jint st I I � . oreq,or power, im Art tone and vigor to the, f I . ande of' the S' I condition of my Whole OYSteui. Had given up up blood, ing . . I . I ans and Arouse to healthy action tha, whole ' rom variation of ieiriper �ystcnl was unknown to 1h I =1 an& it and I began to use thorn, and soon I all hopes of,gotting Wall. Red tried tbroe doe- of consumption, an inberl ages . � . , I el,vous sYstem. . � Hence ,was not till the no a "hoo"na he body noticed an in'Provement. E ncovi-aged . tors.1y1thnofalief. Thof1rstbottJcof1;liex(-rT- I - - . I warmolothing, evenin th so orning through several go tanco handed down �1 I � � I . ­ . .a bot ago", 'a of the female pant _t r Was to" Ine TonlolmproTed lne8o neflations- I begau taking I . , . I h e adin the den by this, I kept on till I took: two box- Much that Iwas ableto . the Nervine Tonie, and , . indispensable, es, . , walk about, and a few bottles cured Ind entirely. about six rno ths, I . � . . I with a bullet ini,the brain. It.w%a a most when the sores disappom a . I agarding the above pre, providential accident, as the panther, whose n vertroubled "n not r6cotumend It too h) and0st remLdy for nerves, stomach and .'' , 1, ', BEWARE OF IMIT -ed arid have I believe it 19 the beqt medleine in the world. I Is tbeyb ""', contiou a -a'3e 'or I . TIONS The difficulties 1`1 ani .nt1%,iyTicurod. It I 11 ,rid the worthless, cheap, s6 -called 'Electric I e niesinC6."-H. Chipman, ighly,', I lungs ._,a ever eieou�" . � I I ad ve I ntive measures are the tirr �expense, presence was unknown and� unsu8pecte , Real Estate Agent, Roarloh:L-, Va. I I I , &lts,adve ' .a, I I � . I � I ,rtised by some coneevils and peddl in as f-reot I raiub and inconvenlen'ce involved, would in all probability have charga tj�a I w I No ramedy.comparel w1th 80ITTIT ANMRICAN NF&VINE as a cure for the'NOryes, No rouiody coln� � . I . � I . I irougli tbe country. They are electric, I � pares wlth� So t1th America,, Nervino as a wondrous cure for the slomath. No relnecl�'Villl at all I � I I I � me only, worthless as a curative po I in carrying thein out. Acclimatizat . " I suffered for years from stoltia � va cOmP4170 with South American .Kervine tie a cure for all forms of fafflng heattli. It ne"I. faija to I . . � - I I I � - .ce. "This I . I I � Pains In V tile 3-011119, and the mid, I . I . actrlo Belt'sylieve the current Is under cola e body. None tuw bance, Its po�,ors ta . . . - I wer and Ion Comes while taking away the male panther and kidney troubles, causingvisirysevere cure Indigestion and M."pepsta, It never in rea or --'.-r I to our aid; not, however, acclimatization of 'Party I � " I , ar at any price. ., I Wh 6 s� a u X M t cu 5 $`b. v o 0 Cho � of the patient as dow , power of constitutional resistance has been -_ "_T`__X&1113"_1&`M_ of the reinedies 1 tried afforded me any M the old' u.qe thIs precious boon; I I , u g eat on a a 1111 m D I t � n "8 to "Ir m r le a e' � I plejol� as this. Men of genius are often'dull and inert in relief until I. began taking Ayer's Pills, & t Ma; I di t in 0 1 1 1 � 11 a on 111 w h sto �uegeictttoealth. Soil th Ainericaa I I `7 i. " Ole "; e wo clerf I in ti - 0 n d. Irl d , .1 which, had been allot. , � . . . � � � �p 11 0 C11911031190 the World to show an the individual, but of the rit arious parts ofth idlel �d . � god � , Dur Trado Mark p thi) portiait of Dr., -6 be heredit, r , . � D ob I � . I nnbo,Sged [a gold proved t a V and the repeated society; as the bl meteor, w azi ib as. Y a � an � V �q h as It re 0l1c&1L?144JjPg , do not fall. to Ilse thic , * . . 1:� I u a I is a r to tile I I g fy do, on -Y eg, et th v re ed Y hire w every Belt and selections, c%used by maltil-is, "­Wn�. Goddardi Notary I _: a I ry 0 P lips aud In your cheeks, I . I 1, � . � , 41pos manutactured 1pons. a4in, �h , and was cured, $ w 6 te. u upoll yo,jr 0 Y e 1 1 a a is f d � erf q , e , Is � t to t at , fu a& i W M ectl r p n andbea ty I cure �bee i ill put t e bl om I freshness . seends to earth, is a Ntone, � Public d t c dl. � He t yo1jr di ties d )To e6 I . I I , generation, h ave conduced to the eventual I I only . ,.Five Lakes, )Mich. I I q Me away sabill an Akn .seg. I . % � I I � �,seud for � Catalflg"7M,ed (Sealed) Free. increase of the resisting p6wers of the racer Kind words are the golden. rivets which Frc�ared b -ell, M A9%t",% L I I �. ' I ' I ... � 11 ' help to hold together the splintered S . : I F OPIEff ELECT�10 BELT 00,, .1 and thab to such a degree as to enable it to vaie of . 0Y all Daiggists Everyivhare, aRs Larg6 16 ounce Bottlev $11MUUM . � I - 11 Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lois 4b I , � 49 Kino St. W. , , Tairinta. ,. ound powerful colonies in unhealthy sites, human happines,i. . I o I I - I I . I I . . ... ti..)n thinnavol-r, I I I I such as in Italy were,those of Selintinte, I - Me a EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. ' 1, I I L I I Ever'y Dose ER-entiv L . I .1 ., I I .1. 1. I I � Agrigenti . ini, Sibaris, Pwstum, I and Rome." Children Cry for­Pitcherls Castorial � I 1. �. I �. ot e, I . ' I j I I I .11 . *1 I I . I � " V M ME NERVINE TONIC L I J ffect reevery atu a rreat 11 .. . . I 1. I I I I 11 .1 i:, I I L . . � . I I 1. LUTZ 'Sole WholesMe and Retai.1 Agent for Excl,rr. . I L I 1. r I , � I L I I I I I . L . . I I .11, 11�:.. I 'L L . .. L L I . . I . . . '. I . I � I ��, . I I I I L I I I I � I I , . 1 ,. L 11 I I . I r I I , I I I L L . I L I 11 I I I L I I I . I I "I . � , 1. L I ,L I � I L L. r � I , .r L .L I I I . I I L I I I 11 I L I ' I ,. L I . I I I L r � I I I I . I I t I I I I I I I I . . I L i I � ,� 11 .. � I 1, ." I L � .1 I I I I I I I I , , I . 11 . I . � I � L I � L , I L I I I . I I I "'L I I 1, � I L L I I L I I , 1. IL . ., .It I . I . I I I L L I .- I I 11 I ,. I � I ! ri - . 1. , i I :' I - ' 'L : � I .1 . . : ,�, r. , � L. ... L , I' p I .1 L I . I ,� I I L� I . � L : , I .. I I I . . . I 11 I . 11 I I . . I � ,r , L''. I I I I 1, ,r L I � I I I L . ,. , � I , , , L L - . 11 � I L I . I � �,:­ �j ; , i . ­ . I � , . 11 � � I I L , I ', , L, I ­ I I � r LL ,� �"L L I __ � I . I L :L _,�'L . L 1. I I � T I I . L I . I I . � "�, L . 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I I �L, ­­ ' L .. . ­ � , � , � ,� L'-'� 2" ' ' "' � d"'�'�"' ' 'W, ,�___,,