HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-11, Page 6. ••• .ie".,
. ..
,lq �jl O�j q Q 4 f�. k irnatt was a son of ane of the soldiers' rIIe9p• $ �� a h�' ;"
�' — . lit 1 101 T,tiaary in a W11de aw to C� A ti suuh;ht Picture,
µ . engaged, and, though a boy ab the' time, ,
r� gives a lively Ass intorasteng account of the country « ,
�f - el account of the whole' affair• y Send 25 Sunlight Soap wrappers (the b
spat of Prince 1?ondoukow•Ror sok
and gIna uns, the hat happened to our troops s ow, to large wrapper) to Lever Bros., Ltd:, 43 b l •
The. B$vloalon of the Madazlne. at York then'skowsklaovernmentofRussia,isgiven Scott St, Toronto, and you will receive b
T g western battery seemed to y y
� � (nam Torontal, 27tH April, X813• have ao muolt crippled General Sheaffe that in the New York 2't•zbtcr e. It bears the post a pretty icture, free from adver,tisin
t +� it may be said to have decided the fortune name of the Castle of I'Qlonala. and is a .and well worth frame This is an easy
' of the da . Firnan' account i a liuge building, half palace, Half ; fortress, way todecorate Y Its' corm"' and speedy care for
:f g
'Sir? �. y s i s s follows. y your home, The soap. is �oidintneltoaaanacatsrrk:inaltlts
` nd: Attu,. S. D, Zl)(,", " While this part of our force was con.. dtandtng at a point where the dense forests the best in the market, and it will onl , cost ' etaieR,
' tendin with life encs , is the woods . an resolve themselves into great railing plains. lc osis o to.send.fss the wrappers, a SOQTHINQ„ QLEANSINO'
I There is one point relating to the ca. ture g y , P g pp rs, if you
" _ „ g ? P unfortunate accident happened in the bat. Within its granite walls it is of the most leave the ends open, Write our address !IEAUNO. .
{ .. of l orkby the Americans on the.<7th Apri), F els, ant re P y
11 1Sl`? xvhfeh has never been inaae clear in tery opposite to the fleet 'which proved a 8 fined magnificeand tet. the out, carefully, instant tie/fe€, Permanent
side strongly recalls, to mend the barbaric - Cure, Failure Impossible.
.. t i any the well-known histories of the war'. death blow to the little hope that mre, wilderness of the period at which it was Many so-called diseasea are sine e
^' . iA I refer -to the destruction of the powder ,have been entertained of a successful. issue Hard Luck• p
epmptomR of catarrh, such as bea
ma azineb which it is alleged so great a proceedings f the day. A illi was built. Almost awe-inspiring are the groat acne
to the rooeedin s o y g A nor little fellow named Vaughan polka breath,
ea,k ig aga$q of R Y alleged, g sombre courts and porticoes and the lou F g ■melf,foaL4reRth, haxki» and Rpit.
I'll -a `\ . las of life occurred, not only to the enemy armed fat axle of the vessels, and the officers, p Was playin one .day on the lau han til = uetc. i gencrnl teelun of ith , -i
,. I �1 desirous of sacs if the ball would take galleries and halls, the antique walls, of g g Nni,jy, a o, zs en are troc,b'I of ,
qIp < but also to the British. Canadian forces en- e , b g which are covered, with Byzantine paintings When a whirlwind acme nigh, any of ]hese or kindred s m;tome,
11 aged. Dec , ascended the bastion, I the mean- g Took him a to the ski h qgarhRveesiarrh,anderm dloseno1.
111111 I .,J 12 \. g time the artillery mai waiting for the word like those of a church, while the ,cxgafsite P g ' thmo In lregarinb a bct.lo of Nseaa
I Thompson, dames, Roger, Coffin, Mcmul- o i Y g salons are filled with costly modern brie -a- And none could toll where -he had gaug ban 73 �nyr, a ,versed in time, ne,gtented
11 # commnnd• to firs held the match behead Y oo a In cad reivita in catarrh, toil -<
len Auchiuleck R erson and the numer- ' brae artistic furniture, su erb pictures, ---
Y , li sed by: cgnsu»r th,n and death.
Y1� ' him as is usual under such circumstances, P F isea+r r•,tu iR soi h all drab •lets
nus minor historians that follow in their flowers and palm. These salons the late or vulbeeent,postpatyd onrecepptoa
train speak of it as having occurred at a and the ti avelling magazine, a large wooden
price (60 cents Rur gi,o0) 5y addruping
> F g Princess planned .herself, and she caused � i
Kolb the method and results when time when it not destroyed man of the chestcoutainingeartridi;esforthegreatguns, FUI.FAR9 & CO„ i
Y Y y them to be decorated by a celebrated French
Syrup Of Figs is taken; if is pleasant attacking party but some of the defend- being open just at his basic, lie unfortunate- artist �, . Brockville, Oat.
find refreshing to the taste, and acts ers of the fort. ly put the match into it and the consequence, _ When Babp sritig sick, we rs,re$er L'astora (,
SUAr9YEI! Y>l= T1i1S. STP.:1'PES, . 1 ;
1 as may be supposed, tic as dreadful indeed, ^ , �v hen she was a Child she cried for Castoria.
gent".y yet xonl tly Oil theKidneys, Ili order to account for the seeming stn- Every man in the battery was blown into the It is difficult to know when to admire ' ® A a a
er and Ifo - a s, cleanses the sys- pidity of General Shaaffe in risking ilia hues air. The officers were thrown from the has -
Liv, palonaja best, whether in midsummer, Vaen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria..
Of lite own troops while destro in the under the semi -Asiatic heat which coaxes Lyhenshelia4Chtldren,sbe avothemCastori$ i
tem, @�i@Cttl£llj,aT, dispels colas, l'1.@wd- y B tion by the shod:,. but escaped with a few 8 � - ,
o enemy, some of these writers have reason- bruiaes the cannonswere dismounted and even in the northern regions of Russia with >.
aches and fevers and cures habitual y -p consequently the batter was rendered g g
. ably concluded that the explosion musthave Y the reign of the Do Star, and which make
Constipation, Syrup Of Figs is the been purely accidental, or at least not completely seless. Y the vast gardens and the surrounding steppe
only remedy of its kind ever pro. effected by order of the general, This was if I was standingat the ate of the aarri- blossom like a rose ; or when the earth is Mary B r c , , e
the view taken b g u ton, a le maid of y, England, t
cillCed, pleasing t0 flit@ tttSt@ and aC� y the writer before obtain- sen when the poor soldiers who escaped the lionucl by an iron frost and life distant bay• was married in the Grimsby, England,
a E'
GE' lath@ t0 the StOmflCh prom tin in fuller information from origmalsonrc.es• explosion with a little life remaenfn were rug of wolves is heard in the snow-covered arisli chi alit ' a 0" MER IN ELLd1 D If
i t p i p Lowing, the American historian, relates p l' forests. Perhaps because it is se. short 4 r i — v1o_ k_ nga. .
RS taction and truly beneficial in its „ brought into flee hospital, and a niers afflict- Ili , F ,
„ 3 that `viten the smoke floated away the fug sight could scarcely be witnessed. 1'n summer has in Rusafa a aharrn which arra � �� � "'_°'�"�""'�-`"�---•-'--•-•�-
effects, prepared only from the most scene was appalling. Fifty-two Americans consequence. of the loss of the battery and finds nowhere else. The steppe, stretching ce OOW A Representative Farmer ,
s healthy and agreeable Substances, its lay dead and 180 others were wounded. So the reduction that had been made in life like a greeu sea, (lotted here and there with Speaks.
man BTC@ll@ntquaiitieSCommend it badly had the affair been managed that part number of our troops their ground was no clusters of birch and willow trees has a tT�
t0 a and hay@ XiIAd@ it ill@ 171OSt of the British also lost their liveaby the ex• hanger tenable, but after nobly and daspar- myatorioua look during the long balmy July
plosion. ately withstanding their enemies for several `lays} and at night thestars seem unusually
popular remedy known. The fact that the accidental explosion hours a retreat towards the arrisonbec'amc numerous and brilliant in that steel -blue ' 99
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c early fn the day, at the western battery, of inevitable, though every inch of the ground northern sky. Yet Russia is always seen
T,' tales by all leading, druggists. a tra°ening magazine was the one in which was obstinate) disputed, f at its beat during the winter months, and
the loss of life Occurred to the Britiall a, Y F the finest house parties at Polon, a assem•S � ',+t ,
Any reliable druggist who may not The government house, with some small- P j
troops, and that the explosion of the grand er buiidin s formed a s care at the cell- ble, as a rule, ill November, December, and 't °' '
hate it on hand will procure it magazine b order of General Sheaffe at g ' � Januar Per rim does the old castle Here iS Something from y P
Mr; Frank A.
Y , trs battery, and under it the grand niag- Y Y g i ry.r, r
promptly for any one it'110 1('1She13 the close of the engagement, was alone fatal azine, containing a large quantity of powder, look °hsn hedged in on all sides by snow A. Hale, proprietor Of the l�@ Witt •.X '�
to try it. Manufactured only by the o the enemy, is made clear by the follow- was situated. As there were oiil =two or at'd ice. It is often necessary to out roads R• �•w kJ - .
iin letters:— y through the anti wolves House, Lewiston, and the Tontine
_ ! three guns at this battery, and it but a, g Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men ,.
CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, ! The first is from Gen, Sheaf e, the British short distance from the garrison, the troops enter the courtyard at night and have
SAN N.RA �iCISCO, CAI,. commanding officer, written on the 30th did not remain in it, but retreated to the blood-ourdling fights with the great bland• meet the World as it comes and goes, � • , ." • ,
April on his way to Kingston. The hurried, latter. When the Americans, commandedby hounds, Of course, Polonaja in lipid -winter and are not slow in sizing people - i11- ,s'
�,1TI'r, VT_LLn, M Im. xv,ro,Rx, N V almost illegible writing bears witness to the General Pike, reached this small battery, is very ioolated, and there is no question of and things uv for what the are ` rj'r.
k'Ov Salle at G• Lutz's -Cir ng.Store i state of mind of the general, still smarting instead of pressingforward the halted cnind far Prince Kerssakow's guests. Dili- g - y is
, y , worth. He says that he has heist a
t from the mortification of Iiia defeat, .and the generiilsat down an vne of the guns • Hers, carpet dances, slid private theatricals
pp father and several brothers and sis-
��""�"""'-'"'""�"`�""'""' � : "$aldimand, 30th April. a fatal proceeding, for in n Eery minutes Iiia I c3a ciliate isimuali sleiy `veek, Ditriug the r �,/ .' ',1`^i,`
A BROOKING SUPBRSTITION• My dear Sir George,—I have the mortis advance guard, consisting of about 300 men I Y ghiug going on. ters from Pulmonary Consumption,
„'— "tion of reporting to you that York is in and himself, were blown into the air THE nix>1q(. ar, and is himself frequently troubled '!� ,
ilir Rosi tt;; of a `iFomaii to Care �4ttett- the Possession. of the enemy, it having, an by the ex losion of the rand ma azene The diuing-hall is a beautiful. apartment ,
F g g with colds and he
ti:e 27th inst. been attacked b a force too "Some time before this horrible circum• Panelled in auk and Bung with Lobelin
crar6 tapestries, but it is not there that the de- Hereditary often coughs enough
powerful to resist with success. Sixteen stance took lace life vessels had cammenc li htful slippers to make him. sick at /
Clic Frankfurter Getting reports an ex- vessels of various descriptions full of men ed firm on ho garrison, which obliged the g FF take phaco, 'Cltey are
traardinar instance superstition It P ' g g a served in a smaller room which is disposed Consumptionhis Stomach. N� hen- - !
y P 5 including their now ship the 'Madison,form• females and children to leave it; we there- a / ` -
At Pontea Ema, about three miles from ed their flotilla, The Grenadiers of the fore retired into the country to the house like a winter garden, and where camellias ever he has taken a /.i .� � I I
1'.Florence, lives, peasant wbose daughter 'dins suffered first in the action with of an officer of the militia, but feelini anx• � and azaleas, orange trees and mimosa bush -kind, i/'1 / !� . / '
is suffering from a bad form of hysteria. F es form fragrant bowers of flowers and ver- cold of this le uses Boschee s " �, ,/���/� �� �� - 0
g y the enem in which Captain Xt, Neale was ious to know the fate of the da I•left the ' g German Syrup, /,, r. � , . r �'
The Sir] went about the house sarcasm ) dure, At either end there is a fountain of y P, and it cures him
g T g killed), and afterwards severely inntal ex hours without the knowledge of my mother ever time, Here is a pian who M R• C C. FAUN,
lite whole nigh-, frightened all with � Lion with other cors b the accidental ax• and was pink marble with carved basins filled. with y
her hallucinations. The Priest of the lace , corps, y procero nt towered the garrison
* P P plosion of a battery magazine, which at the when. the explosion took plane. I hoard the blossoming water lilies, among. which gold- kIIOw5 the full danger Of lung trou• Thefollawing rem>sxkablo facts aro fully
sated that the girl was possessed of a devil. same time disabled the battery, I caused report, and felt a tremendous motion in fish swim, and the marble columns support- tiles, and would therefore be most certified to as being undeniably correct in
2rlasses were said, but these were of no our grand magazineto be blown up and the earth resembling the shook °fan earth- fug the glass roof are garlanded with white everypartianlar, 1lir. F3ann is *ill known
avail. It was stated that her ease was one g and ur le nssion idowsrs. The sit cr particular alto the medicine he used. in the vicinity, haying resided here over
Y y P hada reason re believe that the new she quake, and clod towards the of Isaw table always set in Louis XVI. fashion What is his Opinion? Listen i " I Fifty years, and is hi hl respected as a
to be eared and b a person versed is exar- P q g F ' r
and naval stores were destroyed. We met an immense cloud ascend into the air. Y , g Y F
cisfng evil spirits: The peasant must go to the light company of the Kings four "At first ft was a great, confused mass 1 the service is of old Meissen china of a Palo use nothing but Boschee's German man of the strictest honor, whose word is
the Via I i -ti, near Florence, where, be was � or five miles from York. The troops, of smoke, timber, men, earth, etc., but as Pink line, and Watteau figures of We same Syrup, and have advised, I presume, as good as his bond,
told, lived a famous sorceress, He And his consisting of the flank company and it broke it aasumed the shape of a vast bal• priceless ware uphold, vases containing flow. more khan a hundred different per. As will be seen from his latter, four
daughter went there. Arriving at the Cat k.ustace's of the Kings and Cat loon. When the whole mass had ascended ers, fruit, and bonbons in superb profusion. physicians had attended 'iiim, and. it was
House in the ViaPitti, the peasant knocked, McPherson's of the GIen arr light to a considerable height and the fordo by No servants are allowed to be present. All sons to take it. They' agree with only aftor ha lead given n�pp Rape of cure
an aid woman appeared at the door. "Are infantryand some of the gro nl. New• which the timbers, etc., was impelled uthe dishes are cold, and are placed in readi- me that it is the best cough syrup that he deoided to try .ir3nrdock Blood.
you the wise, woman V said be. foundlad regiment are aboutya day's wards became spent, the latter fell from peas on side tables, whence the Prince and in the market, (yl Bitters on the recommendatio• of a
On receivinga reply in the affirmative hfs oasts brie thgm with theft own hands neighbor who had been cured similar
P Y , march in the rear. The were but ill sup, the clouds as its read over the surroamd• g g'
and being ushered into a room in which plied with provisions for the first and second ing place. P when they are needed. This gives the _ disease by its use. Mr. Sawn ,«'rites as
two wax candles were burning, be laid hisc, whole affair an "al fresco" flavour extreme• r follows: y <- '0*0•M,� n
d. case before her, finishingwith : " �1 days, but or comingRogers
forward myself, assist. I then advanced toward the garrison, ly enjoyable and robs it of all formality. 1JA � Dzin Sras,—I 'think I have been one
Y i ed by Major Rogers (a member of the pro. I discovered our little party between theY• RTERS
is bewitched and can only be vincial parliament whom I bad sent for to town and that lace but the had not pro- 7 he room forms a truly charming picture, r of the worst sufferers you have yet heard
cnre(i, I am tail, by some one skilled in York to employ him in su erintendin the seeded much further they when had been the table covered with Venetian glass and of, having been six years in the hands of
witchcraft." The wise woman of the Pia F y g „ y gold plate, the wines %rkling in their fan- ITTLF" four of our best doetora without obtaining
improvement of the roads), a sufficient obliged to evacute, ' anent relief,
Pitti said ahe dealt with such cases. Her quantity has been provided for them. I The above extracts from the original re• tastically shaped Grecian owars and Perm , but continually growing
usual charge for driving out an ordinary B Bohemian jugs, the pretty women with iia C► worse, until almost beyond liege of xa-
fi g rY am now in this' and am this moment ports of the British general and his A. D. !�v
devil was o lire ; for exorcising Beelzebub interrupted b the arrival of Capt. Monde C; to ether with the vivid description of munch glittering on their white throats and R oovery, I tried your Bitters • d.got relief
was 26 lire. The peasant thereupon count- with letters from the militarysecurit I an eye -witness to the affair, will, Ip think in their hair, all grouped among tite blos• in a few days. Every organ my body
ed out ` 5 lire. The house was in dark- the 6th and i th inst, I cannoinform your be poof enough to convince the reader that coming plants. Everything looks likes an lues deranged, the livor eniarg ; liaxdene
ness. Tile old woman told her guests excellency what our loss has been of the damage done b the explosion of the 18th century picture, and makes one think and torpid, the lies,rb and digestive organs
to follow liar &-a d to kneel down in every shall, as soon as possible, g Y P of Versaillei and Trianon. • seriously deranged, a large abscess in my
p , gat the returns grand magazine was entirely confined to back followed b
room they entered. The howling that and. from Kingston do myself the honor of the Americans, who were enteringthe RELIo or• A CRIME. CURE
y paralysis of the right
went on in every roor was truly dreadful. writing to you in a more efficient shape. fort. The Prince's library is one of the hand- leg, in facb the lower half of my body was
...:;,°.> ane peasant and his dirughter were filled P It is a curious fact that in the despatch somest in Europe, and contains many thou- Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl- entirely useless. After using Burdock.
" I am, my dear Sir George, your very d dent to a bilious state of the system, $uch as Blood Bitters for m few days the acscess
with confidesae, "You two,"snfd the old sent to the British war office where it sand volumes, beside priceless blacklettera Dizziness Nailsea, Drowsiness. Distress after
woman, " have only to retrn home and fa �t<hfully devoted servant, R. H. Sheaffe. o ' and manuscripts of bygone days. burst, diseharging fully five quarts of pus
I did not brill anything from York arrived on July .4 (to be found in annual P Y8 y Some eating, Pain in the Side., �c. while their most in two hours. I felt as if I lied received a
set light to your oven fire. The first erson g Y q curious Russian works are ranged iu one remarkable success has been shown in curing
who knocks at our door is the cause of our except a writing case containing your ex- register, 1813), no allusion is made to the corner, including the tragedies of Sumaro• shock from a powerful battery. 'illy re -
daughter's sickness. Therefore," said she, cellons s despatches and some other tragic death of the unfortunate American g g
y F pa' kow, who fondly f ranined himself to be the ooveiy after this was steady unci the cure
„ ers. general and his men. The original letter permanent, seeing that for the four years
turning to the peasant, as soon as any one P The second letter from General Sheaffe from General Sheaffe of May 6th now in
It Voltaire. Nothing can equal the
since I have had as good health as ever I
persona your threshold, seize and place that � ' the archives at Ottawa refers to the in.beauty of this oak -panelled room, with its Headache, Set CAr-TEn's Lirmt LivER Pir,Ls
person, in the presence of your daughter, in dated Kingston, May nth, gives a more da- 'embossed and emblazoned ceiling, its two are equally valuable in Constipation, curio lead. I still take am occasional bottle, noir
,a tailed account of this action of the 27th and cfdent, but in the despatch signed by him, g' andpreventing thus annoying tom plaint, while .that I need it but because I wishba ke
the even. With this kindle the pair want ' forwarded b Sir George Prevost it is huge hearths of carved prophyry and its .t.m also correct all disorders of life stomach,
home,and the peasant kindled a fire as the states:— y $ my system in psifect working order I
F „ i noted or suppressed. stained glass windows datinu from the 14th stimtilato the liver and regulate the bowels.
womn had direated. The fire was kept up Our troops could not maintain the con- g PP ,r century, and bought b the Prince in Italy Even it they only cured can think of no more remarkable cast
P test against the read superior and in. The despatch reads :— By some unfor- y' Y y than what I have myself passed through
the whole night, but no our knocked. At g g Y F many years ago. Diderot and Descartes are
„ creasing number of the enemy. They re- tunate accident the magazine at the west and no words can express my thiankfulnew
the break of ay a knock was heard. lVlio well represented there, and the collection ofENA D
for such perfect recovery.
tired under cover of on batteries which ern battery blew up, and stilled and wound -
ns theree asked the peasant• d," said
the ' old missals adorned with miniatures b
„ were engaged with some of their vessels ed a considerable number of men and � y F C. C• iiAinr
sake gree me a piece of bread, snfd the thst had begun to head a towards the cregpled the battery, • + * ,r Angelico and o .her masters of the art, the A,.,.e they would be almost pricer td those ,
voice without The. peasant opened the door g P ivory, velvet and silver bindings of which who suffer from this distressing complaint: Welland P.O.
andP P harbor when their troops landed, occasion- The troops were withdrawn towards the m g but fortunately their goodness does not end
trci saw in front l him a poor old wotnau, town and were finally ordered to retreat gleam through the plate glass of a great here, and those who once try them will rind In this connection the following letter
all firing, and lead anchored at a short Y y q p q., m leadin ars e
trembling with cold and hunger. Withoit Y g' on the road to Kingston; the powder ma a ebony bookcase, is unique in the world. On these little pills 'valuable in so mann we. .that from T. Cnmines, Es ggi t
distance to the westward of lite line from g , g
any further oda he took her up fss his arms zine was blown u , and the new shi g a small side table beneath a full length per- they will not be willing to do without them. of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself:
and picked her in the oven. The cries of site. situation
they Gibraltar upa heapoint. From that 1 „ p and trait of the late Emperor Alexander IL But after all sick head Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto.
the poor creature were dreadful to hear. For. sttnrtion they keppt up a heavy fire on our' the nasal stores destroyed.
batteries on the hiockhouse and barracks In The Chronicle of Event for 1813, also stands a casket of great beauty, made of Gnr mExEx,—I have been personally
tunately some milkmen happened to bepass- contained in the annual register for that onyx and silver. _One day the Prince rev- • acquainted with Mr. C. C. Hann for the
ing and they burst open the door, when the and on the communications between them, g erentl opened it and extracted therefrom - last 20 ears, and have always found him,
some of their guns being 32 pounders To year, the following account in vixen, which Y P is the bane cf so many lives that here is whore aver r liable man. You ma
woman more dead than alive was taken a piece of dark green cloth torn in several y y place the
' return their fire we had two complete has no doubt prayed misleading to many we maks our great coast. Our pills care it
out of the huge oven. Che aetore in this F places, evidently by explosives, and spotted while others do not, utmost confidence in enythingg he says
twelve without
rs and two old condemned vanced w hen 60 rod the Amerfcans hid ad-• with regard to our medicine. He has on
shocking drama are in the hands of justice. danced within 60 rods of the main work. of with Breed blood. Turning with tears in CAnTrsns LiTTrn Ln�ria Puts are very small o y
.. guns without trunnions—eighteen pounders the town an explosion took lace his eyes, he said sadly, "This is part of the and very easy to take. One or two pills make many occasions within she last four years
—which, after being proved, had been P p• from a a dose. They are stricter vegetableand do
The smallest tree in Great Britain rows magazine, th9 effect which was to injure uniform coat which our beloved Emperor not gripe or puilge, hut, b * their gentle action told me that it was marvellous the way
g stocked and mounted under the direction g > j >' 3 the Burdock Blood Bitters had cured him,
on the summit of Ben Lomond, Scotland. of Lieut. In omelli of the royal New- or destroy about 100 of the assailants and wore when be was murdered. I fuss present pleAss all who use them. In vials at::5 cents;
It is the dwarf willow, which is mature g y 40 of the defenders. General Pike lost his five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail and that he now felt as able to do a day's
� foundland regiment, whom. I had ap- when he breathed his Iasi, and never a
when it attains the height of two inches. pointed assistant engineer ; a twelve life on this occasion, and was much regret• complaint was uttered by this noble mon- �, CANZa 1.iahGiliE CO., New York. work as he ever felt in his life. Although
ted, as a brave and skilful officer." arch, whose foul assassinat°on was the re- f, 1 jj j , quite well he still takes some B. B. B.
An adventurer who had drifted into pounder of the acme description was ward of his too great indulgence." a)f, ll rill., si ill �� O. Small �� e& occasionauy, as he says, to kes him in
Leadvflle, Col., awoke one morning with. added during the engagement. With When history written at the time is so A SACRED SHRINE. perfect lie It
out food or money. He went out and, shot these . defective means the enemy was inaccurate as to facts, it is not surprising
a deer, which in its dying agonies kicked kept at bay for some time, when, by some that, in order to screen the British general Life is made very charming for the visi• Yours truly, P.
up the dirt and disclosed signs of gold, unfortunate accident, the travelling in from the charge of wantonly destroying so tars staying in Rusafan country houses. At N ]� l" E," NERVE B ,"t, aro a -W ure- '.1 OMAS CunrnMg,
g Poloua a ever nest tans o ens Into a V07 bat core the worst cases of Welland, Ont,
The poor man staked out a claim, and open gazine at the western battery blew up many Americans after his own retreat, l y 4 F Nerroue Debility, Lost Vigor and
ed one of the most profitable mines ever and killed and wounded d considerable many suhsequent writers have found in the tapestry.liing salon filled with books and BEANS, -Ceiling Manhood; restores the r -Me steadily increasing sale of B. B. B.;
flowers,and all possible comforts and lux• wealmess of body or mind causeg
worked in Leadvilie. number of men, many of them belonging supposed loss of British lives by the same F the length of time it has been before the
by odor -work, or the errors or er<
Prof. Koch is said to have perfected his in the Grenadier company of the Icing's explosion a plausible ground for believing uries are placed within easy reach. The Gonesof youth. This Remedy ab. 1 people, and the fact that it cures to. stay
anti•consumption remedy to a point where regiment. Tile battery was creppled, the that it was accidental. Paris, Vienna, and London newspapers are TREAiy cures thehave
most oeventoo cases when all other cured, attest the steili-ig merib of this
laid ever morning on a side -table and gists
$1 pe bade fail or six o relieve. � old by drug. monarch of medicines
he can definitely claim resultsF that were Platform being torn tip and one of the Y g gtste at $i per packnge, or six for $5, or sent byy sett on ,she people's favorite
of eighteen anndera overturned. The maga- there. is no delicate attention which the receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES AlEDICINH blood purifier:. tonic and regulator. . 11
prematurely announced three years. ago. ,g P g It TBlls a Heroic Story. Prince does not offer his go eats. His sister 00•• Toronto, Ont,' Write far pamphlet. Sold i
It is noI a form for Inhalation, instead zine was replaced and the battery restored On the night of Ss tester 6 183 kee"e house for him sinc(> the death, of the
_ .eF tll&lymph that was administered by the to some order, but it was evident that our g P , 8, Grace P -
g young g , - .
numbers and means of defence were inad- Darling, a nun girl living with her father Princess. She is one of the leveliestmiddle
injecting syringe, as at first. a lighthouse keeper on one of the most ex• aged women whom it is possible to find:
equate to the task of maintain' posses- 6 -
sion of York against the vast superiority of nosed of the Furse Islands; put out in a Site is clothed in clouds of fragrant old lace;
force brought against ns thou h roviden- wild sea and, practically unaided, rescued with wonderful ,antique .jewels sparkling I T -d 0
force little mischief t had s,, though
hitherto bpro done the crew of a.shipwrecked steamer. Hers here and there among its folds, and; has a
was ,one of the cases where `heroism met "way of dressing her silvery hair which
by the long continued cannonade of the with read recognition, .A purse makes her look "like a fair odinother.".11
' enemy, except to some of the buildings: , y g , . , . �, pu ., was raised Y g; _.: �. +,..a• •:' .. • •,
The troo s were withdra to by public subscription and presenter) to She thoroughly understands the difficult art � 1 r ,
• P wn ward the _.:
" town and.the rand magazine was at Miss Darling, and her :brave deed for, fifty' of receiving, and of making everybody feel R
g the
years has been celebrated in song and story. welcome. Had she,so wifled,it, she could a
same time blown up. 'Tho enemy was eo In 1812 Grace barlin died but y have become a ower in olitics as she ie. "' That - dreaded ori Ci]'. d 1 7
near to it thathe sustained great lose and B the frau power P i, . 11 ea L i disease!
boat in '-which she dared the ,tempest has' exceedingly clever, learned, land also very ' ' a
was, for a time, driven back by the ex. - i'.��i?tt S�laT Sia $tS' Ta " P
always been sacredly preserved,' It is to -day shrewd. i3ut her whole earthly ambition y vagps, Thousm ,ds I
plosion. Some of our troops were not be, isr o eke her brother I a and t ... • r
owned by 1[is. JoiceY, a w ealtny woman t to i ppy, to, ry to ,, , �,
vend the teach of fragments of the stone, ) �%` SCOL S E1T1lli51011 tyt ill E, JVOY4Ve 1aT111
living near ,Newcastle, England. Mrs. cheer his spirits, which were utterly broken g
though they escaped with v cry little,Inlury, w oI 41
O T DEtf ` Joicey has loaned the boat for exhibition at at the death of his wife, h m lie literally - liver, oil and'
Captain Loring; my arde•de-camp; received , cocQ C� j1 U X1135 �11tE8 0>�,11111H
''' s v the exposition; and it is now on its way to worshipped. He has never entered the
E,U a e,ere.contusion'and the horse. he rode
�GiL[ETT.Ton Jackson Park, havtn ,reached $alttmore : rartmeuts of the dead l'rmcess since the oriel soda :h Ll5 Elf CClitS i t 1 i fi C=
was killed, I i , �; a 1S C ZGi`p(J�i U T ,Pt 01l i11 ..� _.f �t
ie f+ on the steamer Missouri last Friday. It will: -•ay of iter demise; acid they are preserved
"`- �a tam Loring, to the fohoi,m ex- Y
p . B,
g y Y Have o, ��t;g�i s clld, � r11 G- r i ��wr 111
tract from a des arch to General de Rotten tell more vividly than words the berme exactl in the same cannition as when she . Stages. g1 g
p scary of the young. English irL whose brave was alive. , The bedroom in ruby satin looks i:�
bury, aide-de-camp, gives the 'number of • i g t0 consum tion Make no demi= il'a. tale
' `. those killed b , the first explosion at the life went out half a century ago.- [Chicago as if she had vacated it but five minutes bo p yr 1J
E RIAS western, battery, He writes—' Tribune, fore. Her jewel -ease, glittering with price- ,
I `.� .l
y We lied a Scotts Emulsion cure® C.ougtli ,
ptKii't. :batter; magazine blown u , which destroy. . less gems, 'Istands on a little table by t)ee
P Y The boxing: kangaroo.and the wrestling bedside;, tiny fur•lined slippers are in Coeds, Consumption, SGroFuilA, i
Pp,ODE�T ed 30 9r 40 men, lion created their little. sensations, and now readiness beside a'loun ens if awaitin her, and all Anaemic and Wasting
. . i
' 06f grand' niagazina 'exploded before comes the boxing horse, At Blyth the and fresh flowers are ,aced every da in Diseases. Prevents 61/ s ng in;
P y
p��•i y�F;D�mpr,,�+ ` the retreated." other night on the occasion of the reopening the rock -et sial vases on the mantel- deco, Children, Atmost.as paliatable '.
S C I . .
R ST5 TRONGESTI � �q fi detailed account`ofthe two explosions of a new circus the "introducedP 6 y Y Ml k. (3Ci only eurifiit Pre- !
9. • F , proprietor a toilet table, and consolum. ,,o • y # 0
Contains rn 6SAum. Ammonia ` ' is given by P: I trnan in a curious little book horse, which he caused to undergo a thor- . aced by saott h Boivne, Belleville, Sold
,,oma, entitled "-journal of voyage to Quebec oix h course of boxing discipline. t p
R g g iplii e. On its by all Druggists, CO:eents and $ia10,
Phosphates, or any Injuriaat.If a man is his brothers keeper, still more 0
and recollections of Canada durin1ft . I
g the ,late hind, legs the intelligent animal displayed a F
E, %V. CILLETTi R Toronto. Crit. war. Published in,1818: complete knowled a of the noble art, is hie, his sister's:
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorl,
. :; A
t i _ - ..
.r,r _ 1 -
i «., k, W W a�,
-.:e..,.._.,n. sd �' Ww( ,i&_, : . .L:':'U o - " , . ,.Vii ` �*,:,�e" aaaP iWNfa A. &t+•'^'' ,+' Ing
�rrtli4tu .a: �.�' aw,.y�;,w ,w: ,c:.