HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1893-5-11, Page 5tyly. . rB �:... r ' • .. :..: , .. .:,. ;:: „ .': .., '.Y\ "1 , •* M^, n ...... ,.,. rte ID 3:';,. ».. 4-.'p ., .. �- ,.'. I n. �. ip'.M r... • ,'.fir y,r 5 ::'Y h• a xi. 1.11 Ii .,:,' S , I " ' , 'l 1 • .t .) I 1* IPI _� ��_ __�11 . �(' derdraining $I,,A Coward tip road $1, )9ldRB' $ POR°£if+ ...�.� AIRE L,J }, F'fAShpbely Ot Htli'pll• 81%vin rep, road$1;'V GFaidiner rap oalvt ^'-- $3, J Polon top road and culvert $l..fifi. $soler, May 3 189$. 711© Pzosbytery o£ Huron ;net in �''1'� church, t es 1 3 dd- Camoran--Tho ConnGii adjourned all Fwhoat oerbush;:. $ 64 $ 6 a ,�^� '�q�' -ON Carine1 ITensal , on Tuesday ay 7fi d:�l � „d� I :a i-. ( to meat as a t:,,,nrt of Revision qn the Spring wheat per bush do 45 the Jtti Inst. -Itev, R. Henderson' mod yper bubh :... ::::':. , 27th inO at 10 a, un, and. for general 'O%tsperbush,• 30 37 . „r,:1; ,:: ez'ator; presiding.: Rev. W.'Martin hate sae a ter ills :Gaunt orf Revisiau is b btie,n f Yeas Rer bush S �'i ,..;;. I 11 - . ,, . •:,.,0 I.— a; i >ofnted°convener of the Hoine Mia closed, � Ca, 'W,.'Roz,arax,.0ierk.. Flour perbbt ...::•,,.. , ..:: 4 00 - A s') �'. d. O - BUIL ;r. 1l to .-•• ' siorl Committee for the ensuing year. -- --•-= ---^ APvlos par bag .:. 7s as I. Potatoes er bs t 00 T 00 "'"` ... File re ort fronztlie ananue. Committee BIRTHS. p „.. < s: 00 7 W .. F� , p -k'' u, Tray per ten .. 1r ,. _ was read by the Rev., It. Henderson, fi,nsnAttic �In Usb�rnt,on rho 20th ult., the vJcodporcord hard.. 360 $ 5'a will a t)A $0 CrRll ':; showin the amount contributed er wife of bzr Robt 1Corolake, a sou.. Wood nor card deft 0n 2 GC S S0, l Yl Y y g pIt , , anal in the several con re fations o£ HAnvinY-In Ray,: on the 7th Inst„ the wife of BRgs.8 per dozen........-..... ,:,: 7e, ie, and see us ab411$, hl�,l:dware '� : family, $ o our ilio Presbytery for ills tis dear the Ihos. Harvey, a sen. Pork Per hundred...... ,.».» »,... 800 8' 10 r' aiinOtzntsra sed for 1Vlissaans. aT l for all , _ th inst.,thowtfe of 1"p0 1II0 a71( >�icll ,hing D�i - purposes. ores: ,1VIau congregations ,atfoais slzowecl Joltn Iaynt LReteYn au > ilex-8tparquhar, onEheS - I. p P Y g' g' Iiow.AUD-I May the 4th, the ° : " considerable advance in libef�ality. A info _Qf B. s• lloward of a son. ENnLllS, renderafor addition of liiothodiat Church' long discussicnJollowed this report as "' . MARiu - will be received up to Ray lath ISM. 11 tans I to what constituted a family.,It was 1Wd RR1EU` audSpeeifioationsear,baeoenat James Clark 3 h2AS0x•-lnxsn-At tt,o residence of the brido s Crediton. ^,0- r4 OIA decided to adopt enol print ills report '�t..ddt9 J .LR ,, pnrenta, Stephon'1"D• as `Loth alt„ by 3iov. 8, .- - for distribution in the congregations. A.Carriere, George wasorr, to Safss Janie, ��RS. ROLLINS & AMOS. tliy s, t9, A. 61f iL Gaits Rev. C, Fletcher gave notice that'at eldest daughter of kfr Goo: Webb. Lynn, Mass. next meeting of Presb ter lie would I1Axmtaa--IIxcT; nx-Ab the reeidenco of the T� �i ��(�� y y Separate row -ss. Residences, aeras as fur- 1 C I1 .g, j� (� move to discuss elle question as to what bride's percale. Stephen Tp», on 3uth alt„br tnarJv Andrew-st. OfSoest Spaokman'a build - For the Good of Others 1 Rev-, Gr, Beaumont, V. 11,Haytor•to itiirbs in plain-st.iDr. Rollins' same as formerly x should. be reported as a family,, that a Made, third daftghter of UrWei. Hickey north door; Dr; Amos', same building, south • . more uniform. inethod may be secured., S0)rao7LDF e^-�lorct*I.z At the First Evangelical door. ` Itev, Afrr. Tvilliains heart ly Xn- U,rmanchurch,Lagan,onAP0127th,byRov J.A•ROLLINS,rf D., T. A.AIICS.I4I•D•, 4 �e. �Ic1Ve all klndE; i lley. Mr. Martin gave ;notice o£ motion Lxoter, Out,. Then call and £,eel11S about it, " Horses ICootl's Sarsosrparfia; Landaky. Peter cahxoeder of Dashwood, to that theunitu oliwhiohttheasse.asniont Sophio,daughterofFranxgttltioranz,Lagan. ^ K p ---- Wire11cI are ectal lti,�elxs far ills best makes. We are pleased to present this from I for Presbytery fund is n(p1v based, be I3vas-L�.a>~x-At Trislztown church, on rho ? Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Siilsbee , changed.. The roport on Systematic 2ndinst.. by Roy Doan blurphy, Air James COURT OF REV1,51ON. Burk to Diary Ann, daughter of Ur. James a•-: street Christian Church, Lynn, Dlass, l {{Giving showed a 1, divergence in ilia Lacey, cif of ,nalfidtOP, Notion i s here;), givora Ehut rho ( curb for f , "Isee noreason why aclergyman,more than iPresbytery asto method in securing 9GOsaT*'•lilira.s-InGoaefoil,onisray Srd,by rhe Revision of the ns•earmenkTtotl of ilio $Oaf uarte s for all kinds of Hew, v,7ai?B+7i � . dunicipality of the Townsbrp of Usbornolvill q n laytiian, who knows lvlieroof ho speaks, t Contributions to the sovera4l funds. Coin- Itev, Idowoll, Wr Wip, ivggert of ltlyth dad ba 1101,1 on Saturday May tyle 37th next nt ken uiss Itocaooa J,i4ciili of Wart W,tivanosh, should liasiGatG to approve, all Tnunications wore road from several o'olaclt A. AI,, when otters in and complaints �.,sp•�ry�p rp.•�t•�•��g.�•�ty�w 44 ,$TA11nIIa--44`unTT--� At (lie residenea of the acainst th.o said hail (if atly);will be a,zreeted W •1 J',iro►�d id�ll,fi,✓,8,i+r/= re, L d�rk`f4`p0 +Q Ott iPreslayterlOstliat applications would brido'sparonts,StophoaTri-outhoPOthinat, andconstdered, All personsintorostodlare re- a and worth, from w1dclt lie or IIIc family have j made at the next General Assembly to blr Loais btaubus to bliss Barbara, dttughtor quest ell to take notice and govern themselves ,� , ,�,,,�. been signallybetieltted, and whose eommeudar ! , of Dlrlobias Wurtz. accordingly. G. W. I OLMAN. • , receive t11ti follolvul minister,,;, ver ; """'"'.."'"'.�"-._._"".,.. "`..-"._"""""`"".,^"'-""-. "'_. `-'- tion in servo W extend those benefits to � --+- Clerk otUaborneTownship, 'others byfttcreashig their confidence, My wife j Rev. Mr, King, of the Pres, church, , )LF4t?, _"" leas for many years been a sufferer from severe England, Rev, F, Day, of the Congre- -he hint- _..-._.ssi n j � S avxo�7n Colbarno, on Api•i1 23th. Agnea -!'he ninth annual session of the Nertfo.tls Headache gatfonal church of T,he Maritimo Prov- Henderson, wife of John •Kottnia,, aged 79 yrs. ' preme council of the Catholic Knights for wh)elt,shq^found little lies ), Sha has tried nice$; Rev. A. L. 11 oYadigen of the Coannxl'•-•InSt Naryo,on the2ith uit Saml of America convened in ohica o rues - many things that promisP well but per- Congregational Church of Canada; Rev. Corbctt,.aged]8S•ears,5 montes, da g ZS elle tll0'le • foranedlittle, La,tiallafriendgavehera1igt-, T , 1 Saxnu,tx•-Inllav, O!, the 7th inst., N104ol y` Thoroughly tie of hood's Sarsaparilla, It seems surnris• R. I ouY1( of ills Prc s.C,lurah, l), S, A.; Shfrray, agod 68 years, 6 Pias. d To Ing what simpl, one bottle could and did do - Rev. L. fir. Florence of the Cong, rhe body of Abraham Mote, ergs for her. Tire atfaclts of headaelie decreased in , T v' Ii Ax -A tFarquhar, on Saturday, infant eon of 44, was found In the river at Trenton Church, L S. 41., and Rev. A. Robin- YrJoha Kay, r r gtttuber and 1vCro lass violentln Choir inten- ( on Monday. Ile leaves a widow and sity, while her general health Ilan been ini- son Of the Pros. Church, U. S. A. Mr, ;. _--__1___1___^ p Musgrove reported that Rev. N. Shaw, _ • NOTICE. E. - six children. T DisinfectYOurPremisc Praved, Iter a pCtlto has also been batter. 1 i rani our experience with I off Tilbury Centre hall accented the call , The superior court of North Dakota To the Shareholders of the 1:x0tor ;alt Tuesda deei3ed the prohibition law, ®4Ci°� Sarsaparilla to Egnzoiiclyillo, His iiidiictfonpll'as Worksale. Please tako:notice chat the annual of that state to be constitutional and <� COIZP�,ETF STOGT.i43 An i m w rita.vf arranged for to take place On the ' .Mrd meeting of the Paid Co. will be held Monde ezt LUX9, ° g June 6th,at'�p.m.iathotownhall. y' valid. _ kava r1St heSlts4tlan pit endorsing it•yaw- " iTl it, ^ 1VIr. I�ItTSarOve t0 presxete, R, 'i;. B, C,A.I1 G. Secy. The pre9bytvrian synod of Montreal ^'� -�'^ �{ HOOD'S PILLS Are the beat famil cathartto, Henderson topreaall, J. A, UeDonakl andOttalvaaontiliuodin thc]attercfty _l.,../�� A.���t�.+ -A- ..L,��1+�.i gentle and atreativ0 Tryal,ax z'rtco45a to address the minister and A. Elam- sr�'yOUI'�:I' OP I EVISION. 'Carleton -; . - � ��.+- - --(- �l- - -�r"" " ilton the aeo lle. The Committee oil � j .Cassidy. eing. Place will have 'TWAS � to .1111,1 RI � lit 'the Christianik aldeavor Soeiety reported next year s meeting. � rownin 's .rug STJorea The Court of Itevi5;an'of the &ls esamont The 44th annual convention of all +ts , , L _._, that there, were fourteen SoCietf m with- Roll of tbo Townultip otllay+lvi)t b1 hold in • ,n rJcr of Iiiberians is Whig � , in tide Izresbytery, containing C00 neem- tite Pownbuil on Saturday,Uay27th at 10 a, in. Ancte t O „ _ _-., _ ".."� _ , ..-:.. ", .. ofwhichallpersonsfnteroatedwillpleametake held inFamman hall, NewY'ork, r , hfft+ i3ALTON 149 CARTH1r SPEAKS AT bers, and doing excellent w6rlc am nig notice and govern thomselves aeaordincly. y t'1, HA.S ING S, BARB is.r_S, OFANGEVIUL E, j the y dung people. Th(, report recons- Appeals will he received until the 15th of Nsy _ - „ The ownersof all prmerty that has changed RIILUAIATISNE CURED IN A DAY.,- aiaandecl than a Standing, Committee be hands,vitl piceao:noti.fy the clerk of sangI3LOCK, I'^ ETER. Tito Neotl of TariirXtoforrti•-•110 Atrplles to appointed to secure, annually, reports chancre ayi J. Lwr&, Clerk. SOntlt America Rheumatic Caxe for Itheu• ITho OLD ntLIAB'11 fro It these Societies,and that a letter of `~ �""" .. „ . ._ raatism and' euralgin,radically ourea iol o As you pass by on tto Main stye°t Just for a moment stop. Mr. Ives' ,Aveusatioa-�•lAn Address of 4lirectigtlanti encouragement frons the Exeter 11iu:licipal Co,azzcil. 3datpa. Ilaaallgn upon the system is And havey°urhairstud+v'nakare"trimmed tvcicoirra--'Ateaolutlon A,tiol,totl Eudora- Presbytery be yearly se11t to them, This _ - remarkable and mysterious. It rainovae At Hastinst's Ilarhor chap. Has ilio I+inest Steak a£ PuralI 11 I ea s adopted. rl'lie auditors reported Fh(1 aaunc l met 3rd i4tap, at file at onto the cause and the disease immediat• We are the lightning barbers, ever exhibited in Exeter, and 1s Ing llla;C`osItI0Aoil Tririous 4,2uestlons, p ilio Ilonzo Mission Convenor's books as town liall,laxoter. All present except ely disappears•r The first dose greatly �� o do our lr#work w with a eo. prices so lolvthat they draw at, crowd OIt:1.NGR1'ILU, Max 2.--Tlie demons- s correctly kept, Dr. ATeDonald stated Dir Carlin , Minutes of former deet- 0. Lutz, 7u cents. 1'Varranted by' And have the v goad rol,st l � of customers every day. i 3 1 g• Q. Lutz, Druggist, sUg, 14, • we, have the vary finest styles af,ahairs. tration tel D'Alton McCarthy held in the that attempts were being made through in;; read and confirmed. - We keep our towels clean. ,Par.lor' town liall here last evening attracted a the country" to entice young women to Christie -McCallum- Orders for the Itch Mango and Scratches of every, kind We shampoo in the best of syle r I 111rg ,crowd, and, according to all Out- Chicago for Immoral 7urpo.ws under following sums, viz: S. Baskerville, On human or animal" cured in 30 tntnntos , And use the Caey hair machine ward signs, was a% successful as its pro- varicins pretents and inducements, and 3 90, labor, S. Ilitndford, $3 30, do; b Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never Some barbers work ao slowly; .% guttae' Rootrt, motors, could have wished. The hall $ y lint this to our text: that mina:,ters incl others siuptilcl be Geo Flacn'lae X11 68 do, 1v, Parsons, fafl•i, Warranted by C. Lu7z, li's do not keep you waiting, was packed to its fullest capacity, and lvatchful against this nefarious traffic. $26 30, de; H. G &vie,' $,i 69, do; It, English Spavin Liniment removes all Year turn is always "noxc." Hull cirit"l there Nvasconsiderable enthusiasm. `.File The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Davie, $2 O6, do; W. Davie, $2 06, do; hard soft or calloused lamps and hlamiahes As for the Indlea and children, , arrangements had been well lookedafter, Myth on ilio 1].th cls c1£ Jut R. Lu[cer, 94c do S, Davie, $,p Elft do We do their work tip-top, ly'it`C/telt �1dYf2tttti' the chairman of the comanitteo being y' Y y , , from horsos, Blood Spavin, Cnrbs, Splints, We abintale tboir hair and trim theirbangx i Dr. Henry, wllo was referred to daring _. - ___ "-._ _-, -,... Wm. Horn, $1, dol `Fhoa Olte, $13 80, Ming Bone, siveetsev, Stifles, Sprains, Sove At Hasting's Harbor sbopa, the enryag by Mr. McCarthy twin th€a ' Usbaarllaa Council. do; .Iohn Parsons, $15 05, do; Thomas avid Swollen Threat, Coughs, Oct. Save �-,-- _„-, I -OF ����--- oandidatetigttiisttheConservativenom- i _ _ J3rocli„tel 57,do; Geo Thomas,$,; 7l,do, $50 by uaa r one tr iali, reWarrantedever tine s ,_ r can idate government opens Cardwell Apr)11a0 1898. R. Williams, $6 65, d0j Al- litssett, most Avon l;temiAhCnra ever lznown. , ica Z1.®TEST DESIGNS by the appointment of Mr. White to an � The Council mot on the above date pur $ 75, , Goo Cudmore, $) 58,do• T, Warranted by C, J.vxaa office, There was a profusion of decor&. I suant to adjournment. Born; $15 Opp, dc; NV. Westcott, }62c, ._. -- Thobet; andUndertakingest to befoun ocl: tionswith flags and bunting and mottoes, i All the members present. do; LI. Towel, $1 S7, do, Mr, Heywood �1TT STT T� DEALER �t+l� ad with best and latest to 11e found the latter being the same as those used 1 minutes of previous meeting read and $I- - do; Phil Rowelifta, $1 25, do; Itd BOW TO C:ST A "sUNLIGHx .L t� RL`i J.� 4" �� l.+t=i ��t.0 51, the country. in the recent Auditorium meeting' in adopted. Groeker, 94c, do; S. Powell, 75c, do; T PICTURE. _AND- 'Repairing and Framing a special Toronto. ifl;usio was furnished by the By Law No. 5-1800, regulating the Iiartnoll, $1 56, do , Jim Creech, Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap Orangeville band. Among those on the , number of days otatuto tabor was repealed $S,CO, charity to las, (xould ; do .$4-00 per bearing the words "Why does a women =111 orders neat prompt . n platform, among whoin were aconsidOr- i and tbo olark authorized to draft another ars, Pipbr ; do $ 1 00, Mrs. flutollin- look older sooner than a man") tl Laver find wort done Haat and cheap. able number of ladies, wet© Col. 7Tiggin- in lieu thereof on motion of J. 73alla,second son , do $2 00, moals to tramps ; do Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and you , ( "V �V_ botham, Guelph; Rev. Ilia'. Orr; Dr. 1 ed by W Xydd, $gad 00, part salary ; The Bobier Prod will receive by post a pretty picture, free S. �L.A IDU�T• Dimizing, ItZono Mills; Rev. Dr. McRob- By Law No. 8-1893 was then iutrodue. uce Co. $8.90, coal oil; Jno, E. Barues from advertising and well worth framing. ------ ble, Shelburne; Rev. A. Brown. Dr. ed,read a third time and passed on motion $3 00, rep. town clock ; Cobbledick & This is au eaav vay to decorate your home. ODDFTLL:; �:s3 BLOC Fraser,' Cotmcillors Brown and Gordon, , of J. Shier aeoonded by T. Cam"on. , �"Urdexs promptly attended to. Orangeville; A. Henry,lerk of ilio ° The following orders were granted viz: Folland, $3 00 for nails . James Atkin- The soap is the hest i,zytha market, and y it will only Goat le postage to send in the All Accounts must be settled at once township of Mono; F. Irwin, town treas- { T. Britmaogibekeep of a Carmichael $8, son, $7 40, spikes for culvert; and Geo wrappers, it on leave the cuds open, urer; Rev. A, Henderson, Orangeville • 1 li Samwcll J HePdtt and wife $13, do Cudmore $70 00 art payment for PP , y Th P P Y 1'iTnto you address Garefnllt• see" Qi�"fi is t $Stu Ewing, Rosemont; J. S. Leighton, ';:for Clothing $8, da for keep $18, J Balton- digging well. -Cortise;. �-%v -u• reeve of Orangeville; Police Magistrate (tya0for gravel $5 30 J Cann for gravel 'Phos. Brook to have use of Park thio ­_122-l'....,.Rr a QNEST HELP rOR PAR. Pattuilo; R. B. Henry, reeve of Caledon 1$1,50, J Swan for gravel 55 75, S horn, season and to level and dew down -- townshfp; Mr. Haghson, town clerk; ret, roads $3 50, J Polon rep cnlvbrt 500 the same, i Willi , FAY NO 31ORE MONEY TO QUACTa:9.'W. T. Bailey, In the audience were A Punoan Jns, Town Ball $1, Spa chman-McCalium- That the A suffOTerfrom Errors ofYouth.'r_v'ervousDe- Mayor Lindsay, Orangeville; Rev. Jos. Halls-Jlydd-Tha Council adjourned to Reeve and `Treasurer borrow $500 for �US bility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in ` NOTE W ELL. $finpson, Orangeville; J. J, White, coup- meet May6th at 11 a. m, 7` months for current expenses. -Carr R0111A such a remarkable manner, after all else had j Rev. J. C. Madill failed, that he will send the means of cure J cillor, Orangeville; , - - ried, FREE to 'all follow surarers. Address& with I have had the Belwood; Sheriff Bowles, Orangeville. It I May 6th 1993. Spackman- Chribtie- Tenders be Millin CO, stairpr 1 Fi��ei'%ell oe s eu enience that at- was a few minutes past 8 o'clock when 1 Ccuncit met to daypuranent !o adjourn- asked for suitable um in windmill g AIR.'EDWARD sox 143.:Totr icsan) P Jllr, McCarthy made his appearance on I P P K Bo: 143, Detroit, 3tioh. tendon to business, close prices and Cha platform with e ranee on . Inent, Carried. Have opened an office apposite` Town , proper fits, are the main factors in our the theformmeeting, and was Henry,nr ,char an J All Elle members present, AloCallum-Spat kman-'renders for Hall, Exeter, pending the building of business. 1 Minutes read and adoptsd. tanks, -Carried. thoirnew Mill, where they will keep ry 'r �^ �� oral moments. The band struck up Cameron-Sydd-That it Court for the The Council ad ourneai until �Ved- VT lJ 1 `°The red, white and blue," and when ;Revision of the Qssessmenl Roll far 1593 J constantly on hand a full stock of the Promptitude. evith this ever they had finished "The maple leaf for-' be brill At the Township fish Flimville on nes ay the ]0th inat at 7.30 p. nl• best branc's of flour. Also all kinds of U redeeniint fent-, ever" was sung by some young girls on ; b a 27th of May fust. at 1a o'alaeh a tn• when tenders are to be received. OR ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we the platform o a piano accompaniment, and Haat the U1trA an1l aeirorlisa the saute M. Eeoa> TT, Clerk, ill t9 ��ae�n,C1 �' 0 d have won the patronage of the many Dr. Henry was chairman. In his ad- -Carnes. Fariners and townspeople will fled it N OT GUILTY whom despise those too -Often -resorted dress be touched upon some of the queg- Shier-llydd-That whereas several JohnPrLor, an ex -glare, aged 92 died to their advantage to call and see us. to tactics of tailors PRtlecially, namely tions that form the platform of Mr. Me complaints hays been male to this eounail in London Tuesday,fie was the father putting off until next weex whwo should Carthy: in regard to parties encroaching upon the g people say 1ve are guilty Of sell An address of welcome to Mr. 14Ie- road alloa•anees�by building fences thereon, of 19 chidren. ROLLIVS egb WILLIAMS.VPILLIAMS• ing Boots and Shoed cheaper that have been done this. ..^ Carthy was read. resolved That parties treepassiug in this 7 workmen were swept of n dam at any other house in town. Come �7 This is a nice Mr, McCarthy in hiss speech Dixon, 111. on Monday and 3 of themi'tjlu and be a witness you will be well (J atls f action. loekin word but 1i respect be hereby warned that ouch en 11h,101,111 -i g , the ticcusation made against him by Mr. ! croacbments are ilei *by contrary to law drowned. - repaid for your time. We dawn the to tarty out its meaning is ditJiault tIves at Quebec, regarding the $61,000 he and that the clerk be instructed to take '" country for prices in Felt and Kid. sonde; 1V,+ alt-ry in w rrd and the way, received from the Government. I cognizance of sueh complaints, and notify Free Trip t -D Chicago- 1Sox and Rubbers, Felt Boots and ,, ese,nplified in oui shop. We guar- Mr. Ives charges me with being bought 'offending parties io keep whbin their Grain Boots, and for Men's and Boyo anteosatisfaction eyervtime in all ret "� at a }sigh price, but that I would not ri(.b1%,othetwise the council will talrt stop, Separate w=